Newspaper Page Text
local C OJj u mn.
arch .via? a Rra.ou. revia
r- and M thodi-t Churches ia
Mb* “hurch Rev. T. /?.
M>°"' , lor has been as dated, a port ion
Liß|i*T’ P' ’ p r-v Coopor, of Ameri
‘*£li is "being accomplished, ma
t* " being made to the church.
delivered by the above
" Divine, .eem to make a deep impres-
D ‘ B,d D II who attend. In the Melhodiat
lion on “ » J. M. J/trshall ia
***££ prino l pally by the Presiding
b4 '"* r . J B J/oOehee who has preached
beat .ermon., and we are glad
,h.t they have had their desired es-
many are being added to that
K victory has
been gained alon « the eUtlre “
fcror of tho French. _
,„««««» Cn .rs-The present is
; l, b , termed regular tod ler-pulling
1”; Slight showers fall almost every
but sunshine immediately follows, and
tbeir dampening effect' are soon gone. The
r.M will bo good, and some farmers are
insted »• 'hrr * tri P lhe f, ' ,,<lor fr °' n thu
,„lk soma complain of roll irt cotton, but
not to«u alarm! g extent M yet.
rf-Kraab aupply of Bi con and Flour for
,** J. K, LO FLEES.
Sale by . . „
Vailaallvfactnrv. Aug 4,2 w
n, pNitrdS'a'es f/)'el, louiaville, Kv.,
It inly three Mocks fiom a Protestant F.pis
eopal church.
hino«-rwu** ,he meetings thst are
yin- held m bwfc the churches, day and
nigbl, the regular meeting of the Good Tern
p|,rs »U 1 not take plice 01 next Satuiday
I .c.oleti bolile Soua Water at
‘•• c PaT BUNCH'S.
The Uni-ed States Hotel, Louisville. Ky ,
buy oar block faem the Covir. House.
jirtrsnos I piusssian and French’eympa
tl,„.rs, aad those who are not. Mr. H I!
T)|oin ,. has just received the hugest* aud
|*.lSfleitedltodt ot Sroce-iev atuJ Confrc
tieonrie* ever brought to /?*w-00. Th» In
dir* ire especially invited to call and are
(I .t attractions he ha* lor them.
If -i.h free* vejp-uMb* rfre year
found ert voar Jail a I once from
,k ‘ DR. J. F„ JANES.
Kil DwrritlbPgw, Tic »k l— tfui ifu of
rl wiof Srrc/fuln, in Ps wore* Wage*, okt e*
ol Stphilis that have defied the efeill of
eminent Piireleinns, ffli. omwieS VV'm h«Ve
kom sufferers for -ears. ». .l he v Clints ot
iho i; j nlieious It*" of .V-rctirr, have he*n
r dicufiy C'teerf ftv Dll Tl n y S 1 ftoAl A
lhe mu*t powerful ahciaiive snrttM iroi puti
(orktiown. It is prescribed by very ni .ny
Cool snu tell celling L< uiirli..d. at,
pat bun cits.
IT; loom that the Colored Methodists antlWt
pile holdiug s esnip-rncetlng nuxt week. The
protracted meeting which commenced a year nr
ii ttlljiu progress.
Where is the p'see to spend your leisure
msroni's and gel refreshments ? .4' bunch's.
Ketiavp neu dray loads of bagging and ties
cwim;'from the Irejavt, don’t know to whose
ffsrdimse they were sent. Expect the farmers
will have to gaevs, or walk oyer town until they
fad thorn.
lot Cream on hand at all hours it
•’ottos Giss -Lodes* k G.iffin b\ ve on
fxhiiii ion, hi their S ore, on* of D m'i I
C<‘lrh'at«M] Swinpin? KrOftt <’»»• foil
I fiin*. f>r *hi*h they are A'-uin Tn*y «*re
iio» prepared to r ei*eivr older* for then, d»*
«"tc4*l«no point ri.*airrd C«i? at ih-ir
‘‘or-, ri.iminr the Gin, i»»*d bo convi*erd
Ow it is the ti.e to buv. Every Gift w ,r
--r4BW* HUg. 18 Jv.
•fnn 1 ft»:Kjvro.,_A n«w -nppW of
♦*« b BVachinc, Uinbrela*, Hoop
K.bboi.*, Notion* Sc ■.
Mi }{\ N.vt-.r Sc Cnorcn.
Tsk m.nt fri e n.i.< ot M-ssri rUrdemin .V
fywk*in thi« section, arc inhumed through
Ms »d?erti«'ii» column that they are s'ill a
I * l, ' r in Af icon, ami desire to
•'tTe them in the m»nr Witrs at their cont-
Hilda an old, relfwble firm, ami rn
-1 * 'eputuioo boilit tip {ion* an experience
»f m«n;
k* r K r es Clothing at Coat at
«£t«t to learn that the store of Mr.
•Vimherlj in Srd district Calhoun coun
ti h'* <Wrojrrd b T fire on last Jf.mday
* ’ n * ® re discovered before it
•>U way through the roof, but as there
in house Mr. W. cid not
l l '»« lre * 11 ' cannot ac.ooant for the fire
k° M about SSOO in money aud
' f, ’ des hooks. A r o insurance.
c «lico .t Bc, nice Dress Goods at 12 1-2,
W ,‘ C ' d homespun at Bc. Every other ain
1 'he store in proportion.
