Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL column.
; , ,-The
eatH ' • lUo< i hot and drg, until
* hftS °° t Vritinpc, whon ft splendid
with the prospects of
'train-the effects ofthohot,
are plainly to be seen on
an d f s cane, peas and potatoes,
tin bolls are popping open pre
,, From the appearance of
® atire V have soon, and the reports
Ltplantors, the first °f October will
fourths of the crop ope n -
T revival meetings which had
• liro <rrcss for several weeks at
S th e churches, closed on last Sab-
There wore thirty additions to
l Methodist church, and thirty to
L Baptist church. In the latter
(Vbteen were received by letter, and
live by baptism.
—Lovlees & Griffin have on
t their .Sore, one of Di„iel
Wfgj&Ud Swinging Front Ootton
J'ffcSw-h AZ* nr* They -re
6in ’ rorecrivft orders for them, de-
r ,P ;T nt eoin- Call at their
S ,,r( " i ‘ (he Gin, and be convinced
Sheene m buy. Even, Gl. • .*-
The shipments of the Dawson Man
uring Company in the month of
August were 47 Cars.
IssrU F. your life in the Cotton Statos
Life Insurance Company at office of
rir f! \. Cheatham.
ieptl-'hn W. C. Dom, Agt.
AsHicn.n-R.iL Socikty will meet at
the Court House on Tuesday, the 6th
inst. Let there be a full attendance.
The United States Hotel. Louisville,
Kv is only four blocks from the Cin
cknati Mail Line Wharf-boat.
RriuL Carolin ian. —Wo call atten
tion to the advertisement of this ] u -
lication in another column.
Road Commissionf.r’s Blanks for
sale at this office.
y EW Stoke.— Rich’s advertisement
appears up side down, but when it
comes to selling cheap goods , he says
he is eight side up. See ad.
The United States Hotel, Louisville,
Ky„ is only two blocks from the Street
Cars that run by the Naslivillo Kail
road Depot.
Andrew Female College.— The ex
ercises of this popular college will bo
resinned on the 3d of October.
I)r. Hamilton, the affable and gen
tlemanly I’rosulent, is too well known
by our readers to admit of a word of
commeudaticn from us. See Ad.
SocnmiN Farm & Hour..—The Sep
tember No of this excellent Agricul
tural Monthly h-n been received and
is replete w t i valuable " information.
Every farmer should have this maga
zine Price S'- 1 00. Address J. W.
Burke & Cos. Macon Ga.
Wove to Get an Elegant riano. —We
kg leave to direct the reader’s atten
tion to the advertisement of J. W.
B irke k Cos., offering a splendid SSOO
Rosewood Piano to the person sending
the largest club of new. subscribers to
hide V Weellg.
Savannah Morning News. — Wo
call attention to tlio advertisement of
this excellent journal in another col
umn. The reading public will find
discussed in this paper, with marked
ability, all the leading topics of tho
day. To business men it will prove
invaluable, as it always contains full
and correct market reports of almost
every article of trade. Every busi
ness man should subscribe for a paper
from his seaport city.
The Human Fokm Divine. —What
rad havoc Scrofula inflicts on tho hu
man s .Vstem. How Rheumatism dis
torts the frame. What misery tho in
judicious use of Calomel entails. How
rad the effects of Syphilis transmitted
lrnm parent to child. Would you
Wwd these terrible afflictions, fail not
11 Penetrates every fibre of the sys
tom, even into tho bones, and eradi
cates every trace of diseaso.
KruED.— We learn that a Mr.
Beicher in tho employ of Mr. Duncan,
Calhoun County had a difficulty with
me of the negroes on tho plantation
* llil 'h ksuited in his, B’s death. Tho
Weapon used was a plow hame. Far.
titulars not known.
a ' so loam that two negroes em
ployed at tho steam saw mill of Mr.
■u. Thompson had a quarrel over
‘ome trivial matter, when one tapped
“ e other on the side of tho head
a liau 'l stick fracturing tho skull,
iC produced death in a few hours.
. '\ RTIIru 8 Home Magazine for Sep
. t l ' °P«®s with an excellent story
53S**?? by Mary Hartwell, enti-
• th ° Saw / r b y Leaven
of a a 18 - a filling and quaint sketch
from W mill - There is “ Farther
auth be Misses Fitenooflle,” by the
author of “Watehing and Waiting,’
paper on “Woman’s Work
Uartm n f a g@s.“ The various de
and .I? their usual interest,
S t° gether the number » * <mp£
All Quiet on the Kinchafoonee.—
Wo hoar no moro of tho rioters
since they disbanded, and trust they
are satisfied in this their first nttompt
to take tho law into their own hands.
