Newspaper Page Text
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Fmil < nil mu.
Fruit culture iu the South is, com
paratively speaking, in its infancy;
especially is this the case in South
western Georgia.
When our people get their consent
to look to some other s>urco for mon
ey, outsido the culturo of cotton, wo
are of tho opinion that Fruit Culture
will claim much of thoir attention —
and tlio business will be more pleasant
and more profitable than that of cot
ton growing. Tho question arises in
tho minds of those who have decided
to have ail orchard, where shall I got
the trees, grafts ? etc. Is it safe to buy
from tho Northern nurseries ? This
question has boon propounded to us,
aud we unhesitatingly say to all, that
it is not at all safe. There are some
Northern fruit trees that will stand the
transfer and bottom* * acclimated ; there
are others that will not. Now, the
question to settle is, do we, at tho
South, who have given this subject
but little attention, know what to
buy, and what to let alone ? There are
but few of us who can, of our own
knowledge, give an opinion on tho
subject, and must depend entirely on
tho statements made hy the agents of
these nurseries, or the circulars sent
out by them. These agents may be
honorable, high-minded jusiness men
—wo do not say otherwise—but how
are we to know them to bo such !
Each and everyone will have recom
mendations from parties at the North,
all of whom are strangers to us ; hence
wo are left to deal with men we know
nothing of. We do not wish to injure
any man, nor do wo wish to say one
word that will deter any one from em
barking in the business, but we do
say it is safer 'and better to buy your
trees from Southern nurseries.
There arc nurseries at Atlanta, Ac.
gnsta, Macon, Columbus, and other
poinfs owned by men who have stud
ied the business, and who can inform
parties from tho diifoivnt sections as
to the kinds of trees to purchase loi
their particular section, and give such
other information as wo may need ;
and if they sell to us a something that
does not come up to tho rocommenda
tions, we know where to go to get re
The following is taken from the
Mobile Register, and is to the point:
We know very well that* it is to the
interest of Northern nurserymen to
combat those views, and “it is but nat
ural” that they should do so. “They
desire all the trade themselves,” ami
hence no means aro left untried to
convince the people of the South that
acclimation is a humbug ; that North
ern trees are as good for the South a?
Southern, aud Northern varieties as
perfectly adapted to our climate as
those of Southern origin. At this mo
ment there are hundreds of Northern
tree peddlers, or “agents,” as they call
themselves, perambulating the South,
with picture boos iu baud, dissemina
ting these dieas, duping and the peo
ple of tho South into the purchase of
Northern trees. As an illustration,
and as confirmatory of the views we
have expressed, an intelligent fruit
grower of Louisiana, in a business
letter to us of recent date, writes as
follows : “We ha v e a canvasser
through Mississippi and Louisiana
this spring, from one of the Roches
ter liur.- eiics, and happening to l'all in
his company a few days since on a
steamer from New Orleans, 1 was sur
prised to hear him say that he had
obtained orders, amounting in the ag
gregate to some eleven thousand dol
lars. It seems to me that our South
ern nurseries must adopt some such
course to circumvent these enterpris
ing pushing Yankees, who, in many
instances, are me. e Yankee cheats , botu
to save themselves and maintain a
healthy and successlel lruit culture in
tho South. * * * It is to be re
gretted that tho Southern people are
so easily imposed upon, and, think so
superficially in reference to matters of
the most vital importance touching
their material interests and worldly in
dependence and comfort. Notwith
standing the real experience and fail
ures of the past on the part of tho.- e
who have attempted to cultivate fruits
from trees grown in the Northern
States, our people still foolishly and
thoughtlessly venture on in the same
path, to meet with the same failures, i
Something About P.anting Out
<<u Orchard.
A correspondent at Butler, Georgia,
writes as follows:
“I want to plant orchards, this fall,
of peaches, apples, etc.—also a vine
yard, and will couside it a favor if
you will tell me the best varieties for
Middle Georgia My land is rich and
fresh. What is the proper distance
to plant so as not to interfere with the
cotton crop, planted in the orchard ?
