Newspaper Page Text
~u.\ J (J tJItJi AL.
local COLUMN.
, bright sunshine, and quite wuitn
• or ". l "*l’ f the day. -Splendid time for
i ‘,i»«<' tton * i “ jdourpianwrßare n,uk "
— —
IBK GRWWOLD OIsV, at yjjltxJN'S.
, fionn3 , ir« Rce new Goods being
pr vJ at W. F Oris, J. W. Roberts and Ed.
vk.llniled States Hotel. Lenisvi’lc, Kv ,
;< litbiu one block of all the Newspaper of
fices. -
Koad Commissioner's Blanks for
galoot this office. __
TxgrcF. your life in the Cotton States
Life Insurance Company at office of
nr C A.. Cheatham.
1 fi eptl-3m. W- C- Popp. a S *•
opt Roberts bus pl'-nt* of new good-,
an d Ilnl Barham want- them sold,
Pustatiss ton Salk.—-J D. McA'elUr of
fera for sale n poo.l planta'ion, near D iwsoii
it* bargain. See Advertisement.
fnrt'N Gtss —Lo<lr°B k Griffin have on
Jhihiiion, at their S ore, one of Dtwiel
p Celebrated Swinping Front < lotion
n*. far which thev are A rents 7’liey are
to receive orders for them t'o
Sfrred at «UV point desired Gall at <h- Ir
tor- prcnln' the Gin, a'd be convinced
,h„’it is the one to buy. Everv Gin war
rtethd. ua S- 182wr -
TV Sutos Hf'fl, Louisville., Kv..
fn on the most fu’hioruhle street iu jLoui.—
ville. j | ,
TtiDt Rsvivino —We pee on oar ftree *
#rv d«» «"Srn"s lomle.l with new eoton,
*h : c!i is ren-liiv sold »t 15 >o lfio. Merchants
(re rpceivinfr new eoods, and Dwson is piv
tirt on that business apoearamte for which
stie is no'ei durintr the cot'oo season.
fnCCATtoNAL A/kKTISH. We a-c reqnctfd
tscsll« mee iep of the citizens of Dawson
~ the Court Iloiuo to pfifht. at 7 | -2 o’clock.
The object of the meetintr is to consul, r
(.Un* and propositions that 'nave been sus»-
}e»ted bV our Representatives in the 1.-eii
htnre as relates to Education. Sec Prof.
Skaife’scornmunieitlon. L“t all attend.
,V\. Jacob Kuttskr has returned from
Srw fork, vher- he has been lavint; in his
goods for the Kali and XVin'er trade.
Mhv Do Yotr flcrou ? When it is in Tour
|,e«er 'O re' eve voil-clf; Q few dOS»S of
PR tHTT’S Fxi’Kf’rOß ANT will cine yon
anti allav the sporehen-i'tns of your friends ;
iroreover, it is nleaaatit Intake, i' produces
lie muaea, and strengthens ’he Ltf 's and
threat to resist a't'Ohs in ftl'tire. M'&eT ‘
liard not dhptd the Croup when thev hive a
>H'!o of this v iiu.iblc cam.pouud on their
II antic piece.
KtetrvAt. —M 0. Durknan h .9 moved his
T in s hep'nthe S orernom la'elv occup’ei b.
P. L Baaoh ne*' tionr to Hotel, and ’-
rtijv to serve hiscustmne ia and friends.
Mr. S'. Maas, of the Finn nt Firnnn.,
Aliarpe H On., is nnv in Nr* Y irk m ikin';
Ma piihclnses oi Fdl aid Win'er pools, and
sVishes to State to ids imilv friends ami ciis
ititiara that he will be aide, in a few and >9, to
shnw to them a stock'of p > tda tiiat will do
credit to the firm, aiid to Dawson.
Cinxm or Fciikhclk. See change of
Schedule on Souwestern Railroad under
p r oper hoadinp. Tiie mail train arrives a'
Diwson, from J/Jcon, at 2.10, n M ; ftoin
Kuisttla, 10.32, au. 7'ne nipht accommoda
lion train arrives from J/acon 5-HI am.;
f r oin Eufsolt, 9.5 pn , a rivoip at Macon i
due to l■ ke 'he diifert ut trains for Savannah,
Brunswick, Atlanta, Aup'ista, &c.
The change of schedule in the night train
w; ll be hailed with delight by all oa the line
of raid.
7)aws..h, <;*.,■ P«pt. 7• h, 1870.
Ms. Editor: Oh Legislature has passed
Peocrwl eduta'ioital bill. Ti ls bill provide
far the education of all the children of the
s tate, both white and colored, at the public
'< The manapement of the system is
entrusted to a State Commissioner, with of
•iw at Aidant*. This officer is sppoit ted by
the Gpvxiuor with a r-lary ol fd.'iOJ a
At the B\ijrg 'Btion of opr UepresenlfKivcs
in the Legislature, I learn that Prof. Gaod
'*in his called a meeting lor Thursday night
for the purpose of getting up a local system
01 o, n. I till dvrs,and that our member!.
Pl Ti that if the people desiie it, they can
ore ua exempted front tho operation of tb
gonera] law, Clin p ro ,. u , e a charter for
I'tcal board to manage our own educational
ttiatte.g. To consoler this matter, I under
f’antl to be the nljeet of the meeting Thill's
'tg+»t. [< ripply important lor every
T ° * r v ' a ’ t,s " l * At. 'hi- tnee ihg the S ate svs
ti iU anl h- i . ■ ~Z p ia j , ~j > al ,,j ( | ie u dVnnt.
of, local management willbe presented
You will plea-e accept this commuhicition
> n lieu of the at tit les on Graded Schools.
T "osearticles will be forthcoming, if tboug
advisable, at some luture lime.
* r Er all who fee! an interest in the edtn a
” 11 "* rising generation, to come to the
meeting on Thursday night.
