Newspaper Page Text
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‘ _ L --1.
Southern rultinlor
For October received, containing
another valuable article from Mr Bar
nett on growth and distribution
of ootton an i com roots, illustrated by
three excellent cuts—an able article
from Mr. Gift on increase of labor at
the south—anot'ier of Dr. Clow’s ad
mirable series on manufacture of
Sugar—a suggestive article on rust in
cotton, with a great many others too
numerous to mention. For twenty
eight years this admirably conducted
and eminently prosperous magazine
has labored vigorously for the im
provement of Southern Agriculture,
Horticulture, &c., and we doubt not
much of the progress visible of late
years is due to its teachings. The
large number of its first class adver
tisements a evince large circulation, as
advertisers rarely mis-judge as to the
best mediums for communicating with
the public. The present No. is print
ed with new and somewhat larger
type, c> ntains forty-odd pages reading
matter, and over fifty pages of adver
tisements. Subscription only
Win. & W. L. Jones, Editors and
Proprietors, Athens, Ga.
Ho«v TOitch Biu oii Was con
sumed a.milt Lad Seaton, and
t% lint it Cost t s
There is no posible reason why the
South cauuot make its own supply of
meat. There is no section of the
country which will not produce the
hog,nor does the climatic effects pro
vent its being properly killed and per
fectly cured. Our agricultural journ
als, which very rightiy cry ‘plant more
corn,’ should also add, ‘rais6 more
hogs, cure your own moat and save
your money.’ From one of our ex
changes we find that the South alone
spent in meat last season thirty mill
ions of dollars, or, counting last year’s
crop of cotton to have aver aged 8100
per bale,it took 300,000 bales of cotton
to pay lor meat alone.
We have never heard but one sin
gle argument used by planters to
explain why they could not raise hogs,
and that was, that the freedmen stole
the stock, having a likeing for other
peoples’ meat. We cauuot see any
strength in this line" of argument.
Ju6t as the freedman is in
terested in his master’s cotton crop,
so, could he be made personally liable
for the hog crop.
What however is the truth, is that
the corn crop is utterly neglected, and,
or course, where there is no grain
Jhere can be no pork.
Should the present European war
continue, which would be likely to en
hance the price of all provisions, we
should think our planters would take
every measure to insure them a stock
of meat, made by themselves.—Savan
nah Mommy yen's.
The Colton Crop Vs. Recoil
Speaking of the immense value of
the cotton crop of the South, the Bos
ton Post says: “This is the very section
of the country, so peaceful in its pur
suits as to be able to raise such
crops of ready money as these, which
Radicalism insanely seeks to hold under
tyranny of secret and irresponsible
governments, inspired and sustained
lromWashington, and bent on dis
franchising punishing and degrading
its population in hopes of advancing
the basest party ends. A government
worse than an Imperialism is set up
in Taxes, which produces for the year
over a quarter of a million bales of cot
ton, besides other crops. President
Grant sends United States troops from
Fortress Monroe into North Carolina,
to back up the incendiarism of Holden
for politicial purposes. Louisian pro
duces over a million of bales, and Mr
Durant, a Radical liigh-priest, is
obliged to admit that it was never more
corrupt and wickedly ruled, the gov
ernment being of the pure carpet-bag
stripe. A negro is forced, into the office
of Secretary of State in Alabama,
while the peaoeful people are raising
over three hundred thousand bales
of cotton. Georgia yields almost half
a million bales, but is kept out of
rightful representation in t 'engross
by the Radicalism that is boa ting
of its work Os reconstruction. More
than three million bales of cotton
raised in one year in a section which
a shameless party press and party
demagogues are representing as unsafe
for the residence of a population in
clined to peaceful industry! A
section that is ravaged day and night
lawless Uhlaus, adding three hundred
and twenty-five miliious to its wealth
a single season ! How much longer
will the people of the North be deceiv
ed by these false cries of Radicalism
and a section of the country be cut
off from a fellowship which every
political, commercial industrial and
social interest requires to be instantly
reinstated ?To what further limit
will the people permit this tyranny of
Congress to be pushed, toward a
section on whose prosperity and peace
depends the entire circuit of the agri
oural, manufacturing and commercial
occupation of the country '< ’ It is
gratifying to see so able and eloquent
a voice lifted up in our favor in the
chief city of Massachusetts Let the
Post take heart, “the king shall have
his own again” or there is no virtue in
the split in the republican party, the
war between the negroes and carpet
baggars and the Maine elections.
