Newspaper Page Text
jjXWOfl AL.
"r 7wS --W l " M Ch "P
fi*d ,„ .. „i„re and fur sale by
•. , p MmMlO* 1 * n . H ■ 1
P' 1 ' 3 BUi ' jtcKtSNicr & Crouch.
TTY,* _ Mi-s M. WillUmtoii’g
“‘To" .^».n-K«o,«uod-
F j;Tow ready for W*** S<!o Ad -
HoK J,rtmi4lß* I'iOires. «nd those
W,t ' have their I‘lteneas fitted up in
i d n f; i ,!:; itJ le. Oullory over W. M. Pee
pte-’S'ore. _
FkusH Garden Seed, crop of 1869,
»t H- R- Thomas’s.
w f Oa* Esu.-r he ,rie '" ls of ,his 01,1
Ituhioned merch.i.q (hut he doe. not deal in
ohi fashioned K -ode.) «iH he pleased to lean,
|pen to the inspection of his many. Irteuds.
See .dvertiseoient.
tpV\E3SEE BAL’iX—iltms, Sides and
lt , 1 AT FULTON’S.
Latest spring style of dry goods
iust being opened at
J Burnoy & Nelson s
2t .
ÜBuks di*»i'«Ehs pnyed to a delighted
M di.nce at M .eonic Hall on Tuesday night,
music and a hefty side-shaking laugh,
.Wink , good retnedv for the and. spoudency
*',** by the (feat decli ie npOlton.
QU res uo milk, soda, and very little L ,rd, at
j lf , cg ._L't every place, and everything,
ihai »ouM be offensive to those who tra
rrrse our thoroughfar-*, he tteuded to
wh j[ e (he March winds are blown g, before
Ike sarin, s' ill days approach, when it will
KOI be so easy to get rid of these nauseating
Same Brands. One more lot of that
fine Chewing Tobacco just received at
Burney ot Nelson’s.
St .
Miswic Hall —A public Hall has been
much nee in our little cits', and ’o tnee
ihiMfiUlP T. Schley Lo lge h.s fi led tin
the "»» Ho e rooms underneath their
L Ait loom, with a good s age »ud coin*
furlable seal*, and we call n»w boaHI of »
Hslii'fc'i'D'lj large to seat four bundled
Ciri J W. K bests is est tritig -o the tra
jii y i-uhl'C a’» ge stock oi Mcrvandiae a
P I,r» hat wilt astound the closest buyers.
Cap' K .igler and Mr. ask of lliei
frrnii* io tall and see Hum at this house,
an fl.ner theti.-elres th tl they Can pleas
the most sis idious. _ .
iUauiT roa Oakbuscles.— ine following
inlbeeit htude l us aa au itnaliible rtinedt
foi caibouulrs:
‘■Tike inside bek of root of the Pwe ■
Bk, simmer .n s»eei mi.k'iei: it iteeiofner
Ilk,-pa- , into a poultice. uud apply
la Hr affected part. Tiy it.
Chweisu Sews. —llcEimskt k Croccm
eff rla lb. ir til J eustotiaem, and all other
oth) »atit cheap bargains, 'heir entiie stock
01 Spring and Summer goods, -i>w being
opene'i, at old prices. 0.1 aski g one of the
Im what ili-v intended to do wi h so many
>».«!*, the ana*er w.a, “the half is not tr
ratri'etiand the teasoo for buying so
much, »„f, "prices so low.” Go an exam
ine for voum, ts.
Mr. Ah. Jones is still with the above
mined firm, and is ready and willing to
Hire his nn friends.
Kent mao. Such conduct as his di«
graced oil' ST*e son several oce sions doling
I'- few weeks, c til« aloud for the cn*
forcem»n'of theci'v lt«s, and w» know of
n» remedy but to increase the po ice fore.
