Newspaper Page Text
AND Crops. /Lhilo we
•te, ft delightful rain is falling and
. ’ h a manner, we think as
Ido a vast deal of good. All.crops
have suffered greatly for want of rain,
and some of the most forward cotton
has died until there is hardly a good
taadof it in many places. The old
est citizens do not remember ever seo
ine so backward a Spring, and wo have
heard of fields of cotton being planted
in Webster county tins week. Early
garden vegetables liavo been almost
an entire failure.
The United States Hotel, Louisvillo,
v, is only two blocks from the Cm
cinnati Mail Uno U harf-boat.
JcdokL. Be van has been appointed
Marshall for the taking of the
census of Terrell county.
New Saloon.—-I have opened a neat
Saloon next door to Hotel, where can
be found Ice Cream, Soda R ater, leo
Lemonade and Confectioneries. The
Ladies and Gentlemen, both resident
and visitors, are invited to give me a
ta U P. L. Bunch.
The United States Hotel, Louisville,
Kv is only two blocks from the
Street Cars that ruu by the Nashville
Railroad Depot.
Oc«rcad>*rs will tinu something to repay
ihem let their trouble by reading ihe adv»-r
lijfm'iit 'll mother column, headed LIPP
p-opiie»r9 have, at an enormous outlay,
Un enabled to obtain the recipe and right
to mnufaonire these great Bit'ers in the
Ccitrilliiates, and are the only ones who cm
orareauthoiited to mjke them.
1 hey ire for sile bv our Druggists and j
Daters generally, Jacob Lippnrtn k Bio., i
i'mnnah, Ga., Nole Proprietors lor the \
Tailed, s.
Pcmonal. —We had tho pleasure of
a call from Col. Chas. W. Hancock,
Editor and Proprietor of that old re
liable paper The Sumter Kcpublican.
Charlie is looking remarkably well,
for an old man, not a gray hair to be
seen (except vvheie the Barber failed
to do his duty). His numerous friends
will be glad to know that he looks as well
as when he helped to make Terrell
county and to lay off Dawson.
I Have a Tlrkiiu.e Cough.— You
nedft not have it long go to your
Druggist and get a bottio of DU.
RANT, it will soon cure you. It is
Mngorous to neglect Coughs This
valuable preparation may be..foun 1 in
every riling.- and hamlet in tho South
and West.
Wo refer our readers to tho adver
tisement of Mr. J. J. Kelly, Cabinet
maker. This is something Dawson
has long needed, aud now that such a
shop has been opened we hope the
Proprietor may be liberally patronized.
Ililf i) *x -M B,t l « of Sirsaparilla and
I'**"’* b.ligla will pic vein, sickuess liu.i.ig
The celebrated * Dixie Plow,” at
Salmon’s Celebrated Paragon Soap
for sale by J. E. Loyless. This Soap
removes Axle grease or anything olso.
Dill Week.—We «ee but few visi
ters in town this week, excepting those
'rho have cases in Court. We sup
pJse at this season of tho year our
planters are too busy to leave home
imply to attend Court. It is a good
b ,n. and we hope to hear of such a
dt nioraLzation among General Green’s
Lees by their close application to
’“siness, as will completely discomfit
ms summer campaign.
rilhL’a? 0 ", h ?'"" of Dr - SarMT..-
aoli last year.
Improved Wagone, (an im
on the wH«*on, at
On Smith Shop.— C. C. Truss still
cEr Guns ’ pistuis and Sewin s Ma -
j. 1 URE —The skin of some
-utiful animal can be seen at 11. R.
eITT St ° ro an * ma * was kill
-1 exas, skin dressed and sent to
K. Dail.
call ''° U M I’ our gmn stocked if so
n __ C. C. Truss.
4COi, i—Hamg. Sides sod Shoulder* »t j
Hlu',‘d o!,? m ’ I'''""'' E> r - Tntt’- Sirsapl
- has no equal.
