The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, December 22, 1870, Image 1
THE DAWSON WEEKLY JOUHNAL. ffy s. R. WESTON. n.iWSO« |ouml, fOßLiinio *tKRf intfiwnir. Tf , n In •Advance. Three Sir rnnn'he . 2 on n«e . ADVERTISING r/vte * ; •nk Miirn. TW * MONTHS THKEK M TH> SIX MONTHS ON K TEAR pII . * »,Lft * Bon t 7 OO *l2 6ft S2O Oft *a I? 50 10 00 18 00 26 00 „ <J fln Ift Oft 12 On 20 oft 30 00 » #BR . 9on 12 Oft 15 00 25 00 40 00 icol ]rt OH 18 00 25 oft 40 00 fiorv.- J e„ L . 15 00 .5 00 85 00 00 Oft 110 00 , c„t, 25 00 40 00 60 Oft 110 00; 200 00 r, i lttrH*rrs t- The money for afl- Jrif* Bconeidered till* after Seat nier "TlTeOlrrmenls in-erted at intervals to be ~ new each insertion. ' in chanre *T 10 *er oent win k( m,4e on ».l»ertUem«n»* ordered to be in „rt.M nn » pmicular nag*. A I»»rti«men»« under the head of “Spe *''l be inserted for 18 cent# lline for the «rat Insertion, and >« cents ~! r (in* for each sU-seqnent Insertion i n< nneil at 20 cents per line tor the Ji, „ut 1 Seen'-per line for each subse niienr. l„«er'inrt. . ’ All eommnnicadooa or letters on business j n n>n tod f.-r -hi- offie.- -heuld be addressed t 0 •* T W S riIWS N JoPRNAL ” RAIL-ROAD GUIDE. Senlliweotrru Rn-lroad Pa«- M-iilier Trains. «'Jf HOLT, Pres. | VIRGIL POWER. Sup L>»t» Mi—nn..,, 8:0ft a. m irtiv* at F.nMus 4-58 PM Lmvn E'danln 7 45 A M. A ore At Was. 4:50 P M. (Inserting wi'h 4lhanv branch train • ' ft nhhri'ie, »nd with Furl G iiiPS branch t-ain It ft.l t. be t. rrrtri.A NIUITT ASI> ACCOMMODATI-*!* TRAINS Lf.vr .If.cnn 9't'ft p M. Arrive F!>tf««U lurftii a m L-,.r Eu' .'i'a ~ s:lft p. M. Arr »e at if .e n n 5:07 a. u fW.rct ft tSmitbvffle with \1 anvtr .inon, Tll-arly, ThlirsdaT and F-M'IT nijli'f. No -rain tear..* on S -iirdav nights. C-I.CMB9S PaSSFNOKK TRAINS L»are Vaes-i • 7:85 A M. Arri ’■ est ftolii">bits 1:2" p •«. L»«v; Onlimih.ia 12:8" P M Arrive at M >enn fi:"it p. M. C'Lrasos night p.u«rno u r train We Mn.nn 8:15 p. M. At ire «t Cnliinmha* 4:”8 ~ m L-'fe Columbus .. .8 05 P M. Arrive at Jficon 4:20 A. st. .it nr on and Brnn'wirk Passcn grr Train's. I OEO W HAZF.LHURST, President. £• are Ma->n 9:15 A M. A-irra' Bnin-wik 1":-»"P M. 1,n..e Rrtii.awiek 4*3" A* M. A rive at W 7:60 P. M. TRAINS TO Leave. M-tenn B;ftft p. m Arrive at H .wkin.ville P:3ft p M. Uv»n.wkln.v;||e 7:"ft A M- Arrive.! Miron 6:15 a. M. This train iuni daily, Sundars excepted. Western <lc Atlantic Railrnnd. Foster plodgett, Sup’t. NtdOT p.pSRVorR train '’•are Atlanta 7 Oft P M *r-:»r a* Oliaitanooga 3 SO 4 V Uv fthattannoen 7 sft P. V Arrive at Atlanta 4:14 A. M bAY PANSRNOF.R TRAIN Leave Atlanta 8 15 4 M. Arrive at fthattanooea 4.? ft P V leave fthattannno-a 7.lft 4. V Arrive at Aft-nta 8 17 P V JIIT.TON ACCOMPNRATI A N leave Atlanta 8.10 TANARUS» V Arrive at D Itnn...._ ’*. .11 85 P M. •rive Dalton 2 Oft A. K. Arrive »t Atlants .....11 Oft A M. yrctffirional ®arfiis. F F <ST\[\TONS. ATTORNEY at law, D.nj’so.v. 0.1. 1) Ovpt a .^ n ,j on gi»cn to nil business X "’trust ,and t„ hi, care . ■nefi 9;tf '■ 8 - »»TW, t c H oTL* wooten s hoyle, A ttornnvta, I . »■ ‘W»o.r, «.