Newspaper Page Text
' fcrr the Daw-
St “, c o*tnoncln* on
MhiU g r kv JB. McGkmkk, I*. K.
15 ' h l , .1 jI.M*» UAL '-' r " ,kobe ' ioe ' l " ,Tgt
r.iiro.t Bc, nice Dress Good* at 12 1-8,
filled Homespun at 8,. Every o, her „rs
, i„ the stons > n proportion.
‘* cle in lh MrKA ;.V\T.Y V rROPCH.
./. dealers in Mililuery, Straw ai.d
''r c 'ho.,dhj>^ir:^^L_
f „, nrT Aug 4,2 w
fjrnissstisf-* s
•.(fries*/ meetings have been in progress
. , Sl .,,day list, at the Baptist Church,
toodnoted by the pastor Rev. TE. Langley.
, and deal of interest is manifested, aid
considerable feeling exists, without much ex
L, r ec Stocks of Clothing «' Cost »t
learn that Capt. S G. Kraus killed a
„ry large bear in his corn fi id on the Noch
~aj creek. Good for you Capt.
, _ RKosrvri). -A new su-nplv of Calicos,
p rp!j floods, Bleaching, Umbrelas, Hoop
skirts Brtfeons, Sotiorm.' &o.
* ’ jVcAihnkt A Chough.
f hß Cubed .States Hotel, Louisville, K».,
~ oll |, ihree blocks from a iietbodisi
ice Cieaiu on band at all hours at
Sr. C. 0. K- rsey nil! accept our thanks
(ora larger basket »t the finest pea.lies
we ),,((, peon this season. A author man
Aw heart is in the right place.
Where is the place to spend your leisure
momouts and get refreshments ? At
Trur,sos's .1/aoazink.—The Ladies’ favor,
iefor Septctnbei is ou our table. We will
teceive subscriptions to this Mag..zinc at this c. Ter ms only $2.00 a year.
Cool and refreshing Lemonade at
The United States Hotel, Louisville, Kn, is
mlt ihree blocks from a Uubarian Church.
If ton »ish fresh vegetables tile year
rouod, get tour Jars at once front
Site Firm.—The public will again have the j
services of Loyiessand Griffin as Warehouse
■oil Commission J/erchauts, with the addi
tion of Judge Jones, who is a ream within
liiimlf. This iirnt is composed of live, relia
tilr, business men. See advertisement.
ue c.oleli bottle Soda Water at
Clubing oPt SalK—Messrs. Mi Kenney
L Crouch are preparing for the fall trade,
ltd to make roour lor their new goods, offer
their eittire stock at cost for cash, idee Ad
A;riciilUiral lYleeling.
ftirwsbK, Ga., Aug. 2d , 1870. 1
Ptir?u»nt to previous notice, a po lion of
tbe citizens of Terrel! couuty met at the
Court House to d«v, for ihe purpose of or*
ganizfi g an Jgnculiural iiocieiy. On rno
-110n i Judge J B. Vanover was appointed
I haiiman, and It. F. Simmons, Esq , Score
Tlis object of tlie meeting heii g- explained
G 5. K‘. Weston, in a few brief bu
Doiiupd reinarku, aud tlie Chair having an-
the meeting organiar-;d and ready for
I'Minew, the following gem lumen came fors
w ard aud ( Qrolted their namoa as members,
t‘>-wit r
M Renuen;inip f J* R Jones, D A Cochran,
>1 L//arp, Cam Wall, J W Powell, JVV
Win Bryant, S R Westou, C A
Met, J H Ifirshall, C F Lynch, A M
Nuii'd, J U Price, W B Norm n. T J Hurt.
II W Klli son, J P Allen, J W Roberts. G T
M * rsh ®l | , Mhlon Gatnmuge, J M Powell, E G
U .' lI ’ M A McNulty, G W Cochran, W F
' 'Sun, J W Rig ani R ( ,bt Ellison, ll tram
tarreq T (. Kendrick, Robert Lundy, John
McCarthy, Thomas Seay, J A Lasstter, E P
Itackshire, W G Paiks, Moses Allen, James
orT o», D F Lawhorn, George Whittaker,
Huuter, S W Parker, L C Hoylo J B
•"over, snd If F Simmons.
< Ue i°ilo»ing names were added after the '
."urumeut of the meeting: John J/ore.
