Newspaper Page Text
'■-"local columh,
lire surprised and
Us V J. reK ret io hoar tho reports
portion of Calhoun and
county as to tho extent
Ma nage done by reason of the con
-2d drought. Fully two-thirds of
le area of these two counties have
! bad a season since the first of Apnl.
L thought that corn is top smull to
2 one half a crop, under the most
favorable seasons. But tor the had
stan d, cotton has time to recuperate
Id make a medium crop.
The bast planter, toll us it is impos
es to make a good crop of either
Cim or citton in these dry localities.
q__Sinco the above was in type
w 0 have bad a most delightful rain,
Id from the manner in which the
looming up from every
Juiter bope itjvnsjiretty general.
Heavy Osnaburgs, Sheeting and
Sllirti “ g LoYLESS & GRIFFIN’S.
I kive fust received from New York one
■ , k , .Jest slocks of the latest novelties in
Marry Goods ever brought to Dawson
goffer them »t Ibices lower tlvtn ever. I
(stile mj old customers aud Inends to give
, Cl ]| »rd examine my patterns and la c-t
•Idon* Store on Depot street, opposite
gssuOlßcc. M. WILLIAMSON.
TeiEMAFH A Mkssenoeu. —This de
servedly popular daily paper needs
no commendation from us. The num
ber of subscribers in Dawson shows
plainly that the business men cannot
do without it, and also what they
think of it. We refer our readers to
the advertisement of the Daily, Tri-
H'tekly and Weekly Telegraph Mes
mA and ask a caroful reading.
The United States Hotel, Louis
ville, Ivy., is only two blocks front the
Custom House and l’ost Office.
Ir you want to buy goods, low for
cash, go to LOYLESS & GRIFFIN’S.
If you want them on time, go some
icbero el <e,
quirts uo milk, soda, and very hole L ird .9
Pfteissox’s for July has been receiv
ed, and as usual is filled until every
thing to please and entertain the la
To get the worth of your money, go
Cash Store.
Tim First Class Agricultural
Monthly, the Southern Farm dj- Hone,
lias been received, and is not only ia
den with useful information Tor tho
farmer, but also hints upon the future
■of our country as regards the system
of labor. The managers of this en
terprise are masters of what they have
undertaken, and much that is valua
ble can be learned by the perusal of
its columns. Terms $2.00 a year.
Address Southern Farm & Home,
Macon Ga.
H"«ihiih:iV lu'pr'iv.'J WHg ms, (’n ’m
pitimfui on the Stud. I baker wm-nn, «.
Tho l nited States Hotel, Louisville,
ky., is within four blocks of four dif
ferent Linos of Street Railroads.
Woodruff and 80-civ, si
No Goons no],! on a f (nv ,p a vs > time, at
Citubekt Factoby Y.vrxs and Ohal-
* l6 best goods in the market at
Road Commissioners of Torrell
Wlmt y, hv reason of the rccommenda
i*° n Grand Jury- escaped a fine,
but they may look out next full. Our
for it, if the roads are not in
P>od order by the fourth Monday in
* oi ember next, the recommendations
ftln Jury instead of a blessing, will
'urn to a curse. Let overseers of
WAds and all concerned, seo to it that
, roads ba put in order as required
by law.
cox, llama. Hides and Shonj dev ft t
* FrciTnixrj, j n endless variety,
ces winch defy competition, at
an,i cheapest stock of
01068 in Lawson, at
Th « celebrated ‘ Di7iT"plow,” at
Thl ® medicine is g*i ing
*°*ieMii, m n 't e l of ' h , e People, anil the nurner
lit'oiirre of' m V- itS virtues > given by prac
iti« a „(• ® e dicine, h aves n<J doubt that
or Tjro r ei'able .emedv for impurity
Tl. e I »,’ UVKR nisKASR, &c.
