Newspaper Page Text
' LOCAL column.
" Dealer* iu KorlOiwr* report
Fjrt'iitfM . i oe , # .Htol law, *e»-
d '
$"1 had far Ute o»ab, or on tune.
>nv Spring Goods just Tee^ y 'J 'oKK’S.
. ~~ wind* from •he North,
' KA I"r li' »nd ice one rju trier of an inch
i--rnng »• “ r « b ‘ V, "« lt lU
*buud* oce ‘ -
Latest spring stylo of dry goods
Taek it Back —ls Barney & Nelson will
Jd of .hat fine tobacco
Je will recliij tbe m,jUlto U BU ‘' “ St
« to “Squire Billy’s," and look at his now
The Southern Farm <C* Home, for March,
been received, and .8 nil Hut ita friends
’ for “a first class Agrtcultueal Jour
tali t ■■■-
Fkksu Garden Seed, crop of 18(50,
at H. R- Thomas’s. -G- ,
Tl,« Sw'Mrn CuUitator; for .I/ irch, has
c „,ae to hand, and is filled with most bapor
uut Agricultural articles.
Same Brands. One more lot of that
foe Chewing Tobacco just received at
Burney & Nelson’s.
tu Jaw—On hearing our friend down the
street !oI«i 'g 'o someone driving In town,
„Y,.sf knowed you’d cum j -si is soon as I
„.d you,’’ one of tl 0 office boys remarked,
"That mao is like a poor hog—“ail j t*r.” j
10,000 lbs. best Tennessee Hay, at
Wkb’tkr’b Unabridgkd Dictionary.—This ,
in b.;vonii doubt ihe best and most complete ;
dictioiur* of the English erer pnb*- !
The labor and research bey.owed by j
L h,. editors in it-* revision are a;>D«’enr on ev
ert p-**’. 4)o the "hole, as a die*ionary and j
renodior? of URefnl it et bds |
uiihoiit h iiv*l.-.W(»’>'7c Dispatch.
“I always think the hotter plan,
Ami one that stands the test,
Iu shopping or in marketing,
Always to buy the best.”
If you want the best Cooking Stove,
ami tho best Sewing Machine in the
world, come and gut them before they
are all gone. I have just received a
fresh lot of “Barley Sheaf” Stoves,
arid genuine “Common Sense ’ Sowing
Machines. John A. I'ulton.
A Good Huggy,
The friends of Ur. T J H >rt had the
pleasure, a few and »t« mpt*, of fu ei”g a heggv
turned out of hi* shop, that would have dona
redit mimy owahlishment .North or S »uth.
We fet’l i» a dmy as well as a pleasure to
lend our id I *o ho n * a »«l m rec
omnvnd nj the II irt bilgiv, we b’lievethit
we no-onlv aid him, bm benefit. tho«e vt h >
cel i pood sern cable b“fjff, l / Vs we Inv
s il before lie w.niums his work i:i evt-rr
Parh >nkd \S T e or ' plea ted to see imon?
the li»t nf p*rd n• 1, or those who**' p *li iai
ds hilioe *h ve been "remoV* and, the name of
onrwo h (1 rk of t‘e Superior Court John
C. K. C!a k, r. (j. W.w imagine tiie Judge
would not ru up a very long hv prater to
the Good One f«»r pt don.iu. whit he has
done io wid in the lebedion, hjt as it i'
n*-res*«rv to f o pardoned, *o allow I iui rr»
hold ((ti e, wod is the C- un<y can’t, **ll
suite >uvh n»on ’o wnhdr.iw to private liv
*.e again , are glad the Judge is parv
Tine \hr n “Daily Joirval."—We re»
wired the P o -us of the ah »ve ti nned
piper I wt. week, but the crowd. J state of
our columns pi evented is appearance.
Howt rer, die first i-suo his reached our
*<nctiim, ahii it ia truly a “Jouruar’ ; its
welhfilled columns giv ng evidence that pen
•nl RC!*«orsl a I been freely and jud'ch
used. * xecuti* n is nil that
could he drgrrfed, and withal is a valuable ad
difiou to the list of (ieoigia newspipers
We »re person illy acqutimed ivi’h some of
die fraternity, and know them \, > hr men of
talent, energy and tuct.. Success to
joit, lire!l.ten, and tnav the pecuniary
&sos the Journal be in proporiion to the
hhor v?l* are.confMCnt will be benowed M i>-
on it io nuke it a reliable jiu i readable
Lsßck’s Minstrels.—A very large
aud'.ance assembled at St. Andrew’s
Sail last night, to witness the inimi
t&lle performniices of this talentod
tro;;ne of minstrels. As delineators
of negro charaetors they have never
boeu surpassed, if, indeed, they have
over been equaled. The dog dance of
t‘vio fingers, and the vocal music of
icardo, the only male prima donna
in the World, are i iclily worth the price
of admission. The vocal powers of
•mcardo are certainly very extraordi
nary, and are perhaps unoqualed by
®nv man In the world
Ihere will be a change of programme
*'.* r y evoningy and to secure seats it
will be necessary to go early.—* Savon■■
thY *2° medicine is rapidly gaining
* ® oll jmt'nce of the people, and the numer
" eninnoiiials oi its Virtues, given bv prac
loners ot medicine, 1. aves no doubt tbit
* » safe and reliable .emedv lor IMPURITY
ThY' 00 "' UTKR »'«kask, 4c.