J. F. Sealfe.
by the Milwaukee Sen'
that there were forty strokes o
lun S in "W isoonsin, fatal to life
t) r ffcstnulivo of property, between
le th ot July inclusive. Twenty
women and children were killed,
n thirteen injured, several so seri
nnsly that they can never entirely rc
i°' u ' r W() hundred and thirteen
and six houses and six barns
' !l -‘ destroyed, and six houses and
ne barns burned, with no accoia
,tin ing los S ol life, either of persons
01 annuals.
mio' 0 P eiu °cratic Executive Com
ee elected Linton Stephens Chair
wan, and ('ol. Alstr n Secretary. 'J he
da LU ' ITe o, ninittfe. acting in ao< or
ce n ith advice from the National
“?“«■» recommend the selecton of
latSr w lor ingress and the Lcgis-
U re Ae people, and to nominate
wVa° i eu o*ble under existing laws,
verr'a 16 ? e - ec ted, will certainly be
t matted to take their scats.
i* rout the Telegraph & Men tourer.
TlcJl.tilOJi’S WHOM: AII71V!
Bhcssels, Septerubor 2,3 r. m.—
Yesterday, McMahon was completely
beaten and shut up in Sedan. JLis
last road to Paris was cut.' Bazaiue
luis been completely beaten before
Metz by Prince Frederick Charles.
P.Aitrs, September 3.—Yesterday's
journals state that the reported insani
ty of tho King of Prussia is confirm
New Yoek, September 3. —Tele-1
giaius of special London dispatches'
from tho seat of war report a brilliant
Prussian success. Twenty thousand
French lay dead and wounded on the
field. |
Brussels, September 3.—Yesterday
the Prussians who entered Belgium
surrendered. Tho officers of both
armies wore set at liberty on their pa
Consols 92i, bonds 89. stocks firmer
higher, Erie 171, Illinois 1111, Great
Western 212 j.
Brussels September 3— noon.—
General Failly is shot. One account
says by his own soldiors, another by
order of McMahon.
The Empress ordered Prince Na
poleon to return to Paris. He refus
ed, and a decree was issued stripping
him of his rank of Prince and Sena
Etoile, of this city, says tho French
are utterly defeated.
McMahon and the Emperor are !
prisoners. i
The French soldiers massacre their j
own officers.
Mary officers escaped to Belgium.
London, September 3.—There is
great excitement and anxiety to learn
whether the surrender involves the
cessation of hostilities and the unre
sisted occupation of Paris.
Berlin, September, 3. —The nows
that tho Emperor and McMahon had
capitulated was received with the
most prodigious enthusiam here.—
Thousands ofpeoplo torong the streets,
moving in ranks with arms linked,
singing pratriotic songs, shouting an L
( every other sign of eutiiu
iasm. A singing crowd assembled
before the palace, -when in response to
tho cheering, tho Queen appeared and
made a short address. All schools
are closed. The monument to Frede
rick 11. is literally buried with flags.
Demonstrations before the residence
of Bismarck, Von Mo!tire and the
Minister of the War c!'>sed the day,
which was given up to festivities.
New York, September 3.—King
William announces the surrender yes
terday of the entire French army at
Sedan, including tho Emperor.
Berlin, September 3- The follow
ing highly important dispatch has
just been made public here:
Fft ua i!t4‘
Bkfokk Sedan, Eiuscf, So[»t. 2, 12:
20 r. m .—A Capitulation, whereby the
whole army at Sedan are prisoners of
war has just boon concluded, with
(Ji n; Wimpfen, commanding; instead
of McMahon, who is wounded.
The Emperor surrendered himself'
to me, as he has no command, and
left everything to the Regent at Paris.
lii- residence, I shall appoint after
an interview with him al rendezvous
to be fixed immediately.
What a course events, with God s
euidance, have taken.
Wasiitnglon; September s.—The
State department has advices that a
republic was proclaimed from the Ho
tel do Yillo. .
The people still hold possession of
the chamber.
Deputies Havre, Gambetta, Senor
Picard and others compose the provis
ional government.
Washington, September s.—Baron
Gerolt has a dispatch from his govern
ment which says that Napoleon is dis
voiving his power to treat for peace
The government being ut Paris, the
war must continue.
Paris, September s. —The following
proclamation has been issued by the
uew government:
The decheance has been pronounced
in the Corps Legislatif, and the repub
lic has been proclaimed at the Hotel
do Ville. The government of nation
al defence is composed of eleven mem
bers, and all the deputies of _ Paris
have been constituted and ratified bv
popular acclamation. Their names are
Arago, Emanuel Crenrieux, Jules Fa
vre,'Tales Ferry, Gambetta, Garnier
Pages, Rochefort and Jules Simon
General Trocliu will at the same timb
Continue in the exercise ot tho powers
of Governor of Paris, and is appointed
rhihthter of war in place cf General
Palikao; , ..
Pleafee placard immediately, anti n
necessary have proclaimed by public
crier, this declaration for tho govern
ment of national defence.
Brussels, September 6.—The 1 nnce
Imperial hasleft Hanover for England.
The Empress Eugenie arrived m
Belgium on Sunday.
The Prussians are advancing on
Paris by forced marches.
Faillv’s death is denied.
The Daily News says Jules Favro,
the French Foreign Minister, has al
ready made peace proposals involving
the withdrawal of the Prussians from
the French territory, and the abolition,
of tho French standing army
Paris, September G.—Marshal B i
! zaine holds out at Metz. The total ot
the French under arms, including the
Garde Nationale and Garde Mobile, is
From the Atlanta Constitution
OF.onGi \ i.khisl. \
Honda x September 5, 1870.
Tho special order of the day, to
wit: “a militia bill,’ was taken up.
Mr. Duncan moved to iudofiuitoly
postpone the question.
Mr. Bryant opposed tho motion to
postpoue, and urguod that a country
I Without military organization is at tlm
mercy of a mob.
| Mr. Anderson asked Mr. Bryant
j f there had been any usoforthe mu
l tui since Oglethorpe lauded, ami il
U had not generally been regarded as
a iarce.
Mr. Bryant replied that ho was not
conversant with tho history of the
Georgia militia.
