The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, September 22, 1870, Image 3

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    jisU.-.ii.v JWUK.NAL.
- _ '"f"
VPe leffru tfiat Hon. Nelson Tilt
rt ,oeiveJ tlio nomination for Coigreas,
at Albany on yesterday.
Patriot Mkeuxhs.—Next Saturday
i 3 tlw day appointed to hold meetings
; n tho different Districts to appoint
dele 'ntos to tlm county convention to
I*o held on tho first Tuesday in next
mouth. Let there bo full mootings,
and let harmony and the good of tho
county bo tho aim and object of oacb
au d eveiy meeting.
— —i
The Unitod States Hotel, Louisville,
Ky. is situated most conveniently to
tlio business portion of the city.
AoiucutTonAL Notice.—The Execu
tive Committee of the Polytechnic So
ciety are requested to meet at Daw
son on Wednesday, the 2htli inst., for
tlio purpose of selecting a site for tka
pair Creiind of the Society.
S. R. \\ estoji, Sec.
Ixscke your life in tile Cotton States
Life Insurance Company at ollice of
p r . C. A. Chetrthaiur
gcptl-dm. W. C. Dosd, Ag’t.
Me. T. W. Powell has returned
and will occupy his old office at the
store of Ixiyless aud Griffin, where he
will be pleased to see all who are in
want of Exchange on New York, or
who may wish to sell cotton.
The United States Hotel, Louisville
Ky., has four different lines of Street
Railroads running past its door.
U.vclk Bex, “On the Other Side,” is
offerhig al stock Os goods to liis friends
and customers at low figures. All the
men that sYff more clever and ob.iging
than Uncle Befc died during tho war.
Sue his advertisei’flcnf (
Brown Ilorsr.—Wo ioufe Sport a’niT
speak of tho Brown House in Macon
as an institution of tho State that all
Georgians should be proud
of, and while we would not have Capt
Billy Brown givo his time and tal
lent to any other business, or at any
other place, we do think the traveling
public would be greatly benefited if
he would open a school and take for
his pupils many of his brethren who
arc in the same business.
AiiEicL'LTur.AL Society of Terrell
county will moot at Brown’s Station
01 Saturday, the Ist day of October.
At this meeting wild bo real “Treatise
on C >;tou Culture,” by W. G. Simp
son; on “Cbm Culture, ’ by J. it.
Joiioa; on “S.iEall Grain, ’ by D. A.
Gibran, awl Who*. Moreland; on
Tus an 1 Pet itoes,” John .U iCarthy,
and J. \V. Wiseman; on “ Sugar
Gau ,” C. 0 IC-arevy and John- More*
Other iirrvortdiit a'nl. interestiag
busiacss will claim the attention of the
S " i ‘tv, an 1 w • e imostly appeal to the
members from all pi,arts of tho county
to be present. The meeting, will he
railed to order at 11, a.ji.
Un. A. L. llvniiTOfr.—A good
salience was in attendance at the
Masonic II dl, on Tuesday night, to
hear the letture on physical training,
delivered by Dr. Hamilton. We
imagine that there was no ono who
heard the Doctor, but will agree with
us in saying that our children (‘daugh
ters especially) are sadly neglected in
this particular in many of our schools
do sacrifice the body fur tho improve
ment of the mind, is ruinous policy.
Hie lecture was well received, and we
think will do good outside of the
question in point, ujs ho made somo
most excellent hit*.
* rum the Telegnii>h & Messenger.
rato ia a rt. % \ r\.
Atlanta, September 10 —Senate.—
due Senate was occupied with the
school hill all the morning. It is about
half through with- it.
Harris introduced! an election bill,
approved by Akerman, bringing on
an election for members of Congress
and the Legislature December the
twentieth, to continue three days: The
practical operations of the bill will de
tail members of tbe Legislature to con
duct the election.
The bill to lease the State Road to
Jue Brown, Goo. W. Adams, and oth
ers, was refered to a special Commit
dhe Joint resolution to adjourn on
the first of October was offered.