’* sat Medical Journal con';lin« an ar-
Y' r Plof ' R.S. Niwion, M. D, Prrsi
y>° ! ,leE Medical College, city of New
live 1 al teinin of icn cura
mpi oiir cl pivps a ►pecial rocom
.. *! ,,on of KoPkno lo »he pr>»<’.ntiontrs» ol
tftdtcine , his is, we believe, ,he fire, in
*V er< ‘ vuch medicines have been offi
b >’ 11 e cnl'y <*f any ol the
unon i'h YY*’*' ar,fl rpfl c'* flfreat credit
e „ . P °f Dr. L, its compound
o ,i ' "j" P l "* '‘Koskno” in me van ot all
'e mnea “fthe present da g.— Norfolk
JoHrnal, Dec 11, 1869. ’
Sfcrct* Os lien If li.
, P ! r!,t ' ee p warm, second, oaf reg
"UJl? nnrl slow'y, third, take early
ah V T y Bl, PP ers . fourth avoid
undu« emit, meat, wheiliei of body
r mind, fitq, keep a clean Rkin , sixt >
s’ I'enty "f s|e pat night; -eventh :
’ eer ful and respec able compu
keep out of debt; ninth,
not ' our on thinp:H you do
n Y, ' en 'k, mind your own bu.i
s> e eventh, don’t set yourself up
suht 3 Blm, fi«r of any kind ; twelfth,
ilrao' 6 io9 :' y: tb ' rteun “-h, avoid
• * Even my Lamp.
Anotiikr lD;prnurAN Papkr*—Oommnu
hei si* ia the Uiiiiic of a in*w weekly H p *♦»!?—
0..n paper, tie publuu'iou c»f »hu-i. will
Hhortly be ut 11 ivvkinsviile, ii
this S*Hto, bv Dr. 8. V B.lter & Cos. Iu
•heir prospect dp, the publishers sav !
4 *T!ie subscribers, having loam and from
pcriencc that this viulnitv \s fndlv in ruc.iof
a liulo Ooiumcn Aense in fhc w.»v ol a pt ic'i*
cal newsp per, hi ve Jem mire I to trv lh .>
.'iitpftui-e ami (cat the cjintitiiin wlietltcr
common B'lise can fio spprccisteii iu ilii -n
'line* or not, and therefore proo'is.: to pub.
linli a weekly newsp ipc*r under the eon ore
hemrive tide of Oimnmm S -usu. - At Hr*.
Where is your fighting A’Jitor, liio. Buul
l.v, that you submit tu sueli insinuations aa
the above * (h arc you at all sensitive ? It so
you have sufficient cause to *'go sor 1 ' that
fellow. Take care, though, arid if you at
tempt a defence let it be open and manly,—
you know how easy “them fellers” are to
yell out, “Ku Kiui.’’
Reconstiiuctbd Gbougia.—Forney
: tells lfto iollowing falsehood :
I ton of tire lion. Fo. ter Blodgett was
on a visit to ihe town of Dawson to enter iu
| lo contract wiih a utau to niar.ulaciure there
; fiity railroad Cars for one ot tire Cieorgi i rail
; roads. While seated iu Iris hotel one eve
ning a stranger approached and sad, ‘Your |
name is Biuugeti, I believe,’ R ceiviug an i
alfi mative reply, he continued: •! «ni
(ti üby, editor of the J?nly county N<.w«.' !
Whercu(oil young Blodgett arose to gieeti
the stranger, when lie was warned off. (Jm
b_y turned round and called our. to a premia
euous crowd, *Ara there any Ku-klux Ip-ref
Tweuiy or more p rsons responded 'Yes;
but there is no sul j- c'. to opeiate on.’ ‘ Yes
there is,’ said liiuoy ; ‘here is the brst kid
of a sutiji-ut—a sou cl Foster Blodg-tt.’ Be
coniiuoed bv telling ilr. Blodgett that ‘his
skin would be stieicfed on a pole before
morning.’ Tutough the intervention of the
siienff, Vlr. Biodgett escajied fiom the town
m.houk sufl'ering any bodily harm.”
Jlr. A. Jl. Speights.
It will bo ween from toe following
order that the .Proprietor of the
TEI.LIGE.nCEK PUS employed
lu e ol the Urithn ikur, us bdperiu
teiulePt over tlid NeviM, J . b, U,udciy,
mid Press Departments, with tiie au
poivisory power over tt e city deiiveiy
and Uiu mailing ol the paper, and such
oibei service ns the Proprietor may re
quire in tiis business.
rnisarrurigefiieut, with M r.Speights
wo hope, will prove beueticial to the
in'.ores.s of the InteluatNCisK and its
Will our lr.uDds help us ? wo shall
Umce Atlanta Intelmoencek >
Atlanta, ha., Alai eh lot, lS7d )
Mr A. Al. Upeujhts:
\\ hi lake charge ns Superintendent
ol the News, Job, iaintleiy, and Press
*i p.,i ttitcuts 111 my utii. e, and the su
v.hi ii ol Ihe Aitdaiig Dcpaitmel.l, iu
ciudlug llieUli) De.lVeiy ..I this paper
and such otner Business -s it'om
tune lo lime he leqdied by lue Pro
pi id. r. Ino employ t-t s m su.d De
pai imeiits menlhm-d, will take notice
and respect Air. Speights as fsupenu
teudeiJi, until lui liter notice.
jAtttl) law la \\ UXTAKKIt.
