The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, November 24, 1870, Image 2
BISON JOURNAL. f?. li. \\ KSXON, Editok. W. F. COMBB, Assoc ton: Eorron. ., 0 ./ irso.t, b Thursday , .Toronto r ‘J I I *7O. Retting matter oti swy /'*/<■• FOR CONGRESS— 2d district, HON. NELSON TIFT, Ol DtiIoHRKTT. FOR SENATOR —IIth district, i«l- L. C. HOI 1.. FOB REPRESENT ATI V K-tkuell. COL. JOIIK K. J !)>!>. Adjocknkd Ovkr—l iy private dis patch we learn that the Senate met according to adjourmaont to confirm fho appointment of superintendents of elections made by the Governor, and Ordinaries, and from .sumo cause not known to us udjourned over to Mon day next. Wlio lire the T.nilor Demo crats t The LaGrango Reporter of Friday says : ‘‘A negro by the name of Hen ry M. Turner, of some notoriety, but without distinction, in the course of a disintegrated harangue made here on ■Wednesday lust, stated that in a re cent canvass of Southwest Goorgia, ho had found out that evorv Democrat who had been in tiro present legisla ture had been rejected and thrown overboard; that lie had talked with one or two ot the defeated candidates, and they were so chagrined at their not having been nominated, that they said to him : “Turner, if you will in fluence the negroes to vote for us, we will run independent, and if elected, wh pledge ourselves to Rupport the Radical party. ’ Now we would like so know who these Democrats are. lurncr was very positive and said he could give the names if he saw proper. M e beg the Southwestern Georgia pa jiors to copy and push this matter. J f we have ..udi 1 emocrats, let Us know who they aro. Turner furthermore suid, “that they were the men who j had been very active in turning the negroes out of the Legislature.” L< t us know who they are.” Our venerable friend, Willingham, of tho Reporter, seems much interested in the status of Democracy in South western Georgia ; so much to, that in order to give our people a lecture, he is willing to take the word of a radi cal negro. If Charley had had the same real in the lust election that seems to possess him now perhaps there would have been elected to the Legidw' ire, from Troup, a man that Ho would not have refused to intro duce to a Southwestern Editor. Sweep around your own door, Char ley, before you find fault of we piny woods crackers. We have no more senso down this way than to tako a gentleman of color by the arm, seat him on a log, and persuade him to do his duty, and vote the Democratic tick et. Will you please inform us how many negroes you voted at last elec tion, and how many you expect to vote at the next? If Mr. Turner, the gentleman that gave the above infor mation, has been in Southwestern Georgia in six months we wore not awaro of his presence, but do not doubt it, as his stripe travel and speak in the night. We have no such Dem ocrats as Turner speaks of, and would advise him to go back to Troup or somo of the counties in Middle Georgia, where the people put on gloves to keop from touching a radi cal nogroc’s hand to find dissatisfied members of the Legislature who aro anxious to go into tho Radical party. This is not a healthy country for white Radicals, if there is ouo in Terrell county wo do not know him, but hear there are two white men that speak of voting for Whitely. How does this emiparo with Troup ? We are much obliged to Bro. W. for the interest manifested in our section, and assure him that the result of tho election in December will be such as to dispel all fear of Southwestern Georgia, and her disappointed Democratic Ley islut or*. Why Don't they Pnltli«li It f We want to stow why the honest papers at Atlanta don t publish the list of appropriations made by the late Agency '< It will be a melancholy sat isfaction to the people to see just how much they have been robbed, and to mark the irtft) who have aided and abetted the deed. We hope Tun Con •rinmow, at least, will make an extra effort to get the document aud make it public. —Macon Telegraph. We have not been able to get these facte yet, but will soon have them, the record is sad enough in all truth. It is a most melancholy chronicle of genuine unadulterated plunder. You shall have it neighbor, but it will make you sick. I-* - ! us Lorn —Atlanta Constitution. Bend it along. If wo don’t make the plunderers “sick.’ it will not be for lack of trying. Let us all go to work aud make them “howl.’ —Macon Telegraph. Give us the record, and let us see how many of the proclamation Presses or those subsidized by bullock, lilod gott and Kimball, will havo ’the ef noutcry to stand up before the tax payers of Geoigia in defense us the wholesale robbery and corruption w hi. h such a true statement of facts will disclose. Wo repeat, that we are ,Ot ieicrm, repeal and repudiation, and wo repent our call for an honest statement ol the facts.— Sar. AVh * j You are right. Let us see how many of tho 1 tomocratic papers that publish Governor Bull.iek's proclama tions, will publish liulloek slollies and crimes. —Atlanta Constitution, 9/A We should not only like to see the appropriations published, with as ma ny explanatory remarks us practicable, but wo should like to know the nan os ! of those Democrats who are so inti mate with tho Governor. We notice tho True tieoryiun constantly referring to tliis fact and we want to know them Let us have their mimes. Al so a list of the Proclamation Editors. Wo should like to see tho names of these two classes strung along together —it would be a part of the history of the times Lot u» have them from the records. —A m eric its Republ >ean. We aro among tho number who publish the Proclamations of Gov. liulloek—profess to bo an advocate of democratic principles, ami say to our brethren of the Press, (Demo crats,) that it would perhaps bo well for those who have done the same work,(all tho papers from which tho above extracts are taken, aro guilty, if guilt there bo,)to return the money tiny have received to the Treasurer of the State. If they do this, or if they refuse to publish a Proclamation, or Proclamations, when asked to do so by Governor Bullock, then read us a lecture. Until this is done, wo will simply say that wo aro tho koopor of our own conscience, an 1 aro responsi ble to tho people for any political doc trine we may disseminate—the opin ions of the disaffected press to the con trary notwithstanding. Wo have never thought wo could do effectual service for tho cause of Democracy by abusing individuals, uor do wo make us much fuss as somo of our neigh bors, but when the election comes around, wo expect to bo found among tho democrats who kindly persuado tho colored people to vote for their own, as well as our interest. Wo have no white radicals in this section to in* tluoneo by long, abusive articles—the ‘rails’ we have can’t read, with a few exceptions, therefore wo have to talk with them, and wo tako pleasure in doing so. We publish tho proclamations of Gov. Bullock as we do any other ad vertisements lio pays us regular prices for so doing, an i wo are almost persuaded that that is what is the matter with somo of our brot.irou ; especially our friend Hancock, who was such a great friend to tho “model Governor” on a certain occasion in the recollection of the people. Have charity, brethren, and tell us why you did the same dirty work only a short time since. Did you ever read a fable that had something in it about “ sour yrapes ?” HUmlA’s COJIFI.AIAT. Our mailers are aware of nn in creased war fueling existing between European powers, which if in dulged in to a greater extent will cause a clash of arms and roar of can non to reverberate from shore to shore. The following circular from tlie llussiun l’rince gives the text up ou which is basod the pretext for com plaint : I’alack Za tiKoE.sci.o, October 9. Bakon . idle succosstve alterations which the compromises conside.ed to bo tlie louiutatioii of tlie equilibrium of Europe Dave in the last year un dergone, have oD.iged tuo Imperial Cabinet to oxunniie tile influence on tlie political position ol ivussnt, therefrom resulting. Among