Newspaper Page Text
col* P« _
{ , fr |«» of mee'ings are be-
R' Lia,o V .t the Methodiit Church.
»>re*ch!nr at "i
r «’ ,f " Dic k.on, of Amerious, Is In
1 tnd hi* dell* er ’ ome lm P rer
A# ron ,e along and get yoar
_ Cuorn.-There waa a pen,
* n n Friday I**». 1"
" " tine alwo'l to » renter spoilt. The
that the «k" ■"«
#M " , in O«won. Slnee that time the
"*£l" been rerv hot, with bright aun
w' ~,'h .. ia needed to brine not the cot
*"*• . Th . report from the corn crop
Innnlant. > ne *
MWi'inii** ... __
_a pot imnnl» C«lwwa,
Rends B'eaehlne TJmbrel.a, Hoop
flkiri*. R-bbot I '* No, y c jj- |im , T * Caorcn.
t . toeam on hand at ell honra at
Ice CM* pAT bdnch . 3 .
I atn Ktiv !• th(!
n ,. tTH -Our report the
K<( l, h 0 f the country to be distressingly
Rf.rr’s WtM'.r for Boys and Girla, con
,in4r, to grow in '"tere t. Only Two Dol
;; kU*~ J. w. Burke* Cos.,
Jlutoo, oa‘
Do too want Bilk and Peachea in dead of
• If no secure thr Protec'or Fruit
SSL ' JfUfasaix.pjMa.
m«ui«ou>an.u FCLros , 3
TV United Statea Hotel, Louirrilie, Ky.,
it only one block north from the CUru-ian
Bcform Church. __
Oar friend, TH. Niaon, will please ac
cent our thanks lor a fine Wateruielor.. Al-
M M, James W. Powell lor a fine Muek
„j # „. Small farors thankfully received,
Urge, ke.
|, cjoW bottle 3rd, RONCffS.
f- ait season is now on us. Don’t fail to
„„„|. tour wile with Fruit Jars from
tuppl; jour JaNES 4 LOYLESH.
The United States Hotel. Louisville, Kv
j, only three blocks from the Catholic
Horsi Siouxs.—J/r. James A. Lasseler
tune to town on Saturday, and hitched his
horse to the rack fronting the .Livery Str. j
and on starting home he found bis |
borne had been stolen. Up to this writing!
not a word baa been heard as to the where- j
abouts of horso or thief. See Advertisement.
Linen and Alpicca Sicks, in every style
and price, at the Cash Store.
.See notice to W. C Dodd, Agent Cotton
Sutra Life Insurance Company under Ke*
Wreriisemcnt head.
of Fall ei'ii Male
/•male Ina'inite. Xoaife and
LJlJwaida have a merited as thor
■ngh teachers, slid wc trust their school will
to sustained in the future as iu the past.
The best assortment of clothing in th'
market at '.he Cash S'ore.
N£W FLOC/Z, by the Car Eo-d, at
*500,00 Pam Sturt.— The Little C orpo
ml Magazine offers ibis sum for a prise ato
rr. Those interested can send twelve cents
to the publishers, Sewell * Miller, Ckicago i
111, for the August number of the Magazine,
vhich gives ail particular*.
If ron wish fresh vegetibl ’S the year
round, get your Jars at once from
Cool and refreshing Lemonade st
PAT BUN errs.
Glass Worm—From Calhoun and B.ker
eouuties we hear that the warms are eating
up the grass, blades of the corn stalk, sngar
r«ue, gardeos, and on some plantations the
tattoo fields have been destroyed. It is not
utual for this worm to attack the cotton
phot, bot w* are reiiablv informed that the
diraage doue to some plantations in Calboun
i* heavy iudred.
and Pink Chsmhrvs st 20cts at
u,h s ‘ote. LOYLESS & GRIFFIN
Dworsst k WooDRtJTT.—The advertise*
°"’ nt of this old established and reliable
enae will be found in our columns. The
oodruff Wagon and Buggy needs no coni_
®aodation from us, they speak tor themselves,
A. Huron will receive orders for any kind
a wagon or buggy, or you can order direct
mm the partiss, one of whom is Mr. W. W
oodruff, formerly of this county and favor
* * '‘ nbw n as the buggy man.
rJVW' BI * D d cheapest lot of Ladies
Cuk c. 0,,8,Ter offered in this market at the
htrt is the pice to spend Tour leisure
•®wt» rod gg% refreshments * At
f° r H"le to Plante is
G - 8 ‘ THOMPSON' S.
nt JUroerops.— That poor,
»9ho r owom P r liTe 1 who is dot beyond
he« Tt ?* . reco * cr J, (Right bow be hale snd
mutK b ® B ' ,t D 'g'«“ct*d that slight
w,y •<i+lXted', if you have a cough or
tipr* onc * » >»ttle of DR, TUITS
™ u w»B won be re
'* and «f.