The Hirshil i.« s ippo ed to be in bed afoer
the hour of ten or eleven o’clock, and the
It-eets left in the hands of those who have
no regard for law, or ro-pset for public opin.
ion. Give us more p tiico force—g : ve u
good I’reets, enforce idle laws, and tax us
* A WnjinxßKCL X cth*r* Di c^ykpt—l’
fuSou \ when* Live eompUint a» and billions
diftaie* prevail to ho g e..» ho ex ent, »bn#*
'o g bvfen f*»lt h n*?d of * tmMtc up »b*t
*ould ic nnerially ami promptly on the Liu
*r % fetforing jt |. O j 8 f.f.iun fuuclmns, a* and
11 same timf* b«* khL* hum <ff-cu*.
ind jei so simple tbit i migV be n e J b\
W"*. h is c'.imnl -#. tr DR. 1 UTT'S
i &GBT* BE LIVER /’ILLS Mipplien ihU
w ol They acr.direo'N on she Live. ; tti. ir
C ”"* nrn, vjj- *\\\ ootii j itv. j,i the slightest
degree ih mo-<* delicate • ou« iuition. Fe-
n "»t •* a? ahv p« io i ins u«« then with great
I*® ♦'tit, and real z<* g* a relief from the dis
tives ng *b’ch they experience »'■
cer<;»in times. Tb*ne piM* «r.* not iicom
tte'jdeiaaa universal cure aft % but swipl**
•or diseased Liv.-r, and those ui ladies who b
(> lio« a derangement of that impoM*n or
-5; n > * ttc h as D>«p»»psia, Sick lieadach*, lu-
Qtgeition, Loss of Apperuj?, CoMivrurfl*,
1, * 8 * Jtundice, Soar Stomach. Lidia
h r hurn, Chills and Foul Breath,
„t oight, and FlhUilhiu-v. The®** ]
Miv«luabla pills may be toutid in #vety D<ug I
tto,e 01 “oy oote in the South and West. j
D*tLLf»o Bdrnkp.—Tlie dwelling aod
Iso « !*rs* rorion of the bona*
to ' d *"d Htchen fnrnt m e ol 3fU. L
Hirknbr, « worthy widow lady o' ihii cm »
‘y. bilrn«4 u ,, >' J IV | 44t> f, le fir 0 >
u we of tha imper rooms, H.ui wWa
•"‘Mental. Mrs. Hiekibj’a loss is three
* o'innd do'lsrs. We worn majh pie ned to
*'r that the business moo oi oo' ckv h.d
"Wally responded to lha call of a Irit-nd,
Wtlo Wl * ,ni king an elt irt to raisa money lor
't* benelt of this un ortunate lady. Thn e
w bo feel disposed to conlribne to ill's cause
'rave the amount wuh Judge ALm-, at
“7 °re of W. «. Peep'os.
P'"e reiijj IJU 4n ,j uodefiled before Gi and
*®4 the Faffie-, U this: TANARUS„ v the fa, ho
h'd the w.d .* :n h .. affii-ti.u, and
ee P hi:a, o |f Mspotted |r u iu the world."
the ■ *2* —wed’nine is rapidly gai ing
ona |1" • ttUH 01 Mo* P'op e, ami the ntiinei*
tins/ 1111,01 '“ls ol Its f Hues given kit pi ic*
uT; n p ! uve* no dm.V t t
oi tu/' *" *" d emnlv lO’ impukiit
I’s I 8 '" *’ P'SKASIC &C.
til l T “ W A,e d“-->1 Jo- rual < ons sins an or
i.;:; ton ; '> a .•>. n.. « u,r«t-i-
Yo.Jt ltl ie * ' Colley cm o New
bvet.J* 1 h P'** h *‘ ti* bu.h *eima of im ettra
oTr "t d ! ‘ l ' ec '" l ' e, ‘
tt '®dicitiP v • *. 1,0 lo pr »cnt ntiera ol
•tanee ui. * "*** *», w ** believ**, ihe fir-t in
n*i* have tieen nfflw
c °|i B<k<i tb© Ficalty of any ol the
U P°U the a V d refl " cl * K "‘‘“ cre,lit
,r "ud . | 01 L,r- hawrince, it* com pound
y»rfnli- n “Koskoo” iu the van of all
1 < J ot , rnal ' Dfc
, Storm.—A lerutij hail storm passed -South
of Dawton about four o’clock on Tu Rday
morning. We have In aid ol no m.i'nial
ilasnge having been dole, aa yet, Lu. are
; constantly listi uing lor disianous news from
tlie vieimly of iig travel. Is march was very
j rapid, and if its velocity was us g eat from
| where it begin to 1 tab its fury upon ttie
'i eurih, as it was wheu it passed below D.w
son, we are confident it was beard for inau.v
miles; as the roaring was bestd lor about
thirty uiinutea befotc it reached this point'
Tlie exueine blaekne.s.s of the cloud, us re
flaoteil by the vivid fl isli of the red lighicii g
tlie heavy peals ol thunder and gusts o- I
wind, consiUuted a terrible sight ami sound,
j and unlike anythiug to which we could com
pare it. Hid sioneg tlie sze or a hen's egg
tell oue mile fiom Dae son.
