Newspaper Page Text
jj'Y S. 11. WESTON.
0 r'J j'J '< Osll fti\; Ul l,
rcß ,tsUßi» kvkrt
Tt , n Ui ,I'irnnrr.
I * * , ft 7 5
T-ir** month* ] 2t .
■/’ -2 no
How •» i«ri‘r«Ult|s I» ‘VS.
The New York Journal of Commerce
, „f one ot the old«st banking hou
!!,' in tae country: “Wo are pleased
tTleirn from its managers that they,
'i„ their business the benefits of
uprose that sueh a bank, so long cm
tabßahod and so widely known, might
11 its bills and drafts and obtain col
lections enough to satisfy any reasona
all)hition without a dollar of outlay
for advising. And so it might be said
sot Messrs. Brown, Brothers v Cos.,
Tlancan, Bhepu»4 ,po., !l "d otlu ‘ l '
leading bankers, whose aWuert*
I,J X ° all thrt yehr irt our columns.
W, srs A. T Stewart & Cos., who are
more extensively known than any other
houec this continent, pay us annu
4]v*(#o money for advertising tlioir
luithaii any Os t ieir would-be
rivals. If a house is not well known
it should become so by liberal advertis
ing and the better it becomes known
and the larger its business, and the
more independent it would seem to bo
t l w better still does it pay to advertise
it Advertising is not only a m mils
of success, but it is at once the evi
dence of it, and a guarantee of its eon
timunce. Mv\tj noble house* (Lite the
lc,deuce of their trade from the suspen
niw of advertising. . .
The Baltimore San adds: “It this is
true of such entensive and well estab
lished houses as tuoso named and
that it is, no ono can doubt—bow
much more forcibly does it apply to
smaller fiuencial, mercantile and Other
business enterprises, and particularly
to those seeking to establish a trade.
The Commencement of \ New Ena
noticed, some days ago, through the
columns oftlie Morning M ir*,, of the
eipectod arrival, per steamship Virgo
of a number of immigrants, comp >sod
of weavers and operatives, with their
families, destined for the Eagle and
Phoenix Mills of Columbus, Georgia.
Thev ariived oil Saturday by the Vir
go, and include sixty-six of the tiiu-st
and most intelligent men and women
a-.. have ever seen; hale, hearty and
full of that good humor which distin
guishes in -a who have a secure place
in which to work out their positions
iw honored citizens of the Empire
Stale. The immigrants were accom
pj’ifß'l by a numbel’ of fine looking
children, intelligent and hearty, their
rosy checks suggestive of health, -in l
their general bright looks of honesty
aud integrity Messrs. Win. Henry
Woods x Cos., to whom the list was
consigned, met them at tho wharf,
supplied their immediate wants, and
in«y were transported by thorn to Mieir
home in Columbus.
There is hope for N >w England yet.
Vermont gave Grant over .n2,ofio ma
jority.—now she gives ii idical majori
ty of about 21,00.1. New Hampshire
has reduced tueß majority oi
lsyS, from 7,ti00 to about 1,000;
Maine, from 20,000 to 6,0 )0; C onnet- I
but. from d,OOO to 1,000 minus; an 1
Massacusetts and Rhode Island gain
in about the same proportion. We are
not surprised at these changes. No
section of the county needs peace and
hearty re-uniou so much as New
England. Her commerce has been
almost destroyed, and her manufactor
ies greatly injured by bad polities.
Sold Out.—Our sister city of Pensa
cola, has been sold out, and the joke is
tiiat she has hid herself in. The
carpet-baggers and scalwags who run
the city government, had 1.-vied illegal
taxes that tho people would not pay,
and the property was put up for sale
for taxes. Nobody would bid, and
the city bought in tile property. This
soxt move we suppose will bo to ex
pel the citizens from the property,and
we ahull then see a city without in
habitants, and owned by a corpora
tor! th it has nj . c msticuouts.-— ‘Mobile
The prosecution for the failed
to discover the motive for which the
Ihgby child was stolen at New Or
leans. Tho Time* thinks that the
motive was pecuniary, probably to
'X-’oive the law for purposes of inheri
rance - Tho name of Charley Oaiueiia,
ff<is given to the stolen child, an l it is
not improbable that the deed gn of her i
11 mappers was to palm her otf for the
, Vimrley Camelia, who is most
probably dead.
Tho Democrats of Alabama, all over
!l * State, are in tho best of spirits,
n conti lent of t iampli at tho aj -
Pjoaching election. Numbers of t’ue
auical loaders have announced t.liat
• e y will q U ;t their destructive party
n ml vote with the Democratic. Mr.
I in, the present Radical Represent
jj u u the .'id District, will support
r - Handley, tho Democratic nomi
as liis successor.
