The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, February 24, 1870, Image 4
On Hu- Uo'l I rulluiliHl ii c of I*llll' ami ullifr l«ire»l Ti'cn tor lilt* Nlititmaelilre of 'l'lir- Tar Film. Pyroilg ncoit. Arid, ami other I'm dtlClH. Tlio following article is from the pttti of a Genii an Manufacturer — written for and copied from the Atlan ta Dutchif Zritnng upon the value of pine and other timber—e*q»ccially pine. tVe would not like to ho called a sensationalist; hut, tlio ideas set forth below, are in aceordnnce with our own views, and we think some of the suggestions should l>e howled — especially when we reflect upon the gradual exit of profitable laborers for the cotton-fields. We have all the requisites—for manufacturing, in the work spoken of—talent, capital, and pine land—the time will come, when if we do not enter into it, the ingeni ous Yankee will. Why not let him continue Ids “Wooden hum and nut meg” making if he desires to, and those who huve the means already at hand, apply them to the building up of their own fortunes. ('no of the greatest opportunities for the development ot an immense manufacturing interest otters itself to the practical and enterprising technic al chemist in the proper usage of the vast forests of the United States, and more particularly the pine forests of the Southern States. A comparatively small commence ment Inis been made in some portions of the Southern States in this direc tion. It consists principally iu tho distillation of spirits ui turpentine, and tho manufacture of rosin, pitch, tar, and pyroligneous acid, directly from the wood, by burning it in kilns. Both proscsscr, us they aro practiced here, are excessively coarse and un practicable. The first because it yields only the thick, unrefined tur pentine, with forty per cent, of dirt and foreign material, which is export ed to tho Northern States for refine ment, and which, in consequence of t iis imjiurity, brings at least forty per cent, less in price, and pays other e.\- pensos on forty por eeut. ol dirt. The manufacture of turpentine, however, even in this crude manner, is general ly a profitable business. The second process—that of burn ing tlio pine wood into rosin, pitch and tar, in coarse kilns—is a still more impracticable and unprofitable method. Five parts of the value of tho wood are lost in this process, and h ’uce the sixth part of its value alone has to pay for all the expenses of cut ting and burning the wood. A tar oven, as it is used in the Old World, belongs to the unknown things in the woodland districts of tho (South, und almost the United (States. Tho branch of industry to which we allude consists in a e >mplete decompo sition of the wood of tlio pine and oth er forest trees, by one chemical pro cess and aparatus, in their constitu ent parts in such a manner that the w hole weight of the wood used is re turned in the weight of tlio articles manufactured. The different articles manufactured by this process out of one cord of pine wood are as follows : Spirits of turpentine, 1500 lbs ; tar and pitch, 000 lbs; pyroligneous acid, 835 lbs ; gas, 300 lbs ; and water, (useless,) 123 lbs ; —say 2,100 1 is. At the pres ent prices, at New York market re ports, the value ot these articles would be as follows : 02 11 is. spirits of tur pentine, 0i gallons, at 47 ets. per gal lon, $4,40 ; (500 lbs. tar and pitch, 50 gallons, at $ ets. per gallon, $4 ; 335 lbs. pyroligneous acid, 05 lbs. acetate of liiuo, at 8 ets. per pound, $7,(50. — llenoe, one cord of pine wood would bring the amount ot $I b. The amount of coal and gas not calculated will be used as material for heating kettles and retorts—so that only J 23 