Newspaper Page Text
rijMsou oatctliln,
Tf , n HS-StrUU!t in .11 ranee.
Three *, ™
*< "4 ort
• taxjbill,
Tho following tax bill was passed by
Ta tut'to levy and collect a tax for
the support of tho Government for
the year ending 1870, and for other
Section 6 1- Be it enacted by the
General Assembly, That his Excellen
cy the Governor is hereby authorized
and empowered, with the assistance of
the Comptroller-General, to proceed
t 0 as9 o 3S and levy such a percentage
on the taxable property as will pro
duce in the estimation of the Gover
nor, the sum of five hundred thou
sand do: a s, exclusive of taxes.
g 6C . I. Be it further enacted by
authority of the same, That in addi
tion to the ad valorem tax on real and
personal property, as required by the
Constitution and assessed in the pro
wling section, the following specific
taxes'shall be levied and collected
l Upon every practioner law, phys
ic and denistry, ton dollars.
2. Upon every daguoarean, ambro
tjpe, photographic, or siuiular artist
fifteen dollars.
3. Upon every person carrying on
auctioneering, twenty-five dollars.
4. Upon every keeper of' a pool or a
bilLard table kept for public play,
twenty-five dollars for each table
5. Upon every keeper of a bagatelle
table, for public play, twenty-five dol
lars for each table.
li. Upon every keeper of a ten-pin
ally or ally of like kind, for public
play, twenty dollars.
7, Upon every keeper of any other
table, stan lor plane, or other gnaa
or play, with or without a name, un
less tor exorcise or amusement, not
prohibited by law, ten dollars. That
ad vendors of any patent medicine,
liniment, or any other article like char
acter, (except regular merchants aal
druggists snail be liable for a tax t
fifty dollars for each county in which
they may paddle.
li. There shall be levied a specific
tai for educational purposes of ten
cents aer gallon on every gallon of
brandy, gin whisky or rum, whether
foreign or domestic which is sold by
any person in quantities less than
thirty gallons, in this State, and the
am mat sold shall be given in under
oath. Quarterly returns shall bo
male on the first days of April, July
anlOctober, and January in each
year, by all persons within the county
who seils in quantities less than thirty
gallons, of the amount sold tho pre
ceding quarter. Said returns shall be
made to tho Tax Collector of tho Coun
ty, who shall demand aad collect tiie
lax due when the return is made.—
It shall be the duty of the Tax Col
lector to require all persons selling
saii liquors to make their returns and
pay the tax thereon; ami if an v per
son shall fail or ref use to make his re
turn and pay said tax, he shall be as
sessed by the Collector a specific tax
clone thousand dollars, and the Col
lector shall proceed to collect the by execution, as in other cases
®* other taxes due and unpaid, to go
into effect on the Ist of October next.
-TUat each aud every male inhab
itant ot this State, oa the first day of
April, between the ages of twenty-one
and sixty, shall pay a tax of one dol
lar for educational purposes.
( That all sleight-of-hand par
■ 'rmers, or magicians, shall pay the
,u ® °' twenty-five dollars for each
and every county where they may ex
to the County Tax Collector.
,H. That all circus companies
*nail pay one hundred dollars lor each
d .' they may exhibit in cities cou
ti.uing a population over ten thou
"and, and titty dollars in all cities con-
m 3 a population between five and
| en thousand, aud twenty-live dollars
‘ n a.l towns or other places with a
p'pUiction under live thousand.
- ihat all other shows or exhibi
-1 ' is, except for literary or chariiab e
P ur posea, in this State, shall pay the
nu ol twenty live dollars in each and
~e r. t county where they may exhibit:
", im, That this shall not apply to
5 nomc, dramatic and other perform
us«al in theaters.