Tlie Colored Baptist Association, of
r '"lessee, is in session at Chattanooga
n ' commenced baptizing iu the river
! ,ere lil 't Sunday. Folks li .dug down
stream says tire catfish are all dy
.l. | 10 1‘ has broken out among the
. I< .' {eus i" Bumpkin, Ga , and it is
j; lr . * JO as bad on them as a Radical
tUdt nct meeting.
g ATII > H. Y. taxes swearingtwenty
daUa* or ® vc swears for ouo
For the DnWscn Journal.
To tfti". Is.
Wield tho pon and court tho muses
While your fancy, plum and and bright,
Sentient soul and diffuses,
Like the be mm of lumheut light.
Re the willing zephyrs freighted
W ith those cbrsytal sounds again;
And tjje cold, Mid heart elated
By tint sweet— that liquid strain.
Let the music terse and graphic.
Molt upon my ear once more;
Like some far otf sound seraphic,
Waited j'rvwi tho other shore*.
You are now in life’s bright indrping,
O i' ii beams and pearly dews—
Its flo esccut scenes adorning—
Bockou the perennial muse.
Let not coward doublings alter
Tiae Ann purpose of your soul:
Ouwaid, upward, never falter
Till you reach goal.
Tho Count de St., Croix. bolonging j
to ouo of tho noblest and wealthiest i
families of Fr .nco, became engaged,
alter a long court-snip, to a lady, liis
equal in pusitiou and fortune, aud fa
mous tor her beauty. Shortly alter
tile happy day was appointed waicii
was to reader two loving hearts one,
tuo Count was ordere l immediately to
the seige od Sebastopol; so lie girded
ou ins ouhre, aud tuo head f liio regi
ment marched ou the batdefield. Dar
ing tue Couut s absence it happened
that his boautilul aliianced had tue
small-pox, aud hovering between, life
and death, she recovered, but found
her beauty hopelessly lost, death had
assumed, in her case, the most virul
ent character, and left her not only
disfigured, but seamed and rcarred to
sueh a frightiui o stout that she be
come hideous to herself, and resolved
to pass tho remainder of her days in
'the strict sat seclusion.
A year passed away, when one day
the Count immediately on his return
to France, accompapie l by his valet,
presented himself at the residence of
iiis betrothe l and solicited an inter
view. This was refused. He howev
er, with tho presistouce of a lover,
pressed the suit, and finally the 1 idy
made her appearance, very closely
muffled in avail. At tho sound of
her vpice the Count rushed forward
to embrace her,but stepping aside, she
trembling!v told him tue story ot her
sorrow,.’ind burst into tears. A Heaven
ly smite broke over the Couut’s Hand
some featueres, as r.iiing liis band
ah >ve he cxclaime 1: * I is lied e woik.
ram bund.’' It was even so. Wuutt
gallantly leading liis regiment to the
attack, a cannon bull passed so closely
to hi-, eyes tiiat while it lett their ex
pressioh unchanged and liis counte
nance unmarked, it robbed him dorev- j
t-r of sight. It is unnesessary to aid
their marriage was shortly solemnized
It is said,that at thisday may be often
.-.ecu at the Emperor s receptions an
o-ricer leaning uj on the arm of a lady
closely veiled, nu t tuey seem to be
attracted to the spot by their lovo ot
■I *!«*•'» \vi >i i iaia l . j
Au English writer says: “That night
I was ontiatu; 1 retnru Jby tue Lee {
cabin about eleven o clock As I up- {
preached, l saw a strange looking ob- 1
j,»ct cowering under tlie low eaves A
rol l rain iva. hilling; it was autumn.
I drew near,and there was Millie wet j
to the skin. Her father had driven
her out some kwurs before; she had !
lain down lu listen lor toe heavy ,
snoring of his drunken slumbers, so
that siio ungnt creep hack to bed ,
Before she heard it, nature seemed j
exhausted, and she fell into a troubled j
sleep, with rain drops pattering upon !
her. I tried to take her home with |
me; but no, true as a martyr to his !
faith, she struggled from me and re- |
turned to the now dark and silent '
cabin. Things went on for wee >s and i
months, but at length Lee grew less j
violent, even in his druken hts, to his
seif denying child;aad one day. when
he awoke from a slumber utter a |
dream and found her preparing break- ,
last for him, and singing a childish
song, ho turned to her, and with a
tone almost tender said: “Millie, |
wnat iu. ikes vuu stay with, - ,
cause you are my lather, and I love,
you. “Ton love me,” repeated the
wretched man, “you love me! He
looked at his bloated limbs, his soiled
and ia'god clothes,: "Love me, be ,
still murmured: “Millie, wiiat makes
you love me? I aut a poor drunkard;
everybody else despises me; why don t
you.'” “Dear fattior,” said tlie girl
with swimming eyes, “my m itaer
tauglit me to love you,and every night
she comes ho n heaven ami stands by
my little bed and says, ‘Millie, don t
leave your father; lie will got away
lrom that rum liend some ol these
days, and tlion how happy you will
be.’ Tneiquiet, persistent love of tins
child was tue redemption ofHhis man.
