Newspaper Page Text
j lA \\ .(l\ JOURNAL:
II *1
Nrati. - ,, ovT'B Mbfb
.„ «,h his farwlli sermua
lnv wiM P r 1 ,
" t hn first Sabbath IP January, an<l
° liallv invites his oo’ngwgation and
rU r H of TfimsPof all denofhirta
, , n , to attend While the labors- of
L'cmioept Divine will he. greatly
. 1 Htin the oiotft-r/that
removal to a now field, (West
Florida.) will serve to make tho ties
of i o ve for him stronger
The United States Hotel, Louisville
Kv., Ims a well deserved popularity.
Cotton in good demand at 12| for
pllll l Middlings, with an upward ten
dency ,r; »->;i
Nothing will be published from this
offic(l next week except a slip contain
ing Legal Notices 45|(3) ,,
fresh Lot of Dry Goods and Gro-
Ceawfokd Skmtnart - This school
vill be oponed on the fifth of January
Professor Scaife assures us that he
will have competent teachers to aid
him in all the departments See ad-__
The United States Hotel, Louisville
Kv., sets a table furnished with all
delicacies of tho season.
Nkw Advektiskmknts —-Dont fail
to read the advertisements of Messrs
Carhart & Curd;Thos Wood and J E
Johnston of Macon Ga These are
first class houses, an and worthy of the
confilence and patronage of our rea
ders Also see notices of Judge Jones
to the Justices of the Peace, fvpad com
missioners *c , Ac ,
Eigell & Ivey Ploughs,
at Fulton’s
Tf.pmuhancf, Party.— v o are
requested to state that Banner Lodge,
No. 28. TO G T intends giving a grand
party, in Tern))© ranee Hall, on Wednes
day night. t?9tli inst., to which all the
friends of tho cause are invited. If
aiqr one should liko to contribute any
thing in the way of eatables or cash,
tiK-y can do so by informing Andrew
J Baldwin. All favors thankfully re
‘talc of
OmrE Secrf.tahy of State. J
Montgomery Nov. 18 1870. y
I hereby certify that the Ala
bama Immigrant Association is a reg
ularly oliJmereil Institution under the
laws of this State with a capital of
Fifty Thousand Dollars, and that the
inewporators are gentlemen of high
character wealth and reliability.
Pins. AY. Miller Sec’y of .State.
Tho advertisement of this. “Associ
flti >n, r who propose to give away to
ticket holders 81 Of).000 in sums rang
ing from 810 to 525.000 appears in
»! other column. It is a reliable insti
tution which gives, big chances for a
tortune for only $2.
Christmas Tree The citizens are
invited to attend the celebrating of
th Hinhof Christ by’ the Baptist Sab
bath school, on Monday night, at the
Baptist Church Prof Goodwin will
deliver an address, after which the
presents from a chvijtmas tree will be
distributed by Santa Claus, to tho
members of the School.
We learnthat tho teachers of the
H'Aodist Sabbath Siihoud intend to
piva an cnL'ifMnmpit.uf s<jmd kiud
during the next week
Stone & Muau.vv’s Cyigup. The
Savannah New*, ot Friday lust, thus
alludes to this splendid circus. It
wid huge, by it remembered, on
Bmrsday next* ' 29th :
AAwas ©ftpjßdd, the spacious’ pa
viliion oi Stone or Murray was filled
to ovoiflowing last evening. To say
jjh,'performance ,t£M excellent, would
hf but to sftjr wlvat every! knows,
the riding of Mr. J E Cook came up
to the expectation, as did also, the
giacefnl exorcises of M’lle Carlotta
Be Berg. The Snow Brothers. in
their aerobatic feats, wore asuistotiish-
Ul g us of old, and Mr. Wm. Ducrow’sj
pilornianee were tiiO (f lkintion of
entire audhmoe, as wefce those of
‘ lB son Siguor Columbus, tire
* :)l| tortionist, is a show himself, and
,' vißtß biiuself almost oqt of roaogni
.ua’ Thomas Hurray, the Voqul
t ! l ' ri1 ’ got off hmnlurous songs aid
o ‘lnies new in this section, and JJaVe
*.. eu pport to the general success of
118 1 eallv meritorious circus, which
ClJlaes up in every respect to the com-
Ujtudutions which preceded, it from
Ml quarters. ‘ J>
JV Hour. Here we have
c January number of this magazine,
. ' 1 its wdiflffc of sweet anil
Lj of “Christinas Carols.”