" u an y person or company' fail
b or refusing to pay tho tax on
tu- ? and exhibitions required by
j a i C |’i the duty of the
tv a , u “ ec tor in each and every coun
an o' 1 . * s her * b y required to issue
xecution aga,i ÜBt U Bt said person or
failin g or refusing to pay
tp .]• ‘ °n shows and exhibitions, to
ore rGrt 'f! and i° v i«d bv any sheritf
and X' ?, 0f Baid cou nty, upon any
l k , Pr ° porty t,mt may b °
com can. 1 b r°? gln S t 0 sald person or
shal I K ■ ‘^ ud ad money so collected
the !bt.’l pa s‘ and i f to the TreaßUr y ot
Sc c ehucatioual purposes,
ih'li ,i * lat no non resident person
*ai 8P orotfe:lorßale - an y goods
in this St laer °i lai) dise in auy county
°f sur-h' r a, °j ° r oxn ihit auy samples
With ir,t^'" J ' S ' wares or merchandise,
first 01, nt . tosed the same, without
'fie cm, ,' nin g. from the Ordinary of
Which i■ a dcen ßo to do so; and for
Mi, | ()Jr e,lßß bo B hall pay over to
dij]la r „' lnar y the sum of one hundred
Mill 0 J 8 tax > the same to bo paid by
tfie Cou ' ' na pr to the Tax Collector of
paid f U y * oy him to be returned and
taid con r , ftß a part ol State tax of
!v autk Ulty ’
Mj, Bu ch sales and offering to
* rennty for which granted.
Any such non-resident person soiling
or offering to sell any goods, wares or
merchandise, without first obtaining a
license, as aforesaid, shall be guilty of
misdemeanor, and on eonvictiou of the
Superior Court in the county where
the crime was committed, be fined in
a sum not less than five hundred dol
lars or imprisonment in the common
jail not longer than three months, in
the discretion ol the Court. On« half
of such fines to bo paid to the infor
mer prosecuting such person.
Sec. 4. And that no non-resident of
this State, be allowed to sell any spir
itous liquors in this State without first
obtaining license for the same, for
which he shall pay one thousand dol
lars, the same to bo paid into the
Treasury of the State for educational
puposos; and if any person shall vio
late the foregoing provisions, he shall,
on conviction, he fined in a sum not
exceeding five t 101 41 n l dollars, one
half go to the infovmer, and the oth
er half to be paid into the Trea.suary
of the State for educational purposes,
or imprisioned not exceeding two
months, or both at the discretion of
the Court.
Sec. 5. And be it further enacted
That all railroads companies incorpor
ated in this State, siiali pay an annu
al tax of one half of one per cent, on
their net earnings.
Sec. 6. All home and foreign insur
ance companies, doing business in
this State, shall pay one per cent, on
all premiums, in money or otherwiie,
received by them: Provided, That v\h m
a home insurance company pays its
tax on its capital stock, it shall pay
no tax on its premiums; and all ex
press companies from other States,
doing business in this State, shall pay
a tax of one per cent, on the gross
amounts of their receipts at their otfi
ces in this State to be given in and as
in succeeding sections express compa
nies and domestic insurance companies
doing business in tnis State, pay an
annual tax of one-half of one percent,
on their respective gross receipts: —
Provided, Tnat the taxes assessed
by the above sections on insurance
companies are subject to modification
by subsequent legislation of this Gen
o- al Assembly.
Sec. 7. That the oath to be admin
istered to all persons, making returns
on their taxable property, shall be in
tho following words: “You do soletn 1-
ly swear that you will true answers
give to all lawful questions, which I
may put to you touching the return
you are about to make, and that you
will make a return of all your taxable
property; so help you Go!.’’ And it
snail be the duty of the officer taking
such returns to enquire ot each and
every person taking said oath, touch
ing all his ta able property, or his li
abilities for specific taxes as named in
this act, and the Comptroller General
shall publish a list of all such ques
tions to be propounded to tax payers.
See. 8. Tnat all taxes assessed un
der this a t shall be a. sesseu* col« 0
ted in Uunited States currency, ana
the value of the property on the first
day of April shall be the basis of the
Sec. 9. That there shall be no tax
on income other than that provided
by sections 5 and 6.
Sec. 10. That nothing in this act
contained, shall be so construed as to
repeal or atfect section 796 of the re
vised Code of Georgia, exempting cer
tain property from taxation: Provided,
however, That all plantation tools,and
also all mqphanieal tools, over the
value of three hundred dollars, shall
be subject to taxation ad valorem.
Sec. 11. That no assesment shall be
made for couuty or city corporation
purposes, on tbe specific tax herein
imposed on practiouers of law, physic
and denistry.