Pacts fob thk Fair. -Observant
Frr Jiiii nen, skilled in medical science,
re^or \ a.s im res ih of iuuo’i iovosiigi
'ion and nbsorva' io j, 11>a‘ rice w- men
have loosened their cor-ct ill annual
moriality hisdt‘cr*a ed 18} perceu I .
O i the other baud, it. is siatisr.caliv
proven that W'lineu h ive I ad”U sh- ir
hoads with eno na u aid i.i e us c'i;p
nou-, cerebral f.'vtrs have increased 72}
per C' nt
Tiertsis mat;<r for serious reflocti n
onth'Se fuels. Wo iievrr look upon
lliesc enrrtnt u' p uitices secured tightly
to tho of our Souih< rri w uie
wi bout wondering that half of them arc
Dot in a lunaiic asylum. 'I bis constant
heating of the Lrhin, and especially the
ce ebelluru or posten. r poition of it, i
ob igrd to result and upon the
otgrins, and tirally result io nervous
prostration or m-tital dcrangeuent.—
<\s summer is eouaing on apace, we
pray ihosc mcruitem despots, the fashion
kiugs, to sub-iiiuid someth ng mare
h iiul ss ii the p ace of thai w «mm and
- >yer, ihe ehiguon.— Su. Republican.
Latest Hews.
Washinoton, March 14.—Mr. Trum
bull made au able speech to-day, on
Georgia, sustaiug the line of policy in
dicated by the report of the Judiciary
Committee, and opposing tlie exten
sion of official terms, lie was very
severe on Terry aud Bullock, ami de
nounced the lying telgrams published
in Forney’s Chronicle, purporting to
be from Georgia, but which were made
to order here.
Stewart argued that Georgia was
not a State, that her goveauuient had
been only provisional Until now, and
said that the State should bo put uu
dar military rule and kept there.
The debate will last several days
The galleries were hilled with ne
groes—men and women—anticipating
a speech from Revels ; but lie does not
speak till Wednesday. Bullock lias
p.eparod a speech for Revels to deliv
Kellog’s questions to-day show that
he favors Bingham’s amendment.
Spencer says the carpet-baggers
will sustain Bullock and defeat the
Bullock, Butler aud ‘Forney were
on the floor of the Senate.— I'cUjyaph
jj- Mintekrfcr. Dalton.
March 15. —The Georgia kill was
up for consideration in the Senate to
day Tlie debate may ho protracted
some days.
Dawson, March 10.—We noto cot
ton advancing in all the markets. But
little offering in our market, t’ne best
grados would command 18.}. Stocks
of all kind ol Goods are large, and be
i g- added to daily.
Bacon side 19 ; Shoulders 17 : Lard
23 ; Corn 1,50 ; Flour Bto 11 per Lbl.
Macon, Mareh 15.—Cotton —good
demand and fair at 20c ; Bacon sides
17} ; Shoulders 14} ; Corn 1,35.
Louisville, March 15.—Corn steady.
Provisions fair.
New York, March 15.—Cotton
firmer al 21 J.
Liverpool, March 15—Cotton
steady at lOjjd.
Special »Yofices.
We «“k ai'ention to 'his unrivaled
Fnmil.v Metllcine.
Tlio J’ain Killer is, bv universal consent
allowed to have son for itself a reputation
unsurpassed in 'be history oi medicinal prep
urations- Its instantaneous ellcct in the eji
j lire eradication and en'inciion of Pain, i"
I all its various Iq.uis incidental to the human
fatn'lv, and the B i«olicited writ en ad t-r
toll leattmonv of 'he masses in its favor bav
been, at-d ate, 'ts own b-s' udv- rtiseme. t
j F-r eviderce in favor of *he Pain Killer
j f,. r Vi islets' Sore Throat or BionchilU, rcao
I the lollnwit'K •
GfATS—Tie Pain, KiVtr his been a ein
j mailt oc.noanr of our home for over '»<>
years, and a non ion oi the time it has been
] the onlv medicine under our roof. Hardly
e'er do 1 havi mv children complain ol "e
--j j ll(f eu-lc, withort* havi".r tnem aik i:i the
same sentence lo K.i'l* r.
i F-I* several rears h, I I became scqnain
! ted with Ihe Pain K '»• r . 1 h.d Mill .cl «
! greai and alfi.innii ass-c i m in mv ihrrs.rt.