. 1! L -Moreland, 0. C. K. rsey, T. P i
%•. 0.0. Nelson, Ja,. Knott.) i
So " Ue t!’ en , on motion, ordered that the |
-J proceed to elect officers, whereupon
bur" 8 «f J/,,j D A Cochran, Col J R
“*•, CoISW Farker and Judge E O Hill
e Dominated lor President. 7’ne b'eere
f ea called the roll of members, each :
n 6»B his name w nß . ailed, when it *i<
Tbe g* E G Hill was elected,
to .or"' l^ €n P rocee^ like manner, 1
Cn.k *'° r lW ° Piesidcnts when Col
«t m* D dn<l C °* Jonefl wcre ®L:cted. It was
p or Hered, that the ballots for
‘■nous 6U^ ‘ ce Rfcsideais be made -man- j
Iher .'t " aa Hone. J W Roberts was '
Sico r a eaCd Treasurer . **ud S R Weston.
ccr rof m a Gol d a
iA’ Marsh Vi r ' ce ' Go *- A Jones, and
notice nr** A 4 • w appointed'a Com
vere tkJTj J R J ° De * and J W Rol,e; ' t9
lur *l Con * e^e^ateß 10 State ..dgricul
Itih iu„ t 0 1111561 lu Atlanta ou the
Igloos J^ ha 7'l> A Cochran, R
h« j{9 ... ’ U 11 Whitaker, Robt Eliison,
M n . ’ r ‘ Frioe, J R Marshall,
* lle 'D»te« . ’ 7 iUr P< wer ® appointed as
"ttiUti' ill * ‘ ba,e lhe Pfte'lege of rep
* c ' Jcie G *f they desire, and will
,o *ds f n ° rtneJ ’ bt P' lßsed over the rail
-7® for cne sere.
tootion tha» c •
,llk «Courin boc ‘«ty adjourned to meet
*■*, o a .u i ,“ ÜBe » “Dawson, at ton o’clock,
• 3e 12th instant.
RdurHiioual lYloclinjg.
Pursiiitntfo a previous call, q die a num
ber of the citizens of Dawson met at the
Court House ou Monday the B>h iust., and
organized by calling Rev. T. K. Langley to
tlie chair, and S. A. Goodwin Secretary.—
j The chairman oi the meeting stated that he
did not understand the object of the as-em
bly, and Prof. J. F. Scaife was colled on,
I who responded, stating that the of 'bo
| moeting w»g to discuss the subject of graded
Schools, under the system which has been
adopted in the citv of Siv.tnnah. The sub.
ject then discussed byNcaife,
I Goodwin and VioNuby, in which tbeystionc'
! Iv advocated the system of graded schools.
Crpt. Westou s rongly advocated the build
tng of comfortable bouses, thought the town
behind the times in this respt cl, the build'
ings now in use being mere shells, thought
it prudent to call the ci'iz ns together aud
adopt some plan whereby g od and substan-
I tial buildings should bu erecied. On motion
a meeting >v<is appointed (or next Fiidayand
a committee was appointed to confer With
the trustees of the Crawtord donation, also a
committee of seven, consisting of J/ossrs.
rS-t-'-ife, Goodwin, Roberts, Grier, McKcnuey,
Grim and Weston, to bring matter for con
sideration before the next meeting The
meeting then adjourned to meet at the Cour t
House on Friday the 12th tost., at 11 o’clock
A. M.
Do you Want Milk and Peaches in dead of
Winter? It so, secure rhe Protector Fruit
Jars from DR. J. R. JaNES.
Dawson, Ga., August 6th, 1870.
Hr. A'iutor : I'uotiee in your report ot the
proceedings of the County meeting ou las'
Tuesday, a statement that might lead you r
readers and the public to infer that I had al
*u»iou to the Representatives oi Terrell coun
ty, when I referred (though didn’t fully ex
press iity meaning) to the Constitution aud
the laws bei'Df; trampled upon by the Legis
lature ol Georgia, and by some of our mem
bers. If so, allow me to disabuse your miud
as well as the public, of any such an im
pression, for such was not my intention.
It 1 had had no information as to the opiu
ions of the fi in. R-present stives from this
county, upon ib» question of “prolongation,’
1 should, nevertheless, have felt confident
that they had “planted themselves upon tire
Constitution," ad had taken a solemu ob'i
gtiiuu to support the aauve, w lush they wou.d
no', in thi.r, the hour of their country’s trial,,
dioeguic. as all these (in uiy humble opin
ion) wi.l do, who vote ler the “Tweedy Reso
lution,” or any other of a similar character,
in direct violation of the clear provisions oj
the State Constitution, and the Acts of Con
gress admitting our State to representation.
Hoping that you will give the above an in
sertion in your paper, l remain yours very
Dn Tutt's Expkctoranr—All who have
u-ed ibis iuvaluatile medicine for Coughs
Colds, Aslbini, Spitting of Blood, Ctoup,
luflautattoii ut toe Lungs or Chest, Hoarse
ness, D liiculty eil breathing, Bronchitis, and
all sos the Lungs attest its usefulness.
Fur Lung ail't-ctions it has no equal.