*. c - W. WAr w Att 7 at Law and Solicitor in Equity, SifITHVILLE, OA. ciri'' ", r * r n 'T' Western and Putsu lm,s’ Collections promptly remitted. K * J- WARREN, ATTORNEY at law, S? **!»JK BnLLE, - - - 0./' WcAFEE HOUSE, f 't Sniilivillp.» a. | l J' , “'(tnen having fitted np the Wc» is n#li /T ”" us ® *t s mith*ill., takes pleasure »hn* P t, , n * t * le tr»*ellinn public that the °''*® * a no » in the “full tide"of sno •Dsr. . *‘ ,m . ini »"-»'ion b* himself. H--ill Bor t[ ° to tfske it a First-Class on thp «rri*-«i ol the W. M. McAFEE. HOTEL CARD. ' To The Travelling I*ubUe. Marshall mouse, >af » % /.r.m n, f../, ’ fi r Bt—c’ahs Hofpl is situntpfl on Rronph • I t,,,n "tToor, nnd is convpnipnt to tho hu«inpss Pftrf. of t.ho oitv. O'nnihiHßpn and Wnffon* will alwav<i bp in a»tenHflncp nt thp v*rmu« J)pnotA «nd St.Pß»»>ho«t fiiindi r *srs, to con*p\ o»N«priflrpr« to thp Hotpl. Thp hp«t Livptv StHblp npoommodationa will be found adioininef thp hougp. Ti p nndppg'en«*d will npfther timp, I tpou»»le pxncngp to m:*l<p hin £np*t.4 com j fortuhlp, «nd re nder t.hi* Hou«p f in pvprv unh- R»Bnt?»il particular, equal, at least, to ant in thp R»at.p, THp ntp of Board ha? bpen reduced to $3 00 a day. A. VI. MTP, Proprietor. BROWN HOUSE' JE. E. BROWS A SOM, Fourth St., Opposite Passenger Depot •Macon, Georgia. rHI3 House having lately been refitted and repaired, and is now one of the best Hotels in 'h A State, and the most conve nient tn the citv. The taule is supplied wi.h everything the matke' aff..rd» teblK’nft Southern Hi |||||| MONTHLY MAGAZINE, Titro TMlttr* per Annum. 64 PAGES READING MATTER. 30 PAGES ADVERTISEMENTS WALKER, EVANS & COGSWELL D. WYATT“ AIKEN, CHARLESTOX, S. C Sale and Feed Stable. Wk pxpppt ro kepp on hand, all thespapon cl ins Horgp* and Vlulpg lor aalp. In our otirchaaps we look to whai nepdnd in this Mpcnmi, and frus* to merit a lih‘*ral patron ire from thow** who may need stuck. Call on U 4 beforp purchasing «c2l f FARNU.Vf & 50ARPE. OEMARZST & WOODRUFF, (Saeeessnrs to Tomi ins-n, Pkmat kst & Cos 628 and 630, Broadway, N. Y. MANUFACTURERS ok Carriages, Buggies, &c. Keptct.ilv ...j.»p ed to thr uthern Rojds. OUR rT.K'K COMPRISES LigUl VicloriiUs, riiatiftii'. (ab: tolas. Bockaways, And ell other style, of Fine Curriages, F.«. on>- slid 'Vi horses. TOP AND NO TOP BUGGIES, Ou Eliptic and Side Springs. COMORO BIGGIES, iluil Hacks awl Jcr-c} Wagons We are also sole U, of the WOODRUFF COf.COF.D BUGGY AND P nutation Wagon tor 1,2, 4 and 6 Horses. 7ne best Buggy and W gnn in America for the money. We have had an experience of thirty years in making work f..r the Southern States, tnd know exactly "hat is wanted to stand the roads. We invite all to -end lor Ci-eulars, an<l patties visiting New Y >rk we especially invi e to csll at our Waretoomt. We solicit the Hade of merchants and dealers. Illustrated Circulars, "i'h prlet-s, furnished by mail. A. T DEM t TfE.S r , N Y W. W. WOODRUFF. GA. syWf have also bought out Mr W A. Huff, of J/acon, Ga., where we expect to keep' a large stock. J“ ne 23 lj- BemoYfil I millinery. LATEST FALL STILES, T wish tn mv tft the nutnv ftionds nD<l A cus'nmere who have t*n liberally | ,Ht ' ro.liic.l me. that I have m-ve.l nn th. Ra ' side f Main Street, near Mr V 5 F. Orr's Store, anti am now receiving a large and most elegant stock of fall apd Winter Nl«> AND FANCY goods, nnd n-k that mv old cnstoniers and many n w ones may g ; v- me a call MY DAW-MAKIW6 befjibt mepct is gupetinten led »y myself, and hay ing competent and teltahe Indies to assist me, will guarantee satisfaction in ev .ry partienlar. Give roe a call • t "' ,N '” S ' or M. WILLIAMSOV. Oct. 6-ti uawson, ga., thurndai, December 22, is?o. JOY OF THE WORLD 1 AN ANTIDOTE DISC VK h Kit *T LAST Kelt CHILLS N) ; EVEI. r PHE cplohrntpd Holton Pill, mnnufuctnreo 1 hv Dr, TT.C Bailev, at 9eor- CJh, in undoubtedly bpat mpdicinp ypt diseovered for the cure of the diff-rent forms ol mshirious fever., such ss chid nnd fever, fev r and «gu«, Imermitient or hiltious re’ rnittem. fever., and all forms of disease hav ’tie 9 rn»l»*| nritrln Sold hg Dr J. ft Jane* Dawson, Gaand Deal « r* Generally Price One Oollar. if»rcb3l,-lv. HERB