I set out last spring a lot of young ap
ple trees ; o. eof them, planted by a
pen used for keeping ashes, which is I
three times as large as any of the rest
was about the same size when plan-1
The proper distance h r planting
peach trees, standard pears, cherries
and plums, is Irena fifteen to eighteen
feet, where the trees are intended to
occupy the entire ground. Apple
trees should have more sjtace —irom
twenty to thirty feet Where parties
intend their land for other crops in
connection with lruit, the rows should
bo from forty to sixty loot apart, aud
the trees in the row from twelve to
eighteen feet. If the laud is level,
run tho rows in a straight lino, but il
broken, wo would recommend the
rows to run upon a level. Wo have
adopted tho following plan for the
last year or two, and are much pleas
ed with it: Ditch your lull-sides, giv
ing a fall of about three inches to
tvvelvo feet. Instead of throwing the
, dirt on tho ditch, throw it above. Let
the ditch be largo—at least a foot wide
! ami a foot deep. When you break
tho land in the spring or winter, uso a
hill-side turn-plow, and always turn
tho soil down tfie hill. 11 the laud is
broken thoroughly early in tho year,
and the ditches kept well cleaned out,
you will find your larm beautifully
terraced iu two or throe years. Wo
ditc l our luui in this maun -r, and
plant lruit trees on tlit! embankment,
i’ho trees aro loss in the way hero
than elsewhere, and as tho land be
comes worn, tho trees are in the prop
er place to get tho most nourishment.
Alter a few yoars r 'the roots also pre
vent the embankment from washing
away. We know of a twenty acre
field, ditched in this manner some
throe or four years since, that is now 1
a series of boautiiul terraces. This
field was considerably broken, but is
now almost as level as a floor. Trees
are planted in tho lower edge of the
terrace, as recommended above.
Should the embankments be disposed!
to wash badly, slant the embankment i
to about lbrty-five degrees aud sod, or
allow it to grow up in grass. I»t the
fruit trees btaud iu from the sod some
two feet. Small fruit can also bo
planted profitably on tho embank
ment, especially strawberries and rasp
berries. They grow well here; al
ways have a deep soil, with moisture
generally, and at the same timo not
subject to injury from excessive wet, |
as the terrace acts as an underdrainer, j
Grape vines do exceedingly well,!
planted on the lower edge of these
a a t ivab.
General Ryan has just returned
from Cuba, end brings fresh news
lrom tlio war. Tho New York ISun
has interviewed him Ryan comes
from the Cuban President on an im
portant secret mission.
tile reports tho campaign just closed
a very severe one. Do Rodas, the
Spanish commander, has had 40,000
regulars, 90,000 volunteers, all armed
The Cubans have had but 10,000
armed, but could put 100,000 men
in the field if they had arms. Arms
are the great want of the Republic
Ryan has been in thirty-three en
gagements in the last few months.—
lie represents hard fighting. So that
tlio dearth of news from that quarter
has not been from dearth of facts to
The Cubans still holds one-half of
tho richest part of tho Island. The
Republican government is working
smoothly. The people favor the Re
public, and are ready to fleck to the
light whenever arms are supplied
them. The Spaniards have destroyed
all the houses. Scarcely a reef is to
bo seen outside el the cities. The
Spaniards have perpetrated the most
appalling atrocities, outraging women
aud torturing and disfiguring men.
Ryan has been commander of the
Caiuaguay District, and states that lie
has retaliated in the same barbarous
manner and thus stopped the barbari
ties in his bai.iewick.
Ryau says the Cubans are as hope
ful and re. olute as ever. De Rodas
he alleges to have been removed from
the command of the volunteers, and
Car leva has been appointed Goveuor-
A lottou from “tho Springs” says ;
‘L have observed since here many of
tho noted personages of the south,
including Davis atul Toombs, and
everywhere the best feeling, not only
tiruong them-e.ves, but toward the
-Northern visitors. and mention
i’oombs because in particular he
seems to realize tiro situation, and
heartily to make the best of it What
ever he has been, he is thoroughly
tlie man of the present, aud mixes up,
laughsand tolis the bast stories, even
though an old associate may come in
for an occasional hit.
lit K a . SI FIN i LARGE LOT'S
\\ of Coin, aud Oouutry Produce.
W. L. CLAIT & CO.,
1.1 QlO II ft EALE RS,
No. 1, Granite Bfock, Broad Street,
w 'e keep on hand Clay’s Old K-t tucky Whis
e *nd solicit otdera and cousigtimeuts.
mc '24 6tu. W. L. C. &. CD.