Fruit seasou is utis o:i us. Don’t fail to
auppiy vour wile with Fruit. Jars trnm
A man Regains Hiss Wife at
About eight or nine months since a
man living m the northern part oi the
city went out in the eastern part ot
this State to seek his lor tune in the
new mines of that section, leaving his
ewite anil one child herein town. Some
sOTen months ago a gallant disciple ol
St. Crispin persuaded the \V hite i’ine
widow to take up her abode with him
in a house which he furnished for her.
The new pair lived together for about
seven mouths, when a few days ago
the genuine husband returned. Ut
course there was trouble in the camp,
but after some quarreling, the two
men agreed to play a game of seven
up for the woman. The game came
off last Saturday night, and the hus
band won his wife bat:.: by just “two
points. ’ Thu man claimed his wife,
and the man of leather could not say
but that he had fairly won her.
The woman preferred the shoemak
er, but the husband and winner was
determined to have his own. Ho
packed up what furniture they pos
sessed, and last Saturday evening,
with all his household goods, left by
a fast freight wagon for California, —
When the wagon started from North
C street there was quite a scene. A
crowdtef nearly one hundred persons
had collected to see the husband carry
away his “stake,” and there was much
merriment over the romantic affair.—
The woman cried and wanted to stay
with the shoemaker, and the shoema
ker cried at parting with the treasure
he had lost by not holding enough
“trumps. ’ He asked some ot the
crowd if they thought he would be ar
rosted if he attempted to take the wo
man out of the wagon. They told
him he had lost her “on the square,
and he must bear it liko a man; so
the wagon moved on, and soon the
fair one was “gono from his gaze.
Tiie Best Yet. —George E. Peiiixe,
the best Engraver on Steel this coun
try ever produced, has been a lung
tin e engaged on a 19x24 Portrait on
steel of M. M. (“Brick”) Pomeroy,
which will bo the best and most elab
orate work of Art of the kind e\ei j
made in America. It will be printed j
on heavy plate paper for framing, and
will rank with the choicest Art works
of the world. The price of the engra
ving will be s’2.o0 —very low for so
fine a work. C. P. Sykes, P. 0. Box
5217, New York City, Publisher ot
Pomeroy’s Democrat, oilers one of
theso beautiful Pictures as a Premium
for throe new subscriptions to that pa
per, at regular rates, ($2.50.) received
at the office in New York City, before
the first day of December, when the
engraving will be ready to send out,
by mail, wrapped on a roller, prepaid.
Wo shall soon see how looks the
man who writes Sense aud Nonsense;
political and descriptive articles and
those strangely beautilul Saturday
Night Chapters.
Democrats have a two-third majori
ty in the North Carolina legislature.
For the Aawsun Journal,
B^Ut d«y* § IhQ deW/ d * Wn ° f th ° e * rlr * prln *
Wh**n the of flowers are borne upon
ti • freeze.*
The dew-drops M rr glittering beneath the morn
ing sun’s rays,
And tUc ivurtnn- of birds are heard xinonjr tho
So In youth the spirit looks out-
Hopes are ever soaring, 80 joyous and free,
Etre’s pnth# with roses are ever scattered about
And naught but pleasure and beauty we see. ’
but, surely as the sultriness of deep’ning noon,
Dust aud strife, tumult of the crowded stren>
Follow not with lingering steps, but hastens on
After a summer morning so quiet and sweet.
So must the flowery paths of the morning of life
L ad to rough, rooky hills and stoop aseeut
" “ ere •' * ">eet with suffering, care and strife,
Evils aud troubles, which we ne’er can prevent
And is there no light -no Infinite hopo to cheer
If hen blighted by disappointment we plod our
weary way 1
There is a hope, never fading, h steady light Bhln.
ing clear,
Before which the shades of trouble ever flee
I ben, o I seek this light, ere it be too late--
While yet on thy brow are the fresh dews of
youth ;
While the heart throbs with joy aud hopes are
Choose for thy part, divine wisdom aud truth
l From the Western Eural.
The leiisiu,
The word census is derived from a
Latin term which means to enroll.—
The officers who took the census of
the Roman empire were called censors,
and in addition thereto, they possessed
a magisterial authority resembling
that of our present justice of the
From the earliest times it has beon
the custom of nations to take, at stated
periods, a census of their populations
and property, in order to learn their
capacity to prosecute war or to bear
taxation. The “numberings of tho
people,” described in tho Pentateuch,
arc tho earliest recorded instances of
the kind. King David was punished
for his presumption iu taking tho cen
sus contrary to the Divine will, and
tlho birth of Christ occurred in the
midst of a grand census of the Roman
Among tho Jews and Egyptians tho j
heads of families wero required to re- :
pair before the officers and report; !
but among the Romans, the census
was taken at the actual residences of
the people.
