Newspaper Page Text
gaiDSoii' aSterhln,
Ts 1t l>i .llrance.
rron'h*... • 1 1 •'*
Hit month* I 2 s
ri.* * 00
" i
| OS* ysar I
ON * ; Sl)' *so"s 7O' sl-2 5" 520 00
smi 7 so m on is no 25 oo
THRI<K 7DO 10 00 12 Oo 20 00j 30 00
-9 0" 12 00 IS 00 25 Out 40 00
4 CL.
10 0" 18 00 25 On 40 00 110 00
1 C °‘‘' 15 00 .5003500 60 00 110 00
1 C °‘" j , 25 on 40 W6O 00 110 00)200 00
To A'lvtrllatr* .-—The monev so- 84-
TP rti'ing coimidereJ due after first. ins. -
-1 °A lvi>r'i*fments inxertcfl at intervals to be
charred as new each inser'ten.
An add'tional charge of 10 per rent wil*
be made an advertisement* ordered to be in
le't -d on a particul ir o«ga.
A Ivertiaementa under the head of hoe
cial Sotieaa” will be insrrted for 15 cenie
pe- line, lor the ti'»t inapriinn, and 10 cent"
per line for each auhaeqnent insertion
Advertisements in the ‘ !.■»<• >1 Column,”
will be inaerted at 20 eents per line lor th<
first, and 15 cente per line for each autet
qaent io«enion.
AH co iiniunicataon* or letter* on hnsire«s
Intended for this offlee uhniild be addressed
10 ” Tin; Da'VS'N Journal ”
Seulliwi'sli'rit It :i «? ro;nl
Leave Ma cm 8)00 a. m
Artive at Ku< lu 4'58 r M
Leave E I'attla .7 4 > a m.
Arrive at Mac at p m
Cntineeting wi-h Alhanv brine 1, fain »'
iSnithvi le, and with F trt <1 ines branch Inon
us Qw hb** t.
Leave Mo- on.: T *
Arriv" at Enlanla li);oti a si
Leave Eu'atl'a ~. • .... "a 1 O P. M.
Arr ve at .Vo-on s:"< A, M
flonnect at S nithvdle witb A! anv t.r»in on
Afndav, Tuesday, Thursdav nd F-idtv
nights. So train leaves 00 R.Mi-rl.v nights
Col.rviliys rASSKXIir.iI TRAINS
Leave l/ie0a.,,,. ' 7:35 a M.
Arrive a' Uoln-bug 1:2" P .«.
le-ave Colutnhus 12:3" P M
Arrive at M eon 6;"o p. M.
c ixtttmi siiitir pas-knu r train
Lcve Vs on 8:15 r M
Ar sve at Ooltnnnhus 4:'S *. M
Leave CohmttaUi 8 05 p M
Arrive at J/icou 4:20 a. m.
Moron ;m<! Brti>»w ick i’awNeii-
Sit 'lraill**.
GEO IV HAZmiURSi’, Tresidert. Via on .... 9:15 A M
A"ive a' R onswi k 1":'"'P M.
L"ave H-ttoewiek 4'3" A' M.
.4'tire at M mm 7:50 P. M.
TRAINS to ha* kinsvili k
L'-vt't*- Macon 3;0" p. M
.trriw at H .wkin-vilte 6:3" P M.
L if II wkirsvill:- 7:"" a xr
4r’i*e ai M icon 6:15 a. m
This traio 1 tins da'lv, Non.lav* exe' pted
IVestorii Atlantic Ilailncul.
Leave Atlanta 7 00 P V
Arrive »• Chat lanoora.. 33" A V
Leave Chattanooga .. .. .7 s') P. M
Arrive at Atlanta... 4:14 A. M
Leave Atlanta .8 15 A. V.
Arrive at Chattanooga 4.2" P V
Leave Chattanooga 7.1* 1 A. M
Artive at Admin 3 17 P. M
leave Atlanta 3.10 P M
Arrive at n.ltort ... ..11 35 P V.
Leave Dalton 2.00 A. V.
Ar ive at Atlanta 11 00 A V
professional (Bawls.
attorney at law,'so.r, 0.1.
I) ‘OVfpp aOf*n*ion piven to all business
intrusted to his care.
aupf> 9; f f
C Bl L C n-TLK.
-A-ttornovw at Law,
i>.t tt'so.r, 0.1.
Jan 6-1 y.
at Law And Solicitor in Equity,
a o '* ,TI and P^taO"*
. CoHrciJon* promptly rrminrd.
ATTORNEY at law,
S7 '**K&r , lLLE, - - - 6^.
McAFEE house,
At Smiibvillr, ■ a.