Mr. Harper, of Terrell, asked if Mr.
Bryant did not believe the organiza
tion ol the militia would stir up strife.
j 'r. Bryant replied that he did not
think so.
Mr. O’Neal, of Lowndes, asked if
there had not always been a militia
jaw in this State, except wheu prohib
ited by the recent act of Congress.
Mr. Bryant answered tlmt he did
not know, and argued that iu case of
a eoulliet between the races it would
be necessary to have an organized
military hotly, and this bill only pro
]>oses to change the code so as to make
it conform to the constitution.
| Mr. Duncan argued that there is no
necessity lor the bill, because the con
stitution gives every man the right to
\ bear arms, and iv’henever it conflicts
j with the code the former must prevail
that there is no use for a militia or
ganization, and therefore, lie moved
jan indefinite postponement of the
whole subject.
I On tho motion to postpone the yeas
and nays were called, with the follow
ing result Yeas 52. nays 3G.
T rom the Telegraph & Messenger.
ntCMI A'if I- *VI A.
Atlanta, September 6.—Senate.—
A resolution referring tho contract for
farming out the Penitentiary to tho
Judiciary Committee, was adopted
Bradley said the Governor ought to
be indicted
A resolution giving back pay and
mileage to Senators seated by tho
military was referred to the Commit
tee on Finance.
House.—The reconsideration of the
militia bill failed—yeas 89; nays 57.
A resolution fixing adjournment on
tho first of October was passed—yeas
41; nays 19.
A bill to revive the banking privele
ges of the Central Railroad was pass
ed—yeas 98; nays 7.
A hill forfeiting the bridge franchis
es of Nelson Tift, of Albany, passed
A bill prohibiting whipping as a
punishment for crime, passed.
!U iit DTPS.
Dawson, Sept 8 — Cotton — ' daily
receipts increasing. Market firm,
with good demand at T5Ac for low
middlings. No mater’al change in
leading articles of staple goods, and
groceries, bagging, ties, same as last
Macon, Sept. G. — Cotton firm, at 17c
for mid Uings. Provision market
quiet. Demand for leading articles
limited. Demand -for bagging and
ties heavy, at old figures.
Louisvili.E. Soph G. — Bagging firm,
at 29 a 30c. Flour dull; corn dull,
Provisions firm and unchanged.
New York, Sept. G.— Cotton active
and firm ; uplands 20 J. Gold 154.
Liverpool, Sept. G.—Cotton quiet
Uplands 9s'd.
A-x xhvxckm a: van
I t-mi.-'r to tfin people ut T irel! countv
my thhiiks lor tiit ir support in t'.e I-9t cl*'C
tion, tor Dx Uo lector, aip! soll-it support for
'he swipe office the eln t’nn to conn) off .111
Nov.outier text. Kt'soec'fu'lv,
tut. 95. W K VKJciiPf
Sjt tciis l •VoHe<• a .
Woman’s I?ir;ut^».—Omp who li*s lone
siudifd th ab-orb ng «n l j »r k # 10-v proof’ll p
*o the won en of our country the o<
hi>* invegtig 1 tir>ns He is happv to ?nv tha r
h*» l»n*« «t ! s (th«iT>v-r and “W- min’s Host
F.itml. ’ I is to tho-e
Oiiscs where w vtb is > iyordered, «"d "ill ;
cu e a**'. iire;V‘l*rittj of lie s.*’ J) . \
J. Bn.rid l<iV F n n* U< r sc s l k«* >»
rim in i-i “» h t< p,” or in a eudrirn check o'
e “moti'llv coUTsea” from cold., o*
■nind, or like cHu-i‘ r , bv restoring the dis~
charge in every instance. So also in chronic
u s t* ns ao i<>n is prompt and decisive, and
Paves the cot 9titu>k>n from cohucl- ss evils
•lid premature dec i r . This v doable prepe
ra'ioo is for Phi** at $ 50 per bottle by «•!
rwepectable J.)tusrsiats hi t* e land.
old s id by B. H. B -dfirlo, Dnurtrist. A lan
a, Gt. A thousand women testify t*j i'B
.»e iU.
Asiatic t’holera in < fiimt
Almost every case cured wih
(From Rev C. Telford, IMissionirv in China’
now visiting Ilia home in I’onn.)
\\ ASiitNoruS, IVnn.
Dear Sirs : /tonne a r, s I tier of some ten
years aka n" riot,a, vit Bam „mi Chttie, I
found y, tit V gelabl* P n Kill-r » most val. tt ini dy 10, that leailul scouige, t lie
1. 1 a 1 '.ini”t-itng ins medicine 1 I >und it
mo-t ,(fetal to given teaspoonfkl nt Pain
Killer in a gill <>t hot oa'er sweet, tied with
■mg if ; 'hen, a t er about, lil'een mil U 'ea he
2 in to'give at), ut a ie»su-on'ul "I th,' xnif
"n x'ure evo r » few nituu'es until relief wu
obtained! A tpW hot ajjniieati ms 'o the ,x
--tni'ie-. I! the stomach »i h the Ki
|t.r c !e r, and mb tie It mbs bri-klv. O
hl 8 . who hid the Choleia, and to. k the
medicine f.iiltfullv in the wav stated above,
eight out ol ten recovered. vm
If e*tanked with the Dla't’oe t, D iwi e y.
C into. C.'lie, don’t delay It e use of the
Dear Sirs: D inns a long ■ le u-e i- Oo
n,t I have n*ed vote inva',l ihle K l-r.
t >( ,th in my own tainilv and amo 'g 'he Chi
nes.. an I have found it a most -11-nt m-l
ieine 111 the i i.uier nt 181,2 and t,.{
while re-iii'2 I" S I tnghai, I iuouii It an «!-
most c 'train emu fo' L lolef.t, it med nr
j ne . lid 'el, «atng it i'l » 2'eit raativ ii
ataaces IJo wot rein-mber failing iu a gle
F.r three veif- I hye b n ,e S id tu
c , mi>ri > fhd»» ti r v mi! •*» 'r > n h
phvHiei-o, >’’td haveh-en obltgel often total.
