Newspaper Page Text
AftXl OUX.TV ft All.
Good Sii’icfidoii*.
The cotton crop in this county has 1
boon much injured by the excess of
Wet and dry weather. The drought
would not have at looted it so seriously
had it not been for the oxees&ivo rains
just before. I’ve conferred with plant
ers. from all sections of this county,
and we are of the opinion that the
crop will be from 20 to 30 per cent
short of what it promised three weeks
ago. This will work for our good if
we but improve the opportunity. Let
us sow largely of barley wheat and
cals, so as to do on what com we raise
and have none to buy for another
year. Not one dollar should go out
of this county next year for bread stud.
If affairs are properly managed there
will not be. This assertion 1 know
gladdens the hearts of some who have
planted but little corn ami much cotton.
Now my Tr iends, he wise and take
time by the forelock. Don’t wait un
til it is too late, and then say you can’t
do it That word “can” is fatal, and
if there is any word 1 hate, it is ‘cant.’
You can do it. Begin now to prepare.
Now is the day and now is the hour.
Fix your lands thoroughly ior sowing
barley, oats, and wheat. Manure
them highly and plant now—the soon
er the better—one forth ac-ie in barley
•ne acre in oats and one in wheat to
to every plow you ruu, and as soon as
Christmas is over, begin again and
•ow eight acres more to each mule or
horse. My word for it, ’twill give
you feed enough for your stock for
twelve months irom the time Larky
begins to head. The fourth acre of
barley will feed your stock till fall oats
are ripe, and one acre of good oats
will more than feed until spring oats
are harvested.
The wheat will do for freed men or
yourself to eat, if you can get lanl to
mix with it. Would’t cotton seed oil
do for a substitute? Green barley
alone is as good food for stock as you
can give them. Mine always fatten
on it. It comes on when mules need
a change of diet, and causes them to
put aside the long, warm, shaggy coat
of winter for a short,cool, sleek spring
coat It has been said that a horse
will never die from hots or grubs, if
fed on green barley in the spring.—
Then why not all of us pay more at
tention to these crops It is cheaper
and better food for stock than corn.—
'Those who make corn enough to
spare, do it; and they will be able to
let someone else have their extra
com. By doing this I believe we can
•top every dollar that must otherwise
go out of the County and State for
bread stuffs. This is a matter of no
small moment, and should awaken
the energies of our sleeping farmers.
Let us then be up and doing, and be
fore the flood comes, have our ark!—
Awiccs in Washington , Oa., Outfits.
It is too late now to follow all of
the admirable suggestions in the above
but much may still be done.—
Wheat patches may be planotd in
place of barley, and oats may be sown
in February.— Eds. t>o. Cult.
Editors Sothkrn Cultivator.—
Whilst farmers buy famous guan
oes to apply to their exhausted lauds
why do not some of them think more
seriously of this plan of making a few
cents, dimes, and. dollars, by cow
penning their lands Moth withstand
ing our necessities and experience, our
farming people generally, have not
as yet awakened to the importance
an 1 vast benefits of this practice. Al
most invariably we see a larmer’s cow
pen located where it is most conven
ient to pen his cows for feeding or
milking—whether it be among gullies
among rocks, or in his park among
his shadetrees. His wife must have
it light at the dcor no matter what
the lceatin is or what the loss. Mow
for one let me claim that this is abso
lute folly. The cow-pen stalls should
be built on some poor exhausted spot
which lies level and will not wash;
poor deep exhausted soil is the best to
eowpen. Cow stalls aro like fences
easily put up and can be moved from
one place to another; thei efore why not
locate them advantageously witli an
eye to the saving of the mine as well
as the excrement The urine is fully
as valuable a fertilizer as the Cere
ment. In the good house wife’s eon
rer.iftit the urine is a loss
together w ith a portion of the l : tter.
If the good wife is put to more trou
ble about milking and feeding her
COW 6 80 far away from the house (it
■o be ii that the cow-pon is far away,)
let her have more help—it will be
cheaper in the end. Another impor
tant item. Let her liaye a hoy to
drive all the herd, milk, dry cows and
steers, all into the pen at night, to re
main until morning. Even slu-uld
you be compelled to take a hand from
the field one half hour before nigtityto
collect your cows, it will pay better
than the same half hour employ U J in
the field.
