The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, September 29, 1870, Image 4
or TEE Convention of the lid Congressional LUblll.t Albany, Ga., toupt. li Ist, 1870. Pursuant to call tUo Convention as sembled at lt>i oclock. a.m., Col. W. O. Fleming, it Decatur was appoint ed Chairman for organization, and A. 11. All fiend, of Lee, .Secretary. (',4 Carey W Styles, chairman of the D ugherty delegation, euggesto l that owing to the absence of delegates who were expect.* l in thd afternoon, the me.-dug be m.i lea temporary one lor the transaction of such badness as would not conflict with the rights of the absent da legates. Suggestion adopted. On motion ut Col. \V A Harris, of Worth, the roll of the counties was called, and the following delegates re ported present: linker, to. P. Davis, Dr IS S Carow. Calhoun. C J Boynton. Clay, by Carey W Styles, proxy. Dougherty, Carey W Styles, John A Davis, J W Mayo, Jr. Decatur, V\ O Fleming, L M Grif ftn, Willis M Russell, 15 C Russell, B B Bower. Early, R H Powell. Lee, G W Warwick, D IT Sloan, R A McKinney, A II Alrriend. Mitchol, B F Hudspeth, J W Twit tv, \Y A B;, rd. Sumter, Wm Stylos, (colored.) Terrell, Samuel Williams, J R Jones. WortJi, W A Hams, Daniel Hen derson, II R Joiner, J J Williams, R G Ford, Jr. Webster, Dr C R Moore, T A Pick ett.* The appointment of two sets ol delegates Irom Mitchell was announc ed, upon which action was postponed. Coi Harm then stated tliat more than the allowed number of delegates had been appointed lrom Wortn, ami were present. Ho hoped tnoy woulu be permitted to take taeir seats witil out any intention or desire to increase their vole. On motion of Col John A Davis, they were admitted to seats. Col .Styles moved tuat a Committee on Business, to consist of eleven mem bers; six of those present, and five from those to aruve, be appointed. Motion carried, and present members chosen i C W .Styles ol Dougherty, V' A Harris, of W orth, 0 R Moore of Webster, R ii Powell, of Early, L M Griitin ol Decatur, and Jolm R Jones, of Terrell. G W Warwick, of Lee, moved that a Committee on Permanent organiza tion be appointed, to consist of seven members, lour from those present aud three from tuo&o to arrive. Motion carried, and present members chorea : G W Warwick, ol Lee, J A Davis, of Dougherty, B F Hudspeth, of Mitcu eli, and to R Davis, of Baker. On motion, a Committee of five on Credentials, was appointed, consisting ol i II Pickett, oi W ebster, C W Styles, of Dougherty, W A Harris, of \V orth, 15 15 Bower, of Decatur, and Samuel Williams, of Terrell. Col Styles, with Ins cliaractsristic cordiality, extended, in behalf ol the citizens of Albany, to all the delegates that hospitality lor which the city is always (distinguished. Through Col Styles, Major Cam field, Messrs ilottstadt, Weich, Eeh ardt, totrozer, Fay and Cook, citizens oi Albany, as a Committee extended to the Delegation an invitation to at tend a Social Hop, to be given at Welch’s Hall in the evening. The Convention, on motion, tender ed thunks for this demonstration of kindness. There being no further business be fore the Convention, on motion, tnu meetiug adjourned to o£ P M. W O FLEMING; Chairman. A 11. Ai.fiiik.nd, Secretary. hi O’Clock, r.xr. Tlie meeting was called to order by t h e temporary Chairman. Col. 0 T Goode uad toamuel Lum kin. Imm toumter, appeared and took their beats. On motion, Carey W Styles was au thorized to represent C»ay county as proxy. Tne Committee on Credentials re ported the lollowing, which was unan imously adopted : liesohed, That we find no sufficient differences existing between the gen tlemen contesting boats irom Mitcliel county to preclude tho Convention from admitting ail of them ; and ex onerating the contestants from any blame in the proceedings in the two nieitings, recommend tuat Messrs B 1' Hudspeth, W A Byrd ai.dJ W Twit ty be admitted to seats as delegates from said county. And the same Commiltoe