Newspaper Page Text
Valuable Rkckipt. —The receipt
given below(we are assured by & friend
who knows whereof he speaks) has
been tried in Middle Georgia and
pronounced to be good—the very best
commercial manure and superior to
many of the compounds manufactured
at the North. The cost will be about
fifteen dollars per ton. The following
are the ingredients for one ton; 2001bs
Wood Ashes, 400 lbs Stable Manure,
400 lbs Cotton Seed, 200 lbs Ground
Bones, 1 Bushel Salt, 401bs Nitrate of
Soda 20 lbs Prussian Potash. Let the
last four articles be mixed with water
and then mix the whole with a hoe or
shovel. Try this and our opinion is
that it will be worth the subscription
price to the Joumal for a life time.
Profits of Fnrmln;.
No small experience and some ob
serv. ti m teach me that cir
cumstances being equal, fariuirlg will
furnish as ample a compensation for
labor as ample a dividend upon cap
ital invested, as the common trades
which men engage in, and even the
ordinary pursuits of mercantile and
commercial life. Os course I except
all matter of gambling and specula
The returns of most crops strike one
sometimes with astonishment, and
would, if taken as a test, lead to the
most'delusive speculations. A grain
of seed sometimes returns one hun
dred ibid, and this being sown a sec
ond year would, perhaps, give ten
thousand fold, and so on, in geometri
cal ratio Seventy bushels of pota
toes planted will yield four hundred,
or twenty to one; a bushel of wheat
sown will yeild thirty bushels, or thir
ty for one; a pound of carrot, beet, or
rutabaga seed will produce six to
nine hundred bushels, worth one hun
dred dollars.
The proceeds in these cases seem to
be enormous, yet they are constantly
realized, and that two many ca-es at
comparatively small expense. But
no confident conclusions of the exact
profits of farming are to be drawn
from such results as these, so many
untold circumstances of abatement en
ter into the cost, that if these were
the elements given in the same case,
the solution of the problem would
give the most enormous aud deceptive
We are not to look to Agriculture
for any extraordinary or sudden gains
as for example, the drawing of a prize
in a lottery, or a shrewd speculation
in stock.
If you will take ten merchants with
a fixed amount of capital, and ten far
mers with the same amount we will
find that at tbe end of twenty years
the farmers have the greatest increase
aud that it is more evenly divided
among them than among the mer
chants. Farming is also far safer and
more certain to secure a competency
than mercantile pursuits. I venture
to say that twenty merchants fail in
business to one farmer; this ought to
open the eyes of young men with
small capital going into business.—
Germantown Telegraph.
Orchards and Poultry.
An experienced orchardist says:—
The pubhc has yet to learn the full
advantage of keeping poultry. Few
seem to appreciate what they may do
among trees in an orchard of a quar
ter of an acre, where they mfiy be
kept by a picket fence four or five feet
high, putting in say 125 fowls and
observe the result. He will avoid the
annoyance in the garden of which so
many complain, while they will work
among the trees, doing just what is
needed,keeping the ground well culti
vated, and destroying everything that
can injure the fruit trees in the shape
of bugs, worms or other insects, lay a
number of eggs, whieh are cash arti
cles, to say nothing of the chickens,
which will pay for raising at the pres
ent time, i hare tried it, and I know
it is so.
1 Lave about one hundred fowls,
which have worked admirably among
my trees, keeping the ground in good
condition, keeping eff the insects, and
fromoting the growth of the orchard.
am satisfied tl at we have yet to
learn the full benefit which he may de
rived from the proper management
of fowls, and it is quite possible that
suggested may
ttillg your up
<'l'll'llti 11
Mil fur salse.
While all other domestic animals
are regularly supplied with salt, tho
hog is generally neglected. He re
quires, however, to be supplied as the
ox, the horse, or the sheep, and suf
lers as ranch for privation as either
of the above named animals do. His
food is almost invariably given to him
in a fresh and unseasoned state, and
to this fact we may doubtless attribute
many of the violent and fatal diseases
to which he is subject, and which
stagger all remedies, however prompt
ly and skillfully administered. If the
food be not regurlarly seasoned, there
should be a trough or box _in everyj
sty, in which shaft may be deposited'
| regularly for the use of animals Sea- j
! soning the food judiciously would be!
