Newspaper Page Text
2 men JUgBNAL'
8. R. WJ roi.
W. I. COMBS, Associate Editor.
».# irso.», u .1 .,
Thursday, tturmber 83 I*7o.
Beatliny matter on ereri/ pa
Three election mnnagors wero ar
rested and imprisoned nt Sparta on
Tuesday for receiving illegal votes.
Inr Li, kct ion. —Two days of voting
have p sso 1, and weareploased to say
that the te-st of order has been pro
eeived and that tho prospect is {rood
for a Democratic) majority of two hun
dred in Terr*!! Let each man put
his shoulder to the wheel to day; re
collect that you have but one dav to
work. Bee to it that no foul play be
practised by either side Work in
BUeh a m inner as to enable each and
every lover of his country to 6ay I
have done my dvhj.
Ekom Washington —Congress, like
tho recent Legislature of Georgia
is very busy doing nothing We have
heard the body compared to a young
crow—“all gab and g—s, though
those who read the proceedings can
judge lor themselves The“truly loil’’
having defeated a ineas’ire of Mr.
McCivry, of Kentucky for tho transfer
of the Arlington estate to the widow
of Gen. Ix‘e, the rightful owner>
arc trying to defeat the Amnesty bill
If this is done, we expect to see intro
duced a bill by Butler for the execu
tion of every Southern man who even
murmurs at the loss of his spoons and
other valuables. To quarrel over am
nesty, the annexation! of .San Domingo,
and the tariff on sugar, is all they pro
pose to do at present.
Ho ! for Christmas —With this is
sue we bid our readers adieu for the
present year, in order that we may
have a short respite from toil, and be
the better prepared to serve our pat
rons during the incoming year We
are thankful to the public for the
manner in which wo have been sus
tained in the past and have tried
earnestly to contribute what wo could
to the public good In sending out
this, our last issue for tho vear, we
send to all a happy greeting; and
when we begin the labors of another
year may we chronicle peace ainoug
the races, a determination upon tho
part of all to pull together for the up
building of shattered fortunes, and tue
advancement of our condition, social
ly, politically and morally; and ero
another twelve month rolls around,
may the result be a good government
administered by good oilicers, and
may tho empty cribs and sue k hou.-es
that now dock onr oneo prosperous
land again groan under the weight
of plenty-
It sail ill Macon.
The quiet of Macon was disturbed
on Tuesday, the hist day of the elec
tion, by a squad of negroes trying to
rescue front the police a prisoner who
had been arrested for illegal voting.—
Without ever thinkining that the
Cour! would he tho judge of guilt or
the extent of tho same, they followed
tho oliiceis in whose charge the priso
ner was, for some distanoe, when they
came up with a wagon loaded with !
small green poles, and armed them- ,
selves, while others seized rocks,
bricks, etc., and assailed the police.-
In vain were their orders to stanu back
utterred, until seeing they would be
overpowered if they did not resist,
two shots were fired at the crowd both
taking etlect. The excitement contin
ued to increase, until Mayor Huff, with
a few other citizens aDd a squad of U. |
8. soldiers, arrived on tho ground and
quiet was restored.
The Foueiu.n War.— Telegrams con
tinue to contradict themselves in re- ■
ga rd to the foreign situation ; conso- I
quently, we do not attempt to keep !
our readers posted in regard thereto
Tho iollowing is the latest news :
Paris, Dec 17 —Official advices re
ceived state that the city is calm aud
tho people confident They have food
lor a long time, and the army and
people eager for a fight The Gov
ernment had dispatches from Gam
betta to tho 12th
Berlin, December nO —The Creuz
Gazette reiterates that tue duficuitie*
in the way of transporting material
and heavy guns, win soon he over
come, and that further action regard
ing the bombardment will be guided
altogether by military considerations
A dispatch from Paris says a month
wi'l expire before a bombardment is
possible The Gorman gums belore
I‘aii. are woi tide:s for such purpose,
while Versailles itself is nearly wiUtiu
range ot tho French guns
A Berlin special 6ays the confer
ence representatives of tho neutral
jicwers have agreed upon the io.low
iug peace basis : First, aoquiesd®ei in
tbe annexation ot Luxemburg Sec
ond, recognition of the German Em
pire. Thud, indemnity from France
to Germany, amounting to i,20U,000
Italics—razing two fortresses ou the
German frontier, aud the cession of a
portion of Alsace
Got cut of that counting room, and
go to the poiU; Georgia is calling
G ti-i I icclion lews
The following Washington telegram
copied from the Tcleyraph Jj- Messenger
show the result of the election tho
first day in various portions of the
Washington, December 20.—Tho
< W.tieu is progressing in Georgia for
members oi Congress and Legislature
and i ounty officers. Tbe returns are
meugre and unsatisfactory, but it is
believed that the Democrats will car
ry the State. The following has been
Auoista.—Two thousand votes
polled. Democrats ahead. Republi
cans divided. All quiet.