IS THE PUCE TO GKT YOUR MONEY BACK I IT A VINO just receive'! and reoeiv'.ng 11 our Fall and Winter St ck of Merchandise, consisting of FA MILY (J ROGER I ES, BAGGING AND TIE,-, DRY GOODS, Shoes, roo<h, hats AND CLOT H ING, W hich we ffer for the Cash, at pri ces that will compare with any House in South western Georgia. We ies pecifuily ;sknf purtustradingut D.iw son to call an i examine , ur gootltt and get nur pr ces uel re purchauing. , CfirVl & TUCKER. (JLt. 6 3iu. Mi £ .t'K r ’S CONSTITUTION RENOVATOR. OR BLO 0 r rLEAN ®E R. T his medicine is k-owp to the faculty as be* lug th» concentrated fluid ex-raet ot arilla united with o'her valuable medicinal herbs, and isgusrartppd as chemically pure. for thk: cdre cv «rroftala ;ii»<l €«V«iTT!PTIOT Tie* rerrie'G i. cntnronmlpd for pnrtfvieg and eleansing t-e blood ot all in firmitios, going at once to the fountain head of dote .00. It PX'it'Cidshpp TtT.lfOR3, onvcfjM PTIOV. S5 r PTTTLI3 SKIS* FRrPHfMK Sat't KTfFTTM, BOII.s. hRFTTW W isxOF VITALITY, SCROFULt We all know 'h 't the prom i trlines vaeci nieion indulg'd in during the | a tp W! ,r hree the rnos* villanous diseases. Vaccination no. wao t tkt-n frni,, tt.o r*'s of m ;ny per -ona full o! Pcrofiilotia porep. i heu of cm., o the iinpurifie: ...f the .ilmia pa-in nr were absorbed in l* p blood of men otherwise without rii.ea and both be • me infected pblte. ~,' n, women and ch 1 ben throng! OU' all the West are most, wofully diseased from this cause, and knew no* until a few month, ago. the nti-dr of it. Henry’s Constitution Renovator R lievcs the Bntire System ot Ptins and o hee, enlivens the spitits and sends new hto >d BOUNDING THROUGH F.YERY V£TN Ii" par's a -pni’lvMiig !»• iglitiie.a *o tt>«* Ey** 4 Rosy Glow it* lh«t she k. 4 Ifllhv t inse to |f|e Lips, 4 ( ji'iiriie*. t«t Ibe Head. I?fistillin'*, to tlie roinplexioii. Rnoyaitey to if»«i tSpii j.j, liitl Happitct; ca all s::;.v. For ali all clicns of the kindrys it it unsur passed. ■People have heon re.e'i'd, a« it were, from the vert jaws of death, by a timely use o' this great remedy. aulo ENTR-.xt, i FROM VARIOUS LETTERS. “Do wt« (.coinsted in the hcpi'.l R..f o re 1 httj no skin Until I h.d a °f vnttr “Pnns'itti'inn 7?t>no»a rot ” se" 1 me hv Dr R .[ter, of Columbia, Mo., I Buffered toMnrps wi h rnnni'-g .ores. Since I itsoff two bottle. I «m »U well except a sm.ll so e on the c.lf of my lef' leg, .rd I,•'at i» ve'tjng well fast.” This from a—“ A"d now mv skin ts »s clear snd n* fair as a h he’s. Mvenmplex ion, thanks to Tour ‘Renovator,’’ is beauti ful. “Yes, ves, 1 may well sav such relVf was unknown to me before. Enclosed find five dollars for six bottles; two families her wan' to trv it.” “I was vetv much troubled with svphilis. Four remedv seems to be curing me fast. Send 4 hot. 1 lea per “Nn more rheumatism. -Three bottles of Constitution Renovator have made me anew man ” “Doctor, enclosed find $5. Please send me a snnplv. Two families here want to tr your Constitution Renovator” We have not space for more of the above extracts, hut you esn ask rottr reiphbnr shell the remedv. Every one has something good to say, a» i' cme« pvorr time. For all DiSFASirs oy ths Kidneys Relciilioti of tlielTriis And for Female Pi«eaees, xfp. von* Prostration, Weakness, C-neral I. (« sitnde and Want of Appetite, it is unsur* passed ril’TlOY, —Tn nrderintr onr remedv nlwavs place the number of onr Po«t-o(fiee Box on rone let-era. The new law in onr New York Pos Offi -e compels this Addre-s, Or. Tl. F. Henry A Cos. Director-General R. rlir Hospital, Pru-sia. Agencv of the United S-a-es. Labratorv 27" P a-i B,ree , Post-Office Rox 5272 NFW YORK jy,tf>NSTI7UTIO\ RENOVATOR i- fl per hnt'le, si* bottles for ffl .