Newspaper Page Text
.iu n\ jnri:\M.
. \!1 who* aro on-titM to
desirous of takine: tho dofcnse
'fZL] Sainnritnn” can have an op
°f , „ itv of doint; so noxt Fnday
P° u -’5 in«t at the Masonic Hull.
W*?* "-veninir at 3 V o’cl ok all Mas-
Mwons, their Wives. Widows.and
1 m r * will have an opportunity
Star .a* "Oar
? ft Ltinc ilofrroos All who are*
int t., \ a ro respectfully invited t\l>o
ZLt andsa|Vthin«vou uraW.uinr
rU. M . McKinney,
V IS W Ijoyless, l
Committoo 'of arrangokent.
The Labiks’s Stoke. — the cold
-ether set in there lias ho\quite a
S U made *on the Ladies’ Store for
Muffs and other things that conduce
to tho comfort o? the ladies. ThVmp
plv is not ye* exhausted, and polite
attendants are always in readiness to
va it on customers.
T NsrKE tour life in tho Cotton States
Life Insurance Company at offico of
jir C. A. Cheatham.
septl-Sm- W. C. Dodd, Ag’t
XuF. Baptist Female Colleue at
Cuthbert, under tlio charge of Prof.
tV. B. Seals, will bo open again on
the Bth of January next. See ad.
Tax Notice. — I am instructed by
tho City Council to extend the time for
the collection of City Taxes until the
Ist day ot December next. After
that date executions will bo issued
against all delinquents.
J. E. Lotless, Clerk and Col
Dawson, Cl a., Nov. lttli. tit.
Bvrglarv. —On Monday night the
More of Messrs Grier & Simmons was
entered by a burglar, supposed to bo
a white man. The loss is small—a
few pocket knives and ft small amount
of greenback sliinplastors is nil that
could he missed.
On Tuesday night Mr. Ah Jones
was sitting in tho back room of tho
stoioof McKenney & Crouch, heard
someone walk in at the front door,
and on going in the store room to wait
on the supposed customer could not
find him, but missed a pair of fine
blan ets and a bolt of homespun. We
trust theso scoundrels may be ar
rested, and forced to leave our town or
go to work for a living.
Tire United States Hotel, Louisville,
Kt., is modern in stylo and richly fur
Book Notice. —We respectfully call
the attention of all who are interested
in the Religious history of the world,
to a work culled ’* The Hand of God in
Ihlori/C Mr Mizell, of Da.vson, is
agent for this book and will supply
all wlm w ish n copy' From the breif
examination wo have been able to
give the work wo regard it as a volu
ble contribution to the religious lito
ture of tho age and, therefore, cheer
ful!}’ recommend all interested on tho
subject of which it treats to buy a
ropy and read it.
T E Langley. is Himself Again.—A sow
weeks since Capt. J. W. Roberts made
an appeal through our columns to Vis
customers to come to his relief. They
nobly responded to tho call, and ho
bgs us to tender thanks to 'nis many
bieuds for their prompt action. To
those of bis customers who have not
been so situated as to enable them to pay
their accom ts, by reason of the diffii
cultics in ginning, packing, and haul
ing to market their crops of cotton,
hr respectfully asks their prompt at
trition and payment at an early <lat 0 ,
hereby enabling him to favor them
Mother year.
The United States Hotel. Louisville,
-''■l centrally i 8 located.
* -in. J. A. Fulton.— This name is
as lou seliold words, and we can say
nothing that would give him a bettor
position in society as a business man ]
a,K ' l gentleman; but wo havo been
troubled in min 1 since we heard that
Parties to whom he loaned his name
cro, bt, in order tiiat they might
"> enabled to mako a 'crop, and in |
” um instances, to keep tho wife and
j"'' : onos from suffering, havo allowed
" f '*r drafts to goto protest —havo failed
’" put him in cotton or funds, to take
a P bis acceptances, and after exhaust
' ? nil the private means ho could
cntrol.and money lie could borrow to
l r, iect his o/rn credit, was forced to pro
■ and will havo to euduro all tho
r ‘M consequent thoreof. We know
° nri these parties by name, but if
( >f our readers aro among tho
rniLor, wo bog of thorn to strain
nowo and help this young man
‘ com his credit; by so doing you
o him good as well as yourselves
“.inks to our friend Charley Brown
, 11 ' ,ri g of very large potivtoes- Char
n' V U's ha is independent of the West
' ari 'l will ho as long ns tho Pos
v^ s un d potatoes last. Now. Charley,
ure getting move than your sharo
pod things. Why don’t you di*
" 0 d’oseuiiis?