'itiefitta/ r> J°"rH*l contuinsanar-
M R.l’rem
fork th-f Gollego, city of New
liTe P»oueffit! aka V* 1 terms of ifS cura "
•widttion Af ir a 1 2' VOSA Ppecinl rceom
®edicine t 0 the practitioners of
,u °ce . !*’ * e itclieve, the first in
ci»lljena 0 .„ J, medicine* have been offi.
-edic.l colb" 1 1,16 P * cuU T of any of the
'foe the skill nTn ,*?? Pe fl p ct» great credit
"‘"<l elan , 8 ' ‘‘ wre " <w . 't* compound
9r/oU-Daif, T k° B k°° ’j u ttle VAN 0 f a ||
au H *o*rtuU % Dec.
at SI.OO per pair at
you should use
best. CaUbe 'J 16 i!ar bers say it is tho
Cause * m P«rt« a natural color.
C H bair.
glossy. <iaves the hair soft and
W 11 oes not 6tain tho skin or
Hey. a Pphcation is soft and
hceaiipo >s instantaneous.
lS h* best in the world
| CiraoKicm & Sextinel.—This old
I reliable Journal is now under tho lead
| orslilp of GOll. A. R Wright, (Ranee),
j His pen i3 doing as effectual sei'vico
for tlu> South as did his sword.
r l lie Daily , for commercial intelli
gence, ranks No. 1, and the Weekly
has lost none of its interest by reason
of old age. Road tlio advertisement.
Jew Stoke.— We seo a Jew Store
opened in Loyless Block, at the old
stand of Burney & Nelson, and hear
that Jew Alien is to bo master of Cer
emonies. Jew'Johnson would have mov
od up, but for having to stay at the old
stand to watch “Jake” the king of tho
Look sharp Rouben, you are among
the Gentiles now 7.
Tile fill 9k I ii x I’niigrcsiA
Tho fanatical Congress, at Wash
| itigton, sinco the present session com
menced, have done many things w'liich
they ought not to have done, and left
undone many things which they ought
to have done, and there is no peace in
the country. Their non-action on any
proposition looking forward to a bill
providing for a general amnesty seems
to stagger their minds and disgrace
their proceedings. They are fearful
that the passage of a bill, or resolu
tion looking towards this end, would
soon call to the counsels of the nation,
such honest statesmen as Jeff. Davis,
Toombs, Breekenridgc, and others. 1
Tliis would never do. Such men
might intercept and expose their wild
schemes of legislation, not for the pub
lic good, but for their own selfish pur
poses. Neither honest men, nor fair
dealings in matters of State would be
acceptable to them, —such men as
Wh ittmore, who represents the S. C.
negroes and itinerant cargot-baggers
and scalawags, are the only kiud of
representative men they prefer for
their boon companions Yet we are
disposed to give to fanaticism that
credit for honesty which we think be
longs to it. We believe they are hon
est in endeavoring to perpetuate their
party. Y\ e believe they are honest in
their endeavors to make this a black
man’s government. We believe they
are honest in their efforts to keep the
Union dissolved which enables them
to keep a standing army in time of
peace lor the trial of pretended offen
ders by ku klux military commissions,
and find the party guilty without a
h -aring. All this is honest with them
and in strict harmony with their prin
ciples and their actions.
Before we would ask or encourage
general amnesty, or the readmission
of Georgia upon the degraded terms
now offered, with the disfranchisement
of such representative and enlightened ,
statesmen as Tuonibs, Davis, Ac., we
would prefer Georgia to remain out of
the Union forever. Give us general
and universal amnesty, or give us
nothing. YVe have become sick of
such inefficient pretenders as Good,
Clift & Cos. The leading men of Con
gress must know that their presence
in that body is a mockery and dis
grace to the section they pretend to
represent. —Albany .V. u s.
Wi.i 31<t Succeed?
