The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, May 05, 1870, Image 3
BATSON JOUM AL. r LOCAL COLUMN. _ __ = s S£fS^ , '"^ | e; third of May was a gala day m u lvof Dawson. It was, as you 1 Vaet apart for a “picnic” fur tlio A o f tho children of our Sabbatli JJoi-the Methodist and Baptist was sUghtly clouded, but calm and balmy, the birds sang Llvandtho air was nekly laden th the perfume of sweet flowers, re- Idingtho thoughtful of the odors hat float over Eden’s bright bowers. U about A. M., the smiling chil in connection with teachers and parents, assembled at the M. E Church, and after singing several sweet mn n as only children can sing, and JL by tho Pastor of the Church, a procession was formed, and with hounding hearts and free, ami counte nances radiant with hope, tho little ones moved gracefully, and in order, to grove, where they were to enjoy a rich repast. In this connection, al loc mo to say that tho thanks of tho citizens, both of city and surrounding country, are duo to the kind friends, w ho contributed so liberally, both of means and previsions, as well as those who superintended tho cooking and tables, on that occasion. As the pro cession reached the grove, and during the time the dinner was preparing, the “Dawson Brass Band, which is composed of our most useful and clev er citizens, “discoursed sweet music,” such as is rarely hoard on such occa. sions ; and too much praise cannot be accorded to tho gentlemanly instructor for his skill in teaching, and Iris pu pils, for the interest they take, and tho facility with which they are learning the “concord of sweet sounds. The members of this “Band” have music in their souls, and they sent it from their fine instruments thrilling into the souls of those that heard. The children, little and big, enjoyed themselves “hugely,” not only by par taking largely of the meats and “good ies," but in “jumping tho vino,” playing “Fox and grapes,” and other out-door plays. Dinner being over, the old folks were at homo under tho shade of tho trees, conversing of other and brighter days, and no doubt, many ot them, in memory, lived over in a brief hour, the days of their childhood, when like tho bounding doer of our loved forrests. they were free from care.— Tho young ladies and gentlemen, of whom wo can boast many, were pair ed off two and two, conversing of love and if too timid for that, their eager and sparkling eyes told but too plain ly tint their hearts were full of that which blends hearts in ono, as the Ivy uUsntled with tho Oak under tho genial ravs of the sun. Tlicrc was a slight calm, wlieu the Rev. Mr. L. was called on for a speech, but he politely excused himself, being just at that time compelled to loavo the ground. The writer was then cal led fur and responded in a speech the merits of which I shall say but little— only that 1 have heard him make worse and have heard him make bet ter. Tho people, however, seemed pleased, and that wasenough for him ) as ho is always happy when he can pleisu others. ' 'apt. Weston was next called for, sud in his usual style spoke words of good cheer to tho children, assuring tbvm of his deep interest and onduring friendship. Ilis appeal to parents and impressive, and they no doubt felt that they had boon guilty wrong in not coining up more promptly and manfully to his support m djuilding up and sustaining our Sabbath Schools. Mr. Atkinson, a member of tho band, Was called for next, who responded saying ho ‘‘had bloiced enough for ono day.” tho whole, everything was dono decently, and in order, aud love and B°od fooling soemed to reign. dho day will be an oasis in the waste °d life to all who were present, "kick they will look