j thought by some physicians to be B"*"chi
j ,Is, hv Others to be what is calie 1 Mnusici.s
Sore Throat. A' one time i w sso s- vere
,h,t I was Obliged to give up pleaching
Within « few mo 'hs ,t • 1 .ad become ac
' illu:( | !■ the I’.in K Her Ih and a oil er
stack Irom lha' ilisn ess ng ci'mpMnt. I
trndmv new-fnui and me.lici , • and, to m>
as’oiiis'imciit and and. ligbl, i- p.vd io 1 a won
derlullv soo'hin* .If c. L' « s! on 1
Wl . vholv re'iev* and. Since 'h.n time 1 have
hail a number of a tacks of h ■ same are
.nd he Pain Killer has alwars nffirded ji e
relief A'o" one tear «... e, my *'h-h--
canie sa' j . t 'o s vere en» ring Irom It "
niatisrh ; n-sor, a-, w.s I. the
Pa n Killer, whiuti would alwata rein fe h r
I bave not lime now to sav mure, '» I
could with v hearty good «iH, awl
have a- n.i, 1" ptmeecf'he Pan. KII •- u
this has ilr written letter, in comu.enda . ...
of Peny D .via* valu «blr inedie»m\ wil. D-* o<
any service, you are at liberty to do with
as von please. Vcrv t. ulv Ton s,
ED iAR CAT-Y. Owat SNA. Ji no..
Jfiexionai urf the A P 3fh Society.
i’old br JANES A LoYI.ESd, Dawson,
mrch », 4t-
inn R \[KDY Lf>K CI’KINO
Consumulton, Cough*.
HiOinhilis .tsihmn
• /il*# Crviip.
it si. is .»*,'}
I' composed o' ihe active pouriplca of
roots and pUma, which hre chemicallv on.
Jrscted, ti> us io retain all their medical qual
ities, 1
Minim|or* mtd T’tiblir i
I WI.O are so of on hfflvti-d with ihrouc dis- I
! 'sses, will Onfia sure remed in lliisß.lsam. |
I. z-nees nnG wafierg sooietimes give reli- f, |
inn ihi> II il.-am takon a few times, will ensure
» |» *• >ii-4nent ciee
It i 1 ill thus.' uffi eted aith enttghs or con
som t»iion, give this B ilsirn a fair nial, they
ni!l he pleased wiih the r solt, and confess
that the -me retnedv is found at last,
II is kioltl JBy all Drilililivts.
In’eh 3, 4 11.
Prof. K <y on, tlie p'pilar and ceinbra
'•■il luar.ufaciiir. r of Kaytnn’s Oil of
liifu, the best and surest linatneot for
rhcumaiistij known, has now discmtii.-
ued iiis tr vc!s throughout the S’ates to
-ee tlie lin;e and the Clippie, and those
otherwise tffl-ctid by rheunui'ism, or
neuralgia, or [isius in the side, &e., f. r
h argues, and well too, that the people
can cure themselves without him by u--
n g his (Jd of Life; the virtues of
*hich toe universally acknowledged.—
Some people were foolish enough to
mink ftom the swift arid speedy cures
made nn the spot, before rh* ir eyes or
then friends, that the Pr fester's hands
were bewitched, but we assure all iliat
' fie sterling virtue lies only in tbo O l
of I.'fe and gned rubbing For rheu
matism, neuralgia, pains in the back,
j nuts or sides, or wherever a huimeut
may be us'd that Iviytmh Oil of Lie
.s ■ackoowledg ni as great and without
•ti • <|ual, givi g the patient almost iu
atantarieous relief by enc rubfing
For -prams or bruises, it has also been
used with m irked success.
Kayton’e Dyspeptic Pit’s, purely veg
•■•table, are an excellent cathar ie. Mc-
K -sen <k II tdiins, wlmlcsilc agents,
Njw V rk. Jacob I ipi m.\n. Prop’r,
\\ bolesalc Diug II m-e, Srvaunah.
Tit vO,l S 17.1f i» Ti f *#:sr~
Tlip AdvrMser, having been restored to heath
in a few weeks, by a very simpe r ine ly, after
having suffVrerd severa years with i severe ung
alTectjou, and that drend disease, ('onsuuit)t'ion
is anxious to make known to his leow-suffercrs
tlie means of cure.