( !b Hour ' is conceded on all hands
1 »u the purest, sweetest and most
I antitul periodical for children in the (
r (,r ”' Motlwrs and fathers, '.take it (
~r yonr ones. Lot its tender
II ,e uign influence come monthly to I
i? ur , children. It wilLda them .good. |
011 1 put it off until tbiritSm**-, but
‘ to day*, while the matter is
# »h in your uuuds, toT. S.- Aiiracs
tl " N n Philadelphia, and got it for
!’ lr Holiday present. It will be one
• cheapest and best-gilts you can
s ' l ' them. SpWimen numbers sent
rw ii on r -iicipl olya sgpnp iqr postage.
lar ge fire occurred in Thomas
-1 lelast Saturday night
I •.CoAuhCt tub —lt is a well
ascertained physiological fact that the
origin of mobt of the ills that aillict
humanity is a dJtranged couditiou of
the alierbriUry 1 canal. Tlio bowels
hecoiiidk ousupated anil slugglish, and
theneo arises a train of painful tin t
distressing fnalaffffis. Asa preventive
and, cuim,.there is no remedy so safe
and sure as Dr. TEXTS VEGETA
Autiiur’s Lady’s Home Magazine,
ifor January is already on our taldo,
jainpjiiy premise mada in
tho announcement for 1871. Tho col
ored stool fashion njate is one ot the
finest we I Ate *»er»; tho rich Cartoon
entitled “The Skein Winders, I "is a
picture of high artistic beauty, and
give elegance and character to this
“Queen t of tho, La'ly a Magazines.”
“Grandpa s* * flailing, K Hiring to
School,’ aqd. “Coming from .School,”
are very cliatinitig: 'Tit elegance,
beauty ajid aotractivo reading Ait
tfluu 9 L.uvr’s Home HurAilt* tluitn to
lead all others of its class. Send to
thV publishers. T.’ S. Arthur. * Sons,
Ptiiladelpliia, Pa., a stamp tor postage
atel get a January HgJJibyf a sam
ple. Terms, §2 a year. S copies for
A jfcwat vatsyfev of uses ul and el
egant prmiums are oitereif for sitsberi-
and clubs. . r
f rTo r$ *4_ > r.
Appointment of Preachers of
South Georgia Conference
for ISTI.
Savannatt District—J W Hinton,
P E.
Savaunuby Trinity—J B Evan c ;
Savannah, Wt sley Chapel and City
Mission —Geo. G N Me Dim ell.
Sp.ingfield—T B Lanier. J S Jor
Bethel- —R II Houser.
Alexan'deT—W S Baker.
Waynesboro—N B Ousloy.
Louisville —K VV Flournoy.
Davisboro —J A Rosser.
SandersviUe—J W jSipmtons.
Wasliirlgton' —J V Culpepper.
Gibson —S N Flicker
Macon District —Joseph S Key,
P E. ,
Mulberry Street and Vmeville —J
O Branch, II J Ellis.
East Macon—John W Burke.
First Street—To be supplied. 1
City Mission —To be supplied by
R Gain
Mae *n Circuit—sC Bass.
Gordon —C W Smith.
Irwinton —J W Glenn
Jeffersonville —A A Robinson.
Switt Creek—To be supplied by
\\ m Griffin.
Ilawkinsville and Longstreet—C A
Fulhsood. _ I
Pulaski and YVileox Mission —J
Fort Valley and Marshallville —B
F Breedlove
Houston—James o ones.
Perry—Walton Knox.
Beaver P:\ia-R F Evens.
Ilayneviile—o " Sweet.
Montezuma —J Skipper.
Dooly Mission —To bo supplied by 1
>' A the n
- TcindS College—J M
Bunnell, Pivsiib i.t, ». r C L’ass and C
W Smith, Profesecrs.
E H Myerb—Editor Southern '
Chiislain Advocate. _ _ I
Columbus Distjuci— T T Chris tain
Columbus, Ct. Luke —0 L Smith.
Columbus, ft. Paul —A M
Columbus, YJesley Chapel A J |
uscogee—S D Clemcaui
Hamilton -W F Robinson. _
Talbotton —F A Branch.
Talbot—J •' Austin, R L Hunter.
Geneva —S R Wearer, VV A Green
Butler—J R Littlejohn.
Buena Vista—W \V Stewart.
Ciiaseta —W M D Bond.
Oglethorpe—W W Tidwell.
Levert Female College—U D
Moore, President. j
Amkricus pfrsXßiCT—J Blakely
Smith, V F.
Americus —J B M Gokee.
- IScVhe! —J E Seiitell.
Magnolia Springe —G AA i’Qtvell.
Elluvilio—Gvo. S JoUusou, li F
Williamson, supentumorary.
Smitliville —D O Driscoll.
Cuthbprt ami Uoorgetpwn —Ii B
Spring Vale—N D Morehouse.
Dawson—E A H MeUehee.
Terrell—G T Iviubry.
Weston*' —E J iitjui/y K 9 Baldwin.
Lumpkin—J M Marshall.
Stewart —J Harris, one to be sup
Birtxnitiso*' DrsTHici —Geo. C Clarke
P E.
BainbriJge—li W Dixon.