Wo are happy to say ouv citizens
have inaugurated a system which Will
givo them ample school
sontething we have hebwsadly in need,
of for a long timo. It is now beyond
a doubt that wo are to have a good
Academy building, to he lodftAh on a
beautiful woodland^ tli^J^tli
oastern part of our »y niTig ~r’ky.
amount necossqjv for'thot
nearly so, has rn»bd, a
cvmtract entored into with tho Dawsbp
, put\kp'
the bAiding and finish it conipleto,*
say in«4h«*mont(h of Jamyjiy. ... Wo
have every reasdb to kna*v Daw
son Manufacturing Company"will
the work through in double
time, and have every thing iq read*-*
incus in time for tho cpiiyjpdfcisesfjttm..
We learn
Edwards.two experieiu^Mbachors,witt
have charge of tho Academy and- we
medic t for them a large
xxTib have had the matter in oil
getting up this enterprise deserve j
much credit for the energy display
ed. Our citizens generally have coino
up nobly. Our merchants, with a sow
exceptions, contributed liberally. They
are the class that are to be benefitted
more than all others by having a
school in our melst.
We learn Professor Scaifo will keep
up his Academy as heretofore. He is
an excellent teacher and enjoys the j
confidence of his patrons. With two!
good schools in Dawson why should
our citizens send their sons and daugh
ters off to be educated. Wo will have
more to say on the subject at a future
A want Never before Supplied.— j
In the South where Liver Complaint!
and Billions diseases prevail to so \
great an extent, there has long been 1
felt the need of a medicine that would
act specifically and promptly on the
Liver, restoring it to its normal func
tions, and at the same time be safe
from after effects, and yet so simple
that it might be used by any one. It
is iiotv admitted bv all that 1)R.
PILLS supplies this want They are
now prescribed by the most eminent
Physicians throughout tho whole
*1 a Kltll.l).
ROBERTS—PIMPsOX —.V the residence
o* iLt* bride’s mother, mi the 17'b met., lo
Rev G T Embrv, Mr. J ho B R <berts, of
slhmin county, n.d Mi- K ilie Smpso', ol
T rrt-ll Cuuntv.
yj l II Ik I T*.
Dawson. —-Nov, 23d, Gotten. —In
tho forenoon favorable dispatches from
New York and Liverpool excited our
market and sales were made at 13J c.
Unfavorable news of the political af
fairs ami s tho waters checked opera
tions, anil the market closed dull at
Provision-1 n liugjdown.
No change in leading articles of
Staple Goods ami Groceries.
v icon.— Nov. 23d, Cotton xvns brisk
at 1-! J, operations checked by unfavor
able news from Europe. Pork selling
from wagons at 11c, from market 1-1
Wo r u'honzd tnimnounce tho ncrif
of A DYSON ass candidate for the office of
R -coiner ot Tax R turns, fn the coon y of
r.-r-rll, at the the ensuing election in .1 inu
.ry nix’.
Ifotiee. —A* the eolicUatbn of mv ,
fiifr.d , I have consented <n ii.mnie a candi- ;
for ihe office of SHERIFF of Torch |
counts «t. tile necember election ; and in so ]
doing l will simolv state th»t it elected I will
perform, to 'he heat of nit ability, the du
ties which wilt devolve noon me, >" and will j
know no man «« toshowine favor or afferth* !
R spectfullv, T. A McUItLI MS
Mr. THOM AS 11. NIXON annnuneeo him
s ..|f before the V"t"rs ot Terrell comity aa Ml
independent candidate h>r R preaeptatlve in
he Legislature at the next, election.
Wo "re anlhnrlji »and to announce the pan>e
of W li OXFORD as a candidate for the of
fice of Tax OHt'C'or at the coming election.
We are an'hori*od ’n announce the name
of WM R BALDWIN aa a candidate tor
■h" office of County Treasurer at the coming
Wf» qrp *« nnnnuncf' the name
of JOHN W RF.ODI'K aa a candidate In
lb- nffice of Tax R ccivcr at the coming
We are au'hori*ad top’lCO before the vn.
r, r a nf T. rrell the pant of CHARLES R
Ks Ll.KY.aa a candidate for the office of
R eeiver itl Tax Returns.
We B’C an fmr z and lo announce the name
nf W T CAMPBELL as a candidate for the
nlfi e o' County Treasurer, at the election in
Janu tv.
