Newspaper Page Text
jjy s. B. WESTON.
■patosoit (joletlitn fonnuil,
ruiiuanKi) every thdrsdat.
TK in-
Three month*... , 25
pi* months 2 no
Oie year
>’or the Dawson Journal.
A memory picture to me ye brln 2 ,
Witliorwl w«lor*lilM<‘H l
iritl. the icautka of a balmy spring,
Groups of merry children.
A dark -Teen wood, the home ofblrds,
Shadowy sunlight through it (ftemning
nnghter, mingled with childish words,
ltare feet in the long grass rustling.
silvery than the fallen snow,
■ Delicate wnter-lilliea I
Among the Hags Tve seen ye grow,
/Irtglit emblems of purity.
The little pond was smooth and bright,
When In shallow water wading,
)r ,, gathered buds, pink and white,
And flowers full and glowing.
p; ye Were SO fresh and fair.
Beautiful watcr-liilies I
Gathered with tenderness and care,
By the eager children.
Clear and sunny was the sky -
lf c werc wrapped in myst ie dreaming ;
tievor thinking how swiftly fly
The pleasures of life’s morning.
The wood is now silent and lone,
Withered w itcr-liUiosi
The grass and leaves are all brown,
Faded, like your bonnty.
May purity, unlike the lillies in the wood,
Fadeless, in oar souls be dwelling,
A* from the days of innocent childhood
lea r after rear we nrodrfting.
From the Atlanta Constitution.
—of Tin: —
Supreme Court of Ccorgiti.
Dilitmdat Atlanta February 7 th, 1871.
Leroy Brown vs. R. N. Rood & Co.—
Rule nisi from Tcrroll.
lochrane, o. j.
Wlioro the do fondant is introduced
ns a witness for himself, and the jury
find a verdict against the testimony of
sneli witness, and ho is not eorroho
rated. And where other witnesses
prove sufficient to sustain tho fluffing
of the jury:
Held. Tliat this Court will not sot
aside the verdict of the jury on ques
tions of fact fairly submitted to their
consideration, without such verdict is
strongly and decidedly against tho
weight of tho evidence, and that in
cases whore tho plaintiff or defendant
are witnesses for themselves, ther in
terest goes to their crcdibilty, to bo
judged of exclusively by tho jury.
Judgment affirmed.
Lyon, DeOraffenreid & Irwin, for
plaintitf in error.
C. B. Wooten, for defendant.
Margaret Johnson,- by her next friend,
vs. John Jones, et al. Equity
from Terrell. „
Where a Bill is filed by a ward
through her proehein ami against her
guardian, and it appears from tho facts
of the hill that the matter of complaint
w against the guardian for disposing
of her property unlawfully .
Held. Thai a Court of Equity has
jurisdiction of the subject matter, and
such wurd may institute suit against
her guardian by her next friend for
the assertion and vindication of her
rights in the premises.
\a«ii) Ac Davis, by R. 11. Clark, for
plaintiff in error
0. If. Wooten, by A flood, for do
fulvin WafsoYi vs. Burwell Kemp.—
Complaint, from Terrell.
B here a party sets up by his plea
to a note sued on, that it was fraudu
lently obtained by- misrepresentation
relative to the ownership of a lot of
land, on which tho defendant at the
train was living and had in his posses
•|nn, and by such misrepresentation
and threatening to evict him, and the
promise to give him good title there
to/tlie note was obtained, and which
ha alleges to ho false, and sets up by
allegatipn of facts in his plea that tho
party had no title, and that ho pro
rtired a suit claim from a man who
, lie had no title, with intention
to defraud defendant:
“ That while, as a general rule,
» party i n possession will not be pro
"'ted against the payment of tho pur
to'ase money. Yet, if tho plea set up
0 totet that tho possession did not ae
'rtra from tho purchase, but that do
'''idant was in possession, and that by
rauil tho note sued on was procured
m * len > under lnisropresentation of
le party obtaining it that he had
iFifl "l lon bad not, such plea
a * an issuo of fraud, which ought
° T UUe been submitted to tho jury,
"dgmont reversed.
iiS^S.’ ,y E irci “ k > f ”
*■ • !’• \\ ooten, for defendant.
John Sea’y, trustee, vs. Edward Kutt
-111 r - l’rocooding against tenant,
from Terrell.
