Newspaper Page Text
j!V S. 11. WESTON.
Qiwsan fiSltdtli Souruil.
r „ In .1 trance.
• Tj , | *IK
Thi-ft’ T
W* 2 no
(Ur ***T
°"" % SOftf A *>"4 700 *'2 8n * 2O 00
TW " sno 7 Itci lrt ooj 1» on 28 on
7 on m on 1* Onj 20 no 30 00
9 no 12 On IS 001 25 Ooj 40 00
]0 on 18 on 28 onj 40 onj «0 00
l r|ll- ' 15 oi. 600 85 00 60 00,110 00
1 ° 25 00 40 on 60 on'llo 00(200 00
tit Mwr/IW* mnnflv fo r »4-
4"tinng considered ffu- after first inaer
llo^'lf„P,i«ement« in«er»ed at intervals to b«>
as ne» each ina^r-inn.
As additional char/c nf 10 o»r cent w
k. mite on advertisements ordered to be in
os a particular pa ß e.
A.|Trrlia»meiite und. r the head or b,'--
c i,| N’oticea” .ill be iusrrted for 15 cen'«
line, for the first insertion, and 10 ceuts
oer line'for each »uhsequent insertion
in the “lineal Column,’
will be inserted Ht 20 cents per line tor the
Brat, and 15 cent, per line for each subse"
suent insertion. .
All communications or letters on business
intended for'his office-heiild be addressed
to “ Yhe Dawson Journal
S»HlliW*‘«il*nt Railroad Pas
senger Trains.
WJ/. BOLT, Pres. | VIRftJL POWER. Sup
Lease Mamnu 8:00 *• M
Arrive at Euf.lui 4 58 P M
Leave E'lfeu 1 * a M.
Arrive St Mac-n 4: ' l, '. p u
Csnnectmg with Alhanv branch train s'
finithvi le, and with Fort 0 ines branch train
at Cos hhr f.
Arrive at Kufaulv ln-.nn a m
Leave Eu'au .-.:lnp. m.
Arr *e at Miron s:'>7 a. m.
Connect at 8 nithvdle with \l anv train on
Jfindav, Tilled 'jt, Thursdav and Friday
Bights. No train Ir'aves on Saturday nights.
Leave If tco * i:35 A M.
Arrive at r?oln , "bUß It'-" p
Leave Columbua )2:Bn p m
Arrive at M con 6:iin p. M.
Le*Vfc Ha tin 8:15 p. M.
Ar iv” a' Ordmfiibua 4: 'K .. m
Le Ive Coliinrt'U-r R'O.i p M ,
Arrive at .if toon 4:2.t a. m.
Macon and (li'ii t'Wicß Psisseu
gor 'l'rtiiH*.
GEO W iIiZELHURSr, Pre-M-t t.
L-ive Ma on 9:15 a m
Arrive *• B'uti«*»i k It:'up m.
L'”tve Brunswick 4’3't a- M
A rive at M c 7:50 P. M.
Leaven Macon 3:00 p. m
Arrive at H twkin.vilie 6:3" p M. ,
Leave 11 rwkinsv'lle 7:"tt a m-
Arrive at Macon 6115 a. m.
This train runs dailv, Sundays excepted
Western A Atlimlir Railroad.
Leave Atlanta 7 00 P M
Arrive »• Chattanooga 3 3o A M.
Leave Chattanooga 7 50 P. M
Arrive at Atlanta 4:14 A. M
day passenger train.
Leave Atlanta 8 15 A. M.
Arrive at Chattanooga 4.20 P 'I
Leave Chattanooga 7.1° A. M
Arrive at Atlanta 3 17 P. M
Dalton accomknoatl ’N.
Leave Atlanta.’. 3.10 P M
Arrive at D -1t0it.... ..11 35 P VI.
Leave Dalton 2.oft A tt.
Arive a’ Atlanta 11 OO A Vt,
professional Cards.
attorney at law,
i>./irvo.r, fid.
1)110MPT attpn'ion given to all bustnees
-A iDtrusi jd to his care.
. augS 9v’f
». 8. Wv'f'E*. L C H“TLK.
