Newspaper Page Text
iTtiusoit dtltcfhtn Jaurual,
TER .ns-struiiy in
Three month* 1 25
Six months ” $ qo
One n*r -■■ ■
LOCAL column.
Louisville, Kv.,
and refurnished in first
elm style- (| r
_ K „., n |., c e to hue vour Clothing is the
The best place & GRIFFIN>
. L i D fn Vks, in every style
and price, at tiie C *g yL 'j|g£ & GRIFFIM
TT.jted States Hotel, Louisville, Kv.,
is immediately opposite JM'.sonic Temple.
The best assortment of clothing in the
market at the Cash & G/ > IFFIN
vfW FLOUI?, by the Car Xosd, at
— ——
D„ff R!ne and Pink Cbarnhrvs nt 20ets nt
lhe ß C?sh L __LOYLENN& GRIFFIN.
Good Naws.-dfr. W. Wooten hag a house
full of something to eat, and is offering to
tell on time. See Advertisement.
Calico’s, Calico’s, as cheap as the cheap
f,r, at the Cash ‘ S
Xcos at 20c a doz -n. Gallon the good
lAnkinv Htau of the firm of
Crockery I Crockery ! Just received, di
rect from the Importer, marked down to suit
•he dull times. The Cash Store wi'l nor. be
CorsTttv Bact n.—Our goods are priced so
low that the fainter* bring in a part, of their
country Bacon to exchange for Dry Good
»nd Groceries. Those who wish to taste
Terrell county Bacon will do well 'o call on
Still they go. Those A/en’s Itrogaus, at
JI.PO per pair. Come along and get your
Riioes, atthe Cash Store.
Dr. Ti-tt’s CilYbratkp A'xpkctorant No
Vrsmvllow it Acts— First it detaches
from the bronchial or wind lubes the mucus
or mut'er which some! hues ndlinr. s to them
with the tenacity of glue. (S'-coodly, it mit
igates the pain and removes the constriction
of tha bronchial tubes and muscles ol the
cheat. Thiidly, it resins the progrers of in-
Situation and assis s the lungs to throw oil'
the irritating matter wh'ch accumulates.
Clothing, Clothing, Clothing! Will be sold
at a very small margin on New York cost, in
0 der to close out a huge stock now on hand
at the Cash Store. I.UYI.E.S'.S & GRIFFIN.
Koskoo.—This medicine is rapidly gai ing
the confidence ol the people, and the numer
ous testimonials of its virtues, given by prac
titioners of medicine, h aves no doubt that
it is a safe and reliable .cmedv for impurity
The last Medical Journal contains an ar
ticiefrom Piot. R. S. Newton, M. D., Presi
dent of the E Medical College, city of New
York, that speaks in high let ms of iis cura
tive properties, .-.nd gives a special recom
mendation of Koskoo to the practitioners of
medicine. This is, we believe, the first in
stance where such medicines have been offi
cially endorsed by the Faculty of auy of the
medical colleges, and redacts great credit
upon the skill ol Dr. Lawrence, its compound
er and also pots “Koskoo" in the van of all
AorfolkDaily Journal, Dec.
The largest and cheapen lot of Ladies
Cloth Shoes uvep offered in this mutke' *t the
Niitiirtfsay Aiylit.
Me. Editor : To let you know how
very accommodating our merchants
are I will instance ouo case :
On Saturday night last I was sitting
ia the Grocery Store of Mr. 11. R.
Thomas, watching him and Jimmy as
they were politely waiting on the
many customers that were lining their
counters, when in stepped a gentleman
of colet\ Capt. Thomas asked the
what ho wished. Af
ter looking all around a time or two
be replied, “nutfin tall, nuffin tall,
lkws, cept you sold me dat shirt what
you got on dare.” This kinder set
die Captain back a little, hut he soon
rallied, set his price, the nigger bit,
and the shirt was shucked.
Mow, Ma. Editor, whose got more
accommodating merchants than we
Dawson folks ? K. S.
Thf. Boi And The Bricks. —A boy,
hearing his father say “’twas a poor
*bat would not work both ways,’
said:' 1 If father applies this.rulo about
his work, I will test it in my play.
‘ 3 ®tting up a row of bricks three or
! )Ur inches apart, he tippid over the
“h which, striking the second, caused
k to f'ali on the third, which over
l 1 the fourth and so on through
te whole course, until all the brick
M ell” said the boy, “each brick
ias knocked down his neighbor which
v’ u< ex t- to him;l only tipped one.
' 'C' T will raise one, and see if he
i raise his neighbor. I will see if
raising one will raiso all the rest. ’
‘ooked in vain to nee them rise.
iero, Father” said the boy, ‘is a
Ll' n^ e: twill not work both ways,
knock eacli other down, but
\.-°t raise each other up. ’
/ y s ' m i ’ said the fatlior, “bricks
‘ . m *inkind are alike, made of clay,
i , ve ln knocking eacli other down,
u r, not dls l-°sed to help each other
tnOTaT' a^er Thou added the following
Danv^f 1611 mon T R h, they love com
,'\lt w hon rhey rise, they love to
141011I 410116 ’ Hko y° nder brick, and
others prostrate and oolow them. ’
Special J\*olices.