reported the credentials of all the delegates, claiming seats in proper form, w licli report was adopted Messrs Goode, Boynton, Byrd, aud McKinney were added to the Commit tee on Business, and Messrs Lumkin, Twitty and totyles (col and) to the Com mittee on permanent oiganizaiion. G W Marwick, Chairman Comniit- tee on Permanent Organization, re ported the following: For President —Captain John A Davis, of Dougherty ; \ ice Pieoi tents —Col C T Gooae, oi Sumter, Col \V 0 Fleming, of Decatur. Secietaiies— A H AUriend, ol Lee, E S Carew, ol Baker. The President, on taking Iris seat, addressed the m< ting briellyand for cibly, alluding el quently to*the har mony and wisdom that characterized the proceedings of the State Demo cratic Convention, and commending the action of that body as a patriotic example for this * ouvention. Col Styles, Chairman of Committee on Business, reported tile following resolutions: Resolved, That wo endorse the prin ciples and policy set forth in the reso lutions adopted by the State Demo cratic Convention recently assembled at Atlanta. Resolved, That we approve the poli cy recommended by the Democratic members of Congress of nominating none but eligible candidates to office Rttokid, That recognizing the polit ical li.iue ot all citizens under the law, our tutu o interests and destiny being bound together in the interest dial destiny ol Georgia, we cordially invite all good citizens, without regard to color or previous condition, to unite with us to secure our common inter ests in an holiest and economical ad ministration ol tiie gov. ruiuent. lU.olcta, That tlm bill to change the. election laws of Georgia now boiuro the Legislature, known us tho A Iter man hill, is in violation of the Consti tution; is calculated and intended to and. lrand tne people <T the line choice of their oliicors and representatives, and to transter their power and rights which are guaranteed by tho Consti tution, to the custody and will of a corrupt aud despotic executive. lit«o iad, That we appeal to the hon est men of all parties in the Legisla ture to deieat this infamous attempt to subvert tiio liberties ot tho people, and we warn the political assassins who are uiging the passage of tiiis bill tbit their treason to tree govern ment will be rewarded 1 y the people. Jicnoued, That the P.eskb-nt of the Convention appoint a District Execu tive Committee, to consist of one troui | ouch ot tho twenty-two counties com posing the Congressional District, and tnat tills Convention appoint a Chair man ol said Committee, who will call said Committee together, organize and j adopt such arrangements as they may j deem best, to organize the district aud promote the success ol our cause. Jltsuti' and, That we recommend the people of each county and militia dis trict to organize such committees as may be necessary to insure the sue- i cess of our candidates. Resolved, That two-thirds of the ; votes ol this Convention shall bo nec- I essary to uoiui ate. Col W A Harris, of Worth, offered the following additional resolution, which, with tne luregoing, was unani mously adopted t Jiuoltod, That recognizing the im portance ol tho coming elections in creoigia, we, the Democracy ol the 2d Cong, essional District, hereby pledge oiirse.Ves to lay upou the altar ol pa triotism all personal leelings, prejudi ces and dilierencos, and address uur seive-s to elie task of our Con gressional and county nominees. Col totyles, alter brictiy ahuding to the prominent mention of Col C B Wooten in connection with the nouii tmiion lor tho 4Zd Congress, and an nouncing that that gemtemun did not desire las name used adversely to the settled policy of the party, oliered the iollowing resolution, wuich was adopt ed witu enthusiastic applause : Jtcso.ted, That this Convention ap preciates the motives that induced Col I (J B Wooten to decline tne use of his j name for nomination in antagonism j to the policy ol running none