Newspaper Page Text
By S. R. Weston.
dawson journal.
8. R. WESTON, Editoh.
W. F. COMBS, Associate Editoe.
«irso.r, u.i.,
Thursday, December 39 I§TO.
Eigell & Ivey Ploughs,
at Fulton’s
The Christmas Tree at the Baptist
church was a success. The address
of Prof. Goodwin was well received.
New Ykah’b T*ee.— The Methodist
Sabbath School will celebrate New
Year’s day at the Masonic Hall on
Monday evening the 2d January. All
friends of tho Sabbath School cause
cordially invited to attend Let all see
to it that this be a gala night for the
little ones.
Fresh Lot of Dry Goods and Gro
ceries, J ust received at
The Official Vote of Terrell.
Tho following is tho official vote of
Terrell co., as polled on last Teusday,
Wednesday and Thursday:
For Forty-First Congress,
lion. Nelson Tift, Dein., 945.
E. 11. Whiteley, Had., 533.
For Fobty-Second Congress,
Hon. Nelson Tift, Dem, 946
E H Whiteley, RaG, 593
For Senator,
L C Hoyle, Dem, 957
Wm. H. Nobles, Col Kad, 552
For Representative,
John R Jones. Dem, 928
Oliver Sanders, Col. Kad, 515
T H Nixon, Rad 6
For Sheriff,
W H H Barham, 996
TA McWilliams, 299
For Clerk Sue. Court,
J C F Clark, 6G6
For Tax Receiver,
J W Reddick, 646
W T Lewis, 447
C A Kelly, 273
For Tax Collector,
W B Oxfrrd 730
W E Sessions, 539
For County Treasurer.
W R Baldwin, 852
W T Campbell, 318
E C Mizell 222
For Coroner,
John Treniel 533
Randall Ware, Col 10
For County Surveyor,
.7 F Scaife 281
B H Hood *3
J M Edwards 2
Jas. Lang 15
M A McNulty 12
The E lectio*. —The latest news by
mail allows that the State has gone
Democratic by 35000 majority. Col.
Tift is elooted from this District. All
the Congressional districts in tho State
have elected Democratic members ex
cepting the Fourth. Tho Legislature
will be Democratic by a large major
■Give the Devil ms D ces. —Have
a quarter or a half ready for Muggius,
the carrier, next Monday.
The Ballot-box and tally-sheots of
Calhoun co. were stolen before the
count was made.
The StatkSkkate —We are pretty sure
of a majority of two, and probably
more, in the next State Senate. Out
of twenty-two Senators elected, tho
Democrats have chosen at least eight
een, which, with those holding over,
will give them twenty-four out of the
forty-four Senators. Telegraph and
It Won’t tuow Always.
If you think our Auction is a hoax,
oome next Friday and Saturday 3Jth
and 31st. The extra cold weather
caused a disappointment, but we hope
to be favored with good woather and a
large and liberal audience next time.
Ail who wish to purchase at Private
Sale, come up any day or night this
week, and you shall be abundantly re
warded. Hill, Jons so* & Cos.
Brown s Station , Tec. 26tn, 1870.
£X£ C UTOHs* £.
GF.OR4.IA, Terrell County.
Will be sold on the Ist Teusday in Feb
ruary next, within the usual hour of sale, for
oaah in hand, at the court house door in said
county, lots of land No. to & 35 & about 50
acres of lot No. S in the 11th Diutrict of said
county of Terrell, nsa part of the real estate
owned by late 15. F. King at the time of his
death, and will be sold for the benefit of bis
heirs A creditors
MjftfT A. KING, Executrix.
W. J. BOSJOIN, E xecutor.
Terrell Court of Ordinary.
A.i Chambehs, Dec. 20th 1870.
In compliance with Part 1, See 6. Art. 5, of the
■Comtitution. TSec. .361 to 1369 (inclusive) Codeor
Georgia, and Sections 16 and z 8 of “An Act to
>itiHbllsb a System of 'Public Instruction” ap
proved Oct* 13th, ics7«>, it jh ordered that an elec
tion be held at the several Court grounds in each
Mi itia District, and at the » ourt House in each
Incorporated town, in Terrell county on the first
Saturday in January next for the following offi
cers, vir:
One member of the County Hoard of Education
to serve two years.
One School Trustee, to serve three years.
O e School Trustee to serve two years.
One **chooa -Trustee to serve one year.