The foreign and domestic demand for Per
rv Davis & Son’s great medicine—the Pain
Killer—was never so large as it has been of
late; and we think the time has arrived when
the declaration may be made, without the
Possibility of relutation. that the citv of
rovidence, in the Slate of Rhode Island, of
tiie United States of America, has furnished
the entire habitable globe with a medicine,
which, in point of universality of demand,
extent of usefulness, complete efficiency for
ah the purposes for which it is designed and
Wide spread, erduriug popularity, hag never
been equalled by auy medicine in Europe or
The universality of the demand lor the
Pain A'iller, is a ffovel, interesting, and sur
prising feature in the history of this medi
cide. Its “fame has gone out," into every
quarter of the habitable globe. The Pain
A'iller is now regularly sold in large and
steadily inci easing quantities, not only to
general agents in every State and Territory
of the Union, and evety province of British
.America, but to Buenos Ayres, Brazil, Uru
guay. Pern, Chili and other South American
States to the"Sundwich Islands, to Cuba at and
other West India Islands; to England and
‘Continental Eu ope; to J/ozantbique, Mada
gascar, Zitiztbar and other Alricun lands; to
Austialia and Calcutta, Rangoon and other
places in ludia. It has also beeu sent to Chi
na, and we doubt if there is any foreign port,
or any inland city in Africa or Asia, which is
frequented by American and European mis
sionaries, travelers or traders, info wnicli the
Pain Ki.ler has not beeu iutrodaced and been
Bought after.
1 tie extent of its usefulness s another great
feature of this rematkubie medicine. It is
not only the best thing ever known, as every
body will confess, for bruises, cuts, bums,
<f.’c., but for dysentery or cholera, or auy
sort of bowel complaint it is a ifmcdv uu
sui passed for efficiency and rapidity of ac
tion. In the great cities of B'itish India,
and the West India Islands and other hot
climates it bfS become the standard medicine
for ail such complaints, as weii as tor dys
pepsia, liver complaints and other kindred
disorders. For coughs and colds, canker,
asthma and rneumatie d;ffn u'ties, it has been
P'Oved by the most abundant and convincing
trials and testin' onv, to be an invaluable med
icine. The proprietors ere in possession of
letters Horn persons of the highest character
■nd responsibility, tctiiyicg, in umquivoeal
term-', to the cur effected and titi satisfac
tory results produced, in an almost endless
variety of c ses, by the use of this great med
icine.—Prov. Advertiser.
Sold by Janes A Loyless, Dawson, Ga.
Without a Parallel. —The demand for
Dr. J. Biadfielu’s Female Regulator is be
yond preceden in the annals of popular rem
edies. Orders come in <o thick and fast that
the Proptietcr has heretofore been unable to
fill them all. He is happy to state that ar
rangements are now complete by which he is
prepared to manufacture F'ema’e Regulator
on a scale equal to the emergency, aDd the
public may feel aisured that their wants can
now be supplied. Physicians of h : gh repute
are using this remedy, in daily practice, all
over Georgia. Hereafter no woman need
suffer front suppre s ed, suspended or inregu
ular menstruation. This valuable medicine
is prepared by L. H. Biadfield, Druggist, At
lautafGa., and sold at $1.50 per bottle by
respectable Druggists throughout. America.
JTE If .11* 9'Ell f 'ISE.nEJt'TS
Flantatioiv Supplies
ON t)\h E!
I have in Btce ts Jy'ge Inf. of ftyon and
other ldiniW supplies, whfeh is offered
Ci ' • #
For tlie Cash,', V
OR 0 N ? T l;M E.
Give me a call.
July 7th, ts.
1 \’ ILL RE SOLD before the Court House
W iloor, iu the town of Dawson, said
county, on the Ist Tuesday in August next,
within the legal bouis of sale, the following
u/oMand", Numbers 224, 225, and 226,
in the Thirteenth District of originally Lee,
now Tern 1 o inly ; I e'iedon as the proper
ty of Span Kagan, as the Administrator of
0. C. Speight and Span Ragan, to Satisfy a h
fa issued Ilom the Nupeiior Court of leriell
County, ir. favor ol Setn K. Taylor, vs. Span
Ragan, administrator A Span Ragan.
ARo at the same nine and place three
Hundied and fifty Bushels of Corn, and hour
Hairs of Cotton ; Levied on as the piepeit}
of John r. Howard to satisfy a ft fa issued
from Terrell Superior Couit in lavor of John
11 Vanover, vs. John T. Howard.
Aso at the same linie and place, one
Woodahop, in Ike village of Dover,
known as Martini Shop, containing one acie
more or less; levied on as Uie P r ‘'P>” ' J °
Hu-us r. Marlin, dec’d, to satisfy a h la is
sued from Terrell -Superior Court m favor of
John B. Perry, vs. K. !'■ JTartin.