Culoitizuiiuu iu UiMzil.-llc
lursa of American Colonidu—
Vi hyllttAciieuiu « as iiot suo
i's.i B i i-h s'eu'acr lUkaia, Cup ain
\V it.-ri, v. iati strived at Qtu ant uc . u
S-luuiay, f;. si li ) de Jaociro. eitne
up to tl.c 1 y air) aiichorci if tu u. i
lery afi l‘b on. till u ali -
iron vca. el. -f teig rig, With sort t? pro
poller, and i. ‘272 feet in length. Tie
Ittkuia belongs ia ibe 15 -.zdiau briuch
f ui Bn i-ii llqai set vice, hu
was evgagei ii-r toe present occa-i m
by tli’e Br. z.iian Governuieut to cany
120 ot tbo emigrau s IV iu ifiu Sou fi tl
States -if ibis Ui ian, who s u.'bt o; et
t, i tinir cniiditiuD iu the Ur z iian iim
pjie 1; wi;i be icmcmbtreil that wueu
t.i.: war olt setl many pi •j- ts cd c•! ti -
z .tion abroad were pul t itli bv c* riaiu
ciassei of the S. uili, such as tbo Cordo
va scheme if the 1• te General Prince,
i‘o 7)Lcxic). &and. The col. uiziiii.n in
Braz I, however, was proitrud by the
disc titeuit dos ihoGuit !S aus. Cer
taiu pur’i'S in ‘.bis city fed ihe excite
ment by picturing to tbs would-be col
onists ihe libera ry of the imperial gov
ern tn- ut arid no faculties for raising
cotton, c ff e, in Brazil, vtiih sUv
iMbcr. In this way, numbers ot Soutb
,.ria families were persuaded to abandon
their country, and escape the oppres iou
which they c nc uded was to follow up
on tb ir surrender.
The m.j irity of ihcss families were
entirely deceived as to the real prospect
for col .nists in Brazil; us this they now
complain bitterly, and they add, that
nnx dup with them were numbers of
pouog men from ibis city, and other
seaboard ciii s, who not only robbed
and mil rea'td thiir fellow emigrants I
but brought suspicion on the whole j
body afar landing. In the trunks of
some of those vagabond*, on search at |
the B aziiian Cumohi House, were found
burg.ars tools and deadly weapons.— j
Many of the rascals were at length en
n-ted in the allnd army, but ibe shrew
der ones com on need at once 'heir nefa
rious operations in the towus of the
ernpiro. The proccidiugs of these fel
lows soon forced the bu-iuess met to
refuse having any irao-ac ions wuh.-ueli
of the colonists as weie without means,
('he consequence was that, large num
bers were tore dto live as best they
ciuld in H o, until at leugth the Brazil
tau Government found it best to send
them back to this coun'ry. The pas
s ngcis by the Rokaia arc among the
most worthy They suffered from the
!t dd snap yesterday, as they were total
ly unprovided witu winter clothing, >l
k ugh ibe ffin rs of the vessel did all
m tbi ir power to make them comf 'rta
(i c. Tucy stale that the persons bav
mg means who went to lJtaz 1 have
•elf done well, especially thnss who set- j
lied in the D par aienf of Bao Palo. ]
Nearly all ot tb. se last steer and cb ar of
agents in 'hi- ci'y and New O' atn.
The pss-eoc. rs I the B ikai . w ill be
landed I is morning, wheu U e s':aroer
will pinned 10 M ..tin’s stores. Brouk
Teacher : Boy at the foot, spell ad
I li.'V : “Adm i t-t u n-c-o, odmit
t*nc«" ~
I Teachur: “Give tho definition.
Boy: ‘Fifty on is, u ggers and
| chilitron ball pricu,”
I'ire iu Uacou.
A d-struitif. fir. o mured in Maocn
on Ir.lty uighi la t We «,t tie (o ov
j ™ r , 1 1,1 ‘"* ‘T‘he a o flagratioa train
ths TuLffitiifk ILmtnjer:
Ihe one tinny brio* siojn house be
j lar gng (n 8.-zman & Dickinst.n, on
. bird sir.-. t, o .r- cr of the alley and ad
j .i: ine (Jo! 11 ia«* Hi Sou’s warehouse, was
' y l'“‘ , ri yed l ist evening between
i and fj n clonk Th t building was ic
tui ied by Air Jj, ]•] kin, dry gi-ids and
j clothing merchant, nd by ihe firinnf
Newt m, Ijiplard Si Cos., family groo r--,
:wo i lud nc oily bought out Mr W.
I- x Mr Elkin, who is uow in Kew
York,lost his entire stuck of goods, wi h
the exception nf a few aruistul his olerki
and others carried out lathe few briei
umm.'Bis it was possible to enter (hr
burning building. His loss is about
?8,000, us tiis stuck was low aud li
spring goods had not yet arrived. No
in-us aiico.