back, aud long °r the re-enactment of the samo scones. And now, let me oxpross the wish present on that occasion, may 111 life be blessed and pardoned of God, a nd enjoy after death, the bright, cloud *68 ’ eten ial May day above, where Mnless flowers bloom, but not to wither and die. J. M. M. f-OXFEDEKATE Dead. Wo suggest at Ladies of our city, meet at 1 ® Cemetery on Monday the 9th inst. ° clock P. M., and decorate the graves of those who fought f or tho los t cause. ‘ h « K Wrfi°;7 C e h of.H! dicin V o ra s id ,' J gai ' inf? one teatim*. •*, . • People, and the nunicr titionergof lt * virtues, given by prac it ia a s ,f„ n \ ed,o . in '‘, haves no doubt that w nu mo* rp, ' H^,e -eroedv for impurity The K’ }. ,v « 4c. 'kin from t> Journal contains an ar <*r"‘onhor'o,MlVs - Ntw,on - M '»■. frosi dirk, that.* College, city of New propeun* - i ?‘‘ t<,rm, of its cura menfJat.ion „r if ' , K ,ves a special reeom- Bl «dicine 'lv • 00 10 the practitioners of *h er . '* !*• we believe, the first in rndora..s a “ ed,olne » h »»e been offl- Hwlieal colV d lba faculty of any of the "Pr-P the *? and reflecw great credit V. *** "l«n nut. «ir L *r r *H Ce ’ il ® C'JU'PoumJ , TCo " k " 0 'll the TAM of all y •vurnal, Dee. Fikk,—On Monday night last the kitchen of E. W. Davis caught on fire, and but for the manly voice of his neighbor, crying fire, fire, water, wa ter, help, help, Would have been burn ed. On the same night, the kitchen of J. F. Nelson, caught on fire, and burn ed most of the uiglit, but was extin guished next morning, with but little damage. I Bremerman’s Improved Wagons, (an im provement on the Studeibaker wagon, a t FULTON’S. Over 100,000 bottles of Dr. Tint’s Sarsapa- I rilla and Queen's Delight was sold last vear. April 21, 1 in. [ The United Stales Hotel, Loui-ville, Kv., is only three blocks fioin a Unitarian church! I ' Orvv Hairs, B* Conic ! TUTT’S HI PROV ED L/QUIDV/AIR DYE is a perfect won der. Br its use the old becomes vaung again. It converts thegre? head into a beau tiful black or brown. It imparts a natural color to the grizly mustache and whiskers, and gives to the hair and beard a softness and gloss, that the young beaux might envy. Bacon, —ILra). Sides and Shoulders at FULTON’S j naif Dozen Bottles of Sirsapirilk and Queen’a Delight will prevent sickness during summer. The celebrated “Dixie Plow," at FULTON’S. Dr. Tutt’s Sarsaparilla ar.d Q teen’s Delight cleats the skin and impirts a beautiful com plexion. The United States H> tel, Loui-ville, Kv., is only three blocks bom a d/ethodist church. Asa Spring medicine, Dr. Tutt’s Sarsapa rilla and Qieen’s Delight has no equal. Siiallkxiiergee Pills.—Buy one box and try them. We consider them second to no remedy offered, and our opinion is made from haring used them. Woodruff and Brattlebero Buggies, at FULTON’S. I hive just received from New York one of the ltrgest stocks of the latest novelties in Millinery (roods ever brought to Dawson, and offor them at price.- lower than ever. I iniite my old customers aud irit and Is to give me a call and examine my patterns and latest fashions. Store on Depot street, opposite the Journal Office. M. WILLIAMSON. Odr readers will find something to repay them tor their trouble bv. reading the adver 'isement in another column, headed LIPP VIA NX'S (IKS AT GERMAN HITTERS. The proprie’ors have, at att enormous ou lav, been enabled to obtain the recipe aud right ’o ratnufacture these great Bitters in the United H’ates, and are the only ones who can or are aiitho'ixed to make them. They are for Sale by our Druggis's and Dealers generally. Jacob Lippman & B 0., .S’ vmn.h, fit , 6'ale Proprietors for the United St it s. ROYAL BAKING-POWDER-, that rel quires no milk, soda, and very li'tle Ltrd, a ’ FULTON’S The citizens of Dooley avo fully alive to the importance of constructing a road from some point on the Macon and Brunswick Rond ria Hawkinsville, Vienna, Drayton, and Americus, to Columbus. A meeting is to bo held in Hawkinsville on the IDth instant. Where there’s a will there’s a way, particularly when the will belongs to a woman that weighs two hundred and fifty pounds. OBiTIABY. GULI/’TT.