lbs. of water out of the whole weight of one cord of pine wood of 2,100 lbs. will remain without being made valuable. According to my latest calculation 4 retorts and aparatus and fixtures generally manufacturing 115 cords of wood monthly into these articles would require a building capital of $5,000, and would turnout 1,0(50 gallons of spirits of turpentine, at 47 ets. per gal lon, $498,20; 5,750 gallons of tar and i pitch, at 8 ets. per gallon, $1150; (5,140 i gallons ol pyroligneous acid or 10,0(54 j lbs._acetate of lime, at 8 ets. per lb., £*77. Amounting iu all to $1,835,82. Kj'paascH : 115 cords pine wood, at $1,50 per cord, $172,50 ; 4,100 lbs. of lime, S2B; freight on 10,9(54 lbs. ace tate of limo to Philadelphia, $100,(54 ; wages to 8 bauds for 1 month, at SSO p t month, SIOO. Amount iu all to ! $710,10. Net profit for one month, $1,125.18. This is already a very neat profit, but it can still be largely increased by the manufacture of ehips-pitch and beer-pitch out ol the tar, infeiioi py roligneous acid or any resinous sub stances that, can be cheaply procured hy purchase. All quantities and qualities of rosin andt ir, which can be manufactured into these two arti cles at a very nice profit. bhips-pitch is almost alwavs in great demand. It generally ranges in the New Orleans market at $5 per barred, and is to-day quoted in the Cincinnati market reports at from gfi to 8 c per barrel. It can be sold in enormous quantities. One hand can, in kettles similar to large soap-kettles manufacture 20 to 25 barilla pbr day. lhe expenses of manufacturing it m>r barrel,, will not exceed *1,25. The same is the case in manufacturing beer-pith, of which the breweries of ot. Louis alone consumes 500 barrels , yearly. The raw materials for the ' manufacture of this article now, are j almost exclusively obtained from the i iSouth, while the article itself, up to this date, is almost exclusively manu factured in the city of New York ! This article can 'bo manufactured j without expense apparatus, at the ex pense of 554 per barrel, while the New York wholesale price is cts. per lb. ov sll per barrel. Another product for profitable man- j ufacture would l>e the extract and thej oil of the pine leaves, the pyroligneous , acid, the extract of oak Imrk and su mac and other articles too to mo us to mention in this place. The pyrolignci itm acid is manufac tured into its combinations with lime, iron and soda, constituting salts, which at e largely used in the printing j of cotton goods, dying of wool and iu J the manufacture ol acetate of load, chronmte of potash and numerous oth er articles uml chemicals. One house in Philadelphia, proposes to buy any quantity of these arts lea, that will be ottered for sale. These chemicals are principally imported from England and Germany, as letters from consum ers and manufacturers, in my posses sion, will plainly demonstrate. When the high prices of wood in Europe, the frights, insurance, high tariff, etc., on such articles aro taken into considern theirliigh price cannot he wondered at. These statements, with the one that, otic cold of pine wood can be made to bring SKS, without additional lubrica tion ol the articles are facts based up on chemical analysis and the expe rience gained in Germany during a •Hoi id of 12 \ ears. W. Mkssac. The above article has been publish ed in our paper at tlio request of Mr. W. Messau. He produces certificates, showing that lie has been engaged in the manufacture of tho articles ho speaks of fora number ot years, in Northern Germany. If Ills statements in general are correct, it appears*to us that the manufacture of turpentine and the other articles by his method could be made very profitable in the pine wood region of Southern Geor gia.