but eli gible candidates, aud that we oum n.end patriotism and devotion to cur cause, in his adherence to tho uni versally expressed and approved will i ol the parly in that regard. | Coi H A Harris, ol Worth, ad ! dressed the Convention, declaring that he was wedded to no man;that lie has personal preieiences, old triends in the district, lor whom, under other cir ! eumstances ho would lather vote than ( lor Col Tilt. But reviewing the un ! propitious circumstances under which ; Col Tilt had raised the Democratic flag in i >OB, and borne it triumphant ly through the canvass, and his earu ; est elfoito for the totate alter his elee | lion, entitled him to tho nomination of i this Convention. The remarks ol Coi ! Harris were eloquent and to tiio point. I G W Warwick, of Lee, sa.d that ! his delegation was instructed to vote for Coi d’ M West, for the unexpired term of the 41st Congress; hut tiiat gentleman being in f 11 harmony with tne Demociutie party, and desiring to throw no obstacle in the way, aud wishing to carry out the will of tUe party ti elect none but eligibles, witu | drew his name and proposed that of I Coi Nelson Tift lor the -11 st aud 42d Congress No other name being proposed, Colonel totyles moved tiiat Colonel Tilt be nominated by acclamation, which motion was cariied unanimous ly and with loud applause, and the chair announced Colonel Tilt tne nom inee. On motion, a committee ol live was appointed by the chair to wait on Colonel ■ iit and inionn him ol his nomination. Being conducted to the hall, Colonel Harris, of Worth, iutro duced him, aud taking the staul, ho addressed the Convention, accepting the nomination. | A synopsis of Colonel Tift’# speech will appear in our next issue J Coi. Harris, joiug called upon to address the meeting, remarked that ho had made his speech, and moved i to finish the business of the Conven i tion. On motion of Col. Harris, Col. Ca rey W. totyles was elected by acclama tion, Chairman of the District Com mittee. In pursuance of the resolution on organization the chair appointed the following Executive Committee: Baker, S P Davis. Calhoun, J J Beck. Chattahoochee, Theo Sapp, j Cloy, Richard Kennon. Decatur, L M Grirtiu Dooly, S R Goode. Dougherty, L P D Warren. Early, names Buchauuau. Lee, G W Warwick. Macon, Ph I Cook. .' arion, Col Butt. Miller I V Hoard. Mitchell, W W Twitty. Pulaski, C C Kibbee. Quitman, T L Guerry. Randolph, Eugeni us Douglass. Sumpter, T M Furlow. Steward, J K Baruurn. Ten-ell, C B Wooten. 4 'Wilcox, Geo W Ried. Webster, S Bell. Worth. W A Harris. On motion of G W Warwick, of Leo, the tiiauss of the Convention were tendered to the otiicers for their faithful periormance of duty, and to the citizens of Albany, for their hos pitality. | On motion of Mr. Moore, the Alba ny Nows was requested to publish, and the papers ol tUo District, and tho Macon Telegraph nml Messenger, to copy these proceedings. iMi motion of r Picket, the Con veutiou adjourned nine and e, Joux A. Davis, President. zV. 11. Alfkiexd, } c . E. to. Caki.w, ) *" 1 c8 ’ * The following counties worn not.: represented: Chattahoochee, Dooly, Macon, Marion, Pulaski, Quitman, Randolph, totewart, and Wilcox. The Whanylnodler is the name of a new Kndical paper which roareth in Montgomery, Ala. TmnTEF.x cotton factories in Connecti cut, employing lOU men each, are “shut down,, on account of the drought. Able Johnson, a negro policeman, is talked of as thelt dealcandidate f< r I.ieutenuant-Governorof Alabama, vice Aplegate, deceased. v l#. bit Ait* fc.K'l »'•*- It ltd. An* w B»ck ot 128 P‘ z- . j Fret-B.'ois. hv n.ail. .IN NK.VB GO., N w V irk. ENBUSS PUUbHMFWf ! A « k i.l.'i *4 I,i Viirv: M. Gon'lrVrii, ; i11,./ s I.imnr. : ■.t S/VXi.HALIST, r. . H'llttiSTlAS,) I ; Oi’ t- immlc Inland, G«-*or#i; ! t’ubi.shcd in tl.e •‘-lac of ISjo (lliin cr- li al ,) Hud •‘CI». elun tliui' . anl,” iin, jonuiy, " -*' •> ■ *.r Oot Ist, Ist I, . o 'inning ii M.. 1 “IX n