Mt-srs Nctvton, Lipford &, Cos., also
lost their enure slock with ihe excep
(ion of a cask of bacon, a few sacks of
fl .ur, etc. Their slock was also very
; baht, and they will not ioso over §3,000.
No iusurat ce.
The building was insured, wo under
stand, fur 000, but wc did not learn
in what com; any
The fi-e originated in the grocery
store awhile aft r dark from a barrel of
rxurora oil. M', Newton had gme to
the bvirel to draw some of (he oil, at
tended bj’ a negro who was holding a
candle or lamp for him, and while the
oil was being drawn it took tiro lr,.m
tho liglu iu the negro’s baud, as he
was holding down near the stream. In
a twinkling the barrel exploded and tho
w hole inside of tho store was iu flames.
There was oear rhe barrel of oil a lot
of whiskey which also mipoediately ro k
fire, ana buru- and with great rapidity and
intensi y, so touch so that it was iiopo.-
sible to save vny nf the stock.
The building f. rmed the North-east
corner of the warehouse, ami it w-.s
only by the nolle and gallant tS' rts f
our firemen that, the warehouse, with
its 3 000 or 4,000 bales of cotton, was
not e losumed. The roof of tbe ware
house adj .ining the burning building,
repca'ediy caught fire, but ihe co'tou
in that part of tfce yard was quickly
rolled away, and not a hale destroyed
and alter getting the out of the
way, the pipemeu had a fair field to ex
tinguish tbc fire as it broke through th
eave of the warehouse.
A Wa- inngtoo official rrce itlv
wound up an after-diutier speech with
this Shaksnm rian tl duration—
“ What’s [hie] Cuba te me, or me to [hie]
0'..),, ••
Co'tou is still dccliniug in all the American
markets, but no great difference iu prices in
Liverpool. In our marltf's tiie host grades
would commiiul 18c; Bacon Sides 19a:
Shoulder lfije, L trd 23c ; Corn 1-50 ; Flour
from B‘o 11 per bhl.
Nkw Yobk, J/aieiiDih. —Collin 2!J ; Gold
Louisville, March B'h —Provi-inns duil ;
B .efin iS loulders 12c; Sides lof; L trd 18-J.
Corn 92.
iiVEiipr.OL, March Bth.—Cotton dull up
lands 1 Id
S-f t: cia / »Yoi sees •
FA IV hi 1.1. FR.
We nsk ailention to this unrivaled
JY’xiniil.y >letiicine.
The Pain Killer is, by universal consent
allowed to have won for itself a .reputation
unsurpassed in the hi,-tory or medicinal prep
arations. Ps instantaneous effect in the en
tire eradication and extinction of Pain, in
all its various to-ms incidental lo the human
laniilv, and the u.isolici oil written and ver
hat testimony of the masses in its favor have
been, and ale, its own best advertisement.
Far evidence in favor of the Pain Ruler
for Minister*’ Soie Throat o Bronchitis, re.ff
the following :
Gjwts.—The Pain Killer ha 9 been a can
s'ant occupant ot our house for over two
years, and a portion of ibe lime it. has br< n
the only medicine under our roof, Hardly
ever do 1 have my children corr.pUin of be
ing sick, without having them ask ia the
same sentence for Pain Killer.
For several veaia before I became acquain
»ed with the Pain Killer, I had suffeied a
great deal fiom an affection in my throat,’
thought by some physicians lo bo Bronctii
lis, bv others to be what is called Ministers
Sore Throar, Atone time it was so severe
lint I was obliged to give up preaching
Within a fe-v months after I had bacorno ac
quainted with the Pain Killer I had another
attack from that distressing complaint. 1
tried my new-found medicine, and, to n-v
astonishment and delight, it produced a w on
derfullv soothing t fleet. Iu a short lime I
was wholly relieved. Since that lime I have
had a number of attacks of 'he same na'ure
and 'he Pain Killer lias always afforded me
relief Ahom. one year since, my wife be
came suuj i t lo severe suff-ring from K ,eu
maiism ; our resor', as usual, was <o the
Pa n Killer, which would always relieve her
I have not time now to sav more, as 1
could with a hearty good will, and always
have douo, in praise cf ihe Pain Killer. Ii
this I astilv written letter, in commendation
of Ptrry Divis’ valuable medicine, wii! be ol
any service, you are at liberty to do with it
as yon pleise. Very truly yon s,
ED IARCAPY, Owat nna, d/.nr..
Misxiotiaiy of the A. li. Home Mis. Society
So a I,v JANES a- LoYLESS, Dawson,
mrc'. 3, 4'.
Consuntalion, Coayhs.
tlronrhitis . Ist It met
.tu.t Croup.
as as KariuTiRANT
IT 11.tS .Vrt C.Q f .H.. |
It is composed of the active p inciplrs of |
rno'9 and plains, which are cheuiicallv rx
lraced, so as to retain all their medical qual
Minister* ami Public Speakers
Who are so of eu ..flloted with throat di—
-1 (.„«<■«, will Ond a Knre r.-mrd in this R Isam.
L'.zenees and wafers souit '.nica give reli f,
but .ni-Bibaoi lakei a lew lim-s, will ensure
a p“' uianeni cu
Will '.lf those *ffl cted with coughs nr con
stmpiion, give this Balson a fair trial, thev
wiil be plexsed with ill- r silt, and confess
j that the -n'P remedv is found rt last.