W . are-
ferret r«rm° f consl<l< ‘ r *ble cotton opening on dlf-
Vw 4B _, '**i,* nd M 'be S< ,IPOII advances, wc hear
ta b. „ about the "waa, that is soon
•bo Planted a P ’ ,T ri * Bt "for *f those
tn* f ro a o ®*' and have nursed the money
Pri,||,., * rndcr twig to maturity have not th e
Hid, Os >l] “?“* What thsposttion shall be
Piy, bn ... f> rU * l, 'Ye trust that as each man
'hrre shall "i *» ,b '* "rsson he may rcsolrc that
"'* f «»« diviahm, the next.
nine * k° TLKSa -—The subject of this
. infH " CT aJm ° B '’ hepn
ksvin. '** c ' t '* ens - of tllm section,
cnncluded to try fc* fortune io .
tf, '*ill« 'q," I*’ 1 *’ t> ‘ 18 receiH '.r moved to 6’ar-
Cain n. ' ' " h* l ' s i° S9 to one section is
Jfr U? “ 6r ’ ,nd wb ' ,B we regret to Ibse
tan, hut ' 101 ° n * r ** * °* eVfr - good citi
li ‘W»hnsi„” * Bki,,<J dru gß :Bt »nd re-
Porit, m.L ** ni * n .’ our de, ' re for his pros
j( j, ** us *Hling that he should leave
ktalU, ora ..° iDE t ’ e caD e ' ,be r improve his
•til »'i l[)(|j ' 10 hi * Pecuniary interests. Our
e * hlm » and we con E r »tulatc
,o Hlit to v, TANARUS” Gle * c c***ion of one so
cr Uetducreasing popnjetion.
meeting «f ili*> Terrell County
l*olyter!inic Society.
■Dawson, .ring. 12th, 1870.
Society wss called to order, Vice-President
D A Cochran in the Chair.
Minutes of previous meeting read and con
On call for additional members the follow
ing ordered their names enrolled :
Leriv B-own, L M Leonard, J B Crim, W
F Combs, H Rogers, T W Lnviess, J C F
Cltrke, Joseph Allison, J A Varner, John F
Hogsett, J A Bell, A Sasser, T M Jones, J
i? Beatty, and J M jSimmous.
Committee to draft Constitution and By
inwsrnade their report, which was taken trp
Section bv Section, Article by Article, read
and adopted.
On motion, the election of s Hoard of DL
rectors was ordered, which resorted ns fel
lows : J B Vanover, John Moreland. Xf L.
Harp. Jis Mo-row, .T R Jones, A Vs Mann,
John Marshall, Roht Ellison, 17 A Cochran,
J B C'im, Win. Bmn and Kli G Hill. TSf
Jones was elee'ed Corresponding Seerstarv.
Society aijburned to meet at the Court
House on the first Tuesday in September.
S R. WksTon, Sec.
ft nit season is now on us. Don’t, fail to
supply vour wife with Fruit Jars from
lupUovknksts. Cap'. John A. Fulton hss
built s new aud substantial fence around his
Cotton Yard, and has erected anew Georgia
Lever Co’ton Press, (ftrr whiedV he is vtient,)
to which he calls the attention of all planters
needing a good Press. Un will soon have
thirty or forty stables put up ou the lot op
posite the Warehouse for the accommodation
of those of his customers who desire so re»
main all night, rooms for wag
oners, lot and s'abTes for wagons, horses sod
mules, ill trek or cuaßOi, to his patrons.
Bully for John.
Do vou want Milk and Peaches in dead of
Winter ? If so, secure the Protec'or Fruit
Jars from DR. J. R. JANES.
Os Ttri Wroxs Roan.—One of our busi
ness men started out iu tbe county to bor
rew some money acd met five wagons com
ing to town for Bacon and Corn, and con
c'uding he was on the wrong road, came
back to tout s, as he went. He hue been watch
ing the streets to «ee which way to start,
lout ean r t get out of to«n before he meets n
tv.tgon after bacon, anti pet lists iu the opin
ion ilia* ft at no B«»e to go so fook for money
wh• re rhe pfan'ere have to bay corn »rd ba
con. W» shall not join issue with him, bot
express tbe opiuion that such a state' of af
fairs will not always list.
We are indebted to Vr. W. W. Varnum. Re
ceiver of Tax Returns, and Judge T. M. Jones,
Ordinary, for the privilege of collecting the fol
lowing Rtatcnc-nt from the Keeeiycr’s Uook,. and
*"ounty reconi:
No Tax-payers, white. f’f*.
No. Tax-payers, colored, 1
No. Professions,
No. children between fi and ’S, s 1 J
No, hands employed between 1J and f>a, 1. j}
No. A eras land, i
Value of band, *
Value peraa-rtv Town of T>. tw-oti, la'.’.n 0
A/.,lire and sol.cut debts, eoonfy
Vu -r."ritte value of property of whites, ,u.,n.