A great many horses and mules are
being shipped through Nashville to
the South.
A Thomasville (Ga.) girl give* her
opinion of the tournament at that
place : “I never saw nothin’ but ugly
men on poor horses.’’ 1
The Imprhvued Tmpcror. |
, , • c mpleta
. i ,N ;;.I- or davt*s
« o wi Napoleon is
... .ui.j accompanied by R.iacede
1a Moskowa and Murat. He often
walks beyond that portion of the
park from which the public is exclu
ded, and does not seem to care to
withdraw himself from the gaze of
the inquisitive. When I saw him, he
looked thirty years older than when I
6aw him fix e years ago.
The ex-Emperor goes to bed late
and gets up very early. Lights are
seen in his bed-room after midnight,
and between 4 and 5 o’cloca in the
morning he takes his first walk in the
garden. He and his generals seem to
appreciate the g.avityof the situation
and the subaltern officers of his house
hold do not appear to understand the
! emergency; they smoke and jo e
with all comers as ii they were accom-,
| panying a successful sovereign on a
i pleasure trip through Germany. I j
| spoke to some of them, and found
I them even more thoughtless than they
■ looked, which is saying a great deal.
They tell every one who will listen,
that “Prussia will restore order to
France ’ —that tho Emporor will re
turn “at the head of Prussian battal
ions. ’
One of these gentlemen, who had
all the manneis of a man of the
world, energetically denied, on the bth
of September, that the Republic was
proclaimed iu Paris, calling tho report
a “canard Prussian.” As I replied
that 1 had just received the first num
ber of the Journal Officiel do la lte
publique Irancaise from a friend in
Paris, and should be happy to lend it
to him, he shrugged his shonlders,
and answered with an air of superior
ity which made me feel quite abashed
“Monsieur, you must not believe all
you see iu this world.” —lndependence
Undesirable Locality. —Rev. Hen
ry Ward Boociier’s brother Jeems,
havirg lately visited N*w York, issued
the following report upon that local
ity :
“It has been my fortune to travel
very largely among heathen nations,
but there is worse heathenism in Now
York than in Canton or among the j
Hottentots of the Cape cf Good Hope. !
I have seen the Bengalee Indians, the j
Chinese, the South Sea Islanders, and j
the Crackers of Florida, and Sand
Hillers of South Carolina, and never, !
never, on the surface of God s earth, \
have I seen such men and women as
I have the last week or two in New
York city. They cannot be found.
London may equal it. Hell does not
surpass it.
Memphis has two owls kuown to be
over sixty years old.
Mississippi is to have no less than
forty agricultural fairs during the
coming autumn.
The first grand fair of the Cotton
States Mechanics and Agricultural
Fair Association takes place at Augus
ta, Georgia, commencing October 25,
and continuing 5 days.
Nt.%% /%!#% I M > ■*-
I A n*-w Book ot 128 imf?'*'*.
Puck Suers. By mail. AS NEWS
CO., New York.
A I*l « L>MOV bLT« *;i;v
":Rcv! M. Goodrich, _ ; Kid. .7 S Lamar, :
:Of Rhode Island, :g , Oi Georgia. ;
Pnbli-hed in ihe “Slav of the We*!,”
(U.liver- |>«f,) and !»«».»■■ Milll
ai'<l,” (Obrisnn, j etrly, n ginning Oct
Ist, 1870, eo 'inning a >ou *ix m nths, and
app-. ar. gC *M PLKTK IN BOTH PAP RS. -&’nh*r
paper w n b~ supple and during mis moat able
and inn*" sting discussion
(Nix TO.wili)*) (or One Hollar,
it jP F “Mar” tddress IV illiams n &
Cantw.ll CJi cinnaii, O.
“Standard” address R. W.
(‘ark 'LL & (to. Cine! .nan, 0
l J rice 14e(Uioe*l !
The Bal in i!ie « oiuit<y.
oXU.nKV E. wh .>A', JR , <s -JO.,
38 PaKK R >W, NkW York.
jiuu r* »» ile •»' • ■«» • Burt*, xnte business. A
t ol $25 will return a clear pftih
ot $475 F*» r pern* u’-tr* call on «»» addn■-
No. Naasnu B(ree>, F< w Y rk.
NO. 28.