Returns should be made by the election mana
agers os provided by the law to the Secretary of
State ana another to the Clerk of the Superior
Court, and in all respects they should comply
with tne requirements of chapters 2 and 6 Title 13
Part 1, Code of Georgia.
Dteß W, *t TM JONES, Ordinary
Dawson, lira., December SO, 1870.
Governr of Said State.
Whereas, Official Information has been re
ceived at this Departmeut mat a murder was
commitc-ed in the county ot Brook* on the
6ui day of December, 1870, upon tue body of
Eli Uranatu, by one vv chain Bland, as is al
leged, and that said Bland lias had Iroui jus
1 have thought proper, therefore, to issue
this my proclamation, lieieby ottering a re
ward of One Tuou.iaud Dollars tor t*e appre
hension and delivery of the said Bland, with
pioot sufficient to convict, to ine AlheiiU' ot
said county and /Stale, iu order that he may
tie brougut to trial tor tue offense wild wnicn
ne stands cbaiged.
Given under my baud and the Great Seal ol
the Stato, at the Capitol, ttiis 22d day ol
December, in Ute yearoi ourLoid Eighteen
Uuuareed and /Seventy, and ol lUe luda
peudeuce ol tueUuiled States ot America,
me Ninety-Fifur
By the Governor:
Joamu or. goitino, Secretary ot State,
dec-y 3t
Coventor of said State,
Whereas, official luionuaiiou has been re
ceived tuia DcpiiHiueut itla< a muider W,i«
coujumied iu ttie oouuty ol Heard oil tile
uigtu ol me t>LU iual. upou the oudy ol D b
Foster, by oue Wat. li ii’ouyld, aa id alleged,
and that said Kcuois uas ded lioui judtice ;
i have Uiougat proper, ihereioic, to issue
tula mjr pi ociiiuaciou, ueieoy uiteiiug a re
wind ol One fnoudaiid Holiard lor Me appre
ueiidiou aud delivery ot i.ue Said Hcuols,with
proot sufficient 10 convict, to the ciueriii oi
dald COuuty and Altaic, lu Older Unit lie maj
Oe Orougut to trial lor me olleuae witu wuicu
he Btaud« charged’
Oiveu Uudcf uij uaud sod ike Great &eal oi
the jb'-abe, at ilie Oapiioi iu Huauta, ihie
22d day* ol Occeuihdi, in the year oi out
Loid J&'eiguieeu liaudreil aua OcVeuty aua
0 ihe iuoepeu deuce oi the Du tied ALaies
of America the Aiiuety*iifib.
By the Governor.
Uaviu ia O JTil.Nd, Sec e.ary ot State,
6t •
Governor oj said State.
Wheraa, official luiorumtiou has been re
ceived al mis Ucpai iiuecil ihal a bill ol Jh
uiCQieui is now pending iu tut* (Superior Court
O. -l/vlutOou C juuty, charging Oue iJag o Val>
t*.Ui wuh ihe c»Hue oi uiuidci, ai.egeu to ka.e
OeUi commuted upou me oouy al G4>upiieil
Lew* emue lliueduiilig ihe yeai J 607, auu
hat tu* oa.d L'ago V a.waUc n-c t<o«u jud*
l nave ffiougbi proper, therefore, to isdue
thid hi) piouaiuaiiou, ueiehy olieiiug a re
ward o> oue Kiiouoaud UoiiAis lot the app e
ueudioh ahd dehvery •( me said U.igc Y T ..I aui
witu eviuence suifeciehi 10 cuUtiCt, to the
aneritl o» dald Cotiuty aua iu order that
ac may Oo uroogai u» u tai 101 ihe odeuae
*illl which he stands dial god.
liiVeh under hiy aid me Groat ol
ihe Stake, ai me Gapivol iu
22d Uuy ol Deccilibei, lh Uie year ol oui
Loid ii ghteen iiuuuied and oeveuiy, auu
ol me it device i the t uned auUte
of America tue Ninety-iiftli.
By the Govciuor;
ltavia u cottiug ,Set’y of Sieve.
dcc-9 3w
election notice I
Ga., December IS to, 1870. )
To the Ordinance of the Several Counties
of this Stale :
Your alien,ion is invited lo the provisions
contained in Far. I, r*c. 6, ac . 5, of the
Oou.tHUi.ou ; Bee. 1361 to 136 b (u.e.usive)
Ooda of Geo.g.a ; and Se. turns 16 and 28 oi
“An Actio E'suiblisD a by te.u oi Fublc In
st.uctiou,,’ approved October 13, ls.O, by
which i becorn. 8 jour cuty to guv of
an elec 10 n to be held eu the tiift Saturday
in January nen, fer the following officers :
In each MUitia District, Incorporated
Town and Wal'd ot any City .