Reclaiming Nattgtitt Young Men.—
A partv of respectable Chicago ladies
have formed a society for reclaiming
young men, and they go about the
streets ot night, and pick up young
men who show signs ot dissipation,
invite them to their houses, and treat
them to ice cream, clue ken salad, etc.,
then let them go home sober. Half
the young men in town he around the
of nights, to be taken in. One whole
engine company went to one ot the
taffies houses aud asked to bo re
A negro dived into a millpond near
Macon, last week, to see what was at
tlie bottom. When they hauled him
out he didn t say a word although
ho had been under long enough t
find out all about it. His funeral was
very quiet and inexpensive.
Dawson, ga., thuusdai, September tj, is?o.
From tho PMUdephl, /*nblio Ledger.
Wars of thi Century,
After perusing the history of nun
kind, one is almost led to tho conclu
sion that war is the norm il state of
the race, and peaco tho exception Iu
barbarous and semi-civilize i times
this certainly was the ease, and per
haps was the necessary vent for those
fierce passions, which without it would
liavo preyed upon the slaves of them j
and w rouih anarchy in the world. But j
in civilized times, when so many vents
are open ro human energies, there
ought not to bo the same desire for
tlie excitement which war yields. Yet
how much ingenity has been expend and
up,m forging weapons of destruction!
All the resources of mir leru science
have been called into play to invest
machines which shall -ill human be
ings with rapidity, and now we see
wuole nations transformed into anil;-;s
where bui a hundred years ago it i
i wis thought a great tiling to bring
jld I,Odd m n into the hold Turning
over the annals of tliis century, only,
we tin 1 that not a single year out of
the seventy which have as yet p issed
has been one of entire peace. Some
where or other there lias always buoii
war, aud it has been tun in wt civiiiz :d
na ims who have done by far the
greatest p irt of the ligating.
Thus England aioue lias waged
forty-nine wars »iuce i8 J). Os tuose ‘
there have been tiiroe with France,
two witn Russia, five with Cnina, two
with Denmark, two with Holland, two
with Turkey, two with Burnish, two
with Persia, ouo with the United
States, one with Prussia, one witn
bpaiu, one with Bwoden, one with
Portugal o ica.i l wiih Egyptjtne others
were wit.i the Poisuwa, tuo Main artas
tho great 'iiigui, Nepaai, Algiers, tuo
VVdaabees the Pindarrees; tne Atnan
tees, Cadres, Hottentots, Baers, biictis
Aigiiaus, Cana liuu rebels Paraguay
buiudi, iSepoy mutineers, Moaris, Ja
pan and Aoyssinia. France figures
iu thirty-seven was viz: four witn
Austria, three with Russia, three with
Prussia, (.nciu ting the present war),
turoe wita England, four with tue
Arab 'ribes, two with Mexico, two
with Cnina two with Spain, two wim
Ilona,id, two with Turk y, ouo with
Portugal, one with llayu, ons with
one witn Denmark, one
with (Sweden, one witu Algiers, one
Morocco, oue witu Paraguay, one
wich Japan, and oue witn tue Roman
republic. Russia shows a list of
twenty-one wars viz: three witu
France, t.iree with Turkey, two
England, two witu d*o,uii.i, two witu
Persia, two witn Bosuara, one witu
Ewe leu, oue with Hungary, ono witu j
Rgypt, one wit.: ‘ ' one wii.-i
(very long and tuo Joy) Circas-ia. i
Aii.-„i i liguros in twelve, vis: live
witu r'ranee, tUree witii dta:y, one
with Prussia, oue witu Hungary, one
Denmark and one with Egypt, i’rus
nd comes la-t, with seven, viz: three !
with France, two with Denmark, ouo
witn Austria aud out- with England.
iSo much iur tne leading powers of
the Old \Vorid. But to tue desolating
wars above enuiuErated must be add
ed tne numerous revolutionary uiuve
meu.s iu Italy and, luvarmoly
suppressed witn great bioodsued; tuo
dynastic contents oi the Carlists aud
Christines in Spain, whudi are not ex
tinct yer, and o. tua Aligueiites and
Pedioites iu l’ortagal, au oi whicii
occasioned great misery anl loss oi i
life. Tneu mere was tlie war of iu- I
dependence m Greece, winou lasted
more tuaii seven years, and was at
last terminated by tlie intervention oi
England, France and Russia, and tlie
battle Novariuo. Uu tins continent
war lias been tne chrcnic state ot tne
soutnern portion ol it every since tne
Spaicsn co onus threw od tae yoke el
tlie mother country, incessant revo
lutions constitute .he dreary history
od Mexico and tho c-ontu Auie.icuu
•States, but we have not oeeu witnout
our tremolos. We nave several
Indian wars, a war with England, one
with Mexico, and our great war.
