Newspaper Page Text
r l* order
!r emi.lovoes may have a few
that o' ir we believe is due
' la - v8 rt T on , will only be issued next
thel L a small sheet, to carry out the
relates to legal advertisements,
8 j “ fill our advertising contracts.
““come SSTSTaii Jfi that’a got the
A and want Bargains in Dry
lioo i, Clothing, Shoos, Hats, &c.
YHmise is tho place to get them.
Tbe United States Hotel, Louisville,
is the most centrally located ho
tel jn that city.
,/ nnv & Crouch have a largo stock of
£Z£ and Fancy Dry Goods also
oiries, which they offer at reduced
, It will remind one of old
mne« to price goods in this ostahlish
ntDt See advertisement.
Why do the ladies flock to Pa
Hunch's Sal ooll ? Because he has a
nice carpeted floor for them to walk j
Why does everybody love to go to
Pat Bunch’s Saloon? Because he
keeps no liquor, and such good order
is preserved.
School Notice.— The following ex
™iMg will take place at the Hood
Academy, July'7th & Bth :
Examination, Thursday 8 o clock, a.m.
Declamation and Compositions, 8
o’clock, I' M.
Exhibition, Friday, 8 o clock, r.M. j
A cordial iavitation is extended to j
alb . „
Goods sold upon as long credit as
vou mav want- - like Messrs Baldw in j
\ Cos. 'sold a certain Editor Cow
Peas- So come along and buy.
The United States Hoted, Louis
ville, Ky., is tho most convenient ho
tel to all points or public places.
Cups and Saucers. —In addition to
the largo and attractive stock of Fam
ily Groceries to be found at G. B.
Thompson's, is a lot of crockery which
lie is offering at low prices. Think
of cups and saucers at 25c per sett,
and other articles in p»portion. Give
Green a call when you want some
thing to eat, and crockery to eat it out
A large lot of Willow Ware, some
thing for the Ladies, at
“Farm Lajiok.”—ln another column
wilhbe-found an article on this sub
ject from our correspondent, J. T. P.
lake everything from his pen, it is
instructive, is fully up to the wants of
tho times in the ideas advanced, and a
beautiful composition. Don’t fail to
read it.
“The Eclectic.” —This is a family
magazine, containing sixty-four pages
of carefully prepared and elogautly
printed matter, published at Cincin
nati/ If .all the numbers compare fa
vorably with tho one before us we
shall always welcome its coming.
Beautiful engravings are promised
to accompany future numbers. Terms
two dollars per annum. Addross box
lfo, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Beautiful Silk Mixed Suits, just ar
rived, lower than ever before, at
II hy is it that my buscuit are so
much better than usual ? Because I
buy Bottle Soda at Pat Bunch’s Sa
Examination. —Prof Goodwin’s ex
amination came off last week, during
our absence. We are pleased to bear
m ® vw ablf> a report from those who
* ere - jn. attendance. The advanced
c ““?* Batin, English Grammar
and Reading especially attracted the
attention of the audience. We regret
at our citizens generally feel so little
interest in these exercises. It is due
'he teachers as well as the children,
a lend our presence on such oc
The best french wove Corsetts, at
What,does Pat Bunch deal in ?
''er}thing that is good to eat or
nnk ’ ( spirits excepted).
Uur young friend, R w . Davis, has
{ roni the quiet town of Daw
ww’k t le J JUBtlill K «ty of Rome,
wrh* wrif continue the practice of
v We shall expect to
.F reports from him, notwith
*le, our * Dockets of that
Fnn„k o' 6 o< l with such names as
e, Scott, Smith, and various oth-
Cou . nße l° rß for the unfortunate
hi< J" ln De has talent, and
Jt a good Kid glove ? If
»re ‘h. Wl> \ ÜBT - —More diseases i
liver r Ult ,° fa derangement of the
When * rQm an - v other cause.
Part nf *k at or £ an i s diseased, every
it and 6 By , stem sympathises with
i> the f* n^ ra Prostration and decline
spsedicef 8111- t>«st, safest and
and all th™!r y for ver Complaint,
TUTT>* diseases that follow, is
the climo* ey are Pooaharly adapted to
sold by Dr, ° f - the ®° ut k - They are
uD 7 druggists everywhere.
Tv . ' -«•»«-
Cloth 6 ot ladies and Misses
ever - before offer e d in
at prices u-hM 6 ? sty5 ty ' e ’ size an<l price,
wh»ch defy competition, at
at cllißri Men , B Brogans at SI.OO
* 'th^pk lot °* Ho “ery in Daw
fhfi T f heap Cash Store of
Rail Road Officials; —A number
of rail road gentlemen visited the Daw
sou Manufacturing Company on Tues
day last; among them was Col. W.
M. Wadley, President of tho Central
Road, Gen. W. S. Holt, President S.