One Member of .be 0 .uuiy board o. Edu
cation, to serve two years.
One School Trtstee, to serve thr.e years.
One ticuoot irusiee, to serve too years.
One School Trustee, to serve one year.
Immediate notice should be given of tne
above election, and of me puce in each pre
ciut where the polls will be opened.
Keturus as provided by the law should be
made bv the elec.ion .1/anagers to the Ac ere
uS ol£ute, and another to .he Clerk of the
.Superior Court, lor ali the officers . and iu
all respects should they compty wan the re
quirements Chapter 51 aud 6, lllie 13, Fart
1, Code o( Geerjia. . , , K .
Given under my baud and the seal of the
Executive Department, at the Capitol
By the Governor :
B 0 (Jo. son, Sec y of Exec. -tEp t.
P U ”rheVe«rrSfof.he°Vrce G or?er^.
nmitted to make their reports, Jn wriung, by
adjourned term of the superior ( ourt, ord
llec. 2'l'kt. 1 •" u ’
111 list nkruplcy.
Is Tnr. District Court of the
.States, fob the Eocther* District of
In the matter of . n -
WM. M. PEEPLES, Bankrupt Soutberi^Dis
TiiSZ&t in Bankruptcy
A issued bv said Court, against the estate
of W.,1 am i/Peeples, of the eoiffl’y of Ter
rell and the 8-ate of Georgia in said Dis
tiict, who has been duly adjudged Bar.lwopt
on petition of bis Creditors, and the P a J
ment of anv debts and the oehvery of any
nronoriv belonging to said Bankrupt to him
:r.M,f„a,ho-7 r»p;
~ir he him are forbidden by law- A meet
iiig ol the creditors ot the said Bankrnp
prove their deb.s and to choose oneor mo.e
I dee. 22-2 w. U. S Marshall lor laid Die’net
W ILL bo Mid. before the Court Iloueo Door, in Morgan, Calhoun Coun
ty. on the first in Jauuarv, under an order of the Hod. Buperior
Court all the INSOLVENT PAPERS belonging to the estate of Charles D.
Dostick, dec and, consisting of the iollowing Notes and Judgments :
Joseph Smith, of Jones c 0...
now in Judgment $8,284.00
John Irvin, Note 75*00
John W Gamer, Note 32 00
A J Scrutchen 135 00
C D Dormans 112 00
J T Dalton 75 00
J E Griner 452 00
J W Wigham 75 00
A J Scrutchen 1.257 00
A J Scrutchen 1.819 00
W J Denis 34 00
Blair 4- Kenedy’s At. Rec’pt 225 00
Baldwin Ledbetter’s Note... 38 00
Lamar & Anderson, Att.
receipt 469 00
Jerry Deshang, Note 142 00
Ma-ian Lamar, Note 278 00
Gabriel White, Note 43 00
G W Holland, Note 45 00
William Spencer, Note 679 00
W E Hanson, L E Cham
bles Endorser 205 00
W H Mathis 25 00
Blane A Solomon, At. Rec’pt 85 00
Lamar & Son, Note 100 00
George A Collier, Note 62 50
John F Wetherly, Note 12 00
Thomas W Mims, Note 380 00
James J Bradford, Noto 38 00
Dennis Jones 38 00
Gurlv & Potters, Att. Rec’pt 125 00
Lenard Whiten, Note 7 80
James N Jones 67 00
Hines & Hobbs, Att. Rec’pt 109 00
D L Brown, Note 25 00
Joel Harden 45 00
E T Wymen, Note 15 00
Janies Bryant, Note 35 00
L G Wood, Note 16 00
B F Headspeth 400 00
Samuel Welborn 87 00
Edward Grimes 6 13
T J Dunn, Att.y’s Receipt... 1.890 00
December 15, IS7O.
Y\7 JSABBER has applied for exemption
v Y of personalty and I will pas* upon the
same at 10 o’clock, am., 80th I nut.,, at niv
office in Dawson. Ga. T. M. JONKB,
dec. 22-2W* Ordinary.