We hold that as law abiding citi
zens we should lot tho officers of tho
country administer tho law, and in
case there is a mob or illegal assembly
that cannot be controlled by the offi
cers, lot them call to their assistance
such force as they may think nocessa
ry, and onforce the law at all hazards.
Wo were pleased to see with what
promptness the people from the coun
try came to town on the occasion spo
ken of last week tendering thoir ser
vices so the sheriff. It is ano to tho
colored people of Terrell County to say
that a largo majority of the mob, and
nearly all the leaders, were from Loe
county. The Grand Juries of botli
e luntios, wo suppose, will investigate
this affair, and bring to justice the
violators of the law.
The “Children's Hour for Septem
ber is beautifully illustrated, and
numbers among its contributors tho
names of Kate Sutherland, Ada M.
Konnieott, Clio Stanley, and others
equally well qualified to please chil
dren. “Beech Nut Farm. ’ by Vir
ginia F. Townsend, is continued. This
little magazine is really the prettiest
publication for children that we know
New Goods. — Ed Kuttner is receiv
ing his stock of fall and winter goods,
and if he fails to do a good business
it will not be because he lias not in
his employ polite, business, working
men. See what he says.
The September “Riverside” sots out
with all sails flying in its frontispiece,
which represents a barque “Outward
Bound,'’ the tug just leaving her:
Andersen gives one of his stories in
his best vein, “Tho Most Extraordina
ry Thing” it is called ; there are two
or throe sea-pieces, and one of sport in
“Prairie-hen Shooting.” The great
storm of last year lias its parallel giv
en in that of 1815. Frank and Lucky
are two youngsters well known *o the
readers of the “Rivorside” as amateur
artists, and they give us some speci
mens of thoir skill in dra wing as well
as in fishing. Music for “Mother
Goose Mi-indies” once more appears,
no doubt to the delight of many
young birds. Hurd and Houghton,
New York. $2.50 per year.
Colton’s European War Map is ev
idently the most reliable one published.
It is on a sheet 11) by 32 inches, tho
upper portion showing, on a scale of
twenty miles to an inch, the French
and German Frontiers. The scale is
sufficiently large to show all the forti
fied Cities and other principal points,
and the Villages and {Streams that wilt
necessarily bo mentioned in the* war
news. For sale at all Book Stores and
News Offices, or s ait by mail for Fifty
Cents by the publishers, G W. & C.
B. Colton & Cos., N. Y.
From tlic Telegraph A .Messenger.
Lcxembo urg —last nigh t—A ago s:
28.—There has been lighting all day
at Dun, between Cstenay and Verdun.
The firing has been steady from morn
ing till night. No particulars.
Brussels, August 2D.—Bazaine is
certainly under the walls of Metz.
The Prussians report typhus fever
raging dreadfully at Metz.
Berlin, August 29.—The fortress
is overfi iwing with French prisoners
Prison camps are formed.
Florence, August 29. — Olliver and
family are here
London, August 29.—Ten thousand
peasants and fifteen thousand wound
ed are shut up in Metz.
Typhus fever is raging.
Prussian Landwehr are investing
The Prussians hold all of Southern
The London Times’ Berlin special
says 220,000 men are moving on
Wills, tho Scotch iEronaut, has
been summoned to the Prussian head-
French accounts say McMahon is
not ready for battle.
Bazaine is silent, though liis lines
aro still open.
It was Bismarck who orderod no
halt ou the march to Paris. The
King acquiesced, though his Generals
advised looking after McMahon first,
and l’aris afterwards.
London, 29, 11a. m. —lt is report
ed a great battle has boon fought,
wherein the Prince Royal has defeat
ed McMahon.
Parisians affect the belief that tho
Prussians will be taken between t\\ o
fires and exterminated.
The Times says Paris must and will
bo saved, but tho removal of tho seat
of government is indispensible, owing
to the predominance of vilo passions
irreconcilable with public order and
military movements. Tho Times
questions McMahon s tactics in mov
ing north last. He might, at least,
have threatened tho advancing 1 rus
sian columns.
Thiers asserted at a meeting of the
Committee of Defense that the Prus
sians will never roach Paris without
a complete victory over the French
army. Even then they will not stay
Paths, August 29.—The Boix Do
Boulogne is filled with cattle.
