Newspaper Page Text
dawson journal.
~s7k. WESTON, Editor.
W. F. COM IAS, Associate Editor.
U U IK A O A, U. 1.,
Thursday, .Yorember 17 UTO.
&T Reading matter on every
*FOR CONGRESS— 2d district,
c? DoronKßTr.
FOR SENATOR— IIth district,
COI.. Join R. Jl)NC<i.
Tbk W*».—Tho following dis
patches of the 15th have about the
same tone of those received during tho
pnst week, all showing that the French
are making desperate effo.ts to dis
lodge the Prussian forces at various
points. Other powers beside those
immediately engaged in the war are
becoming cgnsiderably exercised, but
to what extent they will allow their
prejudices to carry them, or what will
be the result of their dissatisfaction in
regard to existing affairs we do not
Low »ox, Nov, 15.—1 tis reported
that and. ciunents have been captured by
the Prussians seriously compromising
the neutrality of Switzerland.
The Times in an editorial says that
“if Paris should fall it would not be
the end of the war."
There is great enthusiasm created
ia Vienna •rer Prussian reverses.
The French Lave achieved several
victories, more or less important, at
various points.
The battle at Orleans was desperate
The Prussians are in full retreat.
r®T Jewesses Aee Beautiful.—
Chateaubrind gives a fanciful but
agreeable reason for the fact that
Jewish women aie so much handsomer
than the men of their nation. Lie
•ays Jewesses have escaped the curses !
wh ch alights upon their fathers,
su«banu3 and sons Not a Jewess was
to be the crowd of priests '
and rabbin who insulted the Son of
God, scourged him, crowned him with j
thorns, and subjected him to imamy
and the agony of the cross. The
women of Judea believed in the
Savior, and assisted and soothed him
under affliction. A woman of Bethany
poured on his head precious ointment, J
which she kept in a vase of alabaster.
The sinner aunointed his feet with
perfumed oil and wiped them with her
hair. Christ on his part extended
mercy to the Jewess. He raised from
the dead the son of the widow of
Main and Martha’s brother Lazarus.
Ha cured Simon’s mother in law,and to
the women he was a spring of living
water and a compassionate judge to
the woman in adultry. The daughter*
•if Jerusalem wept over him; the holy
Women accompanied him to Calvary
brought him to halm and spices, and,
weeping, sought him in the sepulchre.
•'Woman, why waepest thou!’ 1 His
ftrat after the resurrection
was to Mary Magdelene. He said to
her," Mary.” At the sound of his
▼oiee Mary Magdalene s eyes were
opened, ana she answered; “Master.’
The reflection of some beautitul ray
must hare rested on the brow of th'>
Tennessee elects six Democrats and
two Republicans to Congress.
Cumpaigu Appointments.
To the Citizens of tlw Second Concession
al District:
Again nominated for eloction to Con
gress, by a unanimous voice of a Con
vention, of tho standard bear
ers of the Democratic party, I would
call your attention to the importance
of the eloction, which is to be held on
the 20th, 21st and 22d of December,
for a member of Congress, members of
the Legislature and county officers.
The present condition of the country
is bordering upon irretrievable disaster
and ruin.
The Radical party now in power
has violated the Constitution, subvert
ed the rights of tiro States, destroyed
tbo sacred guarantees of personal lib
erty and the freedom of elections ; have
impoverished the people by heavy and
unequal taxation ; squandered tho
pulilie land and treasure to enrich mo
nopolies and partisan favorites, and
have established military despotism
over peaceful communities and States
to foice them to the accomplishment
of their selfish, corrupt and tyrannical
designs. No honest citizen can speak
or think of tho action and present
condition of our fitato Government
without feelings of sorrow and indig
nation for the past, and apprehension
for the future.
With an unscrupulous Executive
and u Legislature organized by a cor
rupt “ring, ’co-operating with a United
States Military Court, packed with
men who were not elected by the peo
ple,their course have been marked by
had laws, extravagance, corruption, a
disregard of the Constitution, and oi
the rights and interests of the people.