/1 I ORGI/i, Tc*rr<*ll Comity :
Whereas, Washinyion VVoolbright, Adrar
>1 estate ot W r i!lis Woolbright applies for
leave to resign, and fuggpets J € ¥ Clark*
as a proper person to take charge of said \d
These are therefore to cite and admonish
nil persons concerned to f>e and appear at rev
office within the time pr* scribed by law and
*bo« cause it anj they hare why s«id peti*
tion should not be {framed. Given under mv
hand and official signatute, this 10th day of
December, 1870.
D<c, 81-lm. T JOKES, Ordinary.
Tohc TANARUS, Jones h« s applied for exemption
of iH/rnoiTalty and I will pssa upon Ihe
same a- mv office , u 01. i,;„v,.| n ,.i t
a.m., S-nh inst. T. M JONA 9 -i,
dee. 22, 2w. Ordinary.
Sale under writ of Partition,
13DRWAKT to an or he -
rior court of 2’errell county to us directed
wdl he sold beforethe Court House door in
the Town of Dawson on the that Tuesday iq
February next within the legal lionra of sale
the foMowing property to wilt the Lot 9 Liv
ery Stable and Dwelling house now occupied
bv N (J, & J. K. Prince sold for purpose of
disrrihmio.i between said X. G. & ,/. K.
Prince A Di, Geore Boss. Terms
W. F OKR )
J U. ORoUt'H v Com.
Wm. WO iTL’N \
Dec, nso. 1
3 PKIM LATfvriO'.
Governor of Said State.
Whereas. Official inforraat on has been e
ceiyed at this Depattment ttn' a murder was
eommitted in the county ofVewton «n the
jfth day of July, 18«7, upon the trody of
James K Lester, by one George Preanert,
and that said Presnell has fled rom justice :
Whereas, The Slier ff of said county of
Newton certifies to me that ht bas made ev«
rv possible effort in his power to apprehend
the said Presnell, but withom avail; and
that the effering of a suitable reward is es
sential as a means of making certain the ar
rest of said Presnell :
Now, therefore, I hive thought proner to
issue this mv proclamation, hereby a
reward of ONE TBOU3 N I) DOLLARS for
the apprehension and delivery of the said
Pressnell with evidence Buffeiw,t to convict,
to (be Sheriff of said county and State, in
order that he mav be brought to truj f or the
offense with which he stands charged.
Given under mv hand and the Great Saa'. of
the S'ate, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this
fifteenth dav of December, in the vear of
our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seventy,
and of the Independence of the United
States of America the Ninety-fifth.
By the Governor:
David G. Cutting, Secretary of State,
dec 27. 4W.
Cl I.OItGI A. Terrell Caxnff :
t Whereas, Jfartin JfcEeodou, Adm r.
of James M Jfount, has applied for Letters
of diMD’ision from said estate :
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all persoßS concerned, te be and appear at
my office within the time prescribed by law,
and show cause, if any, wbv said letters
should not be granted- Given under my
hand and official signature, this 34th dav of
Oct.. 1870. T. U. JONES, Ord.
Out. 27 3m.
Cl EORGIA, Terrell Con ill y :
J Whereas. William Hayes applies fwr
letters of dismission on the estate of E. M
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all and singular the persons interested there
in, to be and appear at my office, within the
time prescribed by law, and show cause, ii
anv, whv s id letters shonld not be granted
Given under my hand and “ffioial signature,
this 26th day of October, 1870.
Oct 27, 3m. T. M. JOKE'S, Ore.
