Newspaper Page Text
I’uol mill Fncnrr.
Tho ycnr approaches its close, with
the farmers of tho South discouraged
and dispirited ; the hopes of the past
not realized, and visions of the future
obscured hv doubts and uncertainties, j
The great decline in tho price of cot- j
tm within a twelve month, has upset
all calculation, disturbed all values
and locked the wheels of trade. The
wiseacres, whose by-word is “I told
you so’' —who always sec results very j
c'oarly after they have happore', aio
and sposed to taunt the farmer in his j
misfortunes ; lor our part we cannot !
find it in our heart to do so, and are
much more inclined to sympathize
with him than to “mock at his ealaui- .
ity.” j
Impoverished by the war—ground
dowu by taxation, not to say robbery,
since its close —it was entremely natu
ral for the Southerner to desire earn
estly to make money. The education
of his children —provision for old age
—to say nothing of immediate present
wants, pi eased hea\ily upon him. Un
dei this pressure the Southern farmer
unfortunately was induced to do two
things : First, to undertake more than
the remnant of capital left him war
ranted—hence, the borrowing of mon
ey, lien on crops, ike.. Ac ; and sec
ondly, to give too exclusive attention
to cotton, as tho crop most easily and
rapidly converted into money. Ev
erything being staked on cotton, when,
as at present its price unexpectedly
goes down, he necessarily finds him
Belf pressed to return his borrowed
capital and realize any profit It is
fashionable now to raise tlie cry of
fertilizers, and attribute all losses to
them. Would it not be equally sen
sible to raise a hue and cry against
the employment of labor, mules, &c.
On every acre in cotton, the farmer
expends fully twice as much in these
last two items, as he does in manure.
On all forms of capital employed in
making a crop, a certain risk is una
voidable ; but the losses of one year
will, in the long run, be counterbal
anced by the gains of another, if tho
farmer is self-possessed and prudent—
neither allowing himself to be too
much depressed by the former, nor
too much elated by the latter—if he is
quick to learn the lessons of adversity
and wise enough to avoid the errors of
the past. Our faith in Southern Ag
licultural prosperity is not in the
slightest degree shaken, by the disas
trous termination of tho labors of the
present year. In the future we confi
dently look for greater attention to
grains and grasses and all the articles
needed for horn# consumption, and
less disposition to borrow money to
make cotton; and with this faith we
not only heartily but hopefully wish
our readers a happy new year.—
ikrtdht rn C'u/tuqtor.
flow to Avoid Keiiag Hum
bug?c« I.y Persons feel lug
( eltoii Seed.
Since the war many parties are try
ing to make money (and are making
it very rapidly by humbugging their
fellow-men) without doing them or
their country much good. I allude
to those who are dealing extensively
in so-called improved cotton seed, many
of whom are selling nothing but tho
unimproved cotton seed at from three
to five dollars per bushel. There are
however, some smart men in the coun
try yet, who would not stoop so low as
to do so mean a thing. But many of
those displayed cotton seed advertise
meuts are most certainly humbug*
The owners or agents of eac h peculiar
variety say in tl eir advertisements,
with great emphasis, that their seed is
the best known, or better than any
other kind.
The foil wing comprises a part only
of the catalogue of the different varie
ties or kinds of so-called improved
cotton seed; each is claimed to be far
superior to all others: The Oxford
Dickson, Sparta Dickson, Brazilian,
Peeler, Bayou Proliffic, Petit Gulf,
Vick’s Mexican, Johnson, Okra, Ten
nessee, Arkansas, Montery, Goosey,
Jethro, Egyplain Laa, Edwards’ 4-
Bale, Improved Moina, Kerlong, Lobs
dale, Holmes’ Early Prolilfic, Hunt’s
Improved, and a number ol other
varieties. This is all very good, if all
the parties were good and honest uien
but this is not the ease. I have seen
several kinds of the seed above named
tried with no better success than with
the common. I would here suggest
and earnestly urge every farmer who
raises ootton, to improve his owu seed
thereby preventing being further
humbugged by unprincipled cotton
seed dealers
As to the number of varieties of
Colton seed there are only four primi
tive kinds, to-wit: Sea Island, Short
Lint or prolific, Long Taut and Nau
heim. Every farmer who plants cot
ton seed, plants one of the kinds above
named. And it is the easiest thing
imaginable for him to bring the kind
he plants to the greatest decree of
perfection, erecting a bulwark against
auy further humbvyyery. In the pick
ing season let the planter go over tho
field in advance us the hands, and
gather the largest and beat, looking
bolls from the 3tf> llkfcj that have the
most bolls. And let him keep this
cotton separate from his crop. The
next year plant these seed at least 200
yards from his cotton, as it will mix at
a less distance. And when matured
in the fall, go over it as before and se
lect the best. Continue thus for a se
ries of years and he has as good a va
riety of cotton as exists anywhere.