Sec. 12. All shares in any national
l»ank in this State shall be given in
by tho individual or corporation own
ing said shares, wit ch shall be taxed
as other property of this State of like
character #
Sec. 13. That the provisions of this
Act shall continue in force until re
Sec. 14. That acts of the Governor,
Comptroller-General, and other oilt
em's looking to assessing and collect
ing taxes f> r the present year, by the
virtue of a joint resolution passed by
this General Assembly on the
,l ay 0 f -last, be, and the same
are hereby legalized.
Sec. 15. That the Comptrouer-
General is empowered and required to
cause the taxes to be collected by tho
15th day of December next, provided
that no poll tax shall be collected un
less a system of common schools shall
be established by the General Assem
b""tjec. 10. Bepoals conflicting laws.
The Relief Kill.
Tho following are the amendments
to the original Relief Bill as recently
passed by the Senate .
To amend an act entitled an act for
the relief of debtors, and to author
ize the adjustment of debts upon
princip'of equity.
Sec. 1. The General Assembly of
the State of Georgia do enact, That
in all suits now pending m the sever
al courts of this State for the recovery
of Debts created upon contracts made
prior to the first day of June, 18bo
referred to, or included in, the above
recited Act, no court shall be author
ized to strike the pleas of defendant
filed in said cause, upon the ground
that said pleas do not connect the
plaintiff with the loss of property of
defendant; and no court shall refuse
to hear all evidence under said plea,
offered for the reasons aforesaid.
See. 2. Should any plaintiff move to
Dawson, ga., tuuusdai, October u, is7u.
strike the pleas of defendant, or ob
ject to the introduction of any evidence
allowed by said above recited Act, or
refuse to submit to the adjustment of
the equities as contemplated by said
Belie! Act, then it shall be the duty
of the court, upon motion of defend
ant, to require plaintiff to prove that
all legal taxes have been paid Upon
said debt, and no plaintiff ehall prove
the payment of taxes by his own oath,
from the time of making said contract
to the time of said trial, and before
the passage of this Act; Upon failure
so to do it shall bo the duty of the
court to strike said cause from the
Sec. 3. That the same rule shall
apply to all issues found upon the trial
causes when the said debt has been
reduced to judinent: Provided Ntv»r
theless. That nothing herein contained
shall apply to causes already deter
mined by said Relief Law, where no
objection war made to the alj ustment
of the equities of the cause, as contem
plated by said Relief Act.
Sec. 4. That all contracts in renew
al, and all judgments founded upon
the renewal of debts created prior to
the first day of Jnno, 1865, shall be
and they are hereby, included in the
provisions of this Act.
Savannah, ami the DriUKWick
an<l Albany Kailroad.
Supt. Ilulbert has recently publish
ed a long letter in the Albany Kewt
upon the subject of this road, and set ß
forth the following roasions why Sa
vannah should ail in its completion,
and enumerates the advantages ac
cruing to that city. He says :
Savannah, formed by location on a
navigable river when the colony was
founded ; lor a long time its capital;
favored also by circumstances in the
early history and legislation of the
State, ha? now the advantage of ac
cumulated capital, and numbers
among her business men some of the
most reliable, prompt, sagacious and
enterprising in the has es
tablished a commerce amounting to
millions annually. Their liberality,
high-toned honor and ente-prise are
proverbial. It is therefore surprising
they should have been led, whether
voluntary or by tacit compliance with
the action of others, into opposition to
the Brunswick and Albany railway—
the inevitable result of tbe completion
of which will be the increase of her
business and wealth.
Tho reason why Savannah should
desire and aid in the construction of
the Brunswick and Albany Railroad
are great and manifold.
It will open anew line through a
new country, and create and bring new
business to her.
It will be anew and important
feeder to one of her present lines, and
hence augment her commerce.
It will open a competing line, hence
will excite competition and thus, by
reducing cost of transportation and of
transacting business, largely increase
her traffic. It will give her a short
line to the valley of the Mississippi
and the pacific.
Way should Savannah refuse tho
business; why should her business
m >n close their doors to the large and
remunerative traffic that this road o «
fers them '( Their refusal or neglect to
secure it will simply force it to Bruns
wick. Statistics prove that nearly on. *
third of the entire cotton crop of the
United States is raised in the counties
on or near the lines of railway be
tween Brunswick and Vicksburg, and
those projected between Selma and
Memphis and Meridian and Memphis.