Store" Ch ®‘ P “ tSe che ‘P'
0 *" 0 ” th * 800d
—Onr goods are priced so
S * astf f Baeon !!* h * in * P* r ' of ‘heir
i"! Groc,*f® •? egehanjfe for Dry Good
***** counts R Th °®* wbo *'* h *o taste
M °;,T in a nd» -*llto 0.11 OD
Fam, Traps. —Wo ate pleased to know
that our merchant* are making arrangements
to do a heavy business this Fall. We chal
lenge Sou'hwest Georgia to produce a set r y
merchants that pav more for cotton, and ael
goods of all kinds at lower prices than does
our mefehanta. The truth !►, we havo so
many here, they are foretd t& ofTor Induce
ments, to draw trade from a distance. We
hear ol still more coming, and extend to
them a hearty welcome. Competition Is the
life of trade.
Grockerry ! Crockery I Just received, di
rect from the Importer, marked down to suit
the dull times. The C'ssh Store wit) not be
undersold. LOYLESB * GR.FFIN.
Watch as wkll as Sxll —Seventy dollars
were stolen from the money draw of Jfeasrs -
Grim & Tucker, on Wednesdiy night. Judge
Crim was in the store alone, waiting on a
strange colored man, and while hi 9 back wa s
turned, heard the noise made when the draw
was opened, but thought the negro was
ing to steal a pair of shoes, and did not think
of his money until Mr. Tucker asked him If
he had made up his caslt account. On being’
told no, he said that It had been made up for
him. as the money natnon eat. We dopbt
l,he propriety of keeping open doors at night,
when there is but one miu to aell aud watch.
A Word to Jr’ARMXRS —Under our agricul,
tur.-.l bead will be found resolutions passed
by the farmers of J/aiion county, to which
we wish to call your attention. Other por
tions of the & ate are waking up to the all
important subject of organizing County Ag
licultiiial Societies. What says the farmers
of Terrell and surrounding counties ? Do we
not need the advice, couu sel, and experience
of one an other ? Khali we be behind our sis
ter counties in their efforts to promote the
interest of agriculture? Do u> t the circum*
stances by which we are surrounded demand
that something should be done to protect the
planting interest of our section ?
A l the suggestion of a few planters, we
call a meeting of ali who feel an interest in
the cause, in Terrell, to meet at the Court
House on Tuesday, the 2d day of August, ; t
2 o’clock p. m and hope to hear of organiza
tions in Other counties.
Wc should be represented in the Agricul
tural Conveniion which meets in Atlanta on
the lfith -August, hence the necessity of
forming qouoty societies.
A Livx P lack.—lt does one good to visit
the Car Works of the Dawson Manufacturing
Company. You will find life, activity, and
such system in eveiy department as is not o(
ten found in so large an establishment.
Each department, (and there are quite a
number of-them,) seems to move like clock
work, each man and boy unders.anding bis
particular business. Mr. .Atkinson, the Su
perintendent, is certai|k me right man in the
right place - In the office we found the ur
bine a»d gentlemanlv President, Maj. O' 0.
Nelson, and was much pleared to see the sys
tem and regularity displayed in the workings
of the Company. The ge titiemany beating
and conduct of the operatives is remarked
by our entire community.
The woiks are now inriwig out thirty-five
to forty boz cars monthlv, ard Major N. tells
us he puichascd, while in the East a few
duys since, additional J/.chinery. which wiij
greatly add to the capacity of the woiks.
Nothing contributes so much to the prosper
ity of our town as 'hose works, and we hear
tily wish we had a few more such Manufao
tu-ing Compani-s like the one of which we
write. now employs over one
and bovs, eighty being ent-
Car Wotk«, the balance at
heir Saw Jfii’s.
The Adjockxmf.nt of CoSgbess.—
Tho following are the strictures of the
New York llcruldoi the 18th instant,
upon the recklessness and precipitency
exhibited by Congress in its adjourn
ments, in reference to the impending
European difficulties:
The world has not for many gener
ations seen a more bewildering, con
founding spectatlo of imbecility, of
downright inability to comprehend
and grasp a simple thought—than that
shown by the united States Congress
when its attention was properly called
to this subject on Friday last. The
President, by special message, pointed
out the opportunity, and hinted at the
way we could improve it, but his
words fell on minds preoccupied with
another thought. What was this
grand thought that left no room even
for the preposition to erase the last
great disadvantage left by .the war ?