W. R. Road. Mr. Virgil Powers,
Engineer and Superintendent of the
B. W. R R, with quite a number of
prominent gentlemen from Macon and
Americus. Bro. Styles was one of the
party, and we shall expect a report of
the acts and doings. They left for
Cuthbert, Ft. Gaines and Eufaula.—
Don’t know their mission, but suppose
the officers of the road aro making their
annual trip of inspection and stopped
to soo if Maj. Nelson would pass mus
| We would dislike to refuse to de
liver goods after they aro done up,
but will do so unless they are paid
Spring Chickens. —Wo will say to
those of our bretheren who have felt
| BO much interest in us, as to notice
our search for Butter and Eggs, and
I reward offered for spring cnickous,
that printer's ink has done the work. We
have had brought in to us more Eggs
than we could use, and now we can
testify to the fact that spring chicken
tastes as it did in the good old days,
when the 15th Amendment lived on
Bacon and Greens, and allowed the
good ladies of the country to have
half the chickens they raised. We
now feel no fear ot perishing since our
subscribers have commenced to pay
their subscription in chickens.
P. S. A word to subscribers : you need
have no fear of overstocking us, we
have a large family , and they all like
spring chickens. Bring them along.
Korsoo.—This medicine is rapidly g*i ing
1 1* confidence ot the people, and the numer
ous testimonials of its virtues, giveu by prac
titioners ot medicine, 1. aves no doubt that
it is a safe and reliable .emedy for impuritt
The last Medical Journal contains an ar
ticle from Prof. K. S. Newton, M. D., Presi
dent of the E Medical College, city of New
York, that speaks in high terms ofiis cura
tive properties, and gives a special recom
mendation of Koakoo to the practitiouers of
medicine. This is, we believe, the first in
stance where such medicines have been offi
cially endorsed by the Faculty of any of the
medical colleges, aod reflects great credit
upon the skill of Dr. Lawrence, its compound
er and also puts “Koakoo” in the tan of all
Norfo Ik Daily Journal, Dec.
Crop Prospects. —lnformation ftom
planters of Calhoun, Webster, and
Tcrroll counties, and also by parties
who have traveled much in S. W
Georgia, and personal observation
load us to believe that the prospect for
a good crop of corn or cotton is not at
all flattering. A good field of corn is
an exception, and good cotton can be
found only in small patches. The cot
ton is at least ono month behind, and
will require the most propitious sea
sons to make an average crop. The
long wet spell of weather has caused
Geu’l Green to come up in full force
with all his army in the field (none iu
hospital) and by his bold stand seems
determined to route the former occu
pant. llis increasing forces has de
ni. ralizod some of the 15th amend
ments, who had stood the shock of
battle and acted gloriously on other
fields, but now seek to do service un
der some other General, who fights all
his battles near town. of Jurors Drawn for No
vember Term, Terrell superi
or Court
grand jurors.
F M McKenney, Cain Wall, S F Ben
net, N C Grier, A J Varner, Thos M
Meadows, Jas Morrow, IraTruit, J A
Bishop, Jas Savage, John S Turner,
Jas A Chambless, C M Hill, J R W
Berry, M J Harper, Thos Caldwell, E
Bellflower, M A Huson, JW Cm inlan
der, B II Brown, Geo T Marshall, B
F Todd, Dan’l M Lee.
traverse jurors.
J W Berry, G W Cochran, T J
Hart, M L Harp, E C Walker, W G
Wall, A J. Butler J E I/db, Thos J
Grier, C F Oxford. J M Alexander, T
W Loyless, W H Crawford, J I’ Al
len, J L Lansford, Eli Aycoek, J B
Avent, Seabon Hav, H Atkinson, W
Kaigler, J J Bradley, D W Oxford,
Willis Martin. Wright Kennedy, Wm
Jeuning, Benj Gibson, Reuben Guico,
Kin l)ail, G W Kelly, D A Cochran,
Hiram Garret, Jas P Sharpe, John
May, Rufus ft; hums, Henry Lynch,
Dock Chambless.
Tlans Andersen reappears in the
July “Riverside” with one of his char
acteristic stories, “The Candles ’ The
Fourth is remembered by a paper on
John Paul Jones, and bees are remem
bered by a little poem, and the contri
butions by Miss Th. mas and Arthur
Gilman. Paul H. Hayne, the poet,
gives another of his “Pictures from
Froissart;” Anne Silvernal lets the lit
tle artists go berrying and they bring
home berries and pictures. The “Lit
tle Folk Songs” are as winning as ev
er, and the number is fronted by a
large picture by Parley, from the cap
ital story, “Jack es the Mill Pub
lished by Hurd and Houghton, New
York, $2.50 per year.
Imnorlrnt Action of Senators
and Members of Congress—
Sound mid Sensible Advice to
the People of the Soul It.