ttiosc cutu|iromist'S, that wnicu interests us most directly, is tiro treaty oi tuo Btitii of March, roriti The special convention between the powers on tne iliuck &ea, annexed to tliis treaty, contains an agreement on the part ot Kussia, to limit her naval forces to an inconsid erable dimension. in return,this treul ty uuered Der tho principle el tuo neutralization ot tuat sea. lu tile view of tue signatory pow | ers, tliis principle was 10 reniuvo all ! iHissilnnty ot coiiuict W’itU or be : tween tue powers bordering on tue j lilacs. Sea, or between tiiom aud tue j mainline jiuwcrs It was to iucreiise : tiie number oi territories called ny Uio i uuuuiuious agreement ot La rope to J enjoy the beueUts of neutruiny, and jso to protect Russia Uersell Iruui all j danger 01 aggression. 'lue expciieuce oi fifteen years has proved Uus principle, upuu wuicn ue pends the security oi me wlioie ex text ot tho lrontieis oi tile Russian Lmpiie in this direction, rests only on a theory in tact, wade iiu&siu, dis armed in tho Iliactc .Sea, anu even bv a declaration recoideu in the protocols of the commences, loyally Uemea to hel’sell the posoiomu ot taxing elii eient measures ol mmitune deicusw in me adjacent seus aud ports, luraey pursued the right oi xet-ping uinnni ted naval loroes Ui the arcmpeiagu and the straits, aud i’ ranee and hu 8 - iunu preselveU the power ol couceu tiating their squauieus in the n.edi terraueun. Moreover, by the terms of tho treat) the oi. trance to the idlucK Sea is lui ever prouibitod to the llag ol war, wuetuer ot the Russian power or any other, but, by virtue ol tue convuiuioi culieu the Otruit s Convention, tin passage through tuese straits la culle* to llags ol war only in time ol peace. It results from Uus condition mu. tue coast il tue Russian Empire ie main exposed to all uggressious, eve*. Oh the purl ol loss puweriul States as boon us tucy puss tue navat lorces, tx. which ltussi i would be able .to oppose only a few vessels of small dimensions. The treaty ol tho Pth and GOtii of Man'll, lfJnC, moreover, has not es caped tho infractions to which most of the European compromises have been subject, and in presence of which it would bo difficult to affirm that written law, founded ujion the re spect for treaties as u base of public law and rule for the relations between /states that lias preserved tho same moral sanction which it may have had in other times. ***** ** * * * U[ion mature examination of this question, his Imperial Majesty has arrived at tho following conclusion, which you are directed to bring to tho knowledge of the government to which you are accredited. Our august mas ter cannot admit in law that treaties infringed in several of their essential und general clauses, rein liu obligatory on those which t ugh on tho direct in terests of his empire. His Imperial Majesty cannot depend on fiction which has not- withstood tho test of time, and bo put in peril by his re spect for engagements which have not boon observed in their integrity. The Emperor, confiding in tho sen timents ut equity of tiio powers signing the treaty of lSd6, and in the consciousness ol their dignity, he in structs you to declare riiut ins Impe rial Majesty cannot longer cousiilev himself bound by the obligations of tim treaty of March 30, isiiti, so far as tliis limit has tho right of Sovereignty in the Black Sea; that his Majesty considers it his right and duty to give notice to his Majesty, the Sultan, in respect to tiio special convention, ad ditional to said treaty, which fi res too number and dimensions of tiio strips oi war which tiio two riparian powers reserve the right of maintains in tho Black Sea; tiiat ho loyally givos notice ol this to tiio Powers signing and guaranteeing the general treaty ot which tliis substantial convention con stitutes an integral part, that he re stoles to his Majesty the bultan lull liossessiou of his lights in this respect as he equally claims his own lor him- self. In discharging this duty, you will be carelul to state that our august