->e"t Bnv«here on receipt, of ptice. Pa'ients «r» rcqnps'ed to correspond contiJ-n'istlv, and reply will be made bv followin'- mail. Sold bv all respectable Drucgiete. jr icon LIPPJI* S. «n!c Isenl. SAVANNAH, GA. TOWN PBOPtRTY Fop Sale T *m off’ ripe for sate that beautiful lot I fron'ine M i-O O Nelson, on which is eat li''le £7n’taste, and out houses, on *„"h term, e* "ill 1”* f-* sl ,n » nT on « jVov. 24 ts. -A-IRIOISr PIANOS* Wllftli? FoliD Slfll’LllVl^ Pntonl R«'Vitr»i*d Wooden <4gruff i> Bride > throughout, rktains he sweetne*. of the old WO"D It'idge. and obtains 'he .otiditv of the Mktal Agraffe, wi'hon' i's OBJKCTT NS Patent Compound W red Pin nk fwhielt holds the Tuning Pina, In six layers of Maple, ora in running differently, thi planr nkvfr spi.its. Palont Full troll Frame concen'ratea in front .>1 the Tuning Pina that heretofore I)\uaoino Iron («hi r h in tther Pianoa hurtfollv ai RRousns the Tunino and “hotts" into the front edge of tb. Plank and KKrscTDALLT resists the twenty tons strain Patent Diagonal SuMtainiug Bar part of thp Don Frame, next t n and pa-all wi'h thp steel .trings UNDER THE OVER STRUNG BASS. AFFIDWIT OF SUPERIOR ITY OVER ALL. The First stricHv Impartial Trial ever had. BV.(\HFiHI! TRIALS tGU\ T ►Steinway’s, Chickering’s, and other Piano':. Wr. thp undpr."i?np<) muke Oath tha* ** °f 'Hp ln«t Flip of tbp American In~ stitnle Hold In Y 'k. »mmpdi4»f lr fol- French Exposition, in Ptris. two Pianos ni»<h» hv Sleimvaif & Sons, one Pi • auo »»v Chickerivg cb Sons one Patent Avion Piano, nidfip br Q C Manner, »»nrl «pvpral other rnnkpr’s inßtr:imrnt*» wpri* tried ncainst ♦ a**b other, bv ord r »nd undrr rontioln* tho OfUcf»rß of thp Inßti»n»p, to dooide whirh Pi ii' on Pxhih|fion in competition sh*.n’d r.s<»i'ivi» thp F»r«t. Premium “#yg the best Square Piano knmm. n To obtain an imptr rjf 1 »**i il, twice all of paid Pin nop were cover* ed with papers, «o thp' ono Pin tin pould not be distinglished from another (during »hp absence *f »»u* Juffff«*B,) wnd twice did ’hcv »e Ipc» one of Pmo as the best, which, noon nnci'Vf»rine r , both times, proved »o b*> tA»o aw?rA Patent A l I()N Piano »wnrdi» e it. “ The hirst Premium ” "over all others for beinn the best Square Piano known to them v jThi* trial was after Ohickering <t Sons' Pi «Tir4 Imd reppivi-.I ion of Honor Medal, wild Steinway & Sons. »Ih* Medal from Kvoleon f dnd f ! J n iq. eof «nl4 trial were KDW A R O MOLLRVH AtTKR. Prof, of SUxh'c, Director and Originwifir of the Ne-v York and Ernoklyn ConecrTatoriep of CIT A RLFiS FRA DEL, the eminent and favor ite Composer, and Tianipt to hip Rntal High ?»e<H the Due Gustave of Sax Weimar, Ei«en aeh. KRF.PKRTPK R. BRANDIES. Profrwof Mnpir ; of tlie Rchcol of Bio, &c . kc. A. D. BKSEVaNN", Organist at Cathedral, Jersey City ; Pianist, Ac. JULIITfI FTTHARDT, ROBERT RIFOFR. Heart, Charles Soldwepel, Acorsv OurKWEBKRU R BERT f». C Vannfr, flnventor arr I Patentee of the Avion Piano Forte.) Sworn before me tMs 22-i dwv of July. 1 O O. TAVT.OR Commissioner of Deed k The Aftav Piano ia the cheapest, most CI7RABLF. LEAST COMPLICATED, requirea leap TnvTNfi TFfE nn pi.i.yo. for aMd'Vi'p, Pamphlet and Ci 4?