Bice moved to table it. Lost—voas
forty-eight; nays fifty-five. The reso
lution was adopted.
A resolution that no new matter be
introduced after Monday, unless by
consent of two-thirds, was adoped.
The bill to amend the homestead
Lw was lost.
at is thought Gen. Gartroll will be
on independent Radical candidate for
Longresa from this District.
j-01. Jas. Atkins, revenue collector |
trill he the regular nominee.
n v* S rurnor °d that Senator Candler
mil «e elected Chairman of the Dem
ocratic executive committee uu the
-i th inst.
Atlanta, September 17 —Senate—
,le school bill was completed and
u avanna h bill, which passed
toe House, was taken up. liradly op-
Rstd it as unconstitutional. The
ouse amendments were concurred in
'> Ji&s 19; nays 5. Coleman gave no
of motion to reconsider.
I Telegrams from the Municipal au
thorities of Savannah, opposing the
passage of Shumate’s bill, wore road,
and also telegrams from members of
Council, favoring its passage. It was
■reconsidered by yeas fib; nays 41.
A motion to reconsider u bill to in
corjtorate the Ausrusta and Louisville
Railroad lost yesterday, was lost by
yeas -hi; nays 57. Bills incorporating
tin: Albany, mobile, New Orleans, the
j Columbus and Air Lino, to amend an
I act to loan State credit to the South
Georgia and Florida Railroad wore
The election bill, it is said, was
prepared by judge MeCuy. It pro
vides for an election for members of
Congress, members of the Senate, As
sembly and county officers commenc
ing December 211 and continuing three
days. The election must take place
at the county scat and such precincts
as may be established by ;k > managers
The Governor, by' the advice and con
sent of the Senate, appoints live man
agers in each county who will not per
mit any' person to challenge voters
under plea of delay at the polls. The
managers have power to arrest all
p' raons disturbing the peace.
Atlanta, September 19. Senate—
A strong effort was made to reconsid
er the Savannah bill. Blodgett was
active on the lloor. The motion was
tabled—yeas 18; nays 18.
The bill to grant lurtheir aid to the
Bain bridge, Cuthbert and Columbus
road was indefinitely postponed - yeas
17; nays 12.
House— Among the hills read the
first time was oiie hy Simms, to pro
vide for tbe re-opening of registration
in Savannah.
The bill to allow the Brunswick
and Albany Railroad to build a bridge
across Flint river at Albany, passed.
Atlnta, September 20 —Senate.
The action of the senate to-day was
disgracera! in the extreme.
The Election bill was read tho
second time yesterday.
Pending a motion to refer it to the
J udieary Committee, the Senate ad
Couley' ruled that the Senate could
do as it pleased, and daclared the
motion of Democrats out of order,
though entertaining Radicals motion.
The bill passed—yeas 19; nays 11.
At one time, Burns, Candler, Hin
tiou, Holcomb, Nunnally aud Well
bort withdrew. The Conservative
Republicans say tbe conduct of tbe
Radicals was an outrage.
The Election bill is Considered by
conservedi-es of all parties a* destruc
tive to the rights and liberties of the
people, aud will make them serfs.
?! % KSUiTS.-
Dawson, Sept. 22.—Cotton is weak
and lending down; 10 to 11c being
the extreme figures paid. No de
maud for stained, sandy cotton. Stocks
of goods continue to increase in size
and variety. No change in leading
New York, Sept. 20th.—Cotton less
active, and lower Low Middlings 17c.
Liyeiu'ooe, Sept. 20.—Cotton quiet
at 9f.
Ai A It lit ID.
M/TLTON —PKIJET.—M irr'ed, a-: the re* : -
dence ol Mr. (' mi! - (le'mes, on the l i'h
I. s, bv ilie It V\t . McCullough, Mr it 11.
■ Melton, and j/fes Lou A Pruett, all of Cal
houn county.