In nine cases out of ton, no man’s
life will boa success if te does not'
bear burdens in his childhood. If the j
fondness or the vanity of father or j
mother kept him. from contact with.
hard work ; if another always helped !
him out at the end of his row ; if, in- i
stead of taking his turn at pitching
oif, lie mowed away all the time—in
short, if what was light always fell to ;
him, and what was heavy about the;
same work to someone else; if he j
has been permitted to shirk till shirk-1
ing has become a habit—unless and-;
racle is wrought, his life will be a'
failure, and the blame will not bo half
as much his us that of weak, foolish
parents. j
On the other hand, if a boy has
been brought up to do his part; never
allowed to. shirk any legitimate re
sponsibility, or permitted to dodgo
work, whether or notit made his back
ache, or soiled his hands, until bear
ing heavy burdens became a matter
of pride, the heavy end of the wood
his from choice—parents, as they bid
him good-by, may dismiss their tears.
Ilis life will not be a business failure.
The elements of -success are his, and j
at some time and in some way the >
world will recognize his capacity. |
Take another point. Money is the .
object of the world’s pursuit. It is a j
legitimate object. It gives bread, and j
clothing, and homes, and comlort. j
The world has not judged wholly un- J
wisely when it has made the position j
a uiau occupies to hinge more or less
on his ability to earn money, and
somewhat upon the amount of his pos
sessions If he is miserably poor, it
either argues some defect in his busi
ness ability, some recklessness in his
expenditures, or a lack of fitness to
cope with men in the great battle for
When a country-brod boy leaves
home, it is generally to enter upon
some business the end ot which is to
acquire property, and he will succeed |
just in proportion as he has been made
to earn and save in his childhood.
If all the money ho has had has
conio of planting a little patch in the
spring, and selling its produce after
weary mouths of watching and toil in
tho lull, or from killing woodchucks
at six cents, a head, or from trapping
muskrats, and soiling their skins for a
sliilling ; setting snares iu the fall for
game, and walking miles to see them
iu the morning before the old folks
were up; husking corn tor a neigh
bor, moonlight evenings, at two cents
a bushel; working out an occasional
-day that hard work at home has made
possible —ho is good to make his pile
in the world.
On the contrary, if tlio boy never
earned a dollar ; if parents anil friends
always kept him in spending-money
—pennies to buy candy and fish-hooks,
and satisfy his imagined wants— and
! he has grown to manhood in the ex
' pec tan cy that the world will generally
treat him with similar consideration,
he wi!l always be a make-shift; and
t ie fault is not so much his as that of
tlioso about him, who never made the
hoy depend upon himself—did not
mako bun wait six months to get mon
ey to replace a lost jack-knife.
Every body has to rough it at one
tune or another. If the roughing
comes in boyhood, it does good ; if
later, when habits are formed, it is
equally tougli; but not being ednea
tional, is generally useless. And tho
question as to whether a young man
"ill succeed in making money or not
depends not upon where he goes or
"hat lie does, but upon his willing
ness to do “his part,” and upon his
having earned money, and so gained
a knowledge of its worth. Not a lit
tle of this valuable . experience and
knowledge the country boy gets on
the old farm, tinder the tutelage of
parents shrewd enouerh to see the end
lrom the beginning, and to make the
labor and grief of children contribute
to the success of subsequent life.—-
Hearth Sf Home.
DawsoV, June 9th.—Nothing doing
in cotton. BaGon sides 20c; Corn
SI.BO ; Flour from 8 to $lO per bbl.
Macon, June 7th.—Bacon clear
sides 19 to 19ic ; Shoulders 15 to 15J;
Corn $1 60.
Louisville, June 7th —Bacon sides
17 i; Shoulders 13J; Corn $1.15.
New York, June 7th—Cotton qui
et and weak at 22c ; Gold 113 L
Fofi MAY TERM, 1870,
For Terrell County.
We, the Grand Jurors, chosen and sworn,
beg leave to offer these, our General Pre
T trough our Committees, we have partially
examined the books of the Clerk of the Sus
perior Court, and find them neatly and cor
rectly kept. We alro find the books of the.
Ordinary kept In neat and good style. The
Treasurer’s bonk is kept neatly and correct!' - ,
but vre find a balance du? by him to the
county of Eleven,Hundred Three and eich
ty-three one hundredth dollars, ($1103.83,)
which amount we recommend the Ordinary
to proceed at once to collect. We have par
tiallv examined the tax books , and believe
them to be properly kept.