| Cuba, Hayti aud Sau Domingo have
i BUlfered at intervals lroin tne same
scouroe. Brazil has recently eouclud
, ded a long aud costiy struggle witu
! Paraguay, and, in suo.t, it :s dilfioiiit
to call to mold a single nation in tue
world which has not been involved iu
. war of 6o ale kind or otuor, domestic
or foreign, in tue course of tne pres
ent century.
j Asia lias seen an enormous amount
of uloodsiiod during the past seventy
years. There have been the iuees
seut wars carried on by tlie Engusu
in India, Burinan, Negro and Cnina
1 and by the French in Cochin China
and Annum; also by tile dtuasiaua
with the Circassians and tne wild
tribes of Central Asia, and With Tur
key aud Persia, also by tae Turks
witu tie Persians and t..e Egyptians;
by the Persians, with the JtSemocnes,
Afghans and Tartars; aud there have
i been the continual domestic wars
j among the Alguau, Sikh, Mahratta
1 and otuer Hindoo chiefs, lor suprema
cy. For the first lilteeu years us tuis
century there was war ail over Europe
and it even extended even to this con
tinent. During tne next ten years it
spread all over Mexico, Central and
ifioutii America (excepting Brazil).
Then Asia and Alriea came iu lor
their turn, with tho French m Algeria,
the English at tlie Cape and on tlie
west coast, and Egypt on tho East;
the Russians in Turkey and Circassia;
the English ami the Fceuch in Inua
1 and China, this lasted lor twenty-rive
! years, when thosenco shifted to Eu
iope once more, and the Crimean war,
the wars in Hungary, Italy, Denmark
Germany, and lastly, T ranee, have
filled up the remainder of the time.
g, * .j little,~6peak truth ; spend lit
tle, pay cash.
Dawson Business Directory,
Dry On«<l* Merchant*.
/ UJ I M, &. TVCii KJt, rwior. i* all
\ Jk' <nds ot Dry OoaJs and Grocerirs. Main
S' rppt.
KI Dealer in all
ktnJfi ol D' v O *otla, Main etreef.
| GKIITIf, Dealer*
IJin S a. r 'l*. P' v Goode and Gtocorie* alpo
otnmf**ion J/crphanf*. J/«in
A, citoum,
it I I)-ale*** iii I) v Good* Gto'hlnp, Staple
CjJ ) »ds anti F • mi il v Grooerie*, IV tin Btrt*«?t.
OH St, \V, P. D'hlpt in Firry urcl pta
.! > Drv Gooia, Main st. t *'Jour
nil” Ri-intine Olflco.
J. r\. y Warohnusa and
l Go r n.niis-*ion Merchant,, «nd D**alrr in Ba
•on, Fl'»nr. M*»*l *nd P ■ < vuionH epr.rr-iily, at
H »«■*•*» $ ||’j» m . nd. V lit) h’.
p I*s *h\npjn a po..
I D irr D v G)od*, Groceriep, ami
aGon Snpydipg.
r'l fibril A sn.noFS n roceyvj
\ T and Denimh, South aide Pab
!'<• Squ irp.
i ft. I?., Dedorin Grororips and
i I. F»nvl'i-«tinol : ea cpnprully, 2iid door to
Office, Main
pIIRATII \ *!, V 4.. Druegiat. and
P Keep* a pood «nr»rlv o<
i) iv'j and f*dic?np«, and prpp(*r|hps for all
’Hp ill-J fHar fl. ah heirto. At hiß old Stand,
*' Rpd D ii" Srorp, V ain at,
T VARS .5. 8?,, Dealer in
Drii"*, M and cine«, O Is, Paint*, Dye
uID., Godcn Sppd, &<* ,
Tr, fiOLOKOf, Baker, Confpp
• Gone’*, rttid and -alprin F rnily
Fi«h and O «ter-s, J/ain Street, next to J. VV.
Boheit' k Cos.
UODFRTT YV. H. P r apticinjr Pby
-M-ian, and Surgeon. Office at Cheat*
h*inV D> u" S ore.
F X. VV. P.;i{ L A son.
I t ili-«tikful for past parronage by elope
iMention and moderate oha r 2P*s hope to rp«.
<*dve a comi iiniice of the sirac. Offi *e. Dr.
GHpio’aol i P'rtnd jin 13, ts.
U’atfli Uopaircr*
♦ IJaEf, .!Oin P M Will « ppair
L\. W i chrs, f, lockp, J welrv, J/n-ic Boob*,
\eco d'nns, k c , always to he found at his
>ld Maud, on North ®ide of Public Square
A SRiRPR, Sale
t and F-‘‘d Stab!<*. Hordes und J/ul s
for ante. Horses boirdod. North side Pab
;io Sqmrp.
!)R9>€r, "S. G. A .4. Km Sdo,
1 F• <* nd icrprv Stabip, D- por S*e t
Good ho»-<e9 and vehicles for hire on r- »son
tble terms. April 14, Iy.
k vzi aoovi.
