Newspaper Page Text
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Mrs .tt; e.
Executive l)EPAniiiF.N'i, )
Atlanta, Ga., August ’_ii, U-70. $
To <A* fiVww/ -•/ ■ :M ; i:
The Executive Committee of the
State Agricultural Society has called
my attention to the fact that the an
nual appropriation provided lor by au
Act assented to December 20, 180 *,
has not been paid. Tiro tenor of tha
Act referred to is, “That tho sum of
twenty-five hundred dollars per annum
be. and tho same is hereby appropria
ted to the said Society, to l>e expended
under the direction of the Executive
Committee of sai l Society, in the pur
chase of premiums, to bo distributed
by said Society and in such other
ways as may appear most conducive to
the general purpose of said Society
as aforesaid.” By tho same Act the
title of “The Southern Central Agri
cultural Society” is changed to the
present title of “Tho Georgia State
Agricultural Society.”
It will bo observo 1 that tho sum of
twenty-five liuudr and dollars is made as
au annual appropriation, an 1 this
amdanthaß for ten
years ; the State is therefore a debtor
to tiie Society in the sum of twenty
five-thousand dollars, including the
present fiscal year.
A convention composed of delegates
appointed by the agricultural societies
ol the several counties in the State,
has.lately been in session at the Capi
tal, and the members of your honora
ble body are doubtless entire iy famil
iar with tho <lf lib< rations of that con
vention, through the published lvpirt*
of its proceedings. It may not b im
proper, however, for mo to refer to tii
laet that the members of that conven
tion represented nearly, if not entirely
the whole agricultural interest of the
State, anl its membership was com
posed of gentlemen who are practi
cally and extensively engaged in agri
cultural pursuits.
The renewed inter st in an improved
system of agriculture which lias been
stimulated by the efficient efforts ot
th.e Agricultural Society during the
last two years, has result< .1 in a very
considerable enlargement of tin
sphere, and of tue capacities of the
Society for promoting the objects oi
its orgunCation. (older tho Consti
tution adopted at tho Into Convention,
all the County Societies in the State
will be represented, and henceforth
tho annual meetings of tho Society
will, in fact, be a Congress compose i
of representatives selected by the prac
tical agriculturists of ihe State. And
the result of such an iat rebauga o!
views and experiences supplem tntetl
and sustained by proper legislation,
cannot fail to he of incalculable bene
fit to the best interests of the State,
both-social and material. Tho vnrie l
anfl sometimes conflicting intercourse
which must nee- ■’ arily exist between
capital and labor, will tint . guided
and controlled in proper channels, au l
we, as a people, will be able to realize
largely increased returh* from an in
telligent investment of . capital and
management of labor.
It is, perhaps, true that heretofore
inquiry has been direct 'd almost ex
clusively to the culture of cotton, but
the present purpose of tho Society
embraces, not only every character el
Culturo which can he made advanta
geous in our soil and climate, but al
so, indirectly, the development of our
valuable mineral resource*, and the
utilization of tho pow. r.s which now
lie dormant in our coal fields and wa
ter courses.
Under ilio auspices of this Society
struggling unaided through tlie wreck
and ruin that followed the of the
war, our people wore enabled to de
rive the benefit of the Ltrg st display
which has ever boon male at a fair
Within this State, at the annual exhi
bition given iu Macon in .November
last. And the rapid and extraordina
ry progress which is now sing made
in preparation for the next annual ex
hibition at Atlanta, gives ample ovi
douce that tiro Society has been large
ly benclittod by its experi -ace in Ala
con, and also, that the comi ig exhibi
tion will bo one of which every citizen
of tho State may justly feel proud. i
The annual upprepr.iaion which is
provided for in tlie act approved 1) ■- I
comber 21), 180 ), is one winch is duo
to the. Society, and will continue to tail
due until that act is repealed. If any
reason wore necessary to urge upon
tho State the propriety of m >eting tal
ly this obligation, a sufficient ouo is
found in tho groat practical good
which is being done by tho Society.
In tho successful management of ti e
affairs of the Society heretofore, we
have ample security that appropria
tions made by the State will be earo
fully husbanded arid economically ex
pended in such a manner as to insure
to the State at largo a liberal return \
for the comparatively small amount '
annually advanced.
