The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, June 02, 1870, Image 3
' foe AL COLUMN. is being un- A * the can daily at our do bit alas! the bulk of it is corn, U l,r , r The largest and cheapest stock of iXTsst GRIFFIN’S. The celebrated “ Dl . xle 1 lO “’ji'ULToN T ’S. ll 'utMrs. Embry, f r„ v G. T. Embry, had her !ut of a ( lo°r vvhi'li was some distance from the ground. Afvv’s Cr.oTiirs’o, in endless variety, *3L, w hich defy competition, at ft ‘ i lI)YLESS & GRIFFIN’S. Srw Saloon.— l have oponod a neat Baloou next door to Hotel, where can b# found Ice Cream, Soda /Fater Ice flmoaftdeand Confectioneries, lhe and Gentlemen, both resident and visitors, are invited call. B4CW ».m shoui^At Alvertiseinouts of those valuable exchanges tho Macon Telegraph K Jmtnger and Augusta Chronicle & Sentinel will appear in our next. CnnnEiir Factoky Yauns and C-lial iiej the best goods .in tbe market at LOYLLbS & GRIFFIN 8. Notwithstanding considerable rain has fallen in this section during the past week, still it has not been gener al, and we learn from some of the far- M6 rs that their crops aro suffering very much. Woodruff and Bratth-hero Bucgieo, »t FULTON’S. No Goods sold on a few days’ time, at LOYI.ESS A Gill FFIN’S. The Dawson Brass Band will play iu the Court House Square on Friday pTening (early after dark). A free invitation is extended to all who desire to listen to the music. To got tho worth of your money, go to LOYbESS & GRIFFIN’S cheap t.'as'a Stove. The Southern Cultivator for -Itine is at hand, and it seems that this tiino dmnorod Agricultural Monthly get bettor as it grows older. Terms only |IMHI a voar in advance. Addr -ss, Southern Cultivator, Athens, Ga. Heavy Osnahurgs, Sheeting and Shirting, nt LOYI.ESS k GRIFFIN S. The United States Hotel, Louisville, Xy., is on the most fashionable street in Louisville. I htvt* j r-ctMVci Crom New V'»fk one ofltrs'e*'f*’o U* of ili»- hi- st i;ov -Ities ’> Hilin**»t Goods <*vf*r brought to Dawpoi?, mdofTe# l them <• jytiufs lower than «‘vr. 1 iu’i’.p rny ohi ciK'tititT!* Mi l liun-h 10 giv. ui* »C4ll anil f inn,inn inr patterns and la** 4 G<Mons. B*ore on Depot stroi >f . opoosit the Joirkal Oltice. M. WILLIAMSON. Wood’s Household V agaizino for hmo hits been received, and to say that it is one of the host Literary Mag azines published does not express its value. Only SI.OO per annum. Ad dress S. S. hood, Newbury, N Y. If you want to buv goods, low for vash, go to LO YI .ESS .* Git IFFI N’S. If you want thum on time, go bouiw wtare el se. Br»m«rmin's Lbprov,.JVVagnns, (nil im provement Oil the citadel baker wagon, at FULTON'S Tlio United States Hotel, Lottisville, %•, is within one block of all the Wspaper offices. An Important Coxsideuation. — Dr. Tutt’s Liver Fills are PURELY VEG LIAIILE and are adapted to young “ud old, male and female, and may be bkeu at all times, without restraint of occupation, without change of living, without diet and without the fear of' taking cold during all kinds of weath ai>d in all climates / THEY CON TAIN NO MERCURY. ei koo.—toi- medicine is rapidly gii ing •« confidonce ol ilie people, ami the punier • testimonials ol its virtues, given bv prac i toners ol medieine, l avpe no doubt tai l ussafpiad reiiab'e . em-dv for impirity bit blood, i.iy kr ntsEASK, &c. | ' e '"t Medical Journal contains an ar "blrom Prot. It. ,s. Nc wton, ML D., Preai r « f 'b.R Medical College, city ot Non j: ’ g PC'»kH in h'gh term* of its eura- e piopeniAH, - 4 nd give* a special rctom n *don ol Ro-koo to the piMcMiiom rfl of This is, we believe, ,|„ first in c: ~c e , er< * puch medicines have been oAK m J en< z° rs *r<l by the Facnltv of any of the onenVr and reflects great credit „ , e p kiH of Dr. Law -ean o, its eompound- Sarf lUl n° .