Also, at the same lime and place, one lot of
land, number not known, but known as the
10. whereon Mrs. Oomfo.t Westfield no* re
sides ;■ levied on as the property of Mrsl Gom
foil Westfield, to satisfy a b la Rom
Terrell Superior Cou.t, in favor of John
Seay, vs. Comfort w ‘‘« ;fi '' U - „ T ., R
July 7th, 4t. S.F. LASSETER,. ff
TT7ILL be sold before the Court House
W Door, in the town of Dawson, Terrell
countv, on 'he Ist Tuesday In September
next Within the legal hours of sale, the so
'"t'xsxsxzu «»r,
July 7tb, 2m: b " erIIL
GEORGIA, Terrell County)
W hereas, D. F, L.whoru, Adminiatra-
V? r . . 1 K- -Shine , has applied for letters of
disrni. sion from said -state :
These are therefore to cite und admonish
all persons concerned, to be aud appe..r at mv
office within the time prescribed by law and
show caure, if any, why said letters should
not be granted. Given under mv hand and
official signature, lids ijih dav of July, 1870.
July 7th 3m. T. M. JONAS, Ordiuary.
GEORGIA, Terrell County :
\ Whereas, D. F. Luwhorn, Guardian of
S. rah Biinson, haa applied for letters of dis
uiir ion from s rid Guardianship :
These are theiefote to cite and admonish
all persons coticernod to be and appe. rat my
office within the time prescribed by law and
show cause, if anv, why s- id letters should
not be granted. Given under mv hand and
official signature, this oih dav of Jttlv, 1870.
July 7th. ts. T. M. JONES, Ordinary.
(AEOKCiIA. Tt-rrell County :
A Whereas, Win. J/oreland applies for
Zellers of Dismission from the Guardianship
of the Minors of Simeon Iluckaby.
These are therefore to cite and admonish
sii persons concet tied to be aud appear at my
office within the time prescribed bv law and
show c ruse, if any, why said letters should
Dot Ire granted, Given under mv hand and
official signature, this 23rd day of June, 1870.
June 23 3m. T. M. JONAS, Ord.
Application been made to me to do away
that portion of the public road which
ruus from the corner of Mrs. Hooks fence
near T. J. McVeye bouse, to the district line
at or near the Gamble place, and to make
public the road tunning froai the district
line, below the plantation of M. A. Huron to
J. R. Glenn’s house in Chiekisawhatchie, by
wav of the Horton ford on Caney Creek,
and surveyors having been appointed, and
their report having beeu made, notice is
hereby given to all parties concerned, that
the prayer of tiie petitioners will be granted
on the first day of August next, uuless good
cause is shown to the coutrarv.
June 30, 4t. T. M. JONA’ri, Ordinary.
Official Advertisments.
Atlanta, Ga., June 27, 1870. j
Toall Whom it May Concern—
W HARE AS, Varney A. Gaskiil, of the
county of Fulton, State of Georgia, did, in
or about the mot th of December, A. D.,
1869, directly give Railroad bends andtaunn
ey uuto Nedo.n L. Angier, Treasurer, an of
-of this (State, as a bribe to influence the
behavior of the said Nedotu L. Angler, as
TieasuT-r ; and
W HARE AS, Tiie said Varney A Gaskiil
has freely, ful-v and frankly testified to nII
hiw acts and doings in that regatd, to the end
that the truth might be made public and the
ends of ju-tice accotnplisi ed ; and
WHEREAS, Tho said Varney A. Gaskiil,
believ ng hiuiself in danger of piosecntion,
has made petition for Executive pardon for
the violatiou of law as above incited:
_A"ow, therefore, I do hereby fullv aud free
ly paidon tire r id Varney A. Gaskiil of any
and all viola ion of law, which he may be
guilty of in connection with, and which may
liavearien out of, or be b-d upon, tire
trans ctioD lie- - inhefore r ited ; and I here
by relieve, and forever discharge, him from
ail the pains and penal i" - thereof.
Given under tny hand aud the seal of the
Executive Depailmenr, at the Capitol in
Atlanta, the dav and veer above written.
By the Governor:
R 11. Atkinson, Secretary Ex. Dept.
June 30-4 w.
WIIA’REAS, An application for the par
don of Hillard Jot e<, Thornton Hightower,
Nick Reynolds, Wash Copelan, Joe tiiiuies,
George Brantley, Daniel Kilpatrick, Henry
IPalker, Alfred Walker, Floyd j/nore, Ike
Chapman, -Simon Lundv, Jeremiah Lundy,
and Detroit Howell, accompanied by the evi
dence on their trial, was presented to the
.Executive .Department on the 10th of June,
instant, signed bv the respectable and tes
ponsible fartb-s; and
Whereas, For the reasons set forth in the
petition, sustained hv the record ol the evi
dence referred to, Executive paidon was is
sued in favor of the said named prisoners;
Whereas, .Since the issuing and delivery of
the said Executive Order or pardon, infor
mation has been received at this Department
that one Edmonds claims the services for one
year of the said named ptisoners, who were
pardoned, in consideration of set vices al
leged to have been rendered by him, and by
tho attorneys in the preparation and present
ation of the application for such pardon:
I have thought it proper to issue this pub
lic and olfieial notice selling forth the fact
that there was no such knowledge or infor
mation at this Department indicating anv
such understanding or agreement with the
said Edmonds, or with any other party to
that effect; that the pardon was issued after
a careful review ol liie evidence presented,
and becaupe-it was a case which merited and
demanded Executive netion, and that, the
said named persons, late ptisoners, are iu no
wise bound bv anv action of this Depart
ment, to i ender service or labor to the said
Edwards, or to any other patty for any
length of time wh itsf>ever.