The additional facilit es these railways
will a third will stimulate increased
productions and if wisely and ener
getically taken advantage of by Geor
gia s two ports, and her business men,
double her exports of cotton within a
period of three years.
Os nearly three million bales of cot
ton sent to market to date, Savannah,
with her present railway facilities has
received nearly five hundred thousand
bales, against some two hundred and
sixty-three thousand bales to corres
ponding date in 1868, thus nearly
doubling in two years.
The close connection of the Atlantic
and Gulf Railway with the Bruns
wick and Albany, by giving her a
shorter line with lower grades, insur
ing quicker time between the great
ralley of the Mississippi and the At
lantic porta, the business and incom
ol' the Atlantic and Gulf Railway will
be largely augmented, and Savannah
may reasonably calculate on receiving
at least one million bales cot* on the
second or third season after the line
reaches Eufaula, and an increase an
nually afterwards proportionate with
increased production. . <
That this is no idle speculation is
shown by what Savannah has already
The mutual interests of Savannah
and Brunswick may be promoted and
advanced by hearty co-operatioD and
generous emulation, divested ol the,
spirit of damaging, bitter rivalry.
There is room enough and business
enough for both, with no more cause
for unfriendliness than between two
merchants engaged in the same busi
ness at tbe same place.
A countryman stopped at the Max
well House, Nashville, for dinner.
The waiter inquired what he would
have and was told to bring something
of what he had.’ The waiter brought
him a regular dinner upon smaH dish
es as is the usual form, and set them
around his plate. The countryman
mirveved thorn foi a moment, and
tEbroke out: “Well, I like your
samples; now bring me some dinner.
Jhe population of Jaokdwu, if lari la,
ig eight thousand.
Dawson Business Directory,
Dry Goods Merchant*.
Cuim, a ti cker, n-aw. :<> mi
kiffds of Drv Goods and Groceries. Main
KUTYI7R, .»4C«n, Dealer in al!
kinds of Drv G >od», Main street.
J in Staple Dry Goods and Groceries, also
and oinmission A/Vchmis, dfrln Street,
Mcrf.yyfv a cho urn,
D-alers in Drv Goods C!o*h!n(r, Staple
Goods and Family Groceries M iin street.
ORR, VF. F. D-aler In Frncv and sta
nle Drv Goods, Main at., under “Jour
nal” Printing Office.
Grocery Merchants.
Ft'IwTOY, .1. A., Warehouse and
Commis-don Merchant, and Dealer in Ba
con, Flour, Meal and Provisions generally, at
■3hirpe 4 3rowu’s old stand, M tin st.
D-alers in Dry Goods, Groceries, and
Placaiion Supplies.
Greer a simmoys, Grocery
and Provision Dealets, South side Pub
lic Square.
HOOD, B. It., Dealer in Groceries and
Family suonlies eenerally, 2nd door to
■Journal" Office, slain st.
CIIEATIIAVI, V. A., Drueeist and
Phv«ician. Keeps a good supply of
Drugs and Medicines, and prescribes for ail
the ills that fl-ah is heir to. At his old ?taDd,
the Red Ding Store, Main st
DR. J. R., Dealer in
Drugs, Jfedicines, Oils, Paints, Dye
Stuffs, Garden Seed, 4c., 4c.
Tit. SOI.OMOY, Bitter, Confee
. tinner, and de lief in Family Groceries
Fi«h and O «rers, J/iin Street, next to J. W.
Roberts 4 Cos.
I*ll a SICIA.YS.
HODYETT AY. 11. Practicing Phy
sician, and Surgeon. Office at Cheat
ham's Drug Store.
thankful for past patronage bv cln»e
attention and moderate charges hone to re
ceive a continuance of the fame. Offi -e, Dr.
Gilpin’s old stand. jan IS, ts.
Watch Repairer.
VEEEY, JOIIY P., will .epair
Wa'ohes, Clocks, Jewelry, .Music Books,
icco dions, 4c , always to he found at his
old stand, on North side of Public Square.
Isircry staole*.
1/ and Feed Stable. H,v°es and Jful s
for sale. Horses boarded. North side Pub
lic Square.