Aggregate value property of CitcedHicuv ».-Tx>
No Taxpayers, wbitev ( 't*
No. 7ax-payers, eufitrcif.
No Professional men.
No. children between ti and ’H. -'a
No. hands employed between t-anth f-",- f
No. Acres land returned, £
Value of land, ♦ f'' f
Value property, town of Dawson, !
Money and solvent debts, comity -ulr v
Merchandise, . , , '
Aggregate value of property of whies ■,» «,iju
.tggregate value property ot freedmen, 12,-a *
For the /Jatvsun J nimal.
Tiie l»a Who »mil*•».
“TTie light of the eyes ivjoieeth the he-irt .”
You aro gloomy, porpleKml with
heavy eaves, your spirits have been
darkened by the rain clouds of life lor
many days ; wliilo walking in unhap
py meditation, you meet the man who
undies, not the one who opens his lips
to display a handsome set of teeth, noi
the eondeseonding smile of Iho haugh
ty man, hut the benevolent man, who
carries on his fare a reflection of the
iovo and kindness which dwell within
his soul, lie takes your hand, giving
you a pleasant greeting, he laughs
away your low spirits, in the light of
his smile you forget your trouble ; his
coming is like a ray of sunshine, the
clouds instantly vanish, the flowers of
feeling lift up their bowed heads, and
laughingly shake the rain-drops from
their petals, to display their lovliest
tints to the radiauco at his smile-.
Though you see him but a moment,
yet memory often brings before you
his beaming face, and pleasant words.
When in solitude, you love to think ot
him, and you delight to praise him be
fore men; your heart turns to him
with the generous love of a brother.
And tho innocent man who smiles,
goes on with his hoart filled with hap
piness, often unknown to him, is the
source from which this inborn joy
springs, for man is ever forgetful “that
true happiness is found by making
others happy.” Philanthropy is a
flower which blooms in every heart
and few are insensible to the sweetness
which it flings around the pathway of
life, then O! man beware, lest the
weeds of selfishness distrust, and care
lessnoss spring up and choke this
bright and beautifid flower.
-i*tw bright would be till! world of ours, if we
oou ld> al way »trace
The sutnhiue of* loving heart reflected on each
face ;
If dnrknee* never came to eafct Us gloomy shades
Or cause sharp pangs of grief to mar the happi
ness profound)
O I let us with a loving smile, our fellow crea
tures greet.
And drive the clouds from the brow of every one
we meet;
Height angels with tlieir lowing- eyes shall watch
time move away,
And guard from every coming cloud, the sun
light of our day.’’
An exchange thinks the Imperial
infant will shortly have to go to Brest.
He certainly needs something sooth
ing after the “baptism of fire which
not only he, but the whole French ua
tion received. Saturday.— At. Sim,
Fot tRV? DaWson Journal.
To Asa Clubs.
/ saw thu advice you jjhyc me, Ala, deaf,
Jud -twaa very good, ’tia true;
Hut 1 kuow the thought did not occur,
1 hat I’d rather "go for” you.
You are a ••trump,” Am Club* -
A Poet beyond all compare;
A boon of thee I kindly aak—
"Let me tlsy lAurvls slnire p>
Y'ou can Iraoalate Engluh verae.
Aud tkvit quite literally toot
You’d do well to undertake
Latin, Greek or Hebrew,
You have charmed me, Asa Cluba,
\\ it It the jingle of your rhyme,
And If the faaliioiia got much worse,
Let ur Beck another dime;
Jtliere you eau pull off your "short-fly,”
Aud part your hair on one side ;
Then, If you K,ok any better,
Une zaa will be your bride,
*Tht War between the State,it*
Causes, Character, Conduct and Results .’ ’
By llon. A. li. Stephens.
Three years agt> tl» antwmycenxmt
by the Tfutional lhiblishing Company,
f)l Atlanta, Ga., of the speedy publi
cation of this great work, created a
a profound sensation throughout the
country. Tiro press of both sections
bailed tbe appearance of the book
with delight, for it was admitted by
all that tho task of transmitting to
posterity the Southern version of the
history of our groat civil war could
not have been confided to an abler pen
than that of Mr. Stiii'Hiuvs, tbe great
est living statesman of tbe South. The
colleague and friend of Clay, Calhoun
aud Webster, he is a connecting link
between the present and tho glorious
past, and as Vice-President of tho late
•Southorn Confederacy, ho is peculiar
ly tinted for tire task, by his opportu
nities of knowing the most secret do
tails of the history of tho War. Above
all, his high character as a man,
which has always won him tine re
spect of his political enemies, enables
us to rely upon his statements with an
absolute certainty. In the first vol
ume of his work, Mr. Stephens con
fined himself exclusively to tho causes
of tho War, reserving the narrative of
the actual struggle for tho second and
concluding volume. Tho success of
the former volume was extraordinary,
I reaching a sale of over 60,000 copies.