IIE ui'dn>-sig llca having fitted up the Mc«
inn ■#? ÜBB »t Smithvill , mkrs pleasure
ahn o,| , vln ß the travelling public 'ha' the
*r«fi i' 10 j**".'* ’lie ‘till 'id*-’ nfsui--
*Pm. ’"'’’tieistraiiou bv hini«*lf. H-- will
ilni no '“*l»nae to make it a Fikst-Class
, ■ • -Wt-ala readjr on the arriv .int the
W. M.. McAFEE.
To 'l'he Trttrtfling I’ublit .
7 r W T s* fi'S'-e'aeo Hotel 1* situated on Reonwh •
Inn at reel, ~n4 ja eonvonient to the buxines*
part of the eitv O onih.jrsea and
Wapnna ..ill alwava >e in a'tpfadanee at the
v riona D-nrata and c tna>nho it Latidinea, to
eonvea n isxeriKPra to the IT at,pi. The heat
Liverv St a hie aeermmodations will be fnnnd
adjoinintr the house
Tl » nriders'irn. and will sm-e neither time,
trot)'.lp nor expense to make his gneaN enm
fortahle, and r, ndpr this Houae, in everv mtb
s'antial particular, equal, si least, to auv in
the State,
The rate of Bt.ird has been reduced to
58 00 a dar.
rd . !!. l.l'f r, Propril'tor.
K. IC. BROin A; btl.B,
I'ourth it., Opposite Passenger Dtpo
.Varoii, Ocoryia.
I'lllS House having latelv been refit'ed
r ‘ paired, and is now one of the best
Hotels in the State, arid thw most c.*nve
rie"t in thr» ei*?. I’h« fa >le is i*}i
ev»*rv*|iinsr t y >* tt‘ pH«
Tiro Dollars prr Annum.
A II ADAMS if. M I<A Z- Al>» . K
JU.ICO.V, *i.t.
\Y IliL carry oil the h»i«in -vs th<*
t ▼ t* r* W »»c l (Vi* s *, 1 ite! y occup ed by
A liim, J & iljyouidi.
wiig. ‘25-3 n
BU.sf4 Motif,
SlicC' fn pFMAr F.Sf & 1 O
628 an! 630, Broadway, N. Y.
Csrriages, Euggiss, &c.
EspeC tlt.a e I 'Oil. tcumeitl
Light Yirtorists,
riiaHOß'. ‘
And aP other stvlpv of F'iue Carriages,
F>< one and »wo hors#M. .
O t Elipii" and hide Strings.
fOMCtti) El«<.!!>,
Tfuil Slacks and Jersey Wagons
Wn arc also sole Vf-mifaeUirßrs es ihe
PtMtta'ion Wascn ft" 1,2, 4 and fi Horses.
7i,e Lest Bagsrv and W <ron in America so
the mot ey.
We have had an oxr< >r '‘‘ ,ie ‘’ thirty year
in making wo k f-r the Southern States, ant)
know exactly «li <1 is wanted to s'and 'he
road*. We invite all s o -end (or L’i'Cul'rs,
hrial patties vision? New Vtk we e.-ptci 1 1 >
invi e 'o call a' ntir Wareroom-.
We solicit the trade of merchants and
dealers. .
rinstrated Citen'sr*, with nr-ees. furnished
hv mail. A.T D EM' , K Y.
vv. W \V OODRLFk. G
heve also bourhi out Mr W A.
tiftf. ot M icon, Ga., where we n" o' 'o
keep a large aim k. J” 11 ' 23 ,v '
t wish to shy 1" the m .nv ft tends »nd
1 , iis'i'tiK-rH wh" h-vet-ti liberally
nn iz.-tl me, th»t I l ave m-ve.l <>n the
Km si'li* f Main Street, near Mr W
F. OrrV Mtire, an«i am now receiving
!t large and most elegant stock <*f
tall api Wijiisr (lillwy,
fancy goods,
nn d a-k that my old customers and
many n w once, may yv tile a fall
i- aulml intended t y myaelt, and hav-
Intf competent and teliabe ladle* to
aasirt me, will guarantee ajliefacti-n
iM eV ty particular. Give me a cull
mv New Store.
Oct 6-u
Dawson, ga„ Thursday, novemp.kii si, is;o.
mm mim
» i: m o v k i>:
Tin & Sleet Iron V/orker.
inform** his onfl'omors s h ff h«*
■ l»Hfl femovpfi hi« Tin (Imp on D*»
po* n*'Xf 6<AAr fn ffotrY. H-hprp
Oil cm fl lwav« find him rp«.?v «n<< wilfincr to
do h»! work tho Tin and Shoot
I”on Rnsin* a T'n Wa r c aia-rva on hi and
jVuLing ►'lit the host qn«| f v Oi Tin work 4
I w ill soil it a« lr.w ** \on c»n ppt it. in J/ -
cm. (» vp me a cull. I will
*rv thjfigr to bp nil tight tha I pc’l.