We are au to announce the n»m
of W. T CAMPBELL us a candidate for the
office of County treasurer, at the election in
W.< ar nnfhnnjfed to' announce the name
•f R C. MIZ-SLL, as a Candidate for theof
fi -i- ol Conutv Treasurer, at. the m xt election
I tender to the people of Terrell cotiotv
■t v thunk* for their support, in the li-t elee
• ion, tor Tax Cos lector, and so!ho. fiippo" for
tie some < filce at the eleefon to coma ©IT in
November nekt.' ResnertFiTv,
mitt. 26. W. K SF.-xiON '.
Sptciaf •Yofices*
Asiatic <>liol«»ra in * Irim
Almost, every cured w"h
(l-'rom Rev. If. Telford. Missionary iu China,
now visiting his home in l’cnn.)
Washington, Penn.
Dear Sirs : during a residence of some ten
years as a no-sionatv in Nom and China, i
found your Vegetable Pain Killer a most val
uable remedy for that fearful scourge, the
Cho’era. ... r r ~,
In administering the medicine I found it,
most eff ctal to give a teaspoonfal ot Pain
Killer in a gill of hot warer swhvtened with
sugar; then, after about, filteen minutes be i
gin to give ab -itt a teammoti'ul of the same |
mixture eve v few minutes until relief vras
obtained. Atpplv hot application* to the rP
tremi'ies. llithe stomach wi'h the Pain Kl
ler clear, and rub the limbs briskly. Oi
ihose who had the Cholera, and took the
medicine fiiiitfuily in the wav stated above,
eight out often recovered. Tr.dv^o„.s, o
ir a’taeked with the DiarC ret, D.seinety,
C anto Colic, don’t delay the use of tiie
Ftt.NGcnnw, China.
Dear Sirs: During a tong rrsi 'once i"_ C d
na I h ive u«ed vour invaluable Pain A I 'T, '
both in mv own family and among die Llti
„ese, an t have fouhd it a most, eic-llent med.
icine In the sunmer of 18ti2 and b.i,
while residing!., Shanghai, l found it an ul
most c-rtain cure for Iholgra, it used in
time- I .deed, using it. in a great manv in
stances, I do not remember failing hi a single
. For three years I h>ve b rn reS'd ng
i„ this place, more than fifty miles <ron, a
physician, and haiebeen obliged often to fall
upon mV own re*ot„ces in OSes ol sicknes*.
riie Chinese come to us m great numbers for
m dicine and advice. Though wi ho v medi
cal knowledge ou selves, the few simple rem
edies we cm command are so ni l h hi ad*
V ,nee even of their physician", that, we have
,1„, st duly applications. Me allow them
to come, btoau-e it U" in con act. wrb
them, and opens a door ol uselul. e-8. In
diurr UM, colic, vomiting, cholera, conghs
ere yo ,r PJIA KILLER his been my chief
’ , yours yerv trntv,
medium.. TP. CRAM FORD
I For sale by Dr. J- & Janes, Dawson, Ga.
.„re V 7 A , N ' B , U|OHT '-—Oho who has long
studied tills ab orbing sutj.ct ,0W presell s
‘ wcuen o| onr country the result ot
his invegngaiions lie ia happy t 0 say lha.
he has at lust discov, n and “Wiiman’s Best
'i. nd. ] IS adapted especially, to those
ca-es w here the ic otnb is dtsordered, aed will
T'i, H ",' c irr f9*l*nty «f tho "menses." Dr.
•I. IsmdfieldY Female Regulator ae:s like a
charm in “wli tes," or in a sudden check o!
H e monthly cour-es’’ horn cold, trouble ot
mind, or like causer, by restoring the Jis- I
charge tit eeary instance. So also in chronic
c .s s iis aoiimi is piompt anil deci-ivc, and
saves Hie constitution from countless evils
raid premature decay.' This valuable pri pa
rutioo is (or s„le „r 60 per boule bv all
respectable D.uggisis HI the laid. Preoared !
and sold by L. 11. It adfielo, Drfi'ggisl. 2Man !
is; La. A thousand women ttsfify to its I
me i it A
• *'F M * .11) 9 7. H I
VT my rmw NEW RTOEjR’, on thp North
of thp RnilroHd, von wiP fitul a
n ril fi ouk of MHr<*h>tn<lißp, at *noh prions
ms will astonish tbe natives. My *Suook con •
slats in p irt of
and other articles needed iu the family and
on the PluLtilion.