«»~ i%r, and in what Paper you saw this ad- meet. rrWAGENTs wanted in every fttit. and Town where we have not slreadv appointed them. The .Arlnn Pltrno Wnrfe f’». IVarernom. mill Office, No. 554 IT r •*:> «l \v:t y, Tittiiiifacft'rv. IS7 A 189 Bow ery Hew York. FASHIONABLE RESAURANI, Bakery, Confectionery, TOY STORE Tl. FOLOVON. havins completed his * arrangement* for the Fall trade, takes this method «f informing the public that he has, and will constantly keppon hand, everv thing t» satisfy the appetite, and if vou have no appetite, cau fix you up something to give you one. THE RESTAURANT Will he supplied, and llv, with fresh Fi“h, Ovs ters, Old Vireini t Beef Steak, etc., and will fu niah to families, three times a week. Pork or Beef Sa»eage ol hi- onto make, /’.due Watters, good Cook*, who will prepare your meals in 'he latest a la mode without any ex tra charge for the sane, name. THE B&KERY in otp r by and we h r o peppared »n f'urnf'h evervthinjr hpcps- Mfv fa** Parties, Bills and Supper*, private or public. CONFECTIONERY. Ilia D'p,r nt, nt is “Urphed wi'h .11 kinds n< and Fanev Candies, from the best J/inufactorica, tet-ether with eterr thing usually kept in a First-class Confectionery establishment. THE TOYS have bpen s<l>i:'ed from one of the finest stocks in New Y irk, and the purchaser had an eye to the taat-s of a’l the little ones, and can furnish the bora with anything from a Wooden Pistol to s F,re A’ngtne ; and the little girls with anv thing rnm a Wax /toll to a comp’e’e om-fi, lor house keeping. I will take pleasure ffl waiting or custo mers, arid fiirnishfng them with anything I hsve or can get for the ‘ C S H,»» J. L. SOLOMAN, Oct. 12-ts. Tr tut Ice. Dawson Busins Directory, Dry Gnoils .Tlrrelisiut*. CTRM, A TI CKER. Dealer. In alt /'kinds ot Drv Goods and Groceries. Main Street. KFTWFR, .ff 4COB, Dealer in all kinds of Dry Good-, Main street. IOVU.4S A ORIFFH, Dealers -J iu Staple Dty Goods and Groceries, also and otiiiniasion .If "chants, A/tin Street, Mi KDITEY a CROC «: 11. Dealer* io tin Goods, (fitching. Staple Goods and F mtily Groceries, -Vtin streat. OK It. 4V. F. D-aler In Fanev and s'a oh- Drv Goods, Mam st., under ‘‘Jour nal" Priming Office. Grocery vicri liiiiil* ffiTOY, J. A.., Warehouse and L fftnimis-imr Merebattf, and Deale: In Bt‘ con, Floor, Meal Hnd Provisions generally, at 'harpe & 3i owii’s old stand, M tin at. '*«l 4H PE A VO. D alera in Dry Goods, Groceries, ant Platt ation Supplies. Cl It ERR ASI VI VIOVS, Grocer, T and Provision Dealets, South side Pub l'C Square. HOOD, B. 11., Dealer in Groceries anti Fatntlv suopl cs generally, 2nd door to Journal” Office, Main si. DriigiiiNts. ( •IIV'ATII 4 *l, C. A., Druggist snd v_y Physician. Keeps a good supply ot Drags and dedicines. and prescribes tor all tlie ill; that fl -h is heir to. Al his old stand, the Red Dtug Store, Main st. J,441>, It It. J. It., Dealer in D ties, M’ dicities, Oils, Paints, Dye .-tuffs, Gulden Seed, &e , 4c. BAULKY. Tie SO 1.0 YIOV. Biker, Confec • tioner, and dealer in F niily Groceriea Ft - h and O «ter«, t/iiu Street, next to J. W Roberts & Cos. I*ll » BICIANS. HOH4ETT W. Iff. Practicing Phy sician, and Surgeon. Office at Cheat ham*. Dt tig S'ore. DU. .1 4 H ITS. Iff. PRICE, thankful lor paai patronage bv dose attention and moderate charget hone to re* reive a contiimatice of the situe. o(fi '*■, Dr. Gilpin’s old stand. jan 13, ts. ffVafeli Repairer. VI.f.EU, JOII4 P., will --pair Wa cht s, ftlock., Jewelry, J/tt-ic Books, Acco d'ti a. &c . always to he found at his o,d sta ri. Oil North side of /’ublic Square I.i4 r ery Sluftlea. 