The Moniteur says six days will ho
needed for the Prussians to reach
Paris. Perhaps scouts will arrive
sooner. Wo shall be ready.
The Opinion Nations says Pahkao
must have entire authority during the
crisis. It again demands the expul
sion of all Germans from Paris.
The Minister of War announce
that with reserve weapons he can arm
an immense National Guard, in addi
tion to those already under arms.
mid all the French palaces have been
appropriated for hospitals.
Russia and England aro strongly
opposod to I'reneli dismemberment.
1 aris, August 29.—Americans aro
rapidly leaving Paris. The Hotels
are empty.
1 aris, August 30—Preparations
have been made to promptly destroy
the l.ridgos and the railways around
Ihe diplomats go to Tours, which
Mt.v will bo considered neutral.
J lie committee of defence, at Metz,
is daily oxpocted.
l'aliakao will announce in tho
< 1 lumbers, this week, preparations for
a siege complete.
Nothing from the front but rumors.
Officers and others from tho front
insist that a great battle was fought
on tho 19th; Bazaine and McMahon
. gained great advantages. The latter
expected to meet the Crown Prince,
who is receiving reinforcements, when
a great battle will occur immediately.
The condition of tho French troops is
McMahon has received reinforce
Bazaine has abundants of provis
ions and amunition.
Paris is fully prepared to resist an
attack. The capture of the city is
considered impossible. Tho Opinion
Nationale demands that as the Prus
sians shoot the country people, France
should teach Prussia that if the prac
tice continues, she will take no pris -
oners, and the war will become one
of extermination.
Tile Tribuno correspondent writes
from headquarters. The Crown Prince
was at Ligney on the 24th. This is
a great day in the campaign. The 3d
army, King, Moltke, and Bismarck
have arrived. The streets were chok
ed with Bavarian troops from morn
ing till night. Wood is sent forward
to Paris. Everything moves careless
ly forward. The troops are in excel
lent condition.
London, August 30.—Dispatches
from the Prussian headquarters, Sun
day noon, declare Bazaiue’s communi
cations as completely cut Telegrams
published from him in Paris are man
ufactured there.
Dawson, Sept I.—Cotton in good
demand, at 15c, for best grados. No
eliange in leading articles of groceries.
Bagging from 30 to 36c. Iron Ties 9c.
Macon, August 30.—Cotton quiet,
16c. for middling. Bacon, clear and
rib sides, 194 to 20c Lard 20 to 23.
Louisville, August 30.—Bacon
shoulders 12c.; clear rib sides 184 ;
clear sides 19J.
New York, August 30.—Cotton held
at 19* for middlings.
Liverpool, August 23.—C 011 o n
steady, with uplands at B|d.
markets by .Hail.
Louisville, Aug. 25, ’7O.
Provisions quiet and unchanged.
Moss Pork $29 00; Bulk meats 134,
16i, a 17 for shoulders, clear rib and
clear sides, all packed. Bacon, 1 11,
17} and 18, for shoulders, clear rib
and clear sides. Hams, 24A. Lard,
16 a 17—all cash.
Bagging in fair demand, but no
change in prices. Hemp 29}. I lax
60. Short time can be had at these
prices. Ties 5} a6.
Fears, & Cos..
a vm>i >< i hr.vr.
I tender to ihe people ol Terrell countv
my thunks for their support in the lust eiec
tion, lor Tax Collector, and solicit support for
the same office at the election to come off iu
November next. Respec.tfullv,
»„ e . ‘ifE W F. SF.-^IOV-:.
Special • Voticcs.
Woman's Rights. —One who has
studied tins ab-orbmg sulj iow presents
to the women of our country the result of
his investigations lie is happv to sp.v that,
he has at last d'seovtr and “Woman's Rest
Fr ieud. ' It is adapted especially, to ihosc
eases where the womb is disordered, and will
cure any irregularity of the “menses.” Dr.
J. RradfioldV Female Regulator acs like a
eh; rm in “wh tes,” or in a sudden check ol
ll e “monthly courses” from cold, trouble of
mind, cr like cause*’, bv restoring the dis"
charge in every instance. So also in chronic
ouS -s ns ac ion is prompt and deci ive, and
."avis the constitution from countless evils
and premature decay. This valuable prepa
ration is for sale at $ .50 per boule by all
respectable Druggists iu the land. Prepared
and sold by U. 11. Bradficlo, Druggist, Titian
'a, Ga. A thousand women testify to its
mei its.
Asiatic Cholera in China
Almost every case cured with
(From Kov It. Telford, Missionary in China,
1 now visiting his home in Feun.)