IJRIYCE, Y. «. tV .1. It., Sals,
I Feed and l.iverv Stable, Depot S re-t.
Good horses and vehicles for hire on reasnn
ible terms. April 14, ly.
PAT YVARD. Dealer in Fine Wines,
Brandies. Whiskies, Lager Beer, 4c ,
West side public Square, Main street.
THOS. J. HART, Pro.,
and manufactChek or
of e T'EH r nescujtmo.y.
Patterns adjusted to suit the most improved
We keep on hand Northern and Eaetefn
work which we will sell at lowest cash prices.
Jan - 20, ly.
Offer their servii es as
IMolife&Copipiijsiop Jilerdiaiitg
' - I''o T//F, PLANTERS and Merchants of
1 Middle and Southwestern Georgia, and
invitp their attention to some of the advan
tages pos essed by this city over others as a
Cotton Afarket.
Our charges are very ressorable, being
about ONE HALF those of other cities ol
the Sta’e.
Our BinkiDg farilitips will goon he onnsid
er.blv inceased, and will be equal, if not su
perior, to those ot any interior town in Geor
The opening of the Macon and Augusta
R.ilroad g’Ves ns another outlet to Charles
ton, South Carolina, thQs increasing competi
tion for our C (t.t.on.
We can furnish plantation supplies on the
most reasonable terms.
With our experience in handling Cotton,
we believe we can please those who may fa
vor n' wi'h thei pa'ron->ge.
j Our Warehouse has just been pat in thor*
I ough repair, and we are now ready to weigh
and sell or store vour Cotton,
j We are agents for the WIN3HIP I9f
PNOVND CO7TON GIN, a sample of which
can be seen al our Warehouse. Call and ex
amine ft, or send us vour orders. Every
Gin warranted. Price $4 ett per saw.
I P. 8. Mr. Richard H Hutchings and ' apt.
- J. T. Ector will have charge of our Seaieg
and Warehouse Yard. Macon, Oa , Aug 26.
aug2s 8m
.Atlanta. Setvmbe- 2ot , 1870. )
ORDERED : Bv hia A’xcellencv, the Gov
ernor that the reward offered in M« procla
mation of the ISth irst., tor the apprehen
sion and de liverv of L. D Sjn’th, ®' th
deuce to convict, to tt e Sh rtfl o M -nwerh
er countv, be increased to ONE THOUSAND
DOLL4NA , , .
<3kv»n nnder my handand seal of ontre.
I &*ru> (i. C-OTTINO,
i i»aoof State. gey*. SM»,
».#irso.r, ga.
Prompt attention given to all business
intrusted to his care.
augfi 9:*f
1 _______________________
c. b. Wooten. l c. hoyle.
AYttornovs! nt, I>a\v,
»,iirso.r, GA.
Jan 6-1 v.
Att’y at Law and Solicitor in Equity,
smith ville, aa.
W:il practice in South Western and
la circuits. Collections promptly remitted.
Sl.ftKftl'lLLE, - - - GA.
Al SmitliYillf, i.a.
r | ■'TIE undersigneo having filled up the Mc-
I Afee //ouse »t Smithvill,-, lakes pleasure
in notifying the travelling public that, the
above house is now in the “full tide”of sue
cessful administration bv himself. He will
spare no expense to make it a First-Class
Hotel. Jfeals ready on the arrival ot the
train. W. M. McAFER.
To The Travelling I 3 uh!ic.
lAPA.r.I'AH, GA.
nif. firat-c’ass Hoiel is situated on
ton utrepf, and is convenient, t& the business
part of the city. Omnibuses find Bitrg;»gi*
Wsarons will alwavs he in attendance at th#
v rious Depots and Steamboat Landings, to
convp\ p ifHerisers to tbe Hotel. The best
Liverv Stable accommodations will be found
adjoining the bouse.
Tbe underpinned will spare neither time,
trouble nor e*i>onse to make his quests com
fortable, and r* nder this House, in every sub
s'anfial particular, equal, al least, to anv it
»he State.
The ra f e of Roard has been reduced to
$3 00 a dav.
A. R. Ltcr, Proprietor.
[fourth St., Opposite Passc-rger Ptpo-
Jtlacon, Georgia.