17AB1HIM, A BIMRPE. Sale a and F—d Stable. nirtt J/'il . for sale. Horses hoarded. North side Pub lic Square. - ‘ * PUIBCF, 18. G. & J. K., Sale, Feed and Liverv Stable, D. pot S re-t. Good and vehicles for hire on reason able terms. April 14, ly. BAR ROOTI. P4T 4Y4RI). Dealer in Fine Wines, Brandies Whiskies, L-tger Beer, &c , West side public Square, Main street. r> A AV SON CARRIAGE FACTORY THCS. J. HART, Pr., AND MANUFACTURER OF OF £ F£« l' nr.SCIIMTiO.Y. Pattern a adjusted to mit the mo»t improved Slplee. We keep on hand Northern and Eastern wmk which we will sell at lowest cash prices. Jan- 2", ly. BURTON 4 STOCKTON, UNITED STATES HOTEL, LOUISVILLE, KY., nxs JUST BKKX UKFITTED. Centrally located. •ag r.vts n'.t.rrrn To Nell Onr f Clchr.t led raiiFarara. Acknowl* dgrr'd hv nil who Hhvp ue**d them to b<* thp best Pen mud** or sold in this country. No blotting! No soiled fingor* ! Sixt\ lin*i» wrirtpn w : th one pen of ink ! Will out wear any steel pen e*er n>«de Bankers, mer chants, teachers *nd all classes endn*«e them In the highest terms .of praise. Put, up in neat slide cents ; five boxes, SI.OO. Sent free of fßge, and guaranteed to fire perfect- flatisfac* tion Lihoral Commission to Agents! RV preps,en to give an-. «-n g»ti« per.,, 1 'ftking the agency of these Pens, a commi t oil which will pay Jill" per month. Three sample Pens will be mailed lor 10 cents. Anrrftvss. PCPtfoftTNO ro. FiMibgrgt Pa. Card from General Gordon In nty capacity as Vice-President the State of Georgia, of the Lee Mon ument Association, I respectfully in vite the active assistance of the gen tlemen named below. It is earnestly desired that they proceed at once to select proper persons to collect funds in various localities in their respective Districts, that all who desire to con tribute may have the opportunity to do so. The contributions are designed to erect a monument to General Leo at .Richmond, as directed by the recent soldier’s convention, as well as to pre pare a sarcophagus at Lexington, Va. The amounts collected can be for warded to tlie Atlanta National iiauk, at Atlanta, winch will acknowledge receipt of same. I would be glad to have luruished me at the same time, a list of the contributors. General A it Lawton, Savannah, Ga., lor the District of Chatham, Et liugham. Dry an, Bullock. Eiuauuel, Montgomery, Tatnaii and Liberty counties. Colonel Barcaloo and Major Blaine, for the District of ‘-lyim, Wayue, Pearce, Appiing and Camden couu ties. Captain Kobort Troupe, for the county of Mclntosh. Colonel Jouu L. Harris, of Waynes boro, Ga., lor the District of Wares boro, Coffee, Telfair, lrwiu aud Ber rien counties. Coiouel Atkinson, formerly of the ’’H-th Georgia .'egiment, for the Dis trict of Ciiarleton, Clyuoli, Eciiols aud Lowndes counties. Colonel Young of Tliomasville, for the District of Thomas, Brooks, Col quitt and Worth counties. General A. 11. Colquitt for the District of Baker, Douguterty, Mitch ell, Decatur, Miller, Calhoun and Ter rell counties. Col. Turuipseed, of Fort Gaines, Ga., for the District of Clay, tiaudolpu and Quitmau couuties. Colonel Jack Brown, of Amcricus, Ga., for the District of Sumter, Web ster, Schley, Dooly aud Wilcox couu ties. General Henry L. Benningf-r the District ol Muscoggee, Chuttahooclne Steward, Marion, Tayior aud Harris counties. General Phil Cook, for the District of Macon, Houston, Pulaski aud Laurens counties. Colonel Wihiam B Jones, of La- Grange, Ga., lor the District of Troup, Heard, Coweta and Carroll counties. Colonel P. W. Alexander, of ITioui aston, Ga., for the District of Upson, Meriwether and Pike Couuties. General William M.' Browne, of Macon, for the District of Bibb, Craw ford, Monroe, Jones aud Baldwin counties. Colonel Lucius Lamar, of Macon, for the District of Twiggs, Wilkinsun, Johnson and Washington counties. General A. K. Wright, of Augusta, for the District of 1 iohmoud, Burke, Jeii'orson, Glasscock, Warreu aud Columbia counties. G neral D. M. i 'uh sc, of Washing ton, Ga , lor the District of