00,J| cff»nd BratiUbbro Buggies, at
I!® u’** 1 rrom N ' e<r Y,>,,! onß '
01k . 9 . of . lh - U "'»' put -liies in '■
• n d offo r ihfi,! * * V^ r brought to Dawson,
"""'nnolH M P r,c <*» lower than ever. I
CU ' to "' er " Anrt ,rien( l'’ <0 Rive |
o' 1 *" 11 "* toy patterns and latest !
l “ c Jooasii tut- on street, opposite
o,ru;e M. WILLIAMSON, j
tlle t 0 filld 0n our tal,le
a caniTiilnt- vteftator Receipt Rook,'"
Which u 10a about 400 Recipes,
hit few v , 6 . u published within tho
cultural v* 1 ?. 1 , 11 t ' lat sterling Agri
£*&***, the Southern Culti
pamphlet f ar ° now republished in
tad every ° nn ’, we advise each
“cure aconv ° * ° Ur man - v readers, to
■uake a y / at .°uce. You cannot
Same aniou t "f investment with the
‘'ciiio dq ] nt , money, and the price
within the" ’ , cents,) places it
CSf aIL Address G.
u ltirator “Southern
> -tthens, Ga.
The Concert lust night was a success, ami too
iiWKih credit cannot be awarded the Amatcura for
the aplrndld manner In Which each one acquit
ted themselves. To personate would require
more time aud apace than We hare affloMetf us f or
fliiwlwauc, aud We merely nay, first iu behalf of
the ladies who took part iu the exercises that, as
an appreciation of their efforts, the entire aiidi
enoc expressed s desire to hear them on other oc
casions. me object of the Concert, we learn,
was to raise money, for the purpose of securing
tliv services of /’ruf. Eckhardt for another mouth
aud had that fact been generally known, and tile
weather more favorable, we arc confident the
Hall would have beun crowded. Knowing how
rapidly the Hand is improving under the tutorage
of J'rof. IC. we hope they may hcuWe to employ
him for at least one mouth more, and therefore
suggest the propriety of another Concert, giving
sufficient notice for the public to acquaint them
selves of the the object and time.
Superior Court. —The spring term
of the Superior Court of Terrell coun
ty convened last Monday, his honor
Judge D B. Harrell presiding.
Tho cases are called in their order
as per calendar, and tried unless good
reasons are given for continuance.—
The system of arranging cases in or- 1
der, as adopted by J udere Harrell, we
think a good one, saving much time J
to all parties interested, and quite con
venient for the Attorneys.
I Besides the home bar, we notice in
attendance Sam’l. D. Irvin, of Macon,
, Col. Hawkins, of Americus, Messrs.
I Vasin, /f right, Moigan and Hobbs of
; Albany, \\ est, of Stark ville, Warwick,
; of Smithville, Messrs.* Hood, Fielder
, Douglas and Clarke of Cuthbert.—
! Beck, of Morgan, and Maj. Gonoke,
of Georgetown.
There are one hundred and thirty
eight cases on the civil docket and
forty have boon disposed of up
Ito this writing. The Court will prob
| ably hold over a part of the next
! week.
Ko. KOo. —This medicine is sapidlv gui-ing
, the confidence o( Ihe people, and ihe numer testimonials ol its virtues, given by nrac
'itioners of medicine, 1 aves no doubt that
it is a safe and reliable .emedv (or IMPURITY
The last Medical Journal contains an ar.l
tide from P of. K. 3. Ntwion, M. D., Presi- ,
dent of ihe E Medical College, city of New
York, that speaks in high terms of i,s cura- :
live properties, .-,nd gives a special reeom
mendaiion of Ko-koo io the practitioners of
medicine, I his is, we believe, the first in
stance where such medicines have been offi
cially endorsed by the Faculty of any of the
medical colleges, and reflects great
upon 'he skill of Dr. Lawrence, its compound- j
or and also puts “Koskno” in the van of all i
Xor/olk Daily Journal, Dec.