House having lately been rrfil'eo
a"d r. paired, und is now oue of the besn
Hotels in ihe Sute, and ihe most conve
nient in the ci'y. The table is supplied wiG
everything the market affords. feblß’69
.TI./CO.V, Gd.
ILL carrv on rhe business at the Plan-
Ts terp Warebou***, lutly occupied bv
Jones & Reynolds,
aug. 26-3 m.
Foi* Sale 1
UTE are offVrirf? for sde Four Rundrpd
Acres of Lind, lyin£C th r ee mile-
South of on
creek. Oue hundr- and acres fresh cleared land
with comfortable dwelling and out houses
good cribs and stable. Young orchard of
five acres This r de<*l r able place, and
»ho-e wishing to purchase land near Dtwson
will do well to ex Amine our* before purchi
sing. Water in eve r y field. Come and «e.
the growing crop. JO EL HARRELL
July 14-3 m. J. B. F. HARKFLL
[sm offering for sale a plantation near
Whalev’a JHIls, in Terrell county, nine
m i|p- Northwest of Diwgm, containing Su
Hundred acres of Oak and Hickory land ;
Soil seres cleared, with good improvements,
Gin House and Screw, 4c., 4--.,
For particulars as to terms and price, call
on the subscriber in I) twson.
June 10,tf. WM. KAIGI.ER.
Acknowlrdged bv all who have used them to
be the best Fen made nr sold in this eountry.
No blotting! No soiled finger- 1 Sixu lines
written w : th one pen of ink! Will out wear
anv steel pen ever made. Bankers, mer
eh mts, teachers and al! elaeoes endor-e them
in the higbellt term- of praise. Po* up in
neat slide b"*es. Trices : two boxes, 60
cents ; five boxes, $1 00. Sent, free of pos
tage, and guaranteed to give perlect satisfac
Liberal Commission to Agents!
We are prepared to give anv energet'c
person taking the agenev of these Pens, s
commission which will pav S2OO per mon'h.
Three sample Pens will be mailed lor 10
PiHsfinrs, Pa.
Terrell (Onrt of Ordinary#
At Chambers, Aug. 24th, 1870.
OrdersA. that the following per eentrim !>e, and
the tonne in hereby levied on the State T»*. *»
a eoiinty tax for Terrell county, for the year sm,
to-wit: Forty (40) percent for county purposes ;
thirty P ) per cent f»r bridge bind: seventeen
and one-hats (t 7 t-2) per cert for Pauper Fund;
twelve and one half 12 1 2) per eent for .turr
/■nod ■ ten (ltO per cent fbr Special Fund, and two
' and oue-half (i 1-2) per cent foMtuiMinjf Fund.
i aug 25 tfT. Ordinary
Governor of said State*
tThereaii, A baa been officially reported to this
Department, that on the nlffht the 17tli inst„
a party of disguised men. aix In number, went to
the house of Albert Watson, a colored citizen, re
siding in the I’Tth district. O. M., of Hancock
connty, and after shooting hrm, tbe aaid Libert
JFatnon the bail passing through the ft out part
of hts abdomen, took him some distance from hia
residence and cruelly bent him with sticks
glng from oue to one and a half inches in diame
ter; and
Whereas, It ia also officially reported that there
i a no security for the life of persons residing in
Hancock county who take any active steps to
prevent these Outrages, or to bring their perpe
trators to justice; and
Whereas, Thin is the third outrage of this
character which has been perpetrated in the coun
ty of Hancock within a recent period ; and
Whereas, by reason of the unrestrained opera,
tions of the masked banditti, the peace and good
order of the said county of //uncock is being
jeopardized and violated ; and
M hcrcnH extraordinary efforts seem to be nec
essary to stimulate the good citizens of said coun
ty to the arrest and punishment of these mid
night assasains :
Now, therefore. / have though t proper to issue
this, my proclamation, hereby offering a reward
of FI VIC 7770t\S.fNl> DOLLARS for the arrest
w ith evidence to convict, of any one of the dis
guised men engaged in the murderous assault
afores aid, and a reward of One Thousand /dol
lars each for the srreat and eon vietion of any ad
ditional number of said six disguised men.
