Newspaper Page Text
, , ; „v the lot(Wt being
W V* the B choir meetings at the Methodist
taken h ' l/r Atkinson is a thorough dri U
Cb .nd seems to be determined on or*
Improved Wagons, (an im-
Bretnernian P er j e ibaker wagon, at
proveiuent on tne o FULjTON’A
p Asn The young men of Dawson,
!Siug to be behind In sources of en
„t have, at considerable expense, pur
. snleodid set of instruments, and
every opportunity, with the
, Jof being able to serve the summer ex
“jrieuists ,nd_ple»»ure part'es._
the celebrated D.xic 1 LTOX'S.
•..ToiTtes Hotel, Louisville, Kv.,
T - e fbeen refitted and reluwUhed in first
h»Bj u ,
Don -t let us fail to have a Sunday School
celebration, thus allowing the little children
Opportunity of making a pobhc expos,-
of their Sund.v training, and as a moans
encouraging* them to make more -apid
advances in the noble work in which they
are engaged. •
j, lst received, at
„„ircs no milk, soda, and very little Lard, at
< ! u ' c FULTON’S.
neiMtCiDK. —In common with the citizens
of our county, we regret tu hear of the kill -
in „ of a negro man or boy, on last Sunday,
h vuU „e Mr..Kitchens a son of John ki cii
e,,/of this, Terrell County. Not being in
possession of all the facts connected with the
and as the matter may undergo Judi
cial’investigation, we forbear making any
statement as to particulars.
Tub Limits «re loosing quite a treat by
not calling on M, s. EA. Thompson. She
has now on exhibition the largest, stock ot
ifiilinery Goods that ha- ever before been m
Dawson, and is daily looking for more. A
full set of Dress Patterns just received, to
which the attentiou ol the ladies is c-lled.
jl !f stock is not confined to J/d incry alone ;
she has llie'best assorted stock o(
and Dress trimmings in Dawson. Call aim
be convinced. Mas E. A. Thompson.
The United States Hotel, Louisville, Kv,,
is immediately opposite tbe Masonic Temple.
A Stitch in Timb N»vks Nik*. —ls you
have n c-ugh, do not neglect it ; lliou.-ttuds go
to an untimely grave by ueglewting what they
call "a slignt cold.” These alight colds are
Ve rv insidious. They soon bevome deep
seated, and dely all rem dies. Dlt T II a
I.XPEOrOKANT will cure it. It can be had
ol any Druggial.
,I/iKB Il*T Whii.k tiik Son Siiixks. Be
lieving there are vet many who would Ike
picurasof tli'mselves, families and friends
-1 h.iv concluded to remain in Dawson four
weeks longer, for the purpose ol supplying
any and everybody with pictures. Having
rece tl* added to my facilities, I am better
prepared than eva'r to give life pictures, and
at most reasonable prices.
I’ll give you pictures that are true,
.lull beautiful positions too ;
A line complexion, clear and bright.
A pleasant smile aud all is right.
Coinc while the sun siiiues bright, and ev
erything in nature is calculated to make von
wear a pleasant smile—sectlroa picture —give
it to a Irieud, and when years have passed,
mid you, pcaliaps, are dead, your likeness
will he left, with the glad impress of Spiing
upon it, to make more dear your memory.
We refer our leaders to the advertisement
ol Dr. U, C. Bailey, manu ucturcr of the
celebrated Holton Pill, which has long since
gained a repu’ation as a destroyer ol chills
ami fever, aud of great benefit iu the treat
ment of malarious fevers.
Lawiikncs R. A. Ciuiitkr—There will be
» meeting of this Chapter on Wednesday
night, 13th in-t. A full attendance is solic
iied.aa bu»ineas of importance will be trans
acted. J. 0. F. CLARKE, See.
Tkaches and Milk.— Captl T. J. Pratt is ft
gentleman of huge proportions, corporially,
"ith his heart iq tlie right place; and we
could not account for his size until we ascer
tained upon what he fed. We received from
hiraajtrof peaches put up b_v himself and
lady, which upon opening, wc f'-und as fresh
an i( jtiH gathered from the tree—and oh!
bow delicious! Now Captain, if yon don’t
want us to he ns large as yourself, aud have
to give away nil onr old clothes, don’t send
us any more peaches,
KorKOo.—Thii medicine is rapidly gaining
*be confidence of the people, and the nuttier'
ana testimonials of its virtues, given by prac
titioners ol medicine, l- aves no that
11 is a safe and reliable .emedv for ijipuritt
OF ,J- IIK ni - 00D > l.tvica disease, &c.