—Died, of a gun-shot wound, (accidental ) in Chiokisawhatchie, Terrel! co , Gw, John Simms Gullett, aged 12 years and it days. Our little band in broken. And thou, my loved, art crone, To h land of fudoleMß boauty (tone, never to return. And we miss thee, oh, we ini«s thee ! sit morn, at noon, at eve ; Thv joyous smile and welcome kiss, Sve’ll never more receive. But, oh l dear little darlingr! If from that world of bliss, (jod sends bis pitying angels, To clicer the hearts of this — Conic to us, little spirit, As sadly here we roam. To cheer our over-burdened hearts, Till God shall call us home. Till tli-n, farewell my darling ; Tnc last ictef earthly love I have given, and resign tlicc To better hands above 1 must calmly wait the hour That acta my apirtt free ; Then quickly will it take it s flight, To meet in Heaven with thee. Mother. James David Buff, eldest son of James H. and S. N. Buff was born 28th July, 1853, and diod April 4th, 187°. ‘ ' , , , Dedicated to God by holy baptism in infancy and trained to love the Lord and all the ordinances of the church ; he had just began to taste of the pure and deep fountain of real life, butter ing long affliction, ho was frequently approached as to his future welfare, and even gave satisfactory answers to the questions propounded. His grand father, llev. James Dunwody, on tak ing leave of him, on the third day be fore his death, said, “James, do you pray and love the Lord ?” Ho readi ly answered, “Yes sir, and when 1 cannot kneel down to pray, 1 pray, as 1 lie here on my bed.” A fond moth er mourns over her beloved son w ii tho glorious hope of again mooting him where parting is no more. S. N Di nwodv. MA BKETS. Daws’N. May 6,— Cotton In goo,l demand at 1 u lor middlings; B-con sides 19 j ; hhou dera 17c ; H .ms 22* I F our 8 in sll per bat rel : Corn 1 80 , Mac N, M,> B—Cotton in good demand at 20 to 20 1 4 lor middlings ; Bacon clear aid.-s 19c ; Shoulders 16* ; Corn 1.60. Loltisvili.e, May B.—Corn 1.12; B.con Shoulders 13c ; clear rib sides 17 1-4 ; Lard 1 * New York, May 3.—Cotton dull and weak at 23c; Gold 1.15. . , Literpool, May 3.— Cotton dull at 10* and. Special Notices* /tsTTn/ WANTED an active man, in ev ffljlMJv/ ery County in the State*, to travel and take orders by sample, for TEA, COF FKA aud Spices. To suitable men we will give a salary of S9OO to SI,OOO a year, above traveling aud other expenses, and a reasona ble commission on sales. Immed,ate applications are solicited from proper parties. References exchanged. Ap ply to, or address immediately. 91 J. PACKJFR A CO , “Ontlnsntal Mills." , April 28, im. 384 Bowery, New York. ERRORS Or YOUTH A Gentleman who suffered for vesrs froni * W ' 1 " .n™ rh! ,° f 7° utbl “l indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humenitv, send free to miki. » ?h* and • lt ’ V" receipt tßd dir#cti °“s for , Ured 8 L V" mple ' emed * b r which he wag ured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad in ' t !'