■Attornp’vs! at X^aw,
n*tn~so*r, ga.
Jan 6-Iy.
cTwTwarwick, _
Att’y at Law and Solicitor in Equity,
practice in South \W*t«»rn and Patau"
* circuit*. Collections promptly remitted.
stj'iifsrii.Li:, ... fid,
It Sniitbvilii*, ..a.
I QHJ having fitted up the Me
t Af»*p Hkj use at Smithvill , takes pleasure
n notifting the travelling public *ba* »be
•hove house is now m the 1 full tide’ «*1 t*u** -
CP'Mlul administration bv hims**if. FI will
no "xripiiflp to make i» n Fiust-TIaSS
i/caU ready on the anivalot 'he
' W. M. MoAJfcKK.
To The Tracclllnu Public-
ft.i r, i.r.rd if, a *t. 1
Th's fira'-c'aMo Flntel in situated on Rrnttgh •
ton street, and i« convenient tet th. hll.ines.
part. r>f the cOv O nnibil-rsea ~and ttiggtge
will alwava he in attendance at the
v rinu« Dennta and St.esmhon Landing to
convoy nrsaengers to »t e Ho*el. Th-’ beat
I.iverv Stable accommodations will be found
adjoining the hote: \
Tl,. Ithtlers'gn“d w>|l Spar, neither tim“,
trnliiito nor exncnse to make his guests com
fortable, atld r, nder tlda Houap, in every sub
s'an'iat particular, equal, at least, to anv in
the S'atp,
The r,tp cf Board has been reduced to
fS 00 a dav,
2. 11. I.I T Pp, T*roprirtor.
G. E. BKOW Y & *W5f,
Fourth St., Opposite Pasperger Dope
.Macon, Georgia.
rniS House having lateK been refit'e'"
a'd r, paired, and is now one nf the bes
Hotels in 'he State, and the moat, cenve
tie"t in the city. The ta He is rupplied wi l
everything the market affords. lehlS’ap
Two Dollar* j>rr Annum.
juco.r, fi.i.
carry on the busin-ps at the Plan-
It tera Warehouse, lately cccup ed by
•ddama, J.mea & Reynolds,
aug. 25-Srn.
628 and 630, Broadway, N. Y.
Carriages, Buggies, &c.
Especially .taped to tin seutberu Roads.
Light Yieioriais,
tabrlolas. ,
And all other styles nf Fine Carnages,
F'ti one and I wo horses.
On Eliptte and Side Springs.
<o\<<)Rl> Llfci.lKS
T»u iI Hacks aii«l Jersey Wagons
We are also sole Mann f aetnreia of the
P antation Wagon for 1,2, 4 and 6 Horses.
7tie best Buggv and Wagon in America for
the money. *
We have had utfexperience nf thirty years
in making wo'k for the Southern States, and
know exae'lv "list is wanted to stand the
roads. VVe’i.mie all o -end lor,
and patties visiting Se» York we especially
invi e 'o call at our Waretoonn.
We solicit the ttade of merchants and
Illustrated Circulars, with pners, furnished
by mail. A. T VEM v HV.S'\ N Y.
W. W. V\ OODKCFE. ft A.
iy'To have also bought nut Mr. W A.
Ih,# 1 , of Jf n on, Ga., where we exp'ct 'o
keep a large stock. June 23 l.y.
« E O K C I A.
Governor of said State.
WHEREAS. Official information
has b en tvu ived at 'his Department
that John J. Taylor, wb.> hu? he. tr|
confined m etunmon jatl of Upon
cell tv under fl charge <-l tnurdet, es
caped' from » id j ul on the Blh iu- |
sttint and is now at large:
I have lilt night pToper. the-efore, to ,
SAND DOLLARS f..r the apprehen
sion and delivery ot the Sntd John
J- Taylor, to the. Sheriff of sa.d couu- i
tv and State.
And 1 dr moreover charge and re- I
quire all officers hi this S ate, civil and
mi itary, t<> h- vigilant in e dsavor
ing to apptehtnd 'he said JohnJ.