We are authorized to announce the name
of R C IZ'il.L, aa a candida'e for the nf
lice ol County Treasurer, at the next election
I tender to the people of T- rrell cnm'tv
my thanks for their support in the list, elec
tion, for T-x Co’leotor, and solicit suppoit lor
the same office at the coming election.
Respect fill?,
a„g. 25. W. F. SESSIONS.
Special •Votices*
mt loas
71 t,» boon favorably known for more than
, 7 ‘ rturtn-r Which time we li ire recur.
t’MTitT yeari. # t | mo nialn. Hhowinfjthl* mo«K
S^S^r«». remody,br^,,
Sodden rotfr*. Coß!jk*, Fever nod ./gue. I?e*d
»iae, IMllioua lover, Ail it- In the K ul , Mark
und latino, oh well , u In the .lolnta nud
I.lmljH, Non might mid Rheumatic
' ', n "."Jt port Os the ny»tom,
Toothache and Paina in the
head und face.
A# a.l>lood Panficr and tonic for the
, Stomach * v
It «p| 10-n fnifs <o cure Dysneps's, Indigos
'inn, Liver Complaint, Acid Stomach, IWu
hnrn, K dnov CnmnU'no. Si.-k H»»d«oh«,
>hma or phthisic, Rfnovorms, Boils,
■-*"VCi>*s, Swelled Join's,
nd Goii’ral D"liili'v bfihc s va , em .
V •{' aoronipi Viol Sure romodv for
OramflE* ~n , | P-inter*’
j fjt-lio, D'arrl o»a, Dv«ent-rv, Summer Com
"'Hint. Cholera Mnrbu*. Cholera Infantum,
da, Burns, Sprains, Bruises, Frost Ri'es,
“tWblains, as well as the s'ines of I"«ee'»,
Centipedes, and the Bi es of poise
rtnuu* I 'seefa and Venomous Leptfiea
P'tr 3ale hr Dr. J. R Janes, DawVtn, (It.
N ut'THivn \*F -dhim-ii' Tint *-tru A" ™
era Is dawning upon the life of woman, /fith
erto she lias la-en called upon to sulTer the (Us of
•mankind, und
dffltroMitntf irregu aritirs pecuUttia hor n<’x hnvc
long’ bo»»n to her the “clirefu spring of woph iiq
hpwiil"i4ij*p(l/n the m?m*»ion of tin* rich and la
I the hovel of poverty alike woman hin been the
[eonwtant, yet patient victim of a thousand ills
rail known to man; -and these with ouTF remedy,
i Oh, Isord. how long !>» in the agonv of her aoul,
I hath ah’* cried- Hut. jiow the houvof her redemp-
I tion in come. Site will auffer no more, for Dr, .f
/'Wmilp Ketntlnfor, Worn *n’M Best
mend, is for anth i»y all reuieetahle druggists
throughout the land, at #1 5 pier bottle, /nan
other eoluinn of tliis newspaper will be found
some interesting- particulars concerning the f'e
male Regulator and other information highly im
portantto women.
Til F Hoard ofTmeteea take pleasure in announc
ing, f.jr the benefit ot 11 eoneerned. that they
have secured a corps of experienced and compe
tent teachers, to take charge of the above named
Institution, and that its exercises will be resums
ed on
MOND\Y, January fth, 1870.
Itepairp have already commenced on the build*
iug, which will be pushed forward rapidly to
Hoard iu good families ean be secured at from
fifteen to twenty dollars per mouth, including
washing, fuel and lights.
Tuition about the same as in other /nstitu
tions of like g ade.
The city of Cuthbert is easy of access, and pro*
ver ini for its health and refinement. It is there
fore a desirable place of residence for persons
wishing to educate their families.
For particulars, apply to
nov J 4, Oi* \V. H. HEALS, President.
N ( >T I OK,
/lI.OKUI t. T.-irell ( uiliitv :
U Wtltw. .1 B K H I ~nr e . s -n th.
Court, ill his petition duly filed, that the late
Chaum-ey T Hots ford did in life, make and deliver
to said Harrell and one John F. Hu-teshaw, a
certain Hond, a copy of which is attached to said
partition, to make title to one hundred acr a of
land, the same being the North part of lot of laud
No. ytts iu the 4th district of said county upon con
dition that said bond should be complied with up
o.i the part of said /farroll and Huiteahaw, which
petitioner alleges has been done; and showing
further that said burteshaw has assigned to *aiu
Harrell all his iuterest in said bond, ami praying
that Harrison Ungers, the Administrator, wit •
the will annexed, of said Hotsford, be required
to .uaketitles to said land, iu accordance with
said Hond. 71iis if> therelorc to cite said Admin
istrator, and the hei s at law of said Hotsford, to
show cause before me, at my office, iu Dawson,
Ga., ou the 3rd Monday in December next, i. any
they can, w hy the prayer of said petitioner should
not he granted, and the .tdmiuistrator aforesaid
ordered to make title in accordance with said
/fond. This November *2i«t, ’*7 .
nov -4,4 t TANARUS, Af. JONES, Ordinary.