Given under mv hand and the se 1 of the
A'xecutive .Department, at liie Capitol in At
lanta, ihe dav and year above writ'*".
By the Governor: „ . T ANARUS, ,
r. 11. Atkinson, Secretary Executive Depi.
June 28, 4*.
Governor of said Stale.
WHEREAS, Olfieial information has been
received at this Department that a murder
whs committed in the county of Jasper, on
3rd "f December, 1869, uonn the bodv of
Charles Sherwood, by one Benjamin Waits
as is n'leged, and that said Waits has fled
from justice : ,
I have thought proper, therefore, to issue
this mv proclamation, hereby offering a re
war’d of T*o Hundred Dollars for the app.e
hension and a- livery of the said Wans, with
proof sufficient to convict, to the bhenff ol
said county and Stale. .
And I do moreover charge and require all
officers in this State, civil and military to be
v'gilant in endeavoring to apprehend the said
Waits, in order that he may be brought t»
trial for the offence with which be stauds
funder mv hand and the Great Seal of
the Stale, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this
seventh dav of June, in the vear of our
Lord /tighteen Hundred and beventv,
and of the /ndepdndence of the bolted
mates of Arnica Ore Ninety-fourth.
Bv the Governor: „ _ .
I David G. Cotting, Sec. of State.
' June 16,4 w.
k Proclamation.
Governor of said State:
WH AREAS, Official information has been
received at this Department that a murder
was committed in the county of Gwinnett, in
the month of November, 1868, Upon the
body of Nancy E. Whilelv, by one George
Whitelv, as is Alleged, aud that said Whiiely
lias fled from justice :
I have thought, proper, therefore, to issue
this, my proclamation, hereby offering a re
ward of Two Hundred Dollars for the appre
hension and delivery of the said George
Whitelv, with proof siiffib’ent to convict, to
the Sheriff of raid county and State.
And I do moreover charge and require all
officers in this State, civil and military, to he
vigilant in endeavoring to apprehend the said
George Whitelv, in o-der that he may he
brought to trial for tiie offense with which
he stands charged.
Given under my hand and the Great Seal of
the State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this
seventh day of June, in the year of our
Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seventy,
and of the Independence of the United
Slates of America the Ninety fourth.
By the Governor:
David G-. Cotting, Sec of State.
June 16, 4w.
Governor of said State.
WnERTt’AS, Official information has been
received at this Department that, a Bill of in
dictment is now pending in the Superior
Court of Talisferro county, charging one
Alexander H. XVans with having committed
the crime of murder, in said county of Tali
aferro, on the 13th March last, upon tlie pet
son of Jesse Dunn, and that said Alexander
H. Evans has fi and from Justice :
Now, therefore, to the end that he mnv he
brought to trial for the crime wi>h which he
is charged I have thought proner to issue
this my proclamation, hereby offering a re
ward of 7’*o Hundred Dollars for the appre
hension aud deliverv of the said Alexander
FI. Evans wi'h evidence sufficient to convict,
to the Sheriff of siid county and S a’e.
And I do moreover charge and require all
officers in this State, civil and military, to he
vigilant in endeavoring to apprehend the
said A’exander H. Evans, in order that he
may be bipught to tripi for the offense with
which he stands ebatged.
Given ttndpr mv hand and the Great Seal of
the State, at, the Ojpitol in Atlanta, this
seventh day of .June, in 'he vear of onr
Lord E'gli een Hundred sod Seventy,
and of the Independenee of the United
Slates of America the Ninety-fonr'h.
Bv the Governor'
D»vn G Cutting, SecYy of State.
June lGth, 4w.
Governor of said State.
WHERAAS, Official information tv>s been
received at, this Departm-nt that vp v recent
ly, in the county of Jcffetson, an elderly
whi-e lady and an old colored mm were ta
ken bom limit homes at night, by some nn
kntjvn persons in disguise, and beaten by
them in a most brnt.,l ,ntl merciless manner :
And whereas, whether through fear of the
aforesaid lawless persons, through wilful
neglect of dutv, the civil authorities in the
immediate neigbboi hood where said outra
ges were committed, have failed to take any
steps toward the arrest of tl e perpetrators
Now, therefore, in order to effect th's ob
ject, and to vindicate the m jaety of the law.