^ \\ e have no reason to doubt the correctness of' his statements in gener al, but remind the reader, that a proper allowance for fluctuations in the prices of tho different articles should he made. Mr. W. Messau tells us* that he can demonstrate the accuracy of his state ments with the aid of a small appara tus, the cost of which would not ex ceed three hundred dollars. He is desirous to obtain the assist ance of capitalists to establish a facto ry for the manufacture of these arti cles’ Flagrant disfiguration—Advertise ments on the pavements. Jltiv Jj ; W'STSIXrmU)<-f Ua <*ri,ww'l»VAltil\NTST> , Si'UOi. tunas -mi i ,111 iv 223 SOS ! m2 a snt-c#». For sale by all dealers in DRYjGOODS a MOTIONS. ESTABLISHED l»Stl; WEUH & liRIFFUHS, Saw*! Axes ! siixvs ! 4x.« ! ■«»' of «H il-seiio'ion*' Axes, B.lting and Kill Fu> nishing-*. Uiictilnr Saws wirh Soli.l Treih, or wit i Went Adjustable Pnin'R, su p-riot- to all Inserted Te. lii Su»s. jyPri ces Reduced. flfH for Price List and oirc«ler-. IVclcli & Oriffiliis, Boston, ,l/.5»., or Detroit, Mieli NO It WAYOWTS If are lolly demonstrated their adaptation l to 'he soil and climate of the -South.— Yr< 11 lot) to 150 bushels to the acre. No lodging or rus mg. Are heartily bv prominent planters in crciv Southern Sta e. Tb -se wishing to participate j,, tire profits of the sale of this seed next year 'hould order at once, enough for a few scree. Every one will want it uext year. J. [,. Di vine, Chattanooga, Tcnn., raised 753 bushels on 5 acres Inst year. The increased value ot the straw will pay cost of seed twice over.— A few planters have a'ready bought, and 'he e is a cb 'free for a few more. Ch ill i«ll Counterfeit seed is being ex tensively offered in lhe .S’.urh, and we enu lion tho publid against imposition. See (bat our trade-mark is produet and t e'ore you bnv. Price per bush. 1, $7 50; ha f'bushel, $4; I peck, $2 50. Send no fley wi-h older, o I HulliilJ .4 ('IU'Ri'H. K oxville, Tern, or o D. W R AM.ST)ELI. & CO., Prop’r*, 218 Pi ad 8:. N. Y., or 171 bake Si., Chic go. Circulars tree. 10 #OO %««*IJ?s tV.l!i!( (i ' Pl 4 I I<:s r :i till rVS'IV, Apply at once to Critfcufon X- .l/.-K u.,v lift ns Cliestmit atreet, Philadelphia, p , THt fibt yofik Publi her Sermons, a facial So y for ihe humify, anew Children’s .S’ or, eveiy week Chu's with the Little Folks, Editorial- bv me beet Methodist M iiteis and others, Foreign and Domestic Correspondence, full Depart* raenta of R ligiotis and .Secular intelligence —in short, whatever goes to mke a com plete Family Piper. P.ire, #2 50 a year.— Liberal premiums to canvassers. Yearlv subsciiptions commence at any t me. For specim- n, enclose a f-vn cent stamp io Til K M/tTHODIST, 114 Nassau S\ New York. LORILLARO S |is an excellent article of A* A* lx is'l , granulated Virginia * '• , l,< e, I ivher.-ver introduced it | .Smoking loliaeso |is iinlversiillv admired. It is put up in handsome muslin bags, in vvliicli j orders for .lfeersi liauin pipes are daily packed. Y LORILLARO S lis made of the ehoieest APU I PI IIP I,af tpown; it is anti- H Ulli ULuO 1 nervous ill its effivta, aa I .ymoklng Tbbnoeo | the Nicotineha* tx-en ex traefeij; it leaves no disagreeable taste after smo- I king; it la very mild, light in color ami weight ; lienee one pound will lust aslongas :i of ordinary , tobacco, fn tins brand we al»o pack orders every day for «• at quality .Meerschaum pipes. Try it aiiil convince yourselves it is all it claims to be “the linest ofali.o LOHILLARDS I Tlii* of Cut m f*||f |I&*V I ~u’ 'vintr n tr tobacco has no ' " * «*nw»l or snporior anv ( !»