Newspaper Page Text
p*£P\< *v
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FluiiliHioM l.iibor.
The experiment of Chinese on the
Millandinn L’lautation has proved, in
spite of many obstacles, satisfactory
to all parties. An old planter who
visited tlio place, day before yesterday
reports that they were doing work
which negro laborers could not bo got
to do, ton it getting wood out of tho
sw amp, whero they had to wad© and
work all day above their ankles in
water. They were cheeful, active and*
zealous, to a degree which made our
old pluutor sigh for a few such on his
own plantation. With such laborers,
or a lair proportion of them, we could
soon revive our auger production,and
in these lowlands raise all the sugar
and rico that would be needed lor
consumption in the United States.—
The need of this new labor is especi
ally impressed upon our planters by
the general neglect of tho negroes of
their industrial employment, in order
to devote themselves to patriotic and
political duties. The approaching
election is a mo6t important epoch
with them. Tho have got public
meetings, stump oratory, toich-light
processions, llsgs, drums, mass con
ventions and ail the nonsense of po
litical campaigns on the braiu, and
are quite indiliereut to the sugar and
cottou crops. The majorities for their
ticket and candidates are of far more
interest to them than the yield of the
plantation ion which they are em
ployed. This piesont election will in
volve a waste of production amount
ing to millions of value. The dema
gogues who go about the country
stirring up the “too susceptible hands”
to “Turn out,” and trump fur miles to
some meeting convenient to a grocery
or gropshop, where benzine whisky is
retailed at live cents a gill, are the
Alacios and Attilus of our State, who
carry desolation in their march.
It is a great folly to hope or pray
for the extinction of these dema
gogues, or to seek to convince our col
ored brethren that they are getting
beyond their depth, and w ill pursue
their political aspirations to their own
ruin and destruction. That is a fore
gone conclusion. It will only he a
little worse with them than with a
large class of white people who give
themselves up to politics, und forever
afterward become drones und loafers,
subsisting upon and taxing tho honest
labor of others.
Our planters must, therefore, to save
themselves and the country trom a de
cline ot production, look to some ottier
labor than that of our colored politi
cians and suffragans China is the
ouly quartor of the globe to which we
can resort to supply this dissideratum.
It is encouraging to know that many
of our largo planters have already en
tered into contracts to procure theso
laborers. If half of the co tracts
already made are executed there wilt
be a large increase of the number 01
Chinese in our State by next January.
—New Orleans Tones.
How (o Hold Fertility of ihi
Gypsum attracts. It is not only a
manure itself, but it attracts the ma
nure from the atmosphere that comes
in contact with it, (which is abundant
on windy days,) but it catches and
holds the fertility of the ground that
in some soils escapes. Lime will also
do this—so will clay. Clay, dried and
powdered, is excellent to put on a
barn yard, or to cover a compost
heap with, or work- through the heap;
hence we use gypsum and lime in our
stables and privies. Gypsum is best;
it has the most attraction, besides
other properties. A little should be
kept by every farmer for use, even at
a high cost, as the benefit is some
times more important than the prico.
But we waste our manure; we not on
ly permit its strength to escape, but
we are glad to get it out of the way.
The same rec lesness etends to the
lands. It is well our soil has a good
proportion of clay to hold its strength.
We must conserve. The time is not
far distant when we shall be compell
ed to do it. Already there are symp
toms of lack in our soil; we do not
raise as heavy crops as wo used to—
here and there a field, here and there
a farm is less produotivo. It is not so
much that we need plaster here in the
west to hold the strength of the soil
as to use it to abstract it from the at
mosphere, and to save the ammonia
of our barnyards and stabler. For
this let us always keep a little on hand.
Let us save and improve our mannro,
and thus save our farms —Rural World.
The planters of Middle Georgia
must make up their minds to adopt
one of two alternatives: They must
either determine to make their own
provision crops, or they must sell out
their lauds to someone that will, The
planting of cotton at 12£ to Id cents a
pound will break nine-tenth 9 of the
planters of this section—those who
plant cotton alone and rely upon the
sale of cotton to purchase corn, hay,
Won, flour and all the necessaries of
lffe which can and ought to be raised
on the plantation. We know that
planters say they “can t raise hogs
now—the negroes steal them too
much.” The truth is, doubtless, that
the negroes are troublesome in this
respect, but from wbat we learn from
planters with whom we have sounded
on this subject, they do not steal more
than before the war, if so much. The
great trouble about raising hogs is
that planters have nothing to raise
them upon. They hardly buy corn
onough to keep their mules from
starvation. In this latter particular
they are right. They cannot afford to
pay $2 per bushel tor corn to raise
hogs on. But let them raise their
own corn in abundance—let them sow
large wheat and oat crops, and then
they can raise bacon; raise enough
despite the tact the negroes may take
Borne. — tVhn-M Union.