For Sal© i
■1 \T E are offering fnr gde Four Hundred
v v Acrpa of bind, lyinj three mile*
South 'of D < w«on, on Chickisawhatehie
c-eek. One hundr and acres fresh cleared find,
with comfortable dwelling and out bouses
good cribs aid s'able. Young orchard of
five seres Iliis is a desirable place, and
tho-e wishing to pu-ehase land near Dtwson
will do well to examine ours before purcha
sing. Water in eve r y field. Come and see
the growing crop. JO£7. H.4RRFLL
July 14-3 m. J. B. F. HARKFLL
t. 11. BUOtVI & SOA,
Fourth St., Opposite Passc-rger Dcpit
Jtlaconf Georgia.
r I'HI IS House having lately been refitted
1 and repaired, arid is now one of the best
Hotels in the State, and the most conve
nient in the city. The ta tie IS supplied with!
everything the market affords. fehlS’bS '
Eever and Ague
Always Stoyvs Cbilln.
This Medio‘ne has been before the Pub
lic fifteen years, anil is still ahead of all
other known remedies. 11 does not purge,
does not sicken tho stomach, is perfectly
gafo in any dose and under all circum
stances, and i;i tho only Medicine that will
end permanently every form of lever
and Ague, because it i3 a perfect Anti*
cloie to Malaria*
Bold by all Druggists.
Plantation Supplies
lii tvt* in stern a lot of B«cnn find
other Emily supplies, which is off red
For tlio Cash,
Give me a call.
July 7th, ts.
THOS. J. HART, Pro.,
#, rf. it f nt:sc ttuto.r.
Patterns adjusted to unit the most improved
We keep on hand Northern and Eastern
wok which we will seil at lowest cash prices.
Jin* 20, ly.
Ollio'al Advertisments.
Govenor of Said State.
Wher as. Official i' formation has
been r< ceiverl ut ti is Department,
tt :il on or about the llf i) inst, an id
tempt was made to throw bo h of '.he
mail trains of the tita'e Railroad from
the tric k of said roan, near Kb gs'on
in the county ol 13 irtovv, in this State,
by a person »r persons unknown, in
placing a. rtain obstructions on the
track of surd road in two different
places; and
\V hereas, through the hand of an
overruling Providence, the misrheiv
ous intention of the perpi-tra ors of
this heinous and fiendish oil’rage was
prevented from being ea r'fed into tx~
cuti n, w ieh otherwise would hav
resulted in a fearful calamity, mu only
t those whoso lives had thereby be
come impel- led, but also to the pro t
ertv of tie State:
Now, tho 1 * fore, in ot tier to insure
protection o file aud , r pet ty, to \in
tlicul- tlie umjtsty «i( tiie law, atul
with a vie v to p 1 event the oeeutFence
fsirn i r outrages in tho future, i
have th uglit proper to issue t* is, tny
prod unation bereltv off-.ii g a rewurd
t!i“ * pp ehension and delivery ot the
nnlino n p rtv or parti s engsged in
Uie per; elration of the m s I n-vous
outrage herein-belore recited, with
evidence sufficient to uorvviet, to the
ySie-riti oi site county ot 13 irt w.
t-i; under my hand and the Great
Seal ■ i ttie State at the eapitol in
A unfit, this sixt enth day of Au
gust. in the year of our Lord
ifiubteen iltitnlreti and Sven y.
and ot the iadepen ienee of the llnited
Stales of Amt r ca the N nety fifth
By the Governor;
David G. Coxti.-.0, Secretary of State.
Aug 25-4 t.
Governor of said Slate.
Whereas, Offi ‘ial information has been re
ceivt dat ihis 1) pirtmeiH 'h it a murder was
commoted in the cunty ot Upson on the lfsth
instant, upon the body ot James L J/yf/.ird,
hv one William C., alias Cad Tat lor, aided
md abet e.l by his b'o'her, John Taylor, and
that Wilimn C. Taylor has fled from Justice:
1 have thought proper, therefore, to issue
this, mv proclamation, hereby offering a re
ward of one tit ms md dollars lor the appre
henst?u and del’verv of the said Willmm
T lylor, wth proff Sufficient to convict, to
I lit* Sin riff of s nd county and S'ate,
And I do moreover charge and rt q-tire all
officers in this S ate, civil and military, to be
vigil mt in endeavoring lo apprehend the sai l
Wihiam C. Taylor, in order that he may be
brought to trial lor the offense with which he
stands charged.