It was the reflection of every member
that ho had his ticket in his pocket,
that he had made up his mind to go
homo, that he did not want to be de
layed, and stop for the bother of any
more legislation, however imperatively
necessary lor tho interests of the na
tion ; and in this pitiful haste to get
away, apd for this puerile reason, the
Cong-ess of the United States turned
a deaf ear to one of the most impor
tant messages that ever came to it from
the Executive, dome members
were who proposed a measure that
might have covered the case, but Mr.
Kelley, of Pennsylvania, was there,
standing, as one might
geon in hand, determined rnffl the
nearly lifeless body of AmeHcan com
merce should not rise while he could
strike, and in the criminal indifference
of the mass of members duty
he was able to kill the proposition that
was made. Such then, patriot
ism of the Republican party, and such
is the contrast between its conduct in
the presence of a real national emer
gency and the ready attention it once
gave to the negro and now gives to
every form of coirupt robber?. Shall
our opportunity pass because of a re
creant and imbecile Congress, or must
the Government study means to evade
the operation of oppressive laws ?
New Orleans, July 25.—The
Governor has received the following
Cincinnati —I have information of-tbe
whereabouts of Thomas Digby’s child;
will you guarantee the rewardif the
child is returned ? The has
the information wants to Jcnow .} The
child was stolen in New Orleans.
[Signed] G. _P. Torrence" '
The Governor replied by .telegraph,
that the reward would be paid upon
the delivery of-the child-to its father
' r i nr Secokd Ihutau.ment._j TJmj sec
ond mstanmoni- 468 in numbor-of
toe Uuuumen ordered by the Stantons
f to work on the Alabama and Chatta
nooga Eailroad, arrived at Chattanoo ’
' g£ on lhur «day evening last. The
, Tiuttnnooga Timet says only four or
ive of the whole company can speak
. English, and of these only Yoh Wing,
t t i! o ‘nbtrpreter, speaks' well. The
it met says :
Immediately upon their arrival, the
cooks commenced the preparation of
the supper, which consisted of rice, a
preparation from flour and eggs re
sembling vermicilly, and driod scrimps. I
Ali tlio rest of the company remained
perfectly quiet in the cars, waiting for
the meat to be cooked. Every man
seemed to undt rstand exactly what he
had to do, and thero was not the
slightest confusion or disorder.
Tho present company are a fine
looking, intelligent lot of men, and |
have been in this country from ten to i
fifteen years. Most of them have
worked on the Central Pacific Rail
road. Nearly every one y who saw
X*hem last night was most favorably
Ibey were th have left early Friday
morning for thei| destination on the
Alabama and Chattanoga road.
It is stated by the Lynchburg (Va)
Lett's that the Chesapeake and Ohio
Railroad Company intend employing
immediately one thousand .Chinese to
work on the construction of that road.
They are induced to take this step, it
is said, because tho colored laborers
hav .t left, and are still leaving tho road ,
in large numbers.
Holden’s War.— The military cru
sade which Holden is making against
the people of Alamance and Caswell,
and which doubtless he will extend to
other counties, is costing immense
sums of money. The shrieks of fly
ing women and children, the groans of
strong men, and the desertions of
home and business and crops are the
present evils of Holden s military ope
rations. But men can not be fed, and
clothed, and paid, and transported
without fearful cost. The people of
North Carolina are expected to foot
the bill. The victims of these outra
ges, it is intended, shall pay the ex
penses.— Wilmington Journal.
Information Wanted.— The Nation
al Democratic Executive Committee
desire to obtain the name and post-of
fice address of the chairman of all
State and County Committees, also
that of all Democratic and Conserva
tive candidates for Cong. ess. This
information is desired to enable the
Committee to supply documents, etc.,
to any locality. The address should
be sent to Hon. Samuel J. Randall,
chairmain, Washington, D. C. All
Democratic papers throughout the
country are desired to copy this no
The trains on the Brunswick and
Albany Road are now running eight
ty miles from the fnnrer place.
The residence of Mr. -T. M. Kendall,
in Albany, Ga., was burned on last
Friday night. Property destroyed
worth 82500. Ne insurance. Sup
posed to be fired by an inceniary.
Dawson, July 28.—Nothing doing
in cotton middlings would bring 16c ;
Bacon clear sides 21 ; I-ard 25c ; Corn
81.70 ; Flour $9 to 811 per bbl.
Macon, July 26.—Cotton closed
middlings 17c. Bacon clear sides 201
Lard 21 to 22 . corn 81.45.
New York, July 26.—Cotton quiet
and steady at 201 Gold 121 J.
Special mYoliccs.