I have now in cultivation ten acres
of land, which ,en years ago
would produce nothing but bamboo
briars and sedge grass. Now it is
worth ten dollars per acre, and w ill
produce with good cultivation, from
one half to throe quarters of a bale
of cotton, and from twenty-five to
thii ty bushels of oorn to the acre.
This has been brought about by the
•low but sure process of cow-pennin<',
without the aid of bought fertdfem
In addition to penning the cows, the
farmer should haul his wheat and
oats to the cow-pen, and have them
theshed there—the straw he should
c irefully put up on them, for winter
f ed. Whilst stacking the straw, he
ahould sprinkle salt amongst it. This
will make the cows relish it more.
btttli*y still they will eai it reluctantly |
When the cows have exhausted the ;
stock of food in the fields, let them bo
turned to straw, and convinced that 1
that is their oalv ohanco for susfnn--
anco, then feed it out plentifully but ;
n >t waitefully, and they will eat it tip
clean, sustain life and convert the
straw into manure, which is doubly
more valuable than the straw in its
raw state.
A herd of twenty head of cattle can
improve in this manner two aeros an
nually, which would ho worth boro ;
about Bradford, fifteen dollars por ]
acre, but about Athens, where tho
Cultivator is published, from thirty
to forty dollars per acre. I generally
have in the course of a year about i
three cow-pens. First: Through the 1
winter months and to tho end of
March; Second. From the first of,
April till flie last, of June; Third —i
From July till bust of November. My
winter cow-pen is planted generally to
cotton; rnv spring and early summer
to iurnins always, without fail, (and
Messrs. Editors. I make some large
turnips too,) my Inst pen for the year
I ean sow t<> wheat,or turn it over and
let it rest till tho following spring
when I can plant either to corn or
A lot cow-penned well will be pro- |
dilative for ten or fifteen yours. If
w« trill look at it right, ire, can sec that
there is more value in a herd of cattle to
manufacture manure (and it properly ap
plied) than for other uses. B. L. G.
Bradford , Ala., Sept. 15 th, 1870.
Bakery, Confectionery,
Y I. SOLOMON. lihvingr completed his
» arrangement* for the Fill trade, take
tas method vs informing thp pnhlip. that ho
iamt • ill constantly keppon hand, every
hing '» 'a'i-tv ihp appetite, and if vnu hav.
n *nn*'iie, fix tc.u up something to give
you one.
he .implied, ddlv, «sth fresh Fish, Ov»-
ers. Old Virginia Be. f Steak, etc., and wi'l
I'll pi. h to families, three Him s a week. Pork
it Beef .S'aiigage nl hi nvvo make /’. .file
Waiter., good iVota who will prepare von
meal, in 'he la tea' a I t mods without any ex
Ira charge lor the 1 rn- t nine.
'8 presided ovei hy an experienced hand, and
"■e aie prepared m furnish everything neces
arr fm Parties, Bills and Supper., prlvatr
or pubfc.
This Depar ment is .implied with ill hit. I
r Plait) and h mev Candies, from (he he
SI mifartorie-, tm*eiher wiili eventide.
ii.iim ll ▼ ken' in a First-class Confectioner,
have been s. 1 rte,| from one of the fines
■orka in New 7 ok, and the purchaser had
•» eye to the tail, sos all the little ones, am
oin furnish the hovs with anv hing from
VV novel P stol to aF re A'rigine ; an.l th
idle girls with ar c thing rum a Wax I>o 1
O a cntuple I oil. fi. lot noilse keening.
I will take pleasure in trailing on net''
mere, and furnishing tin tu wi:h anythii g I
have or can gc t for the
‘•C A s 21,”
Oil. 13-ts. Trustee.
Fever and Ague
Always Slops the Chilis.
This Medicine has been fiefore the Pub
lic fifteen years, and is still ahead of all
other known remedies. Itdoesnotpnrp-e,
does not sicken the stomach, is perfectly
safe in any dose and under ail circum
stances, and is the only Medicine thatwiil
and permanently every form of Fever
aad A pie, because it is a perfect Aatl*
stole to .Tlularia,
Bold by all Druggists.
tn tei <>i ( r<^o:r£n£i»
A : autß, November 1 si. 1870. f
Bv his Excellency, the Governor. that the
re ■ ard of One Thousand D .IU-», offered in
hi. p-o< tarnation of ihe 2li’h diivav IR7O for
'hi- apprehension and it.livery of nm |f. ' p
st-'sron ali s Frank Sharon, to .he She. ff of
Dec*tu r county, for the murder of James
John.up, colored, is hetehv withdrawn.