master has in view only tiio security and dignity of his Empire. It is by no moans tile purpose of his Imperial Maj esty to raise an Eastern question 1 poll this point ile lias no other wish than the preservation ol tho consoli dation ol peace He fully maintains Lis adhesion to tho general principles ol tiio treaty- of l!v.b, which settled the position ol Turkey in the Euro pean system. He is ready to come to an understanding with the powers which signed tliis arrangement, either to conlirm its general stipulations, or to renew them, or to substitute lor them any other equitable arrangement which in .y be thought suitable to sw Cure the repose ol tuo East und. Eu ropean e uuibrum. llis Majesty is convinced that peace and equilibrium will have a stronger guarantee, when they snail have been placed on a more just and basis, than those resulting lroui a position which no great pow er could uccept as a normal condition of existence. You are desired to read tins th,-patch to tiio iuister of Foreign Allans, and leave a copy with him. Receive, etc Gokxsch.ixoi'*'. Cor. aY. Y. Tr bane. Communicated. " ukc up mv; lOeuioi'i'nlic *.» Ull! In ISGB the Democratic party in the —uu Congressional District carried tiio election oy over one thoucund ma jority and sent Hun. Nelson. Tut to v ongross. How did wo do it '( by uniting together as a band ol broth ers, and leaving no stone unturned 10 accomplish oui object. Oue liitmui ana *yw are to make tho *ame liglit, botwoeii iiitand W hitely. W nat aro our prospects l Gloomy in deed. \\ hy is ( Who is respon sible for it: wen may we ask, wnen tue enemy have visited every c. oss road in tue district, and organized his forces, and not an elio t at tue organ ization oi the nomocracy yet. \> lien mast to begin r wno are our leaders 1 wiicro iiu\u tiiuy '( 1 appeal to tnose gentlemen belong ing to mo party living in tlie District, wno have neretoiore snared tiio public coundence, to come forth. Where are the Albany, Cutubert, Americus.Daw soii and .bumbridge prominent men Y louhave, in dajo past, slioYvn your selves champions in tne cause, what 1 has luilod you to sleep Y The people i crumor ior advise and organization, j tney Have given you honors in the I past, ana L you allow them defeated in this campaign by w ant of energy, aoihsiinoss, or Other unworthy objects, in uays to come they will nut lbrget it. 1 appeal to you to lay aside any per sona* uisiixe you may have to our candidate; wo uiigiit have done better but lie is betoru you and woo to him or them that throw stones in the way oi his election. Lid you want tile Nouuiiauoii 1 tue Convention waa the piUCo to havo uppeured and opposed him; its too late now 'l’uiuk not to lay .pact un ail is over, aud ttieu say you nominated tho wrong man ! Nel son Tilt is your candidate, lit in the ltemocraU party, doioat him and the party is defeated. Want of energy how is treason and the party when ill power will punish it as such. - j f axo warning, your names aud mo ttl’d are known, lie not deceived. *v\ e will not bo mocked. Are you Democrats t tuen go to work and or tramce your party. You have the in tellect,experience aud money, these must bo brought to light. Delay is defeat! go to work now, and rest not nil victory perch on our banners. Dkjios. The corporators of the Albany and Columbus Railroad, meet in Albany, •n Wednesday the 30th inst., to take the necessary steps for organization. N. T. Crtzier, who wa otie of tho nominees of the conservatives of Ran dolph, fir the lower House of the Legislature, Las declined being a ean didnt" on accnunt of ineligibility. I 1 a mjk ©. IT i<* well known so rWfor* ;»nH to L:idit»s, that women nre ntbjeet to mum-i ons Mi* pWtttfwr to their M?X— Milch lIH .S'lipprrH* *I«»1 Os 11i o M«-u*e*, Wliitea, I'afuftil month ly ‘lVriodn/ Kht-umu tl*»m of tho li.ick and Ifomh, Irroffulfir Men struation, 1 1< morr.ij'ho . Kxoomlvc ‘Flown,’ and l*roUpKca Uteri, or Fall htif ot the H'omb. \ n • h.M* diiM'axoN hnvfc* eeldom been fretted *l*o r «‘H*fully. The profes**"’* , ion