In view of the fact that a large
number of the members of your hon
orable body . rank among tlie first of
our agriculturists, and first among the
managers of our extensive system of
railway communication, I fed that it
is superfluous for me to add argument
to what I have already said in regard
to the usefulness of this Society, or to !
sustain the other fact, that upon suc
cessful agriculture depends the pros
■ parity of our railways and the piotita
jplde prosecution of ail mechanical and t
Vtnercantile pursuits.
1 would therefore respectfully rec-i
Ominend to your honorable body that!
appropriation be made whereby the
amount now due the Agricultural So- :
ciety can be paid or secured to it lur its i
Uses, and that the act bo so amended
that for the future the annual appro-j
prhrthm for premiums, etc., be at least
ten thousand dollars.
With this increased annual appro-
printion tho Society will ho able to
make very considerable progress in the
cslabiishmeiit and operation of a Bu
reau of Ag ictiiturnl Chemistry, and I
would respectfully suggest to your
honorable body that tha valuable in
formation to be derived from experi
mental agriculture under scientific
control can bo better disseminated
through the agency of the State Soci
ety than under tile independent man
agement of a State official
Fairs :iit <l i.iJu.triiil i.xkibi
tiaeivii I'ail »i me sjsieui «#i
t' I osiritclio •
Tho civilization of the present ago
derives much oi its progressive spirit
from the application of science to
practical uses.
The amelioration of tho condition
of the masses of m inkiud in our epoch
is due, iu a great degree, to improve
ments in facilities for transportation
an l travel, and the menus oi did tsing
intelligence. Labor-saving mac. i .o.y
is a great educator, lor it affords
stimulous as well as opportunity for
thought. Everybody is on the qm
tio' in regard to new inventions in tlie
aits of locomotion, manuhtetunng, and agriculture. So rapil.y
do improvement* in these departments
orowd upon each other that the peo
ple everywhere throughout the civiliz-
ed worl 1 are impatient tu seo < demon
s.ratiuns of the practicability of new
suggestions in the mechanical art.;
xilose ot active minds, seeing many
wants yet unsupplied, are curious to
auow it anywhere inventive genius
lias already ferreted out methods ot
in ■ ting the demand. When a hew
sealjvemout is and ■ iijn-trutod, they are
stimulated to furtner elfort. Tuose
of sluggish intellects are stimulated
tty demonstrations of the triumphs of
genius into mental activity. Seeing
wuat man has done, they form a bot
ter estimate of want man may do.
Agricultural ari l mechanical ex
hibitions —-exnibitioiis of tue line arts
—m teed, alt those public shows
which indicate the p iwer of the hu
mm intellect to renter tuo forces of
nature subservient to min s paysio il
eeuvenieiico and comfort and his litor
al and intellectual improvement, are
valuable and cheap educaior.s.—
U--iice, the spirit of the present ago
demands the collecting together
of the materials of these use
ful exhibitions an l stimulates whole
populations to turn out and patronize
It will l>a long ere those great
sclioo s will fall into disuse, or cease
to bo patronize l. Instead of tue
learner going Img distances to stu ly
tue dam eus.rativo in atonal occuuua
toi in favored localities, com uamties
by a system of awards are inviting
me bringing of the materials to tie
vineiuity of tu ■ turn >.s of the poop e,
waore, ail, even tue humolost, can
enjoy the opportunity of witnessing
tlii.' triumphs of genius in the applica
tion of seioacj to tao uses of civilized
1 a the arena us every woll-condue
t; • 1 agricultural and mechanical ex
hibition of modern times, iu tiie space
of a lew days, are often to be seen
untiiily and value than tiie ancient
universities could exhibit to
stud nits during a four years’ pupilage.
Audiences attending these exuibitons
are wi lo awake to the necessities of
tho prosen.—in agreeable and hope
ful contra ts with the dreamy iuertia
of tho middle ages, who chiefly occu
pied himself in digging up tue memo
ries of the past.
Fair., and exhibitions are a part of
the rati mal system of public iiitruc
tiou which has achieved so much in
our glorious nineteenth century. En
courage tuem, not only iu eaca county,
but give them your patronage in every
great cental locality to widen the
facilities of locomotion render travel
and transportation easy 8. H. 8.
[ Plantation.