Washington, June 24.—The Dem
ocratic Senators and members of Con
irress, in caucus agreed upon the fol
owing address, which was to-day
To ora Fellow-Citizens of the Uni
ted States— ~Fr tends of the Constitution
tl, Economical and Honest Government:
The undersigned begs leave to call
your attention to the peculiar impor
tance of the elections which take place
this year, and respectfully to submit
some suggestions for your considera
By State Legislatures to be elected,
nearly one-third of the United States
Wl! l\ e clloßeu - Ne ariy all the
members of the next House of Repre
sentativos are to be elected next fall.
,Va»/1 Ji he Comm & elections, then, de
the whether the Dem
ocratic and Conservative element in
'j H *, ' ua |° akall ho increased, and
whether that element shall have a ma
jority in the House of Representatives,
end, as a consequence, whether wo
sfiell have control of an economical
and honest government, or a continu
ance of revolutionary, extravagant
and wasteful partisan rule; whether
we shall have a general, uniform, just
and constitutional legislation, with
reasonable taxation and frugal expen
ditures ; or unconstitutional, partial
and unjust class legislation, with op
pressive and unequal taxation and
wasteful expenditure. That wo have
strong reasons to hope for a favorable
result is plainly apparent. Elections
already held clearly show that the tide
of reform, has set in with a power
that cannot be resisted if no blunders
be committed by the friends of reform.
If they do their duty, and act wisely ;
if they throw off apathy, and act with
vigor and steadfastness, there is every
leason to hope that their efforts will
be rewarded by success. Let there be
no dissensions about minor matters ;
no time lost in discussion of dead is
sues ; no manifestation of narrow or
proscriptive feeling, no sacrifice of
cause to gratity personal ambition or
resentment, and let the best men bo
chosen lor candidates, and we may
hope to see our country redeemed from
And, in this connection, we bog
leave to say a word to our fellow citi
zens of the Southern States. Do not
risk the loss of Senators and Repre
sentatives by electing men who cannot
take the test oatli, or who are under
the disability imposed by the 15th
Amendment. Whatever may be said
ot the validity of that amendment, or
of the test oath act, you may rest as
sured that Senators elected by the
votes of members of the Legislatures
who are held by the Radicals to be
thus disqualified will not be permitted
to take tneir seats, and that members
ot the House of Representatives, thus
disqualified, will also bo excluded. It
is tue plainest dictate of practical wis
dom, net to incur any suefi risks. We
hope soon to see the day when all dis
abilities will be removed ; but in the
meantime do not, we entreat you, lose
the opportunity to strengthen the Dem
ocratic and Conservative force in' Con
giess, and the possibility, nay proba
bility of obtaining a majority in the
House of Representatives, by putting
it in tho power of our adversaries to
overthrow' or disregard your elections.
ISigned—A G Thurman, Ohio ; John
T Hamilton, Maryland; John W
Johnston, Virginia; Garret Davis,
Kentucky ; Geo Vickers, Maryland ;
John P Stockton, New Jersey; TE
Bayard, Deleware ; E Casserly, Cal;
Thos C McCreery, Ky ; Willard Sauls
burv, Del; and Daniel S Norton,
Minn ; of the Senate, and' Samuel S
Randall, Penn; Geo W Woodward,
Penn; P Yantrump, Ohio; Steven
son Archer, Md ; R J Holdinan, Penn;
John D Stiles, Penn ; Lawrence Getz,
Penn; J ames A McCormick, Mo;
Boyd Winchester, Ky ; WE Niblaek,
lud ; O Cleveland, N J ; John a Gris
wold, N Y ; Fernando Wood, N Y';
Eugene M Wilson, Minn; James
Smith, Oregon ; E F Dickerson, Onio ;
Geo W Morgan, Ohio ; Peter W Stra
ter, Ohio.; Henry NY Slocum, N Y ;
John M Creebs, Illinois; T VV Mc-
Needy, 111; Patrick Hamill, Md ; E
rastus Wells, Mo ; James A Johnston,
Cal; Henry A Reeves, NJ ; Benj T
Biggs, Del; Jas B Deck, Ky ; Clark
son N Potter, NY ; Sam Hambleton,
Md ; J Proctor Knott, Ky; S S Cox ;
NY; Chas Haight, NJ ; S S Mar
shall, 111, S L Mayliam, NY ; John
Morrissey, N Y; John Fox, N Y;
Wm S Holman, lud ; M C Kerr, Ind;
D M VanAnkon, Pa ; James Brooks,
N Y ; Alberst G Burr, 111; Wm Mun
gon, 0 ; D W Voorhees, Ind ; Petor
M Knox, Ala ; II C Calkin, NY; W
C Sherrod, Ala; John C Schumaker,
0; Wm II Barnum, Conn ; Thos L
Jones, Ky ; Jno C Cannon, Texas; W
N Sweeney, Ky; J H Lewis, Ky ; L
S Trimble, Ky ; John T Bird, N J ;
Thos Swann, Md; J M Rice, Ky;
Sam B Axtell, California; Chas A
Eldridge, Wis ; Geo M Adams, Ky ;
Janies M Cavanaugh, Montana ; J K
Shafer, Idaho ; S F Nuckolls, Wyom
ing, and Anthony C Rogers, Ark;
members of the House.