If then that portion of the work
which of necessity was the dryost—if
any p*vrt of this magnificent produc
tion can be called dry—lias met with
»«oh a wonderful and rapid sale, what
are wo not warranted in predicting
for the second, in which the thrilling
story of the most terrible and dostme
tivo war of modern times, is told with
all the fascination of romance ami all
the sublimity of truth. Mr. Stephens
slights no feature of tho War, and his
work reveals a particularly interesting
and fascinating portion of its history,
which has never been made public
until now. He goes to the bottom of
the secession movement, and gives the
confidential history of the Convention
which formed the Confederacy. The
vexed question o-f the non-exchange
of prisoners of war has much new
light shed upon it, and this alone ought
to commend, tho book to every one
who saw tbe inside of a Northern or
Southern prison.
What will strike the- practiced rend
er most favorably, however, is the fact
that Mr. Stephens’ narrative is free
from bitterness and sectional feeling.
He writes with that calm dignity
which is always the historiau's most
effective weapon, weighing facts ac
cording to their merits, and arriving
at conclusions with a clearness of
judgment which is, to say the least,
remarkable in oaa who was himsoll
so important actor in tho events nar
rate 1. It is this fact which will mako
liis book so welcome to thoso who aro
seeking substantial information upon
the subjects treated of, and who pre
fer clear and straight-forward state
ments of what teas done, to fine theories
as to wliat might have been accomplish
ed. Having been compelled by ill
health, since tho war, to remain al
most entirely in the privacy of his
home, and to tako no part in the ques
tions of tho day, Mr. Stephens has
been enabled to look back over his
long and honorable career with tho
calmness of one whose record is com
pleted, and to produce, as his most
valuable service- to tho country, the
magnificent history which lies before
' us. ° The book is sold by subscription
only, and agents are wanted in every
: county.
The Dalton North Georgia Citizen,
of the 11, contains the following com
munication r
Cove CTett, August 0, 1870.
Editor» Citizen : I write this to in
form you of the most horrid murder
ever committed in any country. The
deed was done last Saturday, the fith
inst., in Sugar Valvoy, Gordon coun
ty, about six miles below this place.—
Tho facts are about these:
At five o’clock Miss Sarah Hurras,-
daughter of W. T. Burns, left ber
homo to go to her sister’s about a mile
distant. When a quarter of a mile
from homo she was attacked by a
fiend in human shape and dragged
into the woods. She screamed for as
sistance and was heard by several
persons. All supposed it was a negro
man whipping his daughter, until the
report of a gun, accompanied by three
loud shrieks, were hoard. Immedi
ately two men, by the name of Pearce,
ran to the spot whence issued the
sounds. On arriving there they found
Miss Burns on the ground in her last
death struggle* She lived but a few
I moments.
| On examination it was discovered'
■ that the unfortunate woman had beerr
shot through the body near the waist.
Also, with a large pistol or gun, a ter
rible blow had been inflicted j ust above
the left eye, and which crashed the_
skull. The effects of another crushing
blow, on the back part of the head,
were visible. Her clothes were iiter
allv torn into shreds.
On Sunday morning I visited the
place whoro the murder was commit
ted. I examined the ground closely ;
and from all appearances, she mado a
dosporato resistance. The bu-hes
woro torn and twisted in every con
ceivable manner. Near whero site
lay, when fouud, was a largo sweot
gttin stick, which had been broken off
near the roadsido. It is supposed she
fought with it until killod.
Trie murderer is suspected of being
a negro man employed by Mr. Boaz.
A short time previous to the murder,
this negro used unbecoming language
to Miss Bums. On Thursday night
he moved his clothos from Mr. Burns’
houso. He was seen the day of the
murder on the same road, near which
Miss Burns was killed.
Great excitement prevails through
out the country. Search is being
made for tho negro in every direction ;
hut up to 5 o’clock, last evening, no
thing was heard of his whereabouts.
The jury examined witnesses till late
yesterday orenTisg; but tboy keep
everything secret. Description of no
gro as follows.
He is a dark, copper-colored mulat
to ; weighs about 106 lhe.; twenty-one
years of age ; quick spoken and stut
tering , a doggish countenance ; rather
lame in one leg, awl at tho time of
tho murder had on a white shirt and
copperas pants. Ho was raisod in
Walton county, where lse is supposed
to have gone. It is hoped that all
persons will bo vigilant in trying to
bring him to justice. The above ia a
true statement of the facts.
The Vote on IVoloiigali t»i».
Tho vote on Thursday, in the House,
stood as follows 7
In favor of prolongation—-T M
Allen, (colored) Jasper ; James Allen,
Hart; Wli Bell, Banks ; 11 Barnes,
(colored) Hancock ; J M Buchan, Pu
laski ; W 0 Carson, Thomas; T G
Campbell, Jr, (colored) Mclntosh;
Georare Ii Glower, (0010 ed) Monroe;
J T Costin, (colored) Talbot; A Colby,
(colored) Greene; James Cunningham,
Oglethorpe ; S A Darnell, Pickens;
Madison Davis, (colored) Clarke; J
M Ellis, Gilmer; J Fitzpatrick, Bibb ;
J E J Franks, Bibb ; Monday Floyd,
(colored) Morgan; W L Goodwir,
Bartow ; W A Golden, (colored) Lib
erty ; S Gardner, (colored;) W Gull
ford, (colored.) Upao**; Virgil llillyer,
Camden , H C I lolcomho, Fulton ; W
L Houston, (colored) Bryan; J F
Harden, Newton ; Haywood Hughes,
Twiggs; Alexander Haren, Fannin;
Hutchins, Jones; C II Hooks,
Wilkinson ; —— Harris, (colored)
Glascock ;; W 11 Harrison, (colored)
Hancock ; W H F Hall, Meriwether;
Philip Joiner, (colored) Dougherty;
Jackson, ; C O Johnson,
Spaulding; Johnson, Forsyth?