! much the best way. As seasoning
! the food of the hog is mentioned
above, let it be understood that salt
: only is here alluded to; for if any per-
I son should try seasoning with paper
J they will make a groat mistake; for as
. much peper as will suffice for a mans
: dinner will kill a hog.
tubocripiion Book.
Cuba With Pen and Pencil.
A complete manual of travel, yet aa interesting
an a novel.
Jfo Competition l!
30 nsguirlceHt • iill-Pagc
t Ngi»Villß« l
Os interesting »nd vsried character,
nuny ol ihein humorous. Aii about the princi
pal cities or the/*1 nd: the bath- aud watering
places, hull.fights, cock-fights aud carnival,
Street sights hi 7/avannah. Culture aud Msuu
farturc of Coffee, £ugnr aud TVbaceo,
Fact aud Fun 1 Ala iztic and Adventure 1
Hartford Pnb Cos., Hartford, Conn.
l*nblishers of Stowe’s‘'Hiator> ol the Bible,”
Mrs. h lleli's “Court Circles of the It,'public,” Ac.
aow’s Yu« it c«iA*< i ! Jiisi’i
OIU' ! .tffeuis Wauls <l. |
My new chart, “Liberty” Iu . takes splen
didly. Fifteenth Amendment, Emancipation
Proclamation, Election Scene, Processions, Ac.
Portraits of l.iucoln, Howard, Grant, Bevels,
All brilliantly eolored. Large profits to Agents.,
it B wLHJMAN, M Beckman St.. New York.^
Ifnii’l KHsle Imie aud i.alxsr
bv irinc: m> an «»td sit*. Sn J *l fin
to'LlP/MOCOrT and IMKEWUI., Pittsburg
Pa , and they will send a tip-top Axe, Expressage
paid. Half a day lost in grinding will thus be
l iie „ands- ana < in,,] , • ■ ugoc, Coil.;
Coiifnimp inn “Nothing better. ’ Cutler,
Bros, and Cos., Boston.
Cherry Perioral Troches
Are supcio, 10 all o hers fo> Chnu. bs.Col"
A-Uhma, Bronchial and Lung dilfioul ies, are
, xceedinglv pal.,Utile, have none of iha>
nau.eating horrible Cubeb taste, are veiv
soothing and act like a charm, Ministers,
Singers, and Public Speakers will find 'hev
ate especially adapted to the voice. /Sold by
D- njrais s. Also
Husbioii'a (F. V ) Cod Liver Oil,
tor Cotistimpiioo au,i -crotulu; one no o<b,-i.
UHH.t.n’S Depilatory Pow
der.—Removes supc.fluous hair m
five minute s, without ii ju'jr to the skin. —
B*i" o> ■ -el *“f $1 25
rpnAVk AMint cute
Ret v in os violent paroxysm- in five min
utes tid etleeis o speedy cure Price $i by
The Japanese Hair Stain
Color- th> whickers and hair a beautiful
BLACK or RROWN. I' consis's of only one
prepeai/tion. 76 cen'S by mnil. A I,l'es
S C U/htAM, No. 721 Jayne Street, Phila
delphia, Pa. Circulars sent free. Sold by ail
noiliu CATCDC -ir YOU W/SH to be
IfrlUM t A I CnC. • red of the halit, ad
dress 1. £. ULA KK, M. 11. Mouul Veition,
ClDfw HATS, Fatigue and Pa
rlllE radeCAPs, BELT*, Ac.,
of u»- •u. styles, at th- old in "■Otao- >,
113 GK.4/ID SI, ft. Y. Erablinhed
183d. Send lot Circulars. (.'AIBNa t BKU ,
Succesrors 'o H. T. GRATA' A P.
Prizes cashed and information furnished by
GEOKOE UPHAM, Providence, K 1.
r~t~» Op—' A Week salary I
I « I lau O as local and traveling sales
men Acutes* (with stump) H. fl. WALK/FK,
S4 Park Row, N. Y.
' «SO A DAY, sure. XATTA A CO.’
Pt'tsburgh, Pa.
Agciils ! Read This!