Dawson, June 30.— Cotton has de
clined steadily for months, and 16 to
l6i is the best figures for middlings.
Stock small and but little offering.
Bacon sides 191 to 20; Corn $1.75;
Flour 8 to $lO per bbl.
Macon, June 29.—Cotton—The ten
dency of prices is still dov nward. —
Market closing at 17i for middlings.
Bacon clear sides 19 to 19i ; Shoul
ders 15} ; Com 1.45 to 150.
Cincinnati, June 28.—Com dull
and lower sales could not be made at
over 80c ; Bacon quiet. Shoulders 13}.
New York, June 28. — Cotton lower.
Middlings 20{ ; for future delivery in
July, August and September 18};
October delivery 18}; Gold 11 lg.
Special •Votires.
Wht Will Yk Dix? —Death, or what is
worse is the inevitable result of continued
suspensiou of the menstrual Jlow. It is a
coudi ion which should net be trifled with.
Immediate relief is the only safeguard against
constitutional tuio. In all cases of suppres
,ion. suspension or other irregularity of the
“courses," Dr. J. Bradfield’s female Regu
lator is ’the only suie remedy. It acts by
giving tone to the nervous ceutres, improv
ing the blood and determining directly to the
organs of menstruation. It is a legitimate
prescription, sod the most intelligent Doc
tor" ut£ it. P..p*-«d by L. H. Bradfield.
Druggi-rt, Atlanta, $1.60 per bottle,
and sold by respectable Druggist* every* here,
- , . rCUC II Wanted in a paying business,
SALLOmCN S. Kennedy. *l3 Cheatnut at..
Njbw medical dam-
PH LET.— B«iniimL Phjsi
ral tend Aervon# Debility, it* ts
sects and cure. X ice 25 cents. Address
PT.CBSfAKY Mu?eu® of Anatomy, 818
Broadwa/, Jfew York.
Read «oiue rngliih Testimo
Greene's S.ilor's Roux, )
Poplar Street, London, A,inland. )
I take this method of linking known the
perfect cure t have obtained from the use or
vour valuable medicine, the PAIN KILLER.
I waa urged by a friend ttTtry ft, and pro
cured a bottle ol Dr Rarnot, Apothecatv,
. I had been afflicted three Tear* with Neu
ralgia and violent spasms of the stomach,
which caused a constant rrj ction of food.
The doctors «t Wei minster Hospital gnTe up
mv case in despair. Then I tried jour PAIN
KILLER, which Jive me immediate relief
from pain and sickness; aud I regained my
strength, and atn now able to follow my u«u
al occupation of sd’or. One bottle cured
me. Yours respectfully,
BIR, —I desire to bear willing testimony to
the wonderful <ffljnev of that American
remedy called Pain Killer, which I believe
has no equal in this country. I have been
afflicted with heart disease, and could find no
relief till I got the Pain Killer, which soon
made a cure. lam quite willing to answer
any Irquiiies about my case.
Yours, etc. ■f’.INNY SILYABN.
Dudley, (WofcesteriMre,) England.
Gentlemen. —l can wfch confidence recom
mend your excellent medicine, the i’ain Kil
ler, for Rheumatism, Indigestion, and also
Tbothoche, huving proved its efficacy in the
above complaints, Yours, &.j,
B id.reman's Place Bolton.
Gentlemeh—l have tery great pleasure
in recommending vour medicine, the Fain
Killer. I was suffering severelv a f.,w weeks
since with Bronchitis, and could scarcely
swallow any food, so luflimed was my toroat.
T *as advised by a friend to try your Pa ; n
Killer, aun after faking a few doa“S of it,
was complete!? cured. Yours respectfully,
T. WILKINSON, Bolton, Eng.
P S.—l have recommended the medicine
to several of my friends ; and in every in
stance it has had the desired effect.
Sold by Janes and I.o yiess, Dawson, Ga.
June 2-1 m.
JTEiint n .It) nsil VISE.nEJTTS
Express Freight Line !
lilaets :
From N Y. to Dawson, $5 75 per 100 lbs.
“ Phi', to Dawson, 6 26 per 100 Iba
“ Baltimore to Daw. 4 75 per 100 lbs.
|gf“Hats, Ttraw, Millinery and other light
goods, will be charged Fifty per cent, in ad
dition to above rates. £3jy~Aa this Line is
solely for ibe expedition of Heavy Freight it
will not receive Packages in Paper wrap
pings, or Shipments weighing less than 100
pounds. Single Packages of less weight w ill
be forwarded by "Express" at regular Ex
press ra res. |£g-Fieight for Shipment by
tliis Line ilU’I be markol "Southern Ei press
Freight Lina,'aud delivered at its Depots—
NJfW YORY—Pier. Foot of Liberts street.