'lnyli.r. in order that he tnuy he
I brought to trtiil for the offense with
which best nd» charged
Given n.d,r mv han-l a. <1 the G-eatSealof
the State, at th- Capi'ol in Atla-' 1 i lk
17th .lav ol Oct. in > »>• 'ear (.lon Lori
E ehteett Huod.ed »fd S vm y and "t th k
Ind oend-m* ol the United Stales cl, h eN,niy-fi ß^Fusß B(JLLOrK
]}. ,h Governos:
Datid ft- Oottino, Secretary ol State,
i G„t. 27-4er.
Dawson, ga., Thursday novembkr 17, iB7O.
« E O It <J I J .
hy nUFtTS j}. BULLOCK,
Oorernor of said Staoe
VVhetcas, An Act at provide for an elee
*nd f<» iil'er aod ’mpnd
! 'o FHd ; ng elrcilons. bus been ap
itdved: and
1 1 8*e»lon lof «*id Act, an
l**«ujoii ph«M b*' h»»M in th*- S
Inc on th** 20*h div of necomh****, 1870,
*wl ending on rhp 22d d*v of month of
December, 187‘\ fnrc»*rtnin oftloprg thoroin
•uimed. to-wit : Members of Concr»»B«, to
* rv*‘dtnine «Hp Jerip of th*> 41« t
Ooncrn«s of the United F mte«, and f or m m-
Ura of »he 42d Ooig pg of »hi* United
Stnte* ; for Spna»ora in the S *»e Spnnte
f roni each /)'a«ric» nnmbptpd in iSp Oon*'i
»itio*» with an odd number ; for nipnihpra of
h** Houaeof R nr*Rfntrtiivps of I v 'p General
•or Cburt ; T x Rp**eiv*»ra ; T>l C'llectora*
**'Ui»ty TrpMf*nrprH : Oornnpra, M»»d nounfv
veyora of the S»*vt*ral coMiitiea in this
Whe»p«g. B«* 4 of aiid Ac», It is
tha fivp fl aid oro» • r pprsona of
inu uD I nv»ral worth shall b» ap
n<»im*‘d hv and wi'b thp advico and consent,
f 'h** %S na»pforp«ch p|pcion r*r*’pinct ps
• bli-ihed at the Com tv Court H* u«p, o» in
in pby or inoornora'ed 'own in fhla Sfafp,
won wHch said fivp arc so bp an
■loinfpd by thoO’dinar* and <hrpp of a*id
ivp bv the Gov j rno* ; and
ip»aon«, or any fhrne or morn of th«*m may,
md shall hold thp a id at. the s«*d
•*»un»v Coon House and prprioct.® in auch
*»d ci»v or town on thp a»«id 2<>r.h, ?lsr, and
’2l Have of npcpm’ er, 1870; and
Where**, Th*- Honorable, the flf-*n«te, has
• dop'ed thp following preamble and reaolu
iona, to wit:
tk U r lereaa, If ia important, that nothing:
♦hould occur, or in any manner ipTprfpre,
' ith the vnlioitv, or with »lip holdme of an
election aa provided in an Act to provide for
• n election, and >o alter and amend the laws
n relation to the ho'dirie of elections,
.i oved Octol er 8d 1 87; and
“Whereaa, Bis Etc »lmncv, the Governor,
• ia9»in?ited th«* opr ion of the Senate in re
:ird to the c‘»nafitiction of a cer'ain s c ion
,f aaid Act ; now, theretore, be it
“72 solved, Bv the Senate, tha» the nampa
of the persona appointed as Commissi nera
yv the Ordinarips of thp aeveral cnnnttes
hould be submitted through hia F.xc°llei:cv,
he Governor, to, and confirmed bv, the
Sfentt* 1 :
“Resolved, T hat hia F.xpellencv, the G »v
--rnor, be reapec'fullv requested to no ifv the
Ordinaries of the aeveral countna of his ap.