The foreign and domestic demand for P. r
rv Davis 4 Son’s great medicine —the Pain
Killer—was never so large as it has been of
late; and we think the tin e 1 s« arrived -h. «
the declaration may be mad.-, wi'hon* 'he
pos-ibiiity of refutation that, the ci'v ot
Providence, in the S'ate of Rhode Island, of
the United Sta'es of America, has furnished
the entire habi'able globe with a medicine,
which, in pnin. of universality of demand,
extent of usefulness, complete effieienev lor
all the purposes lor which it is designed and
wide spread, enduriue popularitv, hag never
peen equalled by any mediciue in Europe or
7 Tie universality of the demand, for the '
Pain ITiller, is a novel, interesting, and-ts- 1
pricing feature in. the history of this niedi
cide. Its •‘fame has gone out," into every
quarter of the habitable globe. The Pain j
K Her is row regularly sold in large and
steadily increasing quantities, not only to
g tieral agents iii every State and Territory
of the Union, and every province of Br tiah
America, but to Buenos Avrcs, Br zil, Ura
guav. Peru, Chili and other South American
St.a ea'o the Sind*ich Islands, to Cub* and :
other Weal. India Island--; to E'gland and'
'‘onlinen'al Eu ope; to M zimhiqne, Mada- j
gascar, Zinz'btr and other ollricaii lan la; to ■
Austta‘ia and Calcutta, Rangoon and mb r 1
~r,c , a ill India. It has also been sent to Chi j
nu, and we doubt if there is an? foreign port
or any inland -itv in Africa or Atria, which is i
frequented bv American and European mis
sionaiies, travelers or traders, into wnich the
Pain Ki ler bus not been iutrod jeedand been
sought after.
The extent of its usefulness s another great
fetiurc of this rematkable m* dieine. I' is
not onlv the best thing ever known, as every
body will confess, for btuiges, cuts, bums,
dec., but for dysentery or cholera, or anv
sort of bowel complaint it is a remedy un
su passed for efficiency »nd rapidity of ac
wtion. In the great cities of British India,
*nd the Wes' India Islands snd other hot.
climates it has become the standard medicine
for all eueh complaints, as well as for dys
pepsia, liver complaints and other kindred
disorders. For coughs snd colds, canker,
asthma and rneumatio dtffi n ties, it has been
p oved bv the mo-t abundant and convincing
trials and tesimony, to be an invaluable med-
Icine. The proprietors are in possession of
letters from persons of th- highest character
.and responsibility, testifying. in unequivocal
term* to the cures effected and the fatisfae
~torv results produced, in an almost, endless
variety of cases, by the use of this great ned
icine.—Proa- Advertiser.
tp'd by 3isc? is Luyisii, Divsoo, G-
WimtiCT a Paramki.—The demsurf f r
Dr J. B aufielu’.* FYikrJc R-rtila.or is b-*
youd precede!! in the annals ol p tpular rem
edies. Orders come in so thick and last that
die Pn.piietor has heratofore been unable to
till them all. lie is happy to state (list ar
rnneemerts are now complete by which he is
prepared to mmuhiciurc Fenta’c Regulator
on » ro«le equal to the rmergeitcy, and the
public may feel aifurvtl that their bants can
now be supplied. Physicians of high repute
»re using this remedy, in daily practice, all
over Georgia. Hereafter no woman need
to (Ter font auppreaaed, anapentled or irregu
nlar mctiatrnation. This valuable medi. I"e
is preps ted by L. If B--»rifi Id, Druggist, At
lan'a, Ga., and told at >1.60 per bottle by
respectable Drug*!*’* throughout. Atnetlca.
to Tomlinson, Dkmar'kst * Go.
628 and Broadway, ty Y.
manufact’vrkrs of
Carriages, -Biiggies, &c.
Especially -dapted to tbe autspiyrn KoVls.
high! Yictorials, •
And all other styles of Fine Carriages,
For one and two horses.
On Eliptic and Side Springs.
Mall Hacks ami Jersey Wagon*
Wc a r e list) sole Manufacturers of the
P autation Wagon for l, 2, 4 snd 6 Horse".
2ne best Buggy and Wagon In America for
tbe money. j
We have had an experience of thirty year,
in making work for the Southern Stairs, and
know exactly what is wanted to stand the
roads. We invite all to «end (or Circular",
anti pat ties visiting Now York we especially
invite to call at our Wareroom l .
We solicit the ttade of merchants and
Illustrated Circulars, with prices, furnished
by mail. A. T DEifkfltSr, N. Y.
have also bought out Mr. W A.
il it If, of Jficon, Ga., where we expect to
keep « large stock. June 23 ly.
W. C. DODD, Agent.,
Life Insurance Cos.
Amkriccs, Ga., July 19lh, IK7C.