Hew 10 Keep Sweet Potato**. — (
Build a house of small poles with
open cracks; cut your poles twenty by
twenty-four feet long and cover the
house with boards, nailed on so as to j
allow no leaking. In the floor (earth) (
of tho house dig as many holes as y»u
desire to inuke bnuks, cauldrond-shap
ed and eighteen inches deep. Make
Make a tube for each bank of four
strips of plank say four feet in lemrth
by five inches in width, tmiled togeth-
er on the odges. In these tubes, along
tho sides at intervals, have fifteen or
twenty auger holes; sot one tube in
the centre of each cauldron-shaped
excavations in the floor, aud ptlo the
potatoes around it,in the hank, shape
until the hank reaches within about'
six inches of the top. Then cover the
potatoes over with broom straw or
corn stalks, and in this put a layer of
soil six inches thick. If the weather
is very cold, put on a little more dirt
and plug up the mouth of the tube
with leaves or straw, which must be
opened,however,as soon as the weath
er moderates. Every year (after ti e
first) the floor of the potato hou.-e
should be wet with water bPfore put
ing up the hanks. This important.—
No one should bo allowed access to
the banks except an experienced and
careful hand Os course tne house
should be carefully locked.
Coal Oil. — Use coal oil to clean
furniture and remove hlotlies and hide
scratches it is excellent. When sew
ing machines gets gumed up, use il
to loosen the dirt, and it will clean it
without water or soap; then grease ii
with speim oil, and the machinery
will run like new.
Soap Sids for Grapes.—A. J
Downing says: “I have seen the Ib
ahelia grape produce three thousand
fine clusters of well-ripened fruit in a
season by the liberal use of manurt
and soap suds from the weekly wash.”
Tho fleet of soap suds on other plants
is something surprising. A cypress
vine, which had remained stationary
a fortnight, when about two inches
high, immediately began growing af
ter a good watering with soap suds
and grew inches the first five
days. — Exchange.
An Irish lover remarked that it is a
great comfort to be alone “especially
when yer swateheart is wid ye.” We
fully agree with that Irishman !
Octobe’-, 1»7 0.
j i Pi OBATS 5
Util $ X-UO.dJ
Thread put up or -'*•*» American market
Trom To t> No. iou iutnu.tVe,
For Hand and Machine.
ill At A. t»il .. Aitl ti'B, •* t.
The oeu a.: I* vl Four Yeats. Tw i t the
Firs' mid 8- c<>"d CUn-es mi l Tw . in o»-p nf
n f Rowing Techi kvil Sc '•> "I- : 1, General
Literature ; l. Civil Engineering ; 8 .)fe
hanical Engineering; 4 Mining and Me’
allurgy ; 6, Analytical Chemistry.
I .»t? pi tc*» is i•* nat ka ile lt»i is pure air,
xoud ♦iif.rfr, h*'ali(i and l)-MU'y «»f sc*»"*rv
1 is bu r 3 1 4 hours bv rail ft in N»*w Yor
■tiid 2 1-2 trom Philadelphia. The fin bul •
aii(j liberal arranpe*n»-n *» lO’ ioiiructio
cummt n( j ir, to paten*** and students. A.p y
» the President. (SwMleuts admitted at ani
Orwiii r tlHcUiuet Agent*
o Waiitel, fS I P" vpj
Ci'O'i'ai •* *t and .tun of w »rk ' A 11 rut
IIVSI’AI. fc'iiWlNO VIaCUINK <Jo., Boston it/lS .
AI A 4 D\V FOIL Altlt,—Senoil
*D l U r .1)1 .S nnli-s m i|.. i list*. A J. <i4S, BrniS*a> , X •«* Y» k.
PrittPi cmlii'd ami inform ition furnished by
(iH.)KGK UPIIAM, Providence, It I.