Coal On, for Mesuuitoes. —There
is a cheap Alus'piito bar in vogue
among the pi mtatiou han Is an 1 bout
m ui in tlu South, which answers ev
ery purpose to the letter; it is com moil
coal oil. A small quanity of oil is
dropped on a piece of coffon and then
squeezed out as dry as passible, after
which tlie cotton is rubbed over tno
face and hands. No musquitoe will
alight wlmre the least scent lias been
hit I have tried it and then exposed
myself to clouds of them on various
occasions without experiencing the
slightest annoyance Thousands of
tin ‘in would lioA-er within an inch of j
my face, an l sing by tile hour, but
none wi mid dare touch. Without hav
ing tried it, one would naturally sup
pose.-, that the smell of oil would bo
very disegreeable. Not so. One
never smells it at all in live minutes I
after it has been applied. —American \
Entotna. ojkt.
The Cost of \V ab.—The New York
Herald states that the Trench govern
ment lias already received sll4, 280,-
000 and has been permitted to issue
$70,000,000 ot additional treasury
bonds, in order to carry on the war
which lias just begun. The floating
debt of Frmce, which already amounts
to $ 150,000,000, as'ill doubtless be
swollen ere long to at least 825 >,00.),-
000. One hundred and three millions
six hundred and fifty thousand dollars
have been demanded by Germany, in
eluding Prussia and Bavaria. But
those large sums are but the initial j
expenses of the war which may yet j
cost an inc ileulable amount of treats-1
ureas well as an irrevocable loss of
life. If other European nations are
drawn into the m lelstorm of war—a
result which is by no means improba
hie-—tk ■ aggregate of the expanses of
the war win 03 iavouel u nut be
youd the limits of calculation
A man out West, hearing that
dry copperas put in a bed of ants
would cause them to leave, put some
iu his mother-i .-laws bed to see if she
would go. He says she was there at
last accounts.
Don’t starve your land ; if you do it
will grow lean.
slow laoud Farmers Sam dloit
They take good papers and read
They keep account of farm opera- ;
They do not leave their implements >
scattered over the farm, exposed to ;
snow, rain and heat.
They repair their tools and build-1
ings at h proper time, and do not sutler !
a subsequent three-fold expenditure of
time an 1 money. They use their mon- :
oy judiciously arid they do not attend ,
auction sales to purchase all kinds of
trumpery be ausc it is cheap
They see that their fences arc well
repaired, and their cattle are well not
grazing in the meadows or grain fields
or orchards.
They do not refuse to make correct
experiments in a small way of many
new tilings.
They plant their fruit trees well;
care for them, and of course got good
c 6 s.
They practice economy by giving
their stock good shelter during the
winter; also good food, taking all that
is unsound half rotten or mouldy out.
They do not keep tribes of cats or
sna.liug dogs arouud their premises,
who eat more in a month than they
are worth in a whole life time.
Lastly, they read the advertise
ments, know what is going on, aud
frequently save money by it.
Successful farming is made by at
tention to little things. The farmer
who does best, earns his money with
best results. Such men are the salt oi
the earth.— Ex.
A IVric'ci Waterproof.
A writer in tho Illustrated Times
says: By the way, speaking ol water*
: proofs, 1 think 1 can give travellers a
valuable hint or two. For many
years 1 have worn India rubber wuter
; proofs, but will buy no more, for I
I have learned that good Scottish tweed
' can be made entirely iirfporvioUs to
rain, and, moreover, I have learned
j how to make it so; and for the bene
fit of my readers, i will give tho re
cipe : In a bucket of soft water put a
\ half put a half pound at sugar of load,
! and a half pound of powdered alum;
i stir this, at intervals, until it becomes
clear, then pour it olf into another
bucket; and put the garment therein,
and let it be in twenty four hours, and
then liang it out to dry without wring
ing it. Two of my party—a lady and
gentleman,—have worn garments thus
treated, iu the wildest storms of wind
and rain, without gutting wet. The
rain hangs upon the cloth in globules.
Ln short they- were really waterproof,
j The gentleman, a fortnight ago, wulk
! ed nine miles in a storm of rain and
: wind, such as you rarely see in the
j South; and when ho slipped off ids
; overcoat, his under elotiios were as
i dry as when he put thorn on. This
| is, I think, a secret worth knowing;
i for elutii, if it can be made to keep
out wet, is, in every way, better than
wiiat we know as water proofs.
Ollio al Aiivertisiuents.
<* i: o k « s A.
Governor of said State.