Geo Linder, lsuwenw ; S Ijinxisey, Leo ;
J A Madden, Burke ; Platt Madison,
Lincoln ; J A Maxwell, Henry; J G
Manll, Muscogee ; llomulus Moore,
(colored) Columbia; J T McCormick,
Troupe ; Nesbitt, Gordou ; J W
O’Neal, Lowndes; Peter O Noil, (col
ored) Baldwin ; It M Parks, Gwinnett;
James Potter, (colored) Chatham ; B
F Powell. Decatur; Alt Reid, Dough
erty ; J M Rice, Columbia; -Rod
gers, •; A Richardson, (colored)
Clarke; P Sewell, Coweta; J M
Simms, (colored) Chatham; A Smith,
(colored) Muscogee ? Lphc Tweedy,
Richmond; II M Turner, (colored)
Bibb ; Wilkins, ; John War
ren, Burke; Samuel Williams, Har
ris ; W S Zellars, Campbell—Ji-l lie
Those who voted against prolonga
tion are:
J W Atkins, Oglethorpe ; J M Arm
strong, Dooly ; W D Anderson, Cobb ;
Browder, ; Brown,
langer, Floyd; It Bradford, Wi Ikes;
W II Clark, DeKalb ; J H Caldwell,
Troup; Ali Oloud, Clayton; C C
Ciogliorn, Chattooga; Cobb, ;
C C Duncan, Houston ; W S Erwin,
Habersham ; II It Fielder, Houston ;
A Fowler, Catoosa ; F M Ford, Bar
tow- ; II G Fryer, Early; McK Fin
cannon, Rabun ; W B Gray, Walker ;
J E Gullatt, Fulton ; John Higdon,
1 )ecatur; W F Holden, Taliaferro ;
W M Hamilton, Scriven \ T M Ilark
lw-ss, Butts; G M Hook, Milton \ C G
Humber, Stewart; J N Harris, Mur
ray ; G It Harper, Sumter ; F M Har
per, Terrell; J A Harrison, Franklin ;
W M Hall, Bullock ; R 13 Hall, Glynn;
C H Kyzle, White ; W A Lane, Brooks;
A II Lee, Newton ; J W Matthews,
Houston ; J J McArthur, Montgom
ery ; W A McDougald, Chattahoochee;
John Neal, Warren ; L Nash, Gwin-
nett ; J 0 Nesbit, Dade ; C K Osgood, 1
Chatham ; G Page, Leo ; W P Price,
Lumpkin ; R W Pliillipe, Echols ; F
L Pepper, Calhoun; N J Perkins,
Cherokee ; Isham Itaddish, Appling ;
F F Rainey, Sehley; G S Rosser,
Webster ; Morgan Rawls, Effingham ;
G W litfmph, Wayne ; S F Striekland r
Paulding ; A Stone (colored), Jeffer
son ; V P Sisson, Fulton; 1 E Shu
inato, Whitfield ; R A Seale. Pike ~ r
M Shackleford, Heard; Dunlap Scott,
Floyd; J B Sorrells, Walton; J R
Smith, Ware; W M Tumlm, Ran
dolph ; U 0 Tate, Elbert; II A Tur
nipseed. Clay; W G Vinson, Craw
ford ; D Wolchel, Hall; F Wilcher,
Taylor; E Q A Warren, Quitman ;
W N Williams, Harralson—73 ; 11
Republicans, Democrats.
Remedy for Red Ants. —At this
.season of tho year many house-keepers
aro gieatly unnoyed by hordes of these
tiny mites Then fill the sugar buck
et, lurk in the sugar bowl, and infest
all eatables. If tho leaves of young
ivy or fresh wiutorgreen are scattered
over the shelves, it will rout the
whole army. Those house-keepers
who cannot readily obtain these leavse
will find that hits of camphor gum
scattered over the shelves will prove
an antidote, or a sponge can bo sprin
kled over with sugar and laid near
their war path. In the morning it
will swarm with the red mites; dip it
in scaldine: water, and they will never
eat sugar or be oaton as its substitute.
Mts. Stanton thinks that
courting ought to be left entirely to
woman. She says: “I candidly be
lievo that Nature intended man for
the rough work of life; to dig into
philosophy, politics, parallellograms
and potatoes, and humbly to wait in
tiis material sphere until selected by
too queens of tho h- arth-Jone.’’
David D. -Fisk, one of the oldest
newspaper men in the United States,,
died at Portsmouth, Virginia, last
Friday morning. He had been con
nected with the Southern press over
WILLI AMS- VA’ASKY.—J/trrifd, on tho
7tL into., by the R"». Jfr. l’owoll, Mr. W. R.
Williams, mn] Miss Mattie A. Vea*ey, all of
Terrell county.