sTiis, and ' rtj.p ar g cuMPlktk in both p.p I(S P hr i paper w .1 It- S'lppu. and nning this most able and imp., a.iiig iln-cu-Mi n (»ix otillis) for Owe Itollar. ‘"inar” »ddi«sa Williams » A CINTHhU, f,’n rllinali, O. £:jgr Fo ••Slail(lur<l” address K. VY. tAHH 1.1. ti <)■ 1 1 Imii, O Hedmttul ! ’ll'tie Best iat Ilie 4 omit }. U. YQiiK O*BScKV£R t*KR \NNIT M CNE M NTH F.IEE OH TSI\L. A. vio.i. flA’, JK, at GO., xx Pahk R w, Nkw Y hk SI 00.000 Miid r i le in i. M a sure, sale business. An investt ol .sii. will return a clear prtitlr.: ot fl7o Fn pi rii. u'nrs cull on m nrldregsi die N KTII A iiEHIi'AN PI''7TRK GO., No. N5 Nass'ui 8 reel, F w Y rk. WO. 23. NOVCUI litBIUTY. TIB lb tNlfa a llfia-a (limit.— t weak, ■lervoii., iv -aiHed leelinj,’. ,io eiie.jjy, ;i - ii'ialiiiu sal' Vigaal, low “jiiiil-. weak iiieiiiin imulnii ! si»\ M-n.imi I i ill isdoie, Willi toss cat putrcr ami Hire sUctit and iiiii»olttti« «‘. > e • .ii-< q le ice o' exe this is \ fcTtit V- I>4 It! I>IT V , Hid 't ti a -ov-. r*ui* 111 111 -IIUI V’** ii on ;<•*;!• ic an l i a\ rnoii^nnH live t>ecii cure ! < »y ttieso pkl . Tticy •ip the Hvr.oiii, the disch.irgen, dia,»el U** gl >o'n tud me ir tl depr and re jiiv, ria'« die .-yste<i>. Pi let* *5 tv>r a pacKage Ot fixe box sand a dvi.l ot powder, which s »•» |ot t «111 in ail old di« g ca«* F, *» D«*r HUgle box. Sold hv ail ti S'-clasm t' in,g -’f, a’d SF-nt to any add-« s* on the *• - (•in' id (He ppee. Add'evs HUVI PH A’h Y’S SPRPI Wi I’HIU AiKDICLVK 0., 50*2 BiOHdv\,i> A r **w Ct»OKA D\\ J— 40 new article* C.p) tilO In' zQems Sample free U. U .MI..C, A.I eJ, M . t VOID ACUs ! -a vi."mi ol 1 V e»rl* inue-i iib'ioii ciusi g n* rvous de i i' v, pri-ma'ine decMV, Ac. h'lVira iried in vain ever; adv-rtjsed reinedy. tins iiiscov.-r --ii a pimple mo ms of self- -me, «h'eh he will •ndf ee i Ida li'l'ow suit rerg. Addi>S“ J' 11. I U rn.E 7S N i““an, s r et, N-w Y * U. (rn atDistj button tty Ilie iTlviro|ioiiliißill « o. Cash Gifts to the Amount of 509,000 llvory I Prize, 5 cash girtKjCßuh S2H,O 0 | 5 cash gifts each H4,‘*ol 10 “ ,0 (t I:t «n “ “ S»K) 0 “ “ 5, (H 15G* “ “ 10 > 50 b levant Rosewood l i.aios - each s•} K» to $r.M 75 “ “ J/elodeons *• 75 to f 0 •5 » Sewing Machine - - “ «»toT7S 50-» Gold VVutcheti - > 44 75 to 5-0 C<T«h Prizen, AS’ilver Rare, valued $ ,0 «o,* 00 A cijiti • e 'U(li "W any t>( ..lit. ..bov»- P z * O' 25c. tibii g Priz. a a e sealed, i■' Ruv lofti *a >d wr*l! mixed. On receipt ot 25a . a Sealtd Ticket i- dtawn without choice .ii i B**u• by M.ali u» at;v addtes- 1 * The pi iz»* il»on (i upon i' w ill be tleiiret ed r-i t ie 1 i ke * iroldei on pitmeni ol One Dollar. P iz»*s ti*’ iiDHtediately to any a«iaie'>to by ex it es-i (*r teiutn mad. Y'tu wid know what vour pr : z/» is before yoo pH v tor it. Any prize exdtaoged for arc other of same valae . N*» I> a"K«. pat io 8 c it* op| end on fair dealing. References :—We seh ct itie following from n anv who h ive latelv Vihi ible P 7. s »«i-d kin '!» peruntred u* to put) i*f) hem : Andrt w J. Bu- iih, Chic-*go t $15,000 ; Mim Clara *> Walkei, Bildiuore, / J imo, m> I J lines M d/.ui.ews, i>ctn*ii. ; Jot in r A <tr» V*-, SiVannah, *5,0 *i ; J/ih* Sunmouti, Coailcto*ou, P, SOO'J. We pwbhfiO without peimieeo-. Opinions of the Press:—* 4 he firm i* a v *le, a..d ee Vv to tr eucceps.”— Weekly Tribune May 8. “We know »• hii to t*»* a • >. ut a.i *4 t.r A\ Y Herald May 28. “A !• iend ol ers <ut w a min pr i,-- \t, w is promptly ieceived. ’ —Daily News June X. Lend 'or tircu ar. Liberal i fl cem *nts so iaii ici iuii it an te i*d. E■ rv p«ck* fte <1 mmlp(a Envtloi e 8 coiHMins one cash GIFT. Six rieketrt tor $1; 18 tot $2; 85; lor $5; 1 lu tor 15. Ah le lei * mufl' be add fß.»