{" U " “Koskniwiil tile VAN-of flll Daily Journal, Dec. tN s Brogans, at SI.OO per pair at COY LESS & GRIFFIN’S. °n. C. B. Wooten one of the Com ■ tteß 10ni The Senate appointed to Watigato the working of the State ’ l3 Stained at homo on account serious and protracted sickness in s aruily. It ( 8 his desire to bo with * Committee, and will do so as 800n | . * Tumily physician pronounces it 01 him to leave his afflieded wife. liv r T onn S friend, P. L. Bunch is a J saloon, keeper, as well as a polite, He'ha, fitted up a very : #J,Wn near the Hotel—has a ,• S °T ConfectionTtrieb; makes T*’ (with, or without a fiy. ) Don’t I m ° Ur W)n T for it, but go ami seo Tha Oat crop of 8. W. Georgia lias boon protty well harvostod. Thoso of our furmors who planted early report very good crops; thoso who planted j late, have but a scanty return as tho j drought set in boforo tho grain matur ed. ROYAL RAKING POWDERS, that ret quires uo milk, soda, and very little L ird » i ' FULTON’S' ‘ NYhat say tho citizons to organizing a “Board of Health?” V\ liat is' known as tho sickly season will soon! bo upon us, and everything of a local character calculated to produce sick ness should be looked after. Our readers will find something to repay them tor their trouble bv reading the adver tisement ill another column, headed Lli’P-* M ANN'S GREAT GERMAN HITTERS The* propiioora have, at an enormous outlay, 1 been enabled to obtain the rycipe and right 'o m inolacure these great Bt'ors in the United .Kates, and are the only onea who can or aie authorized to nuke them. They are Cor sale by our Druypts's and Dealers gene’ally. Jacob Lippm in k Bro., Nivannih, Gi, .Sols Proprietors lor the United St .ti s. AV o liavo been shown a stalk of rot ton 21 inches in height, with several squares on it. This stalk was grown on the plantation of Mr. Haley John son, and is about an average of that I growing on twenty acros of high pino ' land. Mr. Johnson Hscii tho-Palaps co fertilizer this year and expresses 1 himself very well pleased with his prospect for a crop thus far. H e had the pleasure of a call flic \ other day from our friend Major M. M. Marl s, President of the upper St.! Johns, Mellonville, Tampa and South Florida Railroad Company. Major Marks intends visiting many of the I ff’estern and Northern cities in the in- j terest of this road, where books of l subscription to the Capitol stocc of 1 this Company have already been opened. We regret to chronicle the death of; little Johnnie, infant and only child of our worthy townsman, Col L. C. Hoylo. Second Week or Court. —The Su perior Court will proba nly adjourn to-! day. His Honor, Judge Harrell hav ing gone through all tho dockets, and tried eyery case that-he could possibly j bring to trial. If there be no removal j of Judges, we predict that in one year from this date three days will be all the time required to do the business of Terrell county. The people havo learned the rules of Ilis Honor, and believe them to be for the good of all concerned, aro willing to abide them. ' l e have seen jurors, witnesses and Attorneys so prompt in the dis charge of their duty. In the case of the State against AY. It. Cozurt, City Marshall, charged with assault and battery, the Jury returned a verdict of guilty, and tho Court imposed a fine upon him of S2OO and cost of suit \ * sibMiitle for Use TeJcgrap!;.! The following wonderful statement will be read with absorbing