50 Cents to $5 per Evening, at Home!
We are- prepared to furnish profitable employ
ment to .Veil or Women at their homes. One
person in each loeality throughout the United
States, ean engage in this Uuniuchh at, great wage*
We send FltK&, full particulars iuid a valuble
sample, wln< li will do to commence on \»iy one
seeing this notice, who wants pr ifituble, perma
nent work, should seud us their address, without
ECALLEiiCO, Aueu-ta,
VVOID QV4(K« -A vi***i tn of
cail* iiifle-criri'ion rinsing nervous d<"
biiity, prsmourp deciv, &c h.virg tried in
vain eve' V adv-ni-mti rcim'd*. ha. ■!?*.,-ovpr.
cd a simple meins of self-cure, which he will
.. nd fcc m hi* (pl'ow suff r«r*. Address J-
H. TUTTLE, 78 Nassau, s r et, N T -» brk.
mm sienmp
is E ill O V E I> !
Tin 6 Sheet lion Worker,
17 esppc'fully informs his ■ us'nmrrs ihn' he
A his removed his Tin Shop over on De
po' Sleet, next door to the Hotel, where
'OO can always find him readv and willing iq
do all kinds of work in 'he Tin and Xneei
I "on Biisim s. Tin Ware always on ha and.
JVolhing hu 1 the best quality oi Tin work'd
I will sell it as low as jou ean get it in if • -
con. Gveir e a call. I will guarantee ev
ery thing to be all right lha l re l.
S'ovepip-s always on hand, and put up to
order, at if ,eon prices. D > not forget the
place, and give me a c-ll before purchasing
ilsewhere. Xeii door to the Uoiel.
J m 27 lv.
For l
10tN0.28 ] lih Dlstric', origlnallv
J uow Terrell county. The above ),,( j
4 miles below Dawson, within one fourth o
a mile of the Railroad. Lies well, and al
though unimpiovec, is valuable for Agricul
tural purposes. PerwortS wishing to purehm
will addiess the undersigned at Buena Viata.
J/arion roun'y, Ga.
sept 22 lin. GEO. W, Q. XUXBO.
II to .1 it *• ’•>
PI. 00 11 ft KASPER.
This tm dO'iiit) is known to the fatal J as be
in* the concentrated fluid extract ol Harsap
•rill* trn-iud with other valuable nindiciuo
boio>, ana unguaranteed as chemically puie.
FOR Tilt. CI'RC i r
kcrefnla «n«l CONhI’^IPTfION.
This remedy fa compounded exprett«lv foi
purifying and rlesoslng the blood ot nil in
tirinliies, gnii g »t Once to the loumain hem
of dt'caso. ll extinguishes.
tKiN ini fTKiNs, s-alt Rhfum,
We ell know that the proim i iioni txcci
nation indulg'd in during (he late war brer
the most villstmus riiaiS'teS. V.iccinatioi
poa was taken front the anus of many per
sons full ol -cofit'ous sores.
Then of course the impurities of the sen f**
Moil* patient were rftSntbed in the blood ot
men olheiwise without disrates, and both
became inlrcted alike. -W o, women and
i chlldien ihrooghcu l all the West are moa 1
wofullv diseased tri ni 'his cause, and knew no
until a Tew months sen. (he o-ieio of I'.
Henry's Constitution Renovator
R. ii. vet. ihe (.nine St-trni ol Fains and
aches, enlivens the epi’i's, aud sends new
1 in p* r*3 a
- |inrkliiiK *>’ tahliicws •«» •»*** Ey*‘
\ ilu«y (.low to Itic * hei k.
t h sitiy Tt< (e to Ili«-
V ( leartie** to H»«- Head,
tirighliiess >u Ihr ( omplexloD.
iHoyanry lo ift«* »pirlls,
( ml Uappiiievi on all hide*.
For all affections of the kindeys it is ur.sur
/Viiple hare been rescued, a° i' were, fron>
tie verv j ws of death, by a timely use o‘
his great remedy.
D..c or, I was vaccinated 'n the hospi'al
lelbie that 1 had co skin dis< ase. Until J
ad a bottle of your “Constitution TSeuova
■ > ," sent me by Dr R"p»r, ot Columbia,
do., I suffered to'tines with rnuoit g sores
nice I have used two bottles I am all welii
•xcepi a small so e on the calf ot my lef j
g, aid that is getting we'l fast."
This from a ladv.—“And now my skin is as
leat and as fair as a babe's. Mv complex
in, thanks to your ‘Renovator,” is beauti
“Ye*, yes, 1 may well say such rehef was
unknown tt me helote. Et.closed find five
dotlais tor six bottles; two f. ni lies here
wan* to tri it."
(*I was Tory much troubled with syphilis.
Your remedy seems to be curing me fast,
send 4 bottles per Fxpre 8."