•roval of the Act af resaid, and r* ques* them
o send their nominations to the Senate
hroiigh the Ex* cutive D partment, with as
‘itfie dvlav a- possible ”
Ao , therefore, I Ra r u«> B BuMoek. G >f'
•rnor mid C mtnandei-in Chi- t of the dmv
nd Niw of this State, and of the hihtia
heieof, do here v *v s«ti»* 'hi-, mv nrocla-na
ion, callii.g upon th»- Ordinaries of the #rv
•»al counties of this S a’e to transmit to this
Depart trie fit without delay, the names of two
tii and proper prions of Intelligent*® and
»o*al worth, as p*eac«»bed bv law, for each
lection precinct “Stabli-hed at, the county
(7>urt House, or in any «*i»y o n in* o r porHted
•wn in *hts -S ate, to the end 'hu the ad
vice and consent of s he Senate mtv bp ob«
Htned to the appointment of the said two
»*»rson«i a« aforesaid.
Given u* der mv h.»n«l and the Gr*'at .9*al of
be State, a* the Capi ol in Atlanta, t hi«
i;»h div of o“ober, in .he vear of Out
L »rd Eighteen Hond»*ed Sev*»n*v, and of
he Indeoendence o' ,t he United S >itea of
merica the Ninetv-fif rh .
B\ the Governor:
David G. C* ttino, Secretary of *S T tate.
out. 12 22, 4w.
Govenor of Said State.
WhurcnH, (iffi.-iil informatir.n hus
bt en r« fiv-d at thi-* Depurim-nt iha*
a murder vvhn cods itted in ’he minty
of Quittmun on or about thv 19 It duv
ol July, ultimo, upon he hody of
Lewis Oliver, as is alleged, hy one
t-lanl.-rd Moore, and 1* at the said
Stanford Moore has fled (roto justice :
Now theres re. I nave thought
l>roper to issue this my imo Mutation
herehv offering a rew r*l ol T'.YO
L ’\K for the apprel ettsitin ams Ale
livery of the Slid Stanford Moore,
sith evnlem e suffi-tent to t.onviet, to
the Sheriff of -aid t rim y and State
And I «1o moreover and re
qtiire till officers tit this Stale, c ivil and
military, to he vigilant to apprehend
the sail! Stanford Moore ill tiler tl a
he may he brought to rial for the of
f, nee with which he siands charged
Given under my hand and th- Great Sal ul
the State, a' 'h ■ ftaDi't’l, in A latt'a, this
twentieth dav n! October, in the vear of
ou. L. rd, /sigh een bund ed and S-ventv,
and ot Lite independenc- of the United
States Ol A meric the Nine v-fi h
By the Gi.v-rnor;
Da'H> Cotti a, Secretary of State.
oct 27. 4w.
Hcnioval t
Iwish to say to the mmy ftiemfs and
customers who hivet-o lihcrally pat
ronised me, that l ha>e moved on the
Ea ' side, 1 Main Street, near Mr YV
F. Oi l's Store, and ant now rec-ivi, g
a Surge and most elegant stock of
fall ajid Water fiillinery,
and nek that my old customers and
many n « ones may g'v- me a calf
DK F A.Bf MEflf
i« saltel intended ty myself, and haY
in« conifeteDl and teliabe Indies to
assist me, will guarantee satisf lotion
in ev ty parti, itiar. Give tin a call
at mV Store.
• Uoi. 6-l£.
Dfflson Business Directory,
tir y Goods U err limits.
CRin. A TCCK UK, Dealer, its ah
kinds of Dry Goods sod Groceries. Main,
TTTTSirft. J%C«»W, Dealer iu all
IV kind, of Drv Good., Main street.
T«»Vf.»IS« * Dealer®
J in Startle D®v O ',.da and Or,merle. .Ise
»nd ftommi.sinn J/e r rhants, J/.iin Street,
ifeRetYPY a CROirrn.
J> I D ,flh r. |n D r Good. ChcMng. S'.ple
Good, snd F.milv Grocerice, A/,iin street.
OStK, W. P. D ‘.l»r tn F.nev snd «t«
-.|e Drv Good., Main st., under “Jour
nd" Printing Office.
Grocery Yfcrchants.