interest by those who watch, tho actual pro gress of science : Connected with the telegraph in Great Britain, which as our readers are aware, is now under tho exclu sive management of tho Government, is a system of pneumatic tubes by which letters ate conveyed almost with tho speed of lightning. How exten sive this system is, wo have no means of knowing. Indeed, we were not aware of its existence at all until with in a day or two, when wo Were astoun ded by the information, through a sri vate letter from Glasgow, that tho original manuscript copy of a dispatch hail actually been transmitted from London to that city in the creditable short space of five minutos. The dis tance is about four hundred mil >s, and the rata of traveling, therefore, eighty miles a minute. V» ero not the state ment from a source which can not bo doubted, wo certainly should not re peat it as truth, or expect any one to credit it It is marvelous almost be yond the telegraph, which, although so simple and well understood as a matter of scioneo, will never coase to be a wonder. The writer of the letter from Glas gow, in which tl is interesting tact is communicated, bad occasion, it seems, to send a telegrapnic dispatch to Lon don, and receiving an ansner vvlihh led him to suppose that there might have been an error or omission in the dispatch he went to tho telegraph offii • and was amazed at being told, in re ply to his request to be permitted to see the original dispatch, that it had been forwarded to London. Being wholy unaware of the existence oi the pneumatic t ibe, it was some time be fore bo could he made to understand or believe that the message be had written for tho use of the telegraph operator, the veritable manuscript itself had actually been transmitted to London and was in the hands of his correspondent. To convince him oi the fact, tho Scotch operator tele -1 graphed to London for the return oi ! tho dispatch, and in about five min ! u tes the document, enveloped m a roll 1 of pasteboard, was boforo his aston ished eyes. A Modern Joseph has arisen in the porson ot Rev. .1. M. Woodman, of Chico California, who announces that next vear there will be an awful fam ine succeeding seven years of plenty, 1 which tire reverend gentleman says wo have had. Mr. Woodman believe* in wot a a US well ns faith, and is building granaries in which to store away tlio | abundant harvest to come this sum mer. AVesterx avd Atlantic Railroad, ) Investigating Committer, > Saturday, May 28, 1870. S Committee met. The journal of yesterday was road and approved. .A. Chisolm, sworn—says ho i.nov.c nothing, but w. p, Chisolm stated to witness that ho was in pos session of some facts that should bo made known to the committee ; NV. P. Chisolm ivas absent from the city. 'A itness dismissed. AV. T. Newman, sw&n—says ho is book and time-keeper of the car shop ; senator Sherman, formerly Superin tendent of tho shop, owned a brick yard, but knows of no fraudulent transaction ; Sherman did havo some ot the laborers who were working about tlie shop to work at his brick yard, but while there did not receive pay at tho shop; several of the officers and employees of tho road had some work done, and got some articles from the shop, but everything was charged to them, and the accounts turned over to tho Alas ter of Transportation; wit-1 ness gets SIOO per month ; Grambling, his predecessor, got $112.50,- about ninety hands are employed at tho shop, which is about tho number heretofore employed; could not get along witja a less force. In consequence of Monday being set apart as a national holiday, the committee adjourned until Tuesday morning. “Brick pomroy ” head-lines tho nows of the New York election in this wise: Yesterday's Triumph—The Empire Statu Makes a Clean. Sweep for De mocracy—An Unadulterated Triumph far Tammany in the City—Not a Re publican Elected Anywhere!