Two years more of such rule would
bring ruin and bankruptcy to all the
great interests of the State, and would
destroy the hope of securing constitu
tional liberty in the future. Our op
ponents are at work duy and night in
[‘'the “Loyal Leagues ami “Republican
j Clubs, ’ ordering and controling their
oath-bound colored men as their polit
ical slaves, sending their emissaries
over tho country to propagate false
hoods uud misrepresentations, and to
incite enmity and hatred between the
white and colored p -ople. The colored
[people should be convinced that their
Lcivii and political rights are secured
■o them in the same Riunner.and to the
Lime extent as the rights of the white
people, and that having a common in
terest in tho welfare and property of
the State, we should work together
Land elect good meu to office, and secure
lan honest and economical administra
tion of the Government They need
instruction as to their rights and in ar
eata, and they need protection against
the tyranny and threats of violence
from their Radical drivers. Let this
he a part of our duty. People of Geor
gia ! let us make an effort worthy o:
[the great cause for which we contend.
Let no personal sacrifice stand in the
lway of our duty to save the Stale from
the evil which surrounds us and ihreat
our destruction. Every man should
V,e a missionary : every community a
[unit. There should be no division
upon candidates, or otherwise. A
Jingle vote may determine our fate.—
■jet every man be at the polls. Finally
let us offer our earnest prayers and
Efforts to the Almighty Ruler of men
End nations for the salvation of our
Ereloved State.
I If not providentially prevented, I
Iwill address the people at the follow
ing times ami places, and I invite my
Epponent, Major Whitely, to meet me
End discuss the questions involved in
Wre election.
L Outhbert, Saturday, Nov. 12.
I Oge.thorpe, *.ondav, Nov. 14.
I Camilla, Tuesday, Nov, 15.
I Bainbridge, Wednesday, Nov. 16.
I Georgetown, Monday, Nov. 21.
■ Newton, Tuesday. Nov 22.
I Morgan, Thursday, Nov. 24.
I 1 will make appointments in other
Bounties as soon as 1 can determine
Evheu 1 can attend them. V
I 1 apers of the District, aud the
iMaeun papers, are requested to copy.
|Buriiiu. .« «.» * ti tt. K
9 »» ar»*li«»u*e at Fort Valley.
■Dk.-stki'ctio.v ok 130 Balks of Cos rrow.
I Loss fbom SIB,OOO to $20,000
I From a friend wo gather the par-
Iticulars of the burning of the ware-
P house of the Southw, stern Railroad,
!at Fort Valley, on Saturday night
j The fire broke out half past nine
! o’clock, R. M., aud is thought to have
! been caused by someone entering the
! warehouse smoking a pipe or cigar—
-1 the fire smould.g ing uutil it got good
headway, when it burst forth.
There were about 130 bules of cot
ton in ths warehouse at the time, wait
ing “turn of shipment,” and it is
thought much oi it could have been I
saved, had not soma one, through ma- 1
liciousuess or mischief, cried ouc taut'
taere was a large quantity of powder
stored in the warehouse, thus prevent-'
ng any one from entering the building
au-1 rolling out the cotton which was
not on fire at the moment. As it was,
tlie witole of it was destroyed, togeth
er with mercaaudise ou hand and un
delivered. The loss on cotton, mer
chandise and building it is thought,
will not exceed S2U,WJ. Should the
loss af the cotton fall upon the plan
ters it will but add to tne present em
barrassments of an already over-bur
dened class. As we do not know the
re-pousibility of the Southwestern
Railroad Company iu the premises, we
forbear expressing an opinion as to
their liability Whether tUe loss tails
upon individuals or upon a corporation
it is serious, aud a matter ot' regret
with us.
The walls of the warehouse were
left standing, and it is thought will
'•ear using iu the rebuilding, wiuch,
front the well known energy of the
railroad officials, will be done as soon
as they have cooled otf. —Mticon Jour.
Hon. TANARUS, M. Furlowis candidate for
Mayor of Awericus.
1 he* ble<ll»ii iti .Tliirylaitd.
Baltmokk, Nov. 9, 1870.