Shipvo|\ip a hlw >y« on nn<l pnt up to
r lpr, «t J/tcon prices, D - ' not fo r gpf thp
oNcp, m<d p'vp mo a c*H h-forp purchasing
Igpwhpip. N T .*xf door to the Ho:e'.
Jiu 27 Iv.
if jl jrn r *s
This medicine ip known to the faculty ash«
•ng ihe concentrat.' and fluid ( x f ract of
*’ill» united with other valuable medicinal
he> bp, and is hr ch* micaily pure.
and nPTIOS
This rpmedv ip con.iM»unded exprpp-1v for
ourifving and thp h‘ood of all iti
♦iroijripp, going nt onc*p to the tonntatu head
.f di«P <«P. I* P*ti« gt iftk* g
' u m rs, c<>v <u mpi iov, sYrnius.
Wp all know hat the pi oini cuous vacci
lafion indulg'd in during the late wnr bre
f’e tnofl* vilUnous dipcaaes V ccinatio"
hip wi« t *k« n from thp arms of many per
'onp full ol fc C r ofuloih porep.
Then of comae the impiiritiep of the perof*
dous putipnt were ahantbed in the blf*od of
npp othetwine wi'hont dippapep, gjid both
•cc!.me infected rhke. Jf n, wnnujn arc
•hddfen 'h r i'tighcu all the Wept are moo
vfifullv diseased froni’his cau«e, and knew no
mtll a few mon'hp ago. the o i -in of i’.
Henry's Constitution Renovator
K li Vr> I'm fct.lltr -!. 11l P It s alto
tei'e*, enlivens the spitits, and send* uew
I |«s
pnrkltiis »>• ighTnpsn to Hie Eye
l Kt»y Glow to Hie Clip k.
8 14 nhi rititf- lo III" l'ip'l
\ l<» |l|p E3*‘::«f.
•'trigliiiifwi io Hie * ompli'xioii.
Biiovntcy io I hit Spirit*,
li.d II i|)|Mit'«!i on ail hide*.
For nil ass ctions of the kindeys it is ttnsur-
/ J .*ottle Itsve been rescued, as it were, from
he verv j ws of death, by a timely use o‘
iiis great remedy.
‘ Doc or, I w.s vaeeiiii.terl u 'he
3 fore that | had no skin tlis* ase, Utt'il T
ail a hot'ie ol vonr "t’ortstittl ion /.enova-
O'," sent nn hv Dr R n. r, ol Ct.iuinbia
Mo., I suffered tortures wi'h ronni g sore
4>nce I nave used two bottles I "li V wit
xe. pt a snta'l so e on the calf ol my lef'
g, a. thtbal is getting we ! l fast.”
This from a ladv.—\> ti nn mv skin is ar
•lea* anti as fair as a h.he’s, V! v complex
•», thaijks to ynur ‘Renovator,” is beaut?
* Yei», 1 w*-U «av Mich refief wa9
to m*» heforp. find tiv**
io’!‘'S for t-'X botilet*; two families he»-r
*Bll’ to trv if.”
‘ I w.ts vc-Y much troubled wi'h svphilia
) r ‘*iir rpfTi'hlv peen ® to b'* c’Uiing me faet.
Send 4 bnt.'le? per
4 *X<» rrmre rheu»na»Hm. Three bottles of
lonsii'uiion Reiiovafor have made me anew
nun ”
‘ Dot*tor t enclo«*'d fi"d $5 /’le ise send
tne a ‘•wpplv. Two famdif,® here to tr
vour Consiitutlon Ri-novator”
We hive not sp:ic»‘ tor more of the above
t xtr hckb, but \eu ran *fd\ voi r n» ii»bbor Bbrn
he remedy. .fiVery one hat* ®ometh:ug good
o say, a* i* on e« ev«*rv ♦im ».
For ai.l diseases * F tiik
Kidney*, lleteuHon of Hie Ur in
And for Feutale Di-eases,
Ne'V u- Pros'ration, Weakness, General Tas
-itude and Waul ol Appetite, it is ut,sur
€4i:Tioy.-i't ord-rtpe otir rentedv
always place the ninriher of our Post-Olfiee
R,IX nn volte leferg. T'e new law in Otir
New Yotk PO9 Offiee cott’Oels this
Atl-i’e-s, l»r. 71. K. Ilcisi y A. Cos.
