Newspaper Page Text
{ljiusoii o(it cr I\ ln. <^ottuul f
rDDLI8II(» kvkrv TrttrnsDAT.
Ts n .ns-Sl rittly In .tdeance.
Three months
Si 1 months 4 00
u** »<-<r.... ••• ,'Y •.:>•." f y -
The Comptroller at Washington lias
decided that the heirs of a dead bo»-
Jier cannot legally draw his cork log.
An attendant at a circus in Tonnes
a. head that 110 saw protruding
5 .L .«dthu» deprived
the leading church of tlie services of
[„ pastor the following bunday.
i\f v dear sir said a candidate, ac
resting a sturdy wag on the day of
liS, ‘ I am very glad to see you’
You needn’t be, replied the wag,
‘I hare voted.’
There are 650,000 German troops
on French territory, consisting of
one army corps. Very few
la J/ehr are of the number. Three
fros h armr corps aro under arms, but
have not yet left Germany.
Considerable distress is reported to
prevail in South Carolina One-tenth
of the whole area of land in i airfield
county, and one-sixth of all m Wil
liamsburg county, u advertised to bo
sold for taxes, State and county. .
Jerrold said one day lie would make
ft pun upon anything bis friends
would nut to him. A Iriend asked
him whether he could p n up m the
arms of the zodiac; to wnieh he
promptly replied; ‘By Gemini, 1
bachelors have anew dignity in
Croorgia The Supreme Court ot that
State has decided that a bachelor is a
‘■isuiilv,’ and being so, he is of course
the “head of the family,” and as such
entitled to the privileges of the lluuio
etoad Act,
A Vermont jury, trying an action
Where the plaintiff claimed damages
against a neighbor for a bite by the
litter’* dog, brought in the following
“twenty-five dollars to the plaintiff
if nothing happens to him, and live
hundred dollars if bo has the hydro
phobia.” _
‘Have you ground all the tools right
n* I told you this mornig when I went
awav‘f’said a carpenter to a rather
green lad whom be had taken as an
apprentice. ‘All but the hand-saw,
sir, replied the la-1, promptly ;‘I
conldii t got qui'e all the gaps out of
Fjwioratio-k to Liberia. —'The nog
roes appear to he leaving North Caro
lr ain largo numbers. The W ilson
Fluindcaler eavs some eight hundred
Colored people from that State have
applied for passage to Liberia, in an
♦tpedition to he sent out by the Amer
ican Colonization Society ou the Ist
November next.
Hoy J. W. Marshall, First Assist
ant Postmastfir-Gi noi al, in response to
the application of one of our large
publishing home's, lias decided that
publishers can send out copies of
their paper or publications, with pos
ter*, all in the same package, at the
regular rates of postage for miscella
neous printed matter —two cents for
each four ounces or fraction thereof
(’ fepaiod). I*, will be remembered that
hitherto the department has held
differently, and such decision was the
occasion of a good deal of newspaper
and other comment last winter. Ecclesiastical Huler
Dethroned. —llrighain Young, like
Pope Pius, has been compelled to
surrender his temporal sovereignty
A late order of the United States
Pommander in Utah forbids the drill
ing of Mormon militia and demands
the surrender of all arms and muni
tions, whother the proporty of the Ter
ritory or of the U uited States. The
buited States District Judge lifts also
declared all courts of the Territory
bnited States Courts, and the United
States Marshal to be the ministerial
officer of the same. These measures
hiring all of Brigham’s powers, other
than spiritual, to a speedy cud, provi
d’d he should not make war upon
them and succeed in the struggle,
winch is not likely Upon the whole,
tits ‘ormons may make up their
nnnds never to havo peace until t.iey
thin* aud pray as the Puritans do.
TnE Armageddon and its Fulfill- ,
MtXTs.—Many years ago a certain Dr. !
ball 1 win wrote, what was called the
Annageddon; it being a prophecy
based upon certain passages in the
Revelations of John. In that ho
prophesied that in the year 1870 a
war would commence in tho west of
Europe, and spreading eastward, in
volve the whole civilized world. That
the final battle woul l be fought upon
™ e ea st bank of tho i' ississippi
that blood vrtmld flow to the bits of
the horses’ bridles, and the carnage
would bo stupendous, lie further
predicted that the lendenly and result
°t the war would be to overthrow
(oonarchism and establish republicna
ls,n* He was laughed at whon lie
wrote the book; but now, in 1870, wo
w . e ® bloody war opened in Europe,
wuh a lair prospect of its spreading
rapidiy to the eastward, and the result
b the war is, tho overthrow of mon-
W'hy, and the establishment of a ro
*”Vj - I® the prophecy of the Arma
■ don appvogehiug its fulfillment?
hiucii Written in mi liourof
*■'•1111. peace within my bosom dwell,
•4ml like a river flow ;
The peace uo tongue ou earth can toil——
Sure ho. ace here below.