«• win*/ Tobacco. | wlnw. It W without «oaf»t tin* boot cbt tving tobacco in the country. L<“ WILLARDS I lmvc nowboenii gone ml SjN Ills' ; »*<in the United States, P 1” " U I over tin years. „. !r j „ iu .... knowladged “the beat’’wherever usisi. If your storekeeper docs not have theseartieles for sale, ask him to get them; they are sold by re- jobbers almost everywhere. Circular of p-ioe* mailer! on application. 7*. LOTUIJIiARU ts (JO. New York. (in r F\r fx R "" ,h ' DU l lM> I UtDMti tl tmn i:. Address n RICH AKD.s', Bo* 3988, New York. mmm Without Spectacles, Il.ctorcr Medicine.— jleo! post-paid, on receipt of IU ets. Address IK. K 11. t'oMK, (ni'hor of “J/edical Com mon Seime) No. 12') L. xington aret.oc, cor. East ilSth St., X. Y. VWaY with uncomfortable Trasses. Ccm fort and cure for the Kup'ured. Sent pnst-paid on rec-ipt of it) cents. Address IK. E. B Foots, No. 120 Lexingson ttveuue, New Totk. • 10,000 tffrnls a anted Far R G ' fIOSPFCTION. hr fluent engraving In the lHurket. *4pply at e to Crittenden A M* -Kinney, 1 .108 Chestnut afreet, /*hila«lelpl»ia, /*a. Tho Purest, Best and Cheapest SOLD BY A Lis GROCERS. (11.1100 Ags'itt* tttintttl ler Walks and Homes of Jesus. , llv ltd- n. Mnrclt, l>. 1»., author of'N s 't Scr.r'K nf t llv Hit'll*.” tpply at OOec tn U’rtffeir'!' At .U'lximrcy, Itluti Circs tout at., 7‘Uil.rdulp a, 3 \iii:\tsl7;n\n Tills! \\ 11,1,l 1,1, P V 40EHTS A » > SAUKV of *3O p. r uct-k ami r x ; crises, or allow a large commission, tostllou- new wond-rfiil'inveil lions A,id.ess M. WAGNER & 00., Marshall, Mich. pOI’KET IS vol VITS.— Wet ft Sir a. iSfwitrr, A treat, durable, lour-inclr ! trarrel. I’rice *1.60 p-s-paid. Address N- G- AUrkTiy, Elsie, J/uh. PdlM.OYtl CUT. *>uo a month I J wiilr ,s' encil Di s S impl> s free. 8. Jf. Npknckr * Cos., Braltleborn, Vt WANTED ! Agents in every town iu the South and West lor ti»e LARGEST ONE DOLLAR HOUSE I;r the Mouiiiry, to whom we cll.r lire most liberal inducements. GOODS Sfsirc. o. D. SEND lOR CIRCULARS. Add ess *• ( . TIKMICsOX »V ( O. 186 VRDKUA L ST, Ifß S'ITAE ST Bo ton. M i-s. Chicago, 111. , This is iio Cl linilicig. I)Y sending 35 ets., with age, height, color > ol eyes and hair, you will receive, bv re tui u mail, a correct picture of your future husband or wile, with name and dale of mart luge. Address W. FdX, /*• O. Drawer No. 24, Fiiltonville, N. Y - Dr. Whittier, h Wylie St., Pittsburgh, J*a., of / nloo wide reputation, treats all reneral tlia eases: also, aeininal weakness, ini potency,etc.,tlic resitir ot self-ati,lae. Send 2 stamps for sea],si pamphlet, .Vi pages. Xo matter who failed, state case. Consultation free. fjttie tlarriiige Kins.— Essays for I vouny men. fiee, in sealed envelopes.— HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P; Philadel plii i, Penn. mam sin I ha ve just opened anew R’ach >niii h Shop, op# site my W»»r#;houf>e, near Collum’B 01<i I Stand, and have employed the best tf-uith in the county, ANDKIUSoN JEKKKE&, (col.) who would be pleased to receive »he patronage ot his old customers, and in.iny new ones. Or uers for work less. my olfijic will be fillod pi oinpily. Will keep constantly on hand, Iron, led, Axee, Hoes, &c. n „ , , , -TOHN As. WULTON. Dawson, Ga., Jan. 13-ts. iSlYlimp OF IBTIimiS 11l WE a'-cmtil th-‘ A ney for thn »hle -f b . GALLEGO FERTIL ZEK, PERUVIAN GUANO, DISSOLVED lIONES, LAND PLaS TER fcti,&; In Errioro Gorgi«, where tbe Oailego Fertiliser has been uteii, it gave entire su* i-Taction j ami judging fr im i f h component parts, (be ing Peruvian Guano, Dissolved Hones, and Lmd Plaster,} do not hesitate I. recoinruend rt to my planting friends. Those who prefer to taanipulate f.