Iu the year 1080, William the Con
queror ordered a census of all Eng
land directing his officers to ascertain
the number of the different classes of
people, if the different kinds of form
ing land, and plows, and their value,
etc., etc. This important document,
eight hundred years old, under tho
name of Domesday Book, is still in
perfect preservation at Westminster,
England. Six years were consumed
in its compilation.
The present is the ninth census of
the United State, aud is taken by tho
Secretary of the Interior, acting
through the United States Marshals,
each one of whom divides his district
into sub-divisions containing less than
20,000 people each.
In track one of these sub-divisions
an Assistant Marshal is appointed, j
who is required to visit personally '
each family, larnr, and shop, mill and ,
factory, in his district, and by person- |
al inquiry and observation, to obtain
tho required facts and write them 1
down upon the spot, in their appro- j
priate schedules.
In schedule No. 1, he writes the
number of each dwelling-house and
family in the order of visitation, and
tho name, age, sex, color, occupation,
property, nativity, extraction, educa
tion, and constitutional relations of
each man, woman, aud child in his
In schedule No. 2, he writes a sim- 1
ilar description of every person who
has died in his district during- the pro
ceding year, stating the cause of
In schedule No. 3, he writes the
extent, character, and value of every
farm, estimates the wages paid per
annum thereou, enumerates, classifies,
aud values all tlie live stock, and all
the crops of every description produced
during the previous year.
In schedule No. 4, he gives full sta
tistics of every shop, mill, and factory,
showing its consumption and produc
When all this nearly interminable
task is finished, he makes out two
copies of the same, one of which is
sent to Washington, the other to tho
State Capital, aud tho original ia filed
at the county seat.
From the above, it is apparent that
the work is an imraonse ono. It will
be the most perfect directoiy of the
nation-, containing a minute, personal
description of every man, woman, and
child therein, with an exhibit of mor- j
tality, as well as ol' the agriculture j
and manufactures of the country, ac-1
oessible at every State and county
seat. j
The payment is two cents for each
name, 10 cents lor each farm, aud 15
cents for each factory taken and re- j
turned; ten cents per mile for 'travel j
—the travel to bo estimated by multi- j
plying tho square root of tho number ,
of dwelling houses into the square
root of the number of the square miles
in the district.
The Lewiston (Mo ) Journal treats
the ladies to this pleasant paragraph:
“We published a few days since an
item referring to the presence of in
sects in the bark switches so generally
worn. Some doubted the facts stated.
We can assure all doubting Thomases
I that the fact was even so. A well
known physican of this city has shown
1 us two of these loathsome creatures,
1 which were found in a swich of a lady
in -luburn, oxhihited to him, and
trans erred to a glass vial, where they
can be seen with the caked eye. Ua
! Jar the microscope their appearcance
is hideous. They have a brown, pointed
' head and number of legs, a fu*z on
tho back and Crawl along with a wrig
gle somethings liko a caterpillar.
They appear to resemble tho centipede
family. The lady who discovered
those had had trouble with her head
for some week. 4, but did not at first
think of her switch containing tho
cause. The back of her head was
punctured and sore. The insect ap
pears to burrow in the head like a
wood-tick. The switch from witch
these wero taken had previously been
subjected to a half hour’s steaming,
but the creatures were as lively as
crickets. Another smaller kind lias
been found, which skip"about like fleas.
Ladies may well say, 'Verily our back
hair is fearfully and wonderfully
made.’ ’
MOXWE-MELTOX.— Mtirric.l, at the
n*sifii'nt'i* of the briiie’a father, bv 'he Rev.
J R. Gunn, on rhe eVpiilng of the 4th of
Angus', if -. Alfred I. Jfonroo and Miss Em
ma C. Mi lton, all of Calhoun county.
Also, hv 'he simp, at the einie time and
place, Mr. Jonas W. Colley, and Miss Antoi
nette V. Meltou.
Dawson, August 11.—No material
change to note, iu the leading articles
of provisions. nndStaplo Goods. Stocks
of Bacon and Floui heavy But little
Corn; Bacon clear sides 21c. No
transactions in Cotton.
Macon, Aug. 9.— Cotton more ac
tive at 14 to 16J; Bacon clear sides,
20 to 204 ; Corn $1.45 ; Oats 90 to
Louisville, Aug. 9. —Bacon, clear
sides 19e ; Clear Rib Sides 18 ; Corn
New York, Aug. 9.— Cotton dull,
middlings uplands 19*1; Gold 19.
Liverpool, Aug. 9.— Cotton closed
active, Uplands Bfd.
Special • Volices .