North River,
Pniladelphiu— Corner of Seventh and JGr
ket Street.
BaUimore—l64 Baltimore street.
Atlanta. G* , June 27, 1870. )
To all Whom it flay Concern—
(■reclinii I
WIDTItEkS, Varney A. Gaskiil, of the
county of Fulton, State of Georgia, did, in
or about the month of December, A. D ,
1869, directly give Railroad bonds and mon
ey unto Nedom L. Angier, Treasurer, an of
ficer of this State, ns a bribe to influence ihe
behavior of the sail Ncdom L. Angier, as
TressuT' r ; and
WHEREAS, The siid Varney A Gaskiil
has freely, ful y and frankly trttified to al!
his acts and doirgr iu that regard, to tbe end
that the truth might, be made' public ami the
ends of ju-tice accomp ist ed ; aud
WHEKEatS, Tho said Varney A. Gaskiil,
believ ng himself in danger of prosecution,
has made petition for Axecu'ive pardon for
the violation of law as above recited:
Non, therefore, I do hereby fullv and free
ly pardou the said Vainer A. Gaskiil of any
an 1 ail V'sla'ion of law, which he may be
gu lty of in connection with, and which may
have atisen out of, or be based upon, the
transaction hereinbefore recited ; and I here
by relieve, and forever discharge, him f.otn
all the pains and ponal ies thereof.
Given under my hand and the seal of the
Executive Department, at the cspitol in
pliant", the dav and year above written.
By die Governor:
It II Atkinson, Secretary Ex. Dept.
June 30-4 w.
Tlebal AavEtinsM tirs.
Vpplica'ion been made to me to do away
that portion of the public Toad which
runs from the corner of Mrs. Hooks fence
near T. J. MeVeys bouse, to tbe distiict line
at or near the Gamble place, and to make
public the road running from the district
itn", below the plantation of M. A. Huson to
J. Ji. Glenn’s house in Chickisawhatchie, by
wav ot the Horton ford on Caney Creek,
and surveyors having boon appointed, and
their report laving been made, notice is
I hereby given to all parties concerned, that
the prayer of the petitioners will be granted
on the first day of August next, unless good
cause is shown to the eontrarv.
June 80, 4t. TM. JON Eo, Ordinary
In pursuance of an order of the Ordinary,
will be sold on the- premises ot Allen
Jons 3, in the 041st District, at 10J o’clock
A. to. Saturday 9 h July nett, two stray
Yearlings, one a Bull with black head neck
ands dea, and white belly and back, tbe oth
er a Heifer with red head, neck atid sides,
and white belly and back, each abo rt two
years old. No artificial marks. Appraised
at $12.00.
June 80 It. 8* F. LASSETFi’R
C\EOK(ril A. Terrell County:
I Whereas, Wrn. Jyorehnd applies for
Xetters of Dismission from tbe Guardianship
of the Minors of Simeon llnckaby.
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all persons concerned to be and appear at my
office wiihin tbe time prescribed by law and
show cause, if any, why said letters should
not be granted. Given under mv hand and
official signature, this 23rd day of Jone, 1870.
June 23 3m, T. M. JONA’S, Old.
School! School!
THIS is to inform my Fatrons that my
School will be resumed on rbe Bth of Au
gust next, at Jlfr. William Wooten’s place
near tfie Southeast corner of the Public
Square, dm very thankful for the patronage
heretofore extended, and am very sol citous
for tbe continuance of the same, together
with many new one«. Verv Re-pVv.
mary McWilliams.
June 23-6 t Dawson, Ga.
1 •
NO. 1 Buggy Borne for sale by
June 2>tf. JLTT.'O. T- BijEltT.
** « E.r T 9 if ' it
To Kell Our Celebrated „
01H FiMl FID.
Acksowlrdgcd by al! who have used them to
be the best Pen made or sold in tbls country.
No blotting! No soiled fingers I Sixty Hues
writteu with one pen of ink I Will out wear
any steel peo ever made. Bankers, mer
chants, teachers nod all classes endorse them
in the highest terms of praise. Put up in
neat slide boxes. Prices : two buses, SO
cents ; five boxes, SI.OO. Sent free of pos
tage, and guaranteed to give peilect satisfac
Liberal Commteskm to Agents I
He ate prepared to give any energetie
person taking the ageocy of theao Pena, a
commission which will par S2OO per month.
Three sample PtH will be mailed for 10
Pilfabnrt, (*n.