I have thought proper to issue th'«, mv proc
lamation, hereby offering a tewnrif of Five
Hundred Dollars for the apn-eliension and
delivery of die arid unknown parties, with
evidence sufficient so convict, to the .Shctiff
of sri.l county and S ate.
And I do moreover charge and require all
officers in this ?t,r'c, civil and militai-v, to he
vigilant in endeavoring to apprehend the said
unknown parties, in order that thev mrv be
brought to trial for the offence with which
they stand cha-ged.
Given under ntv hand and the Great, Seal of
the Sia'e, at. the Capitol in Atlanta, (his
seventh dav of June, in the vear of our
Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seventy,
and of the Independence «f the United
Slates of Ampriea, the Ninetv founh.
13v the Governor :
David G. Cotting, Sec of State.
Juno 16, 4w.
By It UFUS B. B ULL 0 CK, .
Governor of said State.
WIIF.REAS, Official information has been
received at this Department that a Bin ol ln
difhment is now pending in the superior
Court of Decatur county, charging one Jack
Tate with having committed the crime of
murder noon the body of Jerry Simmon- »
por-on of color; and iur hermore, that bills
of indictment are pending in the said Court,
charging William -lAtCullers and William I
Carr%iih having commit' ej the crime ot
murder upon the body of Albert Dale, a per
son of color, and that said criminals hare
fled from Jnßiice ; and whereas, the Sheriff
of said county of Decatur, certifies 10 »te
that, lie has exercised reasorab e diligeuce iu
trying toapp-eherd the said fugitives from
justice, but without avail:
Now therejote, to the end that they, the
said fugitives, oe b,ought to-tri.l lor the
I crime wi'h which they severally stand
I charged, 1 hive thought pioper to issue this
! mv proclamation, hereby ottering a reward of
! Two Hundred Dollars, . ach, for the appre
hension and deliver' of ihe raid Tate, Mc-
Collers and Carr, with evidence sufficient to
convict, to the -Sheriff of county and
' I Vi and I do moreover charge and requ re all
officers in this State, civil and military, to he
vigilant in endeavoring to apprehend the
I said Tate, .VcCullera and Carr, in order that
! they mav be brought to trial for the ofl'etise
i with which they stand charged,
i Given uuder my hand and the Groat Seal of
the State, at the Capitol in .Atlania, tms
seventh dab of June, in the year ot our
Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seventy,
aud of the Independence of the United
Slates of America the Ninety-fourth.
By the Governor •
David G.'Dotting, Seo of Btalo
J«ne 16, 4w.
, Executive Dkpautm knt, )
Atlanta, Ga~
Whereas, A vacancy has occmred, and
now exists, in the office of Ordinary of tiie
county of Lumpkin, caused by the
tion of Jacob Deck, the person having beeu
elected thereto ; now. therefore, it is.
ORDERED; That W. A. Burnside, of the
oou'y of Lumpkin be, and bn is hereby, ap
pointed Ordinary thereof, to fill the vacancy
aforesaid; and that he, the said W. A. Bum
side, upon his executing and filing in this De
partment his official bond as Clerk of Ordina
ry, in I lie sum of Oae Thousand Dollars, with
such sureties thereto, as the law requires,
and as alia If be satisfactory to me, be com
missioned accordingly.
Given under mv Hand, and tho Senl of the
Executive Department, at the Capitol, in
Atlanta, the day apd vear above written.
By tlic Governor i
R. H. Atkinhon, Secretary Ex. Aept.
Ukadu’ks Military Aihtmct on GkorotA, )
Atlanta, Ga, May 28th, 1870. )
Approved :
Brevet Major Genets) Commanding.
June 10,4 w.
gw gitortnHrnts.
T?iilerpri«c, Industry, Tact,
JliLibetalitv, «nd 1 lie Bpri T*l*nt, have tor
over Twenty years been freely used upon
(Hoofe's llliral IM Yorker,
And as a result it fa now nic-emincntly, the /.ar
gent, be if and cheapest /llustrated Ituval. I.ilera
rv and /-’.unity weekly in the world. Tens of
tliouaands of wide-awake people, all over the
Continent, take and admire the ltiirat tor Ita su
perior-fbilility, Value, Illustrations, Style, etc,
Tlic Prs-MN mid People l*nii-e il
For example, an Exchange Bays; “The Rural
is the moat Elegantly /’riuted, nOly Edited, wide
ly Circulated aud lleuriily Welcomed I’nper, aa a
Whole, which now liuda Its way among the peo
•#-Vol. XX//, begins July 2. Try it! Only
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Less to clubs. Subscribe Now ! A'hlrc:u*
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ch. /fronts report “making sl7 in half a d.-iy.”
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Ladies or gentlemen detsiriffg lpimcduite nnd
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v A will psv for the New
1871 ONE DOLLAR will V*y lor the tfEVlj
v\E/sKLY do do. 50 cents a tumuli pave
for THE 7>.\ILY SUM. .Tddres',
I. VV. Publisher, New York.
Csifivst»frer» Wauled for Pun*
< laind|o, The grest original illustrated
comic weekly puper. The first 10 numbers
*ent on icceipi of 60c.; single numbers 10c.