Foi* f
Ii IT- r fc-’aile mv pUc<*, fi»i’ mile« bvl >w
D iv*o", illim. (lint-ly Om >lio Riilrnn .
o<n aini'.g 1417| himpp. Well m'er»(l mil
imbi ied. A.* » 8 <-ck F-.rin, m sntd.
Mt-dliliv, dsHunble ptittwhv. T< anv om
w.lining « hoim here i< an opportunity 10
one ut b tlf iis vnlue, lam deter
mined I* eeM, either lor mouev O' c-i'tou, lo
a responsible ptrie. Aoolv to VV. F Orr,»t
Dawson. II not sold *”11 h- for u-i-t.
Nor. 2-1 4'.. \V T BI'KGE,
JOHN T HOW.I R/) has applied for ex
emp ion ol peson.hv, and 1 will p s
upon the same a* mv office ic D.wson, (ra ,
oiiSimi div the 3rd ol D cembet
nov. '24, is. T M 0 and
Fo r* to site
I ant rfferin? for sale that beuntiful lot
fronting if j. 0 0 Nel-nn. on whioh is
a neat little Co’tsge, and out hou-es, on
such terms os will not fail to pleise any one
who wishes to purchase such property.
Aov. 24 If.
an antidote
r |' , HE celebrated Holton Pi' 1 , mannfaC'i’ren
1 hv Dr. 11. C Hailev, a» almericus, Geor
gia, i- undoubtedly the host medicine yet
discovered fir the cure nf she different forms
n| malarious fevers, such as chill and f-ver,
lev r and ague, intermittent or billions re
mitient fevers and all forms of disease hav
in? b oritvin
.S',,/,/ hff Dr J. It Janes Dawson, Ca., and
Dealers Generally.
I*rlce One Hollar.
jy ir eh MI, -1 .
\\ T E deem i' wholly ti-neoessarv to inform
\ \ the PL ANTERS’ of Middle and Smr li
western Oeorgi,, that ts- are Still p- g-g-d
onr Old S'and i> the wv«A’HGU- i J? AN D
fOvl VISION BU.NINA'SS, where for so ma
ny years we have «e>ved von as Factors a-'d
Commission J/erchan'S We havo left no
smne unturned to aid vou in can vine on your
farming interest, and in 'urn we row bespeak
H continuance of the very liberal patronage
i xtended n« in the past. V r cofnn sh.ll
he weighed on the lkvkl, sold aud accounted
for on the sqCARK.
Rv closeiv guarding your every interest,
we intend to merit your patronage.
To our old friends of nimv tears s'and
big »e return our grateful acknowledge,
nients ; to new ones who may try us, s o
promise onr best effort*—bucked bv the ex
perience of mauy years lo serve them faith
fully and well
O Jers for supplies will m» et. with prontp
attention. O « "4P ARK i
augiß-3m. T. IMRDEJ/AN. J«.
Sale anil Feed Stable.
Wk expect to keep on hand, ail the season
first class Horses and dole* 'or sale. In onr
purchases we look lo what i« needed .n this
sretinn and trust to merit a liberal patmnare
from those who may need stock. Call on us
ril , sr2t
Atlanta, X >»ember I2th, 187n. f
Jo the Principal Keeper of the Penitentiary:
U/lf-reaa. At the March T rm, A. D. 18(17,
of Coun, held in and for <he
I eonvii the - ii
rflfl'l and >*a«. ibcielo'-.
the Jai(« presiding »t sni<l
Courr, to mptlsoiird iu the P idtenllarv
of ihis S'/ 1 e for and during the lerm of his
natural life ; /li and
Whereas, M 'ho June T I'.n, A. D. ISA’’,
of tiie .^upe'i'fr Conn, held in and for ihe
county of Troflp, Robert Periy was tried for,
and convictedJW the dime of Burglary in
lie night tmiei ifnd whs, therefor, m- tile need
hv (he Judge presiding ar Paid Court, to be
imprisoned iu the Penitentiary ol this .State
lor und during the term of bU natural li'e ;
and *
Whereas, At July Term, .1. D., 18ti7,
ot llieSupeiior held in and for Ihe
eoutity of C’ua'han], William Johnson wa«
tried for, and convio ed of, the crime of Bu
g ary in the nighttime, and was, therefor,
>euteuced to he imprisoned ill the Peiiiteu
i iry of ihis State lor and during the term
of loa until al life ; and
Whereas, JR tile A’ovpmber Term, A J).