-n • hemselves, can purchase the diff, reDt ingredieots. Call and see the different ar ’ioles I offer , , „ ' W. M. PEEPLE S. j?. 4, if. COMING OTIS! BARLEY SHEAF, CHARTER OAK I OIISO YALLEY ! SJispatcls, Flame ! HUNBHIIVK, «fcC, I will sell these first-class Stoves very low, for cash only. JOHN - FULTON’ nilDimiC HOW STRANGE.—The Married UUnIUUO Ladies |' r . vat. Companion con isiua ii e desiteu llilormsdon. S-m tree lor • timp. Address MHS. (J. UENBY, Uanover, Pa. I>>ycho.wanuy, fascination ok r*OUL CHARMING. —4<>o pages; cloth I'his wonder I ill book h»« tall instructions to .•nuble Ihe reader to farciuate either six, or i ny animal, at will. Mesmerism, Fp riinal j ism, and hundreds of other eorious expe'i i men s. It can be obtained bv sending ad dress, with postage, to T. W. EVANS X 00., So 41 South Eighth Street, Philadelphia. TH - GRAND PRAIRIE rams due ! l’atcnted 1865. CALL ON C.Bv THOMPSON, At E KUTTNKit’S 9'orc, Where tho Msohine can ho seun and its q mlitics tested. This Machine i -he be-t o*er Jifd, claiming many ad vantegfs over any other W ashing Ma chine ever patented. Will guarantee the Machine m do all that is claimed for it The ci'iz ns ‘f Webster, Calhoun and T. rrt.ll are rnsp< ctfully asked to call nti 1 , xaminc for ihcmselvr s Anyci il'i 12 years of age can do the wa-hiog O? a .large family in a few hour* with perfect , a» • by the n-e of the Uris«r-a! Wring e.r, which is atfachc'i— to th-* ,daefiae.— “Time savtd is money m ule.” G 13 THOMPSON Friee far M.rhine.... ..sl6 vlachiue with Wringer oet‘2Bj' f ISAUEURATED AT LAST! New Hat •ness Manufactory rjHiE subscriber would respectfullv call L the attention of the public generally, to the fact, he will make and keep on band, 'ill kinds of 11-1 UJVJESS, and will sell them as cheap as thev can be had in any market. Mv woik is all made of the best: material, and made bv hand and not machine. Old Harness and S.ddles repaired on short notice. .1. R. AIDBEWS. Dawson Ga., .Ifirch 11, 1869—1 y McAFEE HOUSE, At SmiUivillf* t»a. r | ITK ut dprf»ipnf'o hnvuijr fitted up the Me- I Afoe //ouSe at Smiihvill*, tnke<»p)e snr in notifying the travelling public thaf. he above housxi now in the ‘‘full tide’ of sue mvfi*4ul admiuistration by himself. ll** "'ih sptre no expense to make it a Fii*.st-( i.a#6 Hotel. JA*als ready on the ariivd ol rhe truih. W. M McAFEK. Till SALE sues AND MEDICINES. 1 I,R. J. H w. A. LOYLKSS. JIMS & UYIESS WK are now offering foe sale one of the largest and best assorted stock ol Drugs ever before brought to lids market, all of which we propose to sell as cheap MV ihej ran he hounhl in .n-1- VtKY, or any other city, trciyht a tl tied. We offer special inducements to COUN TRY MERCHANTS, and /Kivsieians We buy la'gely for cash, hence ctu offer induce uipolp which no can. WHITE LEAD, OIL & COLORS we make a specialty, buying direct from ill* largest factory in tile United Stales. Our slot k conskps ert Drugs, Chemicals, IfViife Crad ground iu Oil, l*ainls, either dry or in O I, I ’urn i sites of all hinds, DYE-STU FPr, fCSSENTIAL OILS of th. Pares! Quality, Kerosere, Lmsecii Tanner’s,, Sweet & Ca.s'. r Oil, in abundance; AL«G, 8o(fa, Nlarcli. I'ejiprr, Spice, Ginger, Milplinr, sails, tVc. f\ full und complete assor'ment ol Patent yi€‘«lici»i< s, Fxtracts, Perfumery of all Kinds, Pomades, Hair Oils, Toilet Powders And soaps. Shaving, Tooth and Hair Brushes, In fact, evervtbing n-uallv kept in a first class DltlU Sin nil. They keep, also, for ,1/edical purposes, pure articles of WINES l BRANDIES. Superior Inducements are nff rod to Far mers and Physician*. Pr e-crrpi ions carelull v compounded and tilled by a Drugg'Si. an Pmsiciau of experience. Don't fo.get th. place —rii.