So far as we can see the Court House is in
good repair; but wo are told that some of
the sills are rotten and unsafe. We there
fore recommend that the Ordinary employ a
competent person to take up the floor, so as
to examine, and if found in an unsafe condi'
tion, have it. put in good order. We find the
Jail neatlv kept, but totally unsafe.
We recommeud that the Justices of the
Peace and Kotaiy Publics in each District of
the county, he required to keep a book or
lecord of all official business, and make Iron
returns from the same of all moneys collect
ed by them for fines and other sources to the
We recommend that there be a tax as
seesed sulTieienttc pay the outstanding debt
of the county, and also ihe current expenses
present year. " »
public roads.
Our information on this subject is, that the
public roads in the county are gent rally in
better coudi iou than usual- Some of them
have been tolerably well worked, while oth
ers have had but little work done on them i@
this lime- Acting, ns we are, under oath,
and the instructions and special charge of the
Court, we are compelled to return the Com
missioners in each district; and in as much
as we are at this time in the’ midst of the
busy season for the cultivation of the
we therefore rfTommend that no general road
working be done until the crops are laid by ;
we also recommend each road Commissioner
to the mercy of the Court, and that none of
them be fined ; provided, they shall have
their several roads put in good order, or
work fifteen days, as the law requires, inclu
ding the number of days each overarer has
worked —‘.lie woik to be done by the full
term of the Court, 1870.
We have been informed that the biidge
known as “Wright’s Bridge,’' (which is a
County line bridge,) is in bad conditmn. We
recommend the Ordinary to confer with the
ordinary of Lee county, and have said bridge
put in good order, by letting it out in the
<itia 1 way. We are also informed that the
biidge known as "Jones’ Bridge” on the
road leading south from Dawson to Cogan’s
Mill, or Turnpike, is in bad order, and we
recommend the Ordinary to have said bridge
put in good repair, at the lowest possible
To His flonor, Judge IJarrell, we tender
onr thanks, and congratulate the County in
haviug so prompt and impartial Judge, who
dees j istice to all parties, and requires all to
respect law and good order.
To the .Solicitor General, S. Wise Parker,
we return our thanks tor his kind and prompt
attention to this body.
We also return our thanks to the Sheriff,
Dr. S. F. Las : e'er, for his promt attention the
present session.
We recommend that the presentments be
published in the Dawson Journal.
Lekot Brow x, Foreman.
John B. Crim, F. M. McKemxet,
W. H. Barham, Joseph L. Werton,
Ebuubex J. Allen,J. Fitzgerald,
John B. Perry, T. 0. Kendrick,
E. C. Beetles, M. A. Huron,
James T. Jones, Haley Johnson,
B. H. Hood, John Kitchens,
yy A. Lotless, n. V> illiamson,
John P Allen, \W Kaigler.
VV. A, Johnson,
his ordered by the Court that the fore
going Presentments be published in the Daws
SON Jocroal, in accordance with tbefiqueut
of the Grand Jury.
S. W. PAIiKkH, Sol. Gen,
A True Extruct from the Miuules of the
Supeiior Court, Terrel! county, Ga.,
June ,6b, 1370 J. C. E. CL-IRK, CVi-
Special Polices.
Bead sonic Tisiimo
Gkkfsk’s Sailor’s Ilovr, )
Poplar Street, London, England, j
I take this method of making known the
perfect cure t have obtained from the use of
your valuable medicine, the PAIN KILLER.
I Was urged by a friend to try it, and pro'
cured a bottle ot Dr. Kernot, ipothecarv.
I had been ufUieted three years with Neu
ralgia and violent spasms of the stomach,
which caused a constant rijeotion of food.