I) IT VT D-aler in Fine Winpp,
1 B t-di. s Whiskies, L'ftrr B or, 4c,
'V <t ®id * pubdic Maio s»rpe f .
m|ge factory
THDS. J. HART, Pro.,
or #: r£« nnsvttinojr.
Patterns adjusted to suit the most improved
We keen on hand Northern and Eastern
vn I: which we will sed at lowest cash prices.
J iu* 20, ly.
Offer tlieir sei vi• es as
tefßiifllijß & Copiiiiippinji flefsliapi?
l-O T H E I’L.IN r/vliS and Merchants of
1 Middle and Soultiwestertl GeO'gia,and
i .vile theii attention to some ot the
-e, s p"S o-aed by this city over olheis as a
Colt n J/arket.
i iur t'M<-ges are verv rO'-ora' le. bring
bo D 'ONB HALF there of other cities of
Oor B .nkine facilities wil! 800-i be consid
r.t,lv ine ■ •Bed, aid will he cq al. if not «h
--peiior, to those oi any iuhrior to*n iu (ii or
The opening of the Macon and Auensta
Rol'Oa'l £ V' * us another outlet to Oharles
,nn, Sou-h o.trnlina, Ihu- increasing competi
tion tor our C i ion.
We can furni-h (.lanlaliou supplies on the
most masi'ti tbie tetms.
With our i xoerience in handling Co'ton,
we believe we cin please those e iio may !a
voi u- wo h thei pamn'ge.
iHe Wm ebonse lias just been put in thor
ough rep nr, and we are now ready to weigh
nd sell or store vour C turn.
We n-e .g." t, lor the WINS HZ’ !M
VHOMED COTTON GIN, a sample of which
cm In- seen at our W .rehouse. C*ll and ex
inline it, or send us votir order-, /.’very
l.m wartanted. l’rice Oil per saw.
P. ?! Mr. Richard II Hu'ehlngs and 1 :>pt.
J. T. Kc'tor will have charge of our No-ms
and W 'r.-limise Yard. Mace-., G Aug2o.
»ng2s 3m
yllliu’.'i, AUill-t Z'.tth, 1870 )
ORB/?RA'D : That the PioeUmttion i-sued
from t l ll- D (orum nt on tlie 9 h dwv o J/iv,
ol ioio , If itng a reward ot Five Hundred
Pollan* lo the apprehension at and deliverv 'o
it o Sheriff of Whi-field countv, ot Wm.
Btick, charged wih the mu der of J i'n
jt’lward- in B'il countv of Whilfied, be,
and the same is heteb* revo’ »and.
jty the Governor :
}>avio re. 1 OTTINO,
geerutnry of StiVc. sept 8-4lt.
, 'Troffrcsionnl GarAtf.
I>r.OM?T civcn to all buainess
ii trum .*d to his care.
a up ft
A.ttorneys at Law.
IKSfl'iO.Y, 0.1.
Jan G-Iv.
Att’y at Law and Solicitor in Equity-,
smri2T7iTW t aa.
W?ll practice in So&th Western and
la circuits. Collections promptly mnirt^d.
. J. WAR R E li,
ST.l'tfiSP’lf.LU, - • * 0.1.
At Smitltvillf, \ a.
' undrrsigneo having fitted up the Mr-
I Ab e uf , takes pleasure
in notifying the travelling public ilint the
above house i* now in the 4 full tideI’of 1 ’of sue
cessful administration bv himself. IL will
spare no expense to makelr a First-Class
11. tkl. J/rals ready on the arrivd of the
hail). \V. M. McAFRK.
To t *« Travelling
S.D'./.V.V.111, (../■
J t n>p fi'S 4 Hotel is situated on Brough -
ton st.rppt t artd is convenient to the hii«cneßs
part of the city. O nnibii ses and B*fcrgage
Wagons will always be in a’tendanee at the
v rious Depots and Steamboat LindingP, to
eonvp\ pißspricrers to the llo’el. The best
Liverv Stable accommodations will be found
adjoining the house.
The unders'gn* and will spare neither time,
trouble nor expense to make his goepts com
fortable, and render this House, in every sub
p'antial particular, equal, at least, to anv in
the S'ate.
The rate of Baird has been reduced to
$3.00 a day.
A*. 15. M CF, Prop idor.
it. e. n:»*v * ik
Fourth St., Opposite Paserrger Depot
Jlrifou, Georgia .
House having lately been refitted
ad r* paired, and is now one of the best i
Hotels in ill • Stale, and the most c<*nvt - ,
ie t n the city. The ta de is supplied «i L (
evcryiliing the rnaiket affords. tihlS’f-'.l j
cotton: factors*
Jfl R’O.V, U.i.
csrrv on the husin*** a* the Pl n>
t. rq Wnro‘o'isi* % litely oocuuied bv
AJ t ms f J »nps k Rt;ynuldi.
aug. 25-Sm.