Fire is Cuthbert.—Four business
houses were burned in Cuthbert, on
the morning of the 2*l th, loss about
$50,000. Mr. Heildbern, Owen &
Scaly, and Duke & Flint, are the suf
ferers. It is supposed to be the work
of an inceudiry.
Dr. Tutt's Sarsaparilla ar.d Queen’s Delight;
dears the ekiu aud impirts a beautiful coni'
plexio ?
quires no milk, soda, and very little Lirrf, »
Kimball’s New Hotel. —Tho Atlan
ta Constitution says in a few days the (
work of excavation for Kimball’s new
hotel will bo finished. The Avails are j
being laid with rapidity, and soon the j
structure will begin to show its mag
nificent proportions. It will be a co
lossal edifice, and be a standing mon
ument of Kimball’s enterprise. The
Atlanta Period says that it is estimat
ed that 4,000,000 bncks will be re
quired in its construction, 10,000 floor
joists, and 400 window frames. The
main front will be on Pryor Street.
210 feet—oil Decatur Street and the
Railroad 163 feet front.
The first story will contain sixteen
stores, with iron fronts, four fronting
on the railroad, eight on Pryor, and
four on Decatur Street. The main
entrance on Tryor Streot will be 50
feet \\ ide, and afford entrance for tho
ladies, main staircase to the parlors,
etc. On the second story will be
found tho parlors, dining, breakfast
and family rooms. Tho (hird, fourth
and fifth stories will be devoted to
sleeping rooms—some 250 in number.
In the basement will be a billiard
hall, 50 by 130 feet, provision, fuel,,
boiler ami bath rooms, water closets,
etc. Tho entire building will bo heat
ed by steam, thoroughly ventilated,
and supplied with every convenience.
Bx-Pkksi»ent Johxsox and Family
—A Republican. paper at Knoxville
Tens., re fearing to ox-Fresident John
son, says;
“The ex-President spends most of
his time in study. He writes a great
doal, and it is generally supposed that
he contemplates soon publishing a
boot which shajl boa defence ot ‘my
policy’ and his administration. He
has some visitors from a distance, and
during court sessions his house is dai
ly filled from early morning till night
1 by his friends from the country, who
1 think him the greatest man of the
! “ri rs. Stover, who made many
! friends during her residence at the
| White House in Washington, married
a worthy merchant of Greenville some
| months ago. She is now plain Mrs.
Brown* wife of the village merchant,
| but carries to her now quiet home all
! the modesty and dignity that graced
i the Executive Mansion Mrs. Patter
! son, whose presence added to the at
! tractions of tho Presidential Mansion,
| is with her husband on tho farm at
Rome Station.”
President of Senate’s Room, 'i
Capitol Building, >
May 18, 1870. >
! The Committee appointed to inves
tiVatothe charges against Governor
Bullock and Treasurer Angler met at
ten o’clock to-day.
Proseut—John Harris, A. D. Tsun
nally, J- C. Fain, Marion Bethune,
\V. P, Price. After perfecting organ
iration, the Ommitteo adjourned un
til to-morrow at ten o’clock a m.
on the
IS hot ihis month, at the residence of the
bride a mother, by Rev. J, A. Minims, Mr.
I t J. Athridge, and Miss 8. A- Bunch, all
of Teireil county.
Dawson, May 26.—Unfavorable
news from the Eastern markets has
caused a decline in cotton and 19]c is
the highest figures offered, Bacon
sales 19J to 20; Shoulders 17c ; Lard
23c ; Com 1.75; Flour 8 to 810 per
. iM acon, May 24.—Cotton 20J for
middlings; Bacon clear sides 19i }
Shoulders 15£; Corn 1.60.
Louisviile, May 24.—Corn 1.20;
Shoulders 13 j ; Clear sides 17J ; Lard
Xkw Lore, May 24.—Cotton quiet
22| for middlings; Gold 1141. i
Liverpool, May 24.— -Cotton closed
irregular, uplands 10Jd.