71iis peace a calm contentment field*,
Mid griefs «u<i cares, and Woos :
Though barren all our earthly fields,
O'er each Ills love lie thro a s.
The darkeftft, like the brightest honr,
Ia mercy from above;
1 trust His grace, adore llis power,
Ah tokens of His love.
Hid then, my Father and my God,
Hark unbelief depart;
-did me to kiss the ciiasi’ning rod,
dad sanctify my heart.
So shall ray day in peace be spent,
T tough sorrow o’er me roll )
Iccmentb'ring all ih sent
To cure my sin-sick soul.
Sow I Lay mo uowii tn> Sleep.
Wo fake tue following exquisitely btaunlul
lima from .Par nam’d Mv/. tguies
Golden head so lowly lending;
Little feet so white and ba~e,
Dewy eyes half shut, half opened,
Lisping out her evening prayer.
* Well she knows when she is saying,
‘‘Now / 1 iy me down to sleep,”
’Tis to God th .t she is praying
Praying //an her soul to keep,
Half asleep, and murmuri g fuiatly,
l siioaid die before 1 wake”—•
Tiny lingers clasped so saintly—
-1 pray the Lord my soul to take.”
Oh, the rapture, sweet, unkroken,
Os the soul who wrote that praycrl
Children's myriad o -os flouting
Up to heaven, record it there.
If, of all that has been, written,
1 could choose what might be mine,
It should oc .hut chibl’s petition
liisiug to the throne devine.
While tlie muffled bells were ringing,
“fcartli to earth, and dust to dust.”
if/ free soul, ou faith depending—
Faith, and love, and perfect trust- •
Would approach //iro, humbly praying
(All the little ones aroundy
‘.Jesus,Saviour, take thy servant,
Give to her thy children's crown.”
Extraordinary Account of a Subma
rine Boat.
lii 1804, tho fleet of Admiral Far
ragut was blocadiug Mobile, while a
heavy land and Naval attack was di
rected against Charleston.
Daring our long defensive war a
great deal of ingenuity bad been ex
pended by the Confederates upon Tor
pedoes and Torpedo Boats.
The most remarkable of tbo boots
was constructed in Mobile, by Messrs
Hundley ,V MeCiinloek, and launched
in lb 04; and nothing which has gone
down in the sea was m ire wonderlully
and more fearfully contrived to wreak
destruction and vengeance upon friend
and foe.
She was built of boiler iron, and
impervious to water or air. Hir ex leugtli was about thirty feet,
with live or six feet beam, and about
six feet deptli of hold. Iu general
contour she resembled a cigar, sharp
at both ends. She was propelled by a
screw, the shaft of which ran horizon
tally along her hold, aim st from stem
to stern, and was turned by the manu
al force of eight men, seated along it
on either side.
Tho only hatchway was circular,
about two feet in diameter, w h a low
coin lung around it, which was placed
well l’omard, and when desired could
be closed by an iron cap working ou
hinges and made airtight.
In the forward part of this cap was
inserted a clear glass bull s eye,
through which the pilot could see
She was provided with water-tight
compartments by filling or omptyiug,
which she would sink or rise, and to
enable her to rise instautly, her bal
lasting of railroad bars, was placed on
her bottom, outside of her hull and by
means of keyes, accessible to lier crew
could be detached iu a moment, so that
she would rise quickly to the surlaco.
Besides her rudder which was ol
the usual form, this vessel was equip
ped with side paddles- or tins, served
to guide it up or down wit h reference
to the surface of the water.