Mv expenses being light, I can afftrd to
sell goods ou
Short I*roiit.
But the better plan would be for all to come
and see for themselves.
rtepf. 22 3*lu
Land Sali?.
Will be poM before tl»o Conr* doo*
in Dtwnan. Ga ,on the Tnestiiv in No
veniber, TOO Ac - of If* and. \\ r <-Ht b:tlf rt
Und lot No 47, in tbe 3 and «1 i-IHt>r of T rrell
c< unty. Paid lai dis 1 V-2 rHileP from
ton, Imp a small hotl>u\ well of water an<l
ap rdeii. Soli for |be benefit of the h ii«*
Ot B. G. Il.irrei 1 d> Tern)<* C
J, F. M. UAKIit: I.L, Adm'r.
Mai & MUM I F 9 ME) !
ouji stock: of
x 0 w Ii E C ESVING,
g4©ek of Mcrchasulisc*?
lot No. 2b. 11th District, originally Lee,
j now Terrell county. The above lot i"
■I miles below Dawson, within one fourth of
a mile of tire Railroad. Lies well, and al
though in improved, is valualile for Agricul
tural puri,os>s. Persons wishing to putehaw
will aridiess the undersigned at Buena Vista,
J/arion county, Ga.
sept 22 lin. GUO. W. C. ' UNDO.
Ti X t hTiGE.
I will be at 'he Court House for the purpose
%f coder tug the Suite and County Tux
tor 187<t.
On Oetobor Ist.
“ “ loth.
“ “ 22d.
“ “ 29th.
On November sth.
“ “ 7th.
'■ “ Bth.
*< “ 9th.
« “ 10th.
“ “ 11th.
“ “ Pith.
« “ 14th.
“ “ 15th.
Parties wiif pie ise he prompt, n , J shall
have to close mv tinrks no the lo'h.
IV. E. SKs.SIO.Vbi, T. C.
Sept 22r-ltn,
Governin' of Said State.
Whereas, information has been received
at this Department alleging that a colored
man J ickeon was murdered in Hancock
ci lintv ; and
Whereas, It is alleged that one Timothy
C'-owlev, a whi'e nun, reported to be a no
toriou-ly bad character, commuted the said
minder, and has not been arrested :
Now, therefore, I have thought proper to
issue this, mv proclamation , hereby <ft ting
a revsAt dos ON A THOUSAND DO/,Lglß*!
far th. apprehension rail delivery ot the said
C’owley to ti e Sheriff ol said eotVnty and
Given under my hind and the Great Seal ot
the S ate, at. the Capitol in A lanta, this
six'eenth div of September, in Me rear
of our Lord E'ghteen Hundred and Sven
tv, and of the Independence of the Uni
ted Nates of A met ie i 'ho N n •' fifili.
Bv the Governor :
Davip G. Cottino, Secretary of State,
sept 23,4 w.
loffer or rpnt, my pianta'ion, in
Terrell counlv, 5 mil 9 fr%rn
containing Six Hun<lre<l Axie*, two hundred
•nd twenty five acres cleared, nnd in biffh
Ate of cultiva ion. rjinipu wishing to pu -
chase a good Farm, at low figures, will do
veil to call on mb, or my Tenant, Mr. S F
* B-nncff, who will chow them the crop.
| Pride, Six dolln»s an acre, caah,- or S. ren
• Dollars ; nd a h ilf an acre—hnlf b«l
1 nice 1-2 months lime. Ti not sold by ihe
• Ist Tu* sdav in iV«»v nibcr, I will pent at p‘ub«
; lie oo f crv in Diw&uu o » 'bar and .r.