Official Advcrtismenls,
WIIA'P.KaS, An application for tbe par
don of Hillard Jone«, Thornton Hightower,
Nick Reynold*, Wash Gopelan, Joe Grimes,
George Brantley, Daniel Kilpatrick, Henry
Walker, Alfred Walker, Floyd Jfoorw, Ike
Chapman, Aiitnon Lundy, Jeremiah Lundy,
and Detroit Howell, accompanied by tbe evi
dence on their trial, was presented to tbe
Executive department on tbe iOlh of June,
instant, signed by the respectable sad res
ponsible ponies; and- "
Whereas, For tbe reasons set forth in the
petition, sustained by the record of tbg'evU
dence referred to, Executive pardon was Is
sued In favor of tbe said named prisoners;
Whereas, Since the issuing end delivery of
the said jYxecutive Order or pardou, infor
mation has been received at this Department
that one Kdmonds claims the services for one
veer ol the Said named ptlaoners, who : were j
pardoned, in consideration of service* al- '
ieged to have been rendered by him, and by ,
the attorneys in tbe preparation and present
ation of tbe application for such pardon:
I hare thought it proper to issue this pub
lic and official notice setting forth the fact
thst there was no such knowledge or infor
mation at this Department indicating any
such understanding or agreement with tbe
said Edinouds, or with any other party to
tbat effect; that the pardon was issued after
a careful review ol the evidence presented',
aud because it was a case which merited and
demanded Ffxecutive action, and that the
said named persons, late prisoners,,are in no
wise bonnd by any action of this Depart
ment to render service or labor to the said
Edwards, or to any other party for any
length of lime whatsoever.
Given under my hand and the se .1 of the
Executive Department, at the Capitol in At
lanta, the dnr and year above writteu.
By the Governor:
R. H. Atkinson, Secretary Executive Dep't.
June 28, 4w.
Governor of said State.
WHEREAS, Official information has been
received at this Department that a murder
wua committed in the county of Jaaper, on
3rd of December, 1869, upon the bndv of
Charles Sherwood, by one Benjimin Waits,
as is alleged, and tbat said Waits has fled
from justice:
I have thonght preper, therefore, to issue
this, my proclamation, herebv off*rirtc a -re
ward »f TVowßundrcd Dollars for the app-e
heneion slid delivery of the said Waits, with
proof sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff of
said countv and State.
And I do moreover charge and require all
officers in this State, civil and militarv, to he
vgilant in endeavoring to apprehend the said
Waits, in order that he may be brought t*
trial for (he offence with which he stands
Given under my hand and the Great Seal of
the State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this
seventh dav of June, in the vear of our
Lord Dtghto»n Hundred and Se»en'v,
and of the /udendndence of tho United
States of America the N'nety-fnnrth.
Bv the Governor;
David G. Cottino, Sec. of State.
June lfi,4w.
Governor of said Stale:
WII/TREAS, Official information has been
received at this Denarlmrnt that a murder
was committed in the connty of Gwinnett, in
the month o‘ Nnv"tnher, 1868, upon tho
hndv of Nnncv E. Wbitelv, bv nD« Gporge
Whitelv, as is alleged, and that said Whitely
has fled from justice :
I have thought proper, therefore, to tsatte
this, mv proclsmation. hereby offeriug a re
ward of Two Hundred Dollars for the sppre
hensinn and delivery nf tbe said George
Whitelv, with proof sufficient, to convict, to
'.he Sheriff of eaid county and State.
Aud I do moreover charge and require ail
officers in this State, civil and military, to be
vieilant, in endeavoring to apprehend the said
George Whitelv, in o-der that ho may be
hronght to trial for the offense with which
he stands charged.
Given tinder my hand and the Great Seal of
the State, at the C’spitol in Atlanta, this
seven'h day of June, in the rear of our
Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seventy,
and of the tndependenc* of the United
States of America the Ninety fourth.
By she Governor:
David G. CoTtimo, Sec ol State.
June 16, 4w.
A procUmXTio*
Governor of said State.
WHKRAAS. Official information has been
received at this Department that a Bill of in
d’c'ment is now pending in the Superior
Court of Taliaferro county, charging one
Alexander IT. iTvans with having committed
the crime of murder, iu said county of Tali
aferro, on the 13th March last, upon the pet
snn of Jcsae Dunn, and that, said Alexander
U. Evans has fDd from Justice :
Now, therefore, to the end that he roav be
bronghl to trial for the crime with which he
is charged. I have thought prooer to issue
this ntv proclamation, herehy offering a re
w»-<f of T*o Hurdred Hollars for the appre
hension and delivery of the said Alexander
H. Evans with evidence sufficient, to convict,
to the Sheriff of said county and S a'e.
And I do moreover charge and require all
officers in this State, civil and military, to be
vigilant in endeavoring to apprehend the
Slid Alexander H. Evans, In order that he
may be brought to trial for the offense with
which he stands charged.