Earner, j.
on the trial of an issue for
j. '’aauval of a tenant under the rent
~ - T , -Ids State, and it appeared in
in,,, 1 ' 11 ® 0 ’ diat tile promises woro orig
aml o. rOn M h > the landlord to Watts,
tn V L at ' Va tts sub-let tho promises
in Uttllor ’ tho defendant. Tho Court
jg] , 10l l Uos ted by tho plaintiff’s coun
ter •' ( , r o° tho jury, that “if Har
iri tho agent of tho landlord, did
Iggn 10 Premises so Watts for year
tli ( ,' ’ lat Watts could not, without
■ tlie ff ' ns< ? n t °f tho landlord, sub-let
Her n i"? 08 k> tho defendant, Kutt
-1 Ul f that if Uo, the dofendant, got
possession in that manner, without tho
consont of tho plaintiff, then tho plain
tiff was entitled to rocovor,” which
charge tho Court declined to give, but
charged tho jury to tho contrary
.7hid, That wlion tho landlord rents
lands and tenements to another for a
fixed time, or at tho will of tho land
lord, tho tenant has only a usufruct in
tho premises, which ho cannot
convey to another, except by the land
lord’s consent, and that tho Court
erred in not charging tho jury as re
quested, and in charging them to the
Contrary thereof.
Judgment reversed.
Vason & 1 )avis, by John T. Clark,
for plaintijj in error.
F. M. Harper, by R. 11. Clark, for
Sena J. Cherry, ot al., vs. Tlios. M.
Jones, for use, etc. Action on
bond, from Terrell.
Where an action was brought on a
guardian’s bond against tho principal
and securities, in the namo of the Or
dinary, for tho uso of tho wards of tho
guardian, to recover damages for the
alleged broach thereof by.thc guardi
an, and on tho trial, tho plaintiff of
fered in evidence tho recyits of tho
guardian, acknowledging to have re
ceived of E. Cherry, deceased, the sum
of 87,0(18.77, as the amount due by
thpm to her as tho guardian of her
wards Tho defendants offered to
prove by ono of tho defendants that
Sena J. Cherry, the guardian of her
fivo minor children, received into her
hands three negroes of the value of
$3,000.00, one note on Whaley for
81,300.00 and ono note on Reddick,
tho witness, for $1,350.00; that it was
for said negroes and notes that tho re
ceipts of the guardian to executors of
Cherry were given; that no other
property except said negroes and notes,
and some $700.00 worth of property
which she bought at tho sale, came
into h<* hands ; that witness paid his
note in Confederate money in 1803 or
1804, tliat tho consideration of the
note on Whaley has been since the
war insolvent; that the guardian pur
chased said negroes at the sale of the
property of F. Cherry at tho price of
$3,000.00, tliat when she afterward
became guardian of the minor chil
dren, she, as such guardian receipted
tho executors for the estate of said mi
nors, that she and the editors in
cluded the price of said negroes in said
receipt, that sho held said negroes,
and trrated them as the property of
said wards, and that said negroes were
set free by the results of the war.—
Tho court ruled out all this evidence,
and excluded the same from the jury,
to which tho defendants excepted :
IIM, That the court below should
have admitted tho evidence to go to
the jury, and have given to them in
charge, the law applicable thereto.
Held, also, That if Mrs. Cherry, be
fore she became guardian of her mi
nor children, purchased the negroes
in her own right at tho executors’ sale
of her deceased husband’s property,
and was indebted to tho executors
therefor, ami after she bocamo the
guardian of her children, receipted to
them for the amount duo by her as so
much money received from them duo
to her wards, and thereby cancelled
her own indebtedness to thorn for tho
shares so purchased, and charged her
self, ns guardian, with the debt as be
ing due by her to her wards, that it
was, in law, a violation, and tho orig
inal contract between her and the ex
ecutors, the consideration of which,
was shares, was extinguished and at
an end, and cannot be set up by tlio
defendants in a suit on the guardian’s
bond as being a debt, the consideration
of which was a share or shares.
Judgment reversed.
C. 11 Wooten for plaintiff in error.
Hoyl & Simmons for defendants.
Americas has a 370 pound youth
who hurt himself, tho other day, sing
ing, “Put mo in my little bed ! ’
What’s the difference between a
chilly man and a hot dog ? Ono wears
a great coat and tho other pants.
Why is the earth like a blackboard?
Booauso tho children of men multiply
upon the tace of it.
“Jack, your wife is not so pensive
‘as she used to be.” “No, she has left
that off and turned expensive.”