Vol. G—NOl 4ft
C W Bostick, Note $ 275 00
W*A Motts 2.000 00
James H Johnson 86 00
L H Harvey 150 00
E A Steed, Note 60 00
R J xRL Brown 249 00
J Edwards 31 00
B F Barlett, Att Receipt... 451 00
Silas Grubbs, Note 130 00
James J Bradford, At. pt 1.964 00
Blair & Simmons, At. ree pt 413 00
Thomas J Dunn, At. reo’pt. 1.688 15
John Edwards, fi fa 50 00
Edward Varner, fi fa 70 00
P P Clayton & L Jolly, fi fa 3.550 00
Ann Bostick, Note 263 00
James Garret, fi fa 10 00
H M McCan, L Jelly & C D
Bostick 35 00
G L Musgrove 50 00
J A Miller &G L Musgrove 46 00
J L Carter, G Jones & D L
Keen, fi fa 23 00
Jolly & Clayton, fi fa 81 00
James Hall, L Jolly & C Bos
tick, fi fa 11 12J
A Lomox & J Collier, fi fa 191 79
J B Stewart, G L Musgrove
& J Collier 398 00
John Collier, J B Stewart &
J Dykes 165 00
M H Lingo, L Jolly, T Far
row 192 00
T Kendrick,S Waters, fi fa 391 00
J W Dykes, EC Knowles... 43 00
W D McCracken & J W
Collier 26 00
J B Higden, Note 550 00
Thomas Sealy, Note 400 00
R Glen, Note 200 00
J D Phillips, & W E Phil
lips 2.735 00
W P Jones, O G Gurley,
Note 200 00
\\7TLL be sold before the Court House
» * Door, ia the town of Dawson, said
county, on the first Tuesday id January
next, within the legal hours of sale, the fol
lowing property to-wit :
One House and Lot in the town of Eaw
sin, and liuown as the J. B. Avent Lot, con
taining one acre, more or less. Levied on rs
the property of J. E. .Avent, to satisfy a 4
fa issued by Thome- V Jcurr, Or+ll/art
, said county, in favor >f T. M Jones, Ordi
nary of Terrell countv, vs. J. B. Avent
Flincip.ll, \V. B. Not man, \V- W. Lee, R T. Wooten, Securities. De
, cetniter Ist, IS7O. S F LA/S/SATKR, Sheriff
! Dec. 8-td.
n EOIUWIA, Terrell Connty .•
jVT Whereas, Sarat Lennard and L, if.
I Lennard, Sr., have applied for Lrttera of Ad
| ministration on the estate of John C. Len
j Ts 3 rd,
I These are to die nu£ admonish all persona
' concerned so tie and appear at my office
j wtikin the time prescribed by law, and show
j cause, if any they have, why said letter*
1 should not be granted. Given under toy
] hand and official signature, this 29t.h day of
November, 1870. T- M. JONES,
JJeo. 8 3ud. Ordinary*
Atlanta, Ga., December Sth, 1870. J
ORDERED : That Hon. S. P Myrieh, oy
l he county of Baldwin, be, and ho is hereby
continued in office as a Trustee of the Luna
tic Asylum for a second term, until the first
Monday in December, 1872, or until such
time thereafter as his successor may be duly
appointed and qual find ; and
That Hon. A’jhraim Tweedy, of the coun
ty of Richmond : and Hon, Wm Phillips, of
the eouDty of Cobb, be, and they are hereby
appointed Trustees of Ihe Lunatic
until the first Jfonday in December, 1872, or
until such time thereafter as 'heir successors
may be duly appointed and qualified.
Given under my Hand and the Seal of the
Executive Department, at the Capitol, ij*
Atlanta, the day and year first »*-
p TTnrTQ v»* i)LLI-GLA|
By the Govtsrnoi .
H. C- Camus,
Secretary £s ecu»w e Department,
dec. 22,4 w.
Governor oj said Stat*.
Whereas, Official information has been re
ceived at this Department, that on the night
of the 27. h of November, ultimo, a party of
armed and disguised men went to the house
of one Charles Hendrix, a co.ored citizen re
siling uear Eorcross, in the county of Gwm
jneti, aud after ordering him to come out,
broke down the door aud entered the house,
at the same lime threatening to kill the said
Hendrix, who, after a severe struggle with
some of the said disguised parties, succeeded
in making his escape, end while so doing was
pursued by them, they firing some four or
five pistol shots at him, one of which took
o ffp O » aud wounded said Hendrix severely in
leit hip : and
H r horeas, Tho said disguised parties, while
engaged in a struggle with said hendrix, al
so treated the wile of said Hendrix in a very
cruel manner, while she attempted to aid her
bnsband to free himself from the assassins :
Now, therefore, to the end that these
guilty parties may be brought to trial aud
punishment, I have thought proper to issue
this, my proclamation, hereby offering a re
each, for the apprehension, with evidenoe to
convict, of any one or more of the disguised
parties engaged in the perpetration of the
murderous assault aforesaid.
Given under my hand and the Great Seal of
the State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this
3rd d*y of .December in the year of our
Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seventy,
aud of the la dependence of the United
States of America the N.netv fifth.
By the Governor:
David G. Cottino, See. of State
Pte.S 4w.