—“Tho Colored Troops Fought Bravely.” Brick furthermore puts a conundrum: If ono XVth Amendment will increase tho Democratic majority of our State over thirty thousand in six months how much would two XA’th Amendments increase it in a year? tt 15’SS 2 III). MARSH ALL—SI VI VlS.—Married, in the M. E. Churcn, in Albany, Ga , on the morn ing nf the 24'li of Mil, by tho R>-v. George 11. P.iUillo, the It v. John M. Marshall, ol the South Gi. Conference, to Mrs. A.. M. Sim m°, formerly cf Coweta co., Gi. WISEMAN—RUSSELL.—J/arried, by the II v. John M. Marshall, on tle morning of the 29>h of J/iv. in Terrell eo., Ga., Mr. T. L. Wis man and J/iss I. L. 7ins»etk WHITBY—GARDNER —On the ‘.M l May bv the Rev. T. E. Ling ley, at the residence of the bride’s father, Sir. J. A. Whiibv, of Diwsop, and Siis3 S. R. Gardner, of Ft. Gain?, Ga. mi A RKETS. Dawson, June I. — Cotton 15 to 19. V; not much offering. Corn $1.75 ,- Ba con 20c. Macon, .May 31. — Cotton quiet and steady under a good demand at 20Jc; Corn $1.50 to $1.55 ; Hav $1.90 to $2.00. Louisville, May 31.—-Corn $1.15; Bacon Shoulders 13A ; Clear sides 17 J. New York, Alay 31. — Cotton dull and quiet, uplands 22 J. Gold ILL Special •Volices. Read same Ftiglisli Testimo nials. Greknk’s Sailor's Hove, )_ Poplar Street, Loudon, P’.glaud. j J take this method of making known the perfect ettte’l have obtained trom the use of vour valuable medicine, the PAIN KILLER, i was utgtd by a Iriend to try it, and pio-> cu>ed a bottle ot Dr. Ke-not, «potheeniv. I had been afflicted three years whh Neu ralgia and violent spasms of the stomach, which caused a constant r. j ction of lood. The doctors at \V< stminstcr Hospital gave up tnv case in despair. Then I tried your PAIN KILLER, which give me immediate relief liotn pain aud sicaness ; tied 1 regained my strength, aud am now able to follow my usu al ocoup.iiou of s.For. One bottle cu:ed Yo'nrS resp. etfullv, CHARLES POWELL. S IRi —I desitc to bear willing testimony to I the woudeilul ttlico yof that American I icmedy called Pain Killer, which 1 believe j las no equal iu this country. I have beep afil eieu »iin heart tli-ease, an-1 Couh.’ tind no leiuf nil 1 got the Pain tvilU-r, which suou tuade acure, 1 am quite willing to answer any ii.quitus about n.y ca-e. ' Yours, etc.. PaNNY SII.VPR.S. Dudley, ( ie,) Eagtaud. Gkntlkmkn. —I can with confii nee recom mend y our ex -elieut tnt ill rii, lee 7 iiu K'l - lor lint r.nidlifm, ludigesti"!), Riid also ybo'hnclie, Imtuig proved ns illij.ioy in Uie above eouipUiuw, * ours, Ate., KEUBF.N Ml ICtihLL, o einnn s Plate nol on. Gentlemen —1 have very great plensu e • in recoinim-nding rortr medicine, the 7’iin | Kdler. I wassuffering severely R f ’.v week- j .nice with Bronchitis, and could scarcely -wallnw any food, so n.ft imed was inv toroat. ' I was advised by a friend to try yodr Pa n | Kdler, anu alter taking a few doses of it, was completely cured. Yours respectfully, ! T. WILKINSON, Bolton, Bug. ! p g J pave lecommended ihe medicine lo several ot my f> lends ; and in every ills' S'.ince it has had the desired effect. "g 11 by Janes aud Aoyless, /Xiwson, Oa. | June 2—Jim. j Why Will Ye Die?