Diiector-Getier!'l Berlin Ho-pt'*', I‘tu-sia.
Agencv ot the United S'a'es.
Lahtatory. 27- F ari Rtree ,
Post*Office Box 5272
pot t.ocle, -ix i'ottl" s lot fa .-e: t attvwbeie
on receipt ot p 1 ice. Patients ar- requested
o CO' resound C'tt ti l n'inllv, and repiy will
he ntad. bv lollowioe in til.
S Id hv all respee'shle Dm g'sts.
J iCOIS LIPPH * v. -ok? tgcnl.
savannah, ga.
Governor of said State.
WHFRjff'S. I* if proper that Nation*,
S-*te* and Pent lea plum'd, a' rta'ed,
nni'p in renle'ine to the Great Creator 'heir
humble and hear'v thanks lor all his g..od
oitts. and especially d>a' I e has erowne., the
late)-* ofihe h»abandtnan with ahnndmee,
and blessed 'he people witn heal'h and proa
rN ,w h'refnre, I, Ru'tis B Bullock, do
thK nt> procls'i* ion, snpoin ing
THrR.SO.-IY.fHE 24 It i>A\ OF v OV r M
BAR. INSTANT »s * d't'd Titi.'KOivixu
and Pkaisk ■*> ALMIGHTY GOD lot Ins
manifold blessing* and mceies, and do ex \
hnrl all the pe -ple of this B'a«- , lavit.g al
business aside, to unite, in prsver
f r a cortinuance nf'hii pro eotlon and lavnr.
Givrn under til' Hind and ’he Great Seal of
the s Ite, this fi -td'V of November, in
the ve.rol our Led One Thonson 1 E iht
Hnnd'ed and Seven!*, and of the lude
~cadence of the United Stnt.-s, the Ninety-
• B • the Gneer-’ei :
Davin G. Cornua, Secretary of State,
Nor 10 4t.
Djwsarf Business Dirsctory.
Dry GitoiL •Attrrlitiuti*
ClUff VJ, A: T|’C!i ER, Dealer-
yktndsol Dry (iooda and Groccn»*a. Main
KI JICAR, Oppler in all
kin da of Drv (iood-». Main pfrppt.
a r.ini rnr.
J in fttanltf Dtv (Jf>ndP and Orripprlp« hW
and ‘Jotnmispion Ife*chantp, JFtin Strpe»,
a ritorrii.
a' I D ;itp* r<J fn Drv fTfind-i Phi’hijig, S'aplp
Goods and F mily GroeennP, J/tin street.
/ \ RR. W. I*. D * «1"»* in Ftnev and «ta
" In?.* Drv Main at., under *‘Jour
nal” Piinting Office.
3, $ WpppJiouh<» nnd
Omr.niipjion Mcrihr •)’ «»>d Dpplp* i»» B«
Ton, Floor Vfptil pnd P> nvi-dnnM «ronpr illv t pt
''hart.e A Brown’s old at Mid, M tin Rf.
FI«!UIT». «IHKI‘E * 00.
D a!or« in Dry Goods, Groceries, and
Plan ation Supplies.
n«Frn * fiwno's, Gnep.. v
* T and. T’rovision Dealers, South sid?/’uh
Re Squ ire.
HO'»n, b. is.. Dcnlcr ?n Ornc<*ricß nn«l
F nvL- ouonl'ep generally, 2nd door to
Journal*’ Office, Main s'.
/"'XSJ 96*1 \ >l, k.. Drngeist an^f
J T 3l ! vstei. n Keeps a goo.t ettpr'y o'
D-tles ind ttedlelnes. end preep-ihec fpe .P
•lie Ills that fl.'sh is heir to. At his old stand
the Red Drug Store, Main st
hi?. .». •»., Dee'er In
D on*. M dieineo, Odg, Paints, Dve
ITS, Garden Seed, &e., &c.
Ts, ««* O'M! R her. Porfee
• I’nnO". npd Seiler i” F ni'tr Oeriene
F : -h and O- filers, M dn Street, next to J. W
Roberts h Cos.
ph , sirm«.
non* r T T w. ii. p -or»*tp«pg Phv
ow-ivin and Surgeon. Office nt Clica*•
hfl'n’ l * D- ii? S’o»-e.
?. w. a «o^.
# »h-t»kt'n 1 T o r r»-»*t nfl*ron«?p hv cfnpc
H >, cnti r 7n *ir*d modern*** pViiriron to ro
opivp 1 oontiomnee of the eime. o<fi •«». Dr
Gilpin’s oM B'and.
Walr’i Repairer.