1807, of the Superior Court, held in and for
'he comity ol Dekalb, Green Inman wa* tried
lor, and e" v e’ed 01, the mime of Bu-glary
ill the night lime, and was, therefor, sen
tenced to be imprisoned in the Penitentiary
of t' i- 8 ho to- and duiing the term of liits
natural life ; ami
W tie. eas, Al the December Term, A. D ,
1867, of the Sup rit r Court, held iu and for
the coun y ol M iseogee, Jared S. Webb
was Hied tor, and convicted of, the crime of
Bcglarv in Itie nighi time, and wa*, lhe>efor,
Heiaenced by the Judge preshlit g at sad
Court, to he imnrisoned in the Penitentiary
"f thi- State for and during the term of bis
natural life , and
•a oeieas, aTi the March Term, A. D 1868,
of the Supe'ior Court, hrld in and for the
couu'y ot WalKer, Jolin Williams was tried
lor, and convicted 01, the crioie of Burglary
in tlie night time, ad was, therefor, sen
tenced by ihe Judge presiding at said Court,
o be imprisoned iu the Peunentiaiy of this
8 ae lor and duung the teirn of bis natural
life; and
Wucieas, At the March Term, A D. 1808
ot the Superior Court, held iu and for tue
■ ouoty ol Afuscogee, Henry Walker, Jake
•vaiker, and James A. Hill, were tried tor,
and convicted 01, the crime ol Bu.glary in
the night time, and were, ihetetor, sentenced
each lo be imprisoned iu the Pei.iienlia'y of
his N et n and dunug the te.m ol bis
natural lite; and
nn. r. a-, a. the March Jferin, A J) 1868,
of the Sui-e lor 0 u-t, held in amt lor the
couti'i ot Cb.tham, Kieha and Uanktsou and
Allied Pino u were tried lor, and convicted
01, ihe crime ol Burglary iu the night lime,
did were, tbireto', sentenced each, to be
imprisoned in the Peoiteutiary ol this State
tin and during the term ot his uatnral lite ;
vVhereas, alt the May Term, A. D. 1868,
1 ihe Su eitor Court, held iu aud lor toe
comity of Hancock, H-nry Gam was tri .and
or, and couvicied of the crime of Butglary
in the night time, and was, therefor, sen
tenced to oe impii-oued iu the Peoiteutiary
o' ti is S a'e im and durmg the term of his
natural life time.- and
Woeieaa, A me J/av Term, A. D. 1868,
ol the Sup-ii.r 6'ouit. held iu and lor me
county ol Fult n, Henry Dmiel was tri-d
tor, and couvic ed of the clime ol Burglary
lo the uight t me, and was, therefor, seu
leoced 10 oe imprisoned in Hie Penitentiary
ol hi- S' te ten and during the leim of his
natural life ; aud
w urea-, hi me J/ay Term, A D. 1868, of
ihe superior Court held ill and for 'he uouu
u of Muscogee, Janos Mar to and Paul Key
*sre tiled lor, aud convtcied of, the Clime ol
B ngls'y in me ingut time, and were, ili.-r—
--j«r, Beiiteiiced each, lo be imp'i-ooed in toe
Peuilen iary ol this S a e loi aud during the
lerm ol bi- natural life ; and, At ttie Jane l'enu, A. I). 1863,
I the Supeiioi C. Us, held in and tor tne
loumy ol Iroup. Mi igo Tiaiuniei slid G -o.
A K r o were tin and for, and convu-ti and of, the
c due ol Bu gliry in tile night time, and
weie, mereiiir, sentenced each, to be i n~
prisoned to the Peni eu i iry ol this Mate tor
and uuriog the u rrn ot his natural lite ; and
Wneieas, Al tfie Alty Term, A. 0. 1868,
of the Supeiior Cou: t, held i and lor the
county oi Chatham, Henry Singleton was
tried ior, ami couvicied of, the crime of Bur
elary in the tiighr u ne, and »ie, therefor,
sentenced robe impiisoned iu the Peiiir.eit
iarv ol tbs S ate t.i and duiing tne tcr.-.i ot
Ins i a urai lit. ; and
Where*-, -dt me Jamm y Tam, A. D.