The doctors at Westminster Hospital gave up
my case In despair. Then I tried your PAIN
KILLKK, which give me Immediate relief
from paiu and sickness; and I regained my
strength, and am now able to follow my usu
al occupation ofsd’or. Out bottle cured
me. Yams respectfully,
Sir, —i desire to bear Billing testimony to
the wonderful ifficaev of that American
remedy called Pain Hiller, which I believe
has no equal in ill in country. I have boen
afflicted with heart disease, and could find no
relief till I got the Paiu Killer, which soon
made a cure. I atn quite willing to answer
any inquiries about my case.
Yours, etc., /’ANNY SILVA’RS.
Dudley, (Worcesterlhire,) England.
Gknti.kmex.—l can with confidence recom
mend your excellent medicine, the Pain Kil
ler,, for Rheumatism, Indigestion, aud also
7’uo hache, having proved its pffleacy In the
above complaints, Yours, &c.,
Place Bolton.
Gentlemkx —I have very great pleasure
in recommending vour medicine, the Pain
Kdler. I wassuffering severely a f.:W weeks
since with Bronchitis, and could scarcely
-w allow any food, so ir.ti imed was my toroat.
I was advieod by a friend to try your Pa ! n
Killer, anu after taking a few doses of it,
was completely cured. Your 9 respectfully,
T. WILKINSON, Ballon, Eug.
P. S.—l have lecommended the medicine
to several of my fiends ; and in every iu
s'ance it has had the desired effect.
Sold by Junes aud Zoyle&a, Piwson, Ga.
Juuc 2—lra.
Why Will Ye Die?—Death, or What is
worse, is the inevitable result of continued
suspensiou of the menstrual floib. It Is a
condition which should net be trifled with.
Immediate relief is the only safeguard against
constitutional ruin. In all cases of suppres
sion. suspension or other irregularity of the
“courses,” Dr. J. Bradfield’s Female R gu
lator is the only sure remedy. It acts by
giving tone to the nervous centres, improv
ing the blood and determining directly to the
organs of menstruation. It is a legitimate
prescription, and the most intelligent Doc
tors use it. Prepared by L. 11. Brndfield.
Prnggist, Atlanta, Ga., at $1.60 per bottle,
and sold by respectable Druggistseverywheie,
u* .in 9 t « w'isK.v
City Tax Notice,
r |’’llE Books for receiving Tax Returns are
1 open, and will be until the first ol July.
Come at once and make vour return of City
property. HAS E. LOYLESS,
June 9,4 t. Receiner and Clerk.
Tiie Georgia Weekly Telegraph
Journal & Messenger,
TS printed upon a sheet 38x52 inches, arid
1 c jutaino Fifty six Column*.
It i» a complete and unbroken record of
events, Foreign and Domestic, from Week
to week—presented in fifty columns o!
News, Political, Agricultural, Literary, Reli
gious, and J/iscellaneons matte’. It is be
lieved no paper in the South or the country
presents greater attraeiior.a to the Southern
reader or the man interested in Southern
Events or Southern progress.
Terras! $3.00 per annum, or $1 50 for six
months, always in advance. The paper will
always be discontinued at the expiration of
the time paid for, unless renewed.
Clubs of ten persons or more at a single
posioffice will be supplied by remitting
Twenty-five Dollars, or two aud a-half dol*
lars to each subeciiber.
The Semi-Weeklv Edition of THE TEL
Tuesdavs and Fridays. It contains every
issue, Twenty eight columns of rending mat
ter, and will be found one of the liveliest pa
pers of the day.
Terms: 401) per annum—s2.oo for six
months —invariably iu advance.
For the La est News, Foreign and .Domes
tic —the most copious Dispatches—the larg
est tupply ol Oligiuai J/atter, from a long
array of correspondents, the ablest in the
State —for a live paper in every Department
full ol the latest information in Politics,
Agriculture, trade, Finance, Literature, and
Progress at home and abroad, get the
baily Telegraph & frleppepger.
Price. Ten Dollars a year—Five Dollars
for six months—cash always in advance, and
the paper discontinued when the money is
Daily. Tri-weekly and Weekly.