Savannah. —No disturbance Brad
ley, the colored independent candidate
for Congress, is receiving a laige por
tion o' the colored vote at the regular
precinct. Other election preciuts were
opened in the eastern portion of tho
city by the epublicuns.
Ciov. Bullock’s managers, have pro
tested against the proceeding as ille
gal. Several negroes wete arrested
for voting more than once. No viol
ence or intimidation.
Columbus, December 20—Eleven
hundred votes polled. The majority
voting were nt groea Democrats
ahead. All quiet.
Atlanta, December 20. - Election
quiet. iSix i.epuhlicans arrested for
iilegal voting. Many negroes brought
to the city from Chattanooga and
other places. Nothing definite as to
the result.
Rome, December 20.—Doinocrats
over two to one ahead. Negroes ar
rested for illegal voting. All quiet.
Union Point, December 20.—Noth
ing definite front Greensboro and
W hite Plains.
Montezuma, December 20. Repub
licans supposed to be ahead.
Cutubekt. — ■ cpubiicans seven hun
dred adcad. Nearly all the biucks
Fort Gains.—Republicans ahead
tJ-dity, but the Democrats will be ut
the close, as they urw reserving then
stiength lor to-morrow.
Comnuton. Eight hundred votes
polled. Result not known
Port Valley —, cpubiicans ahead
to-day V cry lew t\ bites voting
A Tardy Judge Fine Him It
has been gravely suggested, tuat in
view of tho fact that under the order
oi His Honor, Judge Harrell, at least
one hundred juru*«, witnesses, and
other attendants of tho Superior
Court, have been forced to leave their
homes and visit tho county seat lor
several days su'-ceosively, to no pur
pose, in consequence oi tho absence of
said J iidgo, that a hue of 81,000 be
imposed upon him
“What is sauce for the goose, is
sauce lor the gander ” Aud surely
our martinet judge who is so prompt
to maku witnesses, sick or well, toe
the mark, to toe luue of §29 each if
they tail, ami who lams tue Sherri! at
will, and gives ,g nger to delauitiug
road commissi ,flers aud tci in hi. ng
bailiffs, ought to be Willing to take
buine ot his own physio
W e hope theiviore this fine which
is the un uniinous verdict o. the p o
plo, wni be promptly paid by His
Hanoi; ami that the proceeds be de
voted to an egg nog of such gigantic
proportions at Christinas, that every
poor dovii who is in limbo, or is sued,
or lias been Rued, every briefless law
yer, every guano victim, every thirsty
printer, every poor unlortunate in the
land, may imbibe and grow happy
Thus shail we have a graud illus
tration of thu equilibrium aud com
pensation theories, so oiten talked of
in tho worlds economy
Lot justice be put to tho lino and
plummet, and begin at home
Ia justice to Julge Harrell, we
state that the cause of his detention or
failure to be iu Cuthbert to open his
Court accordi g to adjournment, was
| the aetiou of a criminal Jury in Quit
main county, the case having been sub
in.tted to tuem on Saturd iy, and tiieir
verdict rendered ou the Wednesday
following Tiiis is, so lar as we know,
the first time that Judg* Harrell has
failed to upon Court accor ling to ap
pointment, aild we think that if the
reason lial been kn -wn, the above ar
ticle would not have app meed ia the
| columns of the Catabert Appeal Uf
licial duties detained him, and the
man—be he Judge or Constable, be
he high or low m olfice.who does his
duty, shou.d be sustained by the peo
i pie aud the press. Enquire into
i causes, lire Jones, before yon prefer
charges against any one
P 8 —ls an egg nog is what you
are after, Col, why dont you say so 'l
The Surrender at Montuomkry
The tempest in a tea pot at Montgom
ery has subsided—Smith and Bigham
have surrendered at discretion, aud
the Democratic party lias not been
disgraced bv accepting the proposition
ol certain weakkiiotsl tine -servers, to
make Smith United States senator on
condition that he would surrender an
olKce from which ho had linen ejected
by the people, and to which he had
no more churns than Cuarios Archie
Johnson, tue ono-leggo newspaper
voudei of stentorian lungs. Iu short,
10 use a pobular, but by no means
cla.-sic expression. “ All is lovely and
the g>>o*e hangs high.” e have never
had a douotof the Jbuile of this auda
cious farce. Mr.Smith and his 1 gal
conspirators will go hence from the
tribunal of impartial justice “without
a day,’ and will have ample opportu—
| urtics to enjoy the public contempt aud
| scorn over their abortive conspiracy.