The last Medical Journal contains an ar
ticle from Prof. R. S. N.wton, M. D., Presi
dent of the E Medical College, city of New
lurk, that speaks in high terms of its cura
,lve properties, and gives a special reeotn
thendation of Ko»koo lo the practitioners of
medicine. This is, we believe, the first ;n
--stauee where such medicines have been olfi
ns lv endorsed by the Faculty of any of the
utedtaal colleges, and reflects great credit
upon the skill of Dr. Lawrence, its compound
•r and also puts “Koskoo” iu the van of all
Norfolk Daily Journal , Dec.
Oi,r readers will find something to repay
’em or their trouble bv reading the adver
uTct" 1 in “’’"'her column, headed LII’P
1 upue.ors have, at au euortuous outlay,
, en uiubled to obtain the recipe and right
U "“' n ' jfuctllr « these great Bit'era in the
tittej Plates, and are the only ones who can
*re authoriaed to make them.
Be t*' are sa ' e hy our Druggists and
c * era Kueerally. Jacob Lippmau & Bro.,
< '* a ’ ro P r ' etor9 lor tbe
G i’iicral Lev.
birf''?! U^US * ;a utionalisf , tleseri
kv f> . r(K ' e ption given to Gen. Lee
. e eitiaonu of Augusta, anil his en
sav U . nn !cr t * n at city on Thursday,
com t ", 8 of the city was not
tum»n l proeosston, shout or
web U ° U e Sooting yesterday, in
vi me °{, Qcn - IWniE. Lee, the
at* s °. * or war aiul tlie model
° P o ' 4oo since tho clash of
or rin • c ? aso< l- No clanging brass
tell signalled his presence,
ions v . of moving battal-
ZV f UA th ° Placid street in out
love an r mnnß^r ation of tho universal
‘"-teem whir-h animated the
J hearts of llio jieoplo. A still groater
, tribute than all this attested the exal
f position which the noble hero holds
the affections of the Southern peo
-1 ]ilc. .Every heart beat yvith double
' throb, and every face beamed with
radiant smiles of earnest joy at the* an
nouncement of the opportunity to
greet the noble chieftain of a cause in
which so much was gained and yet so
much lost.
The reception parlor at the Planters’
Hotel was thronged during tho morn
ing hours with visitors, friend and war
worn veterans, eager again to witness
the flash VJil.ho eye anil grasp tho
hand of a leader whose voice had so
often cheered to victory and nerved
their hearts in a righteous, though un
successful contest. Feminine grace,
beauty, and loveliness, too. yielded to
the irresistible impulse of admiration
for tho good, the true, and the patriot
ic, which move the hearts of the South
ern women, and swelled tho tribute by
a large number of visitors.
“The greetings extended were re
ceived wit’u the chivalrio cordiality
and nolde bearing for which General
Lke is distinguished, leaving the most
agreeable impression upon all who
were so fortunate as to participate.
“Noteworthy was the marked res
pect paid to Gen. Lei: by the colored
citizens, quite a number of whom call
ed upon him and were cordially re
ceived ”
Gen, Lee and his party arrived in
our city bv the Central train last eve
ning, and are the guests of Gen. A. K.
Lawton It is understood that Gen.
Lee will remain here several days
previous, to his departure for Florida.
During his sojourn in our midst, our
citizens will Have an opportunity of
testifying the respect and affection for
him which is so universal a sentiment
of the Southern heart.— Sac. News.
Dawson, April 6.— Favorable news advanc
ed cotton, and sales were made at 20c but
the evening dispatches coped some buvers
to withdraw, and sale* could not be made at
oxer llle. No material changed in price of
leading articles of provisions, but note Bacon
and Corn as being firm with upward tendency.
Macon, April B’h—Cotton market closed
firm at 21c: Bacon clear Rib sides 17 1 4;
-houldera 111 2 ; Corn 135 to 137.
Locirvillk, April <> — Bacon Shoulders 11-
1-2 ; Clear -ides 16'; Com 172 !0 ‘.14.:.
Nkiv York. April s.—Cotton m irket clog
id verv firm holders asking for middlings 23-
1-4 Gold at 112 18.
Livkkpool, April s.— Co: ton buoyant sale
10,000 bale-' a' 11 1-8 1.