TBftUVUUI Mifiei from it
A weak, nervous ex»a nsied
set no energy, lion
or vigor, low spirits weak
lueinury. iuvolim fa ■ y
einittkions wilti loss of power
anil threatened inipoteiiee. r> c
un-equence of exe ase-. I'his is I lillV*
Ot 5 DI BIUTV. and it fi .1-a -, v
■ reign in II 1 11 t*II I! t Y'**
110 Hl oCI> t Til If' M‘M llif
Mo. TWEMTI-UIOHT. I'r.ousai.ds
have been cured by these p 11-. They tone
up the svtetn, arr—t, the discharges, disnel
'he gloom aud mental depr- ssion, and re
juv. pate the system. Price $5 for a package
ol five box* sand a f*i vial of powder, which
is important in all oid long-«t«i and ' g cases,
ot $1 per single box. Sold b» all fi st-claas
diuggists, at*il seut to any address on the r. _
eeipi of the price. Add'ess HUMPII/fiY'S
CO., 502 Broadway aVc* Yotlt.
r~t~» O [ —' AD\ V ! —4(l new artiel-a
*-1 'J v and fn. Agents SampleyVee H
B tspaw, Ait*ed, JYe.
4 VOID QU ACK* !-A victim of
ix eatly inde.ctiptioii causing nervous de
bidty, premature decav, tc. having tried in
vain every advertised remedy. ba« discover
ed a simple met os of self-uire, which he sill
send fee to his fpilow stiff rers. Address J*
H. TUTTLE, 78 Nassau, 8 rret, New York.
Ahllll D I** OPI.F-Smd hv
mail o D r. Loin’s Agencv, 699, Broad
war, New Toik, for description of his Medi
cated Xoz, t gets. Dangerous for single per
seas, who used not apply.
Grivat Ui«tii bution
By the Jleli-epoliiau Wilt Cos
Cash Gifts to the Amount of 500,000
liVi-ry I'lrki'i i*r:i«** * I*'lac.
t cash gifts,ssvh 9‘An," 0 5 cash gifts t*ch ♦I,
10 ”• " ’■ ,o* u 1 .tt> *' “ jy-e
n *• *' 6, . I i(W •• " 10
Ail Jilcgsnt Kof.wcmd I Luo. • ujch fAm to *7d '
;j H '• .Velodeous *• 76 to 1('
~vt Hewing Machine - • a “ S' to 175
50*1 Gold Waiehea - * “ 76 to 3 J)
C 'ldi Sriii-i, Silver ir arc, k.c valued $ .O'C.'On
A en.i.i « 'O m rt w an, el lh, above Pi 'X *
for use. 7*ll It*'* drteiibing Prune a e tinted
in Env* lope, and well mixed. Ou receipt O'
U#e. a Staled Ticket ia drawn wilhout choice
and aeni ny mail lo any adder*.. The pint
nmied upon it will be delivered to the 'i kei
holdei on pavment of One Dollar. Ptizes
are immediately sent to auy audie-s by ex
pesa or return mail.
You will know what vour pr’xe i« hefnr«
yon par tor it. Any prise exchanged for an
other of tame value. So B anka. Oa. pat
rona can depend on fair dealing.
References :—We select ihe following
from manv who have latelr drawn Valuable
P n-g and kio tl* permuted u* to pub '»h
ihem : Andrew J. Burn*, Chicago, sls,'»>o ;
M'ssOlsrn Walker, Btliiwore. Plano, ♦B'HJ
Junta M JbtiLew*, De'roi*, ss,"On ; John
T A drew*, Sivaunah. f.V.Obti; J/iaa Ague.
Simmons, Chailee'ou, Pa no, srtoO. We
puhliah non imea wiihou' pennies o n
Opinion* or the Prim:—“ Ibe firm i» reli
st le, and oe.-e v« their euccesa." — Weekly
Tribune May 8. “We knnw them io he a
tan dealing tirin.”— F. T. Deraid May 28.
“A friend of ours drew a f.ViMHt p' /. .which
waa promptly received.” —Daily Sews June
tend 'or circular. Liberal i flueemeot* to
Agente; A'aiialaClion guiranterd. f?v. rv pack
age i t Realm Envelop.-* cou'aidß onk cash
oirr. Six Ticket* for fl; 13 Im $2; 3.V; lor
$5; 11U fur 15. All le teia mu*' be add e?ved
I C. I*. niLI.MHS A. < 0., 50.
IBrnatl vireel, V. ¥.
Govmivr of sold Stale.