! Aud now, how about that illegal Sen
ate, that does not represent any con
stituency among the people? Shall it
be reformed on the bases of public
opinion, or will it, too, "come down
i like the coon to Capt. Scott,” and obey
the voice ol the sovereign people of
Alabama. Ktdorw is the word, and
ft non the kniie is used lor political re
ionu it Humid cut deep, and clean to
| tke loots ol all political tumors.
Th- If- A A. K H.
The reader interested in the prosper
ity aud rapid building of this great
enterprise will be as Riueh graulied
as we are ouiselves upon the an
nouncement that H 1. Kimball, Esq,
the live man of'Georgia, is now sole
contractor, ho having bought out the
interest of the late contractors, J. E.
Con ant \ Cos. Mr. Kimballs well
known abi'itics, as a driving and
pushing uiun, gives us new hopes
that the road will bo constiucted and
completed as rapidly as men and money
can accomplish it. His clever paymas
ter ,Capt. Geo. L. Cook, will com
mence paying off the accumulated in
debtedness oi the late contractors, on
to-morrow, aud will continue us per
If Mr. Kimball accomplishes this
great object as rapidly as lie did his
bugo enterprise at Atlanta, he will es
tablish a reputation that will have no
bounds in the great commonwealth
It is an object worthy tho undivided
attention and enorgy of oven U. I.
Kimball. —Seaport -Appeal, 9 th.
r yy —
The Amnesty Question —The Balti
more B tin correspondent at Washing
ton gives the following as the proba
ble result of tho amnesty movement
in (longr* ss;
The only thing of special interest
in Congress to (lay was the considera
tion by the House ot the amnesty
question No vote was reached on
the pending bill, but two fa ts were
quite evident—that a universal umnes
measure cannot be passed, nor can
the- one under discussion go through
without material amendnent. Its effect
was decribed by Mr. Buck, of Ken
tucky, in an elaborate speech against
it, as calculated to impose additional
pains and penalities, beside making
nine clusses of exceptions. The
democrats commented several times oil
.he second section, which proposed to
invade the rights of all private parties
who had pemlimg suits, by legis
lating for their transfer to United
Status courts It appears to be the
impression that a hill wi 1 pass except
ing from amnesty ult persons who
left the army or navy or civil service
of the United iStates to join the rebel
A Bad Record for the Present Con
gress.—According to a writer in New
York Tribune , the present Congress is
not likely to go down to history with
a commendable reputation for good
morals. Two of its members have
koo3 expelled for selling cadetships,
one resigned to escape expulsion, three
or four others got off only by tho Laid
swearing of their accomplices, one
has convicted himself of attempting
to procure counterfeit money to pass
among the pour colored people, one is
charged witli cheating soldiers widows
out of their pensions, and now tho in
diement qf another for bigamy is re
JT*' HMifn*: tiV't ■ 4 ~ ;
PWUUHI ii i»i m mu ui ji
JFSCAIFE, A.B, Lessee & Prin.
'|Tl- i H tUtioil Will II Upe ed Oil V 1 ll, it ,
X ihe 9t’> Jmu try, 1871 3 i g ,-..;it do <1
'lni tLc ties way for pi nuts t j idg •. « r
reo Iv of (he ineiis ol a Soho.) i- to w. , *■«
its daily exerc'-i s, th ' P' iticipt! na < so &r
ranged las <h ml mom dial visiro s it,
drop in nt any liar* and sec die school u.v it
is. 11. n vile- nil who arc imere-icd i e.i
u-ahon to vi-i hi- school and obstuve tin
peradons oi his new .-vs era
Rarit- pkr muartkr.
lm Cla«>, - $ r.-»o
ltd “ - - - HUGO
SI *' - - 13 50
Pi men's, one halt at the bogi niug, ami
tue h in - the middle of the term,
dec. 33- 1 m.
In itaaik upicy.