miMgiii tilfitly for noire romedv hut would enable them to treat tluse dis ease* with success. A' hi* , ihnt r*»medv hu« been discovered hv one of the most skilful phvMtoUns ill the Sfa’e of Georgia, That remedy in BRAD FIELD’S FEMALE J J EGULATOII. j It in purelv Vrgemhle hci! is rut up in Atlanta, Gro'ela, bv Z/P.ADFIELD & CO. 1 It will nuiiiy the hio ><l end air«Mitsthe» the svswm, relieve irritation of die kiilneva, and l is a perfect •iwciflo lor all the above diseases, : a cure as Quinine in f,'hills and fever. ; For a hi- oy of itiseaepe | at and certificates j ol iis wonderful cures, the resdi r is r-l-rr-d 10 the wrapper around the bottle. P.\ cry 'bottle is w.irntited to give siligfuctiou or ■nonoy refunded. I.aGramik, i.a., March 28, 187<>. k ,1i l.fnia, Gi-otg-a: DkabSiks: I lake pleasure in slating tiiat 1 have used lor the last twenty years the >n oil i-e i oil are noting up, known as DR hi: adukmi’s vka v;.k regulator, 1 and consider it th-- h-ost. cnrnh'u Ton ever tog”thi r foi the diseases lor which h is recommended. ! have been familiar »i h ti c privetio'ion, h"'h n s pruti ioner of no and " i e and til dmiieslii- praciiee, and can hon es'lv say that I eons'rier it a bo n Io suffer. nil! females, and call but hope that rv.rv In ti in our land, who may be suff. ring in anv *ay peculiar to iheii sex, nnv be able to procure a bottle, that, their sufferings tnav not onlv be relieved, but flirt they may be restored lo health and sue"irth. With mv kindest rega .is. I in, rasper f-iii.v, ’ W- B. FERRELL, M. D. We, the undersigned Druggists, take plp m. lire in oommeudi' g to 'he tia.le. Dll. J. | DR » DFIKI.7/S FEU ALE REGUL.ATuK beli ving i* to r e a good and reliable remedy for the d's axes for which he recommends it. W. A. Laiisdell, A-laoti, G.i Peii.benon, Willson, Tavloi A Cos., Atlanta, Ga. Redwine A Fox, Atlanta, Ga. VV. G L ws-ie, A'lanta. Gi. W. Roo A Son, Marietta, Ga. may 6-1 y. IMS . PliU 1’ hit r» s Celebrated MAver Aledielne f* is purelv vc cuts Me, and will act upon the lever and K'dneys as pcomptlv as Calomel and Biiohu, without anv dinger ol salivation O' de-.ruction of tho bones. Farties t,king this medicine need not fear gelling wet, or auy other reasonable expo -ure. w jmi?toras of Livfr Disease* c <*, Dull F<*elinjf or flip Blue®, Sour .S umach, Sick or nervous Headache, He»"~ '•urn. Indigestion or J),> pepsja, 11 and or Bit er rate i'. me uiou'h; the skin lias a thick •nigh feiling. and is darker than usual, Cos veneps, M- laneholv leelitigs. Cramps, ‘odd hi*et. 6’n'ic, ]) sen'ery, fir Diarreah, Chills and Fe»er and P ies. n fact, where lie liver i« our of order, you are liable to eve l disease that i J nor contagious. ‘s Liver M difjrc. It taken prop ‘ rly, it will prevent and c<ffe any disease re- Sol'iog f oin a deranged L'vpr. It "i I n'guU e i'- (uticlions and thus cure all di-eases OAUst and by the failure ol its neallby cion Ii has been good for a great, miniher of years, and has gv-n tinive.siil sa'i-fac'ion. Thne is no broiber or son claiming to have be original receipt. I> is put U p ii bolb Powder ami Fiuid loroi Fairbdrn. Ga, .September 4 18fi8. Dr. O S Prophit: MR. My W le Ins been an invalid fnr fif '•‘•‘ii tea s. Doe'o- s ali agreed she had lever Di-e-sse. 1,, connection with their praciiee -he used various nmed nn diciues. none of wiiieh seemed m do anv good. A'ome ime .go I i.roc ii red ab'tleof vom ‘Lver J/. d ■cine,” of to nr agent, hete, V. .1. Ilirvv, wh'ch oeing given aeon-ding to direction--, aveilfeeted a complex* en-e. Respectfully, etc , G O. L TIIO.VrSO\. ilh t’fojiliitt’j byjejilery Cofdia). I -1 one (, f th'* nmjjf. v;il con'ponnds now put ud so» Diivrhe*, Ovneutery, Clioiera, InFuuum, or Cholera VI or bug, l hiy iue<iicin<* h h**pn in use for year?, MU*! i ivng univpisdl PH'i*fM6>ion. The mogt dilicate child may use it with im> ! pnni»y^ PROP HITT’S Pin KILL IT. This'« ihe <:t U'bt "wd medioine that ran Pe'tv D-v i«’ Pain Killer nui rtf ,he market, wherever it was rolf; D.ain ma.le Poiphitr et>-t"ijp th,. Dario; from Pain K iler to P.