Given nnder my hand and the Great Seal of
the State, at the Capitol in .Atlanta, - his
eeven'h day of June, fn the year of our
Lord Eigh'een Hundred and Seventv,
and of the Independence of the United
States of edm-ripa the Ninety-fonr»h.
j Qy tbe Gov. rcor
Dav;d G Cn-n'-a. ?<T v y r,f State.
1 Jitce-ISth, 4w. a
Governor of said State.
WHKRJTaS. Official Information hs* been
received at tbls Department 'hat ve-y recent-
Iv In the count? of Jefferson, an elderlv
wh!»e hdv and an old colored man were ta
ken from theD home* ar night, bv aome *n-
I known person* to disguise, and beaten bv
them fn a most brutal and merciless manner •
And whereas, whehsr through fsar of tns
aforesaid lawfeas persons, oe through wfrfttl
neglect of dn*v. the eivfl authorities In the
immediate neighborhood where aafd outra
ges were committed, have sassed to take anv
steps toward tbe arrest of the perpetrators
Ifow, therefore, In order to effect this ob
ject, and to vindicate the majesty of the Isw,
I hsve thought proper to laiu* this, my p*oc-
Isjustion, herebv nIT-rlng s . reward of Five
Hundr*d Dollars for the apprehension snd
deliVsrv of 'he aald unknown parties, with
•videnee sufficient to convict, to tbe .Sheriff
of stld roust? and ff a'*.
rind I do'moreover charge and require all
officers inthls.Ptate, civil snd milTtarv, to lie
vigilant Ineadesvorlng to aonrehend the aald
unknown parties. In order that they may be
brought to trial for the offence with which
they stand charged.
Given under mv hand and the Qreat Sea! of
the flta’e, at tbe Capitol In Atlanta, this
Seventh dav of 'June,' fin" the Tear of. our
- Lord Eighteen HuliilrWl *wl.'9e?efft*.
and of the Independence of the .United
State*nf.America. *J>eJSln*tv-tr>urJi.
RU.FUB bTbuluock:
By Die Governor : ‘ "
Datid G. Gotti vd, See of Stnto. .
June 16 4w. .:«• i**
Governor of said State.
WHEREAS, Official information haa been
received at this Department that a Bill of lo
diotment is now pending io the Superior
Court of Decatur county, charging one Jack
Tate with having committed the crime of
murder upon the body, of Jerry Simmon*, a
person of color; and lurthermops, that-Billa
of indictment are pending in the eafd Court
charging William JfcCuiler* and William I
Carr with having committed the crime of
murder upon tbe body of Albert Dale, a per
aon of color, and , that said criminal* bavo
fled from Justice ; nnd whefeits, tbe Sheriff
of said county of Decatur, certifies to me
tbat he has exercisea reasonable diligetica in
trying toappreherd the said fugitive* from
justice, but without avail:
Now, therefore, to the end that they, the
said fugitive*, oe brought to trial for the
crime with which they severally ataud
charged, I have thought proper to issue this
my proclamation, hereby offering* reward ol
Two Hundred Dollars, eneb lor the appre
hension and delivery of tbe said Tate, Mc-
Cullers aud Carr, with evidence sufficient to
convict, to the Sheriff of said county and
Aod I do moreover charge and require all
officers io this State, civil aud military, to be
vigilant in endeavoring to apprehend the
said Tate, JfcCuliers and Carr, in order that
they may be brought to trial for the offense
with which they stand charged.
Given under my hand and the Great Seal of
the State, at the Capitol In Atlanta, this
seventh dah of June, in the year of our
Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seventy,
and of the Independence ol the United
States of America the Ninetv-fourth.
By the Governor •
David G. GoTtino, See of Htato.
June 16, 4w.
Executive Department, 1
Atlanta, Ga., May 28th, 1870. )
Whereas, A vacancy has occurred, and
now exists, in the office of O'dinary of the
county of Lumpkin, caused by the resigna
tion ol Jacob Deck, the person having been
elcc'ed thereto ; now, therefore, it is.
ORDERED; That W. A. Barnside, of the
cou'y of Lumpkin be, and he is hereby, ip
pointed Ordinary thereof, to fill the Vacancy
a'oresaid; snd that he, the said W. A. Burn
side, npou his executing and filing in this De
par.merit hi* offioir.l bond as C'leikof Ordina
ry, in the sum ol Oae Thousand Dollars, with
such sureties thereto, as the law requires,
and as rhall he satisfactory to me, be com
iniiutioiied accordingly.
Given under mv Hand, and the Seal of the
Executive Department, at the Capitol, in
Atlanta, the day and vear above written.
By the Governor t
R. H. ATKiNtoN, Secretory Ex. Z>cpt.
Atlanta, Ga, May 28th, 1870. j
Brevet Major General Commanding.
June 10,*w-
WIIL keep constantly on band
Flour. Bacon, Sugar,
toffee, Flail, Lard, Meal,
tlaudy. Tobacco, Segars,
Tin- ware, Ac., Ac., Ac.