Washington, Peon.
Dear Sirs : During a resilience of some ten
rears »s a missionary in Sam and China, I
found your V.getabW Killer a most vah
uable 'nmedy lor that fcaiful scourge, the
Uho’era. . . e j■.
In administering the medicir.e I lound it.
moat (ff.'Ctal 10 give a teaspoon/nl ol I’ain
Killer in a gill of hot water sweetened with
sn"nr; then, after about fifteen tninu'ea be
gin to’give about a teaspoonlul of the same
mix'ure everv few minutes until r.lief was
obtained. Apply hot applications to the ex
tremi’iea. Bithe stomach With the lam Kl
- ler clear, and rub the limbs briskly. O
\ those who had the Cholera, and took the
I medicine faithfully in the wav stated above,
eight out ol ten recovered. Tr^vo^
If attacked with the Diarticea, Dysentery,
c amp Colic, don't delay the use of the
Fungchow, China.
Dear Sirs: During a long residence in Chi
na I hive n<ed vour invaluable Pain A'dler,
both in mV own family and among the Chi
nese an I'bave found it a ntoat exe-11-nt med
■ • ’ i a ike eu timer of 1862 and OS,
Viri .esillinn In .Shanghai, I found it an al-
certain 8 core for Cholera, if used in
time- Indeed, using it in a great many "i
stittces l do not remember falling in a stngl
case- For three tears I have been reStdmg
in this place, more than fifty tn.lcs from a
physician, and hayebeen obliged ofren to fall
upon my own resources in cases of sickness.
The Chinese come to us in great numbers for
medicine and advice. Though wi'hont modi*
cal knowledge ourselves, the few simple rem
edies we can command are so mu ih in ad*
vnnee even of their physician*, thn* we have
aim st daily applications. We allow them
to come, bec*u*<- it bring* u* in con act. wi h
them, and opens a door of u«ofnli es. In
diarrl <tm, colic, vomiting, cholera, coughs,
etc., your P. 41A T KI LL jffli has been my chief
medicine. You* - * verv truly,
For sale by Dr. J. R .1 mes, Dawson, Ga.
jtk n • ./i) i •/:a 9 •#*/;.
Cuthbert, Ga,
Wisin', to inform liia friends anil the puhlic,
that ha has rented the store tormeily occu
pied bv Lotless A Griffin, wl i li he vtill open
on or about the first da; of October, with a
Urge and well selected stock of
tapey and £tapls t)f/ (joodji,
which he intends lo sell lower than «nv oilier
House this side of New \ ork. Come Mid
see for jouiselves. This Store will be known a j
sept. l-3tr.
Tuo Dollar* per Annum.
t n.u:j.j'SToy, s. c
The Savannah Morning News
Now Is liiu time to Subscribe.
Vosi have your rhoire, ami can
lake either the Daily. Tri-
Weekly or AVeekly edition.
Is,ln >ll respects, n Democratic journal, faithful '
to Democratic principles and earnest in advocacy
of Democratic measures. 7 * believe,-, that the
success of it* party is necessary to the salvation
of the country. Its reputation as a news journal
will be maintained as heretofore. In Domestic.
Fmcign and Commercial Intelligence, Literature,
Ac., it is not surpassed by any paper in the coun
try. /ts whole character is comprehensively sta
ted in saying that it is a great Democratic and
family newspaper, devoted to the interests of
the people of the South. 7o every business man,
its Jl/arket intelligence alone is worth many
times its suoscription.
Col W. T 'l'li mpson, with able assistants, has
control of its Editorial and News columns ; while
its corps of/feporters tre tellable in every res
Terms—l year, $lO 00; f» months, $5 00; 3
mouths, $2 50.
7s published every Monday, Wednesday and Sat
urday, and is made from the daily editions.
Terms—l year, $6 00 ; 0 months, $3 00; 3months
$1 50.
Is issued every Friday: is designed for country
readers, and contains a careful summary of the
news of the week, with the principal editorials,
the current news, the latest dispatches, and full
Terras—s -’ U a year : 1 dollar for 6 months. i
No attention paid to orders, unless accompanied 1
by the money.
/Mstmasters everywhere are authorised to act
as A gents.
Money can be sent by Post Office order or Kx j
press, at our risk. Jddress,* j
.1. id. ESTELL,
111, Hay Street, Savannah.