Given tuder m* h "H and official seal-
N v. 10-4 t S cretat vof State
DISC •VEHBD at last for
r I''HK i-t U-V'rmpi' Holton Pill, manui.cnren
ft bv Dr. H.C Bailey, at A merious, (leor
ai •, i« undoubtedly the beat medicine yet
discovered f »r the cure of the diff-ry. f forma
and malirinu-* fever«, chid and fever
j 'ey r and "true, intermittent nr hjtdous re
I tnittent fvvrrv, and all forms of. disease hav
j ng a niaU-inna origin
Sold bg Vr J. R Janet Dawson, Ga. t and
l)eal< re Venn ally.
Price One Hollar.
M ircb!!!,-1 v.
AflminLtrators’s sale.
OX the let Tu -dav in December next.
within th- usual hour* of sale, will be «old
attheOourt Tlou-e Door, in D,w<on, Ga.
he fi ,e and valuable place of 'he late O. T
Hma otd, situated ne>r Dtw-on, y. r'ull
county, Ga., at and confab ing about two
hundted acre* of land, runs' of which is iu a
high state ol cnHv. inn. Said \la e baa on
it a large and tin.- Duelling Hons , wi h e*.
.ell. hi Hitt Houses and Tenements. Tha
Duelling House is situated ahout a half mile
I oin the Y.ourt Hou-e, and has every conve
nience adatned thereto
Out attf th the Will annexed. *
The Best Paper,
and rin:
Best Inducements!
TW- Qnrters IU Vinubcrn
l ive to at) Puhserilii' g. boiore D»*c. 15
187H* bv n‘*Xt Tfnrs F • u nh.»rn ■ f
tilifal and fajoily tekly,
For town «!ic Country,
Tits now in its 21s' verr, is not
onl* ihe Idiriiest, M<**l ami * ln*t»|»-
<**l, l)i)i t.yf.rihe | 4 Hrgl>«l*< il'l'llli*!
tut; .loiiriisil of il. ( Ins. in Hu:
BVOl'lfl ! .Viiion il in Character, Airly
K lut'd, Napeibly Illustrated and Painted, it
is Mte
I is the SlHiiditrd Antlioi ily on
all b anehes 111 ainaICULTCKK lIoUTICC'LTrRIt,
Ao A. a l.iwnir)' s«*ml I'u in it y
f*a|lgr it is a fa.ori e in u. .nv of lim boS'
'auitltes uH, ovet-the llnon, Cni tdi, k ,
In "i-eil, Myoaii s Rphai. Art. no Hivalin its
Sphere, and i. Hie Gsugi-at I Hum ruled
.0 iilruul on the Cuttm-ui •u:'n#u «
, con ai mg vixteeu Fivc-C’oluiuii
i'agl-S, (doll- e tor Mir 1)1 must pnpe.scf
it. < li>-.) I. i- the paper lor the A'. at, West,
Nut lb, and SuuUt.
'o'erilis -$3 a Year t)l 52 Numi e ~ ad
onU •*:>,.70 m Clubs of Tea. Hus Qi.r
ei’s 18 Nnuhers Iferu Free, as oil red
above. Om Club Inducements for 1871 are
’ uup.ecedented. iSpecimeus, Premium Lisle,
k■ , sent free io •il forming Club., —aud wa
w tut a live Club sgeut iu every fiw i, Ad
d e.a
n. 0» T. Moore, 41 Parkßotv,
New York.
a * Ea..llT s a«E W l l.lii Y.
Now in its Eleventh Year, publishes Sermons, a
Serial Story for the Family, anew ChUdreu’s
Stury every week,Chats vviih the Lillie Folks,
Editorials hy the lest Methodist writers and
others, Foreign slid Domestic t ortespoudeuee,
lull Department* of Religious and Secular /ntel
ligeuee. l't let-$ ,5 a year. Liberal premiums
or cash commissions to canvassers. Subscrip
tions commence at any time. For .Specimen, en
close a two rents -t mo to prep y postage. Ad
dress I /O, .WItTUOD/ST. 114 Nassau At., N. V
l CiilSlVru A<* GIF T to all
I V 5 <st I-- y * ihci . to (piilc
■Soiiriiui pu i ism and We si
I’ *" Vloni iSuiKScrip'ioii Gratis. The Mon.h.
of N vember and Dec mber, 187", given
oransioad utiscribeis rein uing $4. loi
oe year 1871.