Bcpt S-td.
ti mi mm !
I RETI RN my Fircrre thanks to my friends for their very liberal patronago lasi season,
hi (1 mfd ready mid arx ctus to serve (b« m Spain, iu il.e F;.n.e capacity* during ihe coming
| fall and wimer. lair addin? improvements and comforts to my Warehouse which every
i planter will approve at and appreciate.
1 Remember, that mv VVu»« hnu9e i* n a low, damp plaeo. where OoMon srhlntn loses In
weight by hi ipg stored, but of T cn gains j and le-ing m»i lar fro'io arv other boiling*, there
is a great drill less danger of its *l* Mttint<i*»n fir** •ban any t'thei \Va<ehouso i*» the pi to**.
Besides. / I live employed u wuichmaii to rtuiiin on wa*cb iu the yatd every night duiit g
the business season.
I can now supply uiy cuslomers with everything tl cv wanv, übich will obvia’e the neces
sity of their having to go all over town to putebasoa few gojde. I have just leturned fioui
Yotk, where I purchased u lurge stock of
Dry Goods, Hardware,
Yankee Notions, Saddlery,
Clothing, Millinery,
Hats and Caps, Liquors,
Loots and Shoes, Ac., il*c.
In fact, I btive, and intend to keep, a good fupnly of rvervthin" that the farmers and
Others may need, and will sell »« low ua anv other house in town.
I invite everybody, and especially tbe ladi s, to c II and examine my AbLock, being per -
fectly satisfied that I can ple.-sa them in quamity, q«*ality and price.
The Dry Goods I>epartment
will be conductod b; TIIO.TI IS 11, Fl'LTO.\, aseisted by Walter Celt.
Tho Grocery Department
will be conducted by WTS* \V. tEE, assisted by ('li;ii’!ie Smi I Is.
I will g've rov rersonnl attention fc> re-’eirjiTg, marking, aa npling, ae’linE: r.nd
ehiru n *\ifton, flssistfd bv BOMER S BELL. Hiving had in »-xperie ce of nin-* y**ir j in
i -s ‘ 1 know . \ r*lv how it ought to be done, and * ill guarantee satiefaU ion to all
who m v fivo* rne with thei patronage.
Will hnve a number of compereut assistants (white and black) in the Cotton y.rd, who
will always be found af their p i F .
\V T i’l librral adv«nc**Boti f?otton, in O iods or Money.
Business hours, horn son-rise till 10 o’. l »ck at night.
T hive PUP‘‘redcd in making arrangements to furnish nny amount of supplies, (both nPiO
visions and Dry Goods) to my customers, next Spring and Sunim r,
Mulberry Street, Maconj Greoriria.
taasiim. CHIiIA SB EtSSSISH.
iF:i vinli in store ttu* largest stock over oficretl in the State, of IJcel Good",
in et ot them oi my own imp rtu.ion. Iwi I oiler to Merchun sto Du;dicute
liis Vcork Sills cf Crockery st Hew M Prices.
I hacein Ftore. One HUNDRED AND FIFTY CRATES, with diipmenU
to artivc, making my Full Stock of Goods sup nor to any ever bcloie c lTc'od
Decorated Go!d Band and Plain White China. cipd Jea Cfpapicjit?, hfiap' \\^ r etc
Pureiia.sinu my Goods, in person, for Cash, from tho Ltirpeit Ma> ufueturers
iu thia country I will ofii-r Glass-Ware anil I amps to \V holo
suio nnd Retail Buyers at prices that cannot fail t.i please.
Forks, Spoons and Castors, Tea Sets. Waiters Pitchers. Batter Dishes of
the Best Triple Plated-Ware, Warranted.
RODGERS % S mm ■
car. fully pucked and tivqtped to any portion of the State.
tSTIn all canes mv Goods must be paid Ur when delivered, without an
espies* u jdorftonuiiig to tho contrary, w hen purchased
. 33. A. WISE,
sept U> B-n. M Tilbreyi-y 1 iVi noofi, Cl n .