To prepare lor action, a floating tor
pedo was secured to her stern by a
line more than one hundred leet long
and her crew having embarked, the
j water tanks were filled until the boat
'was in eqitllibrion, and alino t sob
i merged. The hatchway was closed,
the men revolved the shaft, the oap
i tain, or pilot standing under the hatch
steered the boat, regulating at the
same time, by the action of her lateral
fins, the depth at which she would
move. , -
Her greatest speed did not exceed
four knots. She could remain sub
merged for half an hour, or an hour,
without any great inconvenience to
her crew —aud on one occasion has
been known to remain under water
two hours, without actual inj r to
them ; although no means were pro
vided for procuring fresh air, aud
from the moment the hatch was
closed tho men thus fastened in their
living tomb, inhaled aud exhaled con
tinuously the atmosphere which was
inclosed with them.
The plan of attack proposed by the
inventors, was to dive beneath* the
keel of an enemy's ship, hauling the
torpedo after her ; its triggers or sen
sitive primer would thus press ag unst
the ship’s bottom, explode the torpedo
and inevitably sink the ship.
I Not»ar.ticipating an early opportu
nity of using this dangerous vesse
against the fleet of Farragut, Genera
Maur-v sent her by rail to Beauregard
at Charleston. Believing the water,
of that harbor better suited to her pe
cui’ftr construction, vvhfle m the Iron
sides, or some other gigantic war ship
t'leu attacking Charleston, might he
found an objoct worth the great risk
to which her own crew was exposed
in any enterprise they might under
take in her.
General Beauregard changed the
arrangement of the torpedo, l>y fas
tening it to the bow. Its front was
terminated by a sharp and barbed
lance-head, so that when the boat was
driven end on, against a ship's sMos,
the hnco-head would bo forced deep
into the .timbers below tho water lino,
and would fasten tho torpedo firmly
against the ship. Thou tho torpedo
boat would back off and explode it by
a lanyard.
General Beauregard’s call upon tho
Confederate fleet for volunteers to man
this dangerous craft, was promptly an
swered by Lieutenant Payne, a Vir
ginian, and eight sailors. They were
soon ready for action ; and on the evo
niug rot for their expedition, the last
preparation had boeu made. The tor
pedo boat was lying alongside the
steamer from which the crew had em
barked ; she was submerged till the
combing of her hatch alone was visi
ble above the water. Her commander
Payne, was standing in the hatchway
in the act of ordering her to bo cast
off, when the swell of a passing
steamer rolled over her and sunk her
instantly, with her eight men in sev
eral fathoms of water. Lieutenant
Payne sprang out of the hatchway as
the boat sunk from under him, uud he
alone was left alive.
In tho course of a few days she
was raised and again made ready for
service, again Payne volunteered and
eight men with him.
The ombarkation for t’uoir second
attempt was made from Fort Sumter,
and as before, all having been made
ready, Payne standing at his post in
the hatchway, ordered the hawser to
be cast off, when the boat careened
and sunk instantly. Payne sprang
out, two of the men followed him, the
other six went down in the boat and
Again the boat waj raised and made
ready for action, and her owner, Cap
t tin Hundley, took her for an experi
mental trip into tlie iStono Liver,
where after going through her usual
evolutions, sue dived in doop water,
and tor hours and for days, the return
of poor Hundley and his crew was
watched for and looked for in vain.
After near a week’s search, she was
tuuud inclining at'an angle of forty
degrees; her nozzle was driven deep
into the solt mud of the bottom. Her
crew of nine dead men were standing,
sitting, lying about iu her hold asphix
iated, Hundley was standing dead at
his post, a candle in pne hand, while
the other hand had grown stiff with
death in his vain efforts to Unclamp
the hatch. Others had been working
at the keyes of the ballast, but tho in
clination at which tbo boat had gone
down, had jammed the keys so that
the men could not east off' tlie heavy
weight which hold them down. Their
deaths had been hard and lingering.
Again this fearful vessel was made
ready tor action, anil volunteers being
called tor, Lieutenant Dixon 21st Al
abama Volunteers, a native of Mobile,
* .1 eight men volunteered to take her
against the enemv.
The now and powerful war ship,
Housatonic was elected for attack;
and on a quiet night tho bravest crew
sat out from Charleston, in this terri
ble nameless torpedo boat, that ever
manned craft before.
We all know the fate of tho Housa
tonic. Brave Dixon guided tho tor- !
pedo fairly against her, the explosion
tore up the great war ship’s sides, so
that she went down with nearly all j
her crew within ten minutes.