Special mYoliccs.
Tlic Mosl Popular Medicine
T equally itpplicaoli- and efficacious to young
The pain ayller
is both an iuternul and external remedy.
THE I*A/N K/LT.ER should be
used at the first manifestation of cold or
The pain killer
is the great Family Medicine of the age.
The pain killer
will cure Painters’ Colic.
• is good for Scalds and Hums.
Has the verdict of the people in its favor.
gives universal satisfaction.
A Is an almost certain cure far CHOLA’RA
and has, without doubt, be *n more suecesslul
in curing this terrible disease than any other
known remedy, or even the most eminent or
skillful Physicians. In India, Africa, and
Cnint, where this dreadful disease is ever
more or less prevalent, the Pain Killer is
considered, by the natives as well as Euro
pean residents in these climates, A SURE
r |' , HE PAIN K\LhEK —each Bottle
L is wrapped with full directions for use.
npilK PAIN KILI.ER is sold bv aii
A Druggists and Dealers in .Family Jfed:-
cines. Sold by Janes & Loyless,
May 2, lm. Dawson, Ga.
Dr. A L. SCOVILL is the inventor of sev
eral medical preparations which have become
very popular, and have been liberally used.
Among his inventions ate “Hall’s Balsam for
the Lungs" and “Liverwort and Tar.” For
ihe past six years a belter L ing remedy has
bren offered to the public. Read the fo’low
ing letter from Dr. Scovill referring to it:
Messrs. J. N. HARRIS & CO.,
Gent a :—I make the
following statement from a perfect convic
tion and knowledge of the benefits of Al
|«;n’y I.ling Hnlwaill in curing the
most deep-seated Pu'monary Consumption!
I have witnessed iis rtf cts on the voung and
the old, and I Csn truly say it is by far the
best expectorant remedy with which I am ac
quainted. For Coughs, and all the early
stages of Lung complaints, I believe it to be
ace-tain cure, and if every family would keep
it bv them, ready to administer upon the
first of disease about the Lungs,
there would be very few cases of fatal con
sumption' It causes the pnlegm and matter
to raise, without irritating those delicate or
gans (the Lungs,) and wuhout producing con
stipation of the bowels. It nl<o gives
sirengih to the system, stops the nightsweats,
aud changes ail the morbid secretions to a
healthy state. Youts respectfully,
Sold by all Medicine Dealers, and by Janes
& Loyless,
May 5, Ini, Dawson, Ga.
T\.e B'h Wonder of the World has been
found in Georgia. The discoverer is a phy
sician of long experience, extensive observa
tion and profound judgment, and his discov
ery has proven such a blessing to women,
that it is already known throughout the
country as “Woman’s Best Friend.” With
remarkable quickness and certainty it cures !
all cases of snppce**edmenstruation, acute or
chronic, and lestmes health in every instance.
Dr. J. Bradfield’s Female Regulator supplies
a remedy long needed in the treatment of
dixeater peculiar to women. This the Medic
al Faculty knows ami admits, while many of j
our best physicians are using it in daily prac
tice, The med'eine is prepared, with great
care, bv L. 11. liradfield, Druggist, Atla ti,
Ga., and sold at $1.50 per bottle by resect
able Druggists everywhere
dhQ n A.—WANTED an active man, in ev
* l/V/ ery Ccuuty in the State 3 , to t avel
and take orders by sample, for TEA, COF
FEF and Spices. To suitable men we will
give a salary of S9OO to SI,OOO a year, above
tr veling and other expenses, and a reasona
ble eommissioM on sales.
Immed.ate applications are solicited from
proper parties. References exchanged. Ap
ply to, or address immediately.