Vltf r\, Pm n't'l ,nns’r
TVa ehes F'lneks, .7* wetpv. .4/’o«le RopUfi,
fieeo-d’One A‘C fltwsvs to he found at hi*
old stand, on Xorth side of .Public Square
L.ivery B|ub]cx.
pißvrn, a >**wtFii»r. s.te
and F'ed ftab'e. H.iroeo H nd .1/il «
for s.,)e. Horses bo trded. North side Puh
’ie tre.
3f, G. & .1. K„ Sale.
I Fend and I everv S'ahte, D pot S r e t
Good home* and vehicles for lure on reason
able terms. 14, ly.
PIT 'VtOb. Dealer D Fine Wineo,
Rrandi-'S Whlalries. TANARUS, ’ g-r R O', Ac,
West side rniMie °q’nre, M tin s*'ec*.
J> .V AV s O IV
Tei 33. J. HUr, Pa,
of i: r/;« 1* it esc ui tio.y.
Pattern* adjusted to *uit the most improved
W e kepp on h*nd N »rfhern and EAct#»rr
wo k wf>iuh we will w.l nt lowest cash prices.
J.<u- 2<‘, ly.
Offer their set vices as
t| O I /YK I’LAN ri'K'> and Mea-hams of
1 Middle anil Southwestern GeO’gia, aid
invite their attention to some ol theadvii -
i ,g e . pe S p-sed by this city over others as a
Cott-n A/ark* t. ,
Our rh >ge« are very re»Por»hle, being
aho it ONE HMLF lliove of other cities ot
the Sts i*.
Oin B uking faeili’ies »i’l soon he cnn«id
er.'d'’ ine eased, and wt.l he eq t»|. if not su
perior, to those ot any interior town in Gtor
, gia.
The opening of the Macon and Augusta
, Railroad g v-s n« another on'let to Charles
ton, Sou h Carolina, thu* iucreaoing conipeti
tion tor our C > 'on.
We can furnish plantation supplies on the
most reasonable terms.
With our a x letienee in handl'Dg Co’tnn,
we believe *e can please those "bo may U
vor us wi h their patron ge.
Our Warehouse has just been put in thor»
ough r- P'ir, and we are now ready to weigh
and sell or s'ore tour Cdton.
We .re g t' 'or l„g WINSBIJ* 1 M
YHO\EO rOJTOS GIN, a sample of wbicli
call be seen »l ou* Wa-ehouse. (7ill and ex
amine i', or send us vou' orders. A’very
Gin warra'**ed. I’r'tc* $4 no p- r saw,
| P. 8 Mr. Ri-hsrd 11 llntehiiigs aud ep 1 .
J Them will have chaige ol our *’c»n»
a= and W .rehouse Yard. Macon, Go., Aug‘2s.
| au 3m.
IhCUtMG kN EkGU'imkt
lAffor the <L>f' a* of tho Moral fonvM
nt Sliiltth, tl tlWic took ooninvin 1.
| Ho roortratii/.otl the d"tnoralizo 1 foroes
! null oornmonood once more tha march
on Corinth
The left wine* of the fe leral lino
tvas commanded hv G in. I’op*. Tim
whole line had moved forward from
the river, and was noariny Corinth nt
the rule of a quarter of a mile n dav.
Hnlleck did not propose to take any
rlmncps. H" movetl a division a mile
or t*o, nntl then had to throw tip
breastworks. The next dav, other por- ,
tions would move up to the same line j
nnd entrench themselves. Tn this way,
ITulleek would, hv this time have i
reached the Mississippi river.
I was with Pope on the left. Wo
had pushed out from Hamburg:, nnd,
in time, had (rotten hi front of Farm
infrfon. The latter was occupied hy
the confederates, hut not in large
The next day. Pope sent forward a
heavy column, which took posession
of Ftirmin.ton after some little fi";ht
ing. That night, I went hack to Pope s
headquarters. There was nothing to
eat in the town; nnd its few wretched
dwellings were filled hv our soldiers
A small force only was left to move
up a strong column the next dav with
a view to the permanent occupancy of I
the town.
When I reached Pope’s quarters. I
found a stranger who brought a letter
of introduction to me who hnd come
out to represent the New York World
He was an Englishman, of some 24
or 2(3 years of ago. He lmd the
full, muscular form, the large limbs,
squarejaw, and solid face characteristic
of the average Johnny Bull.
Ho had just taken the position of n
war correspondent anil had never
seen a battle, 1 found him however to
he well educated possessed of literary
tastes, and nn extensive traveler 1
introduced him to our mess, and he
was soon given a position.
The next morning, rcciile was given
after an unexpected fashon. Instead
of the usual clatter of bands there was
the sullen roar of a gun, followed by
the exit Delating beat oi the long roll,
in every direction. Going to the ex
trnnee of the tent I found that every
thing was in commotion. The pirten
tous long roll was heard on every side.