The t rpedo vessel also disappeared
forever from mortal view. Whether j
she went down with her enemy, or
whether she drifted out to sea to bury j
her gallant dead, was never known, I
and their fate was left till the great
day when the sea shall give up its
But within a few weeks past, Di
vers iu submarine armor have visited
the wreck of the Housatonic, and they
have found a little torpedo vessel ly
ing by her huge victim, aud within
her are tha hones of the most devoted
aud daring men who ever went to war.
No forlorn hope nor other desperate
enterprise of war can furnish the par
allel to the courage of Dixon and his
i comrades, Their names we have not
at hand But they are known and re
corded, and we hope to see the honor
which is due paid to the great virtue
they illustrated. D. H. M.
Ifoaston Telegraph, Sept, 7.
YißfttKH.—Do not be troubled be
cause you have no great virtues. God
made a million spears of grass where
he made one tree. The earth is fringed
and carpeted, not with forests but with
grasses. Only have enough of little
virtues and common fidelities, and you
need not mourn because V6u are nei
ther a hero nor a saint.
The Excutive Committee of the
Radical party of Georgia have recom
mended to their party to hold District
Conventions throughout tho State to
nominate candidates lor Congress, ou
the sth of October, and at the follow
injr places: ,
First District—Savannah, Chatham
county. _ ,
Second District— Albany,Dougherty
Third Dirtrict—Butler, Taylofcoun
tv Fourth District—Macon, Bibb
Fifth' District—Greensboro, Greene
t 0 Sixth District—Gainesville, Ball
Seventh District—-Kingtom, Bibb
Dawson Business Directory.
Dry Gooff* Merchants.
fTRin, & TdCKF.II. Dealers (o ah
of Dry Goods and Groceries. Main
KUTtni, .fACOB, Dealer in all
.kind* of Drv Good-*, Mam street.
I OVLIISS .V GKfrniV, Dealers
I J in Stado Dry Goods and Groceries, also
md ommi-sion A/c'chants, Jfiin Street,
Dealers in l)r* Goods. Clothing, Staple
Goods and Firnify Groceries, Jfiin street,
ORR, W. F. Denier in Fancy and sta
id- Drv Goods, Main st., under “Jour
nil” Printing Office.
Grocery Merc Is nut*.
C'T LTOY, .1. A., Warehouse end
r Commission Merch.rt, and Denier in Bi
con, Finer, ttenl and ‘Provisions generally, nt
-hirne & Brown’s old stand, M lin Bt,
D tiers in Dry Goods, Groceries, and
Plantation Supplies.
nnnniw SIMMOAS, Grocery
V X and Provision Dealers, South side Pub
lic Square.
B. IS., Dealer in Groceries and
ll Fam’lv suoolies generally, 2nd door to
Journal" Office, Main si.
CfIIF.ATII t H, V. A., Druggist and
! /*hv*ieian. Keeps a good supoly of
Drugs and Medicines, and prescribes for ail
'he ills that fi-sh is hrirto. At his old stand,
the Red Duig Store, Main st.
rXXE*, S>5S. J. *{., Dealer in
Drugs, Yf-dieines, Ola, Paints, Dye
Stuffs, Guden Seed, &•>.
rL. SOI.OMOA, Biker. Confee
a lione-, and d-slerin Finiily Groceries
Fe>h and Oisters, J/ain Street, next to J. W.
Roberts & Cos.
HODNETT TV. If. Practicing Phy
sician, and Surgeon. Office atCheai
hatn’s Di ug S ore.
Die**. ,i. xv. i».iSCF & son,
thankful for past patronage, by close
attention and moderate charges hone to re
ceive a continuance of the sitne. Otfire, Dr.
Gilpin’s old s'and. jsn 13, if.
lYalcli Itcjiaii-cr.
VT.LEY, .1051 X E*., will .epair
Wacbes, (’locks, Jewelry, J/usic Books,
Acco d'ons, &c , alwavs to be found at his
old stand, on North side of Public Square
Livery Staples.
dabthiw, & siltrpc, sale
r aid Feed Stable. Horses und 3/'ll s
fors i’e. Uqrseg bonded. North side Pub
lic Sqn ire. -
JAStllt;*’, N. G. .V .8. 8.. Sale.
1 F *ed and Liverv Stable, Depot S rc- t
(rood bo'--eS and vt-Mcles for hire on reason
able terffcs. April 14, ly.