There seems to be no doubt that '
ilaryland has elected an unbroken
Iclegution to Congress. This is better
ban was expected. In view of the
hut that in the districts so far as heard
from the negroes polled their lull
>trength, and thut in some localities
the white vote fell far behind the reg
istration, this result is no less suiqn-is
ing than encouraging. The Rudicul
party in Maryland has received its
loath blow. It can never recover from
the defeat of yesterday, and this State j
will remain iu the future, as iu tho
past, a formidable obstacle iu the path
of the mongrel party.
The eloction yesterday was one of
the quietest ever known in this city
and State. There wore no disturban- I
ces anywhere ; and but two arrests
were made in Baltimore during the
day. It should bo said, however, that
the peace aud order which prevailed
were due to the forbearance of the
Democracy. The negroes were open
ly aggressive, and particularly so af
ter the closing of tile polls. They
were evidently instigated to this con
duct by their white leaders, that a pre
tence might be afforded for calling in
the military and declaring the election
illegal. But in this they were disap
(H)inted. The Democrats saw through
the snare sot lor them, and contented
themselves with retaliating by ballots
instead of bullets.
Tho negroes generally voted the '
Radical ticket, but there were some
notahie exceptions. One old darkey,
whose appearance indicated that ho
had seeu more than tho allotted tlireo
score years and ten, presented himself
for registration in Bladensburg, when
the following conversation took place
between “Uncle Ned ’ and a Radical
who was watching the proceedings in
the interest of his party.
Radical—“llow long have you
Lived iu this district, uncle ?”
Unde Ned—“ More dan fifty yeres.
Aint been away only to go to Wash
ington onct or twict. An’ boss (to the
registrar,) I want to be registered on
de right side. I’se gwine to vote the
Democratic ticket.
Radical —“How’s that? The Demo
crats didn’t free you. You owe your
freedom to the Republicans.”
Uncle Ned—“No, sir, youse mista
ken ’bout dat. De Radicals didn’t
free me ; I was bought by Democrat ,
.an’ owned by Democrats, an’ my uns
sa, he freed me.”
Then, a happy thought striking the
ol fellow, he turned to his questioner
and asked :
“Didn tyou use to own slaves, boss?”
Radical—“ Yea.”
Uncle Nod—“ Well, den, did you
free um ? ’
Radical —“No, the laws of the State
in which I lived would not permit mo
to do so.”
Uncle Ned—“ Well, den, why didn't
you run dem otf to Canady, like you
did when you come here to lib and
went to fooling with gentlemen’s nig
This was a poser for the Radical,
and the old darkey retired triumphant,
alter having, as he supposed, register
ed “on de right side ’ Puck.
[&w\ News.
Fivk Men Dbownkd! —On Friday
tnoining last, about seven oclock, the
startling news came up from the river
bank, and rapidly spread through the
city, that five men h:id just- been
tlrowned in Flint river near the foot of
Broad street.
Eleven hands—two white and nine
colored employed by George Smith,
contractor for the rebuilding of Tift s
Bridge, were engaged in filling a crib
in the center of the river with rock.
They had luded their J 1 .t. and had,
almost reached the crib when it began
to dip. Alarmed - probably panic
striken —the eleven jumped overboard
in deep, swift, rough water. The two
wait e men and four of the negroes suc
ceeded in making tho shore. The
other five and the Flat went down
Two of the bodies where reevered, but
the other three could not be found.
Mr. Smith informs us that the five
| men where first-rate men, steady,
faituful and industruus. They have
been with him four years on railroad
and bridge work. —Albany News.
A Scene In Beecher’s Chcrch.—A
few Sundays ago as Mr. Beecher was
: about commencing his sermon, a
1 stout, fatherly looking man was endea
voring to make his way through the
• crowd to get within better hearing
I distance of the distinguished orator.