Given under my hand and the great seal of the
State, at the fapltol in Atlanta, this twenty
sixth day of ember, in the year of ouf
Lord Eighteen hundred and Seventy and of the
Independence of the United States ol America
By the Governor:
David O. Cotting, Secretary of State.
(Successors to Tomlinson, Pkmabert 4 Go.
628 and C3O, Broadway, N. Y.
Carriages, Euggies, sc.
Kspctiully ..u«pied to the ftwuibern Roads.
ijglil Vifloriais,
V batten*,
And all other styles of Fine Carriages,
For one and two horses.
Ou Bnptfo and Side opringa.
Mail Ilnt ks ami Jersey Wagons
We arc also sole Manufacturers of the
P'antation Wagon for 1,2, 4 and 6 Horses.
7he best Buggy and Wagon in America for
the money.
We have had an experience of thirty year
in making work for the Southern Slates, and
know exactly what is wanted to stand the
roads. We invite all to «end lor Uitculars,
and parties visiting New York we especially
mvi'c to call al our W ireroomt.
We solicit the tiade of merchants and
Illustrated Circulsrs, with prlcrs, furnished
hy mail. A. T DFMh&EST, N Y.
pg~We hive also bought out Mr. W A.
Huff, of At icon, Oa., where we expect to
keen a large stork. June 28 lv
Tiro Dollarm p*r Annum.
cuAJu.ivsTorr, s. c
A~~ i a. 6 i ill ill A » » UiV7
Governor of Said Stale
Wherea 0 , Official information ha« been re
ceived at this Department that there is now
pending in the Superior Court of the count,
of jt/il'or, a Bill of Indictment, cha'ging
one David A Morrow wi'h the crime of mur
der, all-ged to have been committed upon
the hodv ol George Wheeler, in said countv
of M Don, on or about tbe 6th day of -4u
gn»i, 1870 ; and
Where#**, the Sheriff of said countv Os
At lion certifies that he has mado diligent
search to apprehend the said David A Mor
ion, bnt without avail;
Now, therefore, I have thought proper to
issue this, my proi 1 • mutton, hereby offering
a reward of One 7’houaand Dollars for th'
apprehension and delivery of the paid D.vid
A Morrow, with evid- nee sufficient to con
vict, to the She'ilf of s-id countv and 8 ate.
And I do moreover charge and irquira all
officers in this State, civil and military, to be
vgilant in ende.ivo'i.ig to apprehend the
said David A Morrow, in order that he may
be b-nnght to trial for the offence with which
lie stands charged.
Given under my hand and the Great Seal of
the S'a'e, at ihe Capi'ol, in A’lnma, this
iwel'th day of September, in the year of
out Lord, E gh'een hund ed and Seventv,
and ot tbe odepeodence of the Hutted
States of America ihe Nine v-fi h
illy the G«.v rnor;
T>avtt> <). Cotti'o, Secretary of F-tato.
sept 22, ivr.
VOL, V. —NO. 35
O F. O U C I A.
Governor of tend Slate,
Whpress, on Siturdty night, the 4th lost,
M shout 8 o’clock, ■ party of disguised men
murdered . colored man named Will Calver,
at Dick Wood's place, or the Sandersvillo
road, about seven miles from Sparta, sod'
within four miles where one Jerry Long was
murdered by disguised parties, on the 16th of
July Ihsi { and
Whereas, The effort of the Sheriff and the
Coroner, assisted hy the military tdtborities,
have failed to develop anv clue to tbe mar
defera other than that the aasassins wer*
w hite men, and about twelve in number; and
Whereas, The ferocity es this murdet <•
evidenced bv the fact that fourteen guD-shot
wounds were found upon the body es the de
ceased ) and
W hereiis, This is the second murder wblcix
hi'S le n perpetrated by dieiruieed parties la
'l'e county of Hancock wltbiu a recent peris
<>d ; and
Whereas, The peace and good order of the
county and the State demand that extraordi
nary efforts should be made to arrest and
b'ing 'o punishment the gcrtlty perpetrator*
of this heinous crime f
Now, therefore, I have thought proper tot
i-sue this, mv proclamation, hereby offering
a reward ot Five Thouaatid Dollars lor that
arrest, with evidence to convict, of any on#
of the twelve disguised men engaged in that
muider aforesaid, and a rewaid of One
Thi nsand Dollars eadti for the arrest and
convictb nos any additional number of said
iw. lve.