To ail who desire it, lie wi send a copy of the
prescription used (free of eliagre,) with the direc
tions for preparing ami using the ssnio, which
they will Hud a sun cure for ''•oiirtumprion.
ni.i, ib-on-hitis, etc. 71ie object of tie advertiser
in sending the Prescription is t<» benefit tin* nfTiiot
e l, and spre ad information which he conceive* lo
be invaluable: and he liopi s every suflerer will
try his remedy, as it u .1 cost them nothing, aud
ni iy prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the m-infion, will please ad
dress Kcv. L!>vS' A Kf> A. WII.SON.
je ;: y Williamsburg, A ings county, >. Y
+VE J 5 * *SD i 'U£I9'MSEJg*\rTS
a ' io.
MY S T 0 C K OF „
Spit anil Sumnra Goods
f o
is now ia and con i- 8 of goods that w ill pl.-ase
ho Laun-.-, .lie lie.ituiu,*u«i u>e ti no
hild on. 1 Ui.ik« na polut to Coal iu auih
iig otic
I irsl-class Goods,
and sell tinm as cheap as cau be doue, by ■
■i y one in iiif iauaw sdsu oi j
0 .il OCC tnC
Late Stjle Dress Goods,
and such oiher Goods a are needed in the i
| I Mouse, or ou ihe p aulatiou.
in on 17, if. W- F CRR-
aam isto.
IS now rccciYing the latest noTclties in ,
jliiiimi tlrs?s?aofeTflWip£f
Yanliee IVolioTiH,
Traces, «fce.
..t her Stare nearl* ooposi’e th-* JOURNAL
IlFi I F, aud (T-tv them it prlae- whi.-h
.illbr f.mod to he lower than “«eh goods
lisa b» ec stria ill D iwson
In re'nr’iins my iha"ks to the manv
f r ien Is wIO litre given me their patronage,
l e .rues'l vei of 'hem and all o*bar's In wo*
o- gnnds in mv iine, to call and eiamine
invs 'i.-lt. «v selections have been made
wi li a view to meet the wants of the adi --a
of Diwson and vlcini'T. G-ll and satisfy
yourselves as to price, styte, &c.
m'oh 17, ts.
NE W A L> VEIt r r ISE.M EN T s’.
Sir WSB m IȣlFii
\V E again inform our many frieoila and customerfl, that we have on hind, and are ro
▼ T ceiving our
Which wm purchased in New Fork ard New O.leans at
IPJYUnTIC prices,
and we are now oil ring to the trade, one of the finest selections of both
l)liV GOODS ANI> GiU)Ci:«Ii:S
that has been offered in this place since 1880. Our stock of
are as good as heart could wish. Our stock of
PKINTS atni> domestics
js coirpVte. Our Dicni M'hile 4»oo<ls cannot be Mirpngaed bv anv, and Our
Duces will suit everv Lhnr are iu need of anviEing in our line. All we ask Uan exm,i
inaiion of our stock We will siv m all CASH BUYERS that our house is the place lo buv
m’ch 17, ts.
BS7O, 1870
siPßm® Aim
Drcss Goodii, Fancy Good*,
Staple Goods, Hoots & Shoes,
Slats, Clothing; Hardware,
Steel, Pianiation Supplies,
Groceries, ESacon, Flour,
ANP a irnnerpl .tM.lnm' of m-rehandi o .. in off red if midi price" ns will astonish all. Mr
Slock w/is fRIT, Ft f\f ITl’ (titd LOW F*HtVKS bus Rot been
< q ■alii d-l ice 1 1>8 >. Th- *re*i decline m Hold hsa CAUreii * decline in nil f»r*icn poods
wLich will astonish the eb'seat hnvers. I mv f» the p iMie fro n Terrell, Galhuun, Bvkei
Rviido'pii, Webster, Sicwait aud L e counties, to call and examine my
IE we fill to tell t* you, the ri a'on will not be on account of PBICE.
march 17, if
Ihavp fust opened a nrw Blachimilh Shop, opnsite my War-;hon'e, rear n.d'iim's 01-1
. Stand, and have employed the beat Smith in the eminry, ANDERSON JEFFRES. (c< l )
who would be pleased lo receive ihe patronage of his old enstoniero, and many new ores Or.
era so- work loft at my office will be filled promptly. Will keep coustautly on baud, Iron,
tccl, Ales, Hoes, Ac.
Dawson, Ga., Jan. 13-ts.
Ober’s §«»eE'>phos.