It is with pleasure 1 state that 'he f’otton
S'airs Life Insurance Cos. has piomptly paid
thrmpti you the policy ol $6,000 ou the life
ot F. W. Forth deceased, to his widow, M is.
F>. L. Foith and children.
.Such a company well deserves the confi
dence of live publi".
8. fl. Hawkins, Att’* for
Mrs. E, L. Forth.
July 2S 2L
liewai’d l I
ST lie. N, from the undersigned, in the
Town of Dawroc, Terrell county,
gia, on Si'u dav night, 23rd inst., ab#K
one LightSo rel Mare, some whi'e hair abyiu:
over herbudv. Mineht'ie white where the
collar works, and a lung blax> in the face.
She is about six years old, walks and trots
verv well, and can b • made *o pace. \\ hen
walking site rairies her head a lit le be.ow
a level with her bodv. St- is an ani.nai of
good style and much iife, and Inc nlt
makesstarts or jumps, apparen ly from ro
cause. She is a medium animat, in fine keep,
ing. In traveling she c rri - her tale a In
tie in one sidp. 1 »iil pay *5" for the mate,
delivered at Dawson, or *1 •" for snd
thi»f. wi'h evidence v.. - ’’ e rs.
July 28, ts. JAS. A. Hs-EtoEE..
joss mill
Which I am Offering Low for Cash.
July 28 It _
Mats and Fewafa Institute,
, t r
ffMlKeaercws pf tf.j- Institution will be
A resumed the 15th of Au-
The disc’pl’tie wi* be strict slid firmly en
forced ; the iustruc iou thorough aud prac
t Oil
Pupils will he required to understand be
fore they are allowed to advance ; but they
can do neither, unle-s they a e regular in at
tendance. It is highly important that pupi s
should en'er on first day of the sessiou.
Pat'onage solicited. ,
Ra'es ot Tuition sl2, sl6 and s2l) sot the
JVrm- Students charged bom time of en
ter inf to' end of term.
M p. J. M Edward* will c"D inue in charge
of ttie nitric Lesson* giv< and residence.
Tuition six <i«»lUr* r**** mouth.
J sf. EDVVARDS, f frtticip.l*.
July 28, 3t.
For Sale!
I am effering for sale four hundred acres
of land, lying on the road leading Tom
Dawson to Chicknsawhaicbte. one and one
half nnles son Dawson, Severn, -five aorta
of fresh cleared Lind, comfortable ctoi 'S lor
laborers, good well of water, and creek run
ning through the land. This is a desirable
rlsce for oua wbo wishes a small farm near
t Dawson.
For price, terms, 'Ax., apolv t-> J. C. F.
CLARK Dawson, or the s thsorih, r
’wA^iNoro ;r
j JJr 21 2*.
1 Vl7 ILL BE Hie OO'I*) douse
T ? Door, iu the towh of Dawpou, stid
county, on the Ist Tuesday In August next,
within the legal itOUts of tale, the following
property to«*it:
Also, at the same tim4 and place Three
FI tin di ed and fifty Bushels of Corn, and Four
B ties of Cotton ; Levied on as ti e prepeTty
ol John T. Howard to satisfy a fi fa is-ued
from Terrell Superior Cou t in favor of John
B Vanover, vs John T. Howard.
A'so, at the same time and place, one
Wood-hop, iu tW# village of Dover, and
known as Martins Shop, containing one acre
more or less; levied on as the property of
Hu us r. Martin, (fac’d, to satisfy a fi fa is
sued front Terrell Superior Court iu favor of
John B. Perry, tj. H. P. A/ariin.
Y\7 ILL be sold before the Court Hous-
VY Door, iu the town of Dawson, Terrell
.county, on the Ist Tuesday in September 1
Yv?V. within the legal hours of sale, the fol
lowing propet tv to-wit:
Two Black Mare Mules, one Black Horse
Mttie, one Bay Horse Mule, and one Bay
J/are J/ule, and Ten Head of Cattle; Levied
on as the property of John B Vanover, to
attafv a fi ia issued from Terrell Superior
CoOr*,in favor of Charles G. Farmer, vs
John B. Vanover. S. F. LASSF.TA'R,
July 7th, 2m. Sheriff.
AUHERKA^,- Joseph S evensnn tenders his
t ! resignation as Guardian of James A G.
Rohr, snd sugges s David Bowen as a fit and
oroper person to take charge of said trust,
x There are therefore to cite the next of kin
all parties interested, that letters of Guar
dianship for said minors will be granted to
David Bowen at tbe August Term of the
Court, unless good cause to the contrary he
shown. T. M. JONES,
July 14 th-4t. Ordinary.