TlicEatcst Wai’News.
People of South-western Georgia,
3, w m m m i
CH 1/llTTlirt) '"kesthis method of informing hi 9 olil patrons, and the public gen er
L Irl nil | |nr ll ''" v > that he is now receiving and will continue to receive, and keep
* constantly on hand, at liis old stand on the corner, a full and spl cudid
assortment of Dry Goods, constating of
Ludir* Ocrsa f.' nods, of all Styles and Descriptions, (tents, and
Bjis i'l'tl’tin «, ti tie. C i >s, *nis <ml Sti’trs, and at any
Price, t tnether tell it a fVI stork of Dancy and
Ditmily Uroccrles.. Hardware, Crockery
anti I'< ntcare.
In fret, be is deternin ed that no oi e s' all come to him for anything, and have to go
els-where to get it. The iminartal JSTTI JtHDi'lO.y sill reig is supreme master o'
ceremonies, a-sia'ed hv ins apt oupil, AS »wti;r .Siill lMi; S*.li lts, mi he ia detproiined
to sell goods a little cheaper than auy ono else. Us cot dully invites his fiiends to give him
a trial before purchasing.
R. KUTTNER his also opened another a'ore, at 'he old stand of BURNEY A NET.POX
•U'der Me A'upennt ndvnce of Mr. li. Jl, assisted by jTjt IS.. ltol’Ci
.% 113-I.IT, where tie will keep a select stock oi
surpassed by none ever fin*, npon lids market. J.T s-rs Allen and Pournrlle resprcifnlfy ii
si'e'heir f i"nd» to g'tvp them a c»M, with the promire that they will ever deal lay <uti c
'qiare, aifd nre a’l their end a.vars to pt ise tin at. VViili many kind thunks to lire public
j ior t-heir hitherto li!>dr»rpiitioi-’go, the Corn?, eri majsr, rt-pec'.tul'y solicit a eoniir usnee
' o f tl'e same f<ft. 1-l'm.
UG4L /sov? IIS M MTS.
(ILOIIGIAi Ft i rcll C«Mlf I
X * Wliarevis, A., Swar upplies for interi
of Guardianship for Sidnor and VVilliou
Smith, minor children of S. B. Smith, dec’d.
Tlirae are therefore to cite and admonish
s’! persona concern od to ire and appear at inv>
office within the time prescribed by law and.
show cause, if at>v, why sajd letters should
not tie grun'rd. Given and.r mv hand and
official signature, t?fß S:h da? ol i] plamber.
IS7O T. ii. JfiKfiS, Ordinary.
t ? IIOKGIA. T. rr. ll County :
\ 1 Whereas, B. H. Hood applies for Let
ters of Guardfanel ip of the persona and
r.roe rtv of Jatt rsW., A/illy 0 , and Thomas
M\ Haddock, minors ol James VV. Haddock,
These therefore to .cite arid admoninli
ad persons cotiaerueu to be anti appear at mv
office vciiliiu lire time pres,c'ibeil by law and
allow cause, if anv, why said letters should
nor granted. Given under mv hand nnd
official signature, this Bth div of .‘fepteriber,
1870. ‘ T. M. JONitS Old.
sept 8-30 J.
nroRGH, Terrell County:
v * W hereas, I). F Liwhorn, A
T V r °! ha*< applied for letters of
from said estate : . * - ,
Timse are therefore O cite and admonish
nil persons concerned, to be and appear at my
office within the ti ne pre«c»ibed by law and
show cause, if anv, why said letters should
not be granted Given under my hand and
official signature, this 6'h day of July, 1870.
July 7th 3:ii. T. M. JUNTAS, Ordinary.
' mmcEi
T V*RA ASS L. VIN’FON, vile of Robert
I / \ iu-on, has applied for exemption of
pereon iltv and setting apart nnd valuit'on of
Horm ateid, and I will pass upon the eatni at
II o'clock, a u , uu the 2rd H»v of rtetober
next. T. M. JONES,
sept 22 2w. Ordinary.