Given under my hand and the Great Seal ol
ti e State, at the Cupiiol in Atlanta, this
23d day ot August, in the c ear of our Lord
A'ghteeu Bundled aßd iS veu y and of the
Independence of the United States cl
America the Ninty-fil'h.
B- the Governor:
David G. CoTTiso, Secretary of State.
The said Wtiiiam C. Taylor is 2<i years of
ag* ; about 5 feel 7 inches high ; of rathyi
led complexion ; ha« light uuhuru hair; verv
high check bones; very oruinarv intellect; I
face little freckl' and ; skin rough, with a dow - j
cast look, and weighs about 140 or 150
pounds. uug2s«4t I
A Fin t LAtiAilON.
Governor of said State.
WHEREAS. Official informed n
has been received at this Department
that a murder was eoiniiiiltud in the
cou 'y ol Jefferson, on the night ol
the 6 li instant upon die body Zcta
Hay good, a p r,un of co'lor, ly a
person or persons unknown :
Now, ttierelore, in order to bring to
speedy tri and and punishment the par
ty or part os engaged in the perrmtrn
ti <:< o| the crime above recited, I liavi
though t proper to iss io this, rnv pro
clamation, fieiebv otioimg a reward ol
Unb Thousand Dollars for the ap
prehens on and delivery of the said
person oi persons unknown, with evi
<le: ce suffii ieut to convieq to the
Sheriff ot said county and State.
And I moreover charge and re
quire all officers in this State, civil
and military, to be viglaot in mdeav
oi iiig to appiehend the said pers n
or p reon- unknown, in order that he
may be hr light to trial for the off L*e
with whim tie stands charge i.
Given und rmy hand and tee Gie it
S'-al of the State, at the (Japbol in
Atlanta, this 18th day of August,
ini tie year of our Lord Eight en
Hundred and Seventy and ot tho
Independence of the United Stales
of Amelina 'he i inotv fifth.
By the Governor:
Ua«d G. Dotting, Secretary of State.
Aug 25--It.
Governor of Said State.
WHEiIE AS, Offlical information has been' re
ceived at this Department that n murder was com.
milted iu the county oi Decatur, ou the ‘lth
instant, upon the body of James Johnson, a per
son ol col lor, by one li. F. Sharon, alias Frank
Miaron, aud that said Sharon has lied from jus
tice; and
Whereas, It appears from tin examination of
the testimony auuuccJ at ihe Coroner’* inquest,
held over the body of said t/bhuson, that the
said murder was committed without the slightest
provocation on the part of said Johnson, who
was ut time in the latviul pursuit ol his business
Whereas, the Sheriff of said county of Decatur
cenilies that lie has exercised all dilligence and.
used every means in his power to apprehend
the said Sharon, hut without avail, and the Solid
tor General of the Circuit in which th * murder
was committed, recomittending the olfering of
a suitable reward as a means essential to make
certain the arrest of said lugitive :
Now, thoreiore, to the end that the said Sha
ron may be brought to a speedy trial and pun
ishment, I Imve t hought proper to issue this, my
pro Imi ition, hereb*’oderiug a reward of One
Ti ou and Dollars lor the apprehension and de
livery ol the said 11. F. Sharon, alias Frank
Sharon, with evidence sufficient to convict, to the
iS’herill of said county of Decatur
And ido moreover charge and req.iurc all offi
cers in this Stfite to be vigilant in endeavoring to
apprehend the said .s’haron, in order that he m y
be brought to trial lor tliu crime with which he
stands ch arged.
Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the
State, sit the Capitol in Atlanta, this twentieth
clay of August .in the year ofour Lord Eighteen
Hundred and Seventy, and of the Independence
oft he United States oi America the N ineth-lifty.
By the Governor:
David Cf. Cutting, Secretary of State*
The said Sharon is about 22years of age, quite
genteel in appearance, weighs about 135 pounds
has dark grey eyes, auburn hair, fair complexion
and is about 51eet 10 inches high.