Factory Mission—To bo supplied
by W M itusseli.
Decatur —wJ 4 Giles
Trinity- Wesky.Lane.
Cot>iant—\V F Kotterts, J M Pot-
1 ter.
Fort Gaines and Blakely—W M
Hqrpan-—T S Armstead.
Oaißillais-rJ t AinswortH-
Cairo—si’ C Harris.
Groovorsville —W M Wa‘ts.
Duncanville —C E Brown.
Tliomasville—C RJo welt.
Albany R J Coney.
BnuNswicf Dx-siaicrr—D B Mc\\ ll
liains, l’E. . r n
Brunswick and City mission—J U
A Cook. v , , 1
Hutt'alo Mlseiun—To bo supplied by
B C Franklin.
St. Mary’s—H P Myers.
Centre Villag*—J C Babun.
j Waynesville —T L Williams.
, Wares boro — -J M Duuldin-
Jessup—W M Kennedy
I Holmesville—A M lvihben.
Octnulgee —To be supplied by E B
jN'asiiville and Alapaba Mission
W Thomas, and one to be supplied.
Stocktoh— A P Wright.
Yaldo ,t<i —J K Armstrong.
Quitman —J W Talley.
Morson—L C Peck.
MoulUi —To bo supplied by W M
Altamaha District- L B I ayne,
r k.
Hinesvillo-VW G .Awtlu -
Darien and Melntomh— E J Burch.
Bryan MissM—W M C Conley,'
iScarboro—LA Earsey
jk (Dublin —J J Morgan* j *
jWrightsville— C C Hines.
•County Lino—To be supplied by C
A ifyore.
Swninsbpgn—C S Toole* ' /
Jaolcsouville—To bo supplied by
J R \V r are.
Oconee—R D Gentry.
Cochran Mission fl C Fentress
A Itatiraha VV - F l-tmley.' *
Emory (Allege : J O A Clark,'J S
j Hopkins, Proiessors.
Agent for Sundy Schools-Ijovio
1 ifcrce
Agent for Hohbo -■&, An
theuv._. ’
Geo. II Uatillo, F F I-feynolils, T‘ I'i
WBrley; Geo. E Gardner, B E L Tim
mons, transferred, tv* Nttfth, .Georgia
Cqnference. E :t■i• ,C ’ T
W II Bidding and H 'PucFott
transferred to iatti,r, oidt-C*»iiforence,-
J' >v Mfilh do Eilt'Tex—
as Conference,
Open fin oyster, retain the liquor in
thp lower or deep shell, and if viewed
tlirough a microscope, it will be found
tojoontain multitudes of small oysters,
cowered with shells, gn>l<~swunial/fg
nimbly about— 120 of which dxtfTirl
but one inch Besides these young
oysters, the liquor contains a variety
of aniinalculao and myriads of three
distinct species of worms. Some
titnop their light represents* a bluish
star about the centre of the shell,
which will he beautifully luminous in
a dark rogni * /
It is p;ud the Kaw Indians salt the
railroad" trade in order to entice cat
tle in front of the cars, so they can
get the eaToasses.
Special A'otscec.
|mo >/ !8
pain icTiVfvii:n. ;
QPtio’- »,»r ittsinccl to lUih popularity
Salem Observer.
An «rt;.-l» of n-eit, merit and vilue.—Cin
cinnati Nonpareil
Wnoanhnir tnoUmonr to Uin pffi *nnv nf
th- P,in KiM-r. Wnhivp sppm i's rmvic c(
forfs in soo'h n" ; tio s- vor. et n- H know
ii lo he a onod article Cincinnati Dispatch
A opooAr onro f n> r*oiI—nojf.oaily 1 —nojf.oaily should j
he without it Montreal 'J\ a i*cript, _ j
Thoro h,.-. nothin» «c vot S'rnis’od 'ho ,
Pvn Kdl-r, vlii.'h is Ih- pjnsi v.lnah fim- j
ih mei'o?io ndvrln use.—'7VMc.We Orptn. j
ft h<s 'oU morii • ss s niosr>« oT 'oniotointo
rain, no medioino has acqul-ed a re-ma-ion
oq iil to P'trr D 'Vis’ l»Ahi K Her.—.. cicpafi .
(Ky ) Drily Neia.
f's wonderful pow*»r in roßevi/tz 'He fi"St j
,o»,>re n-in his nev ir bee .l equalled.— Bur-
Unaton Ccnf-incl . • $' *
I- is one of th» t»w aprie'es. thf »’■*. just ;
.viia: they pretcLii to he.