-xt. doot to Wll9. Htnilt'ii’s, Perry man's old stand. Mart, street. Dawson, Ga., March 4,1869. —1 y RHEUMATISM ! For a swift and sure cure use KAYTON'S OIL OF LIFE: TUB Greatest l>£aiii9icnt OF THE A (IE 1 IT WORKS LIKE A CIIAR4I It has bton Applied to the tna*HCß in the street of SaVMiiuah, Maeoo. Augusta, Columbus, Mont gomery, and all leaning cities and towns to the .Mississippi river, from his lumous carriage, for many years, with tt ful s uc cess. The most severe Cases of RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, PAINS IN THE BACK, 13KEA8T, JOlN’lb and SIDES were brought to the Profi‘ Qt; or, who up quFek ly rubbed chc pniieut tboioughly with ina ; OIL OL ill, send'ng them away in every instance entirely relieved, thus enuring one botde of tin- Lini meut to save hundreds ot dollars in doeicrs bills. KAYTON’S oil op jLIP p: Is now considered hy all who have witnessed us application to be the true and reliable Remedy for Rheumatism, tVeuralgia, and loi all pains aud aches wherever a Liniment can be used. Kaylon’s Oil of Life ! The never-failing German Liniment, is une qualed for its sterling virtues in lhe history of itfedicines—making a swift and sure cute, giving rebel in t very case almost bv the first’ i übbing. Read the testimonials ac and hear the opinion of the people. For sale by all leading Drug .Stores McKESSIN & ROBBINS, U liolestle Igeuls 'NfcW YORK. PHOPKIE OR, JACOB Tri/'IVM.V WHOLESALE DRUG HOUSE, N.f I V/.V.l -1 11, GJEOitai*4. Pyrafix&e The justly Celebrated Chill (fe Fever Expeller, Ac f 8 as a Tonic and as an Appetizer, giving the patient strength and building np his ays-* tem, Jeaving him strong and healthier than before the attack. may2o;l* fimis, uk to hi nnsin THE CELEBRATED l OIXOWT COMPOimiD Tlie di-cut Fertilizer for C otton, as pre pared smd used by DAVIS DIXON, 0? IiVNOOCKCOUNTY! YW»E have on hand, and will c ntinu to receive, dirr.-t from the Maouf» c . wrs, i t Augusta, Ga., ibis popular and lavorite F<rtili*«r, prepared M (... rdn.g to he f- 1 ns furnit-htd bv David Dix n, and respeciuliy ask that the planters call and see us boferu purchasing, and txamino certificates, testiao* ’ *C RTM* TUCKER. Nov. 4, if. II1I! FLOUR!! OHsTIE C-A.IR, LOAD mW&T WATER GROUND FLOUR Just Received, and for Sale on Good Terms. ALSO, .1 Choice Lot of LIQI OIIS, Comprising the best Grades or U'lllSKEl', aiJC and BIUIA'D I\ Arul a full asst rtment of FAMILY GROCERIES. ALSO, no.yir. .11,1 nr. shoes . lf.itimer , at H'skhesai, or ill I.HE. Bgi,Uil)eia! prices paid in CASH fur Hides and Tallow. MR W. T Til’ AIS wi I be ploised Ir have bis old friends call on him’ .1 n<l exam no sonic of the best gtailes Obi Norlli-Carolina 1 oliaeco. ALEXANDER &. PARROTT. F"®mp I F§@ if j* / ! J il CALLAWAY & CO. J fl CALLAWAY & CO. J II CALLAWAY & CO. Our A Flour liai* no Superior. NEW MILLS, Our A Flour liuh uo Suiw'fior, NEW MILLS, Our A Flour has no Superior. NEW MILLS. FORT GAINES, GA. o-vd^^b. FORT GAINES, GA. O. DmM .«. FORT GAINES, GA. Flour, Yloal, Mock feed. Flour, illcal, Stock feed. Flour, Jlcu!, o»r<C<» Ail |>H» .yp .ii too pumid. round, s».,d 05 poiuid Nat k*. MEBCH ANTS SEND FOR PRICE IJST. ME Re HANTS l-Nb FOR PIUUELfS!’ Adxljp-stv A ‘ EiiCIJ ANT ‘ 3 ’ FOU PRICE LIST. , It. 17. iiTIM.’VrVO >t ,\ irt .’an. (« Jy. sxs a. r -w, fori Giiiius, f«'a bAWHOA imwso ' aJ^ manupacurrrs of railroad cars, Agricultural liiipicincnts, A2ills, Siigsir Kettles, fain Cxcsiring, Thomas Water Wheels, Shafting and Pulleys, Iron and llrass Castings, iVlill Work of Every Description, Dressed Lumber, etc., etc. All'orders JjT' PUrChaßCd ftt the higbeSt mU ** 0. 0. NELSON, Pres’t,. - - H. ATKINSON, Suo’t. Lawson, Ga., Septomber 9,tf