*d 1. I>. ■ 4-1.1 %na A * 0., 50. Oroiid I reel, v. V. M 4 It BSS* D I*. OI»l Send by m’l D-\ L- lo’s Ag- ucv, 599, JBroad- New Y .k, lot detcrip ion <>l tus Med<- cxl* and L z 1 gets. Daiigirous loi single per- d no. •mmaAJ atm nmani Jot TO THE WORLD I AN ANTIDOTE CISC ,VEKKD AT LAST Fott CHILLS km FLYER. r I ''H E c* debraled Holton Pill, manofictured X Itv Or . tl. C. Bailey, at zfmerieos, Geor gia, is undoubtedly tbe be-t medicine yet di-oovered f.r the cure "f the di(T ret t forms ol maliriou-< fevem, such as chi<l and fever lev r and agile, intermittent or hihious re mitrent f v r«, and all tonus ol disease bav •ng a malarious nriuin Sold hg Dr. J. R. Janes Damson, Ga., and Dealers Generally. Trice Onr Btotfar. JArebSl,-ly. IT i» tvtdl known to f)op».-vr* and in Lttrifoft, that wotiien nro EUlrject to liunierouN dia ciim h peculi r to tin if ecx mu!i ns suppreN t»i«»n of th «> Mi tini n, \\ liitf’V Painful uiouth> ly Uin unu ti'm Os the Back and If nub, Irregular Men eii n ttion, llnnorriLd'" t xt-e**Hive •Ktowe,‘ m and I'rol.TpNcs l teri, or Fall inu ol the ITomb. 1 hese (Ih-ciH s have noMotn been treated auc i’et«fully. The proles- I .o ifi s -■<>• ght oi _. nfTy ( or •orro retrWy j hit would cnjh'e them to - j A !i» , ‘hut r ir.edr born discovered hv O'* of tl.e roo t -killtd phff*GeiHns iu Sta'e of (teorcia. That remedr ia BRADFIELD'S FEMALIJ KEGULATOU. I- i? pun 1 v vrgetablp. and is pu s up in Allan a, Ueo»«H, kv vt f'O. It will ptni'y t*'e hood and strengthen thft 1 flVßtem, relieve iprirj|tion of the kidneys, and l in ii perfect, specifi • ter nil the above diseases, ; a cure Quinine in L’hiHs and fever. For a history of disrH 'e-*, and ccrtificafes j ot i*s wond riul tip* reader is ret* rr ti 1 »n the wrapper nrotiTid ihe bottle. E\r ry | hot tie i« warr anted so giv« satisfaction or ’tioney refunded. T na., M.itli npAnrrrrp A' (?■■. A Gco-g 5 : L'KAU Sirs: I t ke ple»Biire in statin": tbut I fare used tor the last twenty years 'he medicine are noting up, known as PR BR A DiTFLIPS FE* \LK RRGUI, \TOK, and consider it the h**«r c nribin .t on ever gotten together sos the diseasj'B tor which 5 t i* recommended. I have been tamiliir wi h fi e pr<*pcription, b *»h ns pncli ioner of mt*<l i« i e at;tl in domestic practice, and cun t on e-'lv piv that I eons der it a bo n to roiff *r ipg fr imt’o 3 , and can but hop** t*»ft r every la i dv in our'land, wfto niiv be miff r : nj in anv way pequliar t(» their pex, mav b“ af'le to procure a bottle, t'*at flmir Bt.ff rinsr fl mav not onlv be relieved, but, th/t they may be restored to hexMi nod sire' e'h. With HiV kinde-t repaids. I *m t re«ree;— fully, ‘ W* B FLRRELL, M I). We, the tintlprpigm <j [)■ ii£»cri'3tq, tnk 0 rdeip ure in eoMUimn* i• •£f to »he ’mde. PR. J. BR \ PFIEL/>’S FEMALE REGULAIOB— to li vinir i to ne n good and rehabl** refuedy f>r the diseases f**r which h** recommends it. W. A. Lan-dell, A»lrtnta | Ga Pemberton, Willson, Taylor & Cos., Atlanta, G«. Red wine & Fox, Adinta, Ga. W. < * f- w*a»u*, A'lanta. Gt, W. R »o k, Son, Marietta, Ga. j ma)s-ly. DR. PIf«PII ITT • 8 Celebrated SAver AJedleine T is pur*dv and will act upon the Ti ver and K'dneys as promptly as Calomel and Buchu. wirhottf, anv dinger ct salivation or de'-irucfion of the bones. l*a»tiep tikintr this m d : cine need not f >ar gctflng wer, or any oilier reasonable expo eu»e. ‘vmj.toins of Liver Biseasp. ll- id c ] e, P ill F -eh’io* or the Blues, Sour S omach, Si«-k or nervous Fle.«dßC ! *e, Heart burn, Indii/estmn o»’ /)‘-pep«ia, f»*d or Bit ter ra-te i’ ?h * m-mth ; the skin bus » tfiick rough feelin?. «t,d is d.trker than usual, Cos tiv*t'esa, M lanehetlv Cramps, Cold F *et, C’ pic, 1) «enferv, or Diarreah, (h ids md Fever Hid Piles. n fact, wh*»re the liver Jk oti r of otd**r, vou jr** Table lo ever' disuse that is nor, contagious. Prnphirhs Liv.