In TH* Disirict Doubt i k the United
In me m it'er of
V* M. .M PEKPLES, Bankrupt Southern Dis
trict o; G rgi., -ii
VWAKKASr in Ba'kruprcT has been
in Ibv sod ourt, ,g iiiu' the t
oi W 1 ara d/P e; 1 -, of h. «o n y of T -
red. tun! t-ie Sme of Gei,r K i , - ,i ,iig
I'ict, who ban been dol adjudged B.r.k'up
o,' petiiiou 'I hi- Cr> diiom, and me pay
n.em O' any debts and the dt livery ol uy
piopoi y belnCgi' s to 8 id bnlikiupl tn him
or I. r hn. u.-e, and R'e >rai. fer ol any pop
er'v b> him are fmbidden by law' A ineei
mg <>l ihe creid om ol ih- said Bankri.p 'o
prov, ht ii deb sand 10 chouse one or nmr (
a--ignee- oi his estne, will be held at „
Com oi Bfnkriip cv, to be holds nat SaNsn.
an in -m i Din riel, i n Hie 111 h dav -of Jan
U i>, A. D , 1871, m 111 o’el ck a.m ,at ih e
office Fla Hraneaina, E quin, (cor
uer nl U y n and Dayton stree s.) one o
the B- gis ers in Bntikrup'cv Im snnl Bisirici
dee. 22 2w. U S Mar-ball lor Said Disiric,
Watches, Jewelry, Silverware,
Fancy t.oiMls. « ulirrj. Musical
liibtrum< uis, Ac.
PirnrnUr nv i«n given to R-ptirs on fin«
an i D tfi ult WatoiiP'* *J »w**lrv Reuiir i.
Cos ii- r &■ J Second S re.-rs .)f •
i ou, (ie >r*u. dec22-Biu*
Window Shades, Wall Paper, i/aitre-ees,
Eva hers, tu., Ac., Ac.
in Walnut and Mahf*geuv.
Llitre iSTiock of B*-d room Suites, Walnn%
aud Kii imeled, tor stle,
1000 J/ipl B
2‘»o \V r 4li.u« B d$ cad-*, -all pii. ee.
l'K, o zen Spli ->♦' h i Chairs.
6o tioz u Cine S* at 1 hairs, all prices.
60 and atxU R iilan Ci-air*, ail prices.
Tapeatiy, Bui -e's, Thru- P j and I-g ain.
Oil cf.ib-, J/il inj; , Rug* aud Mhs, j jji re.
-.livid, aud 111) Hale It w
Niit dair to Lanier Uouae,
dec. 22, s m. Maiup,G i,
A I’ROi b\ HAliUi.
Governor of Said State.
Whereas. Information h•• been e
ce’w. and nt ihiw l). purr merit tha r h nni'd»*r whs
CO'-• rni r 1* and in fbo county of NiWton on tbe
A h d«v ot July, 18H7, Ufnvn bod? of
.) inu 4 n K. L»*«fpr % b? or»»* o«*or>je Prcßnell,
that Presn#!! ha ß fl -J from justice :
Where**, Thv» Bhe» fT of su’d county of
.Vi wum c* rrifi- n to rn*- that has mad • eve
tv p «-<*iblp ff >rt in liiu pow**r to
•i C 8 ui but. without avail ; atui
ti at *ii* rff r intros a puitahle r**w «rd ia e»w
acniial as a -Hns of nuking certain ihe ar
rest of Hiid Prcsi.»*H :
iherrforp, I h%v« thoufht proper to
i'hsii** thismv pvocl • maimo, herein off**, nifi; a
reward of ONE 7’HOUd DOLLaliiS tor
tio* apprchriiaioii and rlrlivery ot the said
Frt«on«‘ll with ♦*vid« j nce H.ffcicnt to convict,
to i|,«* Shoiiif of suid county and State, in
o dt*r thu may bp brought to tnal for ihe
offeiw»- with which hr stands chirped,
ftiveii under mv Hand arid tin* G pit Sfal of
tip S'aip, at the Capitol in Alia la, this
finppnth dav of Decembpr, in th« ypar of
ou' Lord Eiv r ht*pn Hundrrd ai.d Seven y.
and of the ludpperidpnce of »t)« United
Scales ol the Ninptv-fifth.
By 'hh (Inveriiiir:
David G Corn a, Secretary of Stute.
dec 23. 4W.
EXEi unv ; ii&'PAurdjFN’ r i
S' AI A’OF gmirgu, [
A'lants, Ga , D'd inner blh, 1870. )
ORDERED : Thar. Hon. S, P Myrich, of
the C' Hnii oi Baldwin, be, mid he is I e ehv
Cn linued in office as a Trustee of he Luna>
'ic Aavlum fie a second if 'ii, until (h- 1 h' -l
M ndav in De. ember, 1872, or until bjeh
time Iherexlte' as his -ucces-or any be duly
apienn ed aud qait and and ; and
Th it 11 mi. E i iranii I'weedr, of 'he coun
ty ol Richmond: and Hun, Wra Phillips, of
he county o' Gobb, b-, and they are hereby
appointed Tin lees ol she Leinaric A yinin
un'il ihe fir-i -Vmdar in December, 1572. or
until such tune 'harealter -s iheir successors
01H'. be kijiy appointed and qillifiod.