R-ntember the Farnum & Sharpe’s
old stand, West side Public Square,
m’cb 24, ts. DaWSHN, GA
of Corn, and Country Produce.
W. L. CLAY & CO.,
No. l.Granito Blook, Broad Street,
We keep on han# Clay’s Old Esntncky Whis
kv, and solicit orders and consignments.
cocb24 6m. W. L. C. &. CO.
I am Offering for sale a plantation near
Whaley’, .Hills, in Terrell county, nine
mile- Northwest of U.wgow, oowtaining 8 x
Hundred acres of Oak and Hiekory land 1
3')o acres cleared, with good tuprovevwc’t,
Gin House and Screw, 4c., Ac.,
For particulars as "O terms stj price, salt
Ou tflejube»r!ber Je Dawson.
June IS, if KA'rCLfrR.
"WOMAN'S BEST FftlßiV!> r "
Will briag ou th* Ktawt when they bah*
not been established, also when the/ have
been suppressed from unnatural causes. Will
cure Rheumatism tad Neuralgia of tb« book
and womb. Will core Painful Menalruatlou,
aud relieve tbe Asad, last and loins of tbe**
distressing paiSsand ache*. Will cheek meo
orrhagla or "eaces*!** BuV." WUI our*
"Whites" and falling of th* womb, when k
la the result of rel»**tioo or bad heaH'n.
It is as sure a cure lo all tbe above di*MM*
as Quinine Is Id Ohill* and Pkvei.
Ladies ran core tbrawfsw Os all lb* above
diseases vithout revealing tbeir comp taint* to
any person, which, Is alway* Mortify
ing to their pride and modesty-.
It Is recommended aod used by tbe b*e*
phvslclaos In their private practice-
For it blatory of the above diseases, certift
catea of Its wonderful cure* and direction*,
tbe reader I* referred to the wrapper arottad
the bottle, d/anufactured and told by
BRriDF/KI.D & CO., ritlanla, ©a.
Sold by Janes k Logics* Dawson Ga. Prioo
sl.6®. . ..
We, tbe undersigned. Druggist*, take pleas
ure la commending to the trade, DR. J.
believing It to bes good and reliable remedy
for the disease* for which be recommends it.
W. A. Lanidell, Atlanta, Ga.
Pembertoo. Willson, Taylor 4 Cos.. Atlanta,
9a. “■
Rod wine ft Fog, A.t!apta, G*. ,
• W. 0. Lswehe, Ausnvs. Ga. i'“-
W. Root A Son, Marietta, Ga.
may(-ly. *
lift 11)1
Spring and Summer Goods!
Is new In and consist* of good* tbat will pleaao
the Ladles, the Gontlemeo, and the little
children. I make It a point to deal in noth
ing but
First-class Goods?
and sell them as cheap as can be done, by
any one dealing in the *abe style of good*.
Call and see tbe
Late Style Dress Goods,
and suoh other Good* •* are needed in tba
house, nr on the plantation,
m’ob 17, if. W. F-ORR
Colton Varna,
J.l U F. HI 1)1)00 Set.,
Cuthbert, On.
June 2,3 m.
JR. TttRNBULL respeotfutly inform*
« the citix;ns of Da'veon, and vicinity,
that lie has commenced the Tailoring busi
ness in this city, and flatters himself, from
his loug experience iu tbe business, that he
can give entire satisfaction to those who fa
vor him with their patronage. Cutting par*
tieuUrly attended to. Cleaning and repairing
also done.
Apnl 21, ts. J. R. TURNBULL.
M. C.
Tin & Sheet Iron Worker.
r I’'AKEB pleasure in announcing tothecitl-
JL i yen* of Dawson, and > urroundtng coun
try, that he i« now ready to manufacture
Tinware at Wholesale or Retail, as low as it
can be haJ elsewhere. Also, Roofing, Gut
tering, and all kinds of Repairing practically
and cheaplv done, at short notice.
Copper, Z'nc, and all kinds of Mettle work
done. Give him a call at Soule’s old stand.
Eas tsde Public Square. Jan. 27, lj
1 would respect fully inform tbe c.Mens I
Z>iWßon and eurronnding country, that
have opened, in tbe town of IPawson a
| and am pr*artd to make anrtbfnj from th«
, most common ficdslvudt up to a fin*
Old furniture of all kinds repaired, and made
to look aa good ae new Give me a call.
S iop on Main street, 3rd door North of Jour
nal office -
Mav 26, 3na.
City Tax. Notice,
TBE Book, Mr rwgtt*lag Tat RatomS ana
open, god be sntfl ton Its* of July.
T*w®* a» ctioa -itije -k* yr vr -*«j»* at Olty
propmy. Jit? Z- L&ySiifllk
Jure J, r