» » MLAKY of (30 per week
•ad expenses, or allow a large commission,<o
sell our new an wonderful inventions, Ad
ders M WdflXCTi CO, .Ifn-hall. Jfich.
Kroploymeiit 11 >r All.
<£•> A V*I.Al4 Y I*ll It WLt k,
qprJU «nd expense*, paid .dgrnu*, to sel
our in m grid useful discoveries. Address
B. SWK EI A CO, Marshall, Mich.
\ti:w Jifnic l pawpii
lv L£T.-H< nilnal. Physical
msd nervous Debility, the • (fit
anri car*. Prii-e 25 cems dddie** SjEVRi?
Ta KY, A/useum of Anatom;, 618 Broadway
New Y irk.
A Clersryma®. while renidiue la South Ameri
ca as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple
remedy fbr the Cure of Aervous Weakness, Kar
!v necay, l-Sseases of the Crinary and Semin !
Organ* and the whole train of disorders brought
on baneful and vicious habits. Great unmbers
have been cured by this noble renv-dv Prompted
by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortu
nate, 1 will send the receine for preparing and us
ne this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one
who »*eds it. Fret of cka rae. Address JOSEPH
T. IN MAN, Station D. Bible House, New York
■kK n o V K U !
Sheet Iran Worker
infoim* I > rtisrrmr-rs thm he
moved his Tr- Shrp over t-n Pe
next door to t K e Ilo'fl. .boro
>9ll- 6nd h ; m teiidv am) willing >o
d* ot work 'n ihe Tin nod Nheer
gMH lg i nr(l Tin WBrp B ! *»v* on ha'd
*ui (hr heat quality oi Tin worked
-■r G ; ve ire a call. I will guarantee ev
|Prv thing to be all right tha' I aril.
Stovepipe* always on hand, and put up to
rder, at M<con priori. Do not forget the
place, and give Ota a call before purchasing
Igewherr. Kelt door to the Hotel,
Jan 21 lv.
I'd : u r f r i ■ ■ >' .
mil do
k hold
IT i* well known to
and to
Ladle*, that women arc
atibjtM't to numeroiiN dia
caHca |M‘ to their
■ex—hucli an Suppreii*
aloii of the Mennea,
Whitea, Painful mouth*
ly ‘ Period a,’ Klieuma*
tiam of the Back and
Ifoml), Irregular Men
Kxcegaive ‘Flow*,’ and
Prolapaes Uteri, or Fall
iuM of the IFomb.
T heap diseases have
eldom been treated sua
essfully. The proses
ion hdß HotigiH diligently for some remedy
that would enable them to treat these dis
ease* with success.
A' last, that remedv ha* been discovered
bv one of the mo*t skilful phvsicians in the
State of Georgia. That remedy is
It is purelv vegetable, and is put up in
Atlanta, Georgia, bv BEADFIELD A CO.
It will purity the blood and *t lengthen the
system, relieve irritation of the kidneys, and
is a perfect specific tor all the above diseases,
a cure as QuiDine in Chills end fever.
For a history of diseases, and certificates
ol its wonderful cures, the reader is referred
to the wrapper around the bottle. Eirrj
bottle ia warranted to give satisfaction or
money refuuded.
LaGrangk, Ga., March 28, 1870.
BtunriULD A Cos. Adsnta, Georgia:
Dkaß Sirs: I take pleasure in slating that
I have used for the last twenty years the
medicine vou are putting up, kunwn as PR.
and consider if the best c mbinatton ever
got'en together sot the diseases for which 'l
is recommended. I have been familiar wi h
the proscription, both as practitioner of med
icine and in domestic practice, and can hon
estly Say that I cons'der it a bo. n to suffer
' ing females, aud can but hope that every la
-1 dy in our land, who may be suffering in any
way peculiar to their sex, may be able to
procure a bottle, that their sufferings may
not only be relieved, but that they may be
restored to health and strength.
With my kinde°t regaids. 1 nrn, respeo
fully, W- B. FERRELL, At D.
We, the undersigned Druggists, take pleas
ure in coinmendii e to 'he uade, DR. J.
believing i> to no a good and reliable remedy
for the dis-ases for which he recommeuds it.