For* Jiale 1
1 \ T F are ( g for s tie Four Hundred
t Acre* of L»rnJ, ly ; r-g fh»ee rnde-
South of D w-jom, on C ■iirk?«*»wh»tebi»»
Cue htifidr and nr-res !rf*sh
wi'h comfortable dwelling and out houses
good cribs aid s able. T ting orchard of
five acr* ts 1 his i« a desi able pi ire, a 1 and
I o-f* wishing to pu*chase Lind • e«t D»«son
will do wed to px imine our*» before purchi
-i iig. W.ttpr in eve r y Coitip and see
the growjvg crop. JCEI* H^IBRFLL.
July 14-3 m. J. B. F. HaHKFLL
I am offering for sale a plantation near
Whaler’s J/ills, in Terrell county, nine
m Ie- Northwest of I) • wson, containing ri x
H od.ed acres of <>*k and Hickory Uuo ;
SiMt acres cleared, with good improvement*,
Gin House and Screw, ti & •.,
For particilla-S as io teims and price, Call
on the subscriber in //awson.
June 16,if W.*l. KAICI.FR*
Acknowledged hv all who have used them to |
he the best Pen made or sold in ti i- count! y. j
Noblottine! No soiled finger-! Sixtt lines
wii'ten w ! th one pen ofit k I Will out wea’
am si cel pen ever made. Bankers, m. r
cb .nts, t- achcrs and all classes then,
j, highest term* of praise. Put up in
uea' slide h x-s. Prices: two hbxcs. #'* '
cents ; five boxes, #l.Ot'. Sent free ol pos
tage, and guaranteed to give peril ct satisfac
Liberal Commission to Agents!
IFe are prepared to give any energet : c
person taking the agency of these Pens, a
commission which willp.v #2OO per moiph.
Three sample Pens will lie mailed for 10
wjrsrffßN PTBLi-niNG rn.
i'iiisbiin:. C:i.
rert-e’.l ( Onrt of Ordinary.
At Chambers, Aug. 2-lth, 1870.
Ordered, that tlie following per centum be, sod
the same is hereby levied on the Stete Tax, an
a county t ix for Terrell comity, for the year rent,
to-wit: Forty (40) percent tor county purposes ;
thlrtv (3 ) per cent for bridge fund: seventeen
aud onc-h'lf ( 7 1-4) per cent Tor Paul" r Fund;
twelve and one half IS 12) per cent tor Jury
/rand : ten (n ) per cent for .shaved Fund, and two
, and one-half (Z 1.2) percent, Fund.
»ng S9 tfT. ( bdiuary.
"i » a
>- ,f r , - t-v '
5 .. ,i' i -i y ~
I*. ; -V' U D
cs.a wa
j Tin & Sheet lion Worker.
r pVnp’ire in announcing tothedtL
I *z tip of Diwpon/and surrounding coun
try, that h«‘ L now’ ready to mat ufavhire
Tinware at Wholesale or IL'tail, as low as it
can bt‘ had eDewhere. A No, K*ofing, (»u f »
termg, md all finds Repai<it g practically
and cheaply done, at short notice.
Copper, Z nc, and aH kinds of Mettle work
done. Giv* him a call at Soule’s old Ptflud.
K * ’ Public Square. Jm. 27, ly
(Succeasoi s to Tomlinson, Dkmarkst .t F)o.
628 and 630, Broadway, N. Y.
Carriages, Euggies, &c.
>.s^*ciu!»v u.tpail to lb. o u utin lijja.-.
Light Viclorials,
And nil other styles of Fine Carriages,
For one anu I*ll horsea.
On E’iplic and Side Springs.
COM Oil.) liIUUES,
Backs anil Jcr*cj' Vi ajons
Wc arc ol a o sole Manufacturers of the
P nutation Wagon fc~ 1,2, 4 and fi Horses.
Ine bißt Buggy and VYagoo in America lo
the money.
We have had an experience of thirty year
in making woik f«»r the Southern States, arid
know exactly wliti is wjtited to stud th*
roads. We i.mte all to send lor 6V< ul irn.
and parlies visiting New York we especially
invi e to dll at our Wareioornf.
We solicit the Lade of merchants ano
Illustrated Circulars, with pries, furnisher
by mail. A. T WEM \ PKS P, N Y
W. W. V\ uODKCFF. Ga.
have also bought out Mr. VV A.
liuff, of J/acori, Ga., vMieie we expect t<
keep a l»rge B'm k. June 23 lv
./ /. e: .Y TS ll'./ .V TM2 ip
Sell Our 4 clelH Mled
Tiro Dollar* /»«*r Annum.
17A LKE R, E VA!! S & C 0 GSV/E L L
cnjLnjji ton’s c
Atlanta, Ga., 2lugn<i 26, 187<>. j
ORDKItA'D: Tint Hon. O A. Loctiranf,
of th 9 conntv of FubfMij be* and ho ishen b'
»♦ pp'olijl♦ u Judge of the nupsrior Court of
f iiis Sta'e, i.i nnd for rfip ylil mfA Judicial
Circub, ro hold **id offi e it rail h's siiccpssoi
i-» uppoinG'd, and that he be coramissioueo
i c^ordit'clv.