* r ’ el P«rience, can do so by address ,nsi *n perfect confidence, JOHN B OGDEN, unp 3;ly No. 42 Cedar street, N.Y The Rlost Popular Medicine Extant. THE PAIN KILLER la equally applicaolc aud efficacious to young I or old. * The pain a/ller Is both an internal and external remedy. THE l'A/N K/I.LEK should be used at the first manifestation of cold or cough. THE Pdl\ KILLER is the great Family Medicine of the age. The pain killer will cure Painters’ Colic. THE PAIN XTLLEK I is good for Scalds and Burns. The pain ailler Has the verdict of the people in Its favor. THEPAIA X/LKR gives universal satisfactiou. ' r pilE PA IN KILLER X Is an almost certain cure for CHOLA’R-1 and has, without doubt, been more successful in curing this terrible disease than any other known remedy, or even the most eminent or j skillful Physicians. In India, Africa, and Chins, where this dreadful disease is ever more or less prevalent, the Pain Killer is considered, by the natives as well as Euro pean residents in these climates, A SURE RE.VEDY. r pUE PAIN KlDLDß—each Bottle 1 is wrapped with full directions for use. PAIN KILLER is sold bv all J. Druggists and Dealers in .family Medi cines. Sold by Janes & Loyless, May 2, ltn. Dawson, Ga. Dr. A L. SOOVILL is the inventor of sev eral medical preparations which have become very popular, and have been liberally used, vlrnong his inventions are “nail’s Balsam for the Langs” and “Liverwort and Tar.” For the past six years a better Lung remedy lias been offered to the public. Road the fo’low ing letter from Dr. Scovill referring to it: Messrs. J. N. II ARRIS & CO., Gents :—I make the following statement from a perfect Convic tion and knowledge ot the benefits of Al leil’s I.itiig L»;«lv.iisi in curing the most deep-seated Pulmonary Consumption! I have witnessed its effects on the young and the old, and I c<n truly say it is by far the best expectorant remedy with which I am ac quainted. For Coughs, and all the early stages of Lung complaints, I believe it to be aceitain cure, and if every family would keep it by them, ready to administer upon the first appearance of disease about the Lungs, there would be very few oases of fatal con sumption* It causes the pnlegm aud matter to raise, without irritating those delicate or gans (the Lungs,) and without producing con -tipation of the bowels. It also gives s rength to the system, stops the nightsweats, and changes all the morbid secretions to a healthy stale. Yours respectfully, A. L. SCOVILL. Sold by all Medicine Dealers, and by Janes & Loylus-, May 5, lm, Dawson, Gs. The 8 h Wonder of the World has been fouod in Georgia. The discoverer is a phy sician of long experience, extensive observa tion and profound judgment, and his discov ery has proven aueh a blessing to women, that, it is already known throughout the country as “Woman’s Best Friend.” With remarkable quickness and certainty it cures all cases of suppressed menstruation, acute or chronic, and restores health in every instance. Dr. J. Bradfield's Female Rgnlator supplies a remedy long needed in the treatment ol diseaser peculiar to women. This the Medic al Faculty knows and admits, while many of our best physicians arc using it in daily prac tice. The medicine is prepared, with great care, by L. H. Bradfield, Druggist. Atlanta, Ga./and sold at |1.60 per bottle by respect able Druggists everywhere* ,vs; tt' sin per r/sF.wfvrrs Fever and Ague antidote Always Stop* tile CJillls. This Medicine has been before the Pub lic fifteen years, and is still ahead of all other known remedies. It docs not purge, does not sicken the stomach, is perfectly safe in any doso and under all circum stance-, and is tho oulv Medicine that will CURE IM MEDIATELY and permanently every form of lever and Ague, because it is a perfect Anti dote to Malaria. Bold by all Druggists. Dll. J.Bit .IDF I ELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR: “WOMAN’S BEST FRIEND,” Will bring ou tho