Anv ene di -irons of making a trial of the
•locrnal to si e whether the. like it. can
have il lor fluff Til* ou remit
mg u- I iSly C'euln
/ > H'To#kS(lllK A MfcPICA, COn-lstiog of
pleuiiiUl.v ex euted views of Ameiicaii
di-euetv, i-oin nenced iu November. D Ap
plkt-iN k Cos, Put.liahevs, No® Fnk.
lllil. ItUiiilli r E. E E E’n
II 0 4 fFI>. Ne-n i> ready lo Pm li ati m,
i.e UiuUsaph of SSolil. E. Lee,
i J iin fcsrKM C. ■kk author oi “Lit- ~i J kekso ~ l ‘'Wearing itie Grey,”
le. 1 vol., 8 vo , 500 riaees, Illdstratki'.
fi> be sold bv su - rip ion. AGfaffT*
\V % *TI O. E>. Applcluu &, tu.,
ElibtislilM'N, N-w York.
U' 1 \TI-.o> - A Goad Ag.-11l in
4 t llill y ot ncoigiii lot
a Commentary of flic Bible, in two volumes,
con turn lug Indexes, Maps, Engravings, diction
ary, Ac., \ . Ndicol y’cacherM and Clergymen will
Hud it io their advantage to send for circulars.
gent’s in this section arc making good reports.
Address A . JiKaJ IN A HD , i/artiord, Conn.
Ift'kllN ttniltcd. Send tor Circular,
ad lir-s J/asomc I’bß. CO., 432 li OOlDe
•1 , N w Y'.'k.
HOLIDAY' JOURNAL for i871. - '
Cm tons a * l«l'i>l»H:iN Morj, ’•pll'll
di<l Flhjn,;i<- opori*, &<; 48
isges- illusiiated. on rec. ip
■ f one sliinp (or poaisgn Address
4IHYIS & CO., l*ubliNlici'N,
ISoiik's, ilt-itllli, ll;i|>|»iiic*NN.
i'ow i" iik (iBTAiMi) pop i ive an-11nisi
I’lantati ns Farm , Villa 25’itks asp T. wn
1. ts, a. lim Grkat Fukmium Ijand Salk,
tiken, S. C. Tiie ".S',r.'ogo of the Sou n ”
48 hours from N. Y. Tile moil delightlui
•nun e ill the world. For from the rieo-s
• l JVur bern winters, exempt fiom Throa
Z>, Vueiards ami orchardt in full
learirg. F'r desi r'pnve ph.inplet, addies.
vilh, wi'h slump, J. C. Augusta
({ i.
qjaiid Holiday liable apd
wOO o< ot a •;%! # slate ,»n
Pei>o**a. *i|j be r ill I fo<
•n * ‘ G ))cc**iDt)(>i 2d b, 187' ; every
ticket getting a Prize bnm $1 to fdjHM).
fn*k. * onl> One Dollar C.mdu t**d I>\
~' y %. SaO f n Ooimnis-iniito •; refer to County
Olli rse Libe al inda fitH to Ag^nr* l o;
< iubp. and nip for cir4*ulars, &c. H R.
HI KS & Ci) V! nixing Atjcnis.
KOuaKt P.H>, AlUNflOi!
sknd I For a rpcip**, by rhe use of wnicli
g l I one half of the labor and two
*JU ' ’ 'lii«d*» of the expense oi WaHhinu
l OK I ‘Mother i« s.iv# and. iS'qual to a Bav
X I * r ß °* »n a nmal
Sp— **)• I tHinily. AS»*nt on receipt o) 50et
bx 8 F. i OULd iN, Ciuisvillf, Ky.
Metalic Kerosene Lamp.
Is Il!)ao mciy h.i.t* f on ex nsion or
b caking; bill'll* ;| i| y Coal Oil
“It ia i ot - X-lIoHIV -. civcg 8 bet
j ter light and ia more economical 'ban an
o-he't nit it. ic "-W H Welle la'e Sa.
perinteicdent of Public School z < hicago.