Indeed he might excel all other kinds
in yield, should he follow up this plan
for six or eight years .—-Vernon, m
Southern Cultivator.
Now that the cotton is all gathered
we can conceive of nothing more prof
itable to the farmer than saving and
making his manure for uoxt year.
Tho Best Paper,
Best Inducements!
Thi* Qnrtrrn 13 ' I!ill!><>•’« SE^fT
!’»«*«• 10 ail *iit»B’. a ritiiftc« hglore D**c. 16
M7o* for !K*f Ti»s«r s V Ov.twi » <*f
lllifal aiid family Weekly,
For town & Country,
Tint JTi-ral, row in its 2Ts' year, is not
oi 1 v ihe I.ingest. It< sin nit •It cap
«■«!, Inn hr hit ihe I :it'gi>i>|-4 ix-lilial
ittK Journal of il« < lass in ihe ;
MOl 111 ! .V im si in Character, A’>lv
A'ditcri, Sjpetbly Illustrated tud l’.mit and, it
is the
It is the fe lint ila r«l til Hi at ity on
all b ancheS of JfIHICDLTniiR lIoIiTICULTI'RK,
kr. A« a t iierary aa«l Pit mi I y
I'upcr it is favor in inm> "I tin Iks
families till over the Union, Cmsrfa, A ,
Indeed, Moore's Rural ban no liiral in Us
Sphere. and i- the l.itrgol f i lustra ted
J.iltltlltl on the C-ui l " • 'l-* a. h i Hither
containing sixteen Five-Column
Page*, (rtoun e Cm si*., ol inns' uup'sof
its class.) It i- the paper for the Fast, Wist,
North, and South.
Terms— #3 a Ye ar ot 52 Num 1 e s, ad
oidi ftitl.&Om linos <>f Y'en This Qnr
ter’s 13 Number* Sent I'reo, as “ts r. and
above. Our Club Inducement'* for 1871 are
miptecedented. jS;>ecitnens, Premium Lt-ts,
A • , sent fr. oto *ll forming Clubs,—and w*i
want a live Cluh rgeulia every l'nW :, Ad-
H. o. T. Moore, II Park Ilow,
New York.
vvmuiiT I'Aci! nri io.r.
Now In its Kiev* nth Year, publishes Sermons, a
Serial Stnrv for the Knmilr. n new Children’*
Story every week,Clints with the Little I'oiks,
I Kiliturials hy the lest Methodist writers and
of iters, Foreign tiloi 1 niniestic ' ort esoondein-e,
: full liepsrtments of Religious and Secular futcl
i ligcnee. E’lii-r* ,5' a yißr. Liberal premiums
or easti commissions to canvassers. Subserip
i lions commenee at any time. Tor Specimen, en
close a two cents Mam’ to prepay postage. Ad-
I dress T//K ,1/I.T 110 LUST. .14 Nassau At., M. Y
i ( llltlSTtMii GIFT »o all
/V Yearly »il!)scii!tf'r' to \pple
toil's JoUl’ltitl pub'ished Weekl .
T.<*. M in* 6'iibserip'ion Gratis. The Months
of November and December, 187d, giv* n
gra'is to ad Hibscribeis rein tting §ll. for
the year 1871.
Anv one desirous of mailing a trial of the
Journal loaee whether 'her Lie it. can
b ve it fim 'nv«» tIO.KTHS on remit
'in? n“ Filly CeilK
/’icTiitKSQiE America, con-risting of
■ oletididly executed views ot American
S.-pnerv, commenced in November. D Ap
pleton & f70., Publishers, New T r . k
iii:v Koiicitr fa mTfe
II I.IFi;. Nearly readV fo’ P.> li, ntion,
the BioOßAni of Kohl. E. I.
mv J HN KgTKN Co* KK amhor of “L'fc of
Stonewall Jink-to ‘ Wearing the Grev,”
te. I vol., 8 vn , 500 pares, li.lcstraten.