Menses when they have not bebn established, also when they have ii. cn -oppressed from unnatural causes. Will cure Rheumatism and Neuralgia of the back and womb. Whllcnre Painful Menstruation, and relieve the head, back and loin I of these distressing pains and aches. Will check men* errhagia or "excessive flow.” Will cure "Whites” and falling of the womb, when it is me result of relaxation or bad healto. It is as sure a cure in all the above diseases as Quinine is in Chills and lever. ladle» can cue thenuelves Ol all the above diseases wilhvd revealing tbeir complaints to any person, »hicb, is _ always mortify ing to their pride aud modesty- It is recommended and used by lbs best physicians in tbeir private practice- For a history of the above diseases, certifi cates of its wondeiful cures and directions, the reader is referred to the wrapper around the bottle. Manufactured tod sold by BRdDFJELD & CO., Atlanta, Ga. Sold by Janes A Loyless Dawson Ga. Piice $1.50. ‘ We, the undersigned Druggists, take pleas ure in commending to ihe OK. J. BRADFIELD’B FEMALE REGULATOR— believing it to be a good and reliable remedy for the diseases for which he reoommeiids it. W A Lansdell, Atlanta, Ga. Pemberton, Willson, Taylor 4 Cos., Atlanta, Ga. Redwine A Fox, Atlanta, Ga. W. 0. Lawshe, Atlanta. Ga. W. Root A Soo,’Marietta, Ga. may Sly. NE W ADYERTISEaMENTS, aSSF- be&l wm PRICESI a * a ' n our miDj friends and customer*, that wo hare oa bind, and are re ceiving our 9 SPRING STOCK OF GOODS, Which was purchased in New York and New Ot leans at PAITIG PRICES, and we are now offering to the trade, one of the finest selections of both DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES that has been offered in this place sines 1860. Our stock of BOOTS SHOES, AHO HATS are as good as heart could wish. Our stock of PRINTS AND DOMESTICS is complete. Our Dress and While Good* cannot be surpassed bv any, and our prices will suit every one that are In need of anything in our line. All we ask is an oxami- Sr«o»K?ii!' grocer ■co’ B0I “ S •“ b “" ““> “*r „. ch 17 „ McKENNY * CROUCH. “SHOO PLY —DOS T BOBBER MR!’’ w. w. KABNCM. JAS. r. SHARPE. g MAAg FARNUM, SHARPE & CO. Having Baught the entire Stock of S. M- SEISEL & CO„ and having made extensive purchases of SPRING ANDSUMMER GOODS in NEW YORK, while Gobi was at the lowest point, are now prepared to show to the old fiiends of tile house, and all who trade in Dawson, a stock of merchandise, consisting o Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Boots hod Shoes, for Gents., Ladies aud (liildren’s wear, nothing, for Men and Boys, Hats, for Men aud Children, Yankee Notions for ail, Our S:ock, for variety and cheapness, cannot be surpassed in the city. We also dual in GROCERIES sIsYD EsIJMIEI' SUPPLIES, CO/U’, Lstill) H.IL O.V, KV. Call at S. M. Seisel A Bro’s. old stand. Wo charge nothing for showing eur goods. March 24-ii. 1870, I^7o shprulkb a™ OTinmnsiß Ilf GOODS!, S>rcss Goods, Fancy Goods, Staple Goods, Boots & Shoes, Ifiats, Clothing Hardware, Iron, Steel, Plantation Supplies, Groceries, Bacon, Flour, AND a general assortment of merchandise, is off, red at. such prices as will astonish all. My stock for WvtRIETS', MlE*d f'l’f’" and t. 0 18' PRICES has not been equalled since 1860. The great decline in Gold bus caused a decline in all foreign good? which will aaienish the closest buvers. I invite the public from Terrell, Calhoun, Baket Randolph, Webster, Stewart and Lee oounties, to call and examine my EXTENSIVE STOCK OF 600DS. jF we fail to sell t# you, tb« reason will not be on account of PRICE. J. W. ROBERTS. march 17, If. IMEIIIIII SEir! I have iustopened anew Blacbimith Shop, oposite my