Given under itiv ilaiul and the s al of the
Axeetuive Depai uiieilt, at liie Capitol, u
A 1 ■ 'a, the day and year tirs: anove
By the Governor :
11. U arson
s e e uiy Executive Department,
doc. 22, 4w.
Pursuant to a reoommendatltm of the Grand .fu
ry the srverri /u»Tic<*H of the Peace of Tcrrcil
count y are hereby notified tornnke a utateinent in
wriimir of the money revet wi by them for
ami tlie dipponion th;d h ia been made of Paid
money. Aud also, the Koad Comminsiom rs are
no-irted to m. ke their r jiort«, in writing-, by t ie
adjourned t**rm of the Superior f ourt,
l>ec. U-xl. Tto OSES, Ord.
VT my ne-i NL'V S-ORA', on the North
suit' ol ihe Riiili'iud, vim wii fi and a
• ii r I S ock of Jli/cli'iidige, at such prices
ut will nsi.ini '!i itic iniuves. My i’eockcon
isis ui, part A
LIU - o k)u 'JLSj
and oilier articles needvd in the family ami
m ills Piaiitaiiou.
Vve2pc.isj3 being light, I can afford to
.< 11 goods on
Soliort I’rofit.
the better pUn would be for all to eome
mil ice tor Uieui.ielvej.
seiil 22 3m
GEORCi i :
Governor of said State.
Whpreas, There i- now p tiding : n the Su
perior Court, of VO Cos an tv of D'Ughetly, a
B'il of Imlictnieaf ch i-t*ing one 7'lm-.Ad
ams '.villi the crime ol murder, all. ged 10
have baen eommined upon the body of Jn
-eph Daucao, in siirl outturn of Donuhertv,
on or aboil' the 24’ Ii dav of XoVcmber, tßt:ii;
and it having been reported to this Xienart
tn nt that ihe said Adams ha- fl and from jo-,
t It*'* :
Sow, therolore, I liiV> thought proper to
issu ■ this ruv prn?iam iti »i, harebv offering
l reward ol OVE fHOUdAND D'.iLIAM
tor i!:e apprehension and deliverv ol tin
said Thomas Adams, wi h evidence sußb lent
to convict, in the She iff of stud county ol
Donghert.v, in o-der that lie may be tirnngh
o trial for the crime wi'b which he stands
Given under mv hand and the Great Seal of
th,- S s'e, a 'he Uap'iol, in A linti, ttii
fifth day of jD'cemher, in the v-ar of ou>
X'i'd, Eighteen Hundred ahd S ven'y, and
of 'h 1 dependence of the UnitFd Sutes
ot Ameiica theNinetv finh.
B. sh" Governor:
David <4 Ootting, Secretary of State.
De. 8 4w
Governor of said State.
Wher-ss, Inform no - has been received at
t*'i- /iepartmen' ihii a murder was cnmmii
led 111 the ctiun'T Os Lee, in or -Wnui tin
month of alpiil, IB , ’it, upon the b >dv of
Charles Kevin Ids, bi one Gewrge Elli- and
tha' the said Ell'S has fl and Ir on justice :
Naw. therefore, I hive thought proper U
issue this, mv proclamation, hereby ■ ff. ring
for ihe apprehension and delivery of the sain
G.'O Edis, with evidence sufficient to con
vici, in the Sher ff of Said county and S a'-,
in mder ihat he may he bronghr to tnal f.
the offense with which he Rtandw charged.
Given under mv hand and the great seal n
the S'ate, at ihe Capitol in Atlanta, thi
fifth dav of December in tl , ve p p
our L rd. A'ighieen Hund ed and Sev. ni'.
and of the ludepeudeace of the Uaitt
S ales Ot the Ninety fifth
Davin G. Cottiso, Secretary u s State.
dec s-i.r
& 19®'3)0
Carria ern nr-' < V' ->nr x I -.4 f
Cherry ir>tret't., Aiactin, Ga.
11. S. LEE. J T LEE.
Ii M l3 i SI 0*»
Successors to JOHN li. PERRY,
Main St, Dawson. Ga.
V *
oxjtl k m y.