Where**, Official information ha* be»n re
•eived ai thi« D p rtment thai L. D. Smiih
.'and* charged with having comuiilicd the
c ime of murder upon ibe body of Win,
Hopkins in ihecounryof neriwcher, in this
s' ite, and that said Smith has tl and lrom i is
Now, therefore, I have thonght prorwr to
issue tt.w, rnv proclamation, hereby i ff-ring
a reward ot Two Hundred Delia's tor the
ppreh, nai ,n an ) delivery of the said Smith,
» th eviden e sufficient to convict, to the
Nieiitf ot said county and Slate.
Vnd I do moreover charge and require all
ofUeers in this Sta'e, c vil and mdita y, to be
rigi ant in endravomig to appreheod the said
Smith, in mder thit he may be brou hi to
trial tor ihe off n*e wilh which he stands
G v. ii under my hand ind the Great Seal of
the S ate, at the C ipitol in A'lanta, this
thuieen'h dav of Sepember, in (he year!
of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seven- |
tv, and ofrhe Independence of the United |
Slates of America '* e ninety fi'tb.
By the Governor :
Daviii G. Cutting, Secretary of State,
sept S2, 4w.
Governor of said State.
Whereas, Official inloi niHt'on ha* been re
ceived a' ihis Department that on the nignt
of the 24rh o' August, ultimo, the Shei tff ot
the couiry of Union, while in the discharge
of his offi ul duly, accompanied and assisted
by a poexe conitutus consisting of some of
the good citizens ot sain county, in attempt'
■ng to arrest one James West, which rcsis’-
hiicc on the part ot Slid Wes' resulted iu the
killing of one James Collins, oue of the pai
tv accompanying said £'he iff: and
Whereas, The said Sheriff certifies to me,
that the sad West succeeded in making his
eseape, and is now a fugitive from justice :
Whereas, It is'he duty and desire of the
/Txrcu ive 'o protect and encouiage all good
ci 17.7ns in ihe enforcement of the civ'l Gw :
Puiv, therefore, I have thought proper to
i issue this, nty proclamation, hereby offering
a reward ot One Thousand Hollars io> the
apprehension and delivery of the sad J imes
West, with evidence sufficient to convict, to
the Sheriff of said county of Union.
Given under iuv hand and the great seal ot
the N’late, at ihe Capitol in Atlanta, this
thirteenth dav of September in the tear o'
our Lord, Eighteen Bundled and S'ventv,
end of the Independence ol the Uoiteil
Stales of Ame rim the Nineii fifth,
By the Go' e nor :
David G. Cutting, Secretary of State,
sept 2g, gw.
s*niimisi)r.ucrep \
Blood and Liver Specific ,
Moibid Condition of the Blood!
These are the fnli’till source ot mane
<* B*B, such as Scrofula, Wbi e Swelling Q o'
R tn nia'ism, A’r.-*ip**las, Fleer*, t?ti nine
Sore Eves, Swelled N**ck, S it Rheum, Ring
wntm. B ale, Carbuncle-, Pimples, B otches.
ard E . uptions of all kind*..
Fur the erne of these varions ass ctlior s
which a e nre elv svmp'nn. of a wimbld sta'e
of the Blond, medical skill and “eienee have
.*ot re* discovered i Blond Purifier* qual to
>he « oinp»mill l.xlrnrt us *iiiin-
Silt- Tut. g'ea Ural h Restorer and Blood
ch-ansing Cordial - h<>> cug'ilv eradicates eve
rv kind of humor and bad taint, and rea'ores
the entire svs'em to a healthy and perfecllv
pure oond tion,
(ft.enrists, A lama, Ga.,
For sale bv Druggists.
R- ad *he following, which explains the Pue -
eesa of this Great Remedy all otkr the
Wist Point. Ga , -duou t 10th, IR7o.
Meters. Pemberton, Taylor & Cos, Atlanta
Gents: We have the greatest cure fore
port. ever known, m.dc hv us of your Com
pound AxfriW n/ - Stillingia. A ease that
haa been vo fined to bed for si» years—rais
ed and well—will send particulars soon.
Y nrs R. spertfully.
Crawvord & Walker, Druggistsi
Stpl 16-6 m.
3Eli Eg © B
IT |o woll known to
Doo'op*i an<l ro
LndieM, that women lire
Buhject to uuraeron* die
eA«ce peruli«r to thuir
Huoi* ne .‘vuppree
nion of the Mfui^a,
Whiter. Painful month
ly ‘Period*,» I{hruina«
firm of the Baek and
ITomh, Irregular Slet>*
•truation, l/emorrngrhe
Kxeersive ‘Flow*,’ and
Prolapre* Uteri, or Fell
im/ of tlie iromb.