-r M dicine. If taken proo rrly, if, will prevent and cir** any dieease re suiting f om a deranged L : v<?r. It vi 1 regul i e i ! s functions an 1 thus cure all di-ci ses e~*u@t dby the failure ot its healthy ac'i'tn Ir has be**n good for a g’-eat, number of ye*rs, and has given universal sa'i-t ic'ion. There is no brother or sou edaimingto tiave the original receipt. It is put up 11 both l*u*dtr and F uid form. FATRnrwN Ga, S pternber 4, ISOB. Dr. O S Projjhit: Mu. Vlv wte has been an invalid for fif fc* * n vea-s. Doctcaall agreed she h<id tdv* r Disease, In connection wi'h their practice tohe used various noted medicines, none of which seemed to do anv good. 6’otne ime ago I procured a b t le of voir “L ver M d icine, 1 * of vonr agent. C. A. !I«rvv, which o‘*»ng wiven according to directions, have* fleeted a comple'e ciue. R.topectfully, etc, Gs-0. L TUOMF^’ON. ts. Is one of the most valu«b!e compounds now put up sot Pin rhea, Dysentery, L’nolera, Lif in uin, nr Cholera Viorbus. This medicine his b*‘en in use for years, auti gives universal satisfaction. The most delicate child may use it with im punity. PROPHITT’B IMI \ lUI L ST. This G* the c*‘l**he r’ed cine that, ran Pei l rv D>v s’ Pain Killer out of the market., wherever it, was -old; Pivjs mtde Pioohirt change 'he name from Pain K Her to P.\IX KILL FT. For Nheumatisin, Cuts, B uises, Burns, Old S*>reo, Sink** Iti'es, or s«ings of Poisonous Insects, for (’olds, Cong s, or B<*wel it has no eq»nl as a u**ss_* i* g, he>der or antidote for p*«'» of *nv kid. \1 uint :cured and sold hv LP <te FO., Adauta, Ga., and tor sale by all Lhuor iLs. DK. FHOPHITTS Fever and Ague Pi-Is, The be*t for Chill* and F*ver known. Cu'e*.** w »rrtn'pd always or niOiiey retun-li d* Pnrelv ible. DR. PK rPTITTT’S • Jet Tl It SL LMO VS /'//.I S. Will tele ve H udache, Nervousness, Join dice, and all other and -raugeuienia of the Liv er. Fuiei? vegetable. Ce rill icaf c*. The following are a few anting the hun dreds of those who hive used the shove nam.-d niedieiuee, and who readily testily to their v tine ; Col R J Henderson, Covington, Ga ; Prof J L Jones, Covingt- n, Ga ; M W Arnold, G orgia Conferen e ; R 'V IV W Oa'in, ff.or. gia C inlerenc-; V If R tb'naon, Monti •> lln <»■ ; Judge J J Floyd, Covington. Ga ; flick rocket, Divis eotin v, Texas, W Ilawk Whatley, Cuss, ta, Texas. STATE OF GEORGIA, 1 Know ,1] Filton Ci cnty. ) men bythese presents, that 1 Have ihia dav, value re ceived, sold and tr male red to BRADFI£'L.A & Cos, the sole tight to nianntae'ure and Sell my family Medicines, and have furnsh.d them wnh the lull recipes, and have au'lior iz and the said BR\AFIK..IJ & CO, to print, or have priii ed, any thing they ntav see propel concerning unv and all the nbi ve named JT-dicines. This !slh dtv ol June I*7o. istgued] o.s. PRopimr 111 pie settee in Thomas F. Jones end Hi b ert Cra-vlord, Notary Public. [Lb] M a ufacturrd and lor sale hy BRaI f IELD &CO Bioml 8 itel, Atlanta, Ga., and lor sale t»y all .Aruggis's. For sale by Or. J. It Janes, flawson. Ga. toll!) S|(iit>liHi|ili twbT?. I’aJi'Dt Ri'Vi*r‘i'il Woor’di 4snote Btldtf * •brongbout, hhtains *he sweetness nf the old 1 trrv p R r i<fr \ aitd obtains 'he soMdirv of t‘-e | 1M ft af. fi’e, without its objfctt ns Fafi'iM rcinpomid M Vi fwhich holds the Tuning Pins, \n r*x 1 ivers of Maide, grain running differently,— tui rLA Ml NEVER sn T TP. Fsttiet! Full Iron Fr:*iaio cone n rates in front ot the Totting tiiat heretofore damaging Iron ( Miieh in -’ther Pianos I»ortfullv st*Rßt*t T Nds the 7’unjng T’in-,) Btid “butts*’ into the f * or. t edge of «h»* Plank ni and effectually resists the twenty tons ptram. JDiaponal £ct*taisiing Ha i* par s os the I rn Frame, next rnand p-»r«lle tho c*e»*l s'tinga UNDER TUE OVER- M'RUNG bass. AFFIDWIT OF SFPKriOR ITY OVER ALL. The First Strictly Impartial Trial ever hart. B!|\P FOM* Tit AIS AG AIN T j Stoimvny’s, Chickoring’s, and other Pianos. Wf, the tinderfigned rnnke Onfl ‘Lnr Rt fVp time of the Inst Fir of the American In* stitvte held in X**w Y »'k. immediHt. lv tol lo*\ i?»g the French Exposition i»» p.ris. two J’ianos. ms He bv Stein way k Sons, one Pi ano nv Chicicering <£• Sons one Patent Avion Piano , mud.