—Death, or what is worse is the inevitable result of continued i suspension of the menctrual flmn It is a c«*nrii ion which pliouM iut be tuflQp witr. . In,mediate relief is the only safeguard against consti'utional ruin. In allleases of ••v>pr»«- j non. suxpennon or other trrepdanty of the i '■•corns, s," Dr. J. Bradfiebl s female K gu-, I ,or is the only sure remedy. It, «c sby ( oivir g tone to the nervous centres, unpnv ,,,e the blood and deto- mining dircctlv f> he of menstruatior. It is a legitimate. , urttcriplion, and the most intelligent [) c- I • . o?e it Prep*'red by b. H. BadS. ld. ; nr.tveist, Atlanta, «»• P>’ r anfl sold by respectable Druggists every where, S I r a y c il. n-om the sub-ciber, me tni s e«,t of 1 taw eon, stm White Korn J/,retol, . , O o»r oil! Shinn ord r. flavin* formation will be ,'hahkfuliy received, olds a- esa B. L. R/JORELAND, Dawson, Ga. Jueo 2-It .» / ii’./» i'i:n t'iSEjnr.*rTs OUT 013 ERT BGTOBY GOODS. t'otloii Yarns* Osn:a3)siy£*, CBi allies, Mattresses, FOR SALK. ./tWrets j.i o f. umnsec., Cttlhbccl, <Ja. June 2,3 m. Postponed Sheriff's Sale. \ VTIr.L BE .SOLD before the Court House y y .Door, in the town o( U.iweon, siid county, on the Ist Tuo'd-iy In Juno next, within the legal hours of sale, tho following property to-wit. • House and 4 nore Jot, occupied at this time by Mr. Johnson, No. not known, but known as the lot of 11. P. M iriitt, deceased, in the village of Direr, Terrell County. Levied on as the property of R. C. Jfartin, deceased, to satisfy an Execution Lsued from the Supetior Court of Terrell County in favor of John B. Perrv, v« Rufus-P. J/irtin, and W. Ciaps. ’ P. F. LASSE mt, Feb. 25, lSf>9.—l2, 4w. Sheriff. City Marshal's Sale, ILL be sold before th* Court House y y Door, in the City ol DAWSON, on the 13th day of June next, one Store House and Lot, near the Depot, occupied by J. A. Iliers- Sold as the property of said liters, to sitisfv a Tax Fi Ft, issued hy the (Llerk of the City Oomteib for City Taxes for the year 1809. W 11. t«/> V ItT May 12. R')d. ' .Marshal, BARGAINS!! BARGAINS II! REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I r pHE Subscriber offers for sale, on reason 1 ble tenn- 1 , in the town of Dawson, Ga. the Hou«e and Lot where K. B. Levies# lives ; the House aud Lo where J. E. Lovless livrs ( tho House and Lot known as the Lundey or McLein Lot. Also, about 300 Acres of Land, and the improvements thereon, consisting of t good dwelling, and all necessary outbuild ings. Also, :t Store Houses, in the village of Weston, Webster co.. Ga. Possession given tbo first day of January next. march 24, ts. J. B. CRI4/. Platt f s nOTISU!I GALLERY Will be open only a few days AT LOYLESS HALL, With a large variety of PICTURE FRAMES. of all ati/lcs, very cheap. All kinds of Pictures taken in the flighejt ?tyle 0/ the Aft. Particular attention given to Copying Old Daguerreotypes nta Card Pictures or Large Photographs £3P AH stvles of Pictures done with non ness and 7>i«patch, and warranted not to fade. R. PL.ITT, May 12,3 m. Photographer- Appoiuiiiii'ut by (tie Ciovurnor. PXPCUTIVP DPPARTMPNT, ) State or GEoßfirA, )■ Atlanta, Ga., J/iv 4. 1870. ) ORDPR/lD: That Robert H. Atkinson, of the count v of Bibb, be, and he is hereby ap pointed Neere'srv to the Pxecutive Depart ment, vice R. Piu! Lester resigned Given undcf mv hand and the Seal of the Ei cutive Pepaitmeht, at the Capital in Atlso'a, 1 h“ riav and vpur above written. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor. l!y the governor • lit! Ca.ksox, Secretary Be. Dep t. May 12, -fw ZEsTHTW" CiBIET SHOP. I would respectfully inform the citiz -ns o /)iwson and surrounding country, (hat I have opened, in the town of 7>awson a CABINET SHOP, and am to make from the most common Ocelot*'*!