Aug 25-4 t.
(Successors to Tomlinson, Demahkst &
628 and 630, Broadway, N. Y.
Carriages, Buggies, uc,
Especially aUttpit il to tlie i .uuieiu Kodda.
Light Vicioriais,
And all other styles of Fine Carriages,
For one and two horses.
Ou Eliptic and Side Springs.
’luil Hacks und Jersey Wagous
We are also sole Manufacturers of the
P alliation Wagon Joi 1,2, 4 and 6 llor3es.
7no best Buggy und Wagon in America ior
the inoLev.
We have had am experience of thirty years
in making woik for the Southern States, and
know exactly wlnt is wanted to stand the
roads. We invite all to send for Circulars,
and patties visiting New York yve especially
invhe to call at our Wareroomt.
We solietl the tiade of merchants and
Illustrated Circular?, with prices, furnished
by mail. A. T DA.IfA R K.Sr, N Y.
£fp”We have also bought out Air. W A.
Unit, ot Me eon, Ga., where we expect lo
keep a large stock. June 23 ly.
./ a .v is ii’./ t#: n
Tofieil Unr Ceteltiwled
Acknowledged hv all who have used them to
he the best Pen made or sold in tiii? country.
No blotting! No soiled fingers ! Sixty lines
written w'th one pen of ink! Will out wear
any steel peu ever made. Bankers, mer
chants, teachers and all classes eudorse them
in the highest terms of praise. Put. up iu
neat slide boi"S. Prices : two boxes, 50
cents ; five boxes, SI.OO. Sent free of pos
tage, aud guaranteed logive perfect satisfac
Liberal Commission to Agents!
We are prepared to give any energetic
person taking th" agenev of these Pens, a
commission which will ptv $201) per month.
Three sample Pens will be mailed for LO
I'iliwltus-s. Pa.
Sale and Feed Stable.
We expect to keep on hand, all the season
first class Horses and Mules lor sale. In our
purchases we look to what is needed in this
section, nnd trus' to merita liberal patrbnage
from those who ntay need stock. Call on us
before purchasing.
H Th]?.
Patent lSeverMid Wooden
Agraffe ISiidg"
throughout, retains he sweetness of the olit
wo< p Bridge, and obtains the sn'iditv of t-e
Vlktal Agraffe, wiihmir i's object Ins.
Patent Compound Wrest
Plan K
fwhtcli holds the Tuning fins, in si* fivers of
Maple, drain running differently,—Tin
Patent B'nil Iron Frame
conceti'rales IN fbiint nl the Tuning Pins,
that heretofore samaGlnO Iron (which in other
Pianos Imrifullv sClißocNns the Tuning Pin»,)
| and “hnits" into ilie front edge ot ihe Plank
and kkfectually resists the TWENTY TON'S
Patent Diagonal fiivtiiiiiiii::
pari, of the Iron Frame. ne*t to and psrall
wit.h the .reel snings UNDER THE OVER
The First strictly Impartial Trial
ever had,
Stelnway’s, Cliickering’s, and other
We, the under.apned make Oath that at
the time of the last FHr of the American
stitute held in Now York, immediately fol
lowing the French Exposition in Paris, two
Pianos mode By Steinway & Sons . one Pi -
ano hy Chickerivcf d’ Sons, one Patent Arion
Piano , made bv (/. C. *ml several
other TiiakerV instruments were tried against
each other, by order and under control of
the Officer* ot the Institute, to decide which
Piano on exhibition iu competition should
receive the First Premium “as the best
Square Piano known." To obtain an impar
tial tri -I, twice all «>f said Pianos were cover'
ed with papers. «o tha' one Piano could not
be d**tingli*hed from another, (during the
absence of the Judges,) and twice did they s»*
bet one of said Puipo* as the best y which,
upon ijnc'*verirg, both times , proved to
the «aid Patent Af ION Piano awarding it
“The First. Premi in" ''over all others for
being the best Square Piano known to them "
This trial was after Chickerinc/ dc Sons ’
Piano had received ' 1 *• Legion of Honor and
Medal , arid Steinway d' Sons, the Medal Iron
Npoleon ! and the J udg a of said trial were
EDW ARl> MOLLEN T U AUKK, Prof, of Mus e, !