Thus, after many years spent to no pnr«
pose, our ftieml has seen the error of his
wav, and concluded that he would change
single wretchedness for married blessed
uess. ♦
71,1 RKETS.
! Dawson, August 11.—No material
change to note, in tho leading articles
of provisions, and Staple Goods. Stocks
of Bacon and Flour heavy. But little
Corn; Bacon clear sides -le. No
transactions in Cotton.
Macon, Aug. 9.—Cotton fnoro ac
tive at II to 16; Bacon clear sides,
20 to 201; Corn $1.15; Oats 90 b>
Louisville, Aug. 9.—Bacon, clear
sides 17c; Clear Rib Sides 18; Corn
New York, Aug. 9.—Cotton dull,
middlings uplands 191 ; Gold 161-
Liverpool, Aug. 9.—Cotton closed
active, Uplands B£<L
The following letter is from ,1/r. Woodward
of S'. Louis, to J. N. Harris, Esq , ot New
London, Conn., Mr. W. is a gentleman of
high respectability, and during the prevalence
of the Cholera in S'. Louis, watched the re
sult of the application of the Pain Killer for
this disea'C, and his testimony can be telied
upon with the utmost confidence ;
Dear Sin:—You recollect when I saw you
'n January last, mt expressing to vou mv
most Singtiinc expectations that JDAVIB*
I’.llN T KILL K\& would have a tremendous
sale in the west this neivsyn, amt my antiei
pationo have been more than realized, and
the testimony of thousands who have used
it has been that they would not be willitfg to
go to best ft night without it in the house
Ou the appearance of the choLra in this
oitv,. seeh was the confidence in the I*\ in
Killer as a remedy, that many who pur
chased it remarked to me that they had no
fears or (head of the cholera as long as they
hadthePiin Killer by them, and hundreds
look it dailv as a preventative, for no person
can have a derangement of the bowels or di
attbeet if they use this medicine. This was
the seeu itv and confi lence ot hundreds ac
quainted with it, and when their Mends Were
attacked with the Cholera they would adtniu
is er the remedy in large quantities, end in
every case when it ha* been taken in any of
the (Lit stages of this disease, it hits- proved
1 consider it an infallible remedy. I have
not had of any individual in auy family
who u*ed the Pain /filler when attacked but
speed Iv recovered.
Ti e cierk informed me (hat lie ad'ininistt-rs
ed it to persons when cold or in the cramps,
and it give immediate relief, but still it
should be given quickly, for when the dis
charge of "rice water” has begun, the hope
of Ife has Shd. Should this di etsc make its
appeamnee among you, as in all probability
it will, be not nlarmed ? you and all others
there have the remedy, aud I am cm.(Y lent if
the I’ in Killer is used, not a single death
hr Cholera will occur iu your city.
/J-spectfuilv vonre,
The Pain Killer is sold by all dealers
in Family M dicines. Sold by D.. J. R.
J.IN'ES, Diwson, Ga.
/v’xricr. sscs or a YuCXG Woman. — A
country girl young, pretty and happy, her
a'ep whs (-Italic and the rosi-a of health
bloomed ttp<lh lipt cheek. Ouo April morn
she was overtaken by a “ pring shower,”
and “caught a o.i'ld. ’ It Wts her “particular
lime,” aud snpp> «a*t’o» was the resu't. At
the next “period” nature refused to acl. She
became Hallow, swollen, and snlF.-red intense
ly with paina in the hick and “lower stom
aeh,” palpitations, difficulty of breathing, in
digestion aud headache. I) 'dors failed to
paliate her die rassed condition, and she
longed for death as the only hope of relief,
yli the instance of a friend, who had herself
expellenc'd its benefits, s'io wo indueed to
tn Dr- J Hradtield’s L male KeguU'or. One
bottle cured her as well as she was that April
morning* before the shower. The l-emale
K guiaior is prepared by L 11. II rarifi-dd,
Diugg’st, At’an'n, On., at $1.50 p r per bo<-
ile and kept hv all tespoctable Drug men
tbrouih tthel'tid.
,VL fF .1/1 1 'Ell WISE.II E*VTS
\\J E drew it whnflv unnecessary to inform
> V the PLANT JST.S of Middle and South
wtg ern Georgia, that we are still e' pigvd at
our Old S'and in the W A AN D
COM.YIKSIPN 81151 NASS, where for so ma
ny years wc Usee served veu as Factors and
Commission ATerchan-s. VVe haVe left no
s'one unturned to aid you in carrying on yoUT
j farming interest, sud in turn we now bespeak
a continuance of the very liberal patronage
extended u* in the past. Your col-on shall
be weighed on the lxviil, sold and accounted
for on the sdbARB
By closely guarding yodfr every interest,
we iuleud to merit yoilY palronagc.
To our old friends of many years stand
ing wo return our grateful acknowledge
ments ; io new ones who may try us, we
promise our best * fT iris—backetl by the ex
ponent* of many years to serve them faith
fully snif'wclt
Orders for supplies will meet, whh prompt
attention. O. G SVARKiI.
aug 18-3 m. T. lIdRDEJ/.IN, Jr.
fall ajid Wijiter Ijnportatioji.
1 8 70.