Giv ’i) under ruy hand f»f and the se«l of the
Executive Den.irtm**n», at the Capitol in
AfliiU a, the da'’ a d year shove written.
By the Governor :
ft H. /Itk'nfon, Secretary Ex. P partnient.
Sep». i t 4t.
GfiORG 1 A.
Governor of raid Stair,
tY HERE AS, Oftela! informnt ion Tins been re ,
eeiv’etl at this Department that a Bill of /ndiet- '
ment is now ponding in the .9u]x rior Court ofi
the county of Bibb* charging oue James B. New- j
mnnvyith the crime of murder, alleged to have,
been committed upon the body of Micheal M
Hartley,in said comity of Bibb, on or about the i
26ih of December, nnd
Whereiia, It is further made known to this Do- j
partmont by the SlieriJT of Bibb eouuty, that tho ,
said Newman has fled from justice:
1 have thought proper, therefore, to issue this,
I my proclamation, hereby offering a reward of!
I ITmidred Dollars for the apprehension and;
j delivery of tlie t :-aid James It. Newman, with evi- j
j donee sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff of said
cou irt> and State.
j I do morcovei charge and require nllrffi !
cors in tills State, civil and military, io be vigifaut |
lin endeavoring to apprehend the said ames K. j
: Newman, in order that he maybe brought to trial
| l'oi the offense with which stands charged.
; Given uudri niy hand ind tlie Creat Real of |
fh»* ota > e, m■ «he Capitol in Atlan'a, this j
s xfh diy'pfPe temb**r in the vear nfour
Lord E ,i jh c n Hundred and
ynd if the /tidcpenoerce t*f the United
j Slates df A•«■»*»mu ’be N n*» r v tilth.
Bv tl<e Gt'verntK :
David (J. Cottino, S»-p. of Stale.
The saiil Newman it about '.5 or Myears of age
6 feet high, bluecyet and Hack hair, aud weigh?
about 151 pound..
, Vr.plalw
VOL V.—-NO. 33
Hi •- i viVK uahakmknr, >
Atlanta, Ga.,, 12,1870. \
The fell..wing communication has been re
ceived at ihis Doparlra *nf :
l “CiKiMNNATi, Anen.«t 25th, 1870.
lion llvfuH J 1 Bullotk , Governor of Ga, :
The undersigned, Committee, representing the
n°ard of Aldermen, lloitrd of Councilmen, t’liam
bor of fomme-oe, nnd Qnard of Trade, appointed
to arrange lor the leaalon of the .Southern Com
mercial Convention | u Ihia city, commencing
Tuesday, tlh day of Oetoher next, have the hon
or to request that you appoint delegatee to th»
Convention In conformity with the basis of rep.
reseniatlou us shown in the accompanying ciretu
lar. 'I he auhjecta to be considered are of the ut
most < oinmercial aud National importance, it
)a reapeetfully requested that the SeereUry ofthc
Committee be notilled of the appointment aud
naraea of Ztekgatea, and each delegate will taeil
itute the labor of the Committee by advising the
Secretary ns early aa practicable of his inteution
of attending the Convention, /“roper eredentiala
will be required to secure representation In tho
Convention. Respectfully,
•Jos. S. Gill. if. It, Ilisaell, A. P. C. /Jontcf
Committee of Board of Aldermen.
j < -'laas.C ) 2 iieukirt, \v n. Harrison, Joseph Sei
ff it, ebfrimfttee ot board of eounellmen.
Theo- Coolc, 7hoa K Ltiggs, Sa.n’l I H ale, A W
Mullen, Jmnea M Glenn, committee of Chahibef
of YMmtiu’fco.
K M Blwliop, Danfcl B relrson, M Klofner, M
loth, .1 .1 HcudiTsun, (; \V p AtkinNou, commit'
foe on Board of Trade.
I John F Fomnee, J fay op George F Davis,*
President Board of ; A T Goshorn,
| President Board Council; John A Gano, Presi
| dent Chamber of Commerce; P P Laue, Presi
dent Boiird of Trade ; committee ex-officio,
T//KO. COOA, /*rea.
1 ft. H. T./TEdf, Soe._
I Ihe resolution of the Memphis Convention,
fixing the basis of reprewellfatlon, as above re
ferred, is «h follows :
“ i'hjit the Governor of each State and Territo
ry shall appoint a delegation af large, not exceed
ing oue sos each Cos gi District.
in pursuance of the above request, and in ac
cordance with the resolution quoted, I hefbby
appoint as delegates at large for, aud in behalf of
the State of Georgia :
For toe First Congressional District, George
W Willey, ol Savannah.