Contains all the latest news by .l/ail and
Telegraph, embracing full Commercial and
Financial Reports from alt the loading ccntris
together with the latest Political and General
inlormaliou upon all subjects which interest
the reading public.
The terms of the DAILY’ are five for six
months, and $lO for one year.
The TRI-WAAKLY is $3.50 for six
month*, and #8 tor one year.
NEL i» a mammoth paper of thiriv-six col
umns, filled with AVlitorials, Telegraphic
Dispatches, Oommrttriottiiwns on mat
ters, together with Agricultural, Commercial
aud Financial artie'es —making it one of the
most desit able »nd valuable paper* in the
counlrv to the Plan er, Farmer anti merchant
The terms are $3 per annum, or $1 50 for
six months.
Ail subscriptions are required in advance
Liberal commissions paid responsible
agents -
all iettir* and commuuica
tions to the
Augusta, Ga.
jggTßpiciifiec copies sent Ire;..
Having Bought the entire Stock of
and having made extensive purchases of
in NEW YORK, while Gold was at the lowest point, are now prepared to show to the
old fi iends of the house, and all who trade iu Dawson, a stock of merchandise, consisting in
Staple anil Fancy Dry Goods, Press Goods, Boots and Shoes, for Gents.)
Ladies anil ( liildren’s wear, nothing, for Men and Boys,
Hats, for Men and Children, Yankee
Notions for all.
Our Stock, for Variety and cheapness, cannot be surpassed in the city. We also deal in
GnocEtttES ./.»'» E.t.niEi' supplies, cou.r, i.anit
b.ico.v, xc.
D.ll at S. M. Seisel & Bro’s, old stand. We charge nothing for showing eur goods.
March 24-ts.
r,.ifcif ■ !._■ ij ■■■'.. I.'!-■'■■■¥■ ■ i .. A"——?— ■■■ 'Ur. 1 gjg—
stpimif© Amu ©uramiisiiß
buy triooim,
fl>re§s Goods, Fsincy Goods,
Staple Gooffs, Boots & &l»oes,
lints, Clothing Hardware, Iron,
Steel, Plantation Supplies,
Groceries, Itaeon, Plonr,
4VD a "enera’ assortment of merchandise, is off red at such prices as will astonish all. My
stock for I'.IBIMITY, ItE.tfJTt’ find EO IF* I*lt IVES has net bren
equalled since 186“. The great decline in Gold has caused a decline in all foreign good*
which will aatonish the closest buyer*. I invita the public from Terrell, Calhoun, Bakei
Randolph, Webster, Stewart and Lee counties, to call and examine my
jF we fail te sell te you, the reason will not be on account of TRICE.
march 17, ts.
I have i'i*t opened anew Blachtmilh Shop, opoaite my Warehouse, nefir ChdJWs Old
Stand and have emploved the best Smith in the county, ANDERSON JEFFREY, (col.)
who would be pleased to receive the patronage of his old customer*.. .id many new ones. Or
ders for work left at n.y office will be filled promptly. Will koep constantly on hand, Iron,
teel, Axes, Hoes, Ac.
Dawson, Ga., «^ an * 13-tt.
Ice Cream, Ice Cream,;
• jSoila Water, Ma Water!
Ml akes pleasure in announcing-to the eiti-
I 2009 of Dawson and surrounding coun
try, that in addition to his
Bakery & Confectionery,
be has erected a
perfected arrangement* whereby he will al
ways have IV E on band, and those who
like a delicious, cooling,innocent draught, can
always be accommodated at fcis Saloon. lie
is also prepared to furnish
in anv quantitv, far any purpose. Ladies
especially, are assured that the most perfect
order will always bo maintained, and all that
can be wii! be done to make the Siloon a
wor by place of resort. Give me a call.
Don’t forget the place. Depot staeet, next
door to J. W. Koberst.
April 2* ; 2j
I’Vn.n the subscriber, six miles east of
. Dawson, one White Roan .1/are Colt,
about one year old, thiu in order. in
formation will be thankfully received. Ad--
i dress
Dawson, Ga.