Special JYoliccs.
It is a B'lm for every wound. Our first
physicians use and recommend its use ; the
Apothecary finds it first among the me li
cines call, and for, and the Wholesale Dmitgist
considers it a leading article ill his trade.
All the dealers in mi.iicine speak alike iu its
f,vo r , and bs reputation as
A Ht'dieincof Grcal Tlrlnc,
is fullv ami permanently established. It is
the great K \ cILY MEDICINE ol the age.
TAKEN INTERN ALLY, it ewes D sente
tv, Cholera, Di.trrltEi, Cr.mii and Pain in
Stomach, Bowel Complaint, Painters’ Colic,
Liver Complaint, D«spepsis, or Indigestion,
J Su iden-(7 dds Sore Tliroa*, Coughs, Sir.
TAKEN EXTERNALLY, it cu e* Boils,
Felons, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Scu'ds, old
.S', .res and EDrains, Swelling of the Join's,
Toothache, Pain ill tile F ice, Neuralgia and
Rheumatism, Chapped Hands, Frost-bitten
F. et, Ac.
PALY is supposed to be the lot of us poor
mortals as inevitable as death, and liable Rt
any time to come upon us. Therefore it s
important that remedial agents should be at
h-n itobeus and on emergency, when we are
made to feel the excruciating agony of pain,
or the depressing i> fluences of disease.
Such a remrdi and agent exists in Pkrbt Da
vis’ ‘Tain,’ the fame of which has
extended ovi r ail the earth. Amid the eter
nal ices of ihc polar reg'oos, or beneith the
in'oh rahle and burning suns of the tropics,
iis virtues are known and appreciated. And
b- it suffering huuianitv has lotind relief from
many of its ills. The effect of the Pain Killer
upon the patient, when taken internally in
c i-ee of Cough, Cold, Bowel Complaints,
O’o'ern, Dysentery, and O'hcr ass onions of
the system, has been truly wonderful, and
has won for it a name among medical prepa
rations that cm never be forgotten. Its sue
re s in rem wing pain, as an ex en a! remedy,
in ci’sus ot Burns, Bruises, N’ores and Sprains,
Cu:s, ,Btings of Insects, &c., and otter causes
o: sufferings, has secured lor it the most
prominent posiiion among the medicines of
the day. 'fpßeware ol Counterfeits and
worthless imitations. Call for Perry Davis’
Vegetable Pain Killer, and take no other.
.Sold bv JANES & i LOYLESS, Dawson.
Pi ices, 25c., 50., and $1 per bottle. ma:;3l-4’
What the s>orJors Say.
AMOS WOOLEY, M. D., of Kosciuseo Ccun
tv Indiana, savs: ‘ For three years past I
have used Alien’s Lpno Bairau extensively
in mv practice, and I am satisfied there is no
better medicine for Lung diseases in use.
/SAAC A DORAN, M. D , of Logan coun
ty, Ohio, says : “Allsn’s Lcnr Balsam not
only sells rapidly but gives perfect satisfac
tion, in every case within my krowledge.
Having confidence in it, and that it possesses
valuable medicinal properties, I freetv use it
in my tlnilv practice and with unbounded suc
cess. As an expectorant i> is tnos' certainly
far ahead of any preparation I have ever
N\U’UAXIEL HARRIS, M. D„ ol Middle
burv, Vermont, says : I have no doubt it
w’il soon became a cl tssictl remelial agent
for the cure ot all disea-os of li e Thrca",
Bronchial Tubes aud the Lungs.
Fhtaicians do not recommend a medicine
which has no merits, what they sav about
Ellen's I.itug Batlsiiui
Can be taken as a fact. Let all afflicted test
it at once. Sold by all Medicine Dealers.
SOLD BY JAN Ea k LOYL/i'SS, Dawson.
ni’ch 31, lm.
to to>\si .umi r*.
A Gentleman who suffered for years front
Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all
the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, lor
the sake of suffering humanity, "end free to
all who need it, the receipt and directions for
in iking tlie simple remedy by which he was
, ured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad
vestUer’s experience, can uo so by address
ing in perfect confidence,
i * P JOHN 11. OGDEN,
i nnc3;ly No. 12 Cedar street, N'.Y
‘ Vf; wei n $ 'Eitl'isE.nE.rrs
mscovKßitn at last roa
I iIE celebrated Holton Hill, manufactured
. by I)r, H. C. Bailey* at, Americas, Qeor
£>’*, is undoubtedly the best medicine yet
discovered for the cure of the diff rent forms
of maUrioU! fevers, such as chill and fever,
lev*’r and sßiie, intermittent or hiliioua re
vnttteni fever®, and all forms of disease hav~
,n £f * malarious origin.