\IX KILL IT. Fo* Nil'uniadsxt, R-nratjria, Cut?, B aiipen, Bn-iis, Old Sores, So tk<. Bites, or sdnes of P-"sni!(ins lesentn, lor folds, Cong s j or Bi.tvel Comj.luim, ii has no eq'itl as ad. ss iitif, healer or nn'idot* for nai" of t v kid. M imifactuied and -old bv AR.IDFP'I.f) & GO., A: la it tu, Ga., ami lor sale by all DR. PR< )Ir» H I TT'S Fever aud Ague Pills, The bee Antidote for Chi'ls and Fver j known. Cun-s warnn'ed always or money rebind’d* Purely vxg.-rahls. I> Ii- PR< VP HITT’S /11L/ /OI S ViLLS. ! Will lelitve 11 uidaohe, N* rvou<i e->, J .un dice, anil all other derauge uenta ot tile Liv er. Puielv vegetable. Certificates. The following are a few among the hun dreds of those who have used the above cam and mediciuee, aud w,io readily testily to then value : Co 1 It J Hend. rson, Covington, G.i ; Prof J L Jcnea, Coving’’ n, G.i ; M W Arnold, G ’ rgia Couf-ren e; 11-v iV IV Oslin, (i-»r --ti i C’enleience ;. A If R >bin*oo. Mm ti*ello, G.i ; Judge J J Floyd, Covington, Ga ; L) n k l ocker, Ib.vis coun’v, Texas, W lla»k \\ hailey, Cussvta, Texas. STATE OF GEORGI A, ) Know all fl LTON C. CNTT. J men bvlhesi pr< senlg, that 1 have this day, for value re ceived, sold aud iranslerre I io BR.fDFIA’L/f k Cos., the sol - light to manufaeiuie and g.- my i smily Medicine*, and have furnish.i 'hem Wiih the fill reci es, and have aullior iz-d the sail A CO., to prim, oi have prin ed, any ilbiig they may P r, >P’" eriiing any and ad’the ab' V nam-d Jfedicinis. This !sih div oj Jun 187 u. [Signed] O. a. PROPHIT7 i"’so ve ol Thornog F Joueg ai d lion ert brawlord, Notary Public. [L s.j V anulactured vnd lor sale hr BRAbFJELI CO. Hi on! S’reel, Atlanta, Ga., and 1 sale by all Drugging For ssle by 7)r. J. R Janes, D«r«r, 0«. FASHIONABLE RFSAURANT, Bakery, Confeciionery, TOY STORE IL. FOI.OVOM. having completed hit • •irtrigemenu for the Full ttade, takes this method ol informing the public that he has, and will eonstnti’ly keepon baud, eveiy thing 10 «aiidv the appeiite, and if you have no appetite, call fix you np .something to give yon oue. THE RESTAURANT w.ll *n*>phVil, d*ilv, wj<h Fo<h. Ovg ♦efp, OM Virginia B*»* f Sr*u«k, etc., and wi'l fii*ftjdh tn famiMea, th»»>e ritn* an week. Fork or B**ff tSaocftcr® ol hi** own vnnke. Wiiiterg, pood tVoks, who will prrp»irt* vuur in »h*» Utea* a hi wade without anjr ex Ira charge lor the fanev name. the bakery is presided overby an experienced hand, and we a* e prepared in furnish everything neces sart for Parties, Bills und Suppers, private nr public. CONFECTIONERY. This Department is supplied with all kinds of Plain and Fancy Candies, from the hest J/.nufactories, tp'.-cther with everything usually kept in a Fust-class Confectionery establishment. THE TOYS h ive hpen s. I“cted from one of the finest stocks in New York-, and the purchaser had mi eve tn thp tastes of all the little ones, ami can furnish ihe hots w ith anv. drum a Wooden Pistol Us a Fre A’ngine ; and the little girls with anv thing rum a W.,x I) oil 10 a comp'o'e otn-fit tor house keeping. I w ill lake pleasure i' Waiting or: custo mets, and furnishing them wiih anything I have or r an g, t for the ‘ C .A, S 11.” J. L. SOLOfVIAN, Oct. 18-'f, Trustee. DR. SHALLEN BERGER'S Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE Always Stops Ibe Chills. Tliis Medicine has been before the rub lie fifteen years, and is still ahead of all other known remedies. It docs not purge, does not sicken tho stomach, is perfectly safe in any dose and under all circum stances, and is the onj Medicine that will CURE IMMEDIATELY and permanently every form of I'evor and Ague, because it is a perfect Anti dote to .'Tfnlariu. Bold by all Druggists. EXKCUTIVK DAP USTVA’XT, } Atlanta, Ga., October, 27. b, IS7U. y In pii'Si'HT eo of » joint resolii'ion of tlm (5 nerul Assmiblv, app'oved October, 27ih lf>7o, i is ORDffRA’D: Thai Hon O. A I, ehrane, of the 0011111 > ot Fnl on, Hoi . David I-win, of t' e count v if Ool'b, aid H oi. R bert II B own, ol 'h- ct ii tv of