J. T. Gamble, Guardian
ol J. B * Viola Wilbanks, ten
de>a his resignation as such Guardian, and
suggests Elam Johnson ns a fit and proper
person to take charge of said trust.
These are therefore to cite the next of kin
and patties interested, that unless good cause
L shown to the contrary, letters of Guardi
anship 'for said minors wi'l be granted to
said Elam Johnson at the August term ol
the f.ourt T. Jf. JONES,
July 14 -4 f- Ordinsrv.
GLORGI 1, Terrell County:
Whereas, P. F. Law horn, A Immistra
torof J. K Shines, has applied lor letters of
dismission from said estate :
These are therefore *o cite and admoniah
all persons concerned, to be and appear at mv
office within the time preacibed by law and
show cause, if anv, why said letters should
not be g-nnted Given 'under mv hand and
effleial signature, this 6'b ditv of July, 1870.
July 7lh 3'tt. T. M JONitS, Ordinary.
CT COKCIA, Comity:
T Whereas, D. F. Lawhorn, Guardian ot
Sarah Brinson, haa applied for le ters of dis
mission from said Guardianship:
These are therefote to cite and admonish
all concerned to b» and appearat mv
office within the time prescribed by law and
Show cause, if an", why safd letters should
tint be granted. Given tinder mv hand and
official signature, th s 6'b dav ol Jidy, 7870
July 7th. 40d. T. M. JONES, O'dinarv.
p EOKGIA. TVrrol! Conirty :
v) Whe'eas, Wm. J/oreland applies for
.Letters of Dismission from the Guardianship
of the Minors of Simeon Huckahy.
These are therefore to cite and admonish
ail persons p.oncer"ed to he and appear at mv
office wi'l in tho time prescribed bv law ami
show cause, if anv, why said letters should
not tie granted. Given under mv hand and
t ffiei il signature, this 23rd day of Jure, 1870.
June 23 3m. • T. M JOXi'S, Ord.
Ir, pursuance of an order of tho Ordinary,
will be said on the premises of Aden
Janes, in the 941st District* at 10| o'clock
.4. M. Niturdav, 30th July next, two stray
! Yearlings, ones Bull with black head, neck
i and rides, and white belly and back, the oth
er a Heiler with red head, neck and sides,
i and white betlv and back, each about two
veare old. No artificial marks. Appraised
at *12.00. 8. F LASSE ER.
Julv 21, la \ Kteriff.
Wifi bring on tbe Menses *hen they have
nfit been established, *ben they havf
been suppressed from u’ datura! causes. Will.
care Rt-euntalism and Neuralgia of the back
and womb\ IFificore Painful Mbnatroa ion,
and reit-Ntthr iart and faint of th* »r
dietrevsT"gk}ins4nS("ches. glVSleksck men*
i orrhagia or “cxcessilY' ,w £ W,it cure
*'Whiteri’ and falling <ji the womb, when il
isttie results! rflax»tto%or hpd health.
It ie as sure aS'igtgin ®theVStov#disf«kv'.'-
{! Q tinine is in Chills 4nd*f , evs'.' \ \
I Lathta fan cure thetnaelrea of all the abeve
aeattes vithyukj ibeir complaints to
ija person, which, Y always mortify
gAa their pride and modesty
T W recommended and u-ed by the best
phvstoians in their private practice-
For a history of the.abovq diseases, e\rifi
cates of hs wonderful au'rs And' directions,
tbe reader is referred to )tje wrapper around
the bottle. Jfsmtfactttred sold by
TJRADF/KLD * CO., Atlanta, Ot.
Sold by Jwor r A LojdgsslJawsou Ga. Price
$1.60.X s
We, the undersigned Druggists, take pleas
ure in commending to the trade, DK. J.
believing it to be a good Hnd reliable remedy
for the diseases for which he recontmeuda it
W. A. Lansdetl, Atlanta, Ga.
Peir.bsrton, Willson, Taylor 4 Cos , Atlanta,
Kodwine 4 Fox, Atlanta, Ga.
W. C. L'wshe, Atlanta. Gi.
W. Roo' 4 Son, Marietta, Ga.
Plantation Supplies
Ihave in store a large lot ol B,eon and
other family supplies, which is offered
For the Cash,
Give me a call.
July 7 th, ts.
Sale and Feed Stable.
We expect to keep "r hantf. e‘! the aeaenr
first clisa Horses and Mules for gale. In onr
purchases we look to what is needed m this
eeotion, and trust to merlin liberal patronage
from those who may used stock. Call on us
hofo-e penalising.
./ (J i. .rj S HMA’ i HI)
To Sell Our C'elebrulcd
Acknowledged by all who have uked them to
be the best Pen made or sold in this country.