Buggy« 'f/ajwi Timbefs
Itwr TE ■ uve now or han«l, an-J site } A “?<
• / .""l ually rct'uiviiuf •very- \ |;TT -V
i hing ttie pnlilie rn-tv'lt:': p (nt // t/ll
\ ya/ the i.iulse or tho ],i lioT) AH
If cn-ietinir inj-ari <n »H q a!- * /R
9 f ii. -4 i.f < utlery pocket nn I tu- FJj
■ • t ie, Oarjicbter-’ Fiiiiliugs of I y ’N
kSbX- JalrKw vn,
together wire evervthi'ttr to be i«»urtl in • a/* | gdC % ||
"BS -V v ;• h
muiir u --ivlittl.y, »»■-I rho ilw::ys keep H YSV VVWI
U' u.fev,-> kml tor ny purpose
iiUlciiHsetl tioin t kits best Mm Lo ri.s m ITU f, tel ul/Mt-h we toll se.l at !>k V
liUllt; cub ° 'I
r '
y ~
We huve row in Store a tertre lot of Cooking vStov s, of almost every siz**
jifi. e anti make which wit n'l-jr lo the trade.
Y { * * A • sr • —.’.eel.''' cinn'ilucturo Tin Ware of all iltscriptions
tvhicfi v.e it rut wholesale U'd Hctall.
Fmmising to do aii in oar power to ptease customers, both in quality sod
pi ice of go nJ-, we hope to snare th • public patrouage.
Deo 10-'tf. &. BRO.
yty Tjt rm r u? mry
ea'wJ rL.--.-aF^
VVTTJj be snld before the fouri House D* or. in Morgan, C dhoun C uti
ty on the fi at Tiles -1, v in .Tnuunrv, nnt4i-r un order of I h Hon.
f'ourt all ttu* IN'OI. VENT BAPEUB belonging to the ent;ile of Üburles D
Bostick, itec.’d consisting (>f tlie follow ng Notes and Ju<Lmen;s :
Jcscph Smitli, of Jones c 0...
now in Judgment ?8.284 00
John Irvin, Note To 00
John VV Garner, Note 32 00
A J Scrutclien.. 135 00
C D Dormans 112 00
J T Dalton 75 00
J E Griner 452 00
J VV VVigham 75 00
A J Bcrufchen 1.257 00
AJ Scrutchen 1.810 00
W J Denis .' 31 00
Blair Jf Kenedy's At. Rcc’pt 225 00
Baldwin Ledbetter’s Note... 38 00
Lamar & Anderson, Ath
receipt 409 ftO
Jerry Deshang, Note 142 00
Ma ian Lamar, Note 278 00
Gabriel White, Note 43 00
G \V Holland, Note 45 00
William Spencer, Note G 79 00
W E Hanson, L E Charn
bles Endorser 205 00
W II Mathis 25 00
Blane «v Solomon, At. Rec’pt 85 00
Lamar & Son, Note 100 00
George A Collier, Note 62 50
John F Wetherly, Note 12 00
Thomas W Mims, Note 380 00
James J Bradford, Note 38 00
Dennis Jones 38 00
Gurlv \ Potters, Att. Rec’pt 125 00
Lenard Whiten, Nute 7 80
James N Jones 67 00
Hines & Hobbs, Att. Rec’pt 109 00
D L Brown, Note 25 QD
Joel Harden 45 00
E T Wymen, Note 15 Os)
antes Bryant, Note 35 00
L G Wood, N0te...., 16 Os)
B F Hoadspeth 400 00
Samuel Welbora 87 00
Edward Grimes 6 13
T J Dunn, Att.y’s Receipt... 1.890 00
December 15, 1870.
C W Bostick, Noto $ 275 00
W A Motts 2.000 00
James II Johnson 86 00
I. II Harvey 150 00
E A Steed, Noto 60 00
11 J E L Brown 249 00
J Edwards 31 00
B F Barl- tt, Att. Receipt... 451 00
Silas Grubbs, Note 130 o'i
J antes J Bradford, At. i • ec’pt 1.064 00
Blair dc Simmons, At. reo’pt 413 00
Thomas J Dunn, At. ree pt.. 1.688 J 5
John Edwards, fi la 50 00
Edward Varner, fi fa 70 00
Pl* Clayton & L Jolly, fi fa 3.550 00
Ann Bostick, Note. 263 00
James Garret,, ti fa 10 00
H M ('Can, L Jolly At C D
Bostick 35 00
G L Musgrovo 50 00
J A Miller Ac G L Musgrovo 46 00
J L Carter, G Jones D L
Keen, fi fa 23 00
Jolly and: Clayton, fi fa 81 00
James Hall, L Jolly CBos
tick, fi fa 11 12i
A Letnox &J ( oilier, fi fa 101 70
J B Stewart, G L Musgrove
Ac J Collier 398 00
John Collier, J B Stewart At
J Dykes 165 00
M H Lingo, L Jolly, T Far
row 192 00
T Kendrick,S Waters, fi fa 391 00
JVV Dykes. UG Kuowles... 43 00
W D McCracken & J VV
Collier 26 00
J B lligden. Note 550 00
Thomas Scaly, Note 400 00
R Glen, Note 200 00
•1 D Phillips, x W E Phil
lips 2,735 00
W P Jones, O G Gurley,
Note 200 OQ
COLLEY, Receiver.