„,v « vn in ot Mc'<nrt<«v».
■i'Co mi •*" ro ne to us i t great numbers f...
m dmine md „h" -• ft. mg • m„l.
..,1 k . owledg' oU'selve 1 . the le v sl.UO'e 10 "•
edtes we can c„n a.nd are so mi h n al
-of their phystcuus, that, wo hare
tin 81 tl.ifv application*. VVy allow them
l>* tJ.unc, bucuHf it b log' ua in con hci *i h
'h«iit, Mud opens a ihior ol tDofnli.e 8. In
Ia» r U3l, cnlji*, vomlrifte, cholera, cough*,
•c , your IMLV KILBA'K has been my chief
■il diciue. You** verv fulv,
T P. I'll tW FORD
F»r dale bv Dr. J. E J me*, I)>i«8in t Ga.
. v#: it* 9 *i:u i *ms i\rrs
to iif mm I
UT [LB ho lei. to P e buMcr, on S t
«>• if «v. 17 h »»; 11 o’clock, am,
• t the b’i Ve *er >m sh•» Kincha'oonee ore« k,
krown a« \X liirh *»* H*i the building of a
b of.y.t aero") r id rrp. k, af sdd pfac<*.
P! D8 and Bp»eifi.Mfion« can h* l ceen bv
* 1 ’’r* r u* (he O dinarv*B Office in L i e and
Terrell Poo.
T. .1/ Jt >VFS. Ord Terrell counfY.
•T. U H.KF.R OX, Oid Lee county.
Sept, f -2 w.
oa. BEtJT.
lofT*r for Palo, or rent, my planfn'ion, in
I»• rrp 11 county, 5 tilths fr-m 1) «son, ;
containing Six Hundred Av os, two hundred
• tidtv/I'iny five‘teres cleared, nnd in high
tr.* of cuhtyn ion. J'attje' l wishing to pu -
c aße a good*Kami, at low figure*, will do
•veil to C» Il on me, or my Temot, Ml S F
R-’Uiie't, who will hhow them ttie crop.
P’ xv, S x O Hi'B an acre, cash, or £» yen
B ll.irs nud h half «n u «*‘e—-hnlt <’a*h, bd
nice 12 month* »ime. I» n»r sold afv
Tuesti f v in jVhvvmber, I will rent at pub** j
lie oa cry in D-iWsOU o > 'bar and r.
aept 8-td.
Two Dollars per Annum.
•UIB-l ')(l09
* aq [(! « uo.g iqq s..A[3Sttio ( joj azs
()’!>< .tujfg ■>><<» A vi \j jo dji|4 Biiji .ißiitt|j
i,tqjO \L’.t utqj a '*iO[ ||-b ot t?R..a.Uj aq qAtqv
‘sao6'» .1 i \ riis ik
h] pile lioiiiy
JO Jfr>ol9 puioPf.Ta |(AM pan qSjvj
u nvM ‘.icqoi o jo Arp -js r* Ht|| .noqM jo uo
It >.io n| *.q j „ ‘I'UII ts) qvq paid
'booo j eiUiir.j oio s «n,i paiuej q<q
*nqql;d oqj pun spuenf uuojui oj bdqbi^
‘ B O VsqqpQ
j mmm m wm
I K.u2uytlHJ Eillill M Jins
n m ci v 7 :-r 5 1 : >
IN’ (>T ICE,
r I^IIIR TY davs sfer and *fe, will
I h«» iiia'Jc to tt’f Court of O <linaf.v of
IVmcß (•< tm'v, (i-rrCb*, for to 8**)! the
f«it»d f e’onffbiff t*» t-bo e 'me of Cbau'»c**y T.
Bo sf'ud, hue of saij county for
ands ribu ion
aiiff 25 4*. h th** Will annexed.
A Splendid Rosewood Piano
Worth f»."500.
For Xew Subscriber* to Doric's Weekly.
'l'll E Publi-h***g of liii'k**’s W>#*kl'* If>t
t B ya »r»d Girls * ff«*r a splcnditl SSOO
/,» ~C vi./*(| P. mo, for ihe L -rffp#* Club if
X*w Sub-ctibcra. (""t fc-'S than *hir V,) s*Mt
i o that nape*. Send f*»r n * *i tiGrj «• and a
8p« (’irrD*n copy to J. W. BTJRKF &«’0 .
Sc pi 1-ls. J/ con, G *
Piop!’ cf Soat'i-sjsbn Gaorgia,
“MWA S m l
TH l/UTTyrn informing V*is old pitron*, nr»l Th# 4 public £j^i*»»r
ill j\|| I I |J| i j •!!*, l Hi* *he i* no«v rceeivi tg mid will conlitiue so nud kp*'f>
LUI dJ I In L»I consiantlv on h.nid, ut his old stand on the corner, n fu.l uud 8. Lndid
.ssortmciit of Dry lioods, cousi«tii:g ot
fcnf'irs (Zoo l** or alt Sfyjf* ffnd i}f*rriptlon#* < cuts an:!
li >f< ill #/ ii i ft it *. Ci n, I* ti l >?i >ft ul an?j
l 9 rSrc • / fiiltui' icith a sforu o/* f-Vi'ir// anil
ijirocerkfs Hardwire, Crockery
unil r A\itutirr.
Ti f*ct, he i 44 d* tprm'ned *hif no o*>p r'«hl| como to him fo** anTfhinjr, and hr. so i.r
• vrlpi *to get it l*h * nmi irr,il .9 -T .% 9>l If -• dl r**i/ sid fit.? * anor ««
c-rtfnmiiP« % 1-si'* ed bv hi * «pt »*i »and» fj tiUif ai £* a Si •n t h-* is •» I'n-io^d
n sell gModn i l»l*lrt ch*Mp rmm anv ouo ehe. lie co;diviliy lovil and hid inemiS to give htu
t tiia! before pare busing.