WII FLEAS. (jffi. iid informal! n
has been received at ihi* D p trlim-nt
that a murder was commuted in the
cou ty o| Jefferson on the nigh: of
tie oli instant up hi he body Ztu
Hayg'o'l, i pr on of color, ty a
person or person* unknown :
Now, therefore, n -rder to brin; to
speedy tri and and punishment the par
ty or part es engaged in the perpetra
i.i i oi tho crime above recited, J hav.
ihmjg t props to is* ie this, my pro
elamition. he et'V offering a rewar 1 of
'lnk TitiiO'AM) Don,aks ior tho up
prehetls on and delivery of the said
person oi persons unxno in with evi
de ce sulli i -nt to c.onvic. to the
Sheriff of said county and State.
And I moreover charge and re-|
qire al officers in this State, civil
md military, to be viglant in in leav
er ng to app enen I the said pr-rs n
or p rson. in rriler that he
in iy be fir light to trial for the off use
vvi ti w hi• • n hn stands charge I.
Given uud r rny hand and p e G:en
.Bal of the Slate, at t lie Oapi'ol m j
Atlanta, .his 18ih day ot August,
in iheyear of our Lord Eight tn
Hundred anil Seventy and ol the
Independence of the United Stales \
of America dm ihiety filth.
Bv t he Governor :
n AV dG. Corn q, Secretary of State.
Aeg 25 4i. j
i psimuimyx.
Governor of said Slate.
Whereas, Offi id in'omuuion bus been re
ceived a' ihis D potmen' 'hits murder was
c iiii ted in tlie «■ unt vot Upson on itie 1S h
mst'tr, upon 'lie hodv ol Junes L J/bC’.nd,
bv tn.e William C., alias Ca i Tivlor, aided
end abet ei oy bis b o her, John Tavlnr, and
i tbs' Wilinrn C. Tailor ha-fled from Jus'iee:
I "aTe thought pioper, therefore, to issue
tilt-, inv prO< tarnation, hereby dieting a re
sard of one ih usind dollars tor the apnre
j bensi n and delivery of the said Wtlligm
T, wth proff Sufficient to convict, to
ib • S'lentf of noun's and 8 ate.
And Ido moreover c large ad n quire all
odi ers 'Q this 8 ate, civil and military, to be i
vg I ,ni in ende >voring to apprehend the said
Wil jam C. Tavlor, in order that be may be
t)jought to trial lor the ofTenae with whiih be
■"aods charged.
(J ven under my hand ar.d the Great Seal of
ihe Sta'e, a' the Capi'ol in Atlanta, thi«
23d Say ot August, in the veir of our Lord j
E ghteeu Bundled and 8 ven v and of the
Independence of the United Stares cl
America the Sid v-fi"h.
B the Governor :
David G. (Jotting, Secretary of State.
The said William 0 Taylor is 2d years of
ge ; aboil' 5 leet 7 inches high ; of rather
ei complexion ; ha« light auburn hair; verv
igh cheekbones; very ordinary intellect;
ice li lie freckled ; skin rough, with a doiv .
cast look, and weighs about 14b or 160
pounds. aug2s-4t
A Pitfll UM.ITIO .
« E OltGl A,
Govenor of Said State.
Wler as, Official i formation bus
been received al this Department,
t at on or about the | Lin inst, an at
tempt was made to throw bo h of the
mail trains of the Sta'u Railroad from
the track of said roan, near Ki-gs on
in the county of B iriow, in ibis State
by a person r persons unknown, in
placing <• rtnin obstructions on the
i rack of sai I road in two different
ptlae.'s; nnd
Win reas, through the hand of an
overruling Providence, ihe mischeiv
ons intention of the pefpetrn ors of
this heinous and fiendish ou rage was
j reveille I from being cu lied into iJ
outi n, w ich otherwise would liaV
resulted in a feaitul ei indy, mu only
t tuose whose liV'-s had Inercby be
c une imp r led, but also to the prop
el t of i tie State:
Nmv, tfio'i fore, in order to insure
i rotcction to lie an i | r perty, to x;n :
dicat the lenji sly "I B e law, and
with u vie* to p'eVeut the ocellirence
1 siind r outrages in tiie future, l
hav# th tight proper to issue this, my
proclamation hereby off-ri g a reward
of FIV Ell iOUsA ND D( Jl. LA KS lor
l lo 1 eppieliension and delivery of the
nekno ri p rtv or parli s engaged in
the penetration of tiie ms hievous
■ uiiiagc berein-belore reAed, with
evidence sufficient to convict, to the
Sheriff of the i-ottnty of Bart vv.
G;y-'tj under my hand and the Great
S f the State ut the capitol in
A 'aula, tfiis sixt eiith day of Au
gust in the year of our Lord
Eighteen lliindred and S veil y,
tiid ol the Loft-pen fence of the United
Stales of Aim r ca the N m-ty fifili
By 'he < b.v ruor;
Damp G Coin o, Sectetary of State.