“i in en .-übs itu iug i hrou-hoit. mi
ho'i *• i rit dang roue lamn nnw in uv
Prof H r H. Rujfner, Sup't Public hut rue
tion, Richmond, Va
111 - appalling deaths and fin
from gl -s* i.’inpg » xplodu-g aid breaking
ere lea great demand <or this Imo I
! I’AIA t» gelt i . Sold by C'aiivasv
«*rs or stores Agents wanted
every » here. 8- •. to »ill o»r mu in a.
Add e-g t|«ii|g<iint!r]r A Cos Gi-ve.
l*nd Ohio, o 43 k Olav ,St.r. *i. New Y t-k.
Prizes ctisheti an I information furnished bv
i OfehtKQK (jPHAM, Providence. K I.
fT> P~*>' A tt eck M.ary !
CP u w as local and traVeli g a,,lea
nt it A , " e-g|«r hstamp) R. H. WALKER,
34 Park Run, N Y
We will Pay Agents
at salary of a woes, or ,*o» s ITr . • aommia
sion to s ii our new Inventions. Ai lresi* wi H
J W.FRINK & TO , M.rshsM. .WVh.
81' »l|> IfilVCi cutco bv Bates Sp
ti.ncs Fo' descrlniou address Simp
son ft o . R ' 611*16. N. Y
Sewing H,ielii««*V i’gr bT *
Wauled, ml rv *lu,oUH ner year --
Ciroulats <ml simple 4 of work free. Ai
dtess CRTalit Machine Cos., Boston
K A -IV Mv or
gen !em«nca m-W** <» tnonHi
neon re their own ItAnninea* nnd lnde)*cndcnee, bv
obtaining P.VYrMOM ANCY,
orSOUE C7/AA‘MIN(i. 4ti pagea; doth. Full
indruction • to umJ thin p »wc*r over men or ani
ninl* at. wi11, how to
or Writing McdfaniM. Divination, flpfritunli»m,
Alchemy, l'liilonophy of Omens anti Dreams,
itriglinm Young’s Ilsrcm. Guide to Marriage,
Arc , all eont inetl In thh* book; HK),'»K) sold; price
l»y mail, in doth paper covers sl. Notice
Any pernon willing to act as agent will receive a
sample copy of tF work free. Ah no capital in
required, all deWrlous of genteel employment
Hh iitld semi for the hook, endodng luets, for
Imi ht age, to T W. KY AN S & CO., 41 .S’outli Btll
St., Dhilvdelplm. ..
Minutes’ Private Conve avion with]
.I/.rrie»l Ladies bv one of th*ir number.—
Sent free for Is a stamps. Adi Less J/rs. il
J/A’IZ J/a’R, Hanover, Pa.
A Clerqrm^®*'♦hilc renidlog In South Ameri
ca as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple
remedy for the Cure of Acrvoiis Weakness, Ear
ly lh»cay, Diseases of the t/rinary and Semin 1
Organa’ and the whole train of disorders brought
on Pnneful and virions habits. Great notnfiers
I have been cured by this uoble rom dv. /hompted
I by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortu
nate, l will send therereipe for preparing and us
! ng this medicine, in a scaled envelope, to any one
1 who m-eds it. J-Yee of chitrge. Address JOSE I*ll
T. INM \N, Station D Bible House, New York
folJli sjfjßitvifiq
Patent R<‘v<*i-*<*<S Woodea
X sritffv It, i<! fs •
ihroiighnuf, rktains lip swrpitipss of the old
wood R'idgM, arid obtains ih<* *oli4itv of t'-e
Mktal Agruffi*, without i>« objkctl' ns.
i*;tlent 4am poll ii «l Wrt'st
I* is* nk
fwhicii hold, the Tuninc I’ins. in six l iv,rs of
Mat.lo, ora in running dififerenlly,— tbi
I*ai<>iii Full Iron Frame
poncen l rmt-8 in front o< the Tuning Pins,
ihat. heroiolorp damaoino Iron (»h'ch in -thsr
Pianos hurifullv surrudnds ihe Tuning Pin-,)
and “hulls” in'o 'he Doitt edge of ih» Plank
and kffkctcally resists the tvtknty tons
Patent Diasoaal Sustaiiiins:
Itii r
part of the Iron Frame, next to and p"rall»
with the steal sitings UNDER THE OVER
The First Strictly Impartial Trial
fver hail.