W. A. Lansdell, Atlanta, Ga.
Pemberton, Willson, Taylor It Cos., Atlanta,
Redwine A Fox, Atlanta, Ga.
W. C. Liwshe, Atlanta. Ga.
W. Rno' bi Son, Marietta, Ga.
Celeb rated Liver Medicine-
It is purelv vegetable, and will act upon the
L ver and Kidneys as promptly as Calomel
and Buchu, without any dinger of salivation
or destruction of the bon-s.
Parties taking this m -dicine need not fear
getting wet, or any other reasonable expo
Symptoms or Liver Disease.
Headache, Doll Feeling or the Blues, 3our
S omach. Sick or nervous Headache, Heail
burn. Indigestion or /Kspepsia, Bid or Bit
ter I'a-te in me mouth ; the skin has a thick
rough feeling, and is darker than usual, Cos
tivi ness, J/. lanchnlv toolings. Cramps,
Cold Foet. Colic, -Oisentery, or Diarreah,
Chills and Fever sod Piles. n fact, where
'he liver i» out of Older, you are Table to
eveiy disease that is not. contagious.
Prophif's Liver .V.-dicine. if taken prop
crly, it will prevent, and cure any disease re
sulting from a deranged Liver.
It will legula e its tunctions and thus cure
all diseases caust and by tbe failure of its healthy
It has been good for a great number of
years, and h.s given univeiaal satisfaction.
There is no brother or eon claiming to have
•he original receipt. It is put up in both
Powder aud Fluid form.
Fairborn, Ga, /September 4, 1868.
Dr. b. zS Prophit:
Bir . My wile has been on invalid for fif
teen veais. Doctors all agreed she had Liver
Disease. In connection with their practice
she used various noted medicines, none of
• Inch seemed io do anv good. Some 'ime
ago I procured a bot'le of yooc “Liver At- d
iciee,” of vottr agent here, C. A. Harvy,
which Doing given acceding to directions,
have effected a complete cure.
Respectfully, etc., Oro. L. THOMPSON.
Ilf. l*;opliitt’y tlyseptefy Cordial.
Is one of the mnet valuable compounds
now put up for Dia'rhea, Dvsentery, Cholera,
Infatnum, or Cholera Morbus.
This medicine has been in use for years,
and gives universal sa'iafaction.
Tbe most delicate child may use it with im-
P”' i,T
This is the celebra'ed medicine that ran
Pe 'tv D tvis’ Pain Killer out of the market,
wherever it was sold; Davis made Prophitt
change 'he name from Paiu Killer to PAIN
For Nheumatisit, Reuralgia, Cuts, Bruises,
Burns, Old Sores, Snake Bites, or stings of
Poisonous Insects, for Colds, Coughs, or
Bowel Complaint, it has no equal ag a dess
ing, healer or antidote for pain of inv kind.
Manufactured and sold by dtKADFIELD &
CO., Atlanta, Ga., and for sale by all Diug
Fever and Ague Pi’ls.
The beat afntiiiote for Chills and F*ver
known. Cures warranted always or mouey
refunded* Pure!? vegetable.
Will reliere H -adache, Nervousness, J on
dice. and all other deraugeinenU of the Lif
er. Purelr vegetable.
The following are a few among the hnn
dred* of thnee who have used the above
named medicines, and who readil; testify to
their ralne :
Col R J Henderson, Covington, Ga ; Prof
J L June., Covington, G» ; M W Arnold,
Georgia Conferen-e; Rev W W Oslin, G-nr
tia Gonterence; A V R-binson, Monticelln,
U i ; Judge J J Floyd, Covingtoo. Ga ; Z)iek
Locket, Davis county, Texas, W Hawk
Whatley, Cuss ta, Texas.