To he sold hv sn virion. AGKMT*
W’.milll. *». Appleton & 1 0.,
Publishers, New York
\\ T I ST* i> % OCoOfeii l»*
* » esiehConittrol Meorglit for
a Commentary of the Bible, ill two volumes,
containing Indexes, Maps, Kngravinga, /diction
ary, *.■„ &. Avhuul 7’eaehers and Clergymen will
find it to their advantage to send for circulars.
' gent’s in tilts section are making good reports.
Address A. 8K.41N A III), /fartfor J/'.onn.
guilts %Vanl**«l. Send to* Ci-cular.
.•1 l.iress ,1/a sonic Pen. CO., 432 Broome
St., N* w Toik.
c’o'tiie- a i liri lintt N fefory, fe|»l«‘ii«
ditl IMuys Hi'S'ti *port», At ; 48
pages* illustrated. Free on receipt
of one stamp for postage Address
%DA iYIS & CO., l>nblislici-»,
Ilontos, llesiltli, Happiness.
How to be Obtained pop Fivt- liolhirs!
Plantations Farm*. Villa Sites a»i* T* wn
Lots, at Tue (iur.AT Premium Land Salk,
Aiken, S. 0 The “S -nog iof the Such ”
48 hours from N. Y. The rnnat delightful
clima ein the world Feet om the ri . o>s
*it Aforiliern winters, exempt fmm Thrna l
i/i“eases. Vineyards and orchards in full
besring. For descriptive pb n l *", sddiess
with, with stamp, J. C. DA’IIBY, Augusta
Grand Holiday hassle and Jiale.
S3O 000 • orm n! K"al ICmtsiti* «nl
Hen>oi»fil Pmpeify "1 11 be 1 ttl ' for
>n iTslbnsn. G>„ tb-e.-mhei 2ft-h, 187* >; every
ticket getting a Prize ••■om $1 ,n $0 otto.—
Tickets only One Dollar. Contiu.t-d f>T
-Six N*orn refer to County
Oifio. r«. LUxvhl i'lduuemepts to Ac '>>*>' <»
tft||j*g. Pntid stu mn for cireuhirs, 4c. H 11.
HICRS & CO Vuniging Ae-n's.
HOUStKH Pi-ft >, All IN f ION!
Bk::i> I For h recipe, I>v lit® us® of which
r A t I on® half of the labor a> >1 two
•JU **' ! thirds of the expenee of Wushing
FOK j ‘'lnthes is stved. jEqud to » suv
•) I isjr of $25 per in a smal
V—. f.'• | faintly. Sent on receipt ol 60cta
bi S F. COULM »X, Louisville. Kv.
iVO *N Xl* O^ivi;
Metalic Kerosene Lamp.
[ft HbxolHlciV si»ie I ex »>ion or
b <■: king; bums silly Coal Oil
•It i« peiltoily >hi -XI - v . iv.'s * let
ter light and i“ more econonticnl 'hart onv
other i» it- ” —W // Welle late JSu~
perintendetit of Public Schoolz, < hicago.
“I in'i i! t sub* jtu ing it throu hoot mv
hoti-e for the dantr- rous lamp- now in us.-.”—
Prof- W 11. Rnffner, Snp t Public Inxlruc
lion, Richmond, Va
I 11.- app-iliiiig (lealhH and fire
front glass lamps - xplodit g and breaking
create a great demand lor this 1 nip. I>
i’AVN to sell i>. Nol<l by Cativax'-
it» or Agents wanted
every there. Sen. t lor full pa. icula a.
Address Uonlvoiiiei'V A Cos , Cl-ve-
Uud, Ohio, ot 43 &>-clay Street, New York.
Prims cashed and information furnished by
UKUKtiE UPHAM, Providence, It 1.
rt~> r~> f —' A Week Salary !
Cl > v 3 (S local anil traveling sales.
in n Audi* sat with stamp) A’. H. W/U.K/flf,
84 Park fliv.N Y.
We will Pay Agents
A salary ofs » a week, or u ,ow a Argc comniin
sion to e 11 our new Inventions, Address tci A
J W.FRINK & CO., Marehsll. Me h.