I> XT XV UID. Dealer in Fine Wines,
Brandies. Whiskies, Eiger Beer, ,
West side public Square, Main Rtreeb
THOS. J. HART, Pro.,
and manufactuhf.r of
OF F f'FIl J* MJE.SC Ull’tO.Y.
Patterns adjusted to suit the most improved
St ;,les.
We keen on hand Norlhorn and Eastern
work which we will sell at lowest cash price*
JaQ* 20, iy.
chas f.. Campbell. i>osAi.n p JOItXS
CAM?B ll & I3NES
Offer their servii es as
toreliolijeMowipiji fMapt^
r l''o T//K PLASTERS and Merchants of
1 Middle and Southwestern Georgia, and
invite their attention to*some of thoadvan
tages pns e«ed by this city over others as a
Cott mi Jfarket.
Our eh Hires are very reasonable, bein'
about ONE IritLF tho»e of oilier cities of
the Sloe.
Onr B inking facilities "ill soon be consid
erably increased, and will be equal, if not su
pplier, to those ot any interior town in Oeor
The opening of the Macon and Augusta |
Railroad giv.s us another outlet to Charles- [
ton, Sou'h Carolina, thus incrcariog competi
tion for our Cotton.
We can furnish plantation supplies on the'
most reasonable terms.
With our experience in handling Cotton,
we believe «e cm please those who may fa
vor u* with thei parnnige.
Out Warehouse has just been put in
oueh repiir, and we are now ready to weigh
and sell or store vour Cotton.
We are egent,* tor the WIN.SFII/ 5 I.!/*
PJJOVitCX Cv)2TON (SIN, a sample of which
can be seen al our Warehouse. Call and ex
amine it, or send us vour order*. Avery
Gin warranted. Price $t fto per saw.
P. S. Mr. Richard If. Hutchings aud ' apt.
J. T. K.ctor will have charge of our Netties
and Warehouse Yard. llaeon, Oa., Aug2s.
aug2s Sm.
ST ATE OF OfiOßtilA.
DEPvI RTM ES r t'F ST AT E , )
A Uuta, September lOlh, 1870. J
B* 11* A’x eilencv, the Govenor, that the
reward ofl -red in hi- proclamation ot the 6lh
instant, tor the appo he sion anddeliverv of
Jim s R Newman, with » Vidence to convict,
tn the SnettfT ot B bb county, be increased to
One Thousand DjlU ( “
pav/d a. COTTON,
Secretary of Stafc<?.
-iu irsfi.r, o.i.
piron to all busino-s
intrUiVv'd to hi* care.
aii p\** 0;T
.A-ttorneys at Law..
Mf.l ii'so.r, o.i.
Jan 6-1 y.
Att’y at Law and Solicitor in Equity,
Will prac'iee in South Western and Patuu
la circuits. Collections promptly remitted.
ST.IfTHSriLEr, - - - 6vl.
At Smithvillr, va.
' I "'HE nndersigneu having fitted up the Me
-3 A f»e Putise at Smithvill •, takes plea sun
in notifying the travelling public that tlie
above house is now in the “full tide” of sue
ressful administration bv himself. He will
spare no expense to make it a Ffnsf-Ci.AS-
Hotkl. Jfi als ready on the arrival ol I lit
train. ' W. M. Me IFF. K.
To 2 1 lte Travtlllng i’tiblic.
.s./r./.v.v./n, o.i.
Phis fiis'-c'ass Bote! is situated on Brough
tun street, and is convenient to the business
oart of tho city, Omnibu-ses and Biggagi
Wagons will always be in attendance at the
virions Depots and Steamboat Landings, Ir
convey passengers to the Hotel. The bes
I.iverv Stable accommodations will be found
adjoining the house.
The undersigned will spare neither lime,
trouble nor expense to make his guests com
fortable, and render this Hon»e, in every sub
stantial pjiticulur, equal, at lea*, to unv ii
the State,
The rate of Board has been reduced to
$3 00 a day.
A. 11. LITF, Proprietor.
Fourth St., Opposite Passergcr Depot
Jflacos i, Georgia.
' I'M! IS House having lately been refit'e"
I and repaired, ami is now one of the best
Hotels in ifie State, and the moat conve
nient in the city. The table is supplied with
■vervtlting the market affords. fcblS’UP
' r ILL on tlie businrsM the Phin^
? ▼ trra WrtrehonsH, Ittely occupied by
yldums, J >n»*« Si Reynolds,
aug. *25-3ui.