At that moment Mr. Beecher’s voice
rang out the words of the text;
“Who are thou? ’
“Who are thou?” again cried out
the dramatic preacher. The stout
party, thinking himself in the wrong
perhaps by pressing forward, and \
j believing himself to be personally j
addressed, startled tho brethren, and
nonplused their reverend chieftain, ;
by sedately replying: “I’m a pig mer- j
chant from the West si . I hope you 1
ain’t mad There ain’t nary chair or .
else Ida sot down. Plymouth Church
did t recover its serenity for ten
The Florida Election— The Sav
annah News, of Saturday, has volum
inous election dispatches from Florida,
which all tend one way. The emo
crats have carried their ticket for
Lieutenant Governor and Congress
man, aud claim a majority of four in
the Senate, and from five to teu iu the
Os the population of Cincinnati
111,110 are females. There were,
says the Louisville Courier-Journal,
originally, 111,111, but, unfortunate
ly, tlie day before the census was ta
ken one of them mistook a glass of
Cincinnati whiskey for Kentucky
Bourbon, and the deputy marshal re
fused to count the corpse.
There is a place up in Indiana
where they have gotten hold of an
old town clock, and the people are
talking a bout building a town to it. I
Bakery, Confectionery,
JL. SOLO v OS, having completed hi®
• arrang*-ruema for the Fall trade, uikf**
ihtsi method ot mlortntfg ihe puliiiv <hai He
Huh. and will oourt*ii>ly hand, *»?*• y
ihiiig <e HA'iity the xppfiiie, and if you have
no appetite, c.tu fix you up something to give
you one*
will Vw» annpliVd, and ilf, «*i*h fip.*h Fiah, Ovp
fcr*, Old Vir?in»r» Bp‘fStp*K, e f c.. *t»d wi ! l
firni*h in familip*, three • !***»§ n wppk. P<*rk
or Beef of hi* own make. 7* due
W nit pm, good Oi'okp. who will prepare you l,
m»*nlß in 'lip lntßPi a it mode without any ex
Ira charge for ihr* f»n<v r.nme.
is presided over hy an pipi-risncnd hand, and
<*e a's prepared 'o 'urni-*h e«*rv'hlil|{ neces
s»r< for Parlies, Bills uud Supper* , private
nr public.
This Departoieni is supplied with all kin is
of PMn hno Fme». Gandies, from the best
J/iilfm-.lorie-', tocelher with evervihipg
iisipillr kepi in a Fust-clues Ounfeciiouer)
have been Selected from one of the finest
stot k 8 ill N'**w York, and the purchaser had
an ere to the tastes of all the li*tie ones, and
esn furnish the bora with »iiv'hiiig from a
Wooden P's'ol to « Fre Augim- ; and the
little girls with »n» thi g root » \V»x Z>o!l
to s enmp e e out-fii lor house keeping.
I will take tle .sute in waiting on custo
mers, and furnishing them with anything I
hare or can get for the
‘ C A 8 II,”
Or'. 13-f. Tustre.
Fever and Ague
Always Stops Ihe Chills.
Tliis Medicine has been before the Pub
lic fifteen years, and is still ahead of all
other known remedies. It docs not purge,
does not sicken the stomach, is perfectly
safe in any dose and under all circum
stances, and is the only Medicine that will
and permanently every form of Fever
and Ague, because it is a perfect Anti
dote to .tlalnria.
Bold by all Druggists.
Atluntii, Git., 0 t 'her, H7< h, 1870. )
In pu' sun pee of a joint, rsstdtrion of tl«
(1.-mikl Assembly, approved October, '27i11,
ORDAItfiD: That Den 0. \ l. chr.ine, of
he loumv o' Ful'on, Hon. David 1 win, ot
tie county r-f Uoi-b, aid If n. R hert H.
B own, of the ci U"tv of Ful on, he, and
hev are berehv, appointed a Bo"d of Coir
nisrioners to revise the (!ode ol Georgia.
Given under niv I and and the A'.al ol the
A’xeuuiive Uepar'ntent, at. the Capitol, in
.1 Unis, the dav amt v.-.rfi st h «•» « . p,n
By the Governor :
K. t! .-TKINS'-N,
s creiarv Exe entire Department,
rov. .7d, 4t.
•state, ol Oeorgia*
DECtHrvtSNT OF sr.f Tfi )
sd'lania, November Ist, 1870. j
B* hjs Excellency, the Governor, that the
re« ard of One Tho'isand D ill .r«, offered in
his procUrmrion of the 2<> h 1870,f0r
he applet,ep- on Slid delive.y of OOe H. F.