The following letter is from Woodwurd
of S’- Louis, to J. N. Harris, Esq , of New
London, Conti., Mr. VV. is a gentleman of
high respectabi itv, and during the prevalence
of the Cholera in S'. Louis, watched the re
sult of the application of the Pain Killer for
this disease, and his testimony can be relied
upon with the utmost confidence J
Dkaß Sin:—You recollect when I saw you
in JanuarT last, mv expressing to VOn ms
most singuitie expectation? that
PAIN KILLAB would fgve a tremendous
sale in the west this Seasyn, aud my antici
pations have been more than realized, and
the testimony of thousands who have used
it has been that they would not be willing to
go to bed at night without it in the house
Ou the appearance of the chol .ra in this
citv, such was the confidence in the J J ain
Killer as a remedy, that many who pur
cltseid it remarked to ■ e that they hsd no
■ eats or dread of the cinders aslong as tiier
bad the Piiu Killer by them, and hundreds i
look it daily as a preventative, for no pe'ton
can have a derangement ol the bowels or di
aithceiii they use this medicine. This was
the security and confidence of hundreds ac
quainted with it, and when their friends Wero
attacked with the Cholera they would admin
ister tho remody iu la'gu quantities, and in
everv case when it has been takeu in any of
the fiv-it stages of this diseaS'.', it has proved
I consider it an infallible remedy. I have
n it hlatd ot any individual iu auy family
who u.-ed the Pain /filler when attacked but
speetl : ly recovered.
The clerk informed rtie that he administer
ed it to persons wlien cold or iu the crumps,
and it give immediate relief, but still it i
should be criveo quickly, for when the dis- ;
charge of “rice water” has begun, the hope [
oi life has fled. Should this di c ise make its !
appea-nnee among you, as in all probability I
it will; be not alarmed ;■ you and all otters !
there have the rtniedy, and L am corfl lent if
the F in Knller is used, not a single death
by Cholera will occur in yotjrcity.
II sped fall v vours,
a. t. woodward:
f’-iin Killer is sold by all dealers
in Family M dailies. Sold by Dr. J. K.
JANES, D.iwson, Ua.
A’xrxRtKNCK or a Yoi’no Woman.—A
country girl young, pretty aud happy, her
step was elastic and the roses of health j
bloomed upon her cheek. One April morn ‘
she was overtaken by a “ pring shower,” |
and “caught a cold.’ It was her “particular
time,” and suppression was the result: At
the next “period” nature refu-eo to act. She
became sallow, swollen, and sufl'-red intense-
Iv with pains in the bick and “lower stom
ach,” palpitations, difficulty <>f breathing, in
digestion and headache. I) ictors failed to
paitate her distressed condition, and she
longed tor death as the only hope ot relief.
.Jt the instance of a friend, who had her-elf ,
i ipeuenci and its benefi's, she induced to,
tr» Dr- J. Bradflcld’s F’- male Regulator. One '■
bottl" euted her ts well asshe was that Ap i! ■
niort i g - before the shower. Tie Fent.l-
RigU : ator is prepared bv L 11. B raiifi Id, j
Dtuggfet, At’anta, G«., at *].s ip r per bv- ■
tie and kept bv all lespectable Drug men
thto", h klh 1 tid.
,vi: it • .ut v'i:n t ’iSE.ytc.rrs
Plantation For Sale,
Clo misting of 261 acres. Well improved
J convenient to Schools, Churches and !
Masonic H ill. Any one wanting a good [ l ice
cheap, and presenting “the Kino,” Cun cull
and fee me ou the place.
August 11, 4t.
fall ajid tejiter Ipipojlatioji
187 0.
Millinery and Straw Goods.
Bonnet, Trimming and Velve* gibbons,
Bonnet Silks, Satins and Velvets, Blonds,
Net f, Crapes, Ruche', Flowers, Feathers,
Ornaments, S raw Bonne's and Lidies Hats,
('rmuned and untrimmed,) Shaker Hood?,
Ac- 2R7 and 23’J Baltimore Street, Ba ti
tuore, M l.
the largest Sock t > be found in
ithi- i-onntrv, and unequal**! iu choice vaiiety
a-d cheapue-a, cocaptisiug tho latest .Paris
ian novelties.
0-do.s soHoited, and prolbj.t attention
Official Advertisinents.
a rt<kixtn’ios.
Governor of said Stale.
WHA’REAS, < ffloial iufo mjtioa bus b oo
received at this Departin' at that Bills ot In
dictment have be.tni found bv tile Grand Ja
ry of Columbia county ugaiust Kmchen A i
ams and John B. Lambert, cliargii g them
wi'li the crime of murder, nod that said Ad
ams and Lambert have fled from j i. tice :
I haw lh' uglit proper, therefore, to haue
this, toy proclamation; hereby lflaring a re
waid of One Thou-and Dollar- each tor the
appioheusiun and delivery of the ?a:d Ad
am- utid Lambert, with evidenco sufli ieut to
convict, to the ShenfT of said county and
And Ido moreover charge aid requira till
officers in ibis State, civil and military, to be
vigt'ant in endi sv.iiing to apprehend ihe aild
Adams arid Lambert, in order thut they may
be brought, to trial lor tho iffuuae with which
they stand chaiged.