S’ S’ A.ti *» I K ■ A « cured bv Bates A p
_ p.ianc s. Kif dereilo'ion address Simp
eon <fc Cos, Box 6n76, N. Y.
Sewing INI a eli i lie* —A ge ui *
AA anted. -alarv fln 000 per veat
Cirents 1 8 .I'd sonnies of w.rk free A I
dress Crystal Nmyi.nQ Alachim Cos., Boston
Mas*. I
I > t < tit. IS t\( t An, laov
■ g*** 1 limn ea m-ke |il,oliO s mnntb
secure their own liappinea. and Independenee, hv
obtaining I’.syt'ltOMAMCV, FASC/'rlT.liN
orSttl l, 17/AAMINO. ♦ o pages: cloth. Full
instruction-to n*.c this power over men or aui
tnala at will, bow to Meaimwiw, become 7Vanee
or Writing M'-dintna. lifvhmtlon, Rptrttoatlarn,
Alchemy, Philosophy of Omens ami breams.
Itrtgham Young’s Ifar. in l/ui.l*. to Marriage.
Ar , all eons Int-d hi llil- book: mO.oTO sold: price
by mail, in cloth * i .’S na-'cr covers #l. Notice
Any person w ltingtoartaa ii-o nt will receive a
sample copy of the work free. As no capital is
rcejiilrcd. all di-slrloua of genteel cmplovnieni
should s, nd lor the book, enclosing Kk-ta, for
P«»tnge. to T tV. KVANS dfct’O., fl South atli
St., Philadelphia.
i YIVSTMIV feni vrw. -men
J Y M ten's .* P< is ale Unnve-at'lon w i t h
M Tried Ladles hv orte of th'lr nninber.— !
Sc,.’ f-oe’or two stamp., Addiess Mrs. II
ME rZUER. Hanover, P.a.
A riorrvmnp. wlillo roslcl! ,, ir in Sontli Amorl- j
oi nn n rnlMiottnrv, dinroverorl n wnfi* >»m«1 oimplo
rrnitv’y for flit* Cw roof Aitvouh Woiknoss M«r-
Iv hooay, »>Ni*hhoh of tlir f r rin tv Rrniin 1
Oi ppirm nml tlio whole train of dinfirdorH brought
on b;»n<*fnl and viHonn haMtn. (»rf»t numbor*
hiivo horn curfd hv thl« noble rem dy. /*romT»t4‘d
hy « desire to l»e»n tit the nffl'eted and unfortu
nate. T will send therorefpe for pr/>par|njj and uh
-1117 thi** tordirlno. In n wnlod envelope, to anv oar
who v eda it. Fret of ch't rrte. Addrena .fOS|. T»lf
toim siidHihi^
Pitlciil Reversed Woodcu
4«niilc Itridy •
Ihreugbnn', retains -lie sweetneaa of the old
yvnop Biiitge, and obtains 'he ao'idiiv of tie
Metal Agraffe, wphnn' i's objecti ns
Pali’til Foinp««nii«i Wrest
fwhich holds Ihe Tuning Pins, in six livers of
Manic, ora in running differently,— thi
I‘silpiil Full Iron Frtihip
enneen'rutes in front of the Tuning Pi- s,
that heretofore Damaging Iron (which in ether
Pianos hurtfllllv SURROUNDS the I'UNING PINS,)
and ’-butts” into 'he Loot edge ol the Plank
and effectually insists the twenty tons
l*a(«nt Diagonal feimtaiiiiug
part of the Iron Frame, next to and p»ral]c
with » i-e «teei s'tings UNDER THE OVER
The First Mrieiiy Impartial Trial
ever had,
Ft.einway’s, Chickering’s, and other
Pianos. •
We. the undersigned make Oath that at
the time of rhp l«“t F*ir of the American In
stitute held in New York, immediately fol
lowing the French Exposition in Paris, two
Pianos made r»v Steinwag & Sons, one Pi"
avo *’V (.’flickering <k Sons one Patent .Irion
Piano , made by Q. C Manner, «nd several
other maker’s instrument- were tried against
each ot bpr, hv order and under control of
t’v Office*a ot the Insti’ute, to decide which
Pin on exhibition in competition shetdd
> t> ive the First Premium "as the best
Square Piano known." To obtain an impar
j t»I , t -I, twee all of said Pianos were corer-
I ed with papers, an tha‘ one Piano could not
I be distirglis/icd from another, (during the
absence ol the .Judges,) and twice did ihpv se
fact one of said P no* as the best , which,
upon iipc-vering, both times , proved to be
the sajl Patent At ION Piano awarding it
"The, first Premium" ‘ over all others for
beina the best Square Piano known to them ”
This trial was after Checkering it Sons'
Piano had received th* Legion of Honor and
Medal, and Steinway and Sons, the Medal from
Npoleon : anH t‘> J n .’p - of-aid trial were
Eli W aRHWOLLENHAUKR, Prof, ot Vtiimc,
Musical Director and Originator of the
I N«w York and Brooklyn Conservatories
of Mns'c.