•i isron »'i Frank B'<sron, to rhr Sheriff ol
Decatur county, tor the murder of James
Johnson, colored, is hereby withdrawn.
Gives under ui« h "id and official seal*
N v. 10-4' Scretn y ot Slat*
Grocsfy and Provision Line
MACON, 0.4.
WE offer the following aifcDs low ;
3000 Sacks Family Superior and Ex-
100.000 Pounds White meats.
200 Barrels Liquors, at about Cost.
250 Boxes Caudles,
j 300 B xes S<>aps.
100 Boxes Fresh Crackers.
50 Boxes Starch.
50 C ises Sar-'in -8.
2i)o Cases Fresh Oysters.
500 Puekayes New Mackerel*
25 1 iiTee* N•« Rico.
50 Tons Iron Ties*
100 B xe< i racket's
1000 Rolls Bagging on Consignment.
300 Box**s Toiiscco.
100 "ai-ks Coffee.
200 Barrets .**ugar
25 Halt Bar-els I’rnul
lot) Ha f Bairels While Fish.
100 B >rre - Pola oes.
100 PaoXHges <'od Fish.
1000 Sacks Salt.
500 Ba. kv e 1 live. 0 -ts and Barley
Our Mock is well sept up nil the
time 0y <*aily arnvals "f purchases by
<-Ur Brokers at Heit'lquarlers. mid a
eust mer 'an '<ave a y stz bill ot ar
ticles in t--e Grocery and Provision
Line fi led a' our store on as j><m><l
term -as any establishment in Ml Jdie
Gvm g:a.
Al< we ask is 'o give us a fair trial
il you w -nt to he con vine and scat ours
is Headquurteis f" R iruuins
Seymore, Tinsley & Cos..
V' Il lesale G"»'e C.u <.■ ot Guuliy
and 3rd Mreets, Macou, G*.
Nov. 3-4 t.
a ruorutiATio.t.
Governor of Said Stat t
October 17 b. 1870. )
Whwrens, it ie firnviderl in Burn
grtiph 7, Sectiiui 4 Article H*f, tt *
C'onr'.i'ution ol line Stole ltiHt, in chs*
■ f (iiaoyt ccnieht bctwe< n the luu
Houses of 'he (icnerni A mump hi v on o
question of fj'ii nm<nt the G« ver
nor may atljourn either or Loth ol
them* and
Whereas, Such case of disagree
ment between the two Houses on a
queefliiti of adjournment now exists
an ) h <s ex st tl f r sevi ral dttys ; und
WheleuH. Tlie la st in!erects of the
St ile demand thut he Geitru! As*
semlily shou'tl ct nip ete its labors
with ns little delay as p ssihle :
Now, therefore, 1 Ruins B. BuP'*ck,
Governor anti Commander' n-Chiel ot
the Army and Navy of this State, aim
„t the Militia thereof, do hereby issue
this my proc'amat on. declaring that
ih • honorabl- the lL>usu ol i.e| resen*
tat vc« of the Getieisi Assetebly of
8 ute tv G • rgia • ha 1 B’a didjoutnid
sine die fr in and after 13 < ’flock, mid
n gnt, on tlie 25th day <4 Oo ola r. in
stall., anti lha' 'he honorable Hie Sen
ate of the. sal* G -neral A-*simbly be
con* n* and in Exe«*n ive B -sion «t 12
o’elock, ni on ot. M c.d.iy, the 21st ii«v
<| N ven her ext, fin ih>* jitirijo.-e f
i considering and giving its advice and
c rse tto the app'iimno nt of officers,
as provided 'D ino Constiluii n uud
! laws <4 this Siate.
Given ntuler my h 'lid niff the Grest Slid o(
the iSute, »t ihe t'spitol in A lants, this
Si ?< u ci nth ffvv of Oo'ober, in t'<e rear
of ou' L<<rff Eighteen (lumped and Seven*
tv, end of the ol the I'nt
u J .S .ile* ol ytmeiic;, rhe X n*"' liffh.
Br the Governor :
Damiii It. i.’ottiso, Secretary of State.
O' t 27,4 w.
Governer of Haul State.