“6’'intinental Mills,”
April 28, lm. 384 Bowery, New York
A Gentleman wh« suffered lor years from
Nervous Debilitv, Premature Dee*y, and all
the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for
the sake of suffering humanity, send free to
all who need if, the leceipt and directions for
making the simple remedy by which he was
ured. Suffere's wishing to profit by the ad
ve-ti-er’s experience, can Go so by address
ing, in perfect confidence,
udi 3;lj No. 42 Cedar street, N.Y
jf eif ’ .to 1 */-’R VISEJHKJTTS
T would respectfully inform the citizen.O
I n lW son and surrounding country, that I
have opened, in the town of Zfa.son a
and am pr-ared to make anything from the ’
most common Bedstead, up to a fine
Old furni ure of all kinds repaired, and made
look as pood as new Give me a call.
Nhop on Maia street, Brd door North of Jour
ualof&cc' j. jr. KELf.l’.
May 26, Gin.
The following list of defaulters on Roads
iu (he Town district are required to make
thi ir appearance in Dawson, to show cause
why they hare n«l worked their several roads
heretofore r
Elijah Thompson, Lotos Williams, George
Youn , Sung floolts, Elias Keith, Biitton
Newkirk, John Garrott, Samuel V, Brown,
Wiley Walker, Was lii g’on Jackssn, Tom A
Jobu Chambers. Tom Lee, (Col.), John Heu«
ry Thomas, J. D. Perkius, C. C. Truss, Dr.
E. P. Beauchamp,
T. A. Bussell, > Com.
1). A. Cochran. j
will be present.
The dny of m eting, bn urday morn
ing, 28'.h inst, 9 o’clock, A M.
May 19, 2w,
P«Mtpoiied Sbcrirf’s Sale*.
WILL BE FOLD before the Court House
Door, in the town of Dawson, 'said
j county, on the Ist Tuesday in June next,
within the le-gal hours of sale, the foNowfng
I property to-wit,:
! One House and 4 acre lot, occupied at this
time by Mr. Johnson, No. not known, but
known as the lot of R. P. Afirtii:, deceased,
iu the village of Dover, Terrell County.
Levied on as the property of R. C. Jfartin,
! deceased, to satisfy an Execution i-sued front
the Superior Court of Terrell County in faror
of John B. Perry, vs Rufus P. .¥<rtin, and
W. Craps. S. F. LAS3ET.FR,
Feb. 25, 1869.—12, 4w. Sheriff.
City Marshal's Sale,
A\7 ILL be -old before the Court House
j H Door, in the Citv of DAWSON, on
! the 13th day of June next, nne Store House
and Lot, near the Depot, occupied by J. A.
; Hiers- Sold as the oroperty of said Hiers,
| to satisfy a Tax Fi Fa, issued by the (Tlei k of
j the City Council, for City Taxes for the year
11869. W. K. iOZART.
: May 12. SQd. .Marshal.
THE Subscriber offers for sale, ob reason
ble terms, in the town of Dawson, Ga.-
the Hou'e and Lot where K. B. Lovless lives;
the House and Lo where J. E. Lovless lives ;
the House and Lot known as the Lundey or
Me Lein Lot. Also, about
300 Acres of Land,
and the improvements thereon, consisting of
a good dwelling, aud all necessary outbuild
ings. Also,
3 Store Houses,
in the village of Weston, Webster co.. Ga.
Possession given the first day of January
march 24, ts. J. B. CRI.V.
Will be open only a few days
With a large variety of
of all styles, very eheap.
All kinds of Pictures taken4u the
flight gtyle of the jl/t.
Particular attention given to
Copying Old Daguerreotypes
nto Card Pictures or Lirge Photographs
All stvies of Pictures done wiih
nearness and Dispatch, and warranted not to
fade. C. if. PIo.itTT,
May 12,3 m, Photographer•
M. G.
Tin 6 heel Iron Worker,
rpAKES pleasure in announcing to the citi
-1 itens of Dawson, and surrounding coun
try, that he is now ready to manufacture
Tinware at Wholesale or Retail, as low as it
can be had elsewhere. Also, Roofing, Gut
tering, and all kinds of Repairing practically
and cheaply done, at short notice.