Coe’s Ssiper«»plj«s.
es" ryisitt es s ES sa w b©o e
Sapci! n haspbalfiy
TTiii la Esli’ms Fe vt ilizV
Exeebtor S B ii©§.
eiiore 4t'nsuio«
The above First-class FortSiz rs can be bought f»r the
Cash, or ON TIME. Send in your orders early.
m’cb 3, 4 f . J '
Which Kotikoo bus aUained in all pdrtn of the
rount» v
And the Lat'ye Numbers of TeUimuuiaht
which ar*» coi shintlv being received from !*hv
nlcianfr, and prisond who have hkkn cunun by
it- n-*\ is coNOLcaivK r«oo» of its kkmahka
as a itv,oon
it jro
“Tho life of the fl *sh is the Blood," i« *
Scriptural maxim that science proves to he
true. The people talk of had blood, as the
cause of many diseases, and like mattv popular
opinions this of b*4 blood is founded io truth.
The svmtoms of bad blood are immihllv quite
plain—bad Digestion-causes imperfect nut.ri
ion, and consequent!v the circulation is fee-
Mh, the soft tissues loose their tone and elns**
»ioitv,and the tongue becomes p tie,broad,and
frequently coverd with a pasty, white coat.
This condition soon shows itself in roMghne**
.if the skin, then in krwptivk and ulckkativk
diseases, and when long continued, results iu
serious lesions of the Br jp t Liver, Lungs, or
urinary upperstus. Much very much, suffer
ing is qaused bv impure blood. 7» is estimated
by some that one tilth of the human family
are i ff cted with scrofula iu some form.
When the Blood is pure, you are not so
liable to any disease. Many Impurities of the
Blood ari«e from impure diseases of large
cities. Eradicate everv imptiritv from the
foun'Hin of life, and good spirits, fair akin and
viul aueugth will return to you.
Beia? the only K\oH\’ Medicine
lut KFFiCixnti.v slitHulale* and co.K*ciß the
hepatic tect’ctioHx iiid fam-tiiinal ukuam.k
mknts ot the Line*, without DhiiurATlXQ
iMMRVHtpm. While it wei Afrcc/i/ ilP'lll the
,i vrr instead of copious purging l gradmllg
changes me tfiHohai ges to a perfectly natural
s ate.
A Hallow or yellow color of ihe-wkin, or
y llowish browu apo'w • n the Dei' ami other
pails of iho bud'; dulne.w wild diowwii.e.H,
rometimes iu adarlif; tiilier or bad in the
mouth, intern-1 he.i; in many canes a dry,
ta-ing cougl ; unsteadv appetite; Homeiimvs
our stomach, wiih u raiding of llie food; a
rrloaied or full feeliiig abom the aiom rch arid
-ide-; aggravating pallia in I lie gidea, bark, or
■.rea-it, and about ihe slioulder ; consiipulioii
I the bowel-; pile., fliiuleuoe, coldueaa ol
the eitremitug, &c.
Is a remedy of Wonderful in the cure
•if d'se*-es of the Kni ieott ami BladUif. J «
fhrut AjfrclioH.t if in a.* near a as anu
remedy can he It does i'S w.»»k kmdly % .**i-
Ibulltj aid unrein. Tti** Relief whfuti it ul
toruj is bodi certain oiid perceptible.
/Vreons uimoquaiuted %*ith the atructnre
ind luuc'ions ot tho Kiioeys ctnnot taii
mafe tlie important e ot th» ir healthy uc'.ion.
U vular ami suttieleut action of the Kid'
ne\tf id «s important, nuv, even more so,
ttiau regularity of the bowels. The Kidneys
remove from the Blood thoso ottete mtiteid
which, if permitted to remain, would speed
llv dedtrey hie. A rotul su-p-n iou of the
urinary di‘charges aiM occa^io.j death from
i tliiriv-e x to lorty-eigU hourft
When the-Urine i» voided in fmali q iah
itie* alike lime, or wtien there ie a uiapo
aiiiou 10 Uuiale Ul*re lieqiienily thau n»iu
ral, or wiien the Urine 1.1 high colored oi
se.lded vt th weeklies* in tlie email oi lh,
back, it should riot be triffid with ord' laved,
out Bugkoo alioald be iakeo nt oncu to rem
edy the Uilhcultv, before a lesiou ol the or
gans takes place, .I/aSt oi the diseases ol
the IJ:adt;ei' originitc from Ho eof tbe Kid
ney”, the Urine being im .ei feetly secreted in
ihe K dneys, prove liri atiig to the bladder
and Uiinary passages. W hen we recollect
that medicine never reaches the Kidneys ex
.ept through the general circulation of the
biood, we see how ntcissmy il is lu keep
tbe Fountain of L'l'e pure.