No blotting! No toiled Ungers ! Sixty lines
written with one pen of ink ! Will out wear
any steal pen ever made. Bankers, mer
clttnts, teachers and all classes endorse them
In the highest terms of praise. Put up in
neat slide boxes. Prices : two boxes, 60
cents ; live boxes, |I.OO. Sent free of pos
tage, and gosranteed to give per{cet satisfac
Liberal Commission to Agents I
IPe are prepared to give any enetgetie
person taking the agency of these Pens, a
commission which will pav *2OO per month.
Three sample Puns will be mailed for 10
I’itlsburg, Pa .
1810. M
Spring and Summer Goods'
Is now in and consists of gooiU that will p]t»oge
tho Ladle**, the Gentlemen, and the little
children. I make it a point to deal iu noth'
ing but
first-class Goods,
and sell them ns cheap as car. be done, by
my one dealing iu the Same Style of guods.
Cali aud aeu tbe
Late Style Dress Goods,
and such other Goods s are needed iu the
home, or on the p’antatlon.
m’cb 17,(f. W.F ORR
Motion Yarns,
JJS O F. Si IHitOO Sec.,
Cufhbcrt , Ga,
June 2,3 m.
JR. TURNBULL respectfully informs
• the cit.ztns of Divson, and vicinity,
'hat he has commenced the Tailoring hn<i
ness in this city, and hitters himself, from
hi* long experience in the businesr, that he
can give entire Batisfac'ion to those who fa
vor him with their patronage. Cutting par
tieularly attended to. Cleaning and repairing
also done.
April 21, ts. J. R. TURNBULL.
wm smxxp i
M. ; G.
Tin & Sheet lion Worker,
TAKES pleasure in announcing totheciti
isens of Dawson,'and surroundfbg eouo
try, that be is now ready to manufacture
Tinware at Wholesale or Retail,low ss if'
can t>c bad AI-o, RuDfing, Gu'-
'ertng, and all kinds of Kepaiiing practically
anilNheaplv done, at short notice.
Copper, Z'nc, anil all kinds of Mettle wjrk
done. Give him a eull at Soule’s old stand.
Eas tsde Public Square. Jan. 27, ly
1 would respectfully inform the citizens of
7)iwson arid surrounding country, that I
have opened, in the towu of Dawson a
and am pr«arcd to make anything from the
moat common Bedstead, up to a fine
8 XT B % & C r
Old furniture of all kinds repaired, and made
to look as good <rs new Give me a call.
Shop on Main strket, Brd dew Xorth of Jour
nal office'
Mav 2fi, Sm.
of Corn, and Country Produce.
U 7. &. CLAIT & CO.,
No; 1, Granite Slo.-k, Broan Street,
We keep on hand C.a.v'sOld Kc'Suchy V7hi>
kev and soll.i;• 3'i-rj u. J cotwigaments.
Si :2* sm. W. L. 0. & Oj
| Official Advertisments.
s PiuutAuvnoSr
j By R UrU.S B. B UI.L OCR\
Governor of said Stats.
Wne Rtf is, The Board of Council of the
to*n of Buena Vista, in the county of Mi
rinn, !n thi* State, has given official inform!!*
, tlon that a most brutal murder waa commit-
I led in said town of Buena Visla, On the night
: of the second Instant, Upon 'he bodv of
1 Grantville Holllway, by one John P. Ken
i nerly, aided and abetted by one James Ren
; nerly, and that iho said John P. and Jame*
Kennerly have fled from justice; and <
Whereas, The said Board of Council cer
tifies to me that they, in connection wiih'the
civil officers of said county of Afacon, have
exerc ; sed all dingenee, snd used every means
in their power to apprehend the said crimi
nals, but wi'hout avail, and are desl r ons that
such steps may be taken by tbe .Executive as
will srcuie the apprehension of said fugitives
from j ustice:
Now, therefore, in ordeT to” insure ptOtecv
tion to human life, and to vindicate the msj*
esty of tbe law, I have thought proper to la
sue tliis.m v {jrociamatiou, hereby offieriQilf *
reward of Cue Thott<and Dollars each for th*
apprehension and delivery of th* *aid John
P. Kennerly ana James Kfcnnerly to tho
sheriff of said county of Macon.
And I do moreover charge kftd'require alt
officers in thi* State, civil and military, to be
vigilant in endeavoiihg t,o appreheOd the
said John P. and James Kenneriy, in Order
that they may be brought to trial fbr the
crime whh which they staod etiarged.
Given under my hand and the Great Seal Os
the State, at tbe Capitol in Atlanta, this
sixth day of Julv, in th# year of our
Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seventy,,
and of the /ndepdndenee of the United
States of America the Ninety-fourth:
By tho Governor:
David G. Cottjng, Sec. of State.-
The said John P. Kenneriy is about 6 feet
9 inches high, weighs 150 pounds, stoops a
little in his shoulders in walking, has fair
complexion, light hair, blue eyes, and is about
26 years of age.