Anna Dickinson’s stock of clothes
must be running low, as a report of
her last lecture says “she appeared at
tired in a modest but rich necklace.”
Among tho curiosities of tho census
is the reported ease of a lady who died
in Connoticut at tho ago of seventy
four in child birth.
Baid ono man to another : “If it
wasn’t Sunday, how mnch would you
tako for all that lumber?” “If it wasn’t
Sunday I’d tell you.”
An Alabamian, out of shot, used a
box of pills to shoot a chicken with.
Ho complained of the flavor.
A traveller complains that the bed
bugs in Chicago look over tho hotel
registers to find out where new lodg
ers sleep.
The following was an advertisemont
in a Tonnessoo paper: “Lost or strode
from tho seriber a shepe all over white
ono leg was black and and half his
body—all persons shall receive fivo
dollars to bring him. Ho was a sho
Tiik Max in The Moon—By Lord
Rosso’s now telescope it is said objects
in tho moon of seventy two feet in
length can be scon very distinctly, and
•with one ten limes as powerful,they ex
pect. to ho able to soe the “ man in tho
moon /’unless he lias stepped out on bas
ms i
AN ACT, To alter and amond an
act, entitled on act, to incorporate tho
Town of Dawson, in tho county of
Terrell and State of Georgia.
Sec. Ist. Tho Genoral Assembly of
tho Stato of Goorgia, do enact that
from and alter tho passago of this act,
tho fourth section of tho act incorpo
rating tho town of Dawson, bo and tho
same is hereby repealed.
Sec. 2d. Be it further onacted by
tho authority aforesaid that tho said
President and Counciimon shall havo
power and authority to levy and col
lect taxes within the corporate limits
of said town, at such rate of taxation
as said President and Council may
deem proper, and to levy and collect a
poll tax not to excood two dollars an
nually upon each and every male adult
residing in said town without regard
to color.
Sec. 3. Bo it further enacted that said
President and Coulcilmcn shall havo
tho power to impose and collect fines
not to exceed fifty dollars, and to im
prison not to exceed twenty days, for
any violations oi tho provisions of said
I certify that the above is a true and
correct copy of an act passed by both
branches of tho Legislature, and ap
proved by tho Governor 9th of Febru
ary, 1806, J. I). WADDELL,
Clerk House of Rep
Section 1. Any person or persons
fighting within the incorporation, or
any person disturbing tho peace of tho
citizens thereof by any riotous, inde
cent or disorderly conduct, or any per
son accessory to any of tho above, shall
on conviction bo fined or imprisoned,
or both, at the discretion of tho Coun
Sec. 2. And that any person keep
ing a bawdy house or house of ill-fame,
within the incorporation shall be noti
fied by the Marshal to leave said Town,
within throe days after receiving such
notice, and on refusing or failing to do
so, shall he removed by the Marshal
at their own expense.
Sec. 3. Any person keeping a gam
ing house or a house in which they al
low persons to hot at Poker, or any
other game at Cards, or any game of
hazard, within the incorporation, shall
on conviction thereof bo tilled not loss
than fivo ($5), nor more than fifty
(SSO) dollars for each offence.
Sec. 4. Any person betting at Poker
or any other gamo at Cards, or at any
game of hazard, within tho incorpora
tion, shall on conviction thereof be fin
ed at the discretion of tho Council,
provided said fine docs not exceed fif
ty (SSO) dollars.
Sec. 5. Any person guilty of any
malicious mischief within the incorpo
ration shall, upon conviction thereof,
he fined or imprisoned, or both, at
tho discretion of the Council.
Sec. 6. Any person guilty of con
tempt of Council while in session, shall
be fined or imprisoned, or both, at the
discretion of tho Council.
Sec. 7. Any person or persons plac
ing any obstructions in the streets or
alloys, or on the sidewalks, shall, up
on conviction thereof bo fined or im
prisoned, or both, at the discretion of
the Council, unless removed when no
tified by the Marshal to do so.
Sec. 8 Any person or persons guil
ty of resisting tho Marshal, or attempt
ing to rescue a prisoner from tho Mar
shal, or being accessory to the same,
shall, on conviction thereof, be finod or
imprisoned, or both, at tho discretion
of the Council.