S.ihl hrs Janes Loyleu t Dawson , Ga. y and
Dealers Generally.
Vrlce One Dollar.
Jfarch3l,-1 v.
l’rice lteduced 111
(have just received a large stock of tine
L’qnnrs, cousisting of Brandies, Gins,
Rum, Whiskies, Wines, Ala, Lager Beer,
Ac., &c., which I offer by the gallon, quart,
pint, or by the diiuk, at
15cts Per Drink,
m’ch 21, 2m.
The bejit Jopic apd IpYipratof
Tiir.u.tnr. t.rsritn.tsscn
.is ./ cent: ant im*
fkns i. j .urn a c.r
--*: i-: xn.i nsrio.r.
.1 sure nilr: t'l'.ms •/; of
a: f 'idii .t.rn .tut f, tun,.
tons let: *ttTTK.rT .t.rn
s.rrjE tut t n: 9 •*: ns.
They arc Invaluable to Females l
.Ire a Cordial for Ihe . If/rti !
.Inti a Sure nroletiion against
all .Ilalarious miscasts.
They arc umloublctUy the best
.Ilcilicinttl [Cordial ever offered
to the Fublic.
They contain nothing poisonous or injuri
ous to the system, but arc composed ol en
tirely vegetable substances. These Bitters
make th. ir entrv in this country unheralded
by any loi g advertisements, without puff,
and testimonials, now so frequent throuffhont
the oouiitrv. For LIPP.kfAN’S GR/?AT
iGEIi.I/AN BITTEKS stand solely on their
merit-". Their virtues are in the hottle:
In Germany, the home of these Bitters, no
household can be found without them. Fur
over a century, since their first introduction
in that country, no article has been found
to equal them in their quick and speedy
cures ot General I) -b lily, Dispep-ia, Ner
vous Di-easrs, and Liver Complaint, and as a
strengthener and appetizer they are ac
knowledged by tlie most emiueut German
Physicians, to whom ttiese Bitters were first
known, to be the best, purest, and most
wholesome prepara’ion, and the most effect
ual in their cures.
Every (Inc Should Give Them
a Trial.
For tho married as well as the unmarried,
we advise the timely use of a battle. It will
save you days of suffering, cheer your spir
its, and give you health and happioess.
These bitters are new taking the place
of the many American compounds flooding
the market, because they are the genuine old
German medicine, one that has stood the
rest of time, and are destined to become the
far mite Hitters iu America.
Fur the many testimonial.'’ see Lippman’s
Almanac for this year, now in press and 1 soon
to be issued.
For Stile J»y till Dniggitti siiirt
Dealers Everyuliere.
Sole .Manufacturers for the United States,
Savatmaii, Ga.
Mrs. E. A. Thompson,
(rfillijie/y and fapoy (joofy,
fMirso.v, gi.iorgi.i
INVITES the attention of the Ladies of
Terrell and adjoining counties, to her
large aud complete slock of
and many things to suit the taste, and please
the ladies. Site intends selling her goods at
utiusaahv low prices—the ladi. s have but to
call and be convinced of the fact. Dresses
cut and fit with neatness and dispatch. All
work warranted, aud perfect fits
"She can tie found at her old stand, on feouih
side Public Square, Dawson, Georgia.
M’ch 24. 2in.
I 5a.7-*SS>
X wnicu h ae will find it to their
ties wishing to P°rc R MO tTLTFIROP.
interest to address £ u faola, A'*
E w ADyER Tls E a\l ENT S.
w. w. vauntm. g Ag . r . gninpc. r . maa*
Having Bought the entire Stock of
and having made extensive purchases of
in NEW YORK, while Gold was at the lowest point, aro now prepared to show to the
old friends of the house, and all who trade iu Dawson, a stock of merchandise, consisting of
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Pres Goods, Bools and Shoes, for Gents.,
Ladies and Children's wear, Clothing, for Men and Roys,
llats, Cor Men and Children, Yankee
Notions for all.
Our Stock, for Varioty and clieapnoSs, cannot be surpassed in the city. Wo also deal in
anocFiiiES .t.rn family supplies, con.r, lurii
n.tco.r, sc.