Given under my hand and the Great Seal of
tlie State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this
fourth day of August, in the vesr of our
Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seventy,
and of the /ndepenuenen of the United
States of America the Ninety lotirih.
KUFU-3 b. bullouk.
By the Governor;
David G. Uottinq, Sec. of Stnte.
August 11, 4w.
'PIIE Firm o f Janes & Loyless was dis
-1 solved by mu ual cunsenf ou the .3th
The bustnes will be continued at old stsml
by the subscriber who is authotiji -d to wiuu
up all outstanding busiiios of itie ol f6 m.
Aug. 4, ts. J. ti.
Eating Saloon, Eating Saloon.
{Soda Water, Soda tar!
plpflonre in announcing to the c* ti -
I z°ns of /)twson and surrniimlinET coun
try, th »t he hna aeain oponpfi his Eitine &*-
loon, where all th#» delica«t* 3 of the reason f
that the market, affords will alwa\« be found,
and cooked to suit any taste, n addition to
Bakery & Confectionery,
he has erected a
perfected fcyffthsrempnt l * wlierehy lie *ill al l *
ways have ICE on hst.d, and those who
like ad. licinu?, cooling,innocent draught, cm
always be accommodated at his Saloon. He
is also prepared to furnish
in any quantity, for any purpose. Ladiey
especially, are assured that, tlie most perfect
order will always be nuinfained, and all that
can be will be done to make the #iloon «
*t»r -I* pivue of resort. Give me a call
Don't forget, the place. Depot fstaect, uexf
door to J. W. Roberst.
April 28, t .
Renas*<l ! I
S7’0 £EN, from the undersigned, in the
Town of Dawson, Terrell county, Geor
gia, on xSatu dav »ighf, 23rd icst.., about d«i'k
one LightSo rel Mnre, some while hair about
over her body. Mtne little white where the
collar work*, ana a long blaze in the face.
She is about si r. years old, walks and trots
very well, and can b<* made to pice. When
walking she catries ber ht*ad a lit le below
a level with her
good style and lii> ami frc^*i.*urlv
makes et*rt9 or jumps, apparently from no
cause. She is a medium animal, in fine keep
ing. In traveling 9he carries her tail a lit
tie to one Sid**. I will pay for the mare,
delivered at Dswson, or $lo<) for mare and
thi»d, with evidence to convict the th’^f.
July 23, ts. JA'S. A. LASSETER.
Male and Female Institute,
''l'riE'exerc'ees of this Institution will be
1 resumed on Monday, tbc 15tb u! Au
g ist.
The discipl’ne will be sttict and firmly en
forced ; the instruction thorough and p:ao
I'npits will be required to understaml b-‘-
foro they are allowed to ; but ibey
cau do neither, unless ihev a e regular in at
tendance. It is highly important that pupils
should enter on first day of the lestion.
Pationoge solicited.
Rales of Tuition sl2, tlfisod S‘2'* fm the
7Vrm- Studenta cliaiged (torn time of en
tering to end of term. •
J/rs. J. M Edu ards will continue in charge
of the music Lessen o givi ti at her residence.
Tuition six dollars per monlh.
J. F SP.4IFE, |„ . . ,
July 28, 3t.
N 1C W
rR. TORN BULL respectfully informs
• the cilia’ns of Ds »son, and vi. ini'y,
lhat he has comoieneed the Tailoring busi
ness in this city, sod timers himself, iroin
his long experience in the bn'ines o , that he
ran gi»e entire »itiefaciion to those irho fa
vor him with their patronage. Cutting par
ticularly attended to. Cleaning and repairing
algo done.
April 21, ts. J* R. TURNBULL j
Dolton Varns,
On allies,
./(WfMS F XZIifiOO Sec .,
VictKtc.-i, Ciu.
Ji-re ?, ffm.
IUILL bo foM. before the Court House
It Door, In the Town of D.wson, said
couutv, on the I*-t TcesJay In September
next, betwe,-n the legs! hours of sale, tho
following property, to--wit i
One lot oi |h»4, number elaflty-Pevcn, in
the 12 h Dlstri.-v Terrell county, mid one
Store Hou-e and Lst in the Town of Dies
' sun, sittm'ed on the South Hide of the Public
Square, and known s? lot 3 ', in original sur
rey of the Town of Dmiart. Levied on ss
the proDcftv of Thotnus Csblwrll, to Satisfy
nfi fs i-stied f-oin Terrell Stipe,‘tor Court, in
fivor of B. ff. Warren, vs, Thotrss CaMw-11,
P.lnrinaF, imf M. S. Glues, snd EH G. Hill,
.eeeritir-- iSiid ti fu having been paid effbv
E. G. Hill, iSiCH'itr, and transferred to Ml It).
8 F. L.VSS£TER, Sbiriff.
Aug"s'. 11, 4 v.
p HOBGM. Terrell Founi) :
\JT Whereas, D. F. Lawhorn, AilmitiUtra
tor of J. K Sltinev, has applied for letters of
disada-ion from said vs’ :
These are therefore 'o cite and admonish
all persons concerned, to be and appear at mv
effi -o within the time prc«cHbed by law and
show cause, if anv, rby said letti's shriuld
no) be g anted. Given under mv hand and
nffi'-inl eienature, this 6*h dsv of July, 1870.