Whereas, Olbcial in'ortnatiou has
been ieceived at this department that
a murdrr was committed in t e coun
ty ol Meriwether, on or about the 17th
of October, instant upon the body of
J cks n Kern, c doted, by one Robert
Reid white, and that saiu Robe<t Reid
tins fl *d from justice : .
N w>, thiri lore, 1 have thought
proper to issue diis, my [ lochimtiiuc .
tieiet'V ottering a reword *4 ONE
prehension mid Delivery of the said
Robert Reid, witli evidence rutti i.*nt
to convict, to the Sheriff of -uiii oouuly Btute.
And 1 do moreover charge and re
quire all i.fticeis in this fsta e, civil and
mili ary, to be vigilant in etideic oring
in apprehend the sad l>it'< rt Retd, in
order that tie may be brought to trial
for tn otfeuce wiiich he sicnds
(viveu under in j haett md the (ireaf Seal of
tl.e Su»e t hi ihe Cupitol in A iHii’a, thi®
twenneth day of Ociob**r in (he year ot
ou* L‘»r<J, Eiiifnren iiuntileii und Seventy
and ol ti»* lnd« lice of Ihe United
S ituea of ylin)*ri**» Nhm'M til h.
By H e GoVei nor :
■dAVD (>. Lotting, secretary of State*
oct X 7,4 w.
Commission ilcrcLant,
4 o«4»'ES, G./.
RESPECTFUI.LY rettimp his grateful ac
knu <ledgrm ins to hip num.-tons friends
and the Planters ol Hath -on, 01m, Early and
the adj iiiiiiig eoumies lor ih» liberal patron
age they luiye hiiherro ex'ended 'o bim ; and
he herewith renews ihe teede< of lib services
for the prompt and l-4'htul • xecutten of ali
bu«inesß entruated to his c-ir<*.
Having disconnected l-iinself from s)i other
eng g'men's, lie is now able and de'eitnined
rod vote bis energies to the interests of
those who mav favor iiim wiih their business.
Wi h long experience iu the sale, the pnr
| cha-e aod the handling ol Oniton, wiih a
I “wide awake” policy looking 10 the interests
i of his cu-tomers, b -ck -*d bv unswervi g in
legiiiv o| will to p'o'.fct them in th.-ir righ'S,
he believes he furnishes them with addition
al ii.diic meuts to ii fiuepce their cODiinued
pa -ooage.
Fort. Gaines, as a shipping point, certainly
presents advantages supei ioi to those ol at.»
O'.uer town in 8m h Western Georg.a. Col
on utay be sent ftotu tieie at sboiteat notice
either up or down the Oh itahoocliee River
or hv me South-Western Rtthoad. Our
Merchants are dailv advised ol the prices of
the European, Ne» Y >rk an o-he- markets
pMvrniin M ppi.ihs .
P-ovisions tunn.-hed or. short notice at the
most. ieaso- able prices.
A lb AIC II OE.SE is located ia
the »osl Cometiieui puttion ol the (owe
and is in comple'e repair, so that tt ere need
be no deljy iu Storing or Sh-pping Oof'on.
I also keep on band a supply o! well as
set ted, cubsumial and fashionable
VIE.!*, which will be sold at. most advan
tageous priors. Call aod look before you
onv wnywheie el-e
always ou hand, logeiber with fanning uten
sils of every variety.
L b.-ral advances made on Cotton shipped
to his correspondents in N.w Orleans, Sa
vannah, fie* Yoik aud Poiladelptiia. '
sepiliStn. J T. W • f.Kfi’R
&C., &0.
Oct. 6-tL
T RETURN mv sincere thsnks to rov friends for their Very libers! psfeonsge 1,,,
laid am resdv end snx'ous to serve 'h. m sgaih. in the some capacity durino- ih.