A Splendid Rosewood Piano
Worth SSOO,
For New Subscribers to Burke's Weelclg
'T'Mlfi’ Publishers of Burk«’s Wsrklv for
I B >y- siwl Girls <iff-r n solf-nffi l §SOO
/Torpwnnd Piuio, for the Zirgsst ZTlub of
( New Subscribers, (not Ip«s than thirty,) sent
j 10 fhtt paper. Sniff for nmi-nI.N «r>ff a
; specimen copy to J. W. BURKE &CO .
i Sept 1-ts. M .con, Ga.
T Si© latest War News.
People of South-western Georgia,
m 1/llTTlirn ,a ties this method of informing his old patrons, end the public gener
lil K||| Ift > H '.Uf, that he is now receiving aud will continue to receive, and keep
assortment of Dry Goods, consisting of
Ladies Hr ess Goods, of all Styles anti Htscrirtions, Gents, and
JS.nis Vlolhin i, H i!*. Caps, Roots and Shots, anti at any
Price, toy ether with a Putt Stock or fancy and
family Groceries , Hardware, Crockery
anti Tinware.
In fact, he is determined that no one shall come to hint for anything, and have to go
els when’ to get it. The immortal JK W a'lll reigns supreme master of
oercuionies, assisted by his apt papil, Jltsttler Jimmie Parks and he is determined
to sell goods a little cheaper than any otto else, lit cotdially invites his flisuds to give Ititn
a trial before purchasing.
MR. KUTTNER has also opened another store, at the old -tand of bl RNEY A NELSON’
under the .Superintendence of Mr, If. J. .1 1,i,1,.'1, assisted by JUlfc. I*oß 3a
Ikl-ILLE, where he will keep a select stock of
DRY 000 DS ,
>Q-pis.-el hy none ever put upon this market. Messrs Allen and Ponrnellc respectfully in
vi'e their friends to give them a call, with the promise that they will ever deal upon the
square, ami use a 1 tin ir endeavors to plense them. With many kind thanks to the public
| thair hitherto libetal patronage, the Corps, eu inoase, respectfully solicit a continuance
of the same. Kim '
Atlanta, Ga., zlugnst 2fl, IS7O. j
ORDERED: Thu lion. O. A. Lochrani,
of the county of Fulton, he, am] he i» hereby
appointed Judge of tho Superior Court of
this Stale, i.i slid for the Atlunta Judicial
Circuit, (o hold ssid office until h's Sticcessor
is Appointed, »nd tlntt ho be commissloneu
i ceorffitiglv.
; Given under my h»nd end the sen! of the
Executive DeiMrlment, at the Osptlol in
Atliinta, the dav and venr shove written.
Bv the Governor:
R H. cltkinson, Secretary Ex. department.
Sep l . 1,4 t.
Eating Saloon, Eating Saloon}
Soda Water, Soda Water!
'llakea pleasure in snDoui cing to the citi-
I 7.ens of Jl.iwson and surrounding coun
try, th it lie hss again opened his Eating .S’i
loon, where all the dellossies of the senson
that the market affords will always be found,
und cooked to suit any taste, u addition to
Bakery & Confectionery,
he has erected a
perfected arrnneemonts whereby he will al
ways have MC K on hand, and those who
like a delicious,cooling,innocent draught, can
always be accommodated at bis Saioou. He
is also prepared to furnish
in nnv ipiantitv, for any purpose. Ladies
especially, are assured that tile most perfect
otder will always be maintained, and all that
can be will be done to make the Siloon a
worthy place of resort. Give me a call.
Don’t forget, the place. Depot Jstaeet, next
door to J. W. Roberst.
Apia! 28, t-.
.M.ii’G.r, «.i.
\\ T ILL carry on tho husiness at the Plan-
V ? ters Warehouse, lately occupied by
Adams, Jones & Reynolds,
atig. 25-3 in.
Thr .Veart Srholetiilc rear trill
Open .Jlotulatf, Oct. 3rd, M*rox
Faculty, full and efficient, as hitherto.
Course of Studies, unusually com
plete and thorough.
Increased Facilities offered to
young Ladies from abroad.
Hoard —embracing Washing, Lights
and Fuel, for the yesr, S2OO 00.
Disci pline of the College, quite
Lessons in Plti*ir:tl Training
and free use of Hail, only
Ten Dollars for the Course.
lien Ith of Cuthbert. unsurpassed
at the South.
£3J”fTnuse ready for Boarders, Oct, Ist.
Prox For additional inform-dinn,
Address, A. L. HAMILTOK,
Aug. 25-4 t. President.