Aug 25-4 t
aeo it c; i \.
Governor of said Stale.
WII AREAS, rffioiil i- so ni*dnn h«s
received at this D‘par im ht'bit Rills ol la
diet nero have been found hv the Grand Ju
ry of Columbia county aeuiiist. Kinchen A l
am* and Joint B. Limhert, ctmrpi e ibern
s ith the crime of murder, and that *aid AX
ant* and Ijiinb-n have ff.;d from j i-tiee :
I havj tie unfit proper, theref'oe, to issue
this, my proclamatioc; heri-hv t ff-ring a re
wind ot One Thon-aud Do !ar* each for the
spp'e lensim and delivery ol the said Ad
a-n* and I.unbe't, with evidence stiffi ient. to
cmvioi, to the Slier.S'of said county aud
And I do moreover charge and require all
officers in ihi* so't-, civil and military, robe
vieilant in endeavoring to apprehend the s till
Adams arid Lunberi, in Older that they may
be brnughi to trial lor the offense with which
c ev sited charged;
Given under mv hand and she Great S-’af of
the State, at, 'he Capitol in Atlanta, tiiis
foirth day .-if Angust, in the vear of our
lord A’lgh'e n lluadred and Seventy,
and oi 'h” /idepenuence of the U .tied
States of Ae.e 'ca'he Nc-erv fourth.
By the fstoverno :
David G Lotting, Sec, of State.
August 11, 4 m.
(Succes-ors to Tomlins in, Pemarest & Uu.
| 623 and 630, Broadway, N. Y.
Carriages, Buggies, &c.
j LojdCclai.j ..viap ell tO Uu U null Kou US.
OllK t Tot’K COM Pit ib Ed
Light VitToiiiiiS,
flock a ways,
And al ; other styles of Fine Carriages,
Fx one and two horses.
top and no tub buggies,
O.i Ehptic ami Side Springs.
tUUolt*> ULMi>,
Mail Hat ks and Jersey Wagons
Wc are also sole Manufacturers of the
P anfation Wagon for 1,2, 4 and 6 Horses,
best Buggy and W.igou in America for
the inouey.
We have had an experience of thirtv years
«f] making wo k 1 )i* ibe BoiKhcirn Slates, and
k;io«\ ex-iei 1 v wh.t is wanted to stand ibe
We inviie all to -eud for Oi tularsy
ami patties visiting Ne* Y >rk we
in vi e hi cilia our vVardootiit.
We solicit the tiade of merchants and
Illustrated Circulars, with prices, furnished
by mail. A. T DEM \ RES .', N Y.
have also bought out Air W A.
Unit', ot J/tcon, (ia., where we exp* cl io
keep a large slock. June 28- l.y
To Sell Our Celebrated
oldsi nnrm m.
Acknowledged bv all who have used them to
be the best Pen made or sold in this country.
No blottine! No soiled finger. 1 Sixty hues
written w ; th one pen of ink I Will out wear
l anv steel pen ever made Bankers, mer
| ell ,nts, teachers and all elasses endor-e them
in the highest terms of praise. Put, un in
near slide b ys. Prices : two boxes, 60
cents ; five boxes, SI.OO. Sent free of pos
tage, and guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
Liberal Commission to Agents!
ure prepared to give an? energetic
person taking the agency of these Fens, a
commission which will pav S2OO per month.
Three sample Pt*n9 will be mailed for 10
WJfcTJ?RX publishing go.
nrt? t?.
Patent Kcvei't'd XVoodeu
A grn tfe Hi i«|g t
threiighotg, HKT.UNS he aweelness of the old
wn p Bridge, and obtains 'he untidily of the
Vlktai. Agraffe, without i’» OBJECT! NS.
Patent <’«ihiponu(l Wrest
fwhtcli hold* the Tuning Pins, in six fivers of
Maple, ora in running differently,—thi
Tlasr nkvkr spi.its.
Patent Full Iren Frame
concept rales in front of the Timing Ping,
that itereiolore Damaging Iron (which in ether
PiannS hurtfiillv guRRODNns ihe Tuning Pin*,)
and "hurts" into the front edge of the Plank
nrid ftfectually resistß the TWENTY TONS
Patent Diagonal Sustaining
part of the Lon Frame, next to and p-trafl
with the Steel s'tinga UNDER THE UVKK
The First Strictly Impartial Trial
ever hail.