Sec. 9. Any person or persons refus
ing to assist tho Marshal, when called
onihy him to assist him in tho dis
charge of his duties, shall, on proof
threof, be fined at the discretion of tho
Sec. 10. Any person firing a Gun or
Pistol on tho public square, or within
two hundred yards thereof, or within
fifty j-ards of any public street or any
private residence, or the firing of guns
or pistols within the incorporation to
tho annoyance of any citizen or citi
zens, shall, on conviction thereof, be
fined or imprisonod, or both, at the
discretion of the Council.
Sec. 11. Any person who hitches a
horse or horses, nmlo or mules, ox or
oxen, to any shade tree on the square,
or in the streets, or to any piazza post,
or paling within tho incorporation, or
leaving a wagon, cart or carriage of
any kind on any public sidewalk in
the town of Dawson, or any person
riding or leading a horso on the side
walk, such horse, mule or ox shall he
arrested by the Marshal and bo deliv
ered to its" owner on his paying tho
Marshal one dollar, and on failing or
refusing to pay one dollar, the Mar
shal shall detain said horse, mule, ox,
wagon, cart or carriage until the said
fine and all cost is paid, unless tho
Council tees proper to make such other
arrangements in the premises as they
deem necessary.
Seo. 12. Any person permitting a
nuisance to remain on his or her prem
ises within tho incorporation, ten
hours after being notified by the
Marshal to remove it, tho same
shall bo removed by the Marshal at
such person’s expense, and oil failure
to pay such expense, the Clerk shall
proceed to issue execution against such
person, and the same shall bo collected
in tho same mode and manner as is
pointed out for tho collection of tho
town taxes-
Six 13. Any person guilty of shoot
ing firo-cruekors, or any other fire
work;;, within tho incorporate limits of
tho town of Dawson, except on the]
22il day of February, tV- 4th day of
July, and from tho 24hi day of De-1
comber to tho 31st day of December
in each yoar, shall, on conviction there • J
of, ho finod at the discretion of tho
Council. I
Sec. 14. Any person guilty of vio-!
lating tho Sabbath day, commonly
called Sunday, within tho incorpora-'
tion, by keeping open Grocery doors,
Bar or Billiard Room doors, or retail
ing spirituous liquors on tho Sabbath
day, commonly called Sunday, shall,
on conviction thereof, ho fined or im
prisoned, or both, at tho discretion of
tho Council.
Sec. 15. Any person guilty of doing
any kind of labor on the Sabbath day, I
commonly called Sunday, not looked i
upon as being-done b a well ordered |
state of public moral., shall, on con
viction thereof, by the Town Council,
bo finod or imprisonod, or both, at the
discretion of tho Council.
Sec. 16. Any person guilty of fast
riding or driving on tho public or
Court-llouso square, or anywhere in
tho incorporation of tho Town, shall
bo arrested by tho Marshall and fined
or imprisoned, or both, at tho discre
tion of tho Council.
Sec. 17. Any person who shall be
guilty of retailing spirituous liquors
within the incorporation, without pro
curing lieonso from tho proper author
ities before retailing such liquors, shall
on coviction thereof, be finod or im
prisoned, or both, at the discretion of
the Council.
Sec. 18. Any person selling cigars,
or any other article or thing, within
the incorporation, at a high into, with
a view of giving away spirituous liquors
and thereby evading tho town laws,
shall be considered as violating .tho
17th Sec., and on conviction thereof,
shall bo fined at the discretion of tho
Sec. 19. Any person guilty of any
public indecency within tho incorpo
ration, shall, on conviction, bo fined at
tho discretion of the Council.
Sec. 20. Be it ordained, That any
person who shall be suinmonod, either
written or verbal, by tho Marshall, to
testify before tho Council in any caso,
and such person refuses or fails to do
so, ho shall be considered in contempt,
and on conviction thereof, shall be
finod or imprisoned, or both, at the
discretion of tho Council.
Sec. 21. It shall be the duty 7 of tjic
Marshall to arrest and conlino in the
Guard House, until releasod by tho
Council, any one in a state of intoxi
cation, and obstructing any thorough
fare or annoying any citizen or citi
zens, within the incorporation. Any
one guilty of violating this section,
shall be fined or imprisoned at the
discretion of the Council.
Sec. 22. The Marshal shall keep a
vigilant watch throughout the town,
and in all cases when any of the
Town Ordinances are violated, it shall
be his duty to repair to tho place and
arrest tlie parties engaged, and cause
them to bo tried boloro the Council
for the violation of such ordinance as