It u solrl Ity all Irrnisilb.
1 m’ch '6, I®.
i TO COA S UMt*TI i ’ik<.
| Tl*e AUvrtlner, been rotforodto bfoth
! In a few wtuki*, by a very siaipo rt.*mtNly, After
I having HuflVrertf aevora year* with a severe tin*;
ufToction, and that drend disonvo, (’on mu in pel on—
ia anxious to make kuowu to his feew-sufferers
tlu* mean * of cure.
To all who desire it, he wi send a copy of the
proscription used (free nfchujpv,) with the direc
tions for preparing and lining the same, which
they will nun cure for Consumption, .-Istli
mn, Bronchitis, ptc. 7*hc object of the advertiser
in sending tiie Prescription rti to Itcneilt the nfßiet
ed, and spread information which he conodves lo
be iuvaluablc ; and he hopes every sufferer will
try ilia remedy, as it wil cost them rrothiug, aud
may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription, will please ad
dress Kev. KDWAKD A. WILSON.
je.i:ly Wiiliumeburg, A'ings county, Y
JTE If' .11) f 9 M2 it i 'MSEJIMEjrTS
I wilt purchase
2 Yokes of Good Oxen,
March 10, 2w.
Centrally located.
Tuesday, March 15 th,
The tr'umous anti Original
The most srupendous organization extar«,
numbering eighteen (iistinguisheil Artists.
The Heroes ot a Uemisphere, and Frime Min
isters, Terpriclior , Wii, Seniiment and Op
era House. Alonarchs of the Profession.
The Lest Xegro Dcliniatorx ami Comedians.
The Must J'leasirg Quintette of Ft enlists.
The most distinguished Instrumentalist* and
The fame attached to this company h»9
led them on iu triumph, and rendered them
a conv tor ail others.
Ot Iv male ariist iiviug with a pure Suprano
The best, end man in the world.
The iiest nlantation darkev in the univerpe.
Best Cog-Dancer living.
Ottampion B .liad Singer.
Solo Tenor.
Lil Itsic’s PSiiiiia I Sonant ion.
Admission SI.DO. Reserved Seats for sale
at the li all -iu ii g the dsv.
mYh 3,2« ‘ PIIAT BOY," Agt.
WE are now receiving
aud will aJd, MONTHLY, to our
Stock tho
Late?! flylej of qsad?
Will also keep
mV- 3,tf.
Wsbjter’? bjiahridpd ttidiojiary.
10,000 Words and meanings
not in other Dictionarlsis.
3000 Engravings ; 1840 Pages, Quarto;
Price *l2.
Bhtd to add mv testimony in its favor.
I’rcs’t Walker of Harvard.
Every scholar knows its value «
fT. It. I’reacott, the Historian.
The most complete Dictionary of the l anguage.
Dr. Dick of Scotland
Tho best guide of student* of our I.angnage.
John O. Whittier.
He will transmit his name to latest posterity.
Chancellor Kent.
Etymological part surpasses anything by earlier'
laborers. George Bancroft.
Bearing relation to Language /*rincipia docs to
Philosophy. Klihu Burritt.
Excels all others in defining scientific terms.
President llitclieock i
So far as 1 know, best defining Dictionary.
Horace Mann.
Take it altogether, the surpassing work.
binart, the English Orthoepist. !
A necessity to evert intelligent family, »tu
,| .„* teacher and professional man. What
lihr.irv is complete without the best English
D otiop.arv ?
K'4o Pages Octavo. diM) Engravings,
Price £3 00
The work is really a gen i of a Diction.arg,
j.ia! the ihuig lor 'he million, American
I Educational Monthly.
i Puijh-hed by G A. 0. MEftRI A JY, Spring
-1 li.du, Hiss. Said by ail Bjoksellers.
Which Kositoo has attained in all parts of tlx
counli v
And the Large Number* of Testimonials
which are consiantlv being received from I’llr
sicians, and persons i rhu hare bven cukhi by
in use, is c mcLCsivE ru.jov of its resakka-
"The bfe nf the tt -sh is the Blood,” ia a
Scriptural maxim Hi i* science proves to he
true. The people talk of bad blood, as the
cause of many diseases, and I'ke mativ popular
opinions this of bid blood is founded in truth.
The svintnms of bad blood are uau.Hir quite
plain bad Digestion-causes impel feet nutri
tion, and consequently the circulation is fee
ble, the soft tissues loose their tone and elas
ticity,and the tonece becomes p tie,broad,and
f aquentlv covert! will) a pasly, white coat.
This condition soon shows itself in roughness
of the skin, then in kkttitivk and ulokkative
diseases, and when long continued, results in
serious lesions of the Brain, Liver, Longs, or
urinary apperatus. Much, very much, suffer
ing is caused by impute blood. It is estimated
bv some tlVit owe filth of the human fam ly
are . ff. cted with scrofula in some form.
When the Blood is pure, you are uut so
liable to any disease. J/any impmiiies of the
Blrod ari«e front impure disea«es of large
cities. Eradicate every impuritv from the
fountain ol tire, and good spirits, fair skin aud
vital strength will return to yon.
STANDS unrivalled.