Our own ouiniofl Ir that no finwir should j
ho wiihnnt a hoiite nt i* for a sinel" hour, j
f H-sh -minds, senes, runs, sm-es, i:o ,it j
is ,1,0 m -St off - -til > ronvd'y tre know of.— 1
jTtya, St Johns, Canada,
After mr? rears’ trial of Pavis’ Pain Kil
ler, « e advi-e that ororv 'cnllv should p o
vide th»mseivos wi’h •/» off c'u«l md so.
a pain kiLLSR Amherst If ;S.) G*c*!t*
The Pain filler of P.-rrv Dtvis A Son we
can cot recommend We have ,|snd
it for a lenyth of time, and invariably wi'h
ttln'to.,— ' anada Baptist.
ay The Pa n !I 11 r Is for sale bv .Wdi-
CTtte P 'alerg cynerallv. For sale by Ur.
John R. Janes, Dawson, Ga.
h*we ottt-n retd in the new'papers'of 'h j
grand amices* of muiical compound* pm no j
a> the N 'fli snd elsewhere. M.n vof those ,
me lie nes have hid 'heir div, ~nd we heir i
no more of them Their pnp-mtvtrw have
m»d<> fortune*,'not an much from the curs* ,|
,iv- powers and virtues of 'he'r m'S lures, as |
from the noiori-tv given them by adver'H'up
bv which people were made to believe all the j
go-id th ti was a.ld ot them. A oreparalion
i-now before the pubi c which is becoming I
very nnpulsr, and i« known a- Br diiei t’e Fe. j
male Regulator, pti' no bv h. U. B adh' hi, < (
J j.tuta, Go, at $1 50 per buttle. Such is ,
its curative virtues, that it has gained wide* .
spread popultrirv all over the cotiotrv where j
it ' aa been made known. «' and it is heiot- :n- j,
trod need every, here. We up* informed 'll •» I
ini an an- quiniities of this medielue rflt - j
ir,g s.tfd itf'ill seetlbos of the H mth and;
S'tuth hst espeeialtT iu the chy of New Or* j
leans »"d in Te*»s. I
This mnob We aav in juauee to its propn j
etor, who is a gen len.n of integrity, md j
who would not. engage in the mtnnfaetne. |
and sale of a barnbeg —UOrtnye RepoAcr
The Great Pictorial lim|ia.b
Hostetler’s United States Almanac for TS7'. for
distribution, gratia, throughout the United
States, and all civilized countries of the Western
.Hemisphere, will be published about the first, of
J««iiwy. «wl all-tvU,o witdi te the
true philosophy of health should read Nil ! fi.H
der the valuable suggestions it contains. In ad
dition to an admirable ni.vlioal jr.atise ou the
c:Uiars, preventiou atyi pare of.a -V'tfieyr of
i fflsM'tfc.jMMd)#'*’** VtfA of mbrnna
tiou iutei eating to th- merchant the mechanic,
the miner, tl*;farmer the pltmtcr and profos
yaioual the ealculattons have Vff made
for such meridians aud latitudes as are most auit
ahle for a eorreaS aud comprehensive National
C The ulture, uses, aud extraordinary sanitary
eiTeeta of Host -tter’s StofiaeU Hilters, the staple ,
tonic and alterative »f mfreUtao half the C’h is
tian world, are fully set forth ia its pa**, which
are also interspersed W*h pietoifil rllastrations,
valuable recipes for the household and fanny hu
moron* anecdotes, and other instructive an l
aindotatf reading matter, orijipal and aoUvte 1.
dmoag the annuals to with the openipj; of
the year, this will be one of the most useful, and
may be had for the asking . 2he ViaipncUirs,
Messrs. Hostetler and Smith, on receipt of a two
e „r si imp, will lo w.rd a «J|W bv ami ,
any person who oanuot prficdlre one fn hfs
) ttdi'glitinrhood. The Bitters are sold in evtv»
f oily, town and village, and are ettV n
u«ed throughout the entire civiliied w>
' ' •
- D the great.',
Tlio Collogsinn of !
MM 3'E ib'\« l'<* VMIBF!
Peerless Talent—Matchless Skill,
•f _ Froh S«Ui»alian For 1870.
,11 ;j> A.jVw£H-f> fv
December 29,
Extra Attrnction.
Herr S-hr ’fTa Ta ned Wild B -asra ; will
oo j »vaflF she Oircu- p«r-
Tnrmftiice*. withDut charge. Herr
Sohroff, ihe Lion Huotpr, will entrr
the Den of L otis : an exciting and
’hrilHnjf pcrfo*mance with th*><6 F.*'octons
An tm ilt* oi the F »rres% exemplifyinp the itn
rn G'p ihit Vlan wields over the
Brute Creation.