FY'l.TOfif, J. \Warehouse sod
Gomm's.ton M-,reh.nt,, sod D ' tle, in R,
con, Floor. Meal and P-ovt.tnns generollv, Rt
' ; h >ri>e & Rrown’s old st.nd, Vdn Rt.
Futirw. tiiARPt; * co-
D .lor. in D v Goods, Groceries, and
Plan ation Supplies.
n itrru « simi<»Y«, rcnrrv
* I" end Provision Dealers, South side Pub
lie Sqmre.
Hoon, n. 11., De. ler In Groceries snd
F ,mdv atioohes generally, 2nd door to
Journal” Olfiee, 'Jain st .
ttIITATII \ »l, .4Druggist and
) Phv.ictan. Keep, a good supr'lv ot
D'-ng. and Medicines, and prescribes for »1'
the ills that (1 sh is heirto. At his old stand,
the Ke.j D,ug s tnre, st
OU. J. It., Ve tier in
M ngs, JT'diolnes, Oils, Paints, Dve
ffs, Guden Seed, &e., &c.
Ts,. R.ker, Oonfee
. Honer, -ind dn derin F ntilv Groceries
F'-h and ft .ters, A/iin Street, next, to J. W
Roberts & (to.
nnnMl T T W. It. praeticing Phv
«t,dan. and Surgeon. Olßee at Cheat
ham’s Drug S r ore.
'h'nkfti! for past natronage bv elose
a"en'ion and moderate eharges hone to re
eeive a of the Sltne. Offi -e. Dr
Gilpin’s old stand. jun 13, ts.
Wateli Repairer.
VT.t.FY, .IOIIV will .enair
Wa ehefl. Oloeks, .Tpwelfv, .Vn»ic Rook.,
\rrn d'on«. Ac . alwavs t'» he found at hi c
o'.d stand, on North side of Public Square
Livery Slables.
I’ and F-ed Stable. Horses iind Jfnl s
for on'e. Horses botrded. North side Pub
lic Square.
IjwrvtT, v. g. A J. w.. P.i«.
Feed and I.iverv Sta'de, Depot S r 6"t
Good horses and vehicles for lure on reason
able terms. April 14, ly.
B YR R««V.
PtT YY 4 ■» I>. Dealer io Fine Win..,
RrqndieS Whiskteo, f.'gor R er, tic. .
West side public Square, Main s'reett.
A\i» McA NL'FACI Utt tU OF
or f. Ft:n i* neschino.r.
Patterns adjusted to suit the most improved
We keep on hand Northern and Eastern
wo k which we will se.l at lowest cash piicts.
Jdtr 2<», ly.
Off r their seniors .8
Viafeholije & Cojnjnigjinji iMapt?
'I U 177 c. I'LelN I i’Kci and ile cn.iuts ot
1 Middle and Southwestern Getvgt*, and
invite their attention to some ol theadv.n
i.ges pos essed by this city over others as a
Cotton Jf.rlirt,
Our cho ges are very reasora* le, being
about ONE IMLF thove of other cities ot
the Sta e.
Our B inking f.icilities will soon be consid
erably iuc eased, and wi.l he equal, if not su
petior, to those ot auy interior town in Gcor
gia. ,
1 The opening of the Macon and Aug’’*ta
R.ii|ioad g ves us another outlet to Charles
ton, Sou'h Carolina, thus increasing competi
tion lor out C moil.
We can furnish plantation sQbplies' on the
modt, reasonable terms.
With our experience ip handling Cotton,
we believe we can please those »ho may la-
Yor d'- W' h tt.ei pa" op ge.
Our Warehouse has just bbert- pvt in thorw
Ough n p'if, and *e »r now ready to Weigh
and seli or s'ore vour Colton.
We are g- l- 'or the \M
¥ fFytEO COTTON GlS\ H Sample of which
C-itt Oe seen at our Warehouse. C«ll and ex
iniine it, or send us vour orders. Every
Gin warranted. Price $4 (H> p-r saw.
Campbell * joxks.
I P. 8 Mr. Richard H Hutchings »od ep'.
J. f. Kc'ot will have cbuge of our Scans
and W .rehouse Y ard, Macon, o*., Aug2s.