Liberal terms to agents. Splendid Chr«mo
Premiums to subscribers. Address Punchi
nello Publishing Cos ,83 Nassau st., N. Y.
/^ost-office box 2,783.
A Bonk of 125 c'o-clv piinted png- s, lttely
is-tied, contains a list of the best American
vUlver'i-ing Mediums, giving t le names, cii
ciilaiinns, and full particulars concerning the
leiding Daily and Weekly Politic 1 and Faffi
jly Newspapers, together with si) those hav
ing large circulations, published in the inter
est of Religion, vlgiicultme, Liteialure, &c.,
&e. Every Adveriiser, and every pe.ton wlio
coniemplafws becoming siteli, will find this
book of great value. J/tilcd fiee to any ad
dre— on leceipt of fift en cents. GEO. I*.
KOIVELL >V CO., Publishers, No. 40
Pa’ k Row, New Ym k
Tlie Pittsbuig (Pa.) Leader, in i's h -ue of
May 27, 187n, says: *‘Tiie ti.m of G. P. Row
til & Cos , which issues this interesting aud
valuable book, is the largest and besi Adver
tising Agency in the Uni ed Si. tes, and we
can cheerfully recommend ii lo the attention
of those who desire to adveriise their iutsi
ness wrieiitificsillvaod syvlciiialio
Stlly in such a way: that is, so to secure
the largest amount of publicity for the le. si
expenditure ot nonev.”
Invenlois who wish lo take on' Le'ter-
Patent are advispd to counsel with M\j NN &'
UO,, editois of ihe Scientific American, who
have piosecmed claim- befoie the J-’aleni
Office lor over Twenty A'e.ns. Their Ameri
can and jS'niOpean Patent -Agency ;s ihe
most ex ensive in the woild. Charges less
than any other reliable egenev. A pamphlet
containin'' full irstruciiou to iurento s i-sem °MUNN A Cos., r. 7Pa Ik Row, N. Y
Saws! Axe* ! NIWS ! Axes !
saws of all descibilious* Axes, Belting and
JDII Furnishings. Ci colsr Saws with Solid
Teeth, or with Datent Adjustable Poin's, su
perior to all Inserted Tertii Saws. Pri
ces Reduced Jp r»“ s « , ’ and fo *' P"«- Lial
aud Circulars. A\ v-U'll A, Griffilil',
Boston, Jf.iss., or Deiroit, Mich.
1 m y Tools i«i Oils*.—Pocket Rule, Uu!
' eFt Bevel, Screw-Driver, Chisel,
Compasses, Scissors. Button-Hole Cutter, Pa
per AVife, Eraser and Pencil Sharpener.
Sample (polished steel) by mail, with terms
to agents 50 cent. Silver plated, sl. Gold
Mercer street, New Yoik.
yi;s! IT IS T KIIK !
That, the Lent Mowers —the Best Droppers
the Best Self-Balers to be found in the
wotld are t>.e Original and Reliable Double
Motion -.Etna Machine*, made bv the
.Kl’Nvl M A N UFA CTU RING CO, of Salem,
Ohio. Send for Pamphlet containing particu-
relief lor -Ist lima. 7'rlce W cents by mail. STOW
KLI. Si CO., Charleston, Mass.
cal amt i%erv<>u« Drbilily, it* ef
fects sod cure. Xiice 25 cents. Address
SECD-STADY Vu-euin of Anatomy, 618
Broadway, New York.
AGENTS WvfNTA’D in every city, tow
and villsgo, for the largest aud moat sue
cessftiL DOLLAR HOUSit'fn the country—
ONLY ONE endorsed by the leading Papers
and Ax press Co.'s of the United Stat' O
goods give universal satisfaction, our premi
ums to Agents CANNOT UK kxcellko, and oog
checks are free. Having two bouse*—Boston
and Chicago—our facilities are unequalled,
and our business exceeds in amount all other
concerns in this trade combined.
13(1 F«‘«is>i'i(l Mreel, Boston or
15k Slttfe Slfecl ( llicngo.
SOUL fill A RMING. —4OO pages ; cloth.
7’his wonderful book haa full instructions to
euable the reader to fascinate either sex, or
any animal, at will. A/esmerism, (Spiritual
ism, and hundreds of other cut ions experi
ments. It can be obtained by sending ad
drsss, with 10 cents postage, to T. W.
EVA NS & CO., No. -11 So. Eighth St.,
BRIDE anil Uricegrooin.-
Essavs for Young Men, free, in sealed
Box P., Philadelphia, Penn.
A victim of early indiscretion, causing ner
qous debility, piemature decay, Ac., having
liied in vain every advertised remedy, has
discovered a simple means of 6elf-cure, which
he will send free to his fellow sufferers.
Address J. A. Rit'EVES.7B Nassau et. N. V
All FCUCII Wanted in a paying business,
OHLI-lYlCrl 8. Kennedy. 4U Ctiestnut st.,
I Ini idelpliia.
HAS JUST ni'.KN I’l.l ITTF.n.