OH A RLF.S FRADEL, the eminent and favor
ite Composer, and P'anist to his Ro*al tligh
nem the Due Gustave ofS*x Weitnar, EiseD
Music; Teacher, of the higher school of Mu
sic, Jrc . tic.
A. D. Orgmistat Cathedral,
I Jersey City ; Pianist, Ate.
Junes Nfuharpt, Robert Rifgfr,
Henry, Charles Soldwedel,
Augi-st Gruenkbero R BERT Vloffneo
(7.0 Manner, (Inventor and Patentee of
the Avion Piano Forte.)
Sworn belore me Mis 22 1 dav of Julv. 1889
Commissioner of Deeds.
The Abion Piano's the CHKAPKST, It -si
CURsbi.k, least Cnsi plicated, requires less
Tt'von ipd p -fs suit >».-• on' of mdpi, it is
Titi: STxhrihinn p/./.vo.
Write for nffidivi's. Pamphlet and
Ur, and state in what Paper you saw this ad
in eve'-v Citv and Town where we have not
already appointed them.
The Arion l*i<nno Pnrlr f'n.
AVareroomx ami Office, \0.554
Ht roadway,
Tlamtfoclory. IS7 & IS9 Ban.
ery New Vork.
rant offering for sale a plantation near
Whaley’s JAIN, in Terrell county, nine
mile- Northwest of Diwson, containing Six
Hundred aeres of Oak Hini Hickory land;
B'it) acres cleared with good improvements,
Gin House and Screw, Sic,., 4c.,
For particulars as -o tetms uud price, call
on the subscriber in ZJiwson.
Jjiki 16,if. AA r ffl. I4.AIGLCR.
Fever and Ague
Always Stops the Chills.
This Medicine has boon before the Tub.
lie fifteen years, and ia still ahead of all
other known remedies. It does not purge,
does not sicken the stomach, is perfectly
safe in any dose and under all circum
stances, and is the only Medicine that will
and permanently every form of Fever
and Ague, because it is a perfect Anti
dote to Malaria.
Sold by all Druggists.
iFli Ej 4:f ß
IT i<» well known to
Do(**or< Hbd to
I.Adieu, that women nrw
Nuhjcet to nunirroiiMilia
prcwliHr to th« ir
nex—mifh ah .ViippreH.
•lon of tli «* Mimimk,
White*. I*iinful nioutli*
ly Terforfi/ Khi uma
tUm of Hit* Bark :»« <1
iromb, M«*n
Kxociilyi* ‘Klowm,’ and
l'rolapHp* |Ttcri t or l'all
tnjl of th.* Ifonih.
T ht*»o diP(‘HM*r< have
rldoni Ihh*u tn*»iti*<l huc
cttfally. The prop *
ion li..* nought diligently for (*ome rfmfdy
hat would enih-t* them to treat these dis—
ou>*<*s succe-s.
A» lai f , that roinod? ha* been discovered
; bv one of the nio.-i *kiliul phfpicians in the
St te of Georgia. That reinedv is
It is purely vcgeishle, ami is pm up in
Atlantu, Georgia, bv B PcADF I K,LD ii CO.
It will pu*ity the tdo id and strengthen the
system, relieve irritation of the kidnevs, and
is a perfect specific tor all the above diseases,
1 cure us Quinine in Chills and fever.
For a bi-toty of diseases, st and certificates
ol its wonderful cures, the reader is referred
to the wrapper around the bottle. Ji'iery
bottle is warranted to give satisfaction or
•uocey refunded.
LaGrange, (7a., March 23, 1870.