Hi©siri©© 2
J/cets with great success in the cure of
of the
Almost riinestMiths <*f our peop»le puffer !
from nervous exhiu?tion, ami are, therefore,
liable io irs concomitant eviU of ii.ental
p epsiou, oonfuatd ideas, Softening of fbr I
brain, insanity, a: and complete bre-klug down
of tbc general health. Thousands ur«* euf*
iering to-day wi:h net votia |
systems, atid, uufoiiu(lately, tobacco, alco
hol, U»e hours, over woik, (Heutal and j
phvjucal,' arc causing diseabes oi the uei -
to increase at a fearful ratio.
The symptoms to which di*‘Hse« of the
nervous syst m give rise, may be At.'.ted as
follows : A dull, hea>y feeing iu the head,
sometimes more or less Revere pain or h» aii- ,
ache ; Periodical iLiadtcne, Dizjg oeiH,
N.-ises or Ringing in the Lead ; Ooufusion oi
Ideas; Tempoiarv Ic3s of Memory ; D.j to
ion of Spi*if® : Btartfng du'frrg si- -p ; iCd
Dreams ; Hesitation in miffwoHrig qne tions ;
DulueHri of Hearing; Twitching of tbo Faee
an l arms, &c., * Inch, if uo> promp'ly ireai
rd y lead to Piifalysiw, Dcliiiuiu, luaauity, Ini
potency, Apopkx/, ij.
1* XO T a xccrtt (juarh remedy. ForiuUU
around e»ch bottle. R.*co»mqpivded bv the
be«t Phrsfeian®,* Divines, Editoip,
7>iUggit*ts, J/orcb>»n a An.
The fleet ami Slant I‘opnlar Medicine in ’>*e.
J. J, LAWRENCE, ffl. D.,
Organic Chetnittf,
Laboratory uml offi< o, Ro. «,
Ufaiu Stituil,
NuHi UI.K, VA.
I Price, ONE DOLLAR Per Bottle.
idle by Urusrjiet* Kutrywhvrr
I ,v.r.-h n, ly.
strength to the aged and debilitated ; il **
csp cftTv designed (or wring men who h**w
wasted th* ir vigor by rxcet-i-e-a of enwj kind,
arid all pet son* #hn«e nystein'a e*Y© becomo
bv imprudence a#e completely rffl'wrt®
bv iu uc. r : .‘e O m DotUf.
blond from nil itnntirittes, such n>* scrofula,
Syphilis, Mercu i»i Hujiiors ot
hVi r v sort, B«d breath, Offensive . erspira-*
fir»H, F *ul FVef, Ga^ ! »frti, Disch , » r ge« from tho
E *r, Eves, Sore Throat, Filling ot tho
II ir. Ulceri. B >il*. Pimplra, Blotches, un4
all ili*>a«w« ol iha Lunga anil D'gnuliv* Ot
gain, Ptice ().»e D-'dUr.
PR CLARK’S FAXkCXAi relieyes pain of
»*Vt'ry d*staipfiou * Heaifafjhtf. Enn»ch%
Too hachr, S omaclmcho, B«ck*che, Pain in
rhe Breast and Limbs. It is an invalu-tbiw
remed v in all nervous disorders, and no fan
ilv should be wi«.h*Mit it. P;ice O»e Dollhi#
DR CLARK’S ELI&IR i«l' %uin cure lor
>1 weakness of the 0 g*n«,
ind discharges of a mucco— purolent Mature,
liP’-coorbea, Goarnrhea,
St iuinal We iknes-, are opeedilj cured
use Pi le** Oie Dollar.
Dr. CL \KK N Regulator, for >males onlr,
sruaranfeed »o correct all special irregolaff
ties and difficulties of Single Mar
ried Lidic* are eaiitlooed not to use it when
iu a certain condition, as i*s ♦'fleets would bo
too powt tlul. Price One Dollar.
.411 of the-e celebrated remedies are pee*
pared fro n Fluid Extracts under Dr. ClarkV
iiTi!nedi"te supervision, and are warranted
tresii hi and pure. All afflicted persons should
send h carefully written statement of theft
ail men ?s to DVtflark, and ke proper
Will be sent prornptlv to their address. Dr.”
can be consulted par-onally at his of*
flee, and will furnish all the necossaiy ac*
cominnd’itioiis to pacienta who place them
selves under bis cu e. All letters addressed?