Millinery and Straw Goods,
Binnet, Trimming HC*d Velvet 7»ibbon«,
B'onet Silks, Sa’ins and Velvets, Blonds,
Net's, Crapes, Ruches, Flower. Feathers,
Ornaments, S raw Bonne's and’Ladies’ ll.ns,
(trimmed and untrimmed,) Staffer floods,
ic. 2 ; T7 *ud 23'J Baltimore Strait, Balti
more. .1/d
---goffer the larges’ Sock- to be found in
ibis country, and uneqoded in efioice ts-iety
dus cheapne J », comprising tbs latest /’aria
•Vi novelties.
Otters mf'vi td, sod yvemit attanties
WILL he sold, before the Court House.
Door, in the Town of Dtw'soo, ayid
county, on the I-t Tuosday in September
next, between the legal hours of 1 haftf, tile
following property, to -wit :
One lot of land, number eighty-aeveff, In
ihe 12'h District Terrell county, ami one
S tore House and Lst in the Town of /Jiw>
son, situated on the South Side of the Public
Square, aud known a* lot 3*l, in original sur
vey of ’be Town of Dawson. Levied on as
the property of Thomas Caldwell, to satisfy
s fi fa Issued from Terrell Superior Court, in
favor of B. H. Warren, vs, Thomas Caldwell,
Principal, and M. S. Glass, snd Eli O. Hill,
seeuritl’s - .Slid fl fa having been paid oflfby
K. G. llilt, Security, and transferred to uitn.
S F. LASSITER, Shiriff.
August 11, 4w.
MEORGIt, 'SVrrell Comity:
\T Whereas, D. F Ltwhorn. -Administra
tor of J. K Shines, has applied for letters of
dismission front sard estate :
These are therefore to cite snd admonish
all persons roneerned, to be and appear at my
office within the time prescribed' by law and
show cause, if anv, why said letters should
not he grnnterl. Given under mv hand and
otfi. ial signature, this 6'h dav of July, 1870.
July 7th 3m. T. M. JON RS, Ordinary.
piffUGIA, Tyrrell Comity;
\K Whereas,. D. F. I-rwhorn, G'tntrd'Van of
Sarah Brinson, baa applied for le ferwof tfis
mission from' said Guardianship .'
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all persons evmcernsd to he and appear at mv
office within the tfrne prescribed hv law and
show cause, if anv, why said letters should
not. be granted 1 . Given under mv hand and
oflkeiaf signature, th : B fith dav of July, 1870.
July 7th. 40d. T. M. JOSES, Ordinary.
p EOKGI.I. Tyrrell Comity:
V J Whereas, VVm. A/oreland applies for
/-‘iters of Dismission from the Guardianship
off the Wifflorsof Simeon Hnckabv.
These are therefore Do citff anlj atJmonish
ail persons concerned to be and appear at tny
office within the time prescribed by law and
show cause, if any. why said letters ahould
not he granted. Given under mv hand and
official signature, this 23rd dav of June, 1870.
June 28 3m. T. M. JONjS’S, Ord.
Official Advertisments.
A pko< L\jivno\.
Governor of said State.
WHA-'REAS, official information has been
received at this Department that Rills of In
dictment have been found ftv the Grand J«-
ry of Columbia county arainst Kinchen .-fd
ains and John R. Lambert, charging them
with the crime of murder, and that said Ad
ants and Lambert have fled from j lrtice :
I haw thought propc, therefore, to issue
this, mv proclamation; hereby offering are
ward of One Thousand Dollars each for the
apprehension and delivery of the said Ad
ams and Lambert, with evidence sufficient to
convict, to tire Sheriff of said county and
And I do moreover charge and require all
. fflVors in this State, eirii and 1 military, to be
vigi'ant fn eTidrarvorinje to apprehend the said
-Adams and Lambert, in order that they may
he brought to trial for the offense with which
they st itid charged.
Given uniter nty hind and the Great Seal of
the Slate, at, the Capitol in Atlanta, this
fourth day of August, in the vear of our
Lord A’ighte'n Hundred and Seventy,
and of the /udcpendence of the United
Stales of America the Ninety lonrth.
Hy the Governor r
David G. Cottino, Sec. of State.
August 11, 4w.
'J'*HE Fitm of Janes k Loyless was dia-
L solved by mu uil consent on the ifith
Tfo btis'nes will be continued at old stand
117 the subscriber who is authorized to wimi
up all outstanding busines of the oil firm.
Aug. 4, If. J. U. J,m».
Eating Saloon, Eating Saloon,
Jidda Water, Ha Water!
tltaUes pleasure in announcing to the c ! ti-
I zensof Diwsonand surrounding cntin
trv, that be has again opened his Eating Si
loon, where all the delicasies of the season
that the market aSords will always be found,
and cooked 1 to suit an-y taste, n- wtftfition to
Bakery & Confectionery,
be lias erectod a
pf:footed arrunjfpment* whereby he will *l*
way* h*v* IV E on bund, end thoee who
like * d^H\;iou%cooling,innocent draught, cm
bl'w»»p be accommodated at fcia Salooo. He
id a lift prepaid co ftrrnish
i-n any ifiantity, for any pnf-pbse. Ladies
especisllv, are assured that the most perfect
order will always be maintained, and all that
can be will be done to make the tSiloon a
worthy place of resort. Give me a call.