“No mor» rheumatism. Three bottles of
'onsiimtiou Renovator have marie me anew
an ”
‘ Doctor, enclosed find $5. /’lease s*»d
ie a supply. Two tannlies here waut to tr
our Constitution Renovator-”
We have not space lor more of the above i
extracts, hut \ on can ark your neighbor »b< it
he remedy. JZ-eiy one haa something good
o say, as it cute* cverv time.
liidlicy*, ESeieitlioo of llte I’rair
And tot Female Diseases,
Nc vnus Pros'ration, W eakness, General Las
ait'ide and Want ol Appetite, it is uusurs
<’ 4 1113'1ON.— In ordering onr remedy
always place the number of our Post-Office
Box on \our letter?. The new law in onr
New York /’os Office compels this
Add'-e-s, #>r. 78. E. Ileniy Ac Eo.
Director-General Berlin Hospital, Prussia.
Agency of the Unfed States.
Labtatory. 27fi P'-arl Siree*.
Post-Office Box 5272
E3T"’ 'Destitution renovator i- #1
per bottle, -ix bottles tor $5- Sent anywhere
O.) receipt ol p 1 ice. Pa'ients arc reqnes'ed
oco'r.spond contid'ntially, and reply will
be nude bv following mail.
S Id bv all rest ee'able Drttcg'Sts.
Jl et'iii: l,lPSMini.*orc Iscnl,
Wood and Liver Sped fir,
Mmbid Condition of the Blood!
Th**pe are tH#» f*uH'ul sourc® *>f man” djg.
such as (Scrofula, Whi e Swelling G »'it
R 'uem.«(ism. AV* •doelu«, Ul»*>‘ pu , (7b'-mic
Sore Kvea, Swelled Nek. Silt Rli* urn. Ring
worm, B 'ilia, f!a>hn*cle«, Pimples, B otebes,
ard E untiona i-f all kind-*.
For th«» cum* of these various ass ettions
whic h h»p avmptno* of a morbid pfafe
of the Blood, medical rMU unH soignee have
POf ve rli-icovered » Blond P*irifi#r equal to
the compound I xtrart of Miliit
gi?l. Ti to grea' Huai h Hesiorer n*d Blood
cleansing Cordial hmpugidv eradicate* eve
ry kind of humor and bad taint, and restorer
the en».iie svmem to a healthy and perfectly
pure Com! tion.
Chemist*, Atlanta, Ga.,
F&T’ For p«le bv P’ligrtat*.
Read he following, which eipNlnf* thesno.
cm* < t this Great Remedy all oyer this
West Point, Ga . Auqv t 10th, 1870.
Messrs. Pemberton , Taylor k C’o, Atlanta
Gents : We have the greatest cure tore*,
pon, ev«r known, m d«* bt us of your Com
pound Extract of Stillingia. A case that
ha** be* it eo fined 10 bed lor si years—rais
ed and well—will pend par ieul«rs soon.
Y nr- R g|iee*fi|!|y.
Crawford k Walker, Druggists.
S*p» 15-fim.
r celebrated Holton Pill, m«nuf*c*oteQ
I bv D»-. n. C Bailev, at me*tens, Geor
jitH, 1# niidoiibtrdlv the beswt n *di« ii e yet
•Recovered f»r the cure i*f the cliff- ret r for trip
•\ nial irious fever«, such mp chi ] and fever,
ev r and ague, intermittent or hihioua re
mitreni fevers, and all torcns of disease bav
n? a malarious or ip in
Sold hg Hr J. E Janet Daxeton, Ca., tntd
Dealt rs Generally.
Price One Hollar.
-tf.Ajehal,- ly.
H MjM. P.
J T h well known to
Jl Doctor* and to
Luttw, tfn*i #ott»crt nr®
subject to nnmcronr df#
vmmb to their
hux—Mirli km 6'upprrf
niou of the
White*, Painful mouth'
ly ‘Periods/ Kh«nmn
tism of the Buck end
Ho mb, Iriejfuh.r Min
ptrilufiotV, f*f(»irtorrngh«
KxetiHiYe ‘Flow*,’ und
ProIMpNCH Uteri, or Fall
inn: ot the Hbmb.
Thi’M* difiCNhiM have
Hcldoni been treated sue
ccanfully. The prolea*
on h aiht' giii for Poire rcmcd?
hit would cmih’t then to treat ih«ae d»8-
with pucee fc ß*
A> liiv , that remede heen
hr one of the akilful phvaicUns in the
State of Georgia. That remedr ih
It is purely vegetable and is nnt up in
A'lan'a, Geoigit, ht AP.ADKIELD k • O.