July 7th Bn. T. M JI)N EB. Ordinary.
p IIORGIA, I’erri ll C’oimlF :
\JT Whereas, D. F. Lawhorn, Guardian of
Sarah Brinson, has applied for le ters of dis
mission from said Guardianship:
These are therefore to cite and (tdtnontsh
sll persons concerned to he and appear at mv
office within the time prescribed by law and
show cause, if anv, why letters should
not be granted. Given undor mv liand and
official signature, th s 6tb dav ol Jidv, 1870.
July 7th. 40d. T. ts. JOSES, Otdinary.
n EOUC4A, Ta iitell Counly :
\1 Whereas, Wtu. ifioridattd applies for
.Letters of Dismission from the Guardianship
of the Minors of Simeon Huckaby,
These ate therefore to cite alid admonish
ad pi rsons concerned to be end appear at my
office within the time prescribed by law and
-how cause, if anv, why said letters should
not lie granted, Giveu under div hand and
official signature, this 23rd dav of June, 1870.
June 23 Sin. T. M. JONJT3, Old,
oiuKST t mm,
(Successors to Tomlisspn, Dk.mabkst ft Cos.
G2B and 630, Broadway, N. Y.
Carriages, Buggies, &C.
Especially adapted to the Southern Roads.
Lij?hl Viclorlals,
And all other styles of Fine Carriages,
For one and two hoiset.
Ou Eliplic and Side Springs.
Hail Hacks a»t! Jcracj ’Ct'ajrona
We arc also sole Manufacturers of tho
P’qntation Wagon for 1,2, 4 and 6 Horses.
7tio beat Buggy and Wagou iu America for
the money.
We have had an experience of thirty years
in making work fur the Southern States, and
know exactly what is wanted to stand the
roads. W r c invite all to ««ud lor Circulars,
ami-parties visiting New York we especially
luvhe to call at our W'arerooms.
We solicit the tiude of merchants and
Illustrated Circulars, with priors, fu'nphed
by mail. A. T VXtTARtST, N. Y.
Wo have si-o bought out Mr. W A.
Huff, of J/acon, G.i., where we expect to
keep a large stock. June 23 ly.
./ o e .v ts ti *.v r e :t
To Soil Our Celebrated
fi® wmm pi.
Acknowli dged tiy all who have used them to
he the best I’en made or sold in this country.
No blotting! No soiled fingers ! Sixty lines
written with one pen of ink! Will out wear
ativ steel pen ever made. Bankers, mer
chant-*, teachers and all classes endorse them
in the highest terms of praise. Put up in
neat slide boxes. Prices: two boxes, 60
cents ; five bores, JH.OO. Sent free of pos
tage, and guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
Liberal Commission to Agents!
TPe are prepared tn give any enetgetis
person taking the agency of these Pens, a
commission which will pay §2OO per month.
Three Sampld l J cns will be mailed for 10
PilMmrg, l*;t .
Plantation Supplies
Iluve in store a lot of Bs<*on and
other fdiuily supplies, which is offered
For tlie Cash,
Give me a call.
Julv 7th, ts.
Which I cm OATeriDg L ;vv for Cubh.
! J uly 2$ 4t.
nr e jrn r *n
or , .
This medicine U known to tlvp Iscultv *s
ing the cjncrnlrtited fluid yxtmct ol Snrsap
nriiljj nnl'ed with oib-'r vsluable medicinal
hoihs, and isgnsranteed as chemical!} pure.
Scrofula usxl t’
This rem?fly is coiwimwwdeaA'-esrpresslv fuf
purifying nnd cleansing the hlood ot all in’
firmities, going nt or.ce to tlio fountain head
of disoaae. It exlTngniohes.'•
We all know that tb'e promiscuous vapetr
nstion indulg'd in during tire late, war bred
the most villsnous diseases. Vaccination
pus was taken from the arms of many pef-'
sons full Ol scrofulous sores.
Then of course the impurities of ihe serof-.
olous patient were sbsorbed in tlie blood of
men othetwise without dtsesscs, and both
beeeroo Infected alike. Me n, women snd
cltildren throughout nil the West sre most
wofully diseased from this cause, and knew not
tin'll a few month? Ago. the origin of D.