MR. KU TTVFiR hi 4 * ilso op-’iied srorp, «t the old tfind of A NF.T FOV
aul *r Mis ij*»i!ir* nl l Vi . . .3. usbiaitd by iTSii. l*ol Ai
% where he wilt k 'dp ‘ s •loog s-oek ot
lhr rone rv r put upon thi* M'«rs Alien and PoH-nelle respm*tG3 T y i«
ve *h ir f i-nd* 2’' e rh-*m >\ e*H, w'*b the prottii** that ib**v will «v*r upMi lit
»q n-e, «;d u-e » I th«*ir e*..i. tv tv p* »-»e th-in. With mmv ki' and thnnk* to »h- pu !•»»«
f»;r their hitherto liberal patron.igo, the CVp q , cn mad9C, roßp€Cttttlly solicit * <’* n* r uancc
fs mi 1 ;m
Atlani*, G*., .4'a-u i zb, lb7n. j
ORDERA’O : Thu Hon. OA. L»chrank;
“f thy rtmntv nf K'nlton, ht», *n,| ht* i* hcr.-bv
'ippnintt'd ffiulpc of tlm Suonritir limit ol
Lis St.a'o, i.i un i fur the -■ttlmt* Jn lioinl
Circuit, to ho and -vitl offi n ' h'n imci'fyiiot
ic .ppointed, und that Im he cotniitiii.ioucu
GiT. il under my linnd «rd the sctl nf the
Executive Deturini' nt, *t the il.tpiml in
All. .Ira, the d*v n'd ve«r U'nrp wl on
Tlv the Governor :
R 11. zltk nson, Secretary Ex. D pirtment.
Srpt. I, 4t.
Ealing Sabon, Ealing Saloon.
3oda Water. Sofia tale;!
'lVtkefl pie a u»-e f n Rnnoiiectnff tn the c* T ti-
I x®UB of /) »wson and surroundintr coil”—
trv, th * t he h i«i fegptin opened hi« E oing 8 »
loon, where all th« delici'ieß of the ppnß *n
that the market «ff »rds will alwavs he found,
and cooked to suit any taste, n uddi'ion to
Bakery & Confectionery,
he has erected a
mm mxmv,
f>o r frcted arr*nppfnent u whet©Sv he will *d*.
wavs have iv t'l on hand, an 1 »hoee who
like dv'iciotHp’o dinflrJtPtoeent d-angh*, C'tt
always b** accemmod t'« and it his S.iloon. lie
ia alflO prepared to furnish
in nnv quant’tr, fo'* anv nnrpouo. L*d»es
••speciilll*’, nr© #-isu r ed 'hu* th** m* s»- p-il-c !
o der will el *nv« be m ♦in’apn and. and <«II tha
cm be »• ill be dme to iri*i‘e »he S loon m
wnrhv phtce of resort. G v-» m«* h cull
D n’t fn»ir“t tl«» t*’ace Depot'etacet, mx'
door to J. W. Roberst.
April 28, t .
AD A M 8 & B h 2 € WORE
COTTON; tagtohs,
.n.icn.r, c,.i.
\T T ILL Ctrrv OH s he b»|Bin f the pi *n
y f t< ru Wqrr'o'He, 1 tdy OCCUpii and b\
A J ims, J »nes &
aue. 25-3 m.
N D H Jq w
The .V, .vt h ■>!((*fir 1 >rrr rr
Open Jflonthtrr. (let. 3 <f, t*ru. r
F icnlfy, full i:i ii fii ient, as hitherto
Coarxo «>f l!llllil'S, uuuaually com
ph'te nrd thorough.
SiK'i'unsi'il I'nrililiex off.reJ to
young Ladies from abroad.
Co:ji-<I —pmhrac’ng Washing, I/glus
«d' Fuel, for the TCtr, SMO 00.
Diwipliiie ol l!ii? Co!l<‘gf>, quite
I.ussoiis in PtiHcal 'lTaiwing
and free n"e of TI .11, only
Ten I)allo"vi r i-the Cturse.
B1e;ill?i of * iiUihert. unaurpissrd
v.»hp Soirh
CSTN’IHO roadv for B'tlMcrv. O C t. 1 St,.
Prox F» r fldtii io r '«l i r>r n tn t’ n.
A A. L. n AMII^OV,
Anff 254'. Prrpi.Jonf.
[ Terrojs rOurt of fintinary.
At Chambers, Aug. 24th, 1879.
OHcrc'C that tho per centum Tw», ?md
me i« li’T-Gv I-.* i • ] on tbc ffrnt* Tw. i#
a county tax for Terrel! county, forth* 4 year 8~0.
to-writ : Forty (40) percent tor county p'lrnouoq ;
flii r ty (3 ) ner tv-n* f<*r brldtre fund : M»ventee*i
fin'l one-hnlf (’7 per cent for l*mp >r Fund;
twelve and one half 9 ’ ■*) per cent for Jury
Fund ; ten (• > per cent for Vneciel Fund, nnd two
and one-half (i 1-J) percent for »?uiidlo<r Fund.
T. M. JON 1 -u,
aug 25 tff. Ordinary.
cu .s k. cxsipntt.i. it 'Nald r josh
lAfyirß U & JJiMfcS
(Jil i their hci vices as
tofeuslijs & Gojuffioji fSsfolifijilj
1-0 TJJK I'L.tN I'A'IH HI 11 M tchi.nts of
M.d lie Htid S->utliw»e*t»Tb apd
ii vif.e their a feniion to some Ol ifioadviti
g: h p»*H O'Sed by this city over oitieid as a
Colt ’ii J/.,rk« f.
Uur rpruH H*p very rotsora* I*, beirjf OXE II ALF iliufc of other cities of
• bO SfH’C.
Out Bo,king facilities will soon be r n i 1-
«T«*t»lv inc e«Bed, and wi,| be < q i -| if ii >t <d
peiior, to tho. c oi any inuroi tuwu m Ut or
The of the Macon nnd Augnsbi
oud g v 8 ip another ou'lcl to (marie-*-
t *n,*B >u h Cat* lins, thu< couipc>i- i
i ion Ri om C * ion.