Given under my hand and the Great Seal of
the State, at the Capriei in Atlanta, this
• Tuth day nt #ept. in the ve.r of our Lord
A’chteen Bundled aad Aevemy and of the
Independence of the United States of
America tbe Ninty-flfth.
By thp Governor!
David G. Oottin®, Secretary of Stats.
Sept. 22 4w.
Governor of said Slat**
Whereas, Official information has been r«
ceived at ihis .Department that on the night
of the 15th es Julv, 1870, one Jerry Long
a colored citizen ol Hancock Connty. was ta-s
ken trom hi- house bv disguised parties, and
cruelly mU'dered ;■ and
W hereas, one Isaac Johnon and due Bohr
ert Dudley were recognized by responsible
persons a« being ot the number of disguised
! parties who committed said murder; and
Whereas, uport the aupearaßee «f the mif
itary authorities in said cohnty of Hancock,
'be said Johnson and ths said Dudley fled
Irom the said county :
Now, therefore, I have thought prtfpet la
iesoe this, mv oroclamatfon, hereby offering
a reward of Five Hundred Dollars each for
the apprehension and delivery of the said
Johnson and said Dudley to the Sheriff of
-aid county .1 Hancock
Given under my hand and the Great Neal of
he State, at the Capi’ol in Atlanta, thl»
12 h dav of September, in the year of ouF
Lord N’ighleeti Hundred and Seventy, and of
he Independence of the United Niatea of
omeiica the Niuetv-filth.
Bv the Governor:
David O. Cotting, Secretary of State.
sept 22, 4w.
Governor of Said Stats,
Whereas, information has been received
• t this Depsitment alleging that a colored
m»n Jackson was mutdered in Hancock
county ; aud
Whereas, It ig alleged that one Timothy
Crowley, a white man, reported to be a no
'oriourly bad character, committed toe Said
muider, and has not been arrested :
Now, therefore, I have thought proner to
issue this, mv proclamation, hereby offering
lor tho apprehension and delivery ol the said
'’lowley to the Sheriff' of said county aDd
(riven under my hand and the Great Seal of
the Slate, at the I’apjtol in A lanta, this
sixteenth div of September, in the year
of out- Lord Kigali teen Hundred and Seven
ty, and of the Indepehdence of the Uni
ted States of A meric* the Nineiv-fifth.
By the Governor ;
Damid G. Cotting, Secretary of Btate.
sept 22, 4w.
G E Olt G 1 A,
Govenor af Said Statse
Whereas. Official information jaa been re
ceived at this Department that a murder *s(
committed in the county of Chatham, on or
about, the 27'It of August last, upon the body
of James B Crane, by one John Sift ith, as i#
ill g'd, and that said Smith has fled from
justice: .
1 nave thought proper, therefore to isvus
ihis, my proclamation, hereby offering a rev
ward ol live Hundred .Dollars for theapprpw
tension nnd delivery ol the said Nmlth, with
proof sufficient to convict, to thu Sheriff of
auid countv and St.nte.
And I do moreover charge aftd require atl
officers in this Stare, civil and military, to be
vigilant in endeavo’ing* to apprehend the
said Smith, in jrder that he may be brought
•o trial for the offense with which he etandd
Giveu under my hand and the Great Seal of
the State, at the Capitol in Atisn'a, this
twd'th day of September, in the vear of
our Lord, Eighteen hundred ami S-venty,
and of the ind-pendence of the United
States of America, the Ninety fifth.
By the Governor :
David G. Oc-ttino, Secretary of .State,
aept 22, 4w.
r l' , nE celebrated Holton Fill, manufactured
L by Dr. H.C. Bailey, at Americus, Georrf
gia, is undoubtedly the best medicine yet
diacovered for the cure of ihe different form*
of malarious fevers, such as chill and fever,
fever and ague, intermittent or biliioua re
mit'ent fever-, and all forms pi disease hav-
I ng a malarious origin.
Sold by Dr. J. R Janes Damson, Ga., and
I Dealers Generally.
Frier One llnl’ar,
1 M rehvT.-Iv,