LMiH 11 S : VI Mr^ t
N (
rnhnT.. Tones has anplird f„r
nf personally, ntni I will ** P
s me hi mv nifice iu D.nfiliiii 0 N t Tis* o *’ i ' h ,®
H.m . Seth tn«t. T L J* “'^Ock
dec. 33, 3w. 1 * Jtt n V f.
\\ J SASPKR htiH anplier) for .. ..
' ' ~f pcraonaltv and I will p> , " p ‘ ,0 °
Same S' 50 (.’dock, h m., Bmt, P in«i P " ' h ®
ffi U^w W,>on - °** T - M
U MJ %. Xprrrll Vonj 1Iv 7'
U WheresH, Wnahrrrgin„ Wotilbrie'i'/a'
; ,f Will's,right r» .h4‘
leave to resign, , u d suggests JCF Cl t
a-h proper person to lake c h.rg 0 0 |"*-®
rmnißtration. 8 * 10
These are therefore to cite and adntoni.h
-11 pe,sons concerned r 0 he „„d appear., L.
I ssi. e wll ii,n The lime pr scribed h» |, w !
-ho* t-HU-e if any they have why -aid
u„l p ;;
De ember?"s7a f "‘ rn,ttt,e ’ 10lh of
n,c ’ 31 1,11 M JONES o'iiinarv.
1 errell Court of Ordinary.
At Chambichs, Dec. 20th 1870.
teomupUtwce with Cart 1, Sec (i. Art -fa,
Con ~ hum,n. AVc. i.Toi to tSiS (inchuive, (vO’J
Georgia, and Seetiona 10 and is ol "\a f v '! l ' vr
V.Bi.ibliab ,! .-y-nra, of I'ui.lic In'tiuctoiC''- °
Proved Oct- 15th, ,87 ,It , s ..rde.ed tlut i , P '
tsni b.' held at the sevhral Court Sound, in T
Mi it fa Di-lrlrt, and „t „, e , -h
U.eorporateiUown, iu Terrell county ou the Br ,t
Samrday in January next for tlio following "m!
tlS^'^.‘“ e C ° Ua,y “ f W-ti„n
One N. hoof Tn: tec, to serve three years
O e .school Trufefee to serve tw <> years.
One oou Trustee te aerve one*year
Kcturns -hould be made by the eleetion mana
agern as nrovuled by the law to the Secretary „r
State and another to the Clerk of the Sun7ri,?r
Court, ami in ail respectsUuy -hould cFaiiiG
■a uii tile requirements ol'chapters . an l 5 Tit!, i.
Pfcrt l, //ode ol Gooi^iu,
DeSjiu, 3t. T M JONES, Ordinary
Sale under writ ot Partition,
pUR-UANT loan r he
J nor com tot 7Vrr> II corn" vto ti» directed
•ill be fold before tbe Court House door in
he Towu ot Daw-on on 'he fi st Tuesday in
Fi brin,iv next within me fegal hour- 0 f -ue
Hie billowing propel ty to win Ihe Lots Liv
ery butbie and D-elliiig house now nc-.iipird
l,\ N. ('. Ac J. A. P race sold fur purpose of
ijsMibn'i. n fi. ! ween s H and N. G & J £.
Piince A Di. Geore Kns". Terms Cash.
J II I K l H v Com,
Win. WO I A’.' )
Dec. 15 80.
HOTK i:.
Als R iwena Harris applies for etemp ion
-ii ot Dersonalty, and seni'ig apart and
v 'illation ot II mesn ad, and I »il p s- upon
he Sameoii the 24 h da . ot D e IS7II, al
i o'clock, p.m., ui tin i ffi ein Di— , (L,
Dee. lS'h 2w. ’ T. M JWxES Ord
is o r j u : :~
J^l ; zib**th applies for pxemption
Va ‘-t pur.'onllfv f Hud fulfill? Bp;.r aid
ilun'ion ot Ii• mean* «and, ami I will pw U 'o:i
e svtm»- on rht 23-d dtv <1 !»<<•. itij*hi
\ ..’, a.m. .tun in D > wfuin, (h.