We esu fund'll plinfatlou supplies on (he
moH r» a-i’tii tide ternn.
With our « x »eiit* ll co in handlinc* Cos (on, i
wc believe "*' nni file *.«e those may fa- I
voi u- wi Ii tlci pa ion ge,
(fui W i.ft.i.t.rM' has j ist been put in fb»>r*
ougn r pnr, .ind wo are tiow ready to weigh
und Mt 11 or Mioro vour O non.
Wo *V-t- for the WIN’S 11/* IJ/
PAOVA’I) ( orrox (iix, a Hample of winch j
C*UJ L»e seen nlour W>m lion-e. (7*ll ai dex •
ammo i’, or rend m you order-. Every j
(Hu l r ce $1 <*•• p r»s«.
< a vPBKI L k .IONR4. 1
P. S Mr. R’ hard II Hoiehiuga hq ! ■ pp».
J I'. I co* will have tii.uge of onr »S *!•-* 1
ao.l W .rehouse Yatd. Aj.tcoe, (Ii , Aug2s. i
title2s M n
L. A\ J *i O N & LL W ’i C i ■’.
.n.sco.v. ai: « na w.
e,»ii<;a Dl, u!::ii!i.>bin»
.tdvetnees tnstdc
tte alert*.
flop 2*i-Bn.
/ u Oufili* Jcrrcil f ontify :
V X \\ h D‘B, A S.>—r HP I i-s for i-’ l-t-8
ot (i itrfia stiip for S'duev .id ‘.Vil'iitn
Sim'.li, inino c'nldi *-*i <»f SB S i'C l ', *b-uM.
Tf.ese iirv thei efo*e to pike and a Im»ifiij»h
<l> p I’moiis C'f'Cerned ’O lb* H id appe-T at fit\
< ffi vri'ldn t*te lime p?escribed *l»y law a:d
S iow eans-, if an*-, why s d«l l«l*i*ts shouM
iu*' fie {rr.ui'ed <* v»*n Ui*d©r m hand and
t ffi, i 1 8 ei’aia.c, th s 8 b and *v o« 8 t timber.
187.1 T. M. JONES, O din.try.
sc, tB-3 'd.
/ t b:OI?-C?8 1 Tortcll V% ci i*v :
\ 1 he e,i.*>. B li. H »*'«! Hplilie*. i*»r L t
tprs if (■»!! ■ t'dial• -f ip • f tbc fiersoi-s nnd
p'ot, rvof J I>r». h W'. .1/: !y , fl’t I Th*mi .(*
W. II dd uk, Hugo a us J «tn s W. H ofdock,
*1 he*»e are therefor* 1 to fi r nnd **d't on?**!'
i l |). r-mtiß C' no i tied "» b- and nrpriii at mv
■ ffiee wi'hin the time p< c«c it>»d hv l«w nod
*dn»w i; iFe, »• hhv, why a i'd let,t« r-» shouM
n<» tie ei luted. Given under mv hind an t
■ ffi i• t 1 h's/ i4' ore, thi.i St.h d*v of 8 i>*’ mber,
187**. T. Il JOXjES, O.d.
sept 8-30*1,
/ i 3 OggC*] », on it> :
V I Win " 'H f). I' Ijialkim), A fnrni-*t't‘)i
--m-nf J. K S' in**, •a- it p pHcd fur letters of
dia*»,i.-»%|. n from ..»i 1 «B*Ble :
Tin s* «re ’.he'*for»» s o cite nnd
.11 nersnna concerned, to be mid appear nt mv
* 111- 6 « it 1 i • the ti « r ore«o ib-d by hw H'ol
-how c-ilHe, ' mjv, why Baid bi ers sh'-illd
no* be g unfed (liven ntidei it v hnnd mid
ffi id sign iture, tfii** 5 h and v« f Jidv, 1870.
.fulv 7ih ?, *». T M .U*SE\ (bdinary.
Cottoji faclofp & Co;-rt; l ii3pio,i
\\T E renew the tender of onr service* to
il nur ri'ii'iv pl*ntir.g { 'ii-rwls itt*d eott»»n
and nler-», olfetiiiff them tin«'orpH-R* and f o iltiies
f »»• tiie prompt nnd fii'hfnl * x ett!io*» of yll
buPine-’fl (* nr used to our cue. tdflb.i g
in nU f.rmisie*'on-f. We mike
Me Mile of c 't Oil H Sfl’ciil'V Olf penirt*’
h.iviltfi e* j, *V «! ibis privde?e for OYO" f*• tV
veits, h 1 1• 1 trust, bv Hiiict, in r ery> i«v, that’ he
hits tneti'pd the confi ence of <>u«* patrotte.
We me fullv prepared to m ke the ihqhl
»dvitiC‘*R oil co ton in sto'e, arid fin I en*»
d**avor to w itch the ill itket and s< U when
ac'’ v * dem n t.
We h*ve uin-inllv rxerel on r selveß to
rnrtl r uuct arc unmodi ions »« onr fdm ine
(rietids -8 to e*i ib'i them to hmves* their
cvr-p and MtHf they wil be pi om )t in fo r
wardirg est lo t to in ot derail'd-, >* and »f u■»-
on m «'Utity of papers the m .rket Bbo dd
1 iw Bill dcme-’H-'d, will endeavor to extend
•he inn* of papers m and a wait a farorabJc
m-uket lino*' i" m
joxaniix k
»ti«r2s ’ ’r fo'Din F ctor.
A Diimt li \ ?
The Savannah Mamin? Hews.
Now i* the SSiue !<» Snfi»u«’riS>e.