*!* up to a fine BUREAU, Obi fumi ure of all kinds repaired, and made to look as good as new <J,ve me a call. S'wp on Main street, 3rd door North of Jour nal office’ j.j. k #;/./. i’. May 2fi, 3m. ' c“os~t7 ATACTOALCOST FOR GASH. Mr. W. M. Peeples having decilct! to change his business, I have this day bought out his Entire stock of Goods and offer them at COST for CASH, fob go days. j/, J. A. Mimms, assisted by Cap*. T. M. Jones will i,« bapp» to wait upon customers S. ROOT. moylO It- E W ADYERTISEME S * __ « "Sion FLY—BU T BDDBEB VI f W. w. KARNtJM. JAS. I*. SIIARfK. 8. MAAS, FARNIIM, SHARPE & CO. Having Bauglit tha entira Stock of S. M. BJiIIS JETa & 00., and having mada extensive purchases of SPRING ANDSUM M]E R GOODS in NEW’ YORK, while Gold was at the lowest point, are now prepared to show to the old fiicuds of the house, and all who trade lu Dawson, a stock ol merchandise, consisting in Staple and Fancy Fry Goods, Dress Goods, Uoots and Shoes, for Gents,» Ladies aud Children's wear, Clothing, for Men and Boys, Hats, for Men and Children, Yankee • Notions for ail, Our Stock, for variety abj cheapness, cannot be sutpassed in the city. Wo atsd deal in ahocehmes E.t.niL r svepi mes, cor,v> t.init MtvtVO.Y, XV. C* 11 at N. M. Seisel <fc Bio’s, old stand. Wo charge nothing for showing ®ur goods. March 24-ts. 1870, IS7O aiiid »BY GOOBBy S>B-css Goods, Fancy Goods, Staple Goods, Boots & Shoes, Hats, Clothing Hardware, Iron, Steel, Plantation Supplies, Ciroccrics, GSacon, Flour, AND a general assortment of merchandise, is off red at such p.iccs ns will astonish all. My stock for J'dniETW', and LOW PRICES has not been equalled since 18B>’. The great decline in Gold has caused a decline in all foreign goods wh-ch will astonish the closest buyers. I inviie the public from Terrell, Calhoun, Is,ket Randolph, Webster, Stewart and Lee counties, to call and examine my EXTENSIVE STOCK OF GOODS. IF we fail to sell to you, the reason will not be on account of PRICE. J. W. ROBERTS. march 17, if. BLACKZMITH SHOP! * rhave just opened anew IVachimith Shop, opn*it,e my Warehouse, near C., Hum’s Old Stand, and have employed the best Smith in the county, ANDERSON JEFFRES, (col.) who would be nla-ised to receive the patronaee of Ids old customers.. .id many new ones Or ders for work left at my office will be filled promptly. Will keep constantly on hand, Iron, teel, Axes, Hoes, &c. rTOHiST A. FULTON. t)atvHon, Ga., W-ts. fee Cream, Ice Cream, Soda Water, H a Vfater! .1. la. SOLOMON tlVikes pleasure in anuotiecing to the e ti- I vTCns of Zlawson and surrouuding couu try, that in addition to his Bakery & Confectionery, he has erected a SODA MOT, perfected arrangements whereby he will al ways have ft'fc’tm hand, and those who like a dclicious^jooling,lnnocent draught, cin always be accommodated at hU Siloon. lie is alao prepared to furnish ICE CREAM, LEMONADE, DOMERSIO WINES, &c , in anv quantity, for any purpose. Ladies especially, *ro assured that tlte most perfect order will always be nnintaiued, and all that can be will be done to make the Siloon a worthy place of resort. Give me a call. D n’t forgdt the place. Depot gtaeert, neit door to J. W. Kobe rat. J. L SOLOMONS. Api *1 28, t . Slate and County lax, '■|''he Books are bow open. Come forward 1 and make your State and County Tot Retu-ns for 1870. 