Musical Director and Originator of the i
New York and Brooklyn Conservatories
of Musie.
CH ARLES FR ADEL, th*' onuni'pi urui favor
ile Composer, aud Pint is* to Li- Ro\al High
ne-s the Due Gustiive ol'S.ix, Ei.-en
Music; Teacher, ol the higher sihool of Mu
sic, &e., Ac.
A. D. BKSEMANV, Organist at Cathedral,
Jersey Ciiy ; Pianist, &e.
Julius Nfutiarut, R' hurt Rikgfr,
Hunky Villkr, Charles Soldwkdel,
August GruenebAirg R best Mmir.i*
G. O. Manner, {lnventor and Patentee of
the Avion Piano Porte.)
Sworn before me t’’is 221 ifiv of Jnlv. ISfi9
('ommixsioner of Peed*.
The Arion Piano is the ciiKAPKsr, most
TUNING -’n't DOS'S not get Oltt of O'jpr, it is
the ST./.rn.ntet n.t.vo.
Write for affidavits, Pamphlet and 1 Uiren-
Hr, and state in what Paper you saw this ad-
in eve-v fTity and Town where we have not
tlreadv appointed Ihem.
The virion l s i<rnio Forte f>.
WareraoiiiN ail<l Office, No. 551
*5,•«>!,«! \vs« y,
Uiitiitfnctory, IST & 189 kloxv
<‘py \e»v Vork
Spring and Summer Goods 1
Is now in and consists of uoods that will please
the Ladies, the Gentlemen, and the little
children. I make it a point to deal iu noth
ing but
first-class Goods,
and sell them as cheap as can be done, bv
any sue dealing iu the same style ot gcols.
Call and see the
Late Style Dress Goods, |
arid such other Goods 8 are needed iu the
home, or on the p’aatafion.
inch 17, if. w. F ORR
At Smillivillf, t.a.
' I ’HE undersigned having fitted up the Me
-1 Afee //ouse at Smithvill", takes pleasure
in notifying the travelling public that, the
above house is now in the “fullfide”of sue
cessful administration bv himself. IL- will
snare no expense to make it a First-Class
Hotel. J/cals ready on the arrival ot the
train. W. M McAFEE.
'lo The Travelling M'nbllc.
5.1 $ I.IVtVi S3, G./. ’
yhis first-c'ass Hotel is situated on Brough •
too street, and is convenient to the business
part of the city. Otnnibusses and Biggage
W’agnus will always be in attendance at the
virious Depots and Steamboat Landings, to
convey p issengers to the Hotel. The best
Livery Stable accommodations will be found
adjoining the house.
The undersigned will spare neither time,
trouble nor expense to make his guests com
fortable, and render this House, iu every sub
stantial particular, equal, at least, to any in
the State,
The rate of Board has been reduced to
$3.00 a day.
A. U. LUCE, Proprietor.
an antidote
discovered at last for
r PHE eelet rated Holton PiU, inannfaetured
1 hv Dr, n.C Bailey, at tiinencus, Geor
-ia, is undoubtedly the best tnedieine yel
discovered for the eure of the diff ret t forms
ol malarious fevers, such as chill and fe*ei>,
lev r and ague, iniernilltent or Vuliious re
miuent fi vers, and all lonus of disease bav
nsf a matsrfotis nri'tin.
Sold lit L>r J. A’, .hities Dawson, Ga., and
DeaLrs Generally.
Vrice One Hollar.
M irchßf,-ly.
Revrai'd ! I
HfltliX, from the nude-signed, in Gift
Town of D twson, T'rr* M l OUntv, G* ore
gia, on N?<«ii dsv wight, 2.'l'd inst., about ii»'-
one Light So rel Mare, some whi'e hair About
over her body. Msne little white where the
eoltar work", and a long blaze in the face.
She is about si» vears old, walks and trots
verv well, and can h ■ made to pace. When
walking she carries her head a little below
a level with her bodv. S he is an animal of
good stvie and much life, and frryuentlv
makes starts or jumps, apparently from no
cause. She is a medium animal, in fine keep
ing. In traveling she carries her tail a lit
tle to one side. I will pav SSO for the mare,
delivered at Dawson, or SIOO for mare and
thief, wi'h evidence to convict the th“ f.