Stoinway’s, Chickering’s, and other
Wk, the under.-iyned make Oath that at
the i;me nf ihe last f\ir of the ArVerh'an ftl-
Stitule held in New York, immediately fol
lowing the French Exposition in Pari.*, two
Pianos m»de hv Steinway & Sons, one Pi -
ano oy Chickering cl' Sons one Patent Avion
Piano, mad.- Itv O. V Aiann'etr, and ppveral
other maker’s instruihents were tried against
each other, by ordpr and tinder control nf
the Officers ot the ins'i'ute, to decide which
Pi-lio on exhibition in competition should
ree.-ivo the First. Predttiim “as the best
Square Piano known." To obtain an imtiar
ti-1 ' r ' and, twee alt of said Pianos were cover
eilwith papers, *o tha’ one Piano cnuld not
be distinglished from another, (during the
absence of the Ju te s.) and twice did they se'
j 1 C one of Said P no- as the best, wltich,
upon tine.-verirtg. both rimes, provt-d to be
! fke Patent At ION Piano aw.rdir e it
l “The hirst Premi in" “over all others for
beino the best. Square Piano known to them ’’
This trial was after (’bickering <£• Sons'
Pi inn had reeeiv, and the Legion of Honor and
Medal, and Steinway <k Sons, the Medal bo n
Npoison ! and t 4 * J u Ijj ■* of ned trial were
HDW aRI> \IOIjLEBH AUKR, Prof; of M;t* fc;
Musical Director and Originator of the
i Ne*- York and Brooklyn Conservatories
nf Mitq'e.
CBARLFS FRADF.U, the eFninr-ht and faVor
tie Co't’poser, and Pianist to id* Royal High
; the Due Gustave ofSax Weimar; Ei.*en-
Ia eh.
j Music ; Teacher, of the higher school of Mu
sic, &C., kr.
A. D. BESEMaNN, Organist at Cathedral,
Jo aey City ; Pianist,
Julius NttunAßitT, Rcbrrt Rieger,
Henry Milder, Charles Soldwedel,
Augi st Grcenkberg R bkrt Mofeneg
G. C. Manner, (Inventor and Patentee of
the Avion Piano Torte.)
Sworn before me Lis 22 i d.t v of Jufv, 1 FRO
Co-in in is sinner of Heed-.
The Arion Piano i* the cheapksr. m st
curable, lkast complicated, r. quires less
TUNING -n'i n ’ES NOT get etc ofo-der i* i*
Write for affi i .vjrs, Pamphlet *nd
hr, and state in what Paper you saw thi* ad-
VPP ,; O"
in eve v Citv and Town where we hav* nos
already apnoirited them.
, Thr slrirtn t'n.
W=« reroomv an if Office, So. 554
HiHiHfurloi-y. INT & IN9 K»xv
eiy "Sew York.
1370. MS
Spring and Summer Goods'
Is nnw in and consists of goods that will please
I he Lillies, the Gentlemen, and the little
children. I make it a point to deal in noth
ing but
First-class Goods,
and sell them as cheap as can be done, by
.ny one dealing in the same style of goods.
Call and see the
Late Style Dress Goods,
and such other Goods s are needed iu the
house, or on the p’autaiior*.
tn'ch 17, if. w. F CRR
Colton Yarns,
Cli .allies,
if! at tresses,
•/.t o r. Kinnoo Sec.,
Cuthbcrt, Cr a.
June 2,3 m.
Plantation For Sale,
Clonsistine of 231 acres. Well improved
J oonvinient to Schools, Churches and
Masonic U ill. Any one wanting a good place
cheap, and presen'ing “the Rmo,” can call
and tee me on th- place.
M. A. tIcIUiLTV.
August 11, 4t.
r I''HE celebrated (lotton Pill, manufactured
I i, T Dr. 11. C Bailey, at Americas, Geor
gia, is undoubtedly the heat medio * yet
discovered for the cure of the diff-rent forms
ot tnaltriou* fevers 1 , such as chi'l and fever,
fev. r and ague, intermittent or hililous re
mittent fever*, and all forms of iliseuso b»v-
P2T n oritrin
Sold bg Janes ,ft louless, Dawson, Ga., and
Dealers Generally.
I*rice One Hollak
( J/trch3l,-ly.