Yon ti'ivo ycarciioictt. j.satl rus
laid; «'ittn*r Use Bs.ii'y. • ii-
WcrKiy «»r IVt cklf oiiitiiiu.
tsh: nosnsMi mnvs
I«,in all respeets. a Democratic journal, faithful ;
to Democrath* prineir»h»H mid ennu-nt In m3 vnc'-ry j
of Pemocratiij me.ikuroM. It bclieven th *t tliV* j
mi ’(vc 4 *of itspartv is neco-'H.'ry to tin* H.alvatiori 1
oT the country. Us reputathm as n nevrn jottma! i
v. ill he m iintaln**d as here-»oforo. In l o nestic. \
I on ian nml # ’ontm»*rclnl Int, lligence, I.i»«*r:iture,
Ac., it in not nurp/HHcd hy any paper in th<»coun- j
try. /ts \vliol<* character is eomorelien>*ivt ly nra- |
t* *l iu Hjjyleg that it is ,\ yreat Di inoeratic and i
/Vniilv new: paper, devoted to the Interests ol
the people of the South 7o every tnnincss in>m,
it« .Ifarket intelligence alone is worth many
time' its «uo<c.-ij»tion.
Col W.T Til rn.iHon, witli :d le assistants, has
control of its Kditori il and \e-.v« co! fins': whi!?
its corps of/? VGrters ire it li ible i t every res
'r*»rins — 1 year, $1)0'; 0 moaths, jj; 3
months, $ i 50.
Tit !1 tli i-W 51 KLY Xr. TVS'
7s published every Monday, irednesdny audSAt
urd ty, and is made from thed dly edit! > *«.
Term#- 1 year, 0 months, i.o; 3 months
4- 5 •
rnn wtn'Si 1 v r »nv^
Is issued every Friday: is fir country
readers, a id contains a careful su nmiry of the
news of th 'week, with Fte p na.i >i! e (Itorials.
the current news, the latent dir patches, and full
market rcpor.s.
Terms- -$ •» a year : 1 dollar for f» months
N l * attention p lid to orders, uuicb.s accompaulcd
by the m »uey. •
’/* mtmisters everywhere arc authorised to act
ns Tjr * us.
Money *» i he sen l»v D tnt OAlju ord r or Kx
press, at oar risk, yiddress^
J..M. «. > “'V 1 1 ,
111, l!n>- Strpr t, Savannah.
I” am o(T» for Pfl i o plantation near
I Wn J/i D f to Terrell ceiLii*, nine
n Icj N '•‘lbwent of ZHwgcwt, rotr i? S’x
II nd'ed acr»B r.f u*k **nand
HM» hces dear *d. wi h good improvements,
'ii • House wnd Screw, & *.,&•,
IF* .r par'ieuli « hs to *eriiis m.d price, call
the subscriber in J) nrsnn,
June WJI. li,ilC«Um,
3H, Ps
rT i J well known {%
Dor'an sod tr>
l.adleN, that women srti
Mihject to mtmoronsdia
t*HNca )avuli.r to tlndr
Hex—MUll iu* .V'lpprCK*
hloii of 1 1i e aleus'.i,
White*, Painful month
ly * Periods, J llli um t
tlsm of tho Hi,’k *uid .
IFotnh, irregnl »r Alc*.-
s. ru .tioti, HemorrnpfiH
I xccmhlvc ‘Flow»,» Hil l
ProlaiMea Fieri, or Fall
iatf ot tiie IFimb.
'i hoee dlHcieea hiTO
seldom been fro'ifci sno
••jssfully. Til# proles
mq » ii an tinig t»‘ly for Homo rrm**df
1 1»«v v •ni I v |b’e ifiotn to treat thesa din
ca-e'i Ht'h fH-'ceM,
A li* , tb • t remedy b»« been
by one of tf>e uio-f skilful phvsloiana in tho
St. »»« of Georgia. That remedy is
1* jw p.erdv Vtp*e*’«t*fe m-d is r*F up in
A limn, Oen.tfK bv B?. ADFIKIID k CO.
I* will pii'i y the. bod >itid H'tengfhpp
ivgtent, relieve irebati »nos the kidne*s, ap«f
iq a perfVe* ■m cifi t for all tin* above disease*,,
a cure as Q inine ip (! -ills and fever.
F-'u * lii- o y of diseases, and cerfi6(*.ntoi
ol i'S wonderful cure#, the read"!* t*B referred
♦ o the «r pt-er around the boule. Every
bottle WMirmfcd so gi?« gitiefactiou or
nioney refunded.
T Ga., M-trch 23, 1870.
Brapfi fin A tl . A I# nt#, Gco*g J a:
Deak Sirs: l t Ue n’e*sure in abitlng that
Mia?** n#*-d for the lu#t tm#i*ty years too
npMlicicp t on are r»»'t»nc up, Ktiow.u «s DR.
un i en ' ?o'' tt lot* h st. c mb it ton ever
Eot. en tojj;**ther foi (he disease l * for which
i' mi imm.Mided. J l.ave been fami.'i«r ni h
the pro,wt»ri p'iop, b *ih ns pruli ioncr of m- * I •
i« i ii aj.d in d*'tmn»ie s?»d can hon
<• -' I * siv that I rni.’* tier it a bo; r. to Siitf *i*«
intf tenodes, and can but hope th it ev*-*y !#.-»
cv iii our I <id, who miv be #uft’»-r»Dg iu htiy
nv peculi'r to their sex, mav be able to
procure a hot tl* 4 , that, their st ff .*ri*'gs may
pot be relieved, but they may be
restored hen! b **nd stre (? r h.
Wnb my kiu«l*‘-t »eif : *-ds 1 n*, respec;—
f: 1., ' W R fKURELL, .1/ D.
We, the undei>ifi'n* o [> uegiit#, tak* 4 r>le*x*
• l*e in rfiifMuetl '•• tt so >h** J>:id*», DR. J.
--t»»li vi 1 i r i to t e \ ff«»od and reliable remedy
f>* «!i<» d!s as*»x f*r which In* recoiuioeuds ic.
W. A. Lan id dh A'lanta, (<i.
P 'ubei ton, Willson, Taylor & Cos., Atlanta,
Bc.l-wioe *?; Fox, Atlanta, Ga.
W. O L 'vs ie, A'hiiu. Gi.
W. R ni' ion/A! '{jetta, Ga.
may o-l v.