The regiment could be seen (ailing in
to lino behind their stacked arms.
Buglers were sounding over toward
the cavalry camp; orderlies were
galloping hither and thither; and the
air was tilled with cries of “Fail in
there! “l ively, men! ’ and the rattle
of harness as hoises wore being hitch
ed to the batteries.
Daylight had come suffleient'y to
permit objects to he visible a hail mile
or so away. I had no need ot asking
any of the officer- who’ buckling their
swords, ami completeing their toilets
as tliev can, were hurrying to the
places, what was the matter. On to the
west there was heard tho-a dull and
irregular detunation which even tile
tyro could nut fail to recognize as
cannonading. '1 "c direction was tlmt
of Farmington, and I knew, at once,
that the confederates were attacking
the column which had been leit "to
bold the place.
For several days it had been tinder
stood by Pope’s men that the firing of
a cannon at headquators was a signal
to get under units without fu.thcr
orders. It was the roar of this signal
gun which hml broken up the s.umbers
of our camp, and bad scut every man
into ioll.
Certain regiments, batteries, and
cavalry wore put under motion at once
and dispatched to the relief of the
hands ul of troops at Farmington. A
column of reserves was sent iorward
a little later, and the remainder of
the force was ordered to fluid itself in
readiness to march tit a moment’s
notice. This gave opportunity fur
breakfast, oil'which those who rein.lin
ed wore not slow to avail themselves.
I was among the number. I pre
ferred coffee, beef, and hard-tack to
vritnes: iig 41 fight on a # n l it > 1.111 a 1
English friend coi*clu icd
to wait for coffee. He had arisen
when the gun sounded, and had since
be n watching with a good uoal of
intentness the busy preparations, and
listening to the di-tinot cannonading
at Farmington. Ho seeumd intent,
and no more. His dull, gray eyo did
not kindle, on his cheesy complexion
flush, under the excitement.
He was as impassive as au old trav- |
eler would he iu watching the antics
ol a cage of monkeys at a menagerie.
Breakfast was finished ; and about
8 o’clock, Mr. Bull—that was not his
name —and myselt mounted a couple
ol horses and started lor the extreme
The main road was filled with t'-oops
all moving westward. The scattering
ami desultory cannonading of the
early morning had swollen into a
steady and almost unbroken roar,
showing that tlio fresh troops stmt
forward h and gone into action. Its
volumn, and the fact that it was con-
stant tly increasing proved that it was
no skirmish hut a hi avy tight that it as
taking place. The confederates had
evidently attacked ia force with the
intention of annihilating the troops left
in charge of Farmington ; and in con
sequence, reinforcements were hurried
I forward with the utmost possible
i Bull and myself pushed on as rapid
ly as the condition of the road would
permit. Just then, there occurod to
mo a very brilliant notion. My
English friend had never soon a battle;
and consequently, tiad never been
under fire I was somewhat of a vete
ran ; and I concluded it would boa
capital joke to take my companion into
j the fight fir fO-iough to frijfit m him
'thoroiirhlv. an 1 to st" him.
My lively ionvr!nation alma ly took in
the snoot vole of his hnrly so ’m. aa he
fl -w, like an >ther T Tin Gilnin, from
i the hi Icon i carnival of death that
roarer! behind hi n.
I am s iMiewhat clear in the recol
lection that I hal a very heartv in
, ward chuckle as I thus saw hi u in
fancy flving mallv to the rear, his
‘ form will forwirl tithe horse’s tnvne
his heal hatless, an l his eminent I’ina
ovpTvnsive r»f dm»llv terror. I hurst
into a roar of laughter, aril which I
| hastened to explain to mv companion
as having reference to the antics of a
balky mule team.
Tn a little while, we reached the
line of reserves. It was drawn ud in
order of battle, with its left protected
by a stream an 1 its right by douse
impassable timber. On some ridges
batteries were distribute l «n 1 in a
hollow, a short distance hetiind the
line, was gathered a regiment of ear
Immediately in front of this line of
battle was a dense swamp, through
w'nch ran a corduroy road, an 1 which
loti to Farmington. It was the only
road that lei to the place, nnl wis so
narrow that it was especially unfitted
either for a 1 vane vs or retreat. The
logs forming the roa l were some
ten or twelve feet in lougtli. Along
side of this roa 1 were ditches filled
with water and oozy mud. On either
side extended the swamp, covered
with timber, an l utterly impassable 1
even for a footman.
We passed through the lino of re
serves, and entered the east end of the
cut through the swamp. Tito dis
tancethrough was perhaps three fourths
of a mile. Beyond, the ground was
higher, ami cleared. In this op-m
space was Fanningtun, anl there was
where the battle was raging.