The opulent resources of the Superl
, Centrilization of Arensic Talent,
tMtjfMb X'BJ en.iue a e ul a chi rue Ter
quite '.n 1 thift conTttfv.
ihis i|a > <on will be enriched and ahnrfied bv
j>crfoihn > rf* ioinilt*ih4«their ai'peei*! roles.
i» (i the i-piendor of the will
j be enhanced .Hv every Accessory requiUie to
' mike rbcm in style and finisn, and
ra i in tbair r» neral charucer,
T' c viriety of celebrated Perform
ers ir» this Troupe ia potent, to susfuin the el
ev , e<V-t ltd • and ct excellence acquired J>y
# this popular Clrcuu. ■*
Apt u-xl i»i «iK*- annex >d "Hat of fdm'Mis
ae'ors will seiTe of calptble evid nee to
to- G m she (>•' ih i the attained • nli«
«e . . and superiority of xSliotie
hi J/urr&y's Ci c»is w r ill be amply rmlliuiacd
thn cv-a on. Beh 1 1 h *'‘ n • cio --f'
Exhibitions will be given Afternoon
aai Night.
••Bftimfinrif'g 9* i »h»i o’clock. Doors
ojien one hour previous.
Admission - - SI.OO
: (Juiiii'dn under 10 Years, - 50
Sensational Spectacles.
S mu* *C .1/ i t ,y *tll hi > ~lM.e two new
' excitfipHii -, K ec to it.e Publio. T'ts first
ivrtl be pre4*»ufe i on I'le moming ot the €l>
hibiwiou dtv, »»• the form of a
Grand Street Pagent 1
Proceeded bv me # g»ni B»i;d Cbupot,
conuiui'j£ Frol* O i* j rrv’-t fnn il Or
ch-8 ra, DmWii bv* S Xteeii Ho 4 !
Mj< dby ih *gre»t X«i »e lue C iev tl, Ai »n9
J H F.tul. j his» rvre w n circU uvested
win t o nun» wonders b** minutely de
e l in the lihms ol a newspaper advor
ii itoit : h:*r therefore, the r-A*r
in referred »o »Ih» Ft *de i If lQ.r«4? *«tiuW^P.
The xec oid free Fq inirio i wBl b* arnar*
Trlous dispi-i y or hu n »n brrenidicy
Bv iMg «»ai iii-j Kan mb .li- , M Juun—
netu) liii-i'pr, wi.<» wi;J * .Ik Iron ttie trroind
Iff 4GO &pcx f .i ibr’. Oirju? p.vilioii, niid *re
null wir» « Ttii.4 g
tuitoi-9 p; ifti i-.Mnctf <»t‘ CoD'iirnnune Dtririg
*iii,f-.l» jj’ q/ u»'l bVlouk, P. VI , arid »he
unique G : j e of t,hp F *at caiiijo* fail to cohd
r • Iflphe nuentivn wt ibc ci izbljs ol th a vi
F »rd. iHa of tlipop 7> i*l Sen«»»ions, nee
v. l> sc iptiyes % BilU and
T*J wiqti •Jf rl.-tu Jtinjc* •*, all*! Cos tilipt Hi
ID) sent.ui of toe Woil.i wijo w.i’.l exhibujor
me tirnt se."*oii iu Am ru..i niarvclous
In ad It ion to 4,is oojac om n. li nents ot
brihiini ri tiiist-,;, vf’ils Oailitta D«
B otM.'es- iIV th- tnor .laing, distuug,
and 2 s ed Eq i ■ ,ri-n .9 in the w eld.
Mile J nne t El ler, thp anon suing and
b- 11 1 u Tigh- Aiop. Dinsecse. Miss Emily
Come, 1 .e e o.'RtntHntlish Manege it’ques
c hninr, TANARUS, • Jerane But ', V.'urld renowned
Bli e Back Hu, die Rider, Best in A nerica.
vSr To n 8.-l-v, the fun eis II bernian 01cwu
hs first np e .-rov in Am
The popular .4 uu.icau Uiowu and fun Gene
ts .or
The SNOW BROI Wdliam
and vlf.i'd, the unt'«raili‘d Ifq'elfhlGhtsiand
Actoba's, if W.IM rn pal
I‘erlo l (Her on Oorde Vnlsm-, o.d h. J la ab
ide don Geuiftie, ibe bravest JuVcidL Eq. es
■risa in exiatejute Mr. *7itatles Bits., the
acknowledged. Champion Tumbl'er of the
world. Mr. '.Vilh . E 10.) film Ttie Ehiragon
o, S nn-rAlui l •Kq Striae-. .S’ g 6\> utnbus,
Tsie ■ uiertsing totto iiomst, wnose stiange
Hexihility of bixiy i_tnj inuits has «ou f r
trim 'he title of “The Bineless man ”
MII er G -urge Cooke, The .-f tistic and
0 aeeiul Principal Ruler. M Eugene
I.eien, The Rems'kablv skillful and tearless
(l. nnast, Mr. R E iu»o', the gilded «”po»
neat, ol Pa edc F.xereis ■».' Mr. George
aid iiiß, Rem.rkabl • Seertlie P-o'eiin Charac
ter an I Funn Clown Mr Thomas M i ray,
Tlie V-Tsaiis ifaiiiominiic Wouder, M J lor. The ob ive per'o lUerM will be as
si-ted bv such suhorjlinite aids as will be re- 1
{Hired <r’v •' r, < the *a*t"4 e-s.