I aug2s 3at.
Secretary of the Tr*asur>f Bout well ap
prov'd officially the action of the Cus
tom-house ofiicer in Charleston , who re
fused to lift a United States flay at
half-mast in honor of General Lee.
“Half mast the flag ! whose hand «o hold,
A * to tb** »*ky ttmt fl £ unfold
At siitNli a death, for mi»*h a* ho,
For that (loud truitorl Itobort lAC*of ,,
The Yankee grocer demnfrosrtie
Cun never *ee beyond thefo r
tn which, hrtoueh feurn of low deni^n,
Ao ray of TTHiih >od’s mm could shine,
So afar imoeuru, no heneon-li'^ht,
7V) his Rtetj** arlurh't.
But. ernwlinir, erinifinur thronefh ttie sllinc
Os party h«* Ih where
For him to be is mo-e thin erlme :
But evil dav« hive nliped him there—
And Ptill tlio
No sun or or azure skies.
But yet the hero’s deeds of light
WilljfHd the path of human life,
,<4nd on tlie lives historians write,
Four all the splendor not the strife*
u4nd in the many lands afar,
J7i« lifh will beapoln- star.
And even ’inid his noblest foc*S|
The halo of his name will be
A livimr monument tb it glows,
Like beacons shining: oil the sea.
“Fold up the flag, half mast it not,
Go, let the cursed rebel rot B*
While half the nation at Tain bier
in reverence stands and those who fought '
Against the hero cluster near,
Wish tribute that uo power has brought.
This groveling grocer bids his slave
Pull down the banner of the brave.
Fold up the emblem of the stars,
Keep close and tight those glo ious bars,
Lest the grand sh ide should fondly lull
Upon a rebel’s funeral pall.
And catching inspiration there/
K ill like a meteor In the air.
wake the niemoiy of '.hose day*]
When nations gave a r praise,
And hailed, ’mid Won,
The mig uy rebel, Ifashington.
Poor wretch, the log will lift,
you will see the vapors drift.
And down the corridor of time,
Your eyes two things will see—
The record of your paltry crime,
banners raised for Lee. B.
[Pomeroy's Democrat!
Jo»ll Billina’ ••Uaniintli."
lle who duz a pood thiug sekretly
steals a inarch on heaven.
It is a safer thing ermy tini'e to fol
low a man’s ad vice than his example.
When we are more anxius tew
ploazo than tew bo pleased, then we
are in love in good arnest.
Hunting after health iz like I unt
ing after fleas—the more you hunt
them, the more they flea.
If virtu did not so often manage to
make herself repulsive, vice would not
be half so attractive.
Love is like the tneazles ; we kant
have it but wunst, an 1 the later in life
we have it the tougher it goes with
es men are honest they will tell yn
that their sucksess in life iz more ova
wonder tow them than it is to yu.
The man who kant find Puny virtu
in the human heart, has probably
given a faithful sinopsis ov his own.
It don t show good judgment to be
surprised at ennything iu this world,
for there iz nothing more cortuin than
I havo notissed one thing—that the
most virtowous and dis ,reet folks we
have amongst üb, are those who havo
either no pashuns ut all, or very tame
ones ; it iz a grate deal cozier tew bo
a good dove than a decent serpent.
Outrages at the South —wno are
Responsible. —At the great Boston
Democratic meeting on Thursday last,
John Quincy Adams, in au eloquent
speech _on the position of parties, re
ferred to the outcry got up every year
about outrages at the .South to influ
ence party- prejudices at the North. It
is mostly false; but supposing it true,
what then ?
What does it prove ? Only this, that
if you will violato the law of freu
government, you must bike the conse
quences If you will trample on men’s
pride and sentiment —yes, on tho cher
ished prejudices, to say nothing of
their rights —yo may look tor “out
rages.” Why, gentlemen, 1 have road
ol these outrages before now; and
where do you think they occur? Why
Ireland has been famous for outrages
for centuries. Poland has been a land
of outrages. Hungary was for many
years a vory nest and hot bed of out
rages, and indeed she became so out
rageous that Austria had to finally
find a cure And she found one, nty
friends, a perfect cure; not an out
rage now to be heard of. Ami what
was it? Why, site restored to Hunga
ry her constitutional rights; that is
all. And as soon as we restore to the
South hor rights under tho Constitu
tion we shall hear no m. oof the out
rages. 1 Wonder theft' are not more.