Looking through the vista of the
swamp vve could see a (louse smoke,
in which wore the outlines ol the fig
ures of men and horsos. We could
see the vivid dashes of cannon as they
tore through the smoke; and w ro
now so close the incessant rattle
of small arms was distinctly heard,
through the sonorous aud quaking
clartn tr of the batteries
As we entered the camp it was cora
parutively vacant. All the reinforce
ments that lmd been ordered through
had gone forward Ambulances
were Coming and going; a trooper
da-thed by us, U"W uni then, as
iar.t as t'oo log-road would permit; and
at intervals we met some soldi'T.s cov
eted with blood, who was mounted on
mule, or supported by soipe companion
am uas positing lor the rear. Dio
l :t .g ambataacos were filled with
ghuot.y laces an l bloody uui onus
Now and t ien. a tidcrl-s horse galloped
wildly lrum out the smoke, and with
distended nostrils ami swinging stir
rups clattering iuriously an uy from
tiio hell in trout of us.
These little occurrences were all
watched cuiiously by my cotnpiuiou;
but they seemed to iiuve no
I oii'eet on him.
Was it not about time he should
begin to scare a uttie t
We wore about liaif way through
when a caisson, whose horses we.o
lushed savagely by tl o driver, came
tearing on too rood lrum the battle
field. tiwaying from side to si le, an 1
bounding madly a >ovo too groan 1,
| came tue caisson for a 1 >x) i ju npj or
so, aud tiieu it Wtis swung Wildiy over
and crashed, wrong siie up, in toe
uiieli, varying toe horses and drivor
witu it; nu t t.ieu ail revolved itsolt into
a oiaca ami struggling mass in tne
mud. J ust beliin t catue some caval
ryman, wiio were pressing their horses
savagely on And then struggling
bodies oi men came running ou«. of ti*e
sinotce, an t making lor the entrance
o. thi sv>a up.
i saw uu»e things, an l remarked
to my companion :
“i say, Bull, we re getting licked !”
Contrary to my expectations, his re
ply was not ti suggestion that vu had
better tail budk.
I ugiuvos iron til'* h ittle-fi and I—foot
men, ea vairj m in, team'tors —Geg ill to
t it) eiiuuuco oi tiiu >\vmi L > ill
tue direction we were moving. Just
then there was a long swinging scream
over our head, a.-, it some iniguty pow
er had swung tar 'Ug.i space lire lash
ot some gigantic wmp.
‘* vv’nat s tnat t asked Bull, as he
su Idonly jemed his ucad upward.
“ihat, my lrieud, is wuat they call
a shod, 'i nero s evidently a rebel but
teiy out there that s been planted to
sueil tuis swamp road. Tuey ve got
our men on the run; they know they ve
got Jxj run through tuis swamp, and
and they are going to make it hot lor
! Us.’
1 scanned somewhat anxiously the
face ol Mr. liuh as 1 imparted this in
formation. Considerably to my disgust,
it secured to a.feet about as much as
would tire remark tnat there was a fly
in his saddle bags.
In desperation, l give one more
look ol ui-gust at his immobile l'aeo,
and thou took a prolonged pull at uiv
canteen —which, by tnu way, was not
charged Wrtu water.
Tue first shell was almost immedi
ately followed by a second aui third,
each of which was a little lower than
its predecessor. The savage screwing
screams of their flight was ouppiiuiutri
ed by dull rep r in ou* rear.
•*ck e here, L>ud tuoso shells are get
ting lower. The rebels are getting
tiro range. In l**ss than two minutes
they'll sweep tuis road from end to
end 1”
lie never moved a muscle, but kept
rignt on. Wo were walking our ho. sos
biovvly, both on account ol the diihcult
cha.uolor of the road and the stream
of fugitives that began to. pour by us.
VO I. Y .—NO. 41
fO'\n. two. three, shells ! Then two,
"lose tewother ! The aim was oxool
l D Tl t_r l trifle high, hut getting biwer
e—*rv tii —u. T forestiw that in about
‘FI seconds thosa missiles would got
down te where we w*re.
The crowd at the further eal grew
“Bii'l. if we »*et ameng these fellows
we’ll tr"t turn all to nieces.”
Mr. Bull inftitnatod that ho thought
Then came a missile with a lash of
♦he nir. Ttpltm<red into the ditch just
before us an l exploded, tossing high
up masses of mu 1 aud water.
‘‘Now he’ll go. sure ! ’ I thought,
ns I turne 1 tmvarVmvcompanion. He
was as sto’i 1 an 1 impassive as a brass
tdivr en an andiron.