'TV Ci.tqu le Eq ••sirwb D rec o . will per
-o i ,11 v sup ri "'end the Hatertsinittants, a
gu .rwfttee chat they will be given emirelv and <-
void us ot j e'i'in able features, aid uvested
with the cbuiacteris'ies of refitietnent
puri.iv iu their, reprudenttlion.
. " t T ail:; il i i >
pr»M>Ur rule? which R'pf* ioAPS"
ij ar. Y**nrji nffo hv Sron« & M'**rav
foi ihp «»ion ol pnic» o*<|(*r in th*mt
Pavilion w4l b** i ,»hi/> weapon. No
Muokirg allowed inside the P .vlfinn.
For oonvenicTiee o' Teidiea and FiaftiMos,
Tickets wiH*be for s.te-iir« f ivs in rlvance
oi Cinus, at the- Brag 6<or»of Or. Jaucs.
Wifi also ex'dbit ht
Ameriotls, Doc. 2fl.
AlHanv, * a......De0. 24
KuftMiia, - -1 26,
Ft. Gaines, Dec. 27.
Cutlihert, ........Dee. 28
pqiCY HOtutßS,
Ws Ctislb?s ilis llilsrid on the Meiifs cf the Company,
lifo iismuci, conrm,:
jTutbnrized fapital, $2,COO,000! Guaranteed rapifal, $500,000.
SSSETTS $309,000. .f.VO H.tVinL I" MJTVHE*IBJJt U.
WM. B JOROSON. PifHi.tent, JOHN VV TIURIfR Gen*r*l Agant.
WM S HOLT, v ic*, pi n id nt, .) V!Kll-’KK <II»KEN Me*iiral Kxsminpr,
FEO S OBKAR, Seer >aty, VV J M AG ILL, Superintendent of Agnaeiew
S.tahmah A Rtiw-nv, AN'DREWTiOW. AiornT.- J P KTVG, JO-’IAH PIBLRY
Atlanta—RTOßAßD PETERS, V R TOM Vt KV. <N limbus.-I, G HOWIRs rfl HOLMES
M'.toTiCEU.o— T J SMirii. Charlotte, .V C—WM JOIINSON. CharlkstoM, SC.—O O
TtllS CompsuY isstH'd, durinir th.» first '.ur, shout 1200 nolieips, »nd hs» now on its r.f
ist'r, 180<i policies. It hns !'« losses prnninllr, with.n six'v d»ys «f,er proof nf
Inss I, is Incited in the middle of the N"irn, quite convenient of scces*, so thst wl#'#
losses occur, it is not, difficult to mute all necessar* nroof. and collect the amount irsu.ed.
A careful examination of 'lie list of D rectors and Officers will, we thi k, be a euffieieht
Euaratifse ,o nolicv holders tha' il offers ? nnd seenrtty to ' who are aeekinpt a s.te io
vestment to the dear ones that will be I f' behind in case of death
I f you wan, Insurance, see one of our Aesnts, who may he Ipund in a'mo.t every rem
mnr'.v. O' c'presnond with GF.ti .S’. ORE aR, S’ceetsey.
W C. IMfDf}. * Jt’i ;sl or in hifl upplicuiiodb iimv hi* made
to Dr. C. A ChrathHm, Mr and cul Ex ifcm<*r. ai*pt. 'iW-iim.
W. A. MrKENNEY. N 11. LEE.
miTTMcnfi w ti m mui
In n I ‘it'dti to itr geo .Sfil 't ’ck of
GROC II £3 &. P RD/131 OMS
WE htrro n.'tteH a oompb t© Stock of (’! ri-trntm trieb- c if'ni*ti-£r of
Our nfork of ( Ircn-erinK ''ill nlwnyt* be complete, and consist of
and a h. letibi'i supply of CONFECTIO’' ERIKS.
We ir# yfling men.nn nur first Isus We buy for cosh, we sell for cash
Would as': ,be pn-die to cull and see us. ns we think we can make it to vour
interest. We may Le fund at if. l.\ Flol'is’old smn I. next door tn e nlomnn,
Nov. 17 ts.
T. o C K
£ J / It J/ Yf };
1 am prepared to do all kinds of work on GUNS, PISTOLS) LOCKS, &C.
a; ehort notice.
t * ' %
'ABrWjpt irmA-fh '
RE P A r i ... . IR ED.
I am al.wo prepared to repair Sewing Machines of all descriptions,
\ ink warranted. Pr'ges moderat©.
at tbo old stand of 0. G. Truss, East side Public Pquare. - ®#
NOTE, i —ln retiring from the Business I take pi-nsure in recommend
ing o the pub in Mr. j. B. Jt<be< !>, a rehabte at <1 sk I etl workman.