Office No. TO AMITY Street,
N-W York City, ( ietr BVoadway.)
m’ch 3, ly. #
JPatent JV'letnlio
Tvrry Family should havt on*.
Ist* li -cauHo it never soils clothe'*—- Line will; 2J. iJ-eniu"* j*nt
olotiie-t never freeZo lo it ; 3rd. Be
cause it never rite or wear.H out—Uop«
win ; 4'b. Because your clothe* ar*
never torn, which is and >fie on tenoe* ;
5 h B eRu-e you never have *) it*
down; (iln. B-cau-'e it is twenty time*
cheaper than Rl>pe I.ine—it will I»*R
y ur li e, «nd .lwave ready.
Fall on K B UWfiRsS, Agent, at
Lnyless A flriffi i’s, and got one at once.
X B Mrs. Loyle-a hae one that hat
been in c. UKtant n-e fir mote than two
yeare, io the weather al! iha lime, and
-ays aiie would nit bo wi iiout U ten
titnea the c -t. m eb 3,tf.
Plantation Supplies
On Time I
E are now selling Planters their
S'.tppllrs on Time,
for }{ *onn or *Sava:»n »h Piper. W»* invito
the mMention of Pi■»inert ot siuU»fWi
Georgia to onr l*w price*.
John bn, uaxpbcll 4 co.
tn’cli 3,3 n.
15illi«i*cl Saloon.
South Side Fuhllr Square, nets
door io Orecr K Simmon*.
( |UI B >r will he .upi>M«d with fine lifjuara,
/ aud we inieed and will have good or.
der. »*. ,i .to.t.ti* ar co.
in’<** ts
Oyer In. |i, Pespte?’ Jtore.
rpHE ondervigned woul.l li»-
i f«iai th>' ei i*-ns of Dawson, and publiu
generally, iliat he hi* just a
Jh'irstl Clam CiaUtry,
for » brief perk'll, whore he i» [ reDired'to
produce »nv stvlo Plmtograph, from the
vnsllest Cart: de Vieite up to Life Sn»
Per* ona desiring pood Pictures, that will
compare favorably with (hose of the lest
(!driv« in the Slate, are requested to call
s IOC, vs w.- bive other engagements to
meet, l' ctunr.kcn on cloudy just as well
a« fair days, provided it is not raining. La
dies are requested io let their Drapety be as
dark as possible, on calling to sit for their
Doors open from half-past 8 o'clock, a.m.,
until halfepast 3, pm. No money takeu at
the door, but a small collection taken in the
Gallery Loin .bos- ordering picture*. ■
■I n 2b. ts
TtuAL rnMmmT
( < EORCIA. Terrel H Canntir H
\.T Whereas, H L J/orcLud has applied
for letters of Guardianship for Frank and
Lin e Biim.
These are therefore to cite and admonish
ell persons concerned, to be and appear at'
my office within the lime proscribed by law,
and show cause, if any,’why said letters
should not ho piante i. Given under my
hand and official rVenture, this February
H-h, !?7?. T. U. JONES.
F b Utli, d'O.l. Ord’y.
(i 3;<>««»l.A, TerreM Cotiuly t
J Whereas, Tain, an i W". H. Wail ap—
I t'lins for letteis of ors oissiou on the estate
of Jjsse Ws'l.
These nre therefore to cite nrd admonish
s'ip.-isons concerned, to be and appear at my
(.XiO'i v-ilhiii Ihe time p'-oecrbtd bv law, and
show cause, it unv. why said letters should
not be granted. Given under mv hand and
• ofR-lal signature, thij'Jan. Sfls', 1870.
Knb. vtr(i,h o. T. M. JGNES, Ord.
nEHIUsHA.Teireil Comity:
VT Whereas, A. S -ser applies foi Idlers of
and .niisaion on the est re of S, H. Smith.
These are th r.'f’re to cite and admonish
all persons concerned <0 he and appear at nay
efiice wiibiu the lime prescribed by law, aud
show cause, if any, why sail letters should
not be g. anted. under mv hand and
official sltfmtare, this January Jih, 'B7O.
JaudSm. T. VI JUNEA' t Ord.
I will purchase
2 Yokes of Good Oxen,
i Manh to, 2w.