1 am sure we should not be as quiet
if the cases were reversed. I know
we were not at all quiet one hundred
fears ago When it was tried here. I
fear if you should put the Asiatics to
rule over us, as we have put the Afri
can to rule over them, there would he
some trifling outrages going on. But
there is very little need of political vi
olence done there, though certainly
there are some “outrages. ’ S know
6f one myself, a plain; manifest, fla
grant, intolerable outrage upon tree
government and constitutional law,
and that is “reconstruction” itself.
1 Criminal Jurisdiction f Justices’
Courts.— --In Atlanta, Judge Pittman,
of the Ordinary Court, in the habeas
corpus case of Wiley Thompsoa vs.
tho State, on Tuesday, decided that
the act of October 2fi, 1870,entitled “an
act to repeal au act to organize crim
inal courts for each county, ’ approved
October 7, 1808, removed from justice’
’ courts jurisdiction in criminal matters.
KnllH so I’roacli.
Tho following petition covering six
pages of note paper was rooeivod hy
a friend (?) of the earnest author,
ami the want of a spare room ami 14
dollars a month extra change forbids
him assuming tho responsibility of ed
ucating this would bo divine. Any
one having charity money ami a spare
room can dispose of the money and
havo the room occupied by address
ing J. Herman, High Point Post Of
fice, Walker County, Georgia:
High Point, Walkku Cos., Ga., )
Auu. ’29, 1870 (,
Professor Edward* I this ovniu by
tho help of God seat myself two Ppn
you a few Hues in order too express
my feeling too you. all i can say too
you all that a short tiino since i has
flue from the rathe that is too cum
fromo God and tho lord have told me
too precli thee go Spell of tho kingdom
of heaven and In order tow do this i
must furst git a edication and if you
will cdicate me i will prech the gos
pell as long is i atu able too stand up
iu pulpit and will go to any part of tho
state that you want mo to go too aud
tharo i wil tri too help thee peepel too
doo good as longe is l liv in this dim
world Gotl bein my helper and my gi
d r who has shodo tno this paster.
(Pag 2 notice.) iam a peer romoiug
J Herman, huf got nutliiu in this
world but religion ami a wife. My
wife is a ' remember of tho M D
church all so am i. want me and her
too git too hoven, but my friend siueo
i has got man-id too a good womai
has setod my mind on sarving a
seakiu salvation nioar and inoar ei
da. tho lord noes my hart and
felings and ho havo called on me
go and repo for the kingdom of he
eu is at han and God Noes it is *
detie too try too git all that is ou (
the road that leadith to he
too turn too tl.e uurrow path th’ '<
dith too evry lasthig iifjoyinent. <
Page 3 notice agin.
so i will say too you all if you
furniJi me imd Ihy wife stimthing
eat aud edicato me i will prech
gospel is long is i live aud cau d
an ul i tvant for iny preching in = .
world too come is a wize report ai
think that i cun do tho world
Pago 4 notice agin hero. ef>«
will furnish nro aud my so sed
with 14 dollars a month and
lioure to cuckinmy wife will
witch, my cloths and i will try jrf
close myself and wi'b. i tlyuk J
do that much iu helpiu myself t
i'lias traveled mightly ueigli all
the new uited states and has su\
ny wize and woful things, but ; V
iug is wlrat I fuller tho rest i I y
days if i can git an propper edit
too do it. friend, do not cast l
becase i has got a wife, lor ()_
sake, for tho lord no te that i wa
prech the gospell is bad is ennOT-'
in this world aud I can send yi
careeter from this state for i li
livin hero longer at this place th.
whore else in this world. My lifer,
and Mother is dead. »c>eß
Page 5, notice agin, i t':ii
what money you tvould liuf t
for my bord and close and wasl
i was singel man wood food n
my wife and pay for a rome ai
the doc tot s bill, we will furai,
liouao furniture, all i ask of C
furnish mo with 14 dollars and
rome sutibul t«o live in, and <L
rao 12 or eighteuo monts and i *
all right i think, so 14 doll
month in advance will satisfie
a littlo rome and i will close
and ray wife, or if ther is enuy other
way that you cau see fur mo to do i
am willing too do any way that is re
sentful. that thou doeth, do quickly.