June 2-2a
5 will furnish a first rate article of water
ground Meal to all who will give me regu
lar orders, and will deliver the fame at the
houses, (weekly, or semi-weekly) of all cus
omers iu Dawsou.
Satisfaction Guarauteed.
April 21, if.
I would respect fully inform the citizens o I
J>iwßoa Rod siMTOvajding country, that I
have opetied, in Bhe teywu of i/iwsou a
and am to make anything from the
moat com»on Bedstead, up to a fine
Old furniture of all kinds repaired, snd made
to look asr good as new. Give me a call
Shop on Ma n street, 3rd door North of Jour
nal office"
jr. J r. KJEiir.
May 26, 3a>.
Will bring on the Metises
not been established! also when the/ h»ve
' been suppressed from unnatiir*! flitfeee. WIU
cure Rheumatism »nd Neu'ratfcla of the baes
and womb. WGII cure Painful Menetruatioa,'
and relieve the head, back ana loxnt of tn«M
distressing pain*anti aches,. Will check men-)
errhagia or “excessive flow." Will o<*r*"
“Whiles" and falling of the womb, when if
is the result of relaxation or bad health.
It is as sure a cure in all the above dteeeMl
as Quinine is in Chills and Fever
Ladies can cure themselves of all the aboVe
diseases without revealing their complaints to
any person, which, is alwaye mortify
ing lo tfieir prllit and modesty.
It is recommended and ttaed Vy thb belt
physician* in their private pratjtlcfl- ,
For a history of tho above diaedse*, cehtifl
cates of its wonderful cures snd direction*:
the reader is referred to the wrapper arodntx
the bottle. Jfanufactured and told by
Sold by Jane* A Loyless Dawson Qs. Pftdff
We, the undersigned Druggists, taka pleas
ure in commending to the trade, DR. J.'
believing it to boa good and reliable remedy
for tho diseases for which be.reiomdleadi It.
W. A. Lausdell, Atlanta, Ga.
Pemberton, Willson, Taylor A Cos., Atlanta’;
Redwine St Fox, Atlanta, Qa.
W. C. Lxwshe, Atlanta. Ga.
W. Root & Son, Marietta, Ga.
181 IU
my stock of
Spring and Summer Ml
I* now in and consists of goods that will pleas*
the Ladies, the Gentlemen, and the little
children. I make it a point to deal iu notha
ing but
First-class Goods,
and sell them as cheap as cau be done, b/
any one dealing in the same style of goods.
Call and see the
Lato Style Dress Goods,-
and Huoh other Goods ha are ueeded in Imt
house, or on the plantation.
m’oh 17, if. W-F-ORR
c uthberT
Cotton Yarns,
ITS a*
j.rtt f. nnt nit it sac.,
Vulhbcrl . Ga.
June 2,3 m.
City Marshal's Sale,
\ \/ T ILL be -old before the Court House
y T Door, in the City of DAWSON, od
the 13th day of June next, one Store House
and Lot, near the Depot, occupied by J. A.
Uiers- Sold as the property of said Uiers,
to srtisfv a Tax Fi Fa, issued by the Clerk of
the City Council, for City Taxes for the yea#
1809. W. K. tOZ ART,
May 1?. 50d. Atarshale
Will be open only a few days
With a large variety of
of all style*, very eheap.
All kiuds of Pictures taken ft* the
Highest gtyle of the
Particular attention given to
Copying Old Daguerreotypes.
nto Card Pictures or Large Photograph*
All stvles of Picturas done with
neatness and Dispatch, and warranter) not to
fade. G. It. FI..HT,
May 13, 3w. Photographer'
€ OST.
Mr. W. M. Peeples having decided io'
change his business,-1 hhve tlirs day bought)
out his
Entire stock of Goose
and offer them at COST for CAS-ff,'
4/r J. A. Miaim*, assisted by C*pt. T. tf'
Jou te, will be happy to wait upon cus'omer**
f*. to-xir.
miyl9 44.-