Steward l l
ST^L?S % und^ r Mpn#»d, in tt>k
Town nf [)n Wf-on, Tyrrell rountv, G- ore
P'fl, on 23rd inst., about dar—
one LiffhtSo rrl some whi'e hnir ahnu t
over herbndy. Mine lifrle whi'e where the
onllar wnrk«, nnd a lone in the face.
She ia ahnut «i ,r years old, wnlka and trots
verv well, and ran b«• made to p*ice. When
walking she cairies her a lit*le hp’ow
a level with her bod v. Sho is an animal of
pond style and mueh life, and f*< q ji*nflv
makes pt*rta or jumps, apD'Aren'lv from no
cause. She is a medium animal, in fine keep
in<r. In traveling she carrier iier fail a lit
tie to one side. I will pav r 0 for the mare,
delivered ar Dawson, or sl<>o for mare and
wi'h evidence tn convict the *h' f
Julv 28, ts. A. LASSETKR.
Centrally located .
U i : K li I A :
Governor of said State ,
Whereas; Re’iahle info* nvatipn haR been re
ceived at »his Department that a most atro
cinus murder was commifted m tiie eoun r y of
s ew ut, or. the 14 h instant, upon the bwd*
«»t Dick H ill, a person of color, by one W.-
T. Harrfs, a ci of said county, upon
who-e pi nt.Htion thf» mid Hall was living at
ihe time of the homicide \ and
Whereas, D is further made known to thb
oppartmeh»; tfiit at ihe time of paid murdrr,
the said LI di Wts under arrest in charge of h
(’ons able in pursuance of a warrant issued
ai thfe instance of s«i<] Ili'i’is; and iffer hav
in-; been securely chained to the wall of the
h 'U-m by the s d'd (/onst was lelt by hin
n company ol H af-fs, who then, being full
a>vaie of ts-e intbilirv of the prisoner to d*-
tend himself * ainst. his murderous attack
thus took Hdv r a r > f age of tfie t usf reposed ir
him \ y ‘-aid olfic r, and in a most brutal am
CffW.mi y manner shot tho f-ri oner thr< <
time , ei her of wh ch shots, as is sill* ped
w 9 fatal enough lo prod»ice death instantly ;
a d
VV hereas, The said ITtnis h ving / suhse
<l ‘ont s o said rnu der, been arrest »1 nnd kop
in cus'odv f. r a few h<*u s, whs allowed to
make bis escape, he Walking oft hv pcrni'S
su u of ihe olfic-r having 1 im i » charge un~
d* r ihe pretense that lie would return iu a few
miim es ; and
VVhereteas, iUhether through willful neg
| lect. of duty, or tor the pu pose of .hieldieg
the ctimiual from the Itarn'.* of jus iee, th,
e vil au'liO'ith-s of said county ol Webster,
. have tailed to iit'orm this Depar>nie> t of 'nr
; couimis-ion of this barhaiietts atui tithuman
I murder, and ol their ac ion in the premise- ;
; Now, therefore, to the end that the-aid
I criminal may he the more certainly hr, u*ht
ito speedy and punishment, I have
thought proper to issue this, mv proel-ttta
tion, hereby offering a reward of one thou
sand for the apprehension and d-liv
etv of Ibe said W. T Hatri*, with
sufficient n convict, to the Sher ff of
cou t of VVeb*trr.
Null I do morover hhatge and require all
<rffi-ers in this State, to be vigilant In emleav
O' i-d to apprehend she said W. T Boris, in
order that he may bat brought to trial for the
criiti .- wi h which he stand* charged.
G'vett u- der my hand and the Great A’e a l of
: he Slate, at the Capi ol in Atlanta, this
18th ot A ugnst, in the year of out
I.ord /Eighteen Hundred and Sevi-mv, „iid of
the Independence of the United N ates ot
America the Ninety-fifth.
liv thp
Datid G. Cutting, Secretary of Ntate.
a u ir2s 4'
Agricultural Eitipleaseilts,
Sugar Ylills,
Sugar Kettles,
Cain Gfcaring,
Tliouias Water Wheels,-
Shafting and Pulleys,
Iron and Brass Castings,
Itiili Work of Fvery description,
Dressed Cumber, etc., etc.
Old Past Iron, Brass and Copper purchased at the highest market price
Ad orders promptly attended to.