It will purity the h o and and ?• lengthen the
svstem. relieve irritation of the kidne'S, and
is a perfect specific for all the above diseases,
a cure as Qtnnine in Chills and fever.
For a his'o'y of disease*, aril certificates
ol its wonderful cures, the reader is referred
to the wreppw around 'he bottle. Ahery
bottle i» warranted to givs sttisfacliou or
money refunded.
I aGranok, (>a., March 2S, 1870.
Brapfirld & Cos. A Isnta, GeO'gia :
I)k*R Sirs: I tike pleasure in slating that
I have used tor the last twemv years 'he
medieire »ou are nu'ting up, known as PR.
and consider it the best, c mh'n sou ever
gotten tognfher foi the disease* for which 't
is recommended. I have been familiar wi h
tie proscription, both as pr tcti'inner of m- and
iiine and in domestic practice, and can hnn
e-llv sir that I or-ns'dcr it aho n to suffer
ing females, at and can hut hope that every lp
c» in our land, who mu be stiff ring in any
way peculiar to l.heit sex, mav be able to
procure a bottle, that, their si ffetinga may
not ©nit be relieved, hu' thet they may be
rr-'ored to health and stre gth.
With mv kiDde*t legatds I am, reaper >
fully, ' W B FERRELL, MD.
We, the undersiguetj Druggists, tak“ pleas
ure in eoutmen'lit g to 'he trade. DR. J.
beIi> ving i’ to ne a good and reliable remedy
for tha dis- ases for which he recommends it.
W. A. Lansdell, Atlanta, Ga
I’eiLberton, Willson, Taylbr&Oo., Atlanta,
Kedwine & Fox, Atlanta. Ga.
W. i' Liwshe, A'lanta. Ga.
W. Roo' & Son, Marietta, Ga.
may o-l y.
DR. PRuTi! ITT » S
Celebrated. Liver diedicine-
I' is purely vceetnhle, and will act upon the
L ver and K dnevs as p-omptly as Calomel
ami Bnc'hu, without an* danger of salivation
or destruction of the bon.-s.
Parties taking this medicine need not far
getting wet, or any other reasonable expo
Njinjitoras of Liver Disease.
Read'Cl*®, Dull or rhe Blue*, Sour
S nma< h, Sirk or ner»mw He-.d icbp, lleurt
burn, or B*d or Bit^
tpr fa-fe i" ih.> mnyrh ; the eMn hun a thick
rough fcelinsr, m and is d-irker th:dn usual, Ooa-
J/ lanehnlv Cramp®,
('old F**et, CA>Be, D «>unfpiy, or DUrreah,
C l in'* and Fovor and Pi l* s. n fact, where
the liver i* our of ord**r, you Table to
everr disease that not coniHgiouft.
] > rophitr , B Liver M' dicine. It taken prop
erly, it will prevent and cure any disease re**
suhiup f oin a deranged Liver.
It *i'l regula’e r.n tunctionn and thus cure
all diseHeea Ciuytd by the failure of its health v
It haa been pood for a great number of
year?, and haa g!v* i n universal satisfaction.
There is no brother or son claiming to have
the original receipt. It la pm up ia both
Powder and F.uid form.
Fairborn. Ga, S'ptember 4, 1868.
Dr. 0 S Prophit:
Bik. Vlv w le has been an invalid for fif
teen vpa'S. Doctcsall agreed she had Livi r
Dt-ejse. In connection wi'h their practice
site used various noted ntedieines, none of
which seemed to do anv good. Nome ime
go I procur. and a bot'le of yotn “L ver At d
citie,” of your agent here, C. A. Iluvv,
which being given acorn ding to direction-,
ave effected a complete ctne.
Respectfully, etc , G O. L THOMPSON.
J)f. t’fophitt’? bptem Cordial.
Is one of the most vdmble eon:pounds
iow pu s up for Dia Then, Dvsentery, 6*holera,
iidaii(um,or Cholera Morbus
TWs medicine has been in use for years,
and tfives universal satisfaction.
The most delicate child may use it with im*
pl l o rrT’s
This is the celebrn»ed ne dicine that, ran
Pe'rv D vis' Pain Killer out of the marker,
wherever it w.«3 sold; Divfa made Prophiff
ehange 'he narav from Pain K Her to PAIN
For N|ieumati«vr, Reuralgta, Cuts,
Burns, Old Sore**, Sn.ik** Kite**, or P'ings of
Poi«onotis Insec ts, for Colds, Coogns, or
Bowel Comp!aint > it has no equ«l as a
ing, healer or anndo*e for p»i*» of "»v kid.