These disease* have
seldom been treated sue
«VH»fully. The proiee*
-ion b»e (KMigin oinKentlv for eome rrineny
•hat would emb’e r ht*m to treat these dis
earff* with »ucee-f,
A T Ih» , that r**roedv baa been dieeoverpd
hv one oft» e mod skilful phvsiciaua in the
Sta<e of Georgia. That remedv is
Ii is purely v. geiahle and is Ml' up in
Atlanta, Georgia, b< 2IF.ADFIF.LD & CO.
It will purity the b'o>d and *"engihen the
system, relieve irritation of 'he kidne'*, and
is a perfect specific tor all the above diseases,
a cure as Quinine in Chills and fever.
For a histo'y of diseases, aid certificate*
ol is wonderful cores, the readi ris reh'rred
to ihe wrapper around 'he botrln. Aiery
bottle is warranted to give satisfaction or
money refunded.
I.aGrangk, Ga., March 23. 1870.
BttADFixi.n A Cos. A lai'ta, GerngG :
Dicar-'ir*: 1 Uke pip isure in ata'ine that
I have used tor the last twenty years the
medicine mu are putting up, known vs DR
and consider it the best, cmh n l'on ever
gotten together sot the diseaaee for which >l,
iis recommended. I have been familiar wi h
the proscription, both aa prvcli'ioner of med
icine and in domestic practice, and can f on
e-'lv say that I cODsder it a bo n to suffw
ing females, and can but hop- that everv la
cv in our land, who mi* be suffrlng in an*
wav peculiar to their sex, mav b- stile to
procure a hoole, that their suffering* mav
not onlv be relieved, hut that they may be
restored to health and sire' g'h.
With my kindest reg«>ds. f am, respee>-
fully, W B FERRELL, M D.
We, the nnderaigiji and Drnggis's, take plea*,
lire in eommendir gto the 'itnf», DR. J.
heIi-vine i' to Pea good und r-liable remedy
for the d'Si uses for which he recommends it.
W. A. Lansdell, A'lan'a, Ga
P-mberton, Willson, Tayloi &Cos., Atlanta,
Redwine k Fox, A'lanta, Ga.
W. 0 L'wshe, A'lanta. Ga.
W. Roo l k Sod, Marietta, Ga.
Celebrated lAver .Medicine-
D is purelv re?et»hle, and will act npon ihe
L ver and K'dneys as promptly as Calomel
and B'lchu, without anv danger ot salivation
et destruction of the bon- s.
Patties taking this m-dicine need not fear
getting wet, or any other reasonable expo
Fymjttonis of Liver Disease.
Head'cbe, Dull or fhp Blue o , Sour
Non inch. Sick or nervous *c*'O t He«rf
burn, or /)vspopsin. Bid or Bit
ser I'iwe i'i »hc nruirh ; the skin hus a think
fceliriff, and is darker than ufloil, ooh
tiv»*fM‘f»s, M tmichnlv tcelinsffl, (>nmp-»,
Cold F«»ef. C’olic, D «entery, or Diirreah,
Chills and Fever *md n fact, wh *re
the i« ou r of ord‘'r, you arc liable to
uverr disease that i* not contagioua.
ProphitJ’s Liver M- -dicine. It taken prop-
it will prevent and cure any disease
snl’inc f om a deranged L’ver.
It wi I re^ula f e funclions and thus cure
all di-ewses cwustd by the failure of its healthy
I« ha* been good for a great number of
yedra, and haa given universal eatisfxction.
There is no brother or eon claiming t<» hive
♦he original receipt. It is put up ia both
Powder &ud F.uid form.
Fairburn. Ga, N. pteniber 4, IS6B.
Dr. O S Drophit:
Sir. Vlv wte has been an invalid for tis-
vea<a. Docfore .11 agreed she hid L«ver
Disease. In connection with th»*ir practice
she need various noted medicines, none of
which seemed to do anv good. Nome ’ime
sitro I procured a b= t ie of you” “L ver J{. <\~
icine,” of your asjenr here, (J. A. Ilirvv,
which being k’v«-n according to direction-,
have ”tf‘ecfed a complete . u>e.
Respectfullv, etc , L. THOMPSON.
tlf. fropliitt'f dyjßfitery Cordial.
Is one of ihe most viln.tble compounds
now pur up sot Dia rheH, Dvseuierj, Gnolera,
Imljiiiurn, or (Tfiolern Viorbus
medicine has bf»en in use for vear«q
mid iinivers*il sanafaction.