The throng thickend about us. We
were unshed hither nnd thither. Shelia
tore through the cedars at our right
anl left, and deluged us with broken
houghs. The air was alive with shells
and round shot. Frantic horses tore
hv us, and amhulnrures (lashed along
in mad retreat, threatening nt each’
moment to fling ii« into the ditch.
A shell enmo screeching along, and'
burst, immediately over our heads. The
air was filled with flving particles and
gmok". I -top; ted my horse I looked
at Bull. He was pressing on with in
finite composure.
With a look of immeasurable dis
gust I remarked, toss-, rni-r.
“You d—tl beef-eating son of a
horse-block ! If vou won t run away,
hv thunder —I will ! ’
And I (lid. I haven t attempted to
scare anybody since.
What ltd oil a « »tiz<>«» Who
T'i«K it* hi* Cellar.
A French paper gives the following
account of the experiences of one ot
the inhabitants of Strasbourg during
the siege :
“I had been established in Stras
bourg for many years, and my affaire
hail never been so prosperous as they
were when the war broke out. On the
aepreach of t e e i«my I jrmt away
my w'fe and family, but could not 1
leave mv warehouses and shops, lost
when the town was taken they should
lie given to pillage. The first eight
davs all went well, the quarter 1 in
habited seemed tube spared; but on
the ninth day a sholl exploded in front
of my house an l broke all the windows
on the ground floor. I thought i*
prudent from that time to take refuge
in my cellar. I had some provisions
there, so that I seldom went out of it.
I spent my days anti evenings in read
ing, little thinking what was about to‘
befall me. On Saturday the 10th,
about mid-day, while I was taking a
meal, I hoard a tremendous noise oorer
hja 1. I ran to the stairs to ascertain
the amount of damage doubtless caused
by a shell falling into the house. I
drew back terrified The entrance of
the cellar was stoppo 1 up by portions
|of the wall. The house hal fall' uin
and L wis hurried a ivo. YV hat passed
through my mind in the first hour of
my captivity 1 can not adequately de
s tube. I ha 1 fit- o! dumb ague, which
general exhaustion succeeded By <le
g e is I c vine to my e!f, for I must eon-
Je-s I oimpl ley 1 > t my heal; I col
mete 1 my ideas, an l thought 1 re
membered having during the day
brought down a petroleum lamp. 1
felt my way to the piece of furniture
on which I believed f hail placed it,
and bv good fortune there it was. I
light dit iustantlv. It was then that-
I rml xr l in/ tv e s' u id m; all round
me there were rums, t io staircase no
longer exi.-to l; I could no longer de
ceive myself, the house hid fallen in,
an 1 this cellar was to be my tomb. To
clear the rubbish on tha able was my
only hope, an l I began it with the fu
ry ol lisp fir. Every brick I took away
made others fall, and the wall crum
bled continually, and 1 was from oric
moment to another threatened with
co t u toi by hi ruins. Taon my
la np went out lor want of od, ands r
a time I gave up all hope; but the in
stinct of self preservation prevailed,
anl I set to work again in a sort of
rage. I ha l been working, as it
seemed to ru", more than two davs
when the ceiling su ldouly fell iu; a
brick at rue ms on tins heal anl I
ftii itel. How loug I ram fined insensi
ble I cannot tell. U'hen I reopened
my ev es I perceived an opening above
my head; the stars were shining; it
was night. T suTered . horibly and
dared not move for foaPof producing
a fresh fall of masonry. I waited! for
dav in mortal anxiety. As soon as I
c-iiild realize my (to-idon, hopereturu
cl. I mils a heap of rubbish all
round me, and, clinging to a beam of
the coiling, I raise l invso®k>ut ot this
' cellar which had so nearly been my
grave. Once out of it, I again gave
way. When I came to myself once
more, I crouched down am»ug the
mins of my abode and wopt for more
than two hours. I hal spent four
days in that cellar. X wout into it
without one gray hair, and now it is
quite white. I have ago i more than
twenty years in four days. As for my
shops all aro burnt I had worked
for ten years to set up my family iu
tol Table comfort. My wife and I look
ed for au 01-. l age exempt from care;
now all must begin over again, and
I see no prospect of anything but mi -
ery for our future days.”
Camilla-and Ccthsbht Railboap.—
The stockholders of this road met at
Now too, Baker country, on the 15th,
and made choice of the following Board
of Directors for the ensuing year.
A. H. Oolquit President; Jam as
Baggs, NV. IX iiauzanl, Edward B.
Smith. Joseph Snollay, Edwin L.
Wight, W- D Williams, A. L Hawe»
was chosen Secretory ami Troatmrer