Beilis Ihe only k\OH.l Medicine
ihat kvkiclkntly stimulates and com;LOTS ihe
hepatic secretions md functional iikkamix
mknts of the Livkk, without Dkiiii.iiatiso
the system. WnHe it acts freel;/ upon ihe
I.iver instead of copious purging it gradaullg
changes the discharges to a perfectly natural
A sallow or yellow color of the skin, or
yrllowieh brown spots in the face and other
paits of tiie body; dulness and drowsiness,
s inietimes hea laclii; bitter or bad taste in (he
mouth, internal heal; in many cases a dry, coiigl ; unsteady appetite; someiinns
sour stomach, witii a raising of Hie loud; a
bloated or full feeling about the stomach ami
side-; aggravating pains in the sides, baik, or
breast, and about the shoulder ; constipation
ol tiie bowels; piles, fiittvieucOy coldness ol
the extremities, A '.
Is a remedy of Wonderful Hjjicacy in llie cure
ul ii:s‘*a**eß of the Kidney* nod liloddtr. In
the*e Affection a it i* a* near a npecifie a* any
remedy cun be. It docs vs w.»rk kindly , *i
letidy ai.d surely. The Relief which u al
luios is bo'h certain and jicrceptibU.
Persons unacquaiutiMi with the structure*
and Junctions o( the Kidneys cannot esti
mate ihe i m nor tan e ol ih» ir healthy nc ion.
Regular and enlhcieut ucliou of the
n .s is as importaiitf i.ay, even more so,
than reguiardy of the bowel*. The Iv dneys
remove Irom the Blood thoso effete mailers
which, if permitted to remain, would speed
ily destroy Me. A total susptn iou ot the
ui inary discharges will occa-iou death Irom
ibirn-tnx to loriy-e ght hours.
When ihe Urine is voided in small q
lities at the time, or wheu ifierc is a uispo
siiiou to Uuiale more Ireq ieu Iv than naiu
ral, or wheu ihe Urine is high colored or
SC.itded With weakness in iiie small ot lie
back, it should not be tiiti and with or delaied,
hut Boskoo should bo taken at once to rcru*
edy ihe difficulty, before a lesion of the or
gans takes place. M jSt of the diseases ol
the Bladder oiigimle from (ho e of the Kid
neys, the Urine being imperfectly secreted in
ihe K dueys, prove Mi at 112: «o the biadd. r
and Ui inary passages. When we recollect
that mediciu* 4 never reaches ihe Kidneys ex
wept through the general c roulaii m ot the
blood, we see how necessary it is to keep
the Fountain ol Life pure.
if ets with great success iu the cure of
bijieajißji of the jyjtejn.
Almost ninestenths of our people suffer
from ntrvous exhaustion, and are, tin r*»fore,
liable to itH coucomiiaut evils of mental do*
pression, confused ideas, Softening of the
brain, insanity, ad complete breaking down
of ihe general howlth. Ti oivandf eu *
faring to-day wi«h fiervous
systems, and, unfortunately, tobacco, alco
hol, late hours, over woik, (mental and
physical,*) are Causing diseases of the nef
voiis system to increase at a fearful ratio.-
The symptoms to which diseases of the
nervous system give rise, may be sUted as
follows : A dud, hea?y feeling iu the head,
sotne imes more or less s«-ver«: pain or liead
ache ; P.*n#dital H«ad che, Dirziness,
Noises or Ringing in the !; ».id ; Confusion ot
Ideas) Tempoiarv loss ot Memory ; D j*e
tion of Spiiits J Starling diving sle*.p ; Rid
Dreams ; Hesitation in answering que-tions ;
! Dulness ol Hearing ; Twitching of the Face
I and arms, &e., which, if mr piomp ly treat
i ed, lead to Paralysis, Deluium, Insanity, lui-
I potency, Apoplexy, &c.
lx No7'a secret guact: remedv. Frvrrtul..
around etch botlle. R-commended hv ihe
best Phvsi.ian«, em'nent Divines, Editors,
druggists, .1/erchanls, Ac.
The Rest and Most Popular Medicine in "sc.
Oryttnic Chnnint,
Laborutor) and ofU«*<‘, !%o. «,
.Tluin Mi'Cei,
Pricß, ONE DOLLAR Per Bottle.
i Us For sale bp fir -agists Eccryu-hcre-
I .WVcfa 3, ly.
strength to the aged and debilitated ; it is
especially designed for young men who have
wanted their vigor by of every kind,
and all persons whose swneni* ease become
weiik bv iiiifou letice arc completely resit red
b? lb u c Pdas (In# f)•■ n»i
1)R CL A UK'S PURIFIER Mcanss the
blood from nil itnomities, such m >c«ola4i.
Syphilis, Mercu iai Rheum i'i-in, Humnra of
every sort. Bid breath, Olft nsive Perspira
tion, Ft»ul Feet, 6Varrh, Discharges fiom th*;
K»r, Sure Eyes, Sore Throat, Falling of the
li dr. Ulcers, Boils, Pimples, Blotches, and
(II disease* of the Lunge and Digeauve Or*
'an*. F* i*e Onn D«»llar.