VfanuftKMured and sold b* &IMDFIELD &
CO., A/ldDta, Ga., and for sale by all D ug
I>J i. H )p H I TT*S
Fever and Ague Pi Is,
The beet Antidote for Chilli and F >ver
known. Cures warrin’eil always or money
returned - Purely vegetable.
Will relieve H /adache, Nervousness, J mn
dice, and all oilier deraiigements of the Lav
er. Purely vegeiable.
The following are i few among the hun
dreds of those who hive used the above
Darned medicines, and wno readily testily to
theii Table :
Col R J Henderson, Covington, G i ; Prof
J L June-, Coving! n, 0, ; M W Arnold,
0 t.rgia Conferen e ; Rev W W Os in, (J or
gia C lU'erenc ; A If R bin sod, Hontk*lb«,
Hi; Judg. J J Floyd Covington. Ga ; Z>iok
locket, Bits county, Texas, W Hawk
Whu ley, Cuss ta, Texns,
Fi i.ton C* r.\TT. J men bythese
presen's, that I nave (his day, lor value re
ceived, sold and mrisferici tn HR.IDFIA’I.Z)
& Cos, the sole tight to manulac'ure and sell
rnv family Medicines, and have furnish.d
them with the <ull r-eipes, and have author
ized the said BR K Dt' l -.D kCO, to print,
or have primed, any thing they may see
props, concerning any and all the above
named J/ dic*n s. This 15ih d»v oi Jnn“
1870. [Signed] *>. S. PROPHIir
In presence oi Thom* s F Jones er and I<* b
ert Crawford, Xotaiy Public. [L S ]
M 'Dutacrured and lor sale by FRA I'FIF.I D
ACO Broad S reel, Atlanta, Ga., and for
Foiby all d)i uggis's.
Far sale by Dr. J. R. Janes, Zfawsoc. Go.
I’p|ciil B.'V«‘r»«'<l (Vondcn
/Igrnlff Uiidgu
thrmpl-nn', rft.INS 'he sweetness of the old
wot p B'idge, slid optains the solidity of t‘*e
Mxtal Agrsffe, without i's orj.oti'FS.
I’;il< nl < (Tiipoiind M r«‘Kt
l‘l)« nk
fwbieh hold, the Tuning Pins, in six Livers of
Maple, nra i R mnnina diffetentlfy,— mi
I'alvnl Full Iron Fr»mo
copcen'rslcs l* FROST ol the Tuning Pins,
that bers'otnrp PaSaOISO Iron (wb'eh in *ther
Piupos htirtfttllv suiißodki'S the 1 unino Pin?,)
and “hntts” into the tint t edge ol th* P'sr k
nnd srisCTtJALLT resists the TWkNTY TONS
Pntriit Diiifonnl N n*t:i niiciy
pnrt of the Don Frsme. next 'o nnd p"tnl!e
with ti-e steel sitings UNDER THE OVER
The First Strictlv Impartial Trial
ever hid.
Steinway’s, Cliiclioriiig’s, anil other
Pianos. i
We. the under-iaoed mnke Onfh <ha f af- ;
f v o t ? me of*he F ir of tbp American Tri''
ntitutc held in New Yfck. immerfi i'i lv fol
lo«»ine »he French Exposition in Pin*, tiro
Pianos m-wlo bv Sfeimray & Sow. one Pi *
ano t«v Chickerinp d* Aborts one Patent Ariun
Piano, made bv Q C Manner, end several
other maker’s insirumenr* were tried against
each other, hv order and under conf»ol of
Ibe Officers ot the InsM'ufe, to decide which on exhibition in competition ah*n’d
receive the F r«r Premium '■'as the best
Square Piano known." To ob f nin «n impar
tial n 1, two'e all «*f said Pianos were co>er~
ed with paper*. *o tb»* one Piano could not
be distivgiuhed from another f dri'ing the
absence of the Judsr‘B.) and twice did the? sc
Kef one of mid Patio* as the best , which,
upon uncovering, both times, proved to be
the «aid Patent A l ION Piano awsrdir g it.