The most delicate child mav use it with
This rhe c<*lebrH*fd no dicine that ran
Perrv D iv*s’ Pkin Killer our of rhe mirker,
%Berever it was sold; Divia m»de Pronhirt
hanerp the namv from Puiu K Her to I\\lN
For Nhfmmatis'm, R a ura’g : a, Cuts, B uises.
Bump, Old Sores, Bhps, or stinga of
* dsonous If meets, for (’olds, Cong m, or
B -wel (yOmplainr, if. has no equ il as t d*’s«-
healer or antidote for pun of >nv kid.
Manufactured and «old bv &IMDFIKLI) &
’G., Adanta, Ga., and tor sale by ail D ug
Fever and Ague PMs.
The best Antidote for Chills and Fever
k ! own. Cures warranted always or money
refunded* Purely vegetable.
Will leli. ve 11 adache, Nervousne.-s, Join
dice, and all other derangements of the Liv
er. Put elv vegetable.
The following are a few among the hun
dreds of thus,* who have used the above
named medicines, aud woo readily testify to
thei- v.lne :
Col R J Henderson, Covington, Ga ; Prof
J L Jones, Covingt. n, Gt ; M W Arnold,
ti'orgia Cotiferen *e ; R j v W W Ostio, G-or
aiu Oun'erence ; A (/Ribinson, Monticello,
I*l ; Judge J J Floyd. Covingroti. Ga ; Dick
f ockct, Davis county, Texas, W Hawk
Wha ley, Cuss.ta, Tex ts.
Fulton C. untt. J men bvthese
presen s, that I tiave this day, for value re
ceived, sold and transferred to BRHDFIJ?LD
& Cos., the sole tight to m.imitactuie and Sell
my family Medicines, and have furnished
them with the full recipes, and have au'lior
is and the said BRADFI -D & CO , to print,
or have primed, auy thing they may see
proper concerning any and ail the abt ve
named Af.*dicine». This 15th dtv of June
1870. [Signed] O. S. PROPiilTr
In pi. sene# oi TLomas F Jones at and R, b
ert Crawford, Notaiy Public. [L 8 ]
Manufactured and for sale by BRADFIELD
& CO, Brnsd Street, Atlanta, Ga., and fur
gale by all Druggist*.
Fot *al* by Hr. J. R. Janes, Dawson. Ga,
mini suMim
Ucri T»(>d Wooden
Agrnffc 111 idg •
ihrnnghout, rkt.ins 'he swccincss of <hp old
wo. n Bvidgs, und outains 'hs soUditv ot Ike
Mittal Agr ff", wi'hou' i's onjrCTl- \B.
I’afcnt <'cnt|tonit<l Wrest
fwhioh hold* thp Tuning Pin*, is «ix luvprs of
Mspl", ora in running diffeiently,— tbi
I‘;iiriii I'till Iron rrsinm
pnnpfn'rnlp* in front o* ihp Tuning Pi"S,
th»t iiprpfoforp pamagim: Iror (which in thcr
Pi inos hnrtfnllv sni'RnrNns thp Tuning Pin*.!
and “hn"s” into thp front edge of 'h* pi*nl<
and kffkctcalLT resists the twenty tons
strsin. ,
Piifriif S>i:t t r ‘ii:t I Mmliiiniiii;
p*rt of the Iron Fir me, nex'ionnd p "ill
wlth thp -teel s'tings UXDER THE OVER
The First MrxMv Impartial Trial
ever h.tfl.
Stoinway’s, Chickoring’s, anil other
Wr, the make Oofl* tha f nf
the t ; me nftho Uar of the American In~
stitufe held in immedimelv fol
lowing rhe French Frpositiun in P«ri<a, two
Pianos made hv Steinvay & Sons, one Pi
ano *>? Chickerinp d' Sons one Patent Avion
Piano, nude hv G. C Monner y >*nd never*!