STATE OF CEORGIa, ) Know all
Fulton C< untt. ) men bvthese
present*, that 1 have this day, for value re
eeived, sold and transferred in BR.4DFUYL2)
& Cos., the sole right to tnanntacturr and Sell
my Family Medicine*, and have furnished
l* em with the Oil red es, and have author
ised the said BRADFIn _D & 00., to print,
or hsve printed, any thing they may see
pi oner concerning any and all the above
named Jfedicin-s. Tuis IStb dav of June
1870. [Signed] O. S. PROPHITT
In presence nt Thomsg F. Jones and Rob I
ert Crawford, Notary Public. [L. S ] |
Manufactured and for sale by BRADFIELD
Ga., and for
§#‘SIGO S GGO-4?i
/fll «k: JL FOETUITE I
Tim Alabama Immigraai Assacialioa, iDcorpor»ud ««d*r tk* law.
be Stale, will girt ona
In tli© City of MONTGOMERY ALA. on
SATURDAY, December 31, 1870,
Or as a«on before as the Ticket* are sold, at which tim« ONE BSJN’DRED
’ THOUSAND DOLLARS in U. S. Currency, will be given away,
to bolder* of tickets, as follows:
1 Girt in V. 8. lorrency, of $25,000 is
I , «. «< *« « •» 10,000 is I .000
n /•:*.. u »« •« “ 5 000 are 10 0l)0
t u i< •« « 2 000 are 10,1 >OO
IQ a it m « *< 1,000 are 10.0H0
oq « *« « “ “ 500 are 10 000
Iqq it ii ii <* “ 100 are 10 000
iraq a i< a a « 10 are 15 000
im «ms Os #IOO,OOOO
WILL be made on the regular plan of one wheel for number* and the oth
er lor prizes From th-se wheels he Commissioners will first dratwa number
and then a F i/.e, which Prize will be credited to said number. The w hole
<Jra-»it will be under the supervision "f Sworn Commissioners, gentlemvn of
well known and l etantlinfr
The repututi n and t haracter "f the Incorporators of this Association
coupled with every sale-guard that the law of the land e«n throw around it.
is a guara tee that t! e dunrihuCon will be II 'NBsti.T anti Fairly made, »n«I
that every protection wi.l be given holder* of Tickets in uny pari of th* coun
In order to ~\e* all, RICH and POOR, an opportunity at this
By which they may become enriched in an hour, thePfJJCE OF
TICKETS has been put at ONLY TWO DOLLARS, a
disc.uni ol ten per cent will be ntu te t“ purchasern of SSO, and a discount of
2o per cent. 10 purchaser* of SIOO worth of Ticket*.
Circulars g ; ving the result of the will be sent each ticket holder
Parties Kl a distance desiring 10 purchase Tickets must remit ibe mon-iy,
direct to the “Association,” as per address below. Address,
STOKES & GREENE, Wanajfrs,
Montgomery, »Ita.
That know the gentlemen, who are the managers and incorporat rs of this
Association, have to say as lo their reliability and honesty :
(From the Daily Alabama State Journal.)
The "Alabama Immigrant Associatoih. chartered tinder tbs laws of th#
State of Alabama, have a large office, not only iD New York, bu also in cur
They propose to give a aeries of Splendid Entertainments, the first of which
will take place in our "ity on December 31st. proximo, at which time they
will gve away One Hundred Thousand Dollars in greenbacks ’o holders of th k
etn to said ent' rtainmen . The American people are strictly a people of for
tune ; they like to take a chance lor a email sum of money Tni» ac etn af
iords them this opportunity The first award aud the highest is #25,000.
Ihe lowest is ten dollars. The price of tickets is only two dollars. W her
was such an opportunity presented to make a “pile” od such a small invest
ment ?
For the benefit of the public we wMI state that the Association is perfectly
solv' Dt—the geotlemen who compose it are of character and in egriy, and « «
believe they wilt see to it that the project is honestly and faitofully carried oat
[From the Montgomery Daily Maxi.)
“In these days of fortune making and fortune hunting, there seems to'bw a
[•erfect mania among all classes of our people to inv st in anytning that prom
is s a “big thin?.” Wn are ( ed to these remarks by noticing the for ■ ation
under th* statutes of our State, of an Association f r the promotion of Euro
(tean immigration inti- the Southern States The incorporators are two well
known and wealthy New Yorkers, and Alabamians These gentlemen will
f ithfully carry out the designs of <he Assnciaimn which proposes to g've a
series of magnificent entertainments, at the first of which one hundred thou*
and dollars in currency will be given away to holders of tickets, in »utn*
ranging lrotu $lO to $25,000.
REFERENCES— *Lny Banker, Merchant, or Business Man
of reputation in the City.