DR CLARK'SPAiYAIMA, relieves pain of
very dc-soiipiion ; Headiohe. Enaciie,
ron’hache, Stomachache, Backache, Pain in
the B east and Limbs. It is an invaluable
remedv in all nervous disorders, and no fam
ily should bn without it. Price One \) lit
DR CLARK'S ELIXIR isf« ceitain cure Mr
a weakness of the Gciiito-Urinary O gana,
and dischatges of a tnucco-purulent nature,
Lencoorhea, (ionorrhea, Spermatorrhea, and
Seminal Weaknes®, are upeedily cured by ita
use Price One Dollar.
Dr. CLaRK'aS Regulator, for farnales only,
guaranteed to correct all •peri tl irregulari
iios and difficulties of Single Lad’es. Vlar
ried Ladies are cautioned not to use it when
in a certain condition, as ns effects would be
too powerful. Pi ice One Dollar.
All ol the*e celebrated remedies are pre
pared from Flu and Extracts under Dr. Chuk'a
immediate supervision, and aro warranted
fresh and pure. AH afflicted persons vhould
send a carefully written statement of their
ailments to Dr. Clark, and he proper remedy
will be sent promptly to their addiess. Dr.
('lark cau be cons died personally at his of
fice, and will furnish all the necessity ac
commodations to pa lien is who place them
selves under bis care. AH let.tera addressed
Office No. 10 AMITY Street,
N-w Yu.k Ody, (near Broidway.)
ni’ch s, ly.
Wt'ITE Wire clothes line.
Furry Family should have one.
1.-F Because ii u.-ver sniln clothes
Hope Line will; 2d. Because your
clothes never freeze to it; 3rd. Be
cause it never rots or wears out —li'ipe
will; 4h. Because your clothes are
never torn, which is done on teiioi s ;
5 h Because you never have t> take it
down; Gin. 1J cause i; is twenty times
cheaper thau li >pe Line—it will last
your li 1 e, tied always ready.
Call on K B- I.OYLEaS, Agent, at
Liyless & Griffin’s, and g u, oue at ono-.
N B.—Mrs. Lo)le«s has one that h‘s
beeu iuc-ustaut use for moia thau tw i
years, in the weather all the tiiue, and
says she would not bo without it ten
rimes ibe co-t. m’eh 3,1f.
r> sl. nv so tv
THOS. J. HART, Pro.,
OF M 2 17J Si 1 • MSI2S C iIMTMO+Y.-
Fattern» adjusted to suit the most improved
St (fits.
We keep on hand Northern and Eastern
wruk wi ich w* will sell at lowest cash prices.
Jan. 20, ly.
Peeler & Dicta Cotton Seed
Common S*eed,
f,oi*ios a c nim.r,
J in 20, 2m.
Southweßtkrv Raii.road Go. Orrioit, )
Mac .N. October 8, 18fi0 f
ON and after Sutid.y night, October loth,-
ins'., Ibi* Company will run a night
Freight ami Aceominod ilhm Train b. l«een
Macnu and Eufaula, every night eacept Sat
urday night, connecting u' Smitlivil « will.
Albany, and at Ouibbe.t with Fori Gaines ac
commodation trains, as follow :
LeaVc Macwn, 8:26. p. tn } arrive at Kufaul.i,
11, a. tn. j Leave Eufaul., 7:18 p. m ; auiv.
at j/ieffn, ti:10 a m. Up ir .infor M con
passes Dawson at 11 p. tn. Do ' n Train lor
Eufaula pa-s -s Dawson «a. m. Regular taai
trains run as hereiotore.
octl4;'f Engineer 4 S up'.’dcnt
Plantation Supplies
On, Time l
w E are now selling P,an!< rs tin ii I
Supplies on Time,
for .If C>n or Sivnnn >h l’.per. We invite
the attention of I'i.liters ol <SGii'hwest
Georgia to our l.w prices.
m’eb 3, 0 ti.
New liar
liilliax'tl Saloon.
South Slele Public Square,
and tor to Ctrtw if Stmutoits.
(V 1 B |r w ''f be supplied with ti e liquors,
] \ / and we in'end and will have <u ,J or •
| der H*. J. UDJt.VS if t v.
UuAl ADVfknSMthTS,
E H. Kit-forH, wittow of G. TANARUS"
J has applied for nternpHoa’
xf peigniialty imf realty sn<l valuatioo'
{otli nn -t ad, ands will piss upon tho imho
a If, oVl.iek, ..hi., on iLh J hd«v of Afwrcli,
ius»., s’ niv otil '0 iu Dawson, <Yi. 2*. , TM. JONES, D-d.
/ t I.OHGI V, Turridl County :
' I Whereas, IS I. J/melmd his applisif
f'»r of Guardiausliip for Ifrank aud
Liv.xie Bi iui.
Tliess are thcr; fore to cite ams admonish
ill pet sons concerned, to ho and appear sf
mr office silhin the time prcsoriheir Bv law r
and snow cause, if any, why said l«JUer#
-hull'd in' tie gianfe-l. Given under mr
hand and official tliis February
ll'h. 187#. T. M. JO.VErI,
F b 17Hi, 4od. Ord’ye
/~i lioitGll, Terrell Comity
\ 1 Whereas, t ain, and W. E. Wall ap
plies for leiiers of disiuirsiou on the eetale
of Jrase Wall.