Bradfiku) & Cos. A lanta, (reo’gta :
Dear Sirs: I take pleasure in stating that
I have used tor the last twenty years the
medicine vou are pu’ting up, known as DR.
and consider it the best c mb n ition ever
gotten together sot the diseases for which it
is recommended. I have been lainiliar wi h
the proscription, both as practitioner ol mvd
leitie and in domestic practice, and can hon
estly Say that I consider it a bo- n to suffer
ing females, and can but hope that every la
cy in our land, who may be suffering in auy
way peculiar to their sex, mav be able to
procure a bottle, that their suffering* may
not only be. relieved, but diet they may be
restored to health and strength.
With mv kindest regards. 1 am, re.speo
fully, ‘ W- B. FERRELL, MD.
We, the undersigned Druggists, take pleas
ure in commending to the trade, DR. J.
believing it to 00 a good and reliable remedy
for the dis -ases for which he recommeuds it.
W. A. Lausdel), Atlanta, Ga.
Pembertou, Willson, Tavlor&Co., Atlanta,
Redwine ti Fox, Atlanta, Ga.
W. 0 Liwshe, Atlanta, Ga.
W. Ron l & Sol, Marietta, Ga.
DR. Pft u Pll ITT ’ H
Celebrated Clver .Tlfrflriiif-
It is purelv vegetable, and will act upon the
L'ver and Kidneys as promptly as Calomel
and Buchu, without any dauger ot salivation
or destruction of the hones.
Fatties taking this medicine need not fear
getting wet, or any other reasonable expo
SjinjToras of LiTcr Disease.
Headache, Dull Feeling or the Blues, Sour
Siomach, Sic k or nervous Headache, He»rts
burn, Indigesfioo or Bid or Bit'
ter r&flte in 'He mouth ; the-skin has a thick
rough feeling, and is darker than usual, Coh
tivi-ness, J/ lanch.'lv feelings. Cramps,
Cold Feet. Colic, Mesentery, or Diarreah,
Chills and Fever and Piles. n fact, where
, the liver out of order, you are liable to
every disease that is not contagious.
Prophilr’ti Liver J/edicine. If taken prop
erfy, »t will proven* and cure any disease ro
Bulling from ad- ranged Liver.
L will tcgula e its functions and thus cure
! ,: 1* disetbce cause dby ihelailuieof its healthy
It has been good for a great number of
ye*rs, and hns given universal satisfaction.
Theie is no broiher or son claiming to have
the original receipt. It, is put up ia both
Powder and Fiuid form.
Fairbcrn, Ga, September 4, 1868.
J)r. 0. S J J rophit:
Sir. Mv wife has been «n invalid for fif
te* n yeaie. Doctors all agreed she had Liver
Di>ease. In connection with their practice
she used various noted medicines, none of
woich seemed io do anv good. Home »ime
ago I procured a bot'leof your “L'ver J/c d»
icii e,” of your agent here, C. A. llarvv,
wh ch oeing given according to directions,
have flee ted a complete cure.
| Kedpeeifully, etc., GM). L THOMPSON.
1 )f. bypeptepy CofJial.
I Is one of the most valuable compounds
now pui up for Diarrhea, DNsentery, Cholera,
Infantum, or Cholera Morbus.
This medicine has been in use for years,
and gives universal satisfaction.
The most delicate child may use it with im*
This is th*> celgbraifd medicine that ran
Perry D ivis’ Pain Killer out ot the market,
wherever it was sold; Davis mide Propbitt
change the nam» from Paiu Killer to PAIN
For Nheuniatisxi, Reuralgia, Cuts, Bfuise*,
Burns, Old Sores, Snake Biles, or stings of
Poisonous Insects, for Colds, Cong's, or
Bowel Complaint, it, has no equal as a dess
ing, healer or antidote for pain of any kb and.
Manufactured and “old by &R.4DFIELD k
CO., Atlanta, Ga., aud tor sale by all Drug
DK. P H A >P H 1 TT’S
Fever aud Ague Pitls,
The best .Antidote for Chills and Fever
known. Cutes warranted always or money
refunded - Purely vegetable.
Will relieve Headache, Nervousness, Jaun
dice, and all other derangements of the Liv
er. I’uielv vegetable.