Copper. *inc, and ait kinds of Mettle work
done. Give him » call at Soule’s old stand.
Eas tsde Public Square. Jan. 27, ly
JR. TURNBULL respectfully informs
• the citizens of Dcvson, and vicinity,
that he has commenced the Tailoring busi
ness in this city, and Batters himself, from
his long experience in the business, that he
can give entire satisfaction to those who fa
vor him wish their patronage. Cutting par
ticularly attended to. Cleaning and repairing
Appointment by tlic Governor.
! jcsecutivl: dl’partmnnt, l
Stars or GzoßotA, V
Atlanta, Ga., .I/it 4, 1870. J
I ORD.SR.fcD: That Robert. H. Atkinson, ol
I the courtv of v be, and he is hereby ap-
I pointed Secretary to. the A’lecutive Depart
] meat, vice R. Paul Leater resigned
i Given under my hand and the Seal of the
Ex cutive Department, at the Capital in
Atlanta., 'he day and year above written.
By the governor •
' H. 0. Carson, Secretary kt. Dept.
May IS. 4w
Sion fit—io*'t huh ii r
w. W. YARN CM. j 4 g. f' stlAßri. g
Having Bought the entire Stock of
8. M. BEISEL & CO„
and having made extensive purchases of
in NEW YORK, while Gold was at the lowest point, are now prepared to show to the
old friends of the bouse, and all who trade iu Dawson, a stock of merchandise, consisting i Q
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Boots and Shoes, for Gents,,
Ladies aud ( liildren’s wear, nothing, for Men aud Boys,
Hats, for Men and Children, Yankee
Motions for all.
Our Stock, fur variety aud cheapness, cannot be surpassed in the city. Wo also deal in
onocEiUES .t.rn F.t.ntEir supplies, con.r, l.hid
B.tco.r, nc.
Fail at S. M. Seisel a Bro’s. old atand. We charge nothing for showing eur goods.
March 24-ts.
is7o, 1870
Dress Goods, Fancy Goods,
Staple Goods, Boots & Shoes,
Hats, Clothing Hardware, Iron,
Steel, Plantation Supplies,
Groceries, Bacon, Flonr,
AND a general assortment of merchandise, i, off red at sueh price* ss will astonish all. My
stock for VARIETY, BEAUTY and LOW * PRICES has sot been
equalled since 186“. The great decline in Gold has caused a decline in all foreign goods
which will astonish the closest buyers. I invite the public from Terrell, Calhoun, Baker
Randolph, Webster, Stewart and Lee counties, to call and examine my
IF we fail to sell te you, the reason will not be on account of PRICE.
inarch 17, If.
Ihave just opened anew Blachtmith Shop, oposite my Warehouse, near Colinm’s Old
Snnd. and have employed the best .Smith in the county, ANDER.NON JEFFREY, (col.)
who would be pleased to receive the patronage of his old customers,. .id many new ones Or.
ders for work left at my office will be filled promptly. Will keep constantly on hand, Iron,
teel, Axes, Hoes, Arc.
Dawson, Ga., Jan. 13-tt.
Ice Cieam, Ice Cream,
goda Water, M 3 Water!
'llakes pleasure in announcing to the «'ti-
I of Dawson and surrounding coun
try, (hat in addiliou tohia
Bakery & Confectionery, •
be has erected a
perfected arrangements whereby he Trial
ways have ICE on hand, and those
like a deliciou«,cooling,iDtiocent draught, nn
always be accommodated at fcis Saloon. Be
is also prepared to furnish
in any quantity, for any pnrpose. Ladies
especially, are assured that the most per fret
order will always be maintained, and »N that
can be will be done to make the /Aiteon a
worthy place of resort. Give, me a call.
Don’t forget the place. Depot staeet, next
door to J. W. Robe i at.
April 28, t.
State and County Tax,
'"l , 'ke Book, are row onto. Come forward
| 1 aad make your State and County Tax
! Returns for 1870.