For Hale I
\\7E are ofTetirg for Bile Four Hundred
M Acre* of Ltnd, lying th l ct mile*
South of Diwsnn, on C'lickisawhalchie
creek. One hundr and acres fresh cleared land,
with comfortable dwelling and out houses
good cribs and stable. Young orchard of
five acres This 1« a desirable price, and
tho-e wishing to pn r chsse land i car Dtwsoti
will do well to examine our. before pnrohi
smg. Water in eve-y field. Conn 1 and see
the growing crop. JO AL FI-ARRELL,
July 14-Bin. J. B. F. HaRKFLL.
I' am offering for sale a plantation near
Whaley’s J/ills. in Terrell county, nine
m le“ Northwest ot /riwson,-containing Six
H'lndted aere» of (rik and Ilickory land?
goo acres cleared, with good improvements,
Gin House and Screw, &«., &<•.,
For particulats as to terms at.d price, call
On the subscriber in /Jawson.
June 16,tf. WJI. KAIOLEIt.
Acknowledged bv all who have used them to
he the best Pen made or sold In tliri country.
No blotting! No soiled fingers ! line?
wiitten with one pen ol it'k f W ill out wear
any steel pen ever made. B tnk-'S, mer
chants, teachers and all classes endorse litem
in the highest terms of praise. Put up in
neat slide boxes. Prices : two hoxrs, 50
cents ; five boxes, SI.OO. Pent free of pos
tage, and guaranteed to give perlect satisfac
. Liberal Commission to Agents t
H*e are prepared to give any energetic
person taking the agenev of these Pens, a
commission which will pay S2OO per month.
Three sample Pens will be mailed tor lu
Pillsblirg, Pa.
rerreli ( Ourt of Ordinary.
At Chambers, Aug. 24th, 1870.
Oricr*'!, that tho following per centum he, nn-1
the «am<» hereby nD the THX, as
a county t ax for 7’errell county, tor the year .870,
to.wit: Forty (40) percent for county purposes ;
thirty C-\ ) i>er cent for bridge fund : Beci*nte<’n
and one-half (17 l-i) per cent for Pauper Fund;
twelve and one half 12 I 2) p< r erfit for Jury
f\ , u d ; ten (I*o per cent for tfperiel Fund, and two
anU ouc-haif (2 K 2) percent so r \\n ijd iu^Fuu^-
1 aog 25 tff. Ordfuary.
ny iurrus n. dvt.lock,
Governor of said Stale.
WHKREAfI, Official iDformntlon lias hern r<‘
c<*ix*iMl utthis Department that a HIH of /ml let
meat i* now pouding In the Superior Tourt of
the county of Hibb, cbnrgffng one James R. New
mimwiib the crime erf murder, alleged to have
boeu committed upon the body* of Midi cal M,
Hartley, in said county of Bibb, on or about the
2f>l h of December, ISON, and
Whereas, ft is farther made known to this de
partment by tin 'Sheriff of Bibb couuty, that the
said Newman has fled from justice:
I have thought proper, therefore, to issue this,
my proclamation,hereby offering a reward of
Five Hundred Doll ir ft fOrthte apprehension and
delivery of the Mild James 1L Newman, with evi
dence »tvttideirt to convict, to the Sheriff of said
comity and State.
-fnd I do moreover charge ami require nit offi
cers in this State, civil and military, to be vigilant
In endeavoring to apprehend the said Jametr It.
Newman, in order tffiit lie maybe brought to trial
foi the oflcuse with which stand* chargpc<L
(iiven under mv bund and tim Great Seal of
the State, at. the Capitol in Atlanta, this
P’xth and iv of Peptember in tlie Vf*«r ofotir
Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seventy,
and of the /.ldependence of the United
States of A«m**ic;t the Ninety- fifth,
By the Governor:
DaVid G. Cutting, Sec. of State.
The said Newman is about 9.) or Ctl years of age
(5 feet high, blue eyes and black hair, and weighs -
about 150 pounds.
Sep 15 4w.
(Successors to Test;. inson, Dkmabkst <t ('-o.
623 and 630, Broadway, N. Y.
manufacturers of
Carriages, Euggies, &c.
KspecialJy .»dapfed to the aoiuhern Hoads.