Dec. 8-lin
Governor of 'said Stair.
Wheyeaa, Official 1 f msdtm hi» Raen re
eeived ai this 0 niv'tineiq, ilj*! on 'dgbt
of lhe 2*? ft of NeVi giber, ifit mo; if nkn\ of
aine and Slid diat-ui-ed m. u W* nt *«» 'he hou«e
of one Ghar'e- lle»dii*. a coiored ci'ia n re
siding neat A’orC'o“S, in Itic e-ouniy of Owin'
ne>t, snd alter ardtiii g him to corns nut,
broke down ll,e dour hi ri entered ihe louse,
u< the same tmie tnreaientt g to k '1 'he said
H-ndiiX. who, af'er a severe slleggle wnh
won- of 'hi Bsili di.spn sed pa"i.s, succeeded
iu m iking his esc i tie, wit I while so doing «t*
pursued bv them, they B ing some four or
five pst and *i)«i» at. him. one of which 'ook
eff.-dt mid woit'tdad said Hendrix iu
lehr 'i>p ; and V
H'isiH as, The kald disvnised paroey, wtiile
enptg.d in a struggle w th 'aid II ndijx, al
mt treated the wife of said ISeidrix in a ve r y
cruel manner, white she attempted to aid her
husbandtilreetiui.a u from the nssvssins :
Now, thfref ire, lo tnw end that thise
gutliv parses mav be br< uvh< to tri i) at and
punishment, I ha*e t "Ught prop-r 'o issue
this, inv p'Oc i naltoti her. bv otf-ting a
- ol ONE IlfoUSvlND 7)0 LaiHS,
each, for the apprehension, with*' to
eoMvic.of any one or moie ol t lie disguised
panes eog.iged in ibe perpetration of the
nturd* rows assault sfmesaid.
(Jtveii ryy band tud the Great S it of
v the£(*'«. s' 'he Capitol in Atlanta, tills
3rd fitv of /)ecentber iu ihe year of uUr
loud A’tghie it Hundred, and -S''Veil’T,
and of the / us tje L'viteU
Sulvs us Ame lots, the ft met v ti l ' I ',
; UL’FU' U 'U T ANARUS« ' flip-
By t*>e Guv- *■
N 11. LEE.
rr. ifap
i ■' ■'*■'*'—'*• - »-3' -'! -jib'
Fover and AtL°St‘
ANTIDO . . ....
Aiivafv Stops ilie UCIH6,
This Medicine has been befor fitOs brito,
lie flfbeem years, end is still al. ifiltei passes
other knovm remedies. Itdooanftnd *lfl&<J08
doea not sicken the stomneh. is fs‘ ■ ,
safe in any do=e and imdtT all " Tt,
Btan’e«. and is the only Medicine ft ■* * 1 110
CUR: ( M fvl E B IA T E ikad beeu
an l pi'rniaaently every form of li“ t you
and Ague, because it is a perfect Auti*il’ *‘l
dote to Tlalaria.
Sold by all Druggists.
November 2P h, 18*0. J
Whereas” a vacanev has occurred, aud
pi \v. rk: in thi iifiiue »' one "1 Ittf
tsesi't 'h. I.U'9'if Aft ÜBi, '3l ‘‘ubiisuiuption,
d'-a'li of Hun. B. said wium &he
' y J. I ], p i._ lied biiuii' Qu ilio \iituaU of lutr
if >t (oanlttre
dan’* V.<RN qi.,. J« W Hpw, WM M CLUB
Gen. , ntKM ft
et’eral floiiimis.ion, Siortgo and ror*
I warding Mas .tia’e'S f'i ah adv.iriccs on
I 6 T t>i'Pi?i 'n»nts, and special aUctltiull to Or
dera and Ft*rw.ttd'|t t,
( uj t.vo ft tirr.v. r.
RKJ'BKI N ES Chat'anooga Baukers,
and V’ A llutf, Mi cor, B.i.
I Deo S-iim.
Mi.J H’.SfA!', OU.
’Tin:. »:* ir in « NEssioy
of thip l.iPiituuon will open on the I.6th Jan.
}B7-|, u oi ibe dir. c/ion -f thi undersU'ned,
ipvn-tfd bj corps o\ * X eririweff and ac
complished educators, and will close last Fiiw
da vi• ’ Jun .
The itUeildingH now in of
const uettuv p, ia..u.d, cemiuodiour, und
will he with the latest and best
school appliances. No pains, nr expense,
will he spared to make this school cope suos
oehMufi* with stir in Mmitacn fjsO'frii.