CUTII BftsltT, 04.
TH E Board of Trustees take pleasure in announc
ing, for the benefit of all concerned, that they
have secured a corps of experienced and coinpe
-1 tent teachers, to take charge of the above named
luntitution, aud that its excrciaea will be resume
ed on
MONDAY, January Bth, 1870.
kepsirs hav* already commenced on tkc build
g, which will ba pushed forward rapidly to
Board in good families can b* secured at from
fifteen to twenty dollara per month, including
washing, fuel and lighta.
Tuition about tha aame at in other fnatitu
tionaof like grade
The city or Cuthbertia eaay of access, and pro
ven ial for its health and refinement. It ia there
fore a desirable place of reaidenea for parsons ,
wishing to educate their families.
For partiealara, apply to
PH A udU rallied, rutin* .uen appoi u and
A tbeie A g n nt. this port, hy ifeesrs.
Hobson, Hur odo k Cos , of New York, who
ar« the sole agents and consignees of direc
importaiions of Peruvian Guano itt'O the
United Staton, offer lor sale, and will keep on
hand Wu null * of
ho 1 Peruvian tinano,
A depot ie estnblisbed here for direct impor
i Quamiiie* of Ten (10) Too*, or more, can
be hud nt S6O, gold, or it* equivalent in cur
rency per tun 2240 Ib*. for Guanape Island
Guano, and $67 60 :orChincha Is'aiid Gua
no exclusive ol Ntate tax, for inspection,
and being the t>re*eni Government pneea.
I -Purity warranted.
G MY, Vgenl.
At Office of Hes.ra TUX NO A CO.,
Mt gavannah, Oeorg
m&Wii&M, d-A.
Agricultural Implements,
£ugar illillsi
Sn«fnr Kettles*
Gin Gearing,
Thomas Water Wheels*
Chaffing and Pulleys,
Iron and lirass Castings,
Mill Work of Every Description,
Dressed I*umber, etc., etc.
Old Cast Iron, Brass and Copper purchased at tbe highest Market pri«r.
All order* promptly attended to.
0. 0. NELSON Pres’t, - - H. AKSION, Suo't.,
Dawson. Ga., September 9,tf
Notice extraordinary.
vjrsvßPuissEn ur style or jumble, or quality
IT (jives u* great pleasure to an' oiince to our friends and the public g*#,
H/ly that w e htive had I" renew our Stock, ho wtts tn»- rush at ■ ur '‘bar
gtiin Sture” und we intend in luture to nuatuiu our repututi m for arllit.g cheap
good goods.
Our slock consists of Mens’, Youths’ and Children'* Clothing Geo's' Fur
nishing Good, flats and C'u|s, Boots and fshoes.lor men and boys Lsitbesand
Mine 3 ii»“rt Button and Lace Loots, Billion arid Polish Boots, Ladlrs’ Dirrt
Goods of nil stil e «'d qual ties, n Inroe Slock ol Domestics, mgeiher v:h
every!hint; kept in a variety Store. Come one, coma all, ami bo coiivinood that
tho“BarguUi Store” is the place to gel the worth of your money.
To th© JQadies.
Tn ndd'lion In mv larjje Stock of Merchandise, I have added a full line rs
MILLINERY GOODS. conai-tinM of Ribbon-; French Flowers, frtpes, Ulu
sior.*. Feathers, Hats Bonnets, Trirnmi ys, etc , together with everythingloh*
found in a first-class Millinery e-tahlishmlmt, and at such prices that auw»
ohject to.
lhe Ladies will find ao experienced Milliner always raadr to s rv# thrra
Nov 31-ts E. A.. RICH-
GooJs at a very small advance on ost '
WE will now offer our entire Stock of DRY GOODS,
SHOES, DATS aud GItOcEKIES, at u very email advaoce on cw i
b ©fori
Our motto will he quick sales and small profits. Call and see u*
chasing, as w thit.k we can make it to your interest npetful'T '*,!
MR. AB JUNES assisted by Mr Johu Kcn.lrick, very repp hijy(Jlt)
their services to heir many friends, and would be very happy 1
before the bargains are ail taken. nurtUC”'
Nov. 3-ts. McICENNE & CBCt