other maker’s inatrumenr« were tried ac-ainat
each o»her f hv ord**r and under conr»ol of
the Officers of rhe I«ißM’ , u f e, to decide which
pMtm on rxbiM’ion in sh' idd
ree* ive the Fm. Prum'iim the best
Square Piano Iminwn” To obtain an imoar
tiM ’••i •!, twice nil of -aid Pianos «cere cover -
edidth papers. t>fl' one Piano e» ul<l not
be ib'tioglished from another (dnnnnr ihe
absence of rhe .Judo- a,) and twice did thev se
l» Ct one of .mid P *» o- as the bcst % which,
noon nr>c *ve»-i r ’C'. both rimes. prr*v and to be
f.ho aai ( Patent. A / ION Piano aw »rdjr rit
“The hirst Prerni rn" ‘ o»»er all others for
beinn the best. Square Piano known to them f ’
This trial was after Ghickerincj A Sons'
Pi »nr» h«d receiy and O'* Legion of Honor and
Medal g and Stein way dc Sons, (he Medal from
Npoieon f anH the J m s * of-aid r r*^! were
EDW ARI* MOLLENH ADRRv Prof, of Vfus’c,
Musical Director and OnVinafor of rhe
Net* Y >rk and Brooklyn Conservatories
of Mna’V.
CFTAKFiFiS FRADFL, the eminent and favor,
ite Oorrp«ser, and P'anisf to hi- Kotaf Hiirh
. the Due Gustave ofS-ix Weimar, Eisen
Mns'c ; Teacher, of rhe higher school of Mu
sic, Sic . Ac.
A. D. Organist at Cathedral,
Jersey Ci»y ; Pianist. Ac.
Jcurs Nn:FHARn7, R- rttrt Rieovr.
Henry VfLLKa, ("HA R LFS Sni.nW’vpEL,
<t. Mannrr, [lnventor and Patentee of
the Arion Piano Forte.)
Sworn before me Pms 221 dav of Julv,
Commissioner of Deeds.
The Arion Piano iw rhe chkappst. m st
curable, leart complicated, r* quires let-S
TUNING md D'*KH not «/e» <Mjt ofo de»-, i f i«
i ti #: sT'Krs) k! ti n f*
Wri’e fur aftidivrs, Pamphlet ;*tid Circu
lir, arid ataie in what Paper you saw this ad
in eve v Uitv and Town where we have not
already app"inted tliem.
The virion S 3 iwno Forte C<r.
W»rern«iii« mill Office, No. 551
Broad way,
Haiiiifaclory. 187 & ISO Bow
fry N«-w York.
Centrally located.
LAWTO'i & LftVi/TCr*
■if./ c ojr ; f. r. on a #./,
Foiton »ml f ommissioii
«*!.». VO
•Advances made
aug. 25-Bm.
A PKOt l> \TI \TIOX.
Governor of said State.
Whe-ens, It has been reported to this De
partment f*y r.'-potisib!e pnrti.-s, Hiat. a mur
der was co Httiiiled in the couri'v of
do ing th- Jfinth of Slav, 18ti8. on the per
son <>f Jo-eph Jennings, coin ed; ami
Whereas, No Hrrest lias ret been made ot
•ny person or persons charged with the said
murd* r :
Now, there ore, I have thought, prnppr to
issue tins, rat proclamation, hereby offering
a rewaid <f Oil Ttiousand Dollars for the
apprehension and delivery ot the said par
ties unknown, wi h evidence sufficient to
convict, to the SoeufT ol said couuty and
Ami I do moreover charge and require all
officers in this N aie, civil and miliiarv, to b*
vigilant in endeavoring to apprehend the
said parties unknown, in order that they mar
be brought to trial for the offence with which
they stand cnaiged.
Given under my hand and the Great Seal of
the Stale, at the Capitol in Atlanta, thir
fifteenth day ot September in ihe year ot
out Lord, Eighteen Hundred and Seventy
and ol the liidt pendi lice of the United
Slates of .rluietica the Ninety fifth.
By the Governor:
Pavid G. Connt«, Secretary ot Slate.
•w» S2, sw,
\\ T E deem it wholly unnecessary to inform
f ▼ the PLof Middle and Bomh
western Georgia, that we are still ei>g‘ie:*d
our Old Stand in the W AN D
( OM MISSION BUSINGS, where tor eo ma
ny venrs we hrtve *erved you as Facti'rs and
Cammißsmn We have left no
stone unturned to aid yon in csrryin* on your
tHrniing intercet, and in turn we now bespeak
a continuance of the very liberal patronage
• Xtetided in the puef* Your cotton shall
be weighed on the level, aold and accounted
tor on the square.
By closelv guarding vour every Interest,
we intend to merit you* patronage.
To our old friends of ninny \ears stand
itig we r« turn om grateful a< ki owledge
m* n»e ; to new ones who niay try us, we
promise our best efforts —backed bv ihe ex
perience of many years to serve them fdith-
I fully and well
I O r derß for supplies will meet wi'h prompt
atten»ir*n. O G SPARKII
&ug2B-3m. T. 11-4KI)U/ N, Jr.