0. 0. NELSON, Pres’t, - - H. ATKINSON, Suo't
Dawson, Ga., September 9 r tf
M MC Jl* Mk I''*
BLO 0 P tLt]iit ep D’
Tiffs medicinp is known tr) ,l - j •
mg the cuncentrsted fi„; d , lfr J t
Rnlli united with o , h „ r v> , * of StMup,
Roths, and ißgnsrsnteed »s chemi "|r dici, '»l
Scrofula nnd CO.ysfjip T|o ,
This remedy is compounded eto,« t
m.rifving and e|e»„sing the h! ood P ,"’ ’**
firmities, going flt once to the • '»
nf dt.eese. If e X ti-.p,tl R l,„ a n, “"i he»d
SKIN kbuptionh, sa,v
yiT#L|TF, Sri!„FCL^ 0F
We si] know ,h„ t the prenii-eun',,.
nwltou tiidnlg-d in during rhn | a ,„
she most vtlisneo* diseases V ■ brf<
pu* wt* tsken front the arms 'nf
sons full ot ‘Csnfn'nus sores. . P er ’
Then nf course the impuritie,
"lons patient were .thsntbed in tha KU
men . j.hnm diwaiw Bad h f
becHme infected ulike. Af. D - v ' bot |f
children nil the Wesf
wnfttllv diseaeed spent -his cmi«e , nd r" m Wt
nr fit tpw nbnjtrho t»f»o »h** r• • Pw DOf
I ttehe., enlivens the .pi, to, and ee'nd* J
I imparts a
» lo 111,. |_j ' •
\ < le;irne« to tiie ’
RriffliliicNs to the « .
Iliioysnicy lo liio Spirit* ° B ’
And Happiness on sill Sm cs<
F( ’*,cd aff,;Ct ' oDS 0f thu kinde J Bit is
/*<‘ople have been rescued, a * it *» re flnm
extracts from VARIOUS LETTERS
rr ‘f D ‘ ,C .L r ; \ in the hospital.
Before that 1 had no skin disease UntilT
had a bottle of your “Constitution ’R fn „,
-or,’ sent me by Dr Roper, of Columbi.
Mo., I suffered tortures with rnnnlrg
Since I have used two bottles I 8m hl ]
except a small so e on the calf of m, Ls,
leg, ard that is getting well U st _’i
This from a ladv.— *'And now mvtkittin,
c'ea p and as fair as a b-beY Mv complex
ion, thanks to your “Renovator," is beauti*
‘ Tea, yes, i m*y well sav such rel'cf wjj
unknown to me before. Enclosed find live
dollars for six bottles; two families hera
wan* to t.r\ it,.”
"I was very much troubled wi-h syphilig.
Four x-rnedv seems to he cu>ing me f a( ,
Send 4 holies pet r( .. s f
“No more rheumatism. Three bottles of
Constitution Renovator have made mt a M »
man ”
“Doctor, enclosed find $5. /’lease send
me a sttpplv. Two families here want to try
vour Constitution Renovator-"
We have not space for more of the above
extracts, hut ypjfcan ask your n< iphbor»hr B
■he remedy. .Every one hn* soniethin» gjul
o sav, as it cute* every time.
KidnFys, UefeiKioti «f Uiel’riu
And for Female Diseases,
Nervous Prostration, Weakness, General/tt.
sitnde and Want of Appetite, it is tiusuK
CAFTIOIV. —ln ordering o;’,r rempdr
always place the number of our PoM-Offiei
lh tx on vour let'ers. The new law iu our
New York /’o*’ Office compeis this.
Addre-s, Or. !W. S'. Ili-iurd To.
liiector-Genefal Berlin, Hospital, Prussia.
Agency of the Unfed fitatf?;
Lih:a:ory, 27t ! Pearl Street;
Post-Offfce Bux 5272
ter bottle; »ix bottles lor .*5. hent any ohm
in receipt, of price. Patients are reques etf
o correspond conhJt ntialiy, and reply will
he made by lulNiwing mail.
S Id hv all resnectable Drti7g'*ts.
3 icon LIPPH 1 »(tlc \ setti.
M. 0.
Tin & Sheet lion 'lota
AKE3 pleasure in announcing to the’T' 1
JL z -ns of D iwson, and surroilnciitiSfn'" 1 ’
try, that he i* now readv to marufac.'™
Tinware at. Whol-sale or Retail, as l»*
can ne had elsewhere. Al*o, RoofinE. '
tertng, and all kinds of Repairing practically
and cbenplv done, at short notice.
Copper P Zinc, and all kinds of Me 1.
done. Give him a call at Soule eoU
Ea.* tsde Public Square. J an - ’
mimm 9