July 28, ts. J.IS. A. LASSETER.
Centrally located .
li E O It Ci I A :
Coventor of said State.
Wherra*, information has boon ro
c ivrd ai (his Den.irfm<*nt that a most alio
oious murder was cou miUtd in the eoun'y of
Se«vart v or- the 14« h insfant, the b<-d'
oi Dick If ill, a person of color, by one VV.*
T. Harris, a ci izen of S'»itl county, upon
whose plantution the sti-1 H •]! was living a!
the time of the homicide ;• and
WheteaH, li is further made knowr, to thK
Depaunien’, that nf. the time of said murder,
i he said li ill was rnider arrest in charge of h
Constable in pursuance of a warrant issued
at the instance of said Tli ris, and af'er hav
ing: been securely chairn-d to the wall of the
house bv the said Const b!e, wbs I. ft by hin
in company of Y/»r»is, who ihec, beingj full'
aware of tie inability rs ihe pn-oner to de
fend himself a ainst h'B murdvrous attack
thus took advantage of the f• u-»r reposed it
him l»v said officer, and in a most brutal and
cowardly manner shot tho primer thm
time'j cither of wh eh shots, as is alJeeed
w; s fatal cnoujih lo produce death instantly ;
a ■ and
Whereas, The said ff-trii j living, snhse
qu<nt to said impder, be*n and kep
in custody fora few hnu"9, w: " allowed to
make his escape, he walking oH bv pe>mis
s'oii ot the officer hiving him ii charge un—-
d*-r tlie preter se that he would return in a lew
mimi es ; and
Where leap, through willful nee*
lect of duty, or for the pu pope of shielding
the criminal fi<vm the han-ds ct \;s iee ih»
civil airlioritiis of s;:M county of Weh-ter,
have tailed to ir/onn this Dot »r: met t of toe
c<utmiis-ioo of tins bati- us and inhuman
murder, and ot ih. ir ac ion in the premise- •
Now, therefore, to the cud that the said
criminal may he the n ore certainly bronvht
to speedy tr.,.l and punishment, 1 have
thought proper to issue this, tny prod ma
tioii, hereby ©fli-ifng a lew t I of one thou
sand dollars for ihe apn-etension andd liv
rt iot il.e Said W. T. Harris, with evidence
sufficient, to convict, to the ,-hcr.ff of Said
count of’ Web-'t r.
elnd Ido niornver charge and rc.jiiire all
officers in this State, to be Vigilant in endeav
i K to apprehend the said W. T H.iris, in
"rder that lie mly be brought, to 1 1 i il for the
crime wi h> Whieh he stands charved.
Given under my hand and the Gr at yf,. n | of
Hie State, at ihe Capi'ol in A finla, ihis
18th dav ot A ugtist, in the year of out
Loid A’ ghteen Hundred and Seventy, and of
he Independence o f the United ih.ates of
America the Ninety*fi>ft»h.
Bv flip Governor:
David G. Cotting, Secretary of State.
aug2o 4t.
Agricultural Implements,
Sngar Mills,
Saigas* Kettles,
Cain (wearing,
TEioeuus Water Wheels,
Shafting and Pulleys,
Iron siud Brass Castings,
Mill Work of Every Description*
Dressed K umber, etc., etc.
Old Cast Iron, Brass and Copper purchased at the highest market P rlC
All orders promptly attended to.
0. 0. NELSON, Pres’t, - - H. ATKINSON, Sul
Dawson, Ga., September 9,tf
ii id .m r \s
It Lfto |t « LK\N 8R R,
This medicine ie know,, to Hie fieullv a. b.„
irg the concent rated tiuid extract of Saraan'
arilla united with Ollier valuable medicinal
i h e'b p . au <t'» guaranteed aa chemically pur ,
j Scrofula and CO.VStTJIPTIOjI*
This remedy is compounded f n
purifying and cleansing ihe hiood 0 I all jn
firmiiies, going »t once to the loumaii, head
of disease. It extinguishes u
We all know ,het ihe prnnii-euoita vacci
nation indulg'd in during the late »„ r k "
fh£ most villannns diaeaaea. Vaccin.ti!?