Fol on, bo, and 'Lev are herebv, -ppoi'itrd a Boot] of Com tr-is-iofiors to revise the (‘ode ol Georgia, Given under mv hand end ihe S. nil ot thr Ex> cuiive Denar'mepi,-ar the t'apiiol, in A lanta, the dav ana v* irfi s' Kv „ i ten „ , , Ul tTir li. ACI.LOCA, Hy the t.overnor : It. II ATKINSON, creiary Avecutive Department, nov. Bd, It. ol ( DEPtRTMfi’N'r OF STATE. “ ) Adan a, November Ist, 1870. f ORDERED: Bv bis Excellency, the Governor, that fl" re « ard of One Thousand I) dla rs, offered |- his pt'Otlsmntion of the 2o Ii riuensi 1870,f'n the apptehehsion and delivp'y of on" H. F Snaron sli s Frank S'aron, to the Shot ft' n Decatur countv, tor the murder of Jame John.-on, c lured, is heiebv withdrawn. Given uitler mv h nd and olfic'-il s al- DAVID G. • OTTIXG. N-’V, 10-41 S* cretary of Sloe HEADQUARTERS f i a Bapgai.n.H IN THE Grocery and Provision Line IS AT TUK WHITS CORNER, •lAI OH, G l, \\ E offer the following art el \s low ; 3000 Family Supeiior and Ex- Flour. 100.000 Ftiiinds White meats. 200 Barrels Liquors, at about Cost. 250 Moses Candles. 300 IJ X”H Soaps. 100 HiiX’ s Fresh Crackers. 50 Ofixes Starch. 50 C so Snr in s 200 (Just h Fresh Oysters 500 Pai-k ioes New Mackerel* 25 ! ierces N•" Rico. | 50 Tons Iron Ties* : 100 11 xo> < nickers ! nioo Rubs Hugging on Consignment. I 300 Hi’X’-s Toliacct). | 100 'a. ks Coffee. 200 I’nrrels Sugar 25 Halt Hir els front 1»0. Ha I Barrels While Fish. 100 H rrc's Poiu oes 100 Packages I od Fish. H)0O Sacks Salt. 500 Sn. ks i e l live. 0 its and Hurley. Our pflock is Well Kept up all the time l.y daily arrivals of purchases by our Brokers at Headquarters, and a filer « an have «»*y t*iz lull of ar ticles in Uib Grocery und Pr<>vi.*i«»n l.iim ti led at our store on as good term- as any establishment in Middle Ovn' g;a. Al, we ask is *o give us a fair trial I von want to be con vine, and >kat ours > Headquarters In Baritiiins. Seymore, Tinsley & Cos.. I. Gils Os, Col. J? of OtiwriT •nd 3rd Streets, Alacou. Ga. Nov. 3-4 t. |CHAMB_BF SCHEDULE. Gr.EAT REDUCTION IB PRESS. $15,000 W OBTa GooiSs at a very small advance on Cost. WE will now offer onr pnfiro Stock of DRY GOODS. NOTION’S imnn, SHOES, li ATS and UUO« KKIES, at u very small advance on cost, ° ' FOB CASH -0." til""- wII I- quirk ...l™ an<l -nr.II prnfit. C.. 11 ,„| , eo chasinir, ns w thu.k we tan moke it lt> your interest P ,,r * MU. AB JUNES assisteil by Mr John Kendrick, very res-nctfu’ty , . their ser vices to their many f i.-nds, and would be ve.y happy t„ have th m „ before tl o bargains are ail taken. ' ctl eu^ Nov .T->f. McKENNEY & CROUCH m — EJL ' " a- X ol iee f£ xl ra or <l ina i*y. . A.Y e ytiim: iu;w stock AT THE “DAWSON BARGAIN STOR E.” ivrsiKPjsfeo /.r stile of aeiee, on qiahtv »LV« Fftlt’l: OF GOODS, JT gives us grout pleasure to announce so our friend*, nml the public gene ally- * lit. we hnvt! hud tn renew mir Meek, so great was trie rush at • ur "Bar gain S(..rc,” and we intend in lumre to su tain our leputati «n for selling cheap good Hoods 3 ‘ Our Stock consists of Mens’, Youths’ Hnd Cli ildren’s Clothing. Gens’ Fur niching Good, Huts and C;q s, Boots and Shoes, tor men and Boys. Ladie-mid Mis e Suns Button and Lute. Bools, Button and Polish .Hoots* Lathes’ Dicsr Goo.lh of all sill sa it quid lies, a large Stock ( ,| Domestics, mgeiher with everything kept in " v riety -Store. Come one, come nil, and tie convinced that the ‘-Bargain tstoru ’ is the place to gel the worth of your money. T o tii e a (11 e m* Tn ndddion to mv largo Etock of Merchandise, I have ad ’ed a full line of MILLINERY GOODS •„..*,-i,.. L , ~f U,t,h „ ; Fiend, E.iovrc. 111,,- snu.s Feathers Hats Bonnots, I ritnmi- os, etc . t. geiher wiih everythin;/ lo lie l.'iiml I" u first-class Millinery e tanlichin'int, and at prims 'that no one object to. r i he L - dies will find an experirneed .