Liglil Yictorials,
And all other styles of Fine Carr ages,
For one and two horses.
On Klipt’o and Side Springs.
COM'OttD Ll(ri.lLS
Mail lla«'k*uiid Aei’st’j XVii^ous
Wo are also sole Ifanufarturers of the
I’nutation Wagon (or 1.2.4 and li Horses.
lue best Buggy and VV'sgon in America for
the money.
We have had an experience of thirty year
in making wo' k for the Sourhern States, and
know exactly what is wanted to stand the
roads. We invite all to send lor Circulars,
and patties visiting Now Yolk we especially
iuvhe to call at our Wareroomr.
VV’e sofieit the t-ade of merchants and
Illustrated Circulars, with priest, furnished
by mail. A. T D/!.!/A I{ K.S I’, N Y.
f-STWo have also bought out Mr. W A.
Huff, of M icon, Ga., where we expect ,o
k*’ep a i trgo stork. June 23 ly.
./ o t: ,x- / s is •.1 .»• / /. it
ToNell Oisr l«-<l
Tiro Dollar* ■per Annum.
Govcrncr of Said State.
Whe-cas, inform itiou has boon re
ceived at this Department that there is now
pending in the Superior Court of the countv
of ,*/iltor, a Bill of Indictment, charging
one David A Morrow with tile crime of mur
der, lilleg.-d to hate been committed upon
the hodv ot George Wheeler, in said county
of M lton, on or about the Oth day of vlu
gust, 187D ; and
Wheres°, the Sheriff of said comity of
Jd Vow certifies that he has made diligent
search to apprehend th’ said David A .1/jr-
tow, but without avail ;
Now, therefore, I have thought proper to
issue this, my proclamation, hereby offering j
a reward of One Jlmusand Dcllats for th.
apprehension and delivery of 'he said Duul
A Morrow, .*ith evid nee sufficient to c»n
vict, to 'ln- Sheiiff of add county nnd S ate.
And I do moreover charge and require all
officers iu this State, civil aud military, to be j
vigilant in endcivnring to apprehend the I
8,1,1 David A Morrow, in order that he may i
be b ought to tri and ftfr the ollcncc with which I
lie stands charged.
[ Given under my hand and the Great .Seal of
; the State, at' the Capitol, in A lanta, this
twel'lh d'v rif -Seotctnber, in the year ot
otn Lord, JT gVeen hund ed and Seventy,
and ot the iu dependence of the Ui.itad
S’.aiesof Ame-icathe Ninety-fi h.
Dv the Gcv nior;
Da' id (4 Com- o, Secretury of Ftate.
j sept:-*, vr.
VOI, V. —NO. 34
Gorcrnor of said Stats.
Whetess, on #i'urd.iv night, the 4'h insr.,
at about 8 o’clock, a party of disguised men
murdered « colored man named Will Calvei,
ot Dick Rood’s place, on the Sand.-rsville
road, about seven miles front Sparta, and
'within four mflek where one Jerry Long vtlas
murderjid by disgui ed parties, on the 1 fith of
July fast; and
When aq The effort of the Sheriff and the
Coioner, assisted by tlie military authorities,'
have failed to develop anv clue to the mur
derers other than that the assassins were
white men, and about twelve in number; and
Whereas, T he ferocity of this murdet i.
evidenced by the fact that fourteen gun-shot
wounds were found upon the body ol the de
ceased ; and
Whereas, This is the second murder which
hes be*n petpelratcd by disguised parties in
tlie county of Hancock within a recent peri-.
od ; and
Whereas, The peace and good order of the
county and the State demand that extraordi -
nary efforts shonM be made to arrest ancf
bring 'o punishment the guilty perpctratois
of this heinous crime ;
Now, therelore, I have (bought, proper to
i-sue this, mv proelmoation, hereby offering
a reward ot Five Thousand -Dollars for rti«
arrest, with evidence to convict, of anv ono'
of the twelve disgusted nten * ngaged fn the'
murder aforesaid, and a reward of One
Thousand Dollars eabh for the arrest and
conviction of any additional number of said
tw. lve.
Given under ffrv hand rfnd the G'-eat Seal of
tlie State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this
20th day nt .Sept, in the rear of our Lolbl
B ghtceu Hundred avd .S Venty and of ihu
Independence of the United Slatea rs
Am. rica the Nintv-fifth.