poa waa taken from the srmß 0 f n , a "
sons full ol -c ofulous aorea, 1 tr "
Then of emrrac the impuritiea of the aernf.
clous patient were uhaotbi and in ihe blood of
men othetwiae withoiu diseases, and both
became infected alike. j)/, n , women
ch'ldten throughout all Ihe Weal are most
wofnllv ifiseaapd ffent ibis Cause, aud knew not
unfjl a f ew metitha non. the O'tojn „f 01
Henry’s Constitution Renovator
Ri lit ves t'<e bnlire System ot Pains and
aches, enlivens the stilus, aud send*
hi o^*l
f imparls a
B|>nrklfiii in rslidifM lolhoFve
A Itoxytiio# io ihv Clic.'k,
I A Tin»e lo till' Lip*,
A Cletinieo to |!■«> Il«.;i4.
n» lgl.<iM*ss to il.e f'ortipUxiou
Bnoyoitcy lo liic spu it*. 1
And IlappiiicNS on all bide*.
For alj affections Os the kindeys it is unsury
pa sped.
JVoplc have been rescued, as it were, from
the very jaws of death, by a timely i ße of
this great remedy.
“Docor, I waa vaccinated in the ho«pinl.
Before that i bad no akin disease. Until (
had a bottle of your “Constitution Aenota
fot,” sent me by Dr Ruper, of fc’oldAitta
Mo., I suffered tortures aiifr rminirg sorn*!
Since I have used (wo bottles I am all
except a small so-e on the calf of mr l e f(
leg, and' that is geititig well fa6t."
This from a ladv.—“And row m y skin is ad
clear and as fair as a tube’s. Mv complex*
ion, thauks to your “Renovator,” is beauti*
“Yes, ves, 1 may well say such rehef wit
unknown to me before. F.iiclosrd find five
Jollais ior six botllesftwo fainili’es her.
wan l lo try it,"
“I was Very much troubled with srphllik.
Four tetnedv seen s to be cuiing me
Send 4 bot.'lcs per Fxprcs*. rt
“No more rheumatism. Three bnltln if
Consiitti ion lietiovator have made me a nett
man "
“Doctor, enclosed find $5. Please semi
me a supply. Two families here want to Uj
tour Constitution Renovator-”
We have not space (or more of the aher*
extracts, but y r-n can ssk teur rriphhor rkrn
he rcmetlv. Ji’verv one has somethin): go*,!
0 say, as i' cme* every time.
For all diseases cf the
kidney*, llcleiitlon of Hie l r it«
And for Female Disease.,
Xeivous Prostration, Weakness, Generxl/,«•.
situde and Want of Appetite, it is unsur*
CAUTIOY.— In ordc •K? ptir rfmodr
always place the number of our Po.«»t-officf
Hox on ' out* Ihmp»s. TTe n* w law in our
\t*w York Ats Office comnals thin
AJd'e-H, Or. 11. S'. l!t>iiryiV Cos.
')iieot.or*Gener»»l Berlin Hospital, Pru.-ffia.
Agu-ucv of fl>p UniieJ S'atf.a.
Libia?orv. ‘27P‘h»l Strap*,
’rosl-Ufflce Bi»i .V 272
nor ho»'b*, «ix ho»th*.« forfs. »nw)>n*
•n receipt of p'ice. Patiunts j»i»p requested
i o corrr dotmT conft-J • iV*art(f rcplj "ill
be m*.i“ bv following mail.
S TI hv all respec’ahle DrucgW?.
j icoa iwaa’a\7s \ v ipmi,
savannan. 94.
wm sid®ipj
Eka Sj
Tin & Sheet \m I*
’■p \KES pleasure ill announcing to the ftti-j
i z . ng of Diwson, and surroundingrnim
try, that lie fi now ready to manuf*ct»r<
Tinware at Wholesale or Retail, a* la* •»"
can he had elsewhere. AI«o_, Roofing.
'erstg,. and all kinds of Repai'ing prat 1 " 1 -’
and cheaply done, at short! notice.
Copper, Zinc, and all kinds of MeU«
done. Give him a call at Soule’s old "
Eus tsde Public Squ ire. Jan. 2*. J