Fever and Ague
Always Stops tlie Chills*
Thi* Sleiiicine has been beforp the ?»!>-
| He fifteen years, and is still ahead of all
other known remedies. It does not purge, |
does not sicken the stomach, is perfectly
safe in any dose and under all circum
stances, an 1 is the only Medicine that will
and pcftuunentiy every form of Fever
and Ague, because it is a perfect Ax»ti«
| dole to yfalaria.
Bold by all Druggists.
Sale and Feed Stable.
We expect to keep on h*nd, all the season
d igs Horses and Vtiles for
purchases we look to what is needed in »Hi-s
‘jpetian, and mis? to merit a liberal patronage
from those who may need stock. Cill on us
before purchasing
nv i im* c f l l fum iit a f fir n^
. Ll l lil I I I Iff lil S J Ei. 1A i,
€ O m M IS S I © N HR V IS ANTS,
< HIT> EREHY h n 1 mince 'n their friends, an l he public g c. r-»My, that th y have the Wts ouao formerly occupied by
* l.i ylesH & (Jr iHn m ue recently bv W. M Peeples, whi'-h limy will open Septa.nGer l*t, IS7'J when they wifi fie pr pared to
ifii a g nerai vV arehminu & Onmini s on 13 is ness. All the Firm h»7e been engaged in the buwnea-i heretofore, and hope, f>y strict
u , and constant attention to the interest of p.anleis, in the Storage and Sale of Cos tja, to receive u liberal share of their patronage,
Connected wufi the VV arehouae is a
enpecixl’y for the b«»afit o( »ur patron*. B?St~rt<t»B a* low as other Houses. [Aogst 11 3ca
Agi a ictil(iia*a2 liiip!ejnciit§,
Sugfar Kettles
lain Gearing,
Thomas Water Wheels,
Shoflin- and Pulleys,
li*oii siikl iirass i'aiftiiigs,
iYSill Work of I'.very I>eseription,
Drcssc«l Vsiimbcr, etc., etc.
0 ul ( ast Iron, Brass and Copper purchased at the highest market price-
A.l order* promptly atteuded to.
0. 0. NELSON, Pres't, - - H. ATKINSON, Suo't*
Dawson, 6a„ September &ts
Colloji factor? S Cowi^np
W E renew the tender of onr
H <-ur many pbming friend* com*
dnslers, ottering them un«urpa-*.d
tor the prompt and faithful ex.'cudon of‘ a
business en'rui'ed to our oa-e, n| e rt.W
promptness in all transactions. We n. L
Hie sale of Cotton a special'* Our senior
having enjov. and this privilege for over f nr ?,
years, and trust, bv siliet imegrhv that h
has merited the confi ence of our u«,,or. *
We are fully prepared to m ke ,he
advances on won in store, and sha I e
deavor to watch lh* market and sell when
ai'tivp demaud. 0
We h ive unusuallv exer ed ouraelvea , 0
render suct aconmmoda'lons to our nlamine
I friends as to enable them to h». V es' their
I crop and tiust they wi Ihe p,„ mp , in for _
I warding colon io root demand-, and if 0 n
on maturity of papers the market should lie
I low an) depressed, will endeavor to extend
Ihe time «.l paper* and aw ß i t a tavorable
market upon cotton in store.
aug‘->6- B,n ' Couou Faotor.
<1 PUo(L\n\Tlo\.
Governor of said State.
| WHEREAS, Official information has been re
eetved at tide Department that a murder wai
committed in the county of Dougherty, on the
■ltli day of November, 1867, npon the body of Ed
ward N. Emerson, by one William H Hetta, and
that said licit." has fled from justice ; and
Whereas, There is now pending m the Supe’
rior Court of Dougherty county , Pill of Indict
j ment charging said Delta with having committed
said murder:
| Now, I have thought proper to time
this my proclamation, hereby oflciing a reward of
ONE TAOUJASB DOLLAKB for the apprthen-
Bion and delivery of the said Win. 11. Betts to
the Sheriff of Baid county and State, in order that
he may be brought to trial for the offence with
which lie stands ell trged.
Given undel my hand rod the Great Seal of
the State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this
2fith ofPeptember in the year of our
Lord i?ighte' n Hundred and Seventr
and of 'tie /ntlepenoence of the United
Stales of Ame.ica the N netv fifth
I3y the Ooveino' :
II tavt and O. Uottlng, Sec. of State.
Oct 6 4w.