* b\ G. C Manner, end Severn! other mnker’s ins’rmnents were tried ngainst. each other, by ord. r «nd untlrr rontiolof th*» Oflßcpts ot tiie Inß i»u»e, to decide which Pl *n > on exhibition in competition r* e* ire the F : r«t Premium 4 ‘os the best Sqnarc Piano known." To obtain mu imnsr tih 1 t»• i* 1, tw : ce all •»f said Piannp were cover* ed vofh papers, «n tha* on** P’uno could not be dt*ting/i*hed from another, (during the absence ot tot- .lu fg «,) and twice did thpv se ! 1 cf one of Slid P n o as the best , which, upon noc'*Vsrmg. both times , prov and to be f.h« Patent Af ION Piano awarding it 14 The hirst Prerni m" 4, o?'er all others for beinrj the best Square Piano known to them ” This trial was offer ('bickering ci’ Sons' Pi «tio Rad toe**iv and the Legion of Honor and ; Medal , hnd Steinway ci Sans, the Medal from ; Xpoleon s and tb** j*i trr v> of- trial were i EOW util VOM.KNH AtIKR. V hk'c, , Musiesl Director »nd Originator of the j New Ynrk and Brooklyn Consei vatories of Mns’e, dl A nTil'iS FRA DEL, the eminent and favor ite Cou p* -er, hthl Pnnisf to hi- R<mrl Migh re p the Due Gustave ofSnx Weimar, Ei en nefi. FREPERB’K R BRANPIES, Profe«eor of Mup’c ; Teacher, of the higher school of Mu— ! sic, &c., k \ | A. P. BE < E'fANN, Organist at Ca hedr-!, | Je'sey Ci y ; Pianist &■;. Julies :OrrTAnr>T, R- rert Rifgfr. Henry Vilif.r, Charles Boipweitfl, Aro st Ghpfnkrerg R bkrt Moffvkg G. Manner. {lnventor and Patentee the Anon I'iaUo forte. ) Sworn before me 1/ i“ 22! cßv <“f Jnlr. ISCS G O. Tayi.or. Commixainner of Deed’. The Arion rinro f“ the rfIKAPKSr y si CCRablk. least complicatko. r. quires lees TUN INO “ti‘s n ES NUT eel oil' rtf n i|pr, |i is run BT.sjcn.-tnu Write for Hlfi liviis, Pnnipbl«i “inf Oi,en hr, and state in what Paper you saw this ad vertisement. VW AGENTS WANTED in eve, v f?itv and Town where we have not already appointed them. The .irirtn S*imza Fnrte C<r. IVs.r. roouiN an«( Offire, iHo. 554 ISi-mid ti ll j-, i»l:iinslss« |..ry. 117 & ISO Bow ery lew York. BiliiTOM 4. STGCKTCN, UNITED states hotel, LOUISVILLE, KY., HAS JUST BEEN HI. FITTED. Centrally located . LAVVTOfX & L&WTCN FOURTH STREgT, JTI.JCO.r, GEORGIA, WAREHOUSE. < «*n«n null ( oniiaibsioii MERC HAN TB. 0 » •Advances made 9i 5 " 5 «.r COTTO.Y V « £ IN STORE WHEN DESIRED, ang. 2fi-3m. A PKOiLV>MTIO.\, GEORGIA: By R UFUS B. R ULL 0 CE, Governor of said State. Whereas, It has been reported to this fle pHHtuent by responsible parties, that a mttr di r wis cos mined in the cotimv ol Pulaski timing t lie J/tnth of Mav, 18U8, ou the per son of Jo-eih Jennings, colored; and Whereas, No arrest l as yet. been made of tny prison or persons charged with the said murder : Now, there ore, I have thought proper to issue tins, mv proclamation, hereby (IT ring a reward of On Tnuusand Dollars lor the apprehension and delivery ol the said par ties unknown, wph evidence sufficient to convict, to the iSueiid ol said county and State, And I do moreover charge and rt q i re nil officers in this S die, civil and Jiilitarv, to be vigilant in e> deavoring to apprehend the said parties unknown, in order that they may be brought to trial lor the otfeiice with which they stand cnatged. Given under my hard and the Great Sea! nl the Slate, St the Capitol in .rl Inna, th fifteenth day ot Stp'emb. r in he teat o out Lord, Eigbietu Hundred and Seventy and ol the Imh pendrtice of the United States ol America Ninety til h. i.UFUS B. BULLOCK. By the Guverip >r : , I'Uvjd G. CoTTibo, Secretary of State. I tefft 55* 4xf, HARDEMAN & SPARKS. \\7E deem it whollv unnecessary to inform \\ ,tte PLANTA'RS of Middle and Sou'll western Georgia, that we are -till et'(f 'Ke<s 1,1 onr Old Stand I" the W A A’A'HtiUS/? ANT) ( OMMtSSION where tor bo ma ny veals we hsve served you H“ F.ioU'Tb and Commlssi'tn J/erohmi's. We Imve left tin S'*'ti p untmred toilid you in catiying on your lirmintr interest, and in turn wei.ow bespeak a contiruanre of the very liberal p.itronage ! • Xtended u- iu the pis*. Y'nUt cot’on eh-ll be weighed on the LKTKL, sold and accomited lor on the sqtURK. I Bv eh aelv guarding vonr every interest, | we intend to merit your patronage. I To onr old friends of many vears s*and injr we return our pratelul aeki owledge in, tite ; lo new ones who may try us, we promise onr best . If,iris—backed hv the ex perience ot many years to serve them faitb -lIIIIv and W ell Orders for supplies will meet »i h prompt attention. 