“77/6 First Prerni ?n" "oner all others for
beino the best Square Piano knoren to them ”
i This trial was after Checkering it Sims 1
* Pit no had received sh» Legion of Honor and
Medal , and Steinway it Sons, the Medal from
Npoleon ! th.» J n.fpr- « ofoaid rrihl were
Musical Director and Originator of the
Ne-** Y »rk and Brooklyn Conservatories
of MuaV,
CH \ RTjFS the oßiinent and favor- j
ite ('on p<>aer, and Pianist to hi* Rov«f High 1
ne c s the Due Gustave ofß-i x Weimar, Ei en- j
Music ; Teacher, of the higher school of Mu
sic, &c . &e.
A. D. BKSRMaNK, Orgmigt at Cathedral,
Jersey City ; Pianist. Ac.
JuTaIDS Nffhari'T, Robkrt Rifovr.
Henry Vili.rr, Charles Soipwepel,
G. C Mannkr, ‘lnventor and Patentee of
the Arion Piano Porte.)
S*orn before me this 22 1 d*v of JuN. TBf.fl
Commissioner <f Deed*.
Tho Arton Piano i« the CHKiprsr, m ft
curable, lf.ast complicated, r. quires less
Tr*ING :*nd no ICS NOT ce» out of roder, i» ia
118 #: aS 7V/s Vi*+t iX f* BP I. /. VO.
Wri'e for nffidnvit, Pamphlet. and Cireu—
Hr, and state in what Paper yon saw this ad
in every fity and Town where we have not
already appointed them.
Thr .Irion Cnrfe Ca.
IVareronm* nti.i Office, No. 55 i
Itrt>:««i way,
4r;tnnfji<(<iry, IST & l&fr Buu
vry I oi k
Simas a stocxtss,
Centrally located.
.tmco.v, GKonnrji,
i uflon nd « ommisMou
5 * .Id van res made
- “ O.V COTTO.r
aug 2fi-3m.
./ ot:.r t s jj*./ ,r 7 i: i>
ToVil Our • elehrafed
HUH RllTin !H.
Acknowhripod bv all who hove uppd fhem to
be the bePi P**n made or sold in this country.
Nobloitin*'! No soiled ! Sixty lines
written with one pen of ir• k ! Will out wear
anv steel pen ever ma le Bankers, mer
cli ■!)!«, teachers and all elapees endorse them
in the highest term* of prune. Put up in
neat slide b* X“S. Prices : two boxes, 5"
cents ; five boxes, fcl.Oo. Sent free of po**-
age, and guaranteed to give perfect satisfae
Liberal Commission to Agents!
IPe are prepared to give any en*»rgeti<
person taking th** airenev of thexe Peng, a
commission wh?eh will p*v |t*2oo per month.
Three sample PeDd will be mailed for lo
Pifhbiirj;, Pa.
l>ry*H COurt of Ordinary.
At Cn.vMnr.RS, Aug. 24th, 1870.
Ordered, that the following per centum !>e, and
the same is hereby levied on the T»x. ns
a county tax for Xbrrell county, for the year JB7O,
to-wit : Forty (-40) percent for county purposes ;
thirty (:t ) per cent for bridge fund : seventeen
and one-half (17 t-*‘) per cent for Pauper Fund:
twelve and one half 12 t V) per cent for .fury
/Mud ; ten (!•») per cent for Speciel Fund, and two
and one-hall' fsi l-k) p«r cent for Huiiding Fund.
| angSAtff. Ordinary.
t\ T E dvnin it wholly anncrcssury to kiform
VV ih.- PLANTERSof Middle unffSomh
western Geotgis, lliiit we Hre still et gtgtd tt'
our Old S'Hiiri io the W A/fA’HGUSA' ANi)
l OVf MHSJON BUMS£S9, where for so ma
ny .ears we have served von as Factors and
Commission J/erehams. We have left no
s'cite unturned to aid you in carrying on your
farming interest, and iu turn we now bespeak
a continuance of the very hhersl patronage
. X'ended us in the pint'. Y< ut cotton shall
be weighed on the lkvkl, sold uud Accounted
for on the fqitahk.
Bv closely guarding vmir every interest,
we intend lo merit you' palroni ge.
To our o'd friends of many years stand
ing wo return our gratelul srknovledge
nn nts ; to new ones who may try ns, »o
promise our best efforts—baefted hv the ex
perience of many years to eerve llieih faith
fully and well
Orders for supplies will meet wi'h prompt
attention. o (} SPABKH
sugiß-3m. T. 11/kDhJ/ N, Js.
0! ■wm
| ,• ".-F
BOSi 4
Fever and Ague
Always Stops tlie Chills.