Call at S. M. Seisel At Bro’s. old stand. We charge nothing for showing oar good*.
March 24—ts.
A M 1? S3 -B S3 En I® 111
tt gain inform our many friends and customers, that we have on lund, an 1 are re
Cei viug our
Which was purchased in New York aetf New Cfilsans at
and we are now offering to the trade, one of the finest selections of both
that has been offered in this place since 1860. Our stock of
are as good as heart could wish. Our stock of
m eomp'fte. Our I>r,”*«i and Good* cannot bn surpassed by any, and our will suit everv one that are in need nf .nvtl inir in nnr linn. All wn ask is an exami
ination nf nnr stock We "Ml aiv to nil 04,-til BUYERS that our house is the place to buy
m’ch 17, ts.
1870, 187 0
siraasi® attu) ©irarausiß
■ Dior ©DOBS.
©oods, Taney ©oods,
Stnplc (xooth, Boot* &. f^hocs,
Hats, Clothing HardUaro, I roily
Steel, Plantation Supplies,
©rocerics, Bacon, Flour,
AND a g-neral assortment cj mrt'chsnd'.e, Ta offered at adk-h price* s« will astonish ail. Mv
stock for I'.tMttETP, «I.V/ CT\' and f.OW rtIICES h»« Hot been
rcptalled since 1860. The great decline in Gold has caused a decline in all foreign goods
which will astonish the closest buyers. I invife the public from Terrell, Calhotln, Bakct
Randolph, Webster, Stewart and Lee couuties, to call and examine my
jF we fail to sell (• you, the reason will not be on account of PRICE.
march 17, if.
[have just opened anew Blachmiilh Shop, opogite my Warehouse, near Collum s Oil
Stand, and have employed the bevt Smith in the county, ANDERSON JEFFKLS, (col.)
who would be pleased to recejve the patronage of his oH customers, and many uew ones Or.
ers for work lof; at my ollLe will be filled promptly. Will keep constantly ou band, Iron,
tee!, Axes, Hoes, i'c.
Dawaon, Ga., Jan. 13-tX.
THOS. J. HART, Pro.,
or r.t' I’ DESCItMT/O.r.
Pattern* adjusted lo »uit the ntott improved
We keep on hard Northorn and Eastern
work which we will sell at lowest cash prices.
Jan. 20, ly.
r Subscriber offers for sa'n, on mason;
I Ide terms, in the town of Dawson, Ga. •
the House and Lot where K B Losleas lives,
the House aud Lo where J. E. Lovless hvrs ;
tho Hons* and Lot known as the Lundey or
McLein Lot. AUo, about
300 Acres of Land,
and the improvements thereon, consisting of
a good dwelling, and all necessary outbuild
ings. Also,
3 Store Houses,
in the village of Weston, Webster on . Os.
Possession given the first day of January
I will also make liberal advances on cot
ton, in store, or, on the growing crop, for
the right kind of security.
march 24 ts. J, B. CRISf.
lit lit
Spring and Summer Goads
Is now in and consists of goods that will please
the Ladies, the Gentlemen, and the little
children. I make it a point to deal in noth
ing but
First-class Goods,
and sell them as cheap as can be done, by
any one dealing in the same style of goods
Call aud see the
Late Style Dress Goods,
and such other Goods saare needed in the
house, or on Lhe p'antalion.
m’ch 17, if. W. F OR
1870, 1870.
MISS Iff. tt lL 1 1 A M SON'
IS now receiving fhc latest novelties in
Hillijiajy, t)fes (Joofe jrlpM
Yankee Nolions,
Lacesj <&c.
at her Store neaCv opposite the JOURNAL
OFKfCrI, and ofTets them at price* which
dill be found to be lower than such goods
has been sold iu Dawson since 1860.
In returning my thanks to the many
friends who have given me their patronage,
I earnestly ask of them and all others iu w«nt
of goods in my iitte, to call and examine
mv sock. My selections bare been male
wi b a view to meet the wants of the Ladies
of P4w*on and vicinity. C<ll and satisfy
vourselves »» to pi ice, style, &c.
m’ch 17, if.
Hew Da i*
Hilliard Saloon.
South Side Public Square, nexf
dour* to Greer S Sl»umonitl
Our Bar will be supplied with fine liquors,
and wo intend aud will have good or
der- H’. J .in * ‘ ‘ v
legal advehtesments.