\Jil.iner always readv to s rve th l ni N " v ' 3d ts II- jV. RICH. s-’QUEatsnnisHT-k i GbSPOUtd EXJRAuT OF Til 10 OKKAT Mood anti Liver Specific , Moibid Condiiion es the Blood! Theae nro thf> f’ui'ful source o( munv dis eases, such us refills, VVi i e S*elling, Gout Rhtienisiigm, A’lv-iii’Ua, Ulv’"'*, (.hrnnic Sure Kves, Nr-ck, Rie urn. Ring woim. B<ii ! s, Caihu .de>, Pmiples, Bloiches, m and K lielions if all kind-’. For lh” cu’e of Ibvse various affeetiions which a e rn” civ svmp'nii” of a ni'.ilud sistc of the IStood , medical s PI anA sconce hav. not ve discovered . Blond Purifier . qml to 'he V OIII|MIIIIift ( Xli’M t ut Mi 11,,. sisi. This grea Heal h Itcstorer md U cleansing Cordial homug’lv < iadie.,’, s ~v . --- ry kind of humor and bad taint, aud mams the entire svsiem to a heal.h> and pe.feoib pure condlion. PEMBERTON rAYL°R A CO. Cl emists, A luma, Ga„ zw F“ r sale by Di uggig’s. R. ad lie following, which explains the sue. i,| 'his Ghkat Runny all ovkr rnr bOCNTHY. W KST foiNT. Ga a cop T 10th, 157.1 .Vrsara. Pemberton, Taylor A Cos, Atlanta On Ge.vts; We have the greatest cure tore. |ini t. . yer known, made t, v UI „( v ,»ur Com pound Extract of Stilliiiyia. A case that has been e.j 0.#,! i 0 b.-U Ipr si. years—r,.is> ed aud well—u iU send par ieul »ra soon. Y urt» U Sneeffiilly. Crawford & VV r alkkr, Diuggists. S tpi 15—Hut. noiice. E II MOQVIAUQH is n. I ngcr my A Rent, and is n”t authorized .• ne.l .my of the property hclntigiug to me, and tew in his possession, viz: 1 Sorrel H ’t>o. 1 B.y kl rse, 1 Gray Mare Mule and 1 brown Horse Mill , Bug gy anti 11 ill ness, and 1 V\ ug „, and the crop t ail kinds raised i>y him, forme t»-if> year. P.roes tigving i e (jal c'aitnn agaust me, mu m l.y mm as ,T, y Agent, can adtlress me where I reside, at Ma -on, (Li R- 11. iMOOMAUGII. Nov. Id-ltn. I JOHM T. WALK:P, I XVH K L-IO GriJS AN’D 1 Commission ifcrcliant, ra HTO.Ii.YHS, GA. J y ES'PEtn FULLY u»tuMi? hi!* brH»pf:i] ac i it kiiowlt us miu in.* ro his numinous IVipnd.i nd ihe PUniers (»f Calb *-UM, CUv. Kariy und 'he adjoining coun'ies for thr liberal patron* age they hitve hitherto extended *o him ; and ue herewith renew.** the fender of his services for the piompt Hnd Mtliful * xecuticn ol alt u*iresß entiu-Med to li is o»re. U 'ViDjf tiisconneeied himself from «!! other *?»<; peinems, he is now able and determined • • devote bi« to the interests of i'o-e who ilia? favor him **i»b tbeir business. NVi h lone expe*ienre in the sale, the pur cha-e and the lundlit g ot Cotton, wi h a mw>ikp” policy lo« ki:• <r 10 ihe interests ol iiia cu-ionpMS, b ek**d bv unswerving in lesrity ot will »o protect them in their rich’s, he believes he furnishes them wi'h addition*- I inducements to ii.flutnce their continued pHtinna£e. Fm rf as a shipi i' ff poin\. cortainty nivgentfl adv inf*??* supeiior to those of «t*jr o*her town in 6'oirh Western Georp a. Col on imy be sent from he«e at shortest notice •Miller up or down the Oil Mahonchee R»?»*r, »r b\ itie South-Wesfern Rddroad. Our Merchants are d*ilv advised ol the prices of he K'lroppati. Se* Y<»rk mji ! oihe r UH»keU* m ppliis P ovieions fu'niehed on short notice at the ‘iio-r • pufHD’jtble prices. aTIV AKUIOUSC is located io he n o>t conveniem portion of the town, •nd is in complete roitsir, so that thore need be no del iy in St irii g or A?hipping Ootton. 1 *• Iso keep on h*nd a supply ot well •oned, BUbt»tnw»ial and fashionable Hi 2 which w ill be gold at most * •geoufl priyrc. Call and look before you r» \ anywhere el e liIGGOG, ICOeK * TILS, *1* al!* on band, with fanning uteu H sds of every variety. L b* r*l advances made on Ootton shipped o liis correspo (i‘*n:B ir. New Orleans, S** Vdiiuat*, iV*w York and PniladelpHia. sept 1 a 3in. j T. w IKA’R- HERE IS THE TLAUE TO GET YOUR MONEY BACK! JJ AVING just received and *t <mr Fall and Winter St ck •» Merchandise, consisting of FA MILY G ROCK Kl E3, BAGGING AND TlE>, DRY GOO US, SHOES, 800 iH, HA IS AND 0 LO T 11 I N G, which we . ffer for the Cash, at pri ces that will compare with any Hotiio in South western Georgia. VVe •■"* peel fully ask ol parti.s tradingat D’"* son to cal] ac t examine < ur arid get our pr ces oel re perch .sing. CRIiVI & TUCKEfI. Oct. 6 3m.