The following are a few among the hun
dreds of those who have used the abeve
named medicines, and who readily testily to
their value :
Col R J UeDderson, Covington, Ga ; Prof
J L Jones, Covington, Ga ; M W Arnold
Georgia Conferen -e ; Rev W VV Oslin, Oror
gia (/mterence ; Ats Robinson, Moutic.lln,
lia ; Judge J J Floyd, Covington. Ga ; J>i* k
Locket, Davis coun'v, Texas, W Hawk
Whatley, Ousseta, Texas.
Fulton C< untv. ) men by these
presents, that I have this day, for value re
ceived, sold and transletrod to BR-dDFIA’L-D
& Cos., the sole tight to manufacture and 8.11
my Family Medicines, and have furnished
them with the tub reei es, and have author
zed the said BRADfTp-*D k CO., to priut,
or have printed, any thing they may see
proper concerning any and all the above
uamed 2/edicines. Tu\s 15th dav of June
1870. [Signed] 0. S. PROPHIT7’
In presence of Thomas F. Jones and Rob
rt Crawford, Notary Public. [L B.]
Manufactured and for sale by BRADFIELD
0., Broidßu-et, Atlanta, Ga., and for
sale by all i>ruggi*- S.
Forsale by Dr. J. R. Janes, Den bob. Ga
II C Alt 1' \S
BLftO V ils Kin® Kv.
This medicine is known to the f**cultv as be** l
in* ihe concentrat* and fluid eitract of Sarsap
arilla united with otli«*r valuable medicinal
bcibi, and is »s chemically pure.
Scrofula find COtHHIPTIO.t
This remedv is comoonnded eipresolv for
purifvine and cleansing the blood of all in
firmlties, going at once to the fountain head
of d*«< ««»e. I? exfi*>pMii>jlTi..s
We nil know that the promiscuous vacci
nation indulged in during the laie war bren
the rros» villanous di*»raaes Vaccination
pus token from the arms of many per*
sons full of c c’ofu!nu* sores.
Then of course the impurities of the ecrof*
uloua pAtiepr were absorbed in the blond of
men otherwise without diseases, nnd both
became infected alike. J/ien, women attd
children throughout all the West are most
wofullv diseased from th»s cause, and knew net
until a few months ago. the o»igin of i».
Henry’s Constitution Renovator
R !i*'ves t>’e Emiie Sv.t.nm ot P-ins and
aubt'A, enlivens the spirits, aud ecudi new
I imparts a
fepsirkluis ht iglitiie**, to ||,«> Eye
A Itowy Glow io |||«. Click.
A Witl»v Ting., io ii,** |,i|»« T
\ CionriK>«* to fli«
Brigliiiieny io IJiu «'<»inplexiou.
Buoyancy io the fepirila.
And Happiu«s*s on all Sides.
For all affections of the kindeys it is unsur>
pa esed.
/’eople have been rescued, a« it were, from
the verv jaws of death, by a timely nse o #
this great remedy.
“Doc or, I was vaccinated ’tl the hospital.
Before that l bad no skin disease. Until I
had a bottle of your “C*'ns'itu'ion Renova
tor,” sent me hv Dr Roper, of Columbia,
Mo., I suffered tortures wi'h running sores.
Since I have used two botltes I am all well
except, a small so e on the calf of my left
leg, at-d that, is getting well fast.”
This from a ladv. —“And now mv skin is as
clear and as fair as a bihe’a. Mv complex
ion, thanks to your “Renovator," ia beauti
“Ye“, yes, 1 may well sav such rel'ef was
unknown to me before. Enclosed find five
dollars fer six bottles; two families here
wan' to trt it,"
“I was very much troubled with svphilis.
Your remedv seems to be curing tue fast.
Send 4 bot’les per Express."
“No more rheumatism. Three bottles of
Constitution Renovator have made m# anew
man "
“Doctor, enclosed find fa. /Tease send
me a sapplv. Two families here want to trr
your Constitution Renovator-”
We have not space for more of the above
extracts, but yon can ask vour neighbor abr u
the remedy. Erery one has something good
to say, as it cures every time.
For all diseases nr Tine
Kidneys It<’t<-ntioii of the llriis
And for Female Diseases,
Nervous Prostration, Weakness, General .Las
situde and Want ol Appetite, it is unsur
CAUTION.—In ordering onr remedy
always place the number of our Post-Office
Box on vottr lstiprs. The new law in our
New York Poo Office comrvels this.