Centrally located.
Highly Concentrated Fluid Extract of
1E(D81K(D(D 2
Xo Quack Medicine- Formula Around the Dottle.
SAi tjtiiii< ( Ik iiiisf,
titlikeN nl tfio Hoot of Dieefbe tiy Pit—
I ifying the Blood, He-tnrinp; the
Liver and Kidneys to a Heal
thy notion, end Invigo
ta the Nervous
l'liis is the secret ol its WONDERFUL SUC
Scrofula, Syphilis, Dyspepsia,
Liver Complaint, Chiouic Khemna’ism
Nciira!gi;i, Nci vouh Afleclions, J -
I'iiptiorm ot tiioSkiit, Humors,
J.oes of Vi c it*, Hiseas sos
Kidneys und Bladder,
ttud all Diseases
(’itused by a
Or a Diseased condition of the
LlW'f'iS. tatUJi'EY’S, Af.’R
roc/s s rsTEJN, sc.
It tliorougltlv eradicates cverv kind ol Hu
mor and Had ’’’aim, and restores the entire
system to a healthy condition.
Tnoii nids have been changed by the use
of this J/edicine from weak, S'cklv, suffering
orea -iirps, to attotig, healthy and happy men
and women.
No Medicine has attained such a Guest
Ri rcTATiON as tins justly Celebiated Com
Apprved ty the Highest Medical Au
KOBK O O ! .
Endorsed and recommended by the Presi
dent ol the Faculty of the K. Medical Col
lege of the City of New York.
Paoi K-ssort R. S NJFWTON, M. DI,
Professor slid President of the Faculty, ate
"Professor Theory and Practice’’ of
Medicine, Cincinnati, Ate.
One of the most eminent medical men of
this age—well known a the author of the fol
lowing standahk medical works: Newton’s
"I’r.ACTiCE or A/kdicine,” “Diseases oe
Chilheen,”“Newton’s SymksSprgekt.’’ ike.
in December number of American Med cal
Beview —page 288, says :
“Among the more recent efforts to intros
dice popularly, some of the new remedies,
we no'ice anew preparation ci>mpi unded by
„. J. Liwrence, M. D, of Norfolk, Va.,
which i« furnished to the profession and the
public in any dasired quantity. We recently
examined hfcj Eabratory, and became fuily
satisfied that all his work is done in the best
manner, by the most approved processes, aud
from tho best materials, giving ss a result a
media lie meeting the confidence of the phy
atciaus aud the public.”
Koskot* Cures Scrofula in its
worst form
From A. W. Mills, a prominent and well
known merchant of Norfolk, Va.
No. 11 Mam Street, Norfolk, Va., Sept. 15, 1869.
Da. Laivkknck —Dear Sir : Your Koskoo
has woiked wonders in my family. My
daughter has been a sufferer from Scrofula
since childhood. She lost thirty-one pieces
of bone Bom her ankle, several from her
arm, besides having ulcers in several parts of
the body. Whilst in this condition she com
menced taking your Koskoo—it acted like a
charm on her; under its use the ulcers grad
ually healed, aud her general heal'h gieatly
improved. It certainly saved her much suf
fering, and perhaps her life. I regard Kos
koo a specific for all scrofulous affections.
Your koskoo also cured my wile of dyspep
sia, from which she suffered greatly She is
now in belter health than she has been in
live y*rs.
JTitli the highest regards,
am gratefully yours, Sir.
Koskoo is endorsed by the b»Bi physicians
everywhere. Read the following from Dr.
Tillerv, a successful practi'ioner of many
years standing in the Old Nor h State :
Rocky Mount, AVlgecomb Cos., I 1
September 10, 1809 j
Dr. J. J. Lawrence —Dear Sir; I have
' used your concentrated Fluid Extract of
Koskoo in my practice with the happiest re
! ■ iXr. I find i' to be a powerful Liverlnvigs
jorator, Blood Purifier, aud Nervous ToDic
: In all diseases of the Liver, Scroluloos Sy ph-
VOL. V. —N ). 21.
ilitic, and Kwoub Afleciiona, it ia a remedy
of immense value ; in fact, in almost every
variety of Chrouie Diseases ita use is Indica
ted. Hoping you may meet with the aucceaa
which you deaerve as a manufacturer of re
liable medicines, I am, sir, with much re
spect Your Obedient Servant,
Koskoo Cures Chronic Rheu
Norfolk. Va., Bept. 7, 1860.
Dr. J. J. Lawrence—Dear Sir: My eon
has teceivod so much benefit from your won
derful Koskoo that I cannot refrain Irem ex
pressing my gratitude. I had tried almost
everything without benefit. I believe, in all
sincerity, that you, Koskoo is sn infallible
letnedv for the disease from which he haa
anffei od, and, so far as I can learn, haa never
failed. If you ooly knew the immense
amount of suffering he has undergone, then
you could conceive the value of such a rem
edy as Koskoo—that surely cures. The
great amount of good it is now doiug among
us is inestimable.