James Kenneriy ii somewhat straighter than
John P , has fair complexion, light hair and
blue eyes, weighs 145 pounds, and is abbnt
21 years of nge.
The Slid Kennerlya came to the town of
Buena Vista about five or six month ago,
from Franklin county, Tenn., near a railroAd
sta'ion called Eobard, on the N. 4 C. R. R.
constihitign" RENOVATOR,
This medicine is known to the faculty S9 be
ing tho concentrated fluid extract of Sarsap
arilla united with other valuable medicinal
heibs, and is guaranteed as chemically pure.
Scrofula and CON SUMPTION.
This remedy is compounded expressly for
puvifying and cleansing the blood ot all in
firmities, going nt once to the leuntain head
of di-ease. It extinguishes.
We all know that the promiscuous vacci
nation indulg.-d in during the late war bred
the most viilanous diseases. Vaccination
pus was l iken from the arms of many per
sons full ol f crofa'louß sores.
Then of course the impurities of the scrof
ulous patient were absorbed in the blood of
men othet wise without diseases, and both
became infected alike., alfen, women and
children ihroughout all the West are most
wofully diseased from ibis cause, and knew not
until a few mqpths ago, the O'iein of it.
Henry’s Constitution Renovator
Relieves toe Entire System ot Pains and
aches, enlivens the spirits, aud sends new
I' impurts a
Sparkling In iglitnesw to IhstEye
A llosy Glow to tlie C’h«rk.
4 Kuby Tinge lo tint Lips,
A Clearneti To tin? Hoad.
Briglituessfo tint Complexion,
llnoyaney lo tlie Spirit*,
And Happiness on all hides.
For all affections of the kindeva it is unsur
/’ooplc have boon rescued, as it were, ffon
the very j>ws of death, by a timely use of
this great remedy.
"Doc'or, 1 was vaccinated in the hospital.
Brfor* that 1 Jiad no «kin disease. Until I
had a bottle of your “Canstitution TJenovs
tor," ecrit. rue by Dr Roper, of Columbia,
Mo., I quffered tortures with running sores.
Since I ffbve used two bottles I arrt all well
except a small soiß olti the calf of iny left
leg, and that is getting well fast °
This from a lady.—“And now my skin is as
clear and ns fair as a babe’s. Mv complex
ion, thanks to .your “Renovator,” is beautiv
ful. a m ■ ■ ■
“Yes, yes, 1 may well’saj such rel’ef was
unknown to me before. Enclosed find five
doll*eg for six' bottles; two families here
want t» try it."
“I was very miich troubled with syphilis.
*Pour remedy seems to be curing me fast.
Send 4 bottles per Express.'’
“No more rheumatism. Three bottles of
Cousiituliou Renovator have made me anew
man ”
“Doctor, enclosed find |5. Please send'
me a sepplv. Two families here want to try
your Constitution Renovator"
We have not space for more of the above
extracts, but you can ark your neighbor abou
the remedy. Every ozic has something good
to say, as it emos every time.
For axL d:Sk*sks of Tire
Kidneys, Keienlion of'tlie Frill
Aud for Femuio Diseases,
Nervous Prostration, Weakness, General £as
aitude and Want of Appetite, it is unsur
passed. —.
<J AIJ XIO.Y.—In ordering our remedy
always place the number of our Post-Office
Box on your ledera. The new law in our
New Work Pom Office compels this.
Add-e-s, Or. 71. JE. Henry & Cos,
Director-General Berlin Ifbspflal, Prussia.
Ag •ncy of the United States.
Labiatory, 276 Pearl Street,
!*oat*OfHee Box 6272.
renovator is $i
per bottle, six bottles fprss. Sent anywhere,
on receipt of price. Patients are req"ested
to correspond confidentially, and reply wUir 1
be made by following mull.
Sold bv all respectable Drurgisfs.
J acob lippxan, Afm
savannah, ga.
WE are offetit-g for sJe Four Hundred
Aoreis of Land, lying three mife*
South of D-.wwo*, on O.iitfitisawhatchie
j creek. One 1 undr> and a.-res lre«h oleared land,
, with cor.iloftut-lc dwtlling and out houses
■ good crloa and stable. Young orchard of
like acres 1 bis i» a dbrirablo p] ice, and
i tio e wi.-hif.g to ru cT.ise land 1 ear Da*son
| will do wall to esMoine ours before pa*obt
; B .oJj. ’#*•*{ in e Sn’s field. Ob'oß *O(2 M»