Ad«]re“s, Or. Tj. S’. Ili-m y A Cos.
Diiector-Generu) Berlin Hospital, Prussia.
Agency of the United States.
Labiatory, 278 Prarl Strep-,
Post-Office Box 6272
per bottle, “ix bottles sot |5 Sent anywhere
on receipt of price. Patients are requested
to correspond confidentially, and reply will
be made bv following mail.
Sold bv all respectable Druggists.
J ACOB LIPPId/t 3. feolc Agent
mm sihcdip
MEIIo V E n !
Tin & Sheet Iren Worker
Respectfully informs his customers that he
has removed his Tin Shop over on Dp
pot Steer, next door to the Hotel, w here
vou can always find him readv and willing to
do all kinds ol work in the Tin and Sheet
Iron Businrs. Tin Ware a)wavs on ha and
iVothing hut the host quality ot Tin wo’kcd
I will sell it as low as you can get it in Mi
cop. G’ve me a call. I will guarantee ev
ery thing to be all right tha 1 sell.
Stovepipes always ou hand, and put np to
order, at J/icon prices. Do no' (orget the
place, and give me a call before purchasing
elsewhere. Next door to tho Hotel.
Jau. 27, ly.
VT my new NEW STOT E, on the North
side of the Railroad, you will find a
gen ral Stock of Merchandise, at such prices
as will astonish the natives. My Stock con
sists in part of
and other articles needed in the family and
on the Plantation.
Mv expenses being light, I can afford to
sell goods on
Hlioi't Profit.
But the better plan would be for all to eomc
and see lor themselves.
sert 2--3 tn«
giiwsoiiy &&,
ilg;i’iciil(ni’nl Implcßicnts,
IT ill**,
Ssigfssr Kcttlc.«,
llioimis Water Wheels,
Shafting: and Pulleys,
Iron and SSrass Castings*
Mill Work of I .very Deseription,
Dressed Lumber, etc., etc*
Old C*>at Iron, Brass anJ Copper purchased »t tho highest Market prity
All ot tiers pronyptlj attcoded to.
0. 0. NELSON, Pres’t, - - H. ATKINSON, Suo't.
Dawson, Ga., September 9,tf
Notice Extraordinary,
m *
A A'lt Vlt ICE OM' GOOItS ,
IT givi H us runt pleasure to tin inun.-e to our friends and the public gent
ally, tl at w*• tiavu had to renew our Stock, so threat was u»c rush at Hr “bar
ffaiti Store,” and we intend in luture to surfaiu our reputation for selling akup
good coor)8.
Our stock consists of Mens', Youths’ and Children’* Clothing, Gen’s’ Fur
nishing Good, Hats ('n| s, boots nnd Shoes, lor men and boy*. Ladies and
Mis e S lo ts button an I Lace, boots, button and Polish Boots," Ladlee’ Die*
Goods, of all s!i| s and qunl ties, a large Stnet ol Domestics, together with
everything kept in » variety Store. Come one, come all, and be convinced tint
the 1 Bargain Store” is the place to gel the worth of your money.
To tlie LtJulies.
Tr. nddrii. nfo my large Stock of Merchandise, I have added t full line o
MILL IN LL\ (jOUI’S. eonei-ti'ig of liiliti n; French Flowers, (’raps*, lilu
stol’S, Jeattiers, Huts Bonnets, 1 ritinrii gs, etc, together with everythiut! to be
I*Hind in a tirst-cla.-s Millinery e>tablishtnhnt, and at such pr:oes that no mi
oiiject to.
i lie l.bdies w ill find an experienced Milliner always re»dv to g rv* thi-m
N"v- 3d-tf. K. gV. RICH.
mis TiMlsfrEWi
$13,000 WOB T 8
Goods at a very small advance on Cost*
E will now offer our entire Stock of DHY GOODS, NOTIONS, B
SHOES, HATS aud UIUXEKIES, at a very email advance on eoet,
Foil CASH*
Our motto w : H be quick sales and small profit*. Call and see us ke
chasing, as w thir.k we can make it to your interest ,f„i|v tei»d* r
MU. AB JONES, assisted by Mr John Kendrick, very resrro C> l)
their services to 'heir many friends, and would be very happy 1° M
before the bargains are all taken
Nov. 3-ts. McKENNEY & CitOLJ'-