Wilkes, Taliaferro, Oglethorpe, Elbert and Lincoln counties. Major Lamar Cobb, of Athens, Ga., for the District of Clarke, Walton, Jackson, > a lison, Bur-e, Franklin and Hart counties. Colonel it. B. Nesbitt, of Eatonton, for the District of Putnam, Hancock, Green, Morgan aud Jasper counties. Gen. obert Henderson, of Coving ington Ga., lor the l >istrict of Newton Butts and Henry counties. Colonel Stewart, of Griißn, Ga., for tlie District of Spaldwin, Fayette aud Clayton counties. General C. A. Evans, of Atlanta, Ga., for the District oi Fulton and Campbell counties. Colonel t.. A. AJlston, for the Dis trict of DeKalb, Gwinnett aud Hall counties C’ulouel J. R. Towers, of Homo, Ga. for the District of Floyd, Pope, Har alson and Chattooga counties. General Win. Philips, of W arietta, Ga., for the District of Cobb and Paulding counties. Colonel George Lester, of Marietta, Ga . for the District of Milton, Forsyth and Dawson couuties. General P. M. B. Young, of Car torsville, G t., for the District of Bir tow, Gordon, Pickens, Cuorokee and Gilme counties. Col. Lutfman, of Spring Place, Gt., for tiie District of Murray, Whitfield and Catoosa counties. Major W. Welsh, of Elijay, Ga., for tlie District of Fannin and Union counties. Col. J. Cooper Nesblt, of Dade county, for tlie District of Dado and Walker counties. Capt James P. Phillips, of Clarks ville, Ga., for the District of Haber sham, Ban-s, Franklin, Rabun and Towns counties. Judge George D, Wright, of Dah lonega, for the District of Lumpkin and White counties. A lawyer built him an office in the form of a hexagon, or the sit squar.ethe novelty of the structure at tracted the attention of some Irish men who were passing by. They made a full stop, aud viewed tlie building very critically. The lawyer disgusted at their curiosity, raised the window, and putting his head out,ad dressed them: “What do you stand there for, like a pack of blockheads.gazing at my office; do you take it for a church.” “Faix,” said one of them, “I was thinking so, till 1 saw the davil poke his head out of the windy." VOL. 45 Tlie Uumbler'M F.ite. Among the innumerable anecdotes related of the ruin of persons, at play, there is one worth relating, which re fers to a Mr. Porter, an English gen tleman, who, in the reign of Queen Anne, possessed one of the best es tates in Northumberland, the whole of which he lost at hazard in twelve nights. According to tho story of this mad man—for we call him nothing else— l when he had just completed tho loss of his last acre at a gambling house in London, and was proceeding down stairs to throw himself into his car riage to be carried to his house in town, he resolved to have one thro w more to try to revive his loss, and lin mediately returned to the room whore tho play was going on'. Nerved for the worst that might happen, he insisted that the person whom he had been playing with should give him one chance of recov ery, or tight with him His proposi tion was this: That his carriage and horses, the trinkets and loose money in his pockets, his town house, placo ands rniture—in short, all lie had left in the world except the clothes on his back, should be valued in a lump at a certain price, and be thrown for at a single dash. No persuasion could prevail on him to depart from his purpose. He threw and lost, then conducting the winner to tlie door, he told his coachman that there was his master, and marched fortu in to the dark and dismal streets without a house or home, or any other credi table means of support. Thus beggared, lie retired to an ob scure lodging in a cheap part of tho town subsisting partly ou