•ell and wit-'er. I sti sdeltig ln-provi men is shd comlorls to my Warehnn«» _i- , comill g
plan'.r will approve st-d appreciate/ 1 shich ,„ r;
Ren-i niher, tbs' mi Wo** house is ’ti a low, damp place, where Cotton seldom t
weight hv b, ing Stored, hut rs-en gains ; and being so fat from any other buildii '*
is s great deal less dot ger ot its distinction hy fire 'hap spy i thet Wa-rhciuse i tk' , **
Besides, 1 1sve .n-plnjcd a watthn an to n main tn wa'eh in the yard e *ery night d** 1
he hit-ip. ss season. 1 ® “® f,D |
I t-sn now supt lv my customers with everything tliev want, which will obviate ths
si'v of 'heir hsvit g 'r> go all over it w d to pnti-haee a few goods. I have lust ren.rl
New Yo.k, where I pu.chssed a la.gc stock of JU,t re,ur »‘>'l ft.*
Dry Goods, Hardware,
Groceries, rockery,
Yankee Notions, Saddlery,
Hothing, Millinery,
Hats and Gaps, Liquors,
Boots and Shoes, &c., 4c.
In fact, I hav*, and i-tend t.o keep, a good supply of everything that th. farmart
O'liers may need, und will sell s» low asauv other house in town.
I ii-vite everybody. and evi-s vit'ly *be Ldi s, to cs|l and rxamine my Bteck bsi
feetly satisfied that 1 can them iu quantity, quality aud price. ’ " r "
The Dry Goods Department
will be conducted by TIIOAI kS 11. FULTOI*, assisted by Walter 8 B*||
The Grocery Department
will be conducted by W.V. W. LEE, assisted by Charlie Rmllh
I will g<ve mv personal attention l( reeelrirg. weighing, marking, sampling, selling ~j
shinning fntton. assisted hi BOMF.R S BFI.L. Havit g had an < xperienre of'nine iwri la
this husiness, 1 know eisc'lv how it ought to be done, and will guarantee aatiala.tina is all
who msv favor me with thei patronage.
Will have a number nf ootnpe'e pi assistants (white and black) in the Colton Tui *bo
will sis ays he Innnd at their png'. '
Will make lihrral advances on Cotton, in Goods or Money.
Bu-iness hours, font sun-rise tiff JO oVhx-k at night. ,
I have succeeded in tusking arrangements tn fur* i«h anv amount of supplier, (both f,*.
visious aud Dry Goods) to my customers, next Spring aud Summer, '
O ri>T TIME!
$15.00(1 TV OKX II
Gootls at a very small advance on Co§t.
WE will notv "offer our entire Stock of DRY G3ODS. NOTIONS, ROOTS,
SHOES, HATS and GROCERIES, at u very small advance on cost,
Our motto w : J) quick sales and small profity Call »D<l see us bef’repot'
chastntj. us w thii.k we ettn make it to your interest
MR. All JONES, assisted by Mr John Kendrick, very reßnectfu''y
their services to their many friends, and would be voiy bapipiy to bavelhemow
In-forc the bargains are all taken.
No*. 3-ts. McKETVNEY & CKOUCfI.
Police Dxlraordiiiarj't
ijy style of jwa ou 4gu<il tir \
IT gives us great pleasure to announce to our Iriends, and the pijb!i>-
ally, t' at ae have hati t" renew "ur Mock, so great was tne rusit »t u
gain Store,” and we intend in luture to suefain our reputation for se. ihg a
good gcMids. - i fur-1
Our stock consists of N’ens', Youths’ and Children’" Clothing. *
nishing Hood, Hals and Caps, B's-*!" and Shoes, tor men and Roys- ‘
Mis e- S a»i*s Hutton an 1 Latte Ho-'ts, Button and Polish B-x>ts, -< H '* ,il
liooils ot allstjl s tt'-d qual ties, a large Suatk of Domestics,
everything kept in » v-riety Store Come one, com** ah, tie cttnviu ■
Ibe “Bargain Store” ia the place to gel tne worth ot your money. I
Tn addition to mv large Stock of Merchandise, I have ad ’od a j!H
MILLINERY f.OUDS. eonsi-u-g of Rihb n ; Ftefcn Flow.-rs. '
smi.s Feathers. Hats Bonnets, I rimming", etc , tojfe'hnr with every
found in a first-class Alnliuery e-tablishnarint, and at such prices ■
object to. .UfO, ■
Ihe Ladies will find an experienced Milliner always ready to s r ■
Nov 3d«tf. E, -A..