Terrell COurt of Ordinary.
At Chambers, Aug. 24th, 1870.
Ordered, that the following per centum l»e, and
the snme is hereby levied on the State Tex. "a
a county tax for Terrell county, for the year IS7O,
to-wit : 'Forty (40) percent for county purposes ;
thirty (3n) per cent for bridge fund : seventeen
and one-half (17 1-S) per cent for l'auper Fund;
twelve and one half ty l 9) per rent, for .Tury
JAiud : ten (10) per cent for Specie] Fund, and two
and one-half f2 1-2) percent for Building Fund.
aug 25 tff. Ordinary.
r I''HIR7’Y days afier date, application will
1 be made to the Court of Ordinatv of
Terrell county, Georgia, (car leave to sell the
land belonging to the estate of Chuinoey T.
Botsford, late of said county deceased, for
lig 25 11. with the Will sum red.
Offer their seivices as
r l' , o T//E PLjINTA’BS and Merchants of
1 Middle and Southwestern Georgia, and
invite their attention to some of tho advan
tages pos eased by this city over others as a !
Chiton J/arket.
Our charges are very roasorabl*, being
about ONE I! A I.F thore of oilier cities of
the State.
Our Banking facilities will soon be consid
erably inc eased, and wi.l be equal, if not su
perior, to those nl any interior town in Geor
The opening of the Macon nnd Augii-ta
Railroad gives us another cutlet to Charles
ton, Souiti Carolina, thus increaring competi
tion for our C.nion.
We can furnish plantation supplied on the
most reasonable terms.
Willi our experience in handling Co'ton,
we believe we can please those who may t.t
vor m with their patron >ge.
Our Warehouse has just been put in thor
ough repair, and we are now ready to weigh
and sell or store vour Cotton.
We are sgenri for the WINN HI/ 5 I.V
PA’OV/fD CO7TON GIN, a sample of which
can be seen at our Warehouse. Call and ex
amine it, cr send us your orders. Every
Gin warranted. Price $1 lit) p w saw.
P. S. Mr. Richard 11. Hutchings and (’apt.
J. T. Kctor will have eh urge of our Neales
and Warehouse Yard. Macon, Ga-, Aug‘2s.
aue‘2s 3m
< o((on and Commission
.Itlranrcs maile
o.r cotto.v
AA 7" ILL be sold before the Court House
T V Door, in the town of Diwson, Terrell
county, on the Ist Tuesday in November
next, within the legal hours of sale, the fol
lowing properly to-wir ;
Two Blaek J/.iro J/u!es, one Blick Ilorse
Mule, one Bav Horse Mule, and one Biv
Maro J/ule, and Ten Head of Cattle; Levied
on as the property of John B. Vanover, to
sitiufy a fi fa issued from Terrell Superior
Court, in favor ol Charles (i. Farmer, vs
John B. Vanover. S. F. L-rISSKT A'R,
Fept. l-2m. Shetiff.
U r ILL be sold, before the Court House
Door, in the Town of Dawson, said
county, oil the 1.-t Tuesday iu September
next, between the legal hours of sale, the
following properly, to-wit:
Onr lot of land, number eighty-seven, in
ihe 12th District Terrell county, nnd one
Ntore House and Lot in the Town of fbw.
son, situated on the South Side of the Public
Square, and known as lot. 88, in original sur
vey of 'he Town of Dawson. Levied on as
the property of Thomas Caldwell, to satisfy
a fi fa issued from Terrell Superior Court, in
favor of B. fl. Warren, vs. Thomas Caldwell,
Principal, and M. S. Glass, and Eli G. Hill,
securities- Niid fi fa having beeii paid offby
E. G. Hill, Necuritv. and transferred to nitn.
8. F. LASSA’TER, Nbiriff.
August 11,4 w.
Gt liOBGIt, Turn'll Fonuly :
r Whereas. I). F. Law horn, Administra
tor of J. K. .S’liinee, has applied lor letters of
dismission from said estate :
These are therefore 'o cite and admonish
all persons concerned, to be anil appear at mv
office within the time prescribed by law And
show cause, if anv, why said letters should
not be granted. Given under my hand and
official signature, this Sth dav of July, 1870.
July 7lh 3tn. T. M. JONA’S, Ordinary.
tl EOKGIA; Turn'll Comtly :
T Whereas, D. F. Lawhorn, Guardian of
Sarah Brinson, haa r.p|.'iieu on le tors of dis
mission from said Guardianship:
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all persons concerned to he and appear at mv
office within the time prescribed by law ami
show cause, if anv, why said letters should
not be granted. Given under my hand and
official signature, lh'B stb dav of July, 1870.