The Graded Sysie i», wiiith is ac.
know l. .‘lied b> 111, 111. s .xp ijeooed educt
tois to be 'ii l.v 'he ties' wid, as far
as ptac‘cubic, he adopted. The School wl'l
be divided fine a Primary, Gtamnijr aud
iliph fi.d.r 01.
The Course of Instruction will
be tUovoU(tb aud complete, and will.uihrsc©
a I the branches usually 'sucht in the heat
1 olleaes. 1 here wit] he separate apartment*
for boys and girls ; and in no c ,s« will thera
•tv a, v e.nuoHi iptation except >iu tux >eci aw
lions Si riot oisci Ino will he rigidly en“
'oii-ed, anti the co operation of p.-cnii add
guardians is etrnesily i qieetttd.
w ill be umlr, lie rup.-ivi on of M s. J. M,
Ed . aids, an eccntnpbslied la.iy and thorough
iiiusieiH't. L s .us in voc.l music'will b«
given tfu ttclpud of charge.
Tins w I iiuflfr t*# direc
tion of »ti Hceoinpi Att/sf. Painting,, &o, wnt be thoroughly isugbt.
These he ,u itul ad eal.h giving cxereises
will tie i,.tight the young ladies of the school
alter the most app'nyoil twrli od. They a 8
, niitien'ly i alcula ed o lun fit young
t idies by iinpuii'n* . »se and g'aceof mo
iioii, at;d are of incat. 11l ble u’d in removing
deloiniilies, and spin.d d's. a- s.
Sl'Ul.Ma SKSSI. ti Z 4 WtKXS.
I’riilltl wy Depariini'Ul, |l§ GO
Oiiiiiiui ir t'hocli
itigb a ll«.«»*, Git WO
Uti-ixi. it t li !«'<■ of Piano, UO.OO
I'iiiHl'iig Diaxvtng, Ac.,
< :« 5 00
!<■< ■(!<■■■ till LxpciiMts, 2.00
An ex'ta chgtge will be made for tho
Modern Languages.
Fifteen dollars pel uioh fl, exclusive Ilgh'S
and washing.
must be niaiie quarterly in advance- Pup 'S
wl be. hargt and itotu ti i e o’© tai.o u tilths
.•lose ot the sessiob. No de aieliou will
be made except fur P,nviden i 1 estiees. It
,is a nutter of the first im(Oltka. ce tltat pas
oils should enter at the bsgihsins of tb«
Sessibii. ’ ‘- t
Tendering our profonhd thanks to oqr pat
rons for their past kiu.tnes-\ and fully apple
elating the share oi patron ge we
have . nj.ryed, «ad begging the c-xitmm. ee
if the s.nv-. we piffle ourselves, to the best
of nur ability, to do our whole duty.
* H. A. 4.'tODMoIN, ip,
J U: EDWARDS, f P "" tip “ h '
Dee. 8 It. '
The Priceless, Cn -'lc riled Hf»i*
edit fur the Spree, y Cn» e of
t'YHOS. < ft V fi It S,
J.y A ts. d.l, UK me
ant IS, anti
Is warronted the niofct pU at»>n f , *nd
fcciual Cough aud Lung Itcnoedy ev t f
c v* »’f‘d \
Globe Violet Cony ft Sytttp \ warranted
»*»»« ii roptaii' Opium isi aitv of i»®
UU/be blotter &ymp i J U ? ll v W trra? ted to
i u ti. Globe Flower JSyrnp is p«o»ec»ed by
lx** , bo»h pn Tibilu M k, !* bfi,
Compound. Offf*
if 'mnt*hen 'efiflionv io fse !£• enl
Mupt-iio'i foi Globe Flower tfi/rup over *ll
other Luna litmtdies
.—, ref n qiiack fliat
The followi>tif < fi an lgnoramous that, if bo'
" a ~ , talk take a lauten. aud go down tn-
' gide of his patieut.lui couldn't tod out
: what tho matter tvus.”
I Horn is a touching confession from
| the editor of the Gtons Falls (New
I York) HitpuWicHn:'‘Our iuafiksgiving
tur ey was a line bird 1 : if had scales
on ite back, nrnl was taken from a
barrel labeled, ‘No. 3 mackerel.
THfsUsivRRSAi. Swine.—The Swmo,
! (almost always) hav four legs, tho
tliere iz sum remarkable excojishunr
to this rule. Swine aro good quiet
Ttorders; they alwas e"i what is sot
before them,* aud den t ask euuy phnol
is l questions. The ft v ine kail be*
larnt a great menny ar.n.sito thmgb,
sich as higsting the front gate orp.v
from the hinges, aud finding a hole ii»
y he fc'nco to git. into the oqrn-fiold, but
jt iz died ul hard work for them few
find the same hole tew git out at ,‘s
pcshily if jai are in a hnriy to hav tlieito
f’hU huz never bin fully explained,
but volhuns for the swine '
kau all root well, a swiuq that kuu’fc
| root well iz a poor job-