Bv the Governor;
DaVid (i. Ci TTlNft, Secretary of State.
Sept. 22 4w.
G s: OliGlA.
Gonrnor of said Slat -j
Whereas, Official information has been re
eeived »r this Department that, on the night
of the Isth of July, 187 u, one Jerry Long
a colored citizen of Hancock county, was til -
ken from hi- house by disguised parties, and
cruelly mu'dered ? and
Whereas, ono lease Johnon atitf one Rob
ert Dudley were recognized by responsible
persons ae being ot the number of disguised
parties who committed said murder; and
Whereas, upon the appearance el the mil
itary authorities in said county of Hancock,-
he said Johnson »nd the said Dudley fled
from the said comity i
Now, therefore, I have thought proper to
issue this, mv proclamation, hereby cfTeiing
a reward of Five Hundred Dollars each for
tho apprehension ami delivery of the said
Johnson and said Dudley to the Sheriff of
-aid county wl Hancock
Given ui der my hand and the Great Seal of
he State, at the Capitol in 3Hants, this
12th dav ol September, in the year of our
Lord / ghteen Hundred and Seventy, attd of
the Independence ot the United .States of
atnt-ticu the Ninety-fifth.
By the Governor:
David (I., Secretary of , S’‘.ate.
sept, 22, 4w-.
Governor of Said State;
Whereas, informatiou has been received
it this Department alleging that, a colored
man Jackson was mutdered in Hancock
county ; and
Whereas, I* is alleged that one Timothy
C 'Pwlev, a white than, reported to Vie a no
toriously bad character, committed the said
murder, and has not been arrested :
Now, therefore, I ha+e thCUght proper to
issue til's, mv proclamation, hereby eft..ring
a reward of ON E 1 HOU.VaND DO/.L.f R 4
lor tho apprehension anil delivery of the said
I'mwley to the Sheriff of Said county and
tii veil under my hand and the Great Seat of
trie -Stale, at the Capiiol in A lanta, thitf
six'eenth day of September, in the year
of out Lord FJghteen Hnodied and Seveti'-
ty, and of the Independence of the Uni
ted iSrates of almeiira tho Ninety-fifth.
By the Governor :
DaMiri G. Cutting, Secretary of State.
sept £2, 4\v.
« E o it a i .t.
Govenor of Said State:
! Whereas, Official inform Dior, las been re
ceivedat this Department that a murder was
committed in the Cotin'v of Chatham, on or
I ibout the 27i1l of August last, upon the body
of James B Crane, by one John Smith, at is
illeged, and tliusaid Smith has fi and frout
justice ;
I have thought proper, therefore to is«c4
• bis, my proclamation, herebv offering a re
ward ot Five Hundred .Dollars for tbeapptev
henrion and delivery ol the said .S’nith, with
proof sufficient to couvtct, to the Sheriff of
said and State.
And I do moreover charge and require ail
officers in this Slate, civil and military, to be
vigil tilt in endeavoi itrgJ to apprehend the
said Smith, in jrdar that he inf iy be brougW
to trial for the off.nse with which tie stands
Given under my hand and the G ’eat Seal ot
the State, at the CtpUol in Atlanta, this
j twelfth day of September, in the rear of
j our Lord, E-ighu-t-n hundred and .7 - runty
and of the independence of tl e UuiieJ
States of A meric,i. th- Ni-tetv filth.
litlfVS ri. TTCLLODJT,
By tile Governor
David <». C-TrtNff, Secretary of Sia'.e.
sept 22, Itv.
Ert KCpTIVK Dkpartmkxt, >
.dtlanta, Sei tember 20th, 1870. )
OffDF.RED : By his Jfwsllsncv, the Gov
ernor, that the rew ird ottered in his procla
mation of the 13th ins'., tor the apprelten
-ion arid delivery of L. P. Smith, with evi
dence to convict, to the Sheriti of .Jfgrtweth
er count*, be increased to ONE THOUSAND
Given under my hardmd seal of office,
j Dav in G. Cotting,
Secretary of Stst ’. sept.
T io ire row ready for the Collection
jot the Town Tax for the year 1870. Piriits
are **a u s lv requested to enrue a.
one ' <>rd ae'tlo. J. E f»OTLE?>S,
! Sep 15 4t. fHerk & C>il^Ctor/