For tiie secouu congress is nal District, B F
Bruton, of /tolubridge.
>or tho Third congressional [district, K L Afott
of Columbus*
For the Fourth congressional District. Tliomas
//.irdeinan, Jr, of Afacon.
For the Fifth eongressional District, K Tweed/
of Augusta.
Lor the ,Sixth congressional District, S A At
kiiiNon, of Athens.
/’or i in* .Seventh congressional District, V
Gaskill, of Atlanta.
Given under my hand nnd the Great Seal of the
State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, the day and 1
year above wntteu.
By the Governor:
David G. Lotting, Secretary of State.
sept 22-*w.
G F oi:u A.
Ihj RUFFS li. null OCX,
Governor of said Stale:
Wh».pTß, rn jS'iiunl i v nipht, the 4',h inßt.,
At elx.ut 8 oVloek, n p»riv of disguised men
uu.d.-rvli • cnl'xrd man named Will Calver,
,i Tlivk H’ooil’a place, or. the Sandcrsville
nnd, ali 'i.t e ven, miles from .Sparta, and (on. miles where one Jerry fiong was
n.irdered by diaguived pat ties, on the 15ih of
■luJy last ; and
V\ hen- is, The effort of the Sheriff nnd the
‘o.oi cr, asfis'i and t.v tlie militaiy authorities,•
ve I iled lo develop any clue to the mur other t. ..11 that ihe assassins were
ahite men, and about twelve in number; and
Whereas, T he ferocity of this irordei is
vidt'iic. and bv ihe fact 'I at 1. urteen gnn-shot
wioind- were found upon the body ol the de
ceased ; and
V\ 1., ica». This is the second murder which
S to n pe.p' 1 rated by disguised parties itt
be county i.l wilhfu a recent peri-
U ; and
Vv hereas, The peace and (?ood order of the
ouo y and Ihe State demand that extruordi ■
*.y etiarts siiouFi be made to arrest umf
U!ing to punishnn ut ihe guilty perpelralotrf
>1 this hl'iuous crime ;
Now, therein.'", i have thought proper tn'
i-eue this, mv proeirtHoi. .op, hereby offering
. r/ wuidot Five Thousand /dollars for the
rest, wiih evidence to convict, of any one
of the twelve disg f ed men > Di/aged lathe
ouidcr aforesaid, ~nd a rew.tid of Ono
ill u-and I toilers e .oil for tho arrest atul
•oi vie i- u of any additional ucniber of eaitf
w Ivc.
Given under mv hand and the Great Seal of
ihe Siam, ui ihe Capitol in Atlanta, this
d"th Cay ot S■ pt, in the tear of our Lord
K ghtcen Iluud ed and S'-vcir v and ol ihe
Independence n( the tTnited Slates if
Ameriia the Niuty-fifth.
Bv she Governor;
Daviii i>. Ooiristf, Secretary of State.
S.-pt 22 4w.
\ I’itGnn.tnnos.
«EOIt « I A .
By 11 UI'US II J! I LI. 0 CK. i
Governor of said Slate:
Whereas, Official intoi mation has been rc
ceved this D pirtment that on the night
of r?*e 35? h'f July, or e Jerry Long
♦ colored ritizen ot Hancock comity, was
ken from hi- b><iHe bv disguised parties, an<j
cruelly mu der*d * and
Wh> re as, Dahc ./oh non an-! on e ftob
;pi t Dudley were recognized by responsible
| »> a- beii-g ot the nun.h r of’ disguised
' parties who commuted Said murder; and
Whereas*, upou the appearance cf the mil
ifHiy authorities in sail county o! Hancock*
h * said Johnson mid tlie said Dudley fled
! from the said county :
Xow, therefore, 1 thought, proper to
! i su:* this, mv proclamation, hereby t ftWipg
' a reward of Five Hundred Dollars each for
the apprehension and delivery of the said
Johns m and said Dudley to the Sheriff of
i said county of lluncock
(aiven u and« r n»y h u and and the Great Spul ot
h- State, at the (Vpt’ol fti Atlanta, this
12 h d»v of September, in the year of our,
L ird /Eighteen Hundred and Severny, and of
ihe I id»*pender»ee of the United /S’ateß of
| .iineiiea the ,
H* the 1} *ternor:
David (t. Cdttiso, Secretary of *Sute.
j sc pi 22, 4W.
DEP.-l RTM KS i’ OF ST AT/?, >
,Y ixmu, .September 10th, 1870. y
Bv hi. Ks ’ellcncv, the Givpnor,
-pv r.l <-f! rii in Ms pvor! in .(ion ol the 6th
in. 'ant, tor the dppn hrnsioa aud dnliver. of
J,n!lf Mewinot, wish eT'ideOce to ctßviotf
1 io the Sheriff ol B hh comity, be increased t(V
One Tbouaaud
DAV IT* n. ctnTTU-V,} ol S *v
J Sep. ls4. r-