18c6, of tlic Nip-nor Ooun v held in and h,r
li,e county nf C alhani, Albert Harris was
i ied lor, und couvi Ted 01, the e iuie of Bur- I
glory in ihe night time, and wi., ihprefor, |
rmteuced io be imprisoned in ihe PeNiieuti- I
im ol this Siate tor and during the term of
bis natural life; and
IV .icu-.a, »'inee ihe trial and conviction of
•he aloresaid prisoners, the General As-eui* j
hiv ol Cl- Ltale itaa, in its wisdom, hv an act
assented lo Ooioher 5 li, IMIS, modified ihe
punishment lor ihe crime w Bxrgl.ry in ihe
nigh/ time to a less severe degree than that i
iuipo- 'd upon t e Slid pi'isonere in their re -i
-p civs SeuteOoeS alOreStid :
Now, iheief re, b hi v ng ■ hat the majesty ,
if ttie law has been Hilly vindicated by the
punisi'ineul already endured by the said pi is ;
oners during Heir couth eiiicnl hi'hertn; aud
ii ihe sincere hope, that win n again ill the
iriids' ol society, they will (rove eitizet sol ,
ictoimed liab ls aud correct deportment, 1
Kufii- B Bullock, Governor ami'Joinniatider
iu C/biel ol the Army and Navy ol this Slate,
and ol itie Militia therein, dv lietebv lully
i ardoii toe said John //.venport, Robert
/ J t .rrv, William Johnson, Green Inman Jar, and
rs Webb, John Williams, Henry Walker,
J ke Walker, J tines >. Had, Richard Han*
kil sou. Alfred I’i' itan, Usury Gain, Henry
//.uni, J .uies J/ntin, I’aul Key, Mir.go
Trammel, George A. K-ro, Henry Singleton
and Alb it Uairis ol the eruie of which they
stand convicted tespeetiV' ly, as bvreiubelote
recited this ptrdoti to take effect on the day
set apart lor I h mksgiring and /•'raise, to
wit: the 24 It day ol November, ins ant ;
aid it is hereby ordered, that, they and each
ol them be tiien restored to ah their civil
rights as ci iz'ns of th s State, and that tbey
be then disctia'ged and set. at libr-py.
Given undei mv Hand and the Sal of the
Executive Department, at the fj.pttol, in
A Lo ta, the day and year first above
By the Governor:
K. H AtkivS 'X,
tfeeieiarjr Executive DepVmt.
nov, 17 4t.
Cottoji Factor? & Cop'wiop
\TT g renew the tender of our services to ,
\V our tnsnv planting frie/ulg and cotton
dealers, offering them unsurpassed facilities
for the prompt and faithful execution of all
business cii'rtis'ed 10 onr pledging
promptness in all transactions. We make
tne sale of 6'it'on a sp-oialty Our senior
having enjov. and this privilege for over fnnv
years, and trust, hv stiict integrity, that he
has nierhed the confidence of our patrons.
We ate fullv prepared to m ke the usual
advances on cotton in store, and shad en
deavor to watch the market and sell when
active d-mand.
We have uttu»oxl!v cxer'eil onrselves to
render fuel acenromodi'iona to our planting
friends as to enable them to harvest, their
crop and trust they wW be piotnot in lot
warding co'ton to raeot dem md J , and if up
on ma'urity of papers the market should he
low an i depressed, will endeavor to extend
the time of papers and await a favorable
market unon co f wn in fitor*.
jonathln colli.vb * SON.
W. A. McKENNEY. N 11. LEE.
WE liuvti thin day opened an entire new stock of
and n splendid supply of CONFEOTTO^KHIES
We nre y*»nir men, onnnr fii»t leys IVe Imy for rnsh, we sell for push
Would jis’r tlie puMi'- to i'll! 1 nnd see us, ns we think we win " nko it to vonr
interest We mny bo fund at M B. Ho! is' o!ri stnurl, next door to Solomon's.
Ncv. 17 if.
Jfir# S'J *1 Thompson
r»i' door to Dr. Juies’ D'U S'ore, Dswson, Ga., wbrreahe will be daily receiving a large
lot of
LADIES DRESS GOOD , in e-wd v.rietv, HO S E FURS,
In fact, evervihinp the .tidies need to nyke them look sweet and p-etlv. The Lillies of
T-rr. i|. I’alh- n- and W-V'.r Cnuate., are especially invited to give Her a call, examine and
be convinced that she is selling good# cheap.
ti iemb mm
will be supplied with /ht'erns of all the latest styles and designs of the season, which Ihe
Ladies are respecflutlv asked in examine. Ail woik warranted, and perfect fits guaranteed
at low Pr'ces. Remember the place. •
Next door to Dr. Janes 1 Drug Store, Loyless Block.