Warehouse, near Collum’e Old Stand, and have employed the best Smith iu the couuty, ANDERSON JEKFRES, (col.) who would be pleased to receive the patronage of bis old eus’oniers,. jd many uew ones. Or ere for work left at oiy ot&oe Will be tilled promptly. Will keep oonauutly ou baud, Iron, tee!, Alee, Moce, Ac. .TOHN A TF'U .LTO-N". ‘ Duwtuu, G».j Jwi- O IV CARRIAGE FACTORY *:»»?4’ r. -V l" THOS. J. HART, Pro., AND MANUFACTURER OF CARRIAGES & BUGGIES OF ET'ER'r n ESC It MTIO.Y. Patterns adjusted to salt the most improved • " • Sti/ios. ... We keep pu hand Northern and .Eastern, wmk which w« will sell at lowest cash prices. Jan. 20, ly. BARGAINS!! BARGAINS !!! READ ESTATE FOR SALE I I'' LIE Subscriber offers for sale, on reason! . ble terms, in the town of Dawson, Ga. * the House and Lot where E. B. Loyless lives > the House and Lo where J. E. Lovless lives ! the House and Lot known as the Lundey or MuLein Lot. Also, about 300 Acres of Land, and the improvements thereon, consisting of a good dwelling, aud all necessary outbuild ings. Also, 3 Store Houses, in the village of Weston, Webster co . Ga. Possession given tba first day of January next. march 24, ts. J. B. CRI M. ra m SPRIG TRADE ! MY STOCK OF Spring and Summer Goods Is now in and consists of goods that will please the Ladles, the Gentlemen, and the little children. I make it a point to deal iu noth ing but first-class Goods, and sell an cheap as can be done, by >*ny one dealing in the same style of goods. Call and see the Late Style Dress Goods, ALSO MV STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES, HATS and such other Goods *s are needed in the house, or on the p'antation. mob 17,if. w. F ORR 1870. 1870. SPRING TRADE. MISS M. WILLI AMS 0 N IS now receiving the latest novelties in |*lilli|iary, bress Qoods, TFlinrt Yankee Notionw, Laces, &c. at her Store oearlv opposite the JOURNAL OFF ICE, and offers them at prices which will be found to be lower than such goods ba.« been sold in Dawson since 1860. In returning my tbanks to the many friends who have given me their patronage, I earuesiiy ask of them and all others in w.nt of goods in my iine, to call and examine my Stock. My selections have been made wi h a view to meet the warns of the Ladies jof Dawson and vicinity. Call and satisfy | yourselves as to price, stylo, 4c. j m’ch 17, ts. if®w Bat AND I3illia.rtl Saloon. South Side Public Square, »i«f .. door to Greer JT Slmmton*. Oui Sir will be supplied with fine liquors, we intent! »nd will have good or dcr. wr. j: *si»*t*fii s co. n-’cLS-iF. - GtlOßUli, Terrell -County t Whereas, Cein, end W.-fi. Wall ap plies for letters of dismission on the estate of Jesee Walk \ These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appaar at my oflfiae within the time prescribed by law, and shew cause, If any, why said latter* should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this Jan. SIM, 1870. Feb. Brd,Jm. T. if. JONEd, Ord. LONDON REMEDIES. “FOR SPECIAL COMPLAINTS.” DR. CLARKS IXVIGORATOR glee* strength to the aged and debilitated :It 1* especially designed for young men who have wasted their vigor by excesses of every kind, and all persons whose systems eave become weak by imprudence are completely restored by Rs use. Price One Dollat. DR CZaRK'S PURIFIER cleanses the blood from all impurities, such as Scrofula, Syphilis, Mercurial Rheumatilm, Humors of every sort. Bad breath, Offensiva Perspira tion, Foul Feet, Catarrh, Discharges from tho Ear, Sora Eyes, Sora Throat, Falling ot the Hair, Ulcers, Boils, Pimples, Blotches, end all diseases of the Langs and Digestive Or gans. Price Ooe Dollar. DR CL ARK’S PANA CEA, relieves pain ot every description ; Headache, Too'hache, Stomachache, Backache, Pain ia the Breast tnd Limb*. It is an Invaluable remedy In all nervous disorders, and no fam ily should be without it. Price One Dollar. DR CLARK’S ELIXIR iafs certain cure for a weakness of tho Genito-Urinary Organs, and discharges of a mucco-purulent nature, Lenooorhsa, Goaorrhea, Spermatorrhea, aud Seminal Weeknes*, are npeedily cored bylta use. Price One Dollar. Dr. CLARK’S Regulator, for r ema!ee only, guaranteed to-correct-all apecial irregulari ties and difficulties of Single Ladies. Mar ried Ladies are cautioned not to use it when in a certain condition, aa-Rs effect* would he too powerful. Price One Dpllar. All ol these celebrated remedies are pre pared from Fluid Extracts under Dr. Clark’s immediate supervision, and are warranted fresh and pure. All afflicted, persons should send a carefully written atatemant of their ailments to Dr. Clark, and <he proper remedy will bo sent promptly to their address. Dr, Clark can be consulted personally at his of fice, and will furnish all the necessajy ac commodations to patients who plica them selves under his care. All letters addressed DR. CLARK. Office No. 10 AMITY Street, New York City, (noar Broadway.) m’ch », ly. Mrs. E‘ A. Thompson, MILLINER AND FASHIONABLE DRESS-MAKER* AND DEALER IN |Hi!!ijiefy apd fancy Qoods, DsW'S OsY, GEORGIA IN VITEK the attention of tbo Ladies es Terrell and adjoining counties, to bar ,urge usd complete stock of LADIES’ MISSES and CIIIL DREN’S H ATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS, GLOVES, HOSE, HOOP-SKIRTS, EMBROIDERY, DRESS TRIMMINGS, and many things to suit the taste, and please the ladies. She intends selling her goods at unusually low prices—the ladit-s have but to call and be convinced of the fact. Dresses cut and fit with neatness and dispatch. All work warranted, and perfect fits guaranteed. She can be found at her old staod, on South side Public Square, Dawson, Georgia. M’ch 24, 2ui. BRICK FOR SALE I I have on hand a large lot of BRICK which I will sell at a reduced price; Par ties wishing to purchase will find it to their interest to address R. MOULTHROP. Eufaula, Ala. JOY TO THE WOR D I AN ANTIDOTE M3COVIKCD ST LAST FOE CHILLS AND FEVER. THE celebrated Holton Pill, manufactured by Dr, H. C. Bailey, at -Americus, Geor gia, is uudoubtedly the best medicine yet discovered for the cure of the different forms of malarious fevers, such as chill and fever, fever and ague, intermittent or biliious re mittent fevers, and all forms of disease hav ing a malarious origin. Sold Ajt Janes <b Loyless, Dawson, G*., and Dealers Generally. Price One Dollar. J/..rch81,-ly. Sale and Feed Stable. W k expect to keep on hand, alt tba season first class Horses and Mule* for sale. Iu our purchases we look to what is needed in this section, and trust to merit* liberal patronage from those who may need stock. Gall on us before purchasing. ocJltf FARNUM & SHARPE. Ice Cream, Ice Cream, Hater, Hater! «T. SOLOMON fltakes pleasure in announcing to the oiti- I Zens Os Dawson and surrounding coun try, that in addition to his Bakery & Confectionery, be baa erected a &QD& FOtTOT, perfected arrangements whereby he will al ways have ICE on hand, and those who like a delicious, oooling,iooooent draught, o*n always be accommoda p ed at bis Raloon. He is also prepared to furnish ICE CREAM, LEMONADE, DOMERSIC YTINE i, &0., in any quantity, for any purpose. Ltdias especially, aro assured that the most perteot order will always be maintained, and all that can be will be done to make the Saloon * worthy place of resort. Give me a oaR, I Don’t forget the plaoo. Depot stacot, text door to J. IV. Kobe ret. , J. L SOLOMONS. f Apr:: 28, t.