charity, sometimes acting as a marker at a billiard table, and occasionally as a helper at a livery stable. In this mis erable condition, aud with nakedness and famine staring him in the face, exposed to tlie taunts and insults of those whom he ouce supported, he was recognized by an old ii-iond, who gave him ten guineas to purchase nec essarios. He expended live in pur chasing decent apparel. With the re maining live he repaired to a common gambling house, ami increased tiiem to hity. He then aJjuurned to oue of the higher order of iiouses, sat down with lorrner associates, aud won twenty thousand pounds. Returning the next night, he lost it all, was o'ice moie penniless, ami af ter subsisting many years in abject penury, died a beggar at a, penny lodging house in St. Giles. I>t l «i* Help (me Another. This little sentence should be writ ten ou every, heart bt impel on ev. ry memory. It should be tlie gOideu ru.e practiced nut only m every nouseaoid but ail tlirougu tne world. By help ing one anotuer we not only remove ttiorns from the pathway, aud anxiety from the mind, but we feel a sense of pleasure in our hearts, knowing we are doing a duty to a tellow creature. A helping hand or enct uraging word is nothing to us, yet it is a boug ht to others. Wno has not felt tho power of a little sentence ? Who has not needed the encouragement and aid of a kind friend '!' How sootumg whin perplexed with some tasK that is mysterious aud burdensome, to ieel a goutle hand on tlie shoulder and to hear a kind voice whispering: “Do not feel discouraged at your troubles, let me help you.” Wnat strength is inspired, wnat hope created, wnat sweet gratitude is lelt, and tue great dillicuky dissolved as dew beneath the sunshine. Yes, let us help oue another, by endeavoring to strengthen and encourage the weak and iiiU. g the burden of care from the wuai/ and oppressed that life may glide smoothly on and the fount of bitter-* ness yield sweet waters; and He whose willing hand is ready to aid ns will reward our humble endeavors aud every good deed will be as “bread cast upon tlie waters to return alter' many days,” it not to those wo love. Can a 4Yoiil:t:i k«‘«;p a Secret 1 The Nineteeth Century, a periodi cal published in Onarieston, thus treats this uu-mooted point: "Men say women can’t keep a se cret. It’s just the reverse—women can. men can t. Women carry with them | secrets that would kill any man. Women never tells, men always does. Women sailers and dies, man blabs and lives. | Man cannot keep u secret; woman can ' not make it known. What is sport Ito man is death to woman. Adam ] was a sneak. Eve would have kept the apple a secret. Be ye faithful Whoever heard a woman talk about | her lover s fiascos ? Every body has 1 heard a woman gossip. Man delights in telling of his illicit conquests; wo ; man would cut her tongue out first— Men are coarse in their club room tu.k; women refined in their parlor conversation. Who ever heard of a woman telling of her lovers:? Who nas not listened to the dissipation of men? Men boast, women don’t. Women never tell tales out of school; men am always blabbing. Bo down with another old adage. Women can keep a secret, aud hei ability to do so is proved by the conduct of m St. John (New Biun.-wiek) girl who did not tell her lover she was worth four millions in her own right until after her mar riage." A I almouth Kentuckian reports io tW Cincinnati Gazette that he had seen a fiery serpent in the heavens, and that it “lay like a great boa eou&tiictor acorn the sky.” This is unusal. The general run of Kentuck ians who take Cincinnati whisky I see snakes in their boots.