IFith much gratitude,
am respectfully yours, Ac.,
Mrs. Af. K. A. XhiLSON.
Read the following from Jtfr. Womble, a
prominent Hardware Merchant of this city:
No. 1.7 Market Square, Norfolk, Va., |
„ ' october.)3, I SOU. |
Dtt. Lawrence —Dear Sir: To the large
number of testimonials which you offer of the
great efficacy of your Koskoo, I take pleas
ure in adding my own. I suffered greatly
with Nervous debility, Headache, Loss of
Appetite, Ac. Two bottles of Koskoo re
stated me to health- Yours Tmlv,
J. G WOJ/BLi,.
From Rev. W. H. Ghristian, Pastor Din
widdie (Street Methodist Church.
Portsmouth, Va., October 25, 1869.
This is to certify that I know Dr. Law
rence well. He is a gentleman of cultivation
and worthy of the fullest confidence. I have
used Ins Koskoo with advantage to mvself,
and have adopted its use in my family in
cases of nervous debility and depression.
From Dr. Lloyd, a Physician of large
Great Bridge, Va., October 8, 1869.
J. J. Lawrence, M. //—Z>eat Sir; / cheerfully
endorse your Koskoo as being a most valuable
preparation. Upon ex; ruination of tlic formula,
I find each ingredient highly extolled by ourbest
and most progressive clinical investigators. I
have tested its effects in my owh practice, and
Imve uo hesitation in recommending it. In my
opinion, it is the best compound of its class ever
put before the public—exceeding by far all the
various compounds of sarsaparilla, Ac., ever in
vented. It is n decided Nerve Tonic, and Invigo
rator of the animal forctg, aiding diet':; tion anil as
simllation, aud therel-y producing healthy blood,
which should Ik* the basis oftreatment in ati chron
ic diseases. Hoping you will reap the reward
you deserve from the public as a benefactor,
am sir, yours truly,
For 4d«liliois:sl TrslintoiiinU.
F-om Phynidans, Eminent Divines, Editors,
Druggists. J/erohnnts, <&c , see KOSKOOALMA
SAC for this year.
Price, ONE DOLLAR Per Bttle.
For sale bv the Principal Druggists hit he
United States, aud British America.
Will bring on tiie Menses when they have
not been established, also when they have
been suppressed from unnatural causes. Will
core Rheumatism and Neuralgia of the back
and womb. IVill cure Painful Menstruation,
antTTelieve the head, back and loins of these
distressing p.iinsand aches. Will check men
orrhagia or “excessive flow.” Will cure
“Whites” and falling of the womb, when it
is i he result of relaxation or bad health.
It is as sure a cure in ail the above diseases
as Quinine is in Chills and Fever.
Ladies can cure themselves of dll the above
diseases without revealing their complaints to
any person, which, is always mortify
iug lo their pride and modesty.
It is recommended and used by the best
phveicians iu their private practice!
For a history of the above diseases, certifi
cates of its wondei fill cures and directions,
the reader is referred to the wrapper around
the bottle. J/annfactnred and sold by
BKADF/ELD & CO., Atlanta, Ga.
Sold by Jauep A Loyless Dawson Ga. Price
$1.50. *
-We, the undersigued Druggists, take pleas
ure in commending to the trade, DR. J.
believing it to be a good and reiiable remedy
for tiie diseases for which he recommends it.
W. A. Lansdell, Atlanta, Ga.
Pemberton, Willson, Taylor&Co., Atlanta,
Redwine & Fox, Atlanta, Ga.
W. C. Liwshe, Atlanta. Ga.
W. Root k lion, Marietta, Ga.
may 6-1 y.
r I^HE celebrated Holton Pill, manufactured
.L by Dr. H. C. Bailey, at a4mericus, Geor
gia, is undoubtedly the best medicine yet
discovered for the cure of the different forms
of maiiriou9 fevers, such as chill and fever,
fever and ague, intermittent or biliious re
mittent fevers, and all forms of disease hav
ing a malaiioqs origin.
Smd by Janes <fe Joyless, Damon, Ga., and
Dealers Generally.
I*rice One Hollar.
M\ rch3l,-ly.
A few days since a Mrs. Smith resi
ding in Van Buren street, Brooklyn,
was attracted by the screams of her
child, which she had left asleep in an
upper room of the house. As she en
tered the room a large rat sprang
from the cradle and made its escape,
and Mrs. Smith discoverded that the
child’s leg was considerably mutilated.
A physician was called in, but the
child sickened and died in a few days.
Another child was bitten the next day,
and likewise died.
A Los Angeles orchard of ten acres
has produced $21,000 worth of oran
ges the past season.
At Washington, Monday, the eigh
teen graves of Confederate officers
and three hundred and sixteen graves
of Confederate soldiers, were conspic
uously decorated with pasteboard, as
a seeming warning that no floral trib
, ute should be placed on them. Sev
eral ladies and gentlemen ventured,
however, to place some flowers there,
but a Committee of the Grand Army of
the Republic snatched them off, and
threatened with arrest any one who
repeated the act.