!) K . ¥l\ 0 P 11 1 TT • 8
Celt Up rate il JLlver A.lcdltine •
[ is pure!** vrtpet.alrJe, and will act upon the
Ij v**r Mud K dneya mb promptly ha Calomel
and Bic’sti, •vith'iut. »nv ‘linger of fialivatiou
o*' d<v*'ruetion of the botn s.
IVi* ties takittSf this m dicine need not fear
ffet fing wet, or any ot,!i *• r re.»SOnable c J po~
FUtH 4 .
!}ia;toms of Liver Disease.
’Ted e’ e, Ddl F»*e’i"ff or the Blue 9, Soar
Si* k or oerr«*ns He.'deobe,
burn, ludiresHon o- Bud. or Hit-,
•* r la •(* i th • ninth ; the skin has a thick
rough feelin?, and is dark<T than usual, Cos
*»v. < \ J/ hincholv feeiitiffs. Cramps,
I hd 1 F et. C’.ilic, 1) «en'°rv, or Diirreuh,
(J* i and Fever u«id Pd* s. Iu fact, where,
the lirm i** onr. of ord**r, you are liable to
( vc' di-J h« * that, i-* nut. conta
Prnplnt Liv»*r J/ dicine. If t;ik<*n prep
ct!y, it v*;ll preven* and cure any disease re**-
sul'itiff f om a deranged L'ver.
It, i 1 require is function* and thus cur#
aU di-ci c.tciUdt and by theluilure of its bealihy
ac f i'»n.
1 1 has been good for a ffi oat number of
ye rs, and has jpv *ti univ#r#al satisfaction.
Theie i< no brother or son claiminff to have
»hu original >e< eipr. It, i.y put up ix both
Powder aud F.uid lorrn.'
Fairbuhn. Ga, S pfember 4, ISCB.
Ei 1 . O S Drop hit:
Mu. VI v v. H* his be? n ?»n Invalid for Hf
ii ve.i'S Dice tall agreed she ha and L : ver
l) :, f*i conn* clion wi<h their practice
*!"• 9H'sl vi'i-ais rioted no die; net, none of
vrti.'h vo»*rin'd •*» do rm v good 8 >mo ‘inie
ff" 1 "rocnr da b l I** of yon “L ver J/ed**
icoie,’’ nf votir agent h»re, (J. A. liarvy,
which i) off j,.iv»*n acc.o»di"g to direction*,
h»i ve * Ifoc'<*d a Cimple'e «*n»e.
R. spec fully, etc , Gl 0 L THOMPSON".
bf, Pfophiit’p tjjfjfijiicjrjf CojiJial.’
I« one t.f th* 4 most, v ihiib-e con pound.*!
now j u,i foi 1 1 ia rhea, Jf-. seutery, 6'uolera,
Inf tn'uiii, or Cholera VlortiUH
Thi- on- ii *iue has b- »*n in tiso for year*,
and l iv* a uni vers il sa i-sfic.iion.
Th.e ti.Qit delicate child may it with
Tl"s ? a »lie c •!, h s*ed m* d'eiue that run
Pe>r\ 1) v s’ Pain Killer out r ! the market,
wherever it w is *ol t; D'vD nude Prophitt;
change »he !..t:n*; from Fa hi Killer tc PAiy
KILL IT. * v
For y\\ imvi'i> r, R»nr«lgh>. Cuts, R tiiscs,
Burn#, 0 and Sores, Suik** Bio*-, or siings of Insects, for Colds, Cong p, or
Bi'V’-l ( o:op| u int > it !» ; »no equil ng a. d<*ss
h'ff, h**Ml«?r or :intido'e fir p*iu nf «nv ki'd.
'l l l l 'P ic u:* 1 and sold bv iIMDFIFLD k
CO., A lanta, Gj., and fur Biie by all*
t i * g.
13 H. PHO PM I T v r ’S
Fever and S&it Fils*
The be-t Antidote for (7hi!N and Fevrr
kt owM, CiDeH VHrrun'ed niways or inojiT
refunded* vegetjibl*".
1) Ii PTi; >T ; RtTT 5 S
V. ii 4 •<*!• ll‘vidachc, Nervousnrss, Jnnn«
and ee, and all other derangements of the Lit
s. l’u elv vegetable.
The f,,U3%ir)g are a few nmngj tha bnn-
Ji.fts nt' thou, who hive used the xbeve
nim and m d-ieinee, atitl wno ro.tJil/ tostitv to
th**l v'i*-* *,
<!' R J Henderson, Covington, G.l ; Prof
•I L J iti„., Govingi it, G, ; V| W Arnold,-
l- nraii G nif .ren »• ; R v N vV Oj'in, (? .or
, C if ; V H R .Mhwor, Mootievlln,
•«• ;Ju ls, J J Floyd Oovingt.on. Ga ; J) ick
! ouket, D.vt- cono v, Texas,' VV UawL*
Whatley, oti3A ta, Tvxie.
STATE OPGEORGIa, ). Know ill
IT i.ton G t ntt. J men b.vtheee
p-esenfs, ,li»: * have iJih day, lor value re- ;
«••*>*<* I, HiiU arid tr insie re l u, IIR^LDFIjb'.LJ)'
i * Cos, th, ritrTvt to m,mtl»cvure and sell
| my fanii'v Medieinoi, and hive furnished
1 them With the full r-eip-s, and have authoj
! z and the said L!Ui£)FiL..D .A CQ., 10 print,
• or have printed, any tint if they usay see
I prop' -1 ' ruing any and all the above
1 named Jfiiic'n-a. Tui* loth d<* of Jn--
187 K. [Tlfneri] (*. S. BROvHirr.
1, pnnseney in Thfunys Jer .m:,vd and linb
ert Ora-v lot J, Xoiai jr r'abho. [L S j
Manufactured rid lor sale hy RIiA*DFIELD
& CO, 15,0 id S rep', Atlanta, Ga., and for
bah by all J) u rn-ts.
I For sulv by P.J. K Jaue«, Cuv -ti. G.,*'