St. John 13 : -7.
Page 6, notice agin you will right
your letters to I Herman, High Poiut
Post office walker County Georgia.
J Herman.
High Point Po. walker cou. ga.
Notice i am a member of the bab
tist church *25 years old and if you
want to get my carecter you can find
it by righting to Parson M Higgins or
or too 13ro James Stone, or too Hu bin
Couch, or too Parson Calomel or
James lee. Notice agin.
cf this is not the plane to git my ed
ication you will ploase forrard it too
tho right place. Do this and you will
be long remembered by J Herman,
High Point Post office, Walker coun
ty Georgia.
j Ps.—if yoti don’t git this of course
I you may know it Was miss carried,
so write emmegiatoly to let me know.
J llsimian, High Point Post office,
Walker county, ga.
j Tiik registry list in New York closed
on the Ist instant. The total number
of votes registered this year is 142,1)1)6
The total registery for 18H9 was 160,
389, showing a falling off in 1870 of
VOL. V.—'-M 40
*f»e BVnt For Mi,,.* ’
A somewhat strange fight
in tliis citv it few da vs since. A' wo
man residinjr on Sixth nvenne was
awakened a little past midnight hy
the sound of stealthy footsteps mffvlng
about th# room. She sprang out of
bed, grappled with the intruder—
when the two fonght «mt fit, Moked,
and hit, and pounded, atid hammered
ami tugged, and rolled around the
room, to the Upsetting yf nearly every
R’-tiele of fumituro. the^eip.
There was a pulling of scratch
irig, biting, und kicking, cm the part
of the woman, with a c’onstaht en
deavor on the part of the man (to
choke her, and to beat her lo death
wilH a chair, which had been 1 > token
in the scuffle, a portion of whidh “he
was tiring. At last she succeeded in
getting him to the top of
when she pitched him headlong down,
followed - him to the street door, open
etl it, and rollod him out more dead
than alive.
fehe then locked the door anT re
tired to her room, putting the sama to’
older, as much as possible, to be dis
turbed about three o’clock in the'
morning by a policeman.
The intruder whom she had to mu
tilated and worsted was a notorious
burglar, whom she mistook for hor
husband, who had left her the even
ing previous alone while he' went to
his club. She told him if he“ tfernt
out, stayed late and came in drunk he
should not sleep with her. When'the
burglar entered she supposed he was;
her husband; when shwout of bed and
ut him, with the above result, and did
not know of her mistake until the po
liceman found the man, so eripplod
frorn his tumble down the stairs that
ho was unable to movo. Gn lej.retn'»-
camphor; 2 oz. castile soap, and 2 oz.
British oil, well mixed; with which'
the diseased parts ai-e to be bathed
aud rubbed.— Bainbridye Argos
Affairs in Cuba.— The recent
dreadful gales Which have swejH; over
Cuba have left evidences of their vio
lence everywhere on the island In
the interior as on the coast they
have been felt; tho crops as well as
the shipping have suffered; Country
as Well as city has experienced disas
ter. The suffering is general and ex
tends to all classes In the Central De
partment tho insurgents hate again
commenced operations.
Oldest Western settler—The surf,
of course.
How to build a house for nothing.
Use freestone.
All author says that one of the
uses of alveraity is £b bring us out.
That is true, particularly at the knees
and elbows.
A Java grandee is coming to this
country with his eighty-one children
and wants to secure board in some
quiet family.
Mothers used to provide' switches’
for their daughters from the nearest
bush, now the daughters get their
own switches from the milliner.
A young man charged with being
lazy was asked if he took it from
his father. “I think not;’* waj thrf
reply: “father’s got all the laziness sos
ever had.” »