I w. w. rAßNvait r. t. r.
M«X 15, S'
IwiH farnish a first rate article of water
grouul Meal to all who will give me regu
lar orders, and will deliver the same at the
houses, (weekly, or semi-weekly)of all cua
omera in Dawsou.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
C. fr BROWN.
April 21, ii.
.It Cost!
We are offering our entire Stock of Goods,
Now ia the time to buy your years’ auppiy of
b r/M L r x al'lso.v.
mar V_’, If,
D K. J. bR A DFI ETB’tf
Will bring on the Menses when they have
not been established, also when they have
been suppressed from unnatural causes. Will
cure Rheumatism and Neuralgia of the back
.and womb, Painful Menstruation,
art'd 1 relieve the head, back and loins of tbeßo
distressing pains and aches. Will check men
orrhagia ot “excessive flow.” Will cure
'‘Whiten” andtfaHiug of the womb, when it
' is the result of relaxation or bad health.
It is as sure a cure in all the above disease*
as Quinine is in Chills snd Fever.
Ladies ran enre iKenXsttoss ot all the above
diseases without revealing their complaints to
any person, which, is alwwye mortify
ing to their pride and ntochsty.
It is recommended and used 6y the best
physician* in their private practice.
For a history of the above diseases, certifit
cates of its wonderful cures and directions,
tbe reader is referred to the wrapper around
the bottle. Af.tnufsctured and sold by
BRADF/ELD At CO., Atlanta, Ga.
Sold by Janes Ai Loyless Dawson Ga. Price
We, tbe uuderaigued Druggists, take pleas
ure in commending to the trade, DR. J.
believing it to be a good and reliable remedy
for the diseases for which he recommend* it.
W. A. Lansdell, Atlanta, Ga.
Pemberton, Willson, Taylor k Cos., Atlanta,
Kedwine Ac Fox, Atlanta, Ga.
W. C. Lawshe, Atlanta. Ga.
W. Root Ac Son, Marietta, Ga.
I*rice RedLviced !? Z
Ihave just received a large stock of fine
Liquors, consisting of Brandies, Gins,
Rum, Whiskies, Wines, Ale, Lager Beer,
Ac , Ac., which I offer by the gallon, quart,
pint, or by the drink, at
15cts Per Drink.
rn’ch 81, 2m.
m mi
Spring and Summer Goods
Is now in snd consists of goods that will please
the Ladles, the Gentlemen, and the little
children. I make it a point to doai iu noths
ing but
First-class Goods,
and sell them as cheap as caa be done, by
any one dealing in ihu same style of good*.
Cali and see tbe
Late Style Dress Goods,
and such other Goods »s are needed iu the
house, or on tbe plantation.
m’ch 17, if. W- F ORR.
1870, 1870.
IS now receiving the latest uoyellies in
(lillipary, bre IJoodfjFlppilifi! l
Yankee Notionw,
Laces, &c,
at her Store near', opposite the JOURNAf
OFFICE, and offers them at prices which
will be found to he lawc than such good*
bas been sold in Dawson since 1860.
In returning my thanks to the many
friends who have given me their patronage,
I earnestly ask of them and all others in w*nt
of roods iu my Hue, to call and examine
mv stock. My selections have been made
with a view to meet tie wants of the -.adie*
of Dawson snd vicinity. Call and satisfy
yourselves as to price, style, Ac.
m’ch 17, ts.
I have on hand a Urge lot of BRICK
which I will sell at a teduced price; Par
ties wishing to purchase willifind it l ° '£. eie
u. a... a- 2.,
| WIIL keep constantly on band
| Flotir, Bacon,Sugar,
; toffee, Fish. Lard, Meal,
Candy, Tobacco, segars,
THi*ware f Sxs-e &c., &c»
also asent fok
R-member the place Ftrnura & Sharpe*»
old stand, West side Public Square,
m’ch 24, ts. DAWkON, GA