1 w. w rARSCiI. R- It. k. Mvy IS. 3’ F HR. E S EE WATER GROUND WEB! AS. ! ’ I will furnish a first rate article of water ground Meal to all who will give me regu lar orders, and will deliver the same at the houses, (weeklv. or semi-weekly) of all cus omers in Dawson. salisf.ictioa Guaranteed. C. C. BROWN. April 21, if. •If ! We are offering our entirg Stock of Goods, at COST FOB THE GASH. Now is the time to buy your years’ suppiy of DK Y GOo DB, HARDWARE; TOBACCO, SHOES, &C. 5 &C. it vn.YE r ts .ruiso-f --may 12, ts. DR. J. BRAD FI ELD’S FEMALE REGULATGR: “WOMAN’S BEST FBIEND,’* Will Bring on the Menaes when they h«y« not been established, also when they have been suppressed from unpatural causes. Will enre Rheumatism and Neuralgia of the back and womb. Will cure Painful Mlhitruatlun, and relieve the head, back and loinl ot theae distressing painaand aches. Will check rilen orrhagia or “excessive flow." Will oure “Whites’’ and falling of the womb, when it is the result of relaxation or bad health. It is ss sure a cure in all the above dieefttc* as Quinine la In Chills and Fever. Ladiet rati cure thcmsclvt t of all the above diseases without revealing their complaints tat any person, which, is always mortify ing to their pride and modenty. It, is recommended and used by the best phvsiclans ih their private practice. For a bistory of the above diseases, certifi cates of its Wonderful cures and directions, the reader is referred to the wrapper around the bottle. Jfannfartured and sold by BR.4DF/ELD * CO., Atlanta, Ga. Sold by Janes & Lowless Dawson Ga. Pries $1.50, We, the undefsigued Druggists, take pleas ure in commending to the traje, DR. J. BRADFIELD’S FEVIALE REGULATOR— believing it to be a good and reliable remedy for the diseases for which be recotnmeuds It. W. A. LansdeM, Atlanta, Ga. Pemberton, WtlUoiq Taylor A Cos., Atlanta, Ga. Rcdwine k Fox, Atlanta, (Id. W. C. Lswshe, Atlanta. Ga. W. Root k Son, Marietta, Ga. maj6-l v. FRESH ARRIVALS. Price Tfceduced. 11l r have just received a large stock of find Liquors, consisting of Brandies, Gins, Rum, Whiskies, Wines. Ale, Lager Beer, Ac., Ac., which 1 offer by the gallon, quart, pint, or by tha driok, at loots Per Drink. I*A r l’ WAItU m'ch 81, 2m. jf 111. SPRIG TRADE MY STOCK OF Spring and Sumer Goods! Is now in and consists of goods that will pleosd the Ladies, tho Gentlemen, and the little children. I make it a point to deal in n#ths ■ ing but first-class Goods, and sell them as cheap as car. be done, by any one dealing in the same style of goOds. Call and see the Late Style Dress Goods, ALSO MY STOCK OF ; J BOOTS £ SHOES, HATS and such other Goods as are needed in th« house, or on the p'antation. m’cb 17, If. W-F ORR -1870, 1870, SPHIHG TRADE. MISS M. WILLIAMSON IS now feceiving the lateit novelties isl (YliHijiajy, Yankee Notions, Laces, &cj at her Store nearly opposite the JOURNAL OFFICE, and offers them at prices which will be found to be lower than such goods has been sold in Dawson since 1860. In returning my Jhanks to the many friends who have given me their patronage, 1 earnestly ask of them and all others in waut of goods ill mv i!ne, tb cab and examine my'fitoCk. My Selections have been mads with a view to meet the wants of the Ladies of Dawson and vicinity. Oall and satisfy yourselves as to price, style, Ac. m’ch 17, ts. BRICK FOR SALE! I have on hand a large lot of BRICK which I will sell at a leduced price; Par ties wishing to purchase will find it to their interest to address R. MOULTHROP. Eufanla AN 4 G. B. THOMPSON, GROCER. AND COMMISSION MEROHANT. WIIL keep constantly on hand Flonr, Bacon,SKfcAr, t’offoe, Fish, l.aud, Meal, Candy« Tobacco, Segar’g* ltn-’irare, &c., &c,, &«> ALSO AGENT tOTC THE GRAND PRAIRtE t HIS MtEDH! the place. Firnum & Shirpe*# old surnl, West eiuaFublic Square, CD*cii 24, if. PaW*OX, OA