Henry’s Constitution Renovator ,
RtlitVes tlie Flntire System ot Pains snd
aches, enlivens the aphid, aud sends new
b!o >d • “
t< ibiparts s
- s>;» i-k 1 i ci l: lo tlie Eye
A Rosy Glow to Ill6€ll«ek.
A Pf ultv Tinge In llte Lip.,
A Clearness to ills; Ilesid
itrigtitiii'Ks to tlie romplicxiou',’
Rtioyaitey to I laws Sipirlls,
Ami list|>|*iii«:*s on all hide*.
For all aflvetions of the kindeys it is unsur
/’aople have been rescued, as it were, from
the very j iws of death, by a timely use of
this great remedy.
“Doctor, I was vaccinated in the hoypita).
Before that 1-Had no skin disease. Until I
had a bottle of your “Constitution Tienova
for,” sent, me by Dr Roper, of Columbia,
Mo., I Btiffi-red tortures with running sores,,'
Since I - have used two bottles I am all wel)
except asmaUsote on »be calf of uiy left
teg, and that is getting wei( fast.”- , , 3 4 -
This from a lady.—“And now riiy skin is as
clear and as fair as a babe’s. Mv complet
ion, thanks to your "Renovator,’’ is beautlV
fu). e ,
“Yes, ye«, 1 may well gav such reHcf was
unknown to me before. Enclosed find five
dollars far six bottles; two families here
wan' to try it."
“I was very much troubled with syphilik.
Four remedy seems to be curing tab feet.'
Send 4 bottles per Kxpresa.”
“No more rheumatism. Three bottles of
Constitutlou RenoViilor-,have made me anew
man "
“Doctor, enclosed find $5. flense send
me a supply. Two families here want to trV
your Constitution Renovator-”
We have not space for more of the above
extracts, but you can ask your neighbor sbou
the remedy. Every one has something good
to say, as it cures every time.
For all disxabes of the
Kidney*, Itelentiun ol'tlie liriii
And for Female Diseases,
Net vous Prostration, Weakness, General /las
situde aud Waul of Appetite, it is unsur-i
CAUTION. —ln ordering our remedy
always place the number of oar Post-Officd
Box on vour letters. The new law io our
New York Post. Office compels this.
Address, |>r. [TI. E. iiem y<V Cos.
Diiector-General Berlin Hospital, Prussia.
Agency of the Unite ' States.
L&bratorv, 27fi P-ail Street,
’Post-Office Box 5272 -
per bottle, six bottlis lorfs. Sient anywhere
on receipt, of ptiee. Patients are requested
to correspond confidentially, and reply will
lie made by following mail.
Sold bv nil respectable Druggists. - ,
.1 ICOU LIPP.TIAY, Sole Agent,
Will bring on the Menses when they have
not been established, also when they have
been suppressed from umial ural causes. Will
cure Rheumatism and Neuralgia of the back
and womb. Uhl! cure Painful Menstruation,
and relieve the head , back and r««i<s of irieeis
distressing pains and Aches. Will meri
orrhagia or “excessive flow.” Will cure
“Whi es” and falling of the womb, when it
is the result of relaxation or bad health.
It is as sure a cure in all 'he above
as Quinine is in OhiHs and Fever.
I.adies ran cure themselves ot all the above
diseases without revealing their complaints to
any person, which, is always mortify
ing lo their pride and modesty.
It is recommended and used by tho beat
phvsieians in their private practice.
For a history of the above diseases, certifi
cates of its wonderful cures and directions,
the reader is referred to the wrapper around
the bottle. J/iinufactored and sold by
Ac CO., Atlanta, Os.
Sold biDr. J. K. Janef, Dawson Ga. Price
$1.&6. .
We, the undersigned Druggists, take pleas
ure in commending to the trade, DR. J.
beIi> vine it to be a good and reliable remedy
for the diseases for which he reooarceuda it.
W. A. Lansdell, Atlanta, Ga.
P- tr.berton, Willson, Taylor&Co., Atlanta,’
Rcdwine k Fox, Atlanta, Ga.
W. C. Liwshe, Atlanta. Ga.
W. Root & Sou, Marietta, Ga.
ciifii Factory
ojf f: v kit r nEsatiTiOcV.
; Patterns adjusted to suit the most improved
Sty let.
We keep on hand Northern aad Eastern
vo■ k which we will sell at kiwset ca.Mt prices.
Jan- 2f>, ly.
| Sale and Feed Stable.
Wk expect to keep on hand, all the season
first class Horses apd Voles for sale. In cy
j'tivibases w« look'to what hi needed m this
oeetiiip, and trust to merit a liberal
i from those who may need stock. Gall on
before purchasing.
ocsitf farnt:m & niurpe;-