• Be KurC and call on
Oct. 13-iet.
We CliallenJe thi WiriJ di the Meiifs of the Company,
Authorized Capital, $2,000,00ft! Guaranteed Capital, $500,000.
ntSSETTS $300,000. .f. VIA It-1 PM It I. l’ I*YC ItE*ISI*YG.
WM. B jonos IN, Presidenf, JOHN \V. BURKE rienernl Atrent.
WM S HOLT, A ice Pie id-01, .1 ,V 1 Klß’Kli (4IIEEN Metlica! Kx.iminer,
FEO S OBEAR, Secretaty, W J MAGIIJa, Superintendent of Agencies
o a mttting, ’ a l maxwell. e a wit/’ox. david slanders
Savannah A R LAWSON. »NDRF.W
Atlanta— RlOH ARD PF.TERS. V K TOM MKT. f ’o|,p Mnl m - L (4 BOWfRs TO HOLMES
Monticrllo-T J SMITH. CtuaLoTis, NC— Wtf JOHNSON. CiiablkstoX, S C.—C G
TriHIS Companv issued, during the first rear, about 1200 policies, and baa now on its reg
-1 is»er, ISimi policies. I' has paid I's losses p-omplly, wi'hm sixtv days after proof of
loss It is located ill the middle of the S ale, quite convenient of access, so that where
log-es occur, it is not difficult to inske all necessary proofs and collect, the amount insured.
A c»te(ul examination of 'he list of Direct trs and Officers will, we think, be a sufficient
guarantee to pohev holders 'ha' it offers good security to ihmse who are seeking a Sat* in
Vestment, to the dear ones that will be left beh’nd ill ctse of death.
I yeu want Insurance, see one of our Agents, who inav he found in almost, every rom
muntty, or correspond with GEI) S. OREAR, .S'Cretarv.
W. r. DODO, Ig'f al D.iwnoii, or in bis absence applications mar he made
to Dr. C. A Cheatham, Med cal Ex.iuiiuer. »ept. 29-Gm.
M.i s tfmnwrmpi
zzz-rr »■!.
rjVmrn,, R High, ne n*x' friend of mlnnr
I eh|l,|-e n „f J. w M.-f, nd. and 'e’d. anil
nf f.. L. Af Lend, wld'• of M. 8. M f.wif,
h «8 moHeiJ for Piomp im of a»»t
seeing amrt and v.lriatinn of H MliJa'sad,
"nd I «||| nysa noon *h» .am* at, mv nlB in
Diwann, Oa ,at II o'clonk. a *. in he 26' la
,n v. T. St. JUS’K.S’, Ord.
-Vov. 17-lw.
tfrkei.l turnin'
\\TM,r. bn sold bi-fnrp ,8* Hnurt Hou*w
v Dnor, In rhe town of Dawson, s»hl
eo.mlv, nn the first TfidiV m December
next. wi'Mn the legal Imtir* of sate, ihe fol
iowinir pmpnr'v 10-wil :
4 Balea of Horton in ihe Gin Fiona., HO
Bile, of Cotton in the field, and 800 Bushel*
of corn, f'har is ro «iv rhe estimated amount*
rorn and eo'ton.) I.eri“d on na thynroper'V
of John B Vanover, to aati-fv a fl fa Is«ued
from Te* *ll Superior Court In favor of
Oarh-a G Firmpr, va. Jghn B, Vanover,
Sep'emher '2Bth, 1 870,
/la-, at rl-e earne lime »nd place, will b*
soft 7’ rep Hundred and fifty bushelaof Cor*
and Four Ba'ep of Pnirnn. *, Levied on as rhe
nropene of John T Howsrd, 'o satisfv a ? fix
issn-d from Terrell Superior Onurr, in favor
of John B Vanover, vs. John T. Howard,
December 18'h. 1869
Also, F; ur Lots of Land, Numbers 16J,
169 ]B4. and 20*J. Levied on as rh* propertv
of John *l'. Howard' rn aatisfv a fi fa ia«uetl
from Estfv Sunerior Court, in favor of Wash
Inetnn W’oolbrfehr, v«. John T Howard, No
vember is,. |B7o. S. F. LASSETER, Sheriff.
nov. 3d-td.