Steintvay’s, Chiokeritig’s, and other
Wk. the nnder*ign i *d make Oafl tha* at
fh© ''iik* of the last Fair of the American In
stitnte held in New immedDtclv fol
io wins the French Exposition in Piris. two
Piavo* made bv Nteutivay & Sfrns, one Fi -
ovo *»v Chickering cfc Sons one Patent Arinn
Piano , nude bv 6 r . C Manner , end several
other maker’s instruments were tried against
*\*urh nther, by ord* r end control of
the Officers of the Instirute. to decide whreh
Pi «n<' on exhibition in competition sh*uM
upeMive the F'rst Premium “<7* the best
Square Piavo known.” To obtsin »n imror
»» i il, tw'cc all > f -aid Piarms were cover
edwith papers, «o iha' one Pisn»> could not
be d>*tinplished from another, (dining »he
absence of the Judges,) ;tnd twice did fbev se
b'Ct one of Slid Pmro** os the best , which,
upon one verins r , both rimes, proved **o be
•'he soirl Patent A l ION Piano awsrdii e it
The. First Premium” “over all others for
! beincj the best Square Piano known to them ”
This trial was after Chickerinn d' Sons'
Piano had received t l **' Legion of Honor and j and Steinway df Sons, the Medal from
Npoleon s and J n t<r q of -anid trial were
K DVV A RI) MOLLEVH AUKR. Prof, of Music,
Musical Director nnd Originator of the
Ne-v York and Brooklyn Conservatories
of Ifns : c.
CTT A IIT/FaS FRADEL, the eminerp and favor,
ite Composer, and Pianist to his Roval Tlifrh
oe«s the Due Gustave ofSax Weimar, Eisen
Music ; Teacher, of the higher school of Mu
sic, &c . &>\
A. D. Organist at Cathedial,
.Jersey Ci»y ; Pianist, Ac.
Hfnry Vili.f.r, Charles Sm.nwrnEL,
G. (?. Manner, * Inventor and Patentee of
the Arion Piano Forte.)
Sworn before me t h is 22d day of Julv,
(Commissioner of Deeds,
The Arion Piano i* >he chfapfst, m si
curable. i.FaAST complicated, requ res*lesß
TUNING and n KS NOT C our of O’der, it
th f: s r.j.nt.i ni> p /./. ro.
W r ii r e fo r .iffid vi Pamphlet end Civcu-
Hr, and state in what Paper ygu saw this ad
in e»e y Ci'v surf T<v»n where we have not
• lreadv apiointed then).
Thr .-trion l*rrrnn F'orfr f'n.
Wumouiiii si 11 <1 Offit-e, N«, 551
•IsiiiiilkH rv. IS7 & 18!) Bow
ery Hew York.
[am oflP**'insr for Rale a plantation 1 ear
Wha’ey’j itfill*, in TVrrell countv l nine
'"’le- Norih*>st of J) . wson, containing S>i
H nrirpd acres of Oak and HieWorv land;
3 *0 acres < learvd, wish good improvements,
(}i • House and Screw, &<*., & •.,
F»*r particula'S »s »o terms and price, call
>ii the auhscriber in TANARUS) * wson.
Jjuq 16,if. W«. K4IGLGR.
Jonathan collins w. a.collins
Cottop factor & Coppipp
WE renew the tendpr of our services to
our manv planting friends and cotton
d-Hlers, offering them unsurpassed facilities
for the prompt and faithful execution of all
business emrus ed to our ca e, pledging
promptness in all transactions. We make
'he sale of Cnt'nn a specialty olr senior
having enjnyt dnt is privilege for over fortv
years, and trust, by strict integrity, that he
has merited the oonfi ence of our patrons.
W'e are fullv prepared to m ke the usual
advances on co'ton in store, and sha I en
deavor to watch the market aud sell when
active demand.