Those are therefore to cite and'admonfsh’
all persons concerned, to he and appear aCmy
office within ihe time prescribed by law, and
•how cause, if anv, why said letters should
not be granted. Given under nit hand and
offi ilsl signature, this Jan Slst, 1870;
Feb. 81 d,Sm. T. M. JONES, OfdV
11 EOUMIA, 'iViTt’ll Comity :
tl Whereaa, A. £Lss. r aprilies foi letters of
and .mission on tho estate of S, 3. Smith.
These are then fore in cite’and admonish
all persona concerned to - be and eppeaCat my
office within the time prescribe!) by law, aud
shnweau-e, if any, why said letters should
not he granted. Given under my hand and
official -icnalnre, this January 4th, 1870.
J m It 3m. T. M JONES, Ord.
|dji|t|itli’? [olid ?||«l>uFfig
I’alunl Rovor»od Wooden’
Agraffe Itrixlge
ihroughou', rktains the sweetness of the old
won Bridge, anil outains tiie solidity of tbo
VfsTAL Agraffe, without its objaotions.
Valout Compound Wrest
which holds the Tuning Fins, in six layers of
Maple, nit a i * running differently,— Tina
I'afcul rull Iron Frame
ennci mrales m rnONT of Hie T ininj; Pins,
that heretofore naUAUISQ iron (which in other
f’ianos hurt fully suiihounhs the Tuning FINS.y
and “hung" into Hie front edge ot the Flank
and kvs HUTU ally resiets the tw’knty to X#
si ram.
i’.iloiit Di:tgi»n;il Sii-taining
part, of the Iron, nsjrttoand parslls
with rite’ si,-el sui igs UNDER THE OVER
The First Strictly impartial Trial
ever had.
Hteiinvay’s, C'hickei-uig’s, und other
Wk, ihe undetsigneu make Oath that at
Ho Hine of i lie lasi ol ihe American In
stitute \\e\A in N- w Y >'k. iininejiairly fol
lowing the French ExposilLm in Paris, two
Pin nos made hr Stein tray &. Sons, one Pi -
ono ny Ckic&eriuf Jc Sons, one Patent Arson
Piano , made Li ti. C. Manner, slid several
other maker’ll ins ruineots weie tried against
. ach oiher, by ord r and under control nf
tho Officeis ol ihe Ii s i u'e, to decide which
I’iiiio on exl’ihi ion in competiiion should
loci ive the First Premium “as the best
Santtre /Sana known. ’’ To obtain an impar
tial m il, twee all of Said Pianos ti ere cover
rd with pajurrs , so thir one Piano could not
be d.slinylished front another, (during file
absence ol the Ju iges,) and tmire did they 6e
-1 ci one of s.ud Piano, as the best, which,
upon uncovering, both nines, proved robe
the said Patent A I JOX Piano, awarding it
"The hirst Premium'' * oner all others for
beino the best Si/nare Piano k 'Oil'll to them."
This ti was after Vhickering ti' Sons'
Piano had rrceivi and no- Legion of Honor and
Medal, and Stem way lt’ Sons, ihe Medal Irom
Napoleon t and th. J dig sot said trial were
UDW aRD MOLLENHaUER, Prof, of Mus’c,
Musi.'fll Director and Oiiginaior of the
New Yotk and Brooklyn Gousnevatories
ot Music.
CiIARLEN FK ADEL, the eminent and 1 favor
ite Composer, and I’lanisi to his U ,yaf liigh
• e.’3 the Due Gustavo of Sax Wciaiar, Eiaeuw
Music ; Teacher, of tne higher sciiojf ot Mu
sic, iic., itc.
a.D. BESEMANN, Organisl at CwHiedrsi,
Jeisey City ; Pianist, Stc.
Julius Nkuhaiidt, R bkrt Kikokr.
Husky Vlillkk, < Uaßl.hs Soluwkdsl,
(f. 0. Vlannkr, (Inventor and Patentee of
the A l inn Piano Forte )
Sworn belore me V 1 is 22.1 day of Julv, 18fi9
Commissioner of Deeds.
The Antes Piano is the chkaPKSt, most
TtrsisO and b. r.S sol get.out of o.der, it is
the BT«ijrn«ißi>
Write for s, Pamphlet aud Circu
itr, and state in what Paper you saw this ad
in every Cily and Town where we have not
already appointed I hem.
IVnrerooins and Office. No. 554
(ir<»:id wsiy,
Miiotilstclory. IM Sl IS# Bow
cry .Slew lock.
OVef IH. \l gtofe.
flTllE onderxigned would respectfully in
-1 farm the ci izens of Dawson, and public
geueralty, that he has just opened a
M-'lrst Class Gallery,
for a brief period, w here he ia prepared to
produce »nv stylo Photograph, from the
smallest Carte de Vtrila up to Life-Suti
1\ r.-ons desiring good Pictures, that will
compare favorably with ihoae of the leit
Galleries iu the State, are requested to call
soon, a> other engagements to
meet. Pictures taken on cloudy just as well
as fair days, provided it is not raining. Li
llies are requested to let their Drapery be aB
dtrk as possible, on calling to eit for their
Doors open from hall-oast 8 o’clock, a.m.,
until half-past 3, pm. No money taken at
the d r or, but a small collection taken in the
Gallery from hosp ordering pictures.
-T. W. IIUIvT.
J .n 20, ts.