DFORGM, T«>rr«‘ll Count)-;
II WI e-eaa Burwell S evens haa m do ap
oliestrou for Letters of AdminDtrati n. dt
hnnie von. with the will annexed, of J«tn
W. Mcieod, deceased.
These are V erefo'e to ci'n and admonish
all persons cercerned, to he and appear *
mv offleo within the time prescribed by Law
and show cause if any'hey can, why *ai<t
letters should bp granted. Given under mv
band and official signature, this 8d day of
Mar. 1870.
T. M JON K'- Ordinary.
Nov 10-S'>d.
AFOKGI4, Tt-rrt-ll r»uuly i
* ■ B K. Arthur- h iving applied to he ap
pointed Guardian of the p«>rson and nroperrT
of Georgia Jnn and D- lphia F. -Horn, .If
nora tinder fourteen yeata of age, rSsident oj
said countv.
This is to cite ail persona concerned to he
and appear at th» term of the Court of Ordl
narv, to he held next, after the expiration of
thi'tv davs from the first publication of thin
notice, ar-d show cause, if t.hev cin wtiy said
letters of Guatdianahip should not be grant
ed. Witness mv official Signa'nre.
Oet 37. and T. V. JONES, Ord.
/ t l-iOKGI », ’J’t'i'rcll Comity i
A » To ail whom it may concern Win. M
Tillman, having in nroper f ( ,r m applied to
me for permanent L“tterp of ,4dminislra
linn on the estate of .1/. N JfcLeod, late of
said rouniy.
Thit is to cite all and singular the credi.
tO'Pand next of kin of grid .If Lend, to be
and appear af my offi -e, within the t'me aK
lowed hv law, and show cause, if any the,
can, whv permanent, administration shonld
not be gran'ed to said applicant, on giid eas
tale VA i ness my hand and offi-ua! signature.
Oet. 27, 4(ld. 7’ Vs. JONES, 0 and.
f 1 I’OItGIA- Terrell C’uiliily t
\ I Whereas, Jftr’in Jf f>ndon, Adm’r.
of James Jf'it, has applied for Letters
of dismission (rom said es'a’e :
These are iheiefore to die and admonish
all persons concerned, to he and appear at
mv office wi'liiu Ihe time prescribed bv law,
and «hnw cause, if anv, whv said letters
should not he granted- Given under mv
h,nd and official signature, fh's 24'h dav of
Oc'.. 1870 T. N. JONES, Ord.
Oct. 27 3m,
/ 1 E<*BG IA. Terrell Caiiiil) :
\ I Whereas. William Haves applies for
letters of dismission on the estate of E. U.
These arp therefore to ei'e and admonish
all and singular the persona interested there
in, to be and appear at my offi 'e, within tho
time prescribed bv liw, and show cause, it
anv, why s 'd let'e'S shonld not be granted
Given under tnv hand and < fficial aignttur*,
this 26’h dav of Oclober, 1870
Oot 27, 3m. T. M. JONA’S, Ord.
Afiminhirators’s ale.
ON t’ip Nt Tun-dnv jn Decpmb#»p next,
within tlu* npii>il hours of sslo will be sold
atthpCourr Hon-e D »or, in Diw*on, Gs.,
the fine nnd v finable pi ice of 'he Ute (7. T.
Bors oid, situated near Dtw-on, Tcr>*U
county, Ga., and contain!lie shout, two
hundred acres of land, most of which is io a
ffite of eulfivi ten. Snid place hut on
it a large and fine Dwelling Fiona**, with ex
cellent Out Houses »nd The
D oiling House is sitiu'ed about, a half mil*
f'Om the Court and has’every conve
nience adapted thereto
Harrison Rogers* Ad m v.,
Out 20»40d. with the Will annexed.
(N F.ORGIA OaLitors Cocntt.
H Under an order of the C< urt of Ordi
nary of s id countv, will be sold before the
Court Huise door, at Morgan, on first Tues
dar in December next, between the legal
hours of sale. South half of Lot of Lind,
No- 271. in the 3rd District of add county,
for the beuefi*. of Lis Ward, Bos
tick, miuor. Terms Cash. wP
Oc*. 13-4(Td. Guardian.
VT my new NEW STOR/T, cn the North
side of the Railroad, yon will find a
gen ral S’ock of Merchandise, at such prices
as will astonish the natives. My
sists in part of
and other articles needed in the family and
on the Plantation.
Mv expenses being light, I cau affurd
sell goods on
Slior*t Ppoflt*
But the better plan would be for all to come
aud see for themselves-