I). • 15-i w. T M JONAS, ().<l
i\ <- > i I u K.
John H. Wiiham--ppiie. for ox. mp'i"i’ «f
p, sonal v, HCd I Will p.s- upon (fir Mine
|. oVlidK, s.m , nD the 22,1 o' De . al ml
flic-i. Da»s n, Ga. T. VI.JONEI,
Dec. 16 2w. Ordinary.
ii ORGI t, Tsrrsll roirify :
il B virtue ol sn or ei Irom ih-’ 0 damry
su'd Uouiiiv, I will sc!! a' ih*' Coer' H Ohr,
- the town ol Dawson' or. the 2lilh ins', an
-triiv J 7 ire Mr I , supposed is he S'veil tern
r cigiiteen years old, a li' ; le lame in "lie
: nd leg, bhek color, wi' l ' some while *i s
bout the sac- and hcd. A cpniffd hr M m.
• 7u err & J. A Hnil's) " he So"h (40.
Dec. 16 2w. SF. LA.-hETER, .SImH.
I EltllEl.l. till RDF SALES
WILL be add before th- Oart finiiM
M Diim, in the V»» of I).«eon, nul
mu,tv, on the fitet Tmsdav in Ja"ii"»
,*xt, wi'bin the legal h"Ut» "f rule, de lol '
"«iog proper'v 'o-»ii :
Oi," Hon** and Lot in the fn»« nf lh *'
•n, and known as 'hr J. U. Avmt L ', l '° 1
ining one ace, move nr Ira". L T,e j ""**
he proper-v ol ,f. B. Aver,f, to silisfv a H
i'< iasited hi T (mm- VI Jo"f'" a “ "
.id COUO'V, in favor )f T M " Hi
,rv ot Terrell cnuntT, va J. B. Av-i.a
P'ineipal, VV. B. So. man, « • W. L-e, Kl
llarp... ant) <’ B. Woor-n.,
o- l . 187 u. S F LASS2GLR, aher ts
Dec. 8-td. ____
p EORGIA. Terrell f oautr ’■
VJ Whan-aa, Sural L-nrard ami L. "•
L-mrard. Sr., have applied for M
nlriisiratiou ou the eaiale ol Johu U • 11
These are t,o cite and admonish all P
concerned to be and appear ai •o’ '
wi'hln the time prescribed by la*, ani a
' a use, if Htiv I bet lI'VC, "by BllJ ' '
h' uld not he granted. Given ,
'•'id and official signature, S9 ‘ ,
V vemb. r, 187 U. M JO j F '
Dee 8 30d.
/t I OKI.I % Ferrell Vouo'V'
V X Woe, Mr in M L nd'ie, v af
ot .fame* M M (.lit. ha- apehecl lor L«t
• t (h'l-ii) snion liom dnid p j ft'* 1 : j^ A ei.h
These are iherefore to cite and " d ™ f4[
II persons concerned, to be and apt
nv offi e wi bin the time p eacrtbed n» 1 '
and straw cause, if *£* W^ ldM , m r
-hould not be granted- GT “ 0 f
bind rid (fficial sigoa U'e, ,h ’" ** ~ ,
Der. im r- .T.V.JO-N^ ord '
Oct. 27 3irt
MEORGII. Terrell
VI Whereas. Willism lU'C» a
letters of dismission ou the estate 0
Vloomaugil,,- - , j im)n ish
These therefore to «'"
•Hand singular 'he persons l ’J'''[ e 'J r ' hir the
in, io bo and appen a' my ji
ime prescribed by I'*, *"'l
nv, w it v sld le"e s shonld <> n ’,*>• liur e.
Given under my hmd »nd ffi '" 1 «"
(and“ 2flih dav of October, 1870 . r s o rl J,
Oc 27, 3m. T.
KSTAnusHxn 181 •
800K a Ebhf'U- < * M D STaTIC’NKH ,
} ,>V |^r-tVr>B^r,I^OHTSBSTO £
~L 1
An Immense supply oj vm:V T IN'"H 0 ' ' E
,r,.,brtvL' «T n r J v .
R,lt R n i ui oroer »u 1
Binding and Haling.
r„e sente c— 'n'ion gi«» 10
.a in PKUSnSAL fUKCHASE , . r Jf.i Y&
Send t t Catalogues, kc.
Doe. l-4m.