July 7th. 40d. T. M. JONES, Ordinary.
(GEORGIA. Terrell Coiiuiy :
T Whereas, Win. At treland applies for
.Letters of Dismission from the Guardianship
of the Miuors of Simeon Huckaby.
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all persons concerned to be nnd appear at my
office within the time prescribed by law and
show cause, if anv, why said letters should
not be granted, Given under mv hand and
official signature, this 23rd day of June, 1870.
June 23 3m. T. M. JON/TS, Ord.
I hereby forewarn all persons from biting
or giving employment, or furnishing pro
tection in any wa v whatever to three negroes
or free people of color, as they are bouud to
me under a written contract, until the 24th
day of December nett'. I will enforce the
law against any person, or perons, so offend
ing, as they have left my plantation without
any cause. Their names ad descriptions are
as follows: Jo Henderson, is a tall, yellow
man, 25 or 30 yea'S of age. Jude, his wife,
is a small, yellow. dishfacc, snaggle-tooth
wench, 40 or 45 years old. Lewis, her son,
is 16 or IS years old, very dark, well built,
and speaks very slowlv.
Aug. 25-2 t. J/ARTIN 0. BRADY.
Colli factors & Copissiap
\\J E renew the tender of our services to
\Y our many planting friends and cotton
dealers, offering them unsurpassed facilities
for the prompt and faithful execution of all
bu.-loesa entrusted to our care, p’elgiDg |
promptness in all transactions. We make
the sale of tot'on a specialty. Our senior ;
having enjoyed this privilege for over forty
years, and trust, by strict integrity, that he i
has merited the confidence of our patrons. j
We are fully prepared to mske the usual !
advances ou cotton iu store, and sha I en
deavor to watch thu market and sell when
active demand.
VVe have unusually exerted ourselves to
render sucu accommodations to our planting
friends as to enable them to harvest their
crop and trust they wid Sep.ompt in for
warding cotton to meet demands, and if up
on maturity of papers the market should be
low an I depressed, will endeavor to extend
the time of papers and await a favorable
market uiion cotton in stote.
a Cotton Factor.
m E A m*
IT is well known to*
Doctors ami to
■ Ladles, that women arc
! * abject to numerous dis
ewes peculiar to tliclT
*cx—such UN Suppres
sion of the Mouses,
White*, Painful month
ly * Periods,’ Kheuiuu
tjsm of the Back »ud
If bmh, frreffuinr Men
struation, Irutnorrnghn
FxeUssJve *Ffows,’ nnd
I’rolspkcS Uteri, or Kilt
Inu of the Womb.
These diseases hnye
seldom been trosteii sdc
‘‘essfully. The profes
sion hst sought diligent?? for some remed?
that would eiiih'c them Id Itt*l thrie di»-
easefl with succesn.
At lav\ that remedy his been discovered
by one of the most skilful plivsicfunH inf the
State of Georgia. That remedy la
It is purely vegeistde, and is put up iri
A'lame, Georgia, by /IRADFIELD & CO.
It wilt purify the bio ui arid strengthen the
system, relieve irritation of the kidnevS, and
is a perfect specific tor all the above diseaScH,'
a cure as Quinine in //hills and fever.
For a history of diseases, and certificates
ot its wonderful cures, tho reader is referred
to the wr pper around the bottle. Every
bottle is warranted lo give satisfaction or
money refunded.
LaGrangk, Ga., March 23,
BRAnmi.n & f70., jlilama, Georgia :
Dear Sirs: 1 take pleasure Id staling ihni
I have used lor the last twepty years tba
medicine von are putting up, known as DR.
and consider it the best cimbimtion e4er
gotten togetlier for the diseases for which it
is recommended. 1 have been familiar with
the proscription, both as practitioner of med
icine and in domestic practice, and can hon
estly say that I consider it a boon to coffer
ing females, and can but hope that every la
dy in our land, who may he suffering in any
way peculiar to their sex, may be able td
procure a bottle, that their Sufferings mly
not only be relieved, but thrt they may bH
restored to health and Btreugih.
With mv kindest, regards, 1 am, reaped
fully, ‘ W- B. FERRELL, Al. D.
We, the undersigned Druggists, take pleas
ure in commending to the trade, DR. J:
believing it to boa good Htid reliable remedy
for the diseases for which lie recoiumeuds it.