0 (7 St’AßKii nutiß-?.m. T. IMRDEJ/ N, Jr. DS. 8H ALLEN BERGER'® Fever and Ague .A.INJ-TIDOTE Always Stops Ihc Chills. This Medicine has been before the Pub- ( He fifteen years, and is htill ahead of all i other known remedies. It does not purge, ! does not sicken the stomach, is perfectly safe in any dose end under all circum stances, fin 1 is the onlv Medicine that will cur: immediately and permanontiy every form of Fever , and Agrto, because it is a perfect Anti* dote to Tlalaiia. gold by all Druggists. Sale and Feed Stable. W* i xpf’Ct to kef’p on hand, all the season first cl»ißs Horses and Vules for Bhlp. In our purchases wp look to what is needed »n 'hi*? pecinn, and frusf to merit u lib* r a! pafronsge from those who may need totock. 6’ill on us before pun ha-iug. oc2l f FARKUM k SFIARPE. T. W- LOYLESB, JOHN L. GRIJFIN, T. M JONES. A-XI3 U -A_ "W S O IST, G" E O E, Q I A, VB fEREBY nn* ounce to their friends, ani *ho public gc-r-ilv, that th y b ivb bought tim Wa*-« ioiis-j formerly oceufiied by 4 ia yleas &, Or ffin, m ire recently hv N \l Peeples, 'vn -ti they will open Septe irmr Ist, HID, when they will !>w pr pared to on a g n-rai W i.retmuso & Cornini h iui Bus news. All the Firm have been engaged in the bus uess tierelolore, and hope, by strict a d con-taut attention to the interest of p autois, in the dtoruge un i Sale of Cos tin, lu receive a liberal shale of their patronage, Connected wuh the V\ m ehouso is a GOOD HOUSE IST D WiVG YAXID, ofetpuuikUY log tb»j of liur p itron*. u» lo at *1 oitn v l .uioa. [Aug«t 11 S ro MAMFACURERS OF RAILROAD CARS Agricultural Sinplciucnts, Sugar TEel!*, S»srar Kettles, C*in Gearing, Thomas Water Wheels, Shaftiii" and E*nlleys, Ei*ou and ESrass Castings, Mill Work of livery E)cspripli<n*f Dressed Lumber, etc., etc. 1 lil Cast Iron, Brass and Cnppor purchased at the highest market price- A il orders promptly attended to. 3. 0. NELSON, Pres’t, - - H. ATKINSON, Suo'l- Dawson, Ga., September D,tf /OMATBAN COLLINS. • . w . - w - 4. COLU» JONATHAN COLLINS & SON. cotton factors & Cinninin MERCHANT-. VV E rPn,,W "’ f "‘ n(i '“ r nf ° , > l - «"*rvics, to 71 our many pl„min K fnenria » r d C nu„. rte.lers, onerina them unmrpa-*. <i , H ■ for the prompt and f.lthlnl ixecuhon 0 f .n honine-s emrured to our proniptneva in all trunsaeuons. W. J, l* I tie sale ol C'.t'on a Pp.-oialty Oir (rIV" having euj ly.d 'his privilege f nr OV(tr f r years, and trust, by nuict iniegriiy . ban merired the confi ence of onr A,, rn „. " We are fully prepared to m, k e , h . n l| I advances on co ton in store, and f-hn | ileavor to watch th. market and eel] 1 active demand. We have nnu.aally ejor ed onraoive, t 0 render eucn aecommoda'lona to our [lUntinw friends ns to enable them to hmves, t hr,r crop and Oust they wi l l.epmmpt m lor ; warding co'ton to rie o t demand-, and if un " | on mvuri-y of pnpers die market should low ant depressed, will endeavor to the lime of papers and await s Uv or »bl. market uooh eonon in stnr#». JONATHIX OBLLLVP k ?0V ““S 25 8 »‘- Oottoo Factor. •mc-t -id*, 3HOIS MIVOHV9 S NOSMVQ fen*oin| »q ||i* (uo ssaimhoX j», a3t pus amno >|io t »-}| jo apis s.qi u slll( ,, joqio iuv un 41 jd»o| u-iu oi spuami .4 4^“ ‘SOOOO lUJUIIIB] otnr ‘Spool) Hq pile liiitj JO J|r>ojs p-nnajaa ||.a» p D , R i)si« ‘joqoi.) ( j jo ivy ib g agi moq. jouo iiudo [|iu J 4 .(aiqw ‘uigur) y .Bopoq aq poid -11..011 spaiujwi ojoib eiii paiu.i .4 nq, ■.i|[4nd etp piiß npu.ujj nil) tnaoju; o)v.4vjy) "BO ‘lJ£K}tHtio ‘iicmi * v imrsin ?TH«TV3IIO