Blood and Liver Specifies
Morbid Condition of the 8!ood!
These aro the.fruitful source of many dis
"B s, such us Scrofula, M r hi e Swelling, Gout.
. R'lueinatigm, A’rreipelas, Ulcers, (?hronic
Sore Eves, Swelled Neck, Silt. Rheum, Ring"
wnran. 1!-ils, (fa bugles, Pi in plea, Botches,
and E uotions of all funds.
For the cuie of three various ass ct'ions.
which ao tn - eiv rv in pious of a morbid state,
of the Blood, medical a fill md science have
•mt >re' di-eovered a Wood Purifier eq-lal to
tin- roiiipouml I.xiritct of Sfiliii
-2 til. This grea lit ol A Restorer and Blood'
•defusing Cordial botoughly eradicates eve
.t v kind ofhuipQr and bad t.iht, aud rdsiores
'he entire svsrein to a healthy aud pe. fectly
pute oond tion.
i'evibePvTon taylor & co.
Chemists, Atlanta, Ga.,
For sale by Druggists.
it- nd 'll ' following, which explains the Stic,
cess of this Git EAT REMEDY ALL OVEK THE
M lst PntWr, GA , Avou t 10th, 187d.
Messrs. Pemberton, Taylor k Cos, Atlanta
Gents; Me hive the greatest euro to res
port, ever known, made liv u? of your Com
pound Extract of Stillingia. A case that
has berai confiued to bed tor s're years—raLs
ed and well—will send particulirs soou.
Y urs R. sneetfullv.
Crawford k M'alkxr, Ciuggists.
Sept 15-6 m.
Commission Merchant,
I> ESPECTFULLY returns bis grateful ae-.
V ki o-vledgeint nta to bis
uni the Planters ol Calhoun, Clay, E-rly an 1
the n«'j lining counties lor the liberal patron- 1
age ill V hare hitherto extended to him ; and
i-e herewith reuewg the tender pi'his service*
lor the pmtnpt and faitljlul execution of all
bu-iness entrusted to his cute.
II iving discofmecied himself from all other
eng getneti's, he is now able and determined
to di-v-nte his energies to the interests of
those who may favor him with tbeir business.,
U'iih long experience in the sale, the pur
c! a-e and the handling of Cotton, with a
“wide awake” policy looking to the interests
if liis t u-omers, buked by unswerving in
e r iv of will to p otect them in their rights,
lie believes he furnishes them with addbiou
.l inducements to influence their continued
pa' ton age.
Fori Gaines, as a shipping point, certainly
presents advantages supeiior to those of an,
other town in South Western Georg.a. Col
on m iy be sent from hete at shortest notice
el her up or down the Ch tiahoochee. River,
<r by the South-Western Utilroid. Our
Merchants a e daily advised ot tir- prices of
ihe European, New Y<>rk and o her make's,
Piovisiona furnished on short uotice at tie
most, icaaopablejpriees. ,
MV WAKEHOCSE is located in
the most convenient portion of the town,
and is in complete repair, so that there need
be no delay in Storing or Sb'pping Cotton.
I also keep on hand a supply of well as
sorted, tiuhstaniial and fashionable tiUCi-
Gilli*, which will be sold at most advati
t geous prices. Call and look before you
buv anywhere else.
always on hand, together with farming uteus
sils cf every variety.
U be rah advances made oc Cotton shipped
to hi* correspondents in New Orleans, Na*
vannah, Jt>‘ w Y’oik atid Ptiiladelphia.
sept la 3m. J. T. WiLKi’R.
"tomTTax notice.
T.ic Hooks aio row ready for the Collection'
ol the Town Tax for the year 1870. Partie-?
tre earnestly requested to cotro- forward ai
once and settle. J. E LOTI-ESS,
Sep 10-lt. Clerk' & Colfe-thf'