This Medicine has been before tho Fnie
llo fifteen years, and is still ahead of all
other known remedies. It dona not purge,
does not sicken the stomach, is perfectly
safe in any do«e and under all circum
stances, an.l is the only Medicine that will
and permanently every form of lever
and Ague, because it is a perfect Anti*
Halt to Jlnlaria.
Sold by all Druggists.
Sale and Feed Stable.
WX expect to keep on hand, all the season
first ed its* Hors*? and vtules for sale. In our
purchases we look to what is needed in this
secino, and trust to merits liberal patronage
frotn those who may need stock. CHI on ü
before purchasing
o, 21 f FARNUM 4 SHARPF..
TIT EREBY ant'Otince 'o their friends, nn l he public £ n ru'ly, that th y httvo ltnu;rht thu Wire .ouae formerly oocupied l>y
jl l.tyleHW & Gr tiiii more recently l»v IV. H Peep!."*, 'v*ti"fi they will op.n Septo niwr Ist, when tiiey will he pr pared to
on u g iiertti Warehouse & Ooinail e,on Bue nows. All the Firm have been eutia“od in the bus ness heretofore, und hope, by strict
« and constant utiention to the interest ol p.anlera, in tho 8toru“o uud Sale of Lo.tjii, lo receive a liberal elturo ol tbuir putrouuge,
Connected with the W urehouse is a
•»it*a\»l’Y i»r thu bonii&t of our pa;run». rm low «.«. iklber [An jet 11 Sn»
dgriceiltnral Implements,
ugai* ItSiEls,
.Sugar Kctf!cs,
(*iii Gearing,
Thoaisas Water Wheels,
Shafting and Pulleys,
Iron and £trass Castings,
iTlill Work of I-lvery Wescription*
Dressed Cumber, elc., etc.
and 1J C*st Ir .n. Ilr iss and Copper purchased at the highest market pf
A.l orders promptly attended to.
0. 0. NELSON, Pres't, - - H. ATKINSON,
Dawson, Ga., Ser tember 9,tf
W ‘ *• COLUK
Cotton factors * Commission
WE rengyl tha tender of o ',r .ervice..
our many planting friends „,a
dealers, offering them nnatirp»a H , a o""
tor the prompt and faithful eF.cutlon ls
business cmrug ed to our c*-e, n|e®i;*
promptness m, all tran-aet'one. w.
me sale of C'"t on a epn-ialtv Our
having e. jny.t) this privtlege for
years, asd trust, by atdet integrb, , k .
has periled the ence of «ur'wt r o,« '
We ate tally pre,a,red to m. ke the u , u ,,
advances on coMon in store, a „d . h , "
def/or to watch th» matket and sell .i“'
active demand. Sf " * h »'‘
We have unusually exered onrgelts.
render suca aec.mmodauona to our w|,"j '*
, friends as to enable them to h„ Te r M . lk *
( crop and trust they wi I b. p,o mD ,
I warding cotton to meet demand- and if
dn ihu.ttri.J of papers the market should u
low an i depressed, will endeavor to
the time ot papers and await a l*rur»h'a
niiuket upon conon in storo. 55
au ß 2s 3ul - Lotion E'Jstor,
Governor of uid StaU.
WffKBKAS, Official information hai bern rr
crlvcri at thTs Department that a murder
committed iu the county of /tougherty, on the
4th day of .November, WO?, upon the body of ka
ward N. Kmcraon, by one William U Uat, m
that said Betts haa fled from justice, and '
intereaa, There ia sow pending m the Supe
rior Court of Bortgherty ronirty . I vtl of |„ dltt
ntent charging aaki Bntt with KVrifcf TOmmittud
eiiid murder:
Now, therefore. I have thought oro^rfoim.
this my proelamatioo, hereby oflVting a reward of
ONK l HOVSAX /> DOLLsIRS for the a r .prrh tn .
aiou and deli very of she said IVm. H. Betti, t
the Sheriff of said county aud State, is order th.;'
he may be brought to trial foi the ofence wfti
which he atanda eh trged.
Given uinlsi toy hand ,nd the Great Seal o(
the Slate, at Hie Capitol in Atlanta, this
2fl h i|j> offentembet , the rear olour
Lord A’tghie it Hundred and
and of 'he /udsnemience of the United
States of A'np'ica the N ">stv fihh.
By t' e Goveinot :
I David G. CoTTixa, Sec. of State.
Oct fl Iw.