Don’t forget the place. Depot (staect, next
door to J. W. Roberst.
Apt'.! 28, t .
Me ward ! l\
STOLEN’, from the undersigned, in the j
Town of Dawson, Terrell county, Geor- j
gia, on Satuidnv aight, 23rd inst., about dark !
one’ LtghtSo rel Mare, some white hair about j
over her body. Mane l’ttle white where the i
codiw works, and a long blaz- in the face. |
She is about six years old, walks and trots j
very well", and can b.- made to pace. When !
walking she comies her bead a little below
a level with Sev bodv. ia an animal of
good styhe and njntai life, and fieyuently
makes Starts or jiumps, apparently from no
1 cau.e. She is * medium animal, in Cue keep
ing. In traveling she caries her tail a lit
tHe to one side. T will par SSO for the mare,
delivered at Dawson, or sloo for mare and
thief with evidence toeonvict the thi-f.
"ayGian’s b&t Friend,”
Will Jjripg on Jho Menseff tflyen they have,
not beg,a est(h]t jibed, also when they hava,
been suppressed front nnnsfat-al censes. Will
core CTienMafkitn snd Neuralgia of the hack
snd womb. iFrll core Painful Menstrnaihiu,‘
and relieve the head, back and lohis of these,
di*trcrs?Ajf^ptinsand aches, i WHI check men-,
orrhagla or “eisci-asive flow.” Will cury,
'‘Whiles" snd failing of the womb, when it
is the result of rel-nfafidh (M- biidj health.
It is as sure a cure in aIV Me above diseases
aa Quinine is in Chills snd Fever.
Ladies ran rare thnnseUf* of si! the above
diseases without reveativf their coltfpfaiMTff to
any person, which, i* alWays mortify'
ing to their pride and modesty. ~ , -
It ia recommended and used by thh bfcat
physicians In their private practice-
For a history of the above diseases, certifi
cates of its wonderful cures and directions,
the reader is referred to the wrapper around
the bottle. JLinufactured and sold by
BR.4DF/ELD k CO., rtllenta, Ga. ,
Sold byDr. J. R. Janes, Dawson Ga, IViea
We, the undersigned PVogfffats, take pleas
ure in oonitnemlii’g to the trade, DU. J.
believing it to t»e a goorl and reliahfv SernrdV
for the diseases for which he recomtiveuds R.
W. A. LemsOr-tl, Atlanta, Ga.
Pemberton, ft'rflson, Taylor ft Cos.- fftthrrf*,-
Kcdwinc k Fox, Atlanta.
W. O. Lawahv, A’lanla, Gy,
W. Root It Son, Marietta, Ga.
/m f BLsn stJi’fY
Which I am OfTi ring Low for Ctu*h.
July 28 4t
(Successors to Tomlinsox, DttMaarsT * Cos.
628 and 630, Broadway, N. Y.
Carriages, Buggies, &c.
Especially adapted to the a.iurhern Roads.
Light Yirtortals,
And' all other styles of Fine Carriages,’
For ortfc and two horses.
On Eliplie and Side Springe.
il lliirkfl ami Jerwej Wasmis
Wc are also sole Manufacturers of the
P'antation Wagon for 1,2, 4 and fi Horses.
7 lie best Buggy and Wagon in America for
the money.
We have had an experience of thirty
in making work for the Son'hern States, and
know exactly what is wanted to stand tO
roads. We invite all to send for fTirculars’, ‘
and patties visiting New York we especially
invite to call at our Warerooinf.
We solicit the trade of merchants and
dealers. j
Illustrated Circulars, with pries, furnished
by mail. A. T DEMAREST, N. Y.
Wa have also bought out Mr. W. A.
lluff, of J/acon, Ga., where we expect to
keep a Urge stock. June 23 lj.
./ ai:.v t s vw .r te »
To Sell Our Celebi-Aled
Acknowledged by all wlio have used them to
he the best Pen made or sold in this country
No-blotting! No soiled finger* ! Sixty liuej
written with one pen of ink ! Will out wea,r
any steel peti mado. Bankers, mer-,
cli ints, teachers and \Xt clisSes'endorse them .
in the highest terms of pPaf"e. Put upij,
neat slide boxes. Prines : two boxes, eh
cents ; five boxes, SI.OO. Sent free of pos
tage, aud guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion. <
Liberal Commission to Agents!’
IFe are prepared to g'lve any energeti*
person taking the agency of these Pens, a
commission which will pay S2OO per month.
Three sumpU Feus wilt be mailed for 10
. , Pittsburg, Pa.
riantation Supplies
I have in store a Urge lot of iLcon m,li and
other family supplies, which is offerc J
For the Cash,’
Give me a call,
i July 7th, tf.’
Plantation- For Sale,
C'tonristiDg-of 23-1' scresi Well improved,
J convenient ti> Schools, Ohurchea and t
Masonic Hall. Auy one wanting a good place (
cheap, and presenting “the Rino, can call
and si# me on 'he pi ice.
n. t. BcTFLTT,'
August 11, 4'..