—.--.nrr = .
Ur ILL Bfl SOLD before thrCbuiTlfbute
Door, in the town ol Isiv*l>on,-Bald*
county, on the Ist Tueeday id* ifßy" n**V
within the legal hours of sale, tbtf fbHiffiCg
l its of land, to-wit:
JFireh 24,
Numbers 211, 212, 2R7, 246, 206; IfbrtW*
halt 204 and West half 236, in the 14lW'Dis
trict ol Terse l connty. Levied on as two
property of John D. Whaley, to satisfy a’fM
fa issued from Terrell .Superior Court, in fa-'
vor of Thomas M. Jones, Ordinary, for tho
ti e of Daniel 1, Dunbar, and his wife, AF.rga
ret A Dunbar, vs. Sean aJ. Cherry, Princi
pal, and John D. Whaley, James ts. PowWI,.
aud Deter ID. Reddick, Securities.
March 24, 1820.
Also, at tl>e same rime and place, one lot'
of land, number 186, in tho llth Dietriot of
Terrell county. I/eV.ed on as- the property
of James M Dowell, to satisfy afi fa issued
from Terrell Superior Court in favor of
Thomas M. Jones, Ordinary, for the use of
Dani. I I. Dunbar, and his wife. Margaret A.
Dunbar, vs. ,Spans J Cherry, Principal, andT
John D Whaley, James M. Powell, and Pe
ter W. Reddick, Security.
March 24, 1870,
Also, at the same time and place, tb'e land
of Win. H. Styles, Deceased numbers not
known, but known as the Styles fattri, in the
third distriot ot Terrell Cntiilty.- Levied on
as the property of Wm. If Styles deceased,
to satisfy a fi fa issued from’ a Justice Court
in the 822d District,, (T. M., in Bartow coun
tv, in favor of Howard iS’iokely, k Cos , v*.
R U. Styles, Administrator of William H.
Style*, deceased.
April 7 4w. S'. F. LASSITER, Sheriff.
/'"I ALVIN C KERSEY, next friMfl df ihe
V J minor children of Calvin Register, de
ceased, lias spplied for exemption of per
sonalty, and setting apart and valuatidb of
homestead, and I will pass upon the same at
2 o’clock, P.Jf, the I4ih diy of April, instv
at. mv office in Dawson, Ga.
April 7,2 w T. M. JONES, Ord.
n EORGIA, T«*rrs*ll Ceimly t
VI Whereas, Lain, and W. R. Wall ap
plies for letters of dismission on the estate
of Jesse Wall.
These are therefore to oite and admoniah
all persons concerned, to be and appear at my
office within the time prescribed by law, and
show cause, if nnv, why said letters should
not be granted. Given under my hand and*
official signature, this Jan. 31st, 1870.
Feb. 3rd,3m. T. ts. JONEB, Ord*.
CF.ORGIA,TerreII Comity:
(r Whereas, A. .S’user applies for letters of
di#miflMon on the estate of S. B. Smith.
These are therefore to cite and admonish
nil persons concerned to be and appear at my
office within the time prescribed by law, anrt
show cause, if anv, why said letters should
not, be granted. Given under my hand and’
official signature, this January 4th, 1870.
J in.ft 3m. T. M. JONE3, Ord.
strenpt.h to the ajjed and debilitated ; it is
especially desicned for voung men who haVo
wasted their bv e?cesse« of every kind,
and nil persons whose systems enve become
weak by imprudence are completely restored 1
by its u*e. Price One Dollar,
DR CLARK’S PURIFIER cleanses the'
blood from all igvnuntfes, sijch ass
I Syphilis, irfercariai flfheuhVatism, riumors of
everv sort. Bad breath, Offensive Perspirs-'
tion. Foul Feet, Oatarrh, Discharges from th<f
Ear, Sore Eyes, Sore Throat, Filling ot the
Hair, Ulcers, Boils, Pimples, Blotches, anrf
all diseases of the Lungs and Digestive Or
gans. Price One Dollar.
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All of the-c celebrated remedies are pre.
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fice, and will furnish all the necossaiy ac
commodations to patients who place them
selves under his care. All letters addressed 1
Office No. U> AJUTY Street,
N-w York City, (near Broadway.V
m’ch S, ly. *
The South-Western Printing end Publish
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m’eh 241 m Care Box 419, Cincinnati, Ohio.-
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