W. A. Lansdell, Atlanta, Ga.
Pemberton, Willsoo, Taylor & Cos.; Atlanta,'
Ga. !
Redw'ne & Fox, Atlanta, Ga.
W. C. Lawshe, Atlanta. Ga.
W. Root At, Son; Marietta; Oil;
Celeb rated Liver Jfledldn «•
It is purely vegetable, and will act upon the
Liver and Kidneys as promptly as Calomel
and Buchu, without any danger of salivatiotl
or destruction of the bonps.
Patties taking this medicine need not i'eHr
getting wet, or any other reasonable e*po
Symptoms of Liver Disease;
Headache, Dull Feeling or the Blue o , Sour
.Stomach, Sick or nervous Headache, Heart
burn, Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Bad or Bit
ter Taste in tite mouth; the skin has a thick
rough feeling, and is darker than usual, Qos
tiveness, J/elaneholy feelings, Cramps,
Cold Feet. Colic, Dvsenterv, or Diarreah,
Chills and Fever and Piles. Ui faot, where
the liver is out, of order, you are liable td
every disease that is not contagious.
Prophiti’s Liver d/.'dicine. If taken prop
erly, it will prevent and cure any disease re
sulting from a deranged Inver.
it wi.l regulate its functions rtrt'l thus cure
all diseases caused by the failure of its healthy
It has been good for a great number of
years, and has given universal satisfaction.
There is no brother or son claiming to have
'he original receipt; It Is put up' id both
Powder and Fluid form.
Fairiiurn, Ga, A pttmbor 4, 1868'.
Dr. O. S. Propliit:
Sir. My wife has been aii invalid for fif
teen years. Doctors ail agreed she had Liver
Disease. In couueelion with their practice
she used various noted medicines, none of
which seemed to do any good. .Some lime
ago I procured a bottle of your “L'ver Med
icine,” of your agent here, C. A- Barry,
which being given according to directions,
haveeffoctea a complete cine.
Respectfully, etc., GEO. L. THOMPSON.
fcf. Mjiliitt’s bpitery Mia!:
Is one of the most valuable compounds
now put up for Diarrhea, Dyseiile'ry; 'C’ltdlors,
Infantum, or Cholera Morhus.
Thi. medicine has been in use for years;
and gives universal satisfaction.
The most delicate child may use it with im
»».-%«* KILL IT.
This is the celebrated medicine that ran
Derry .Davis’ Pain Killer out of the market,
wherever it was fold; Davis made Propbitt
change the Dame from Pain Killer to PAIN
For Nheumatistn, Reurafria, Cuts, Bruises,
Burns, Old Sores, Snake Bites, or stings of
Poisonous Insects, lor Colds, Coughs, or
Bowel Complaint, it has no equal as a dess
iug, healer or antidote for pain of ary kind.
Manufactured and sold by ARADFIERD k
CO., Atlanta, Ga., aud for sale by all Drug
L , ___ | .—J
Fever aud Ague Pills;
The best Antidote lor Chills tod Fever
known. Cures warranted always or money
refunded" Purely vegetable.
Will relieve Headache, Neryousuesy, Jaun
dice, and all other deraugemettW of the tiiv
-1 or. Purely vegetable.
The following are a few atnoqg the boo r
dreds of those who have used the above
named medicines, and who readily testify to
their value : ,
Col II J li tnderson, Covington, Ga ; Prqf
J L Jouea, Govt ngton, Ga ; M \Y A r nold,
Georgia Conferee -e ; Rev W W Oa l in, Geor
gia Conference ; A it RubinsoD, Monticello,
tit ; Judge J J Floyd, Covington. Ga'; flick
l.ocket, Davis county, Texas, W Hawk
Whatley, Cusseta, Texas.
STATE OF GEORGIA, ) know «ii
Ft- (.ton County. ) men by these
presents, that I have this day, tor value re
ceived, sold and transferred to BR/f DF!.yLJ!I
4 Cos, the sole right to manufacture aud sell
! my Family Medicines, aud have furnigbfC
them with the full recipes, and have author
ized the said BRADFIEiiD & CO., to
or have printed, any thing they Olay see
| proper concerning arty and till the a bote
named J/Tlioin h. l'tiii Islh dry of June
1810. [Signed] O. S.
In presence of Thomas F. Jones and Rob
ert Cra-vford, Notary Public. [L. B.J
Manufactured and for 9aieby BR VDFIEL'O
& CO , Broad S reet, Atlanta, Ga., ami sos
‘ sale by all .Druggists.