We have unusually exer'ed onrselves to
render suci accommodations to our planting
: friends as to enable them to harvest then
crop and trust they wid be pinnipt, in for
| warding co'ton to meet demand 4, and if up
on maturity of papers the market should bt
low and depressed, will endeavor to extent*
the time of papers and await a favorable
market upon emton in store.
augJs-3ur Couoa Factor,
II Ml Alt I’ \S
RI.O olt !I.KAX 8E R. 1
This medicine is known to th* fscuh v s* be
ing ih** coneemrat' and fluid exiraot of S<rsap
irill.i uni'ed with oilu-r valuable mi-dicinal
heibs, and is guaranteed as chemically pure.
Scrofula ami COffsEVIPTIOff
Tills remedv is comnounded expresslv for
i purifying nnd cleansing the blond ot all in
i firmiiies, going at once to the lountain head
!of di-ease. Jf exlh'g'i'she.
We all know ihst the proini-cumis Tacei
nation indulg • and in during the late war breu
the most villannus diseases. V.iccination
pus wa. taken from the arms of many per
sons full ol scrofulous •res.
Then of course the impurities of the scrof
ulous patient were absorbed in the blood of
men otherwise without diseases, and both
hecalje infected ulike. M" n, women nnd
children fh^'miehcu 1 nil the West fire niost
wofullv diseased from »his cause, nnd knew not
until a fpw rr.on'hs the o*i<*fn of it.
Henry’s Constitution Renovator
R. li-ves the Fniiie bv-tein ol Pains and
aches, enlivens the spirits, aud seuda new
I imparts a
«p;irk!iiii. r hiightm*** to (he Ey**
A Rosy Glow i<» Bii<* 4'lte- k.
\ Rnliv ’■'iiiKi* 10 IH<* l.ip.,
4 4'l<*mi , ii4*«si to llic lleod.
Rriglilncssio Ui<* « oiiaplexion,
BiioyiMioy lo Dm* Spirits*,
Anil Hiippmevtuii all 8i(!o<>
For all affections of the kinder* it is unsur
/Vople have been rescind, us it were, from
the verv j iws of death, by a timely use of
this great remedy.
! Doc or, Ivx -acemated in 'he ho.pi al,
B-fore that 1 bad no skin disease. Umil I
, had a bonle of vonr “Cons'itu'inn fi’ennva
! to',” sent me by Dr R iper, of Uolumbia,
Mo., I suffered tortures wi'h ruonirg sore-.
Since I have us -d two bottles I am all well
except a smaH so e on the calf of my left
leg, and that is gel'ing well fast.”
This from a iadv. —“And now mv skin is as
clear and as fair as a tube's. Mv complex
ion, thanks to your ‘lieuovator,” is beauti*
* Yes, yep, I may •well sav such rehef was
unknown to me before. Enclosed find five
dollars lor six bottles; two families here
I wan' lo In it.”
“I was vprv much troubled with svphilis.
Emir remedv seeir-s to be cuiing me fast.
Send 4 holies per Fxpress."
‘‘No more rheumatism. Three bottles of
Constitution Renovator have made me anew
man ”
• Doctor, enclosed find $5. /’lease send
me a sspplv. Two families here want to trr
your Constitution Renovator”
We have not space lor more of the above
extracts, but truest'ask tour neig hhor sboti
the remedy. J£ve ry one ha« something good
to sav, as i' cme« every time.
For all diskasks of TnE
Kidiiey*, Iwi-lfiitioii of ilic Frio
And for Female Diseases,
Ne’vnus Pro.'ration, Weakness, General ias
sitnde and Want of Appetite, it is uusur
| passed
C % lITIOY,- In ord 'riEST onr remedy
! always place the numhur of our
Box on vo ll r The new Liw in our
New York Pnw Olhee comnf>ls this.
Add»wp, Or. !f|. S'. ISriii y & To.
Ditector-lierierMl Berlin FToffpifnl, Prussia.
Agency of thr* United S'»*e9.
Labratory, 27♦» P» ar| S»ree ,
Post-Office Box 5272
per bottle, <ix bottlus lor Sent anywhere
on receipt of prica. Patients are requeued
to correspond contijentially, and reply will
be m*de bv following ma»l.
I Sold by all respectable Druggists.
J ICOB LIPPSI 4N. k«l« A prill
savannah, ga.
• It i: I?I O V E DI
I* .
Tin & SheEt fren WorkEL
r> egWec f fulfy lnforma h?a uuq»OTnerS thaf he
k removed his Tin Shop nror on Dp
pot Steet, i»pxt door to .the Ho«el, where
vou can alwav« find him ready and wilHngr
do nil kinds of work : n the Tin and
Iron Busin- s. Tin Wa r e always on h » and
N 'thine »>ut ’he best quality oc Tin work and
I will sell if a» low as you can get it in M ■
i eon. G : ve me a call. I will guarantee pv
-1 erv thing to be all right th* I se’l.
j Stovepirv a always on hand, and put up to
Ht M'C on prices. D > not forget, the
pliee, and g ; ve me a call before purchasing
ulsewhere Next door to the Hotel.
Jan 27, ly.
VT my new NEW STORA*, on the North
side of the Railroad, yon wilt find a
gen- ra) Sock of Merchandise, at such pricet
as will astonish the uatives. My /Stock con
sists in part of
and other articles needed in the family and
on the Plantation.
Mv rxpenscs being light, I can afford tt
*ell goods on
Short Profit.
Bu* the better plan would be for all to eon>
vtid see for themselves.
sept 2"2-Bm.
Hinucniic ci.
Agricultural Implements,
>**ng»r TTfills,
Siiyar Kettles
C*in Gieariii^,
7 lioiatas Water Wheels,
and Pulleys,
Iron and llrass Castings,
fHi!5 Work of Fvcry HcscripUon,
Dressed Baiiniber, efc., etc.
0/d C»st Iron, Brass and Copper purchased at the highest market pritr
All order* promptly attended to.
0. 0. NELSON, Pres’t, - - H. ATKINSON, Suo’L
Dawson, Gu., Se"toa.her 9,tf
>ug:ir .TEiID,
ISiijjai* Kellies
G 4 in Gearing,
7 lionra§ Witter Wheels,
TiieLiTdest W ar News.
People of South-western Georgia,
rn l/l ITT UCD ,skr ' l "’'’''"’d of informing his old patrons, snd th* public rfifr-
CUI uU llit Llt al1 '’ lhl " 10 1,1 " 0w re, f ' iTi 'K anrf wtll continue to r*c*ir», and irtp
coiivli-ntly on l and, al bis old stand ou ihe corner, a full and snltDiii
assortment of Drv I7ooßh, ci-u-i.ili g of '
LaCifs i ll> tn* Goods, ot all Siyltnnd !l<scrip,tions. Gents «nd
Hot’s i tolh in , tints. Caps, Hoofs unit Shots, and al ano
Prire, toytthtr uiih a t nil sloth ot Maury unit
ti.mi.y ut or nits. Iter thru re, Crotktry
and 'Jihttare.
In fact, he is dm i n red'hat i o <i. *sll(. n. to I ini for anything, and have ta ~
clS'Whete to gci it The immortal JEVt JOII\»0\ s'tll reign* supreme n.avtr *f
cm monies, a-sis'ed tu his «pt pupil, ilitixier Jllltoaie E’ink*, and h* is d*t«r ß ,in,d
to sell goods a lilile cheap, * ib.n any one else, lit coid.uily invites his Jtteuds tvgivsina
a trial before pure basing.
MR KUTTNER has also op*ned another store, at th* old -land of BURNET A XILBOX
n' llar the •S'upgrint.end i"ce of Mr. li. .5, A LLBA, assisted by Rill. i'O l K
AELLL, where he will keep a select slock of
13 li Y GOODS,
KUrpassed by none ever put upon this mirkot. M-v-rs Allen and Pournello respectfully in
v e iht ir fiends to give litem a call, with the promi.- thai they will ever deal aptm tha
i-quare iind u-e a1 th -ir ende iv ira t. >pi • i.e th -tn. With mint kind thanks to the public
-or their hithlrrto iberal patronage, the Cirps, e/t mill*, respectfully illicit •
of the same. jtept. l-3».
TIE (ITT!! mi!
m £k wif§ m 4k €O,
Awarded the Premium of a Silver Cup at h Fi.
A Diploma Awarded by the Committee to us
For the Rest Assortment of Cooking and Heating
Stoves. For the Best Aasoriment of
House Furnishing Goods.
We can show to our Customers that wo are entitled to all that awarded o?
Parlor and Office Stoves, Grates,
Hollow Ware, Tin and Enameled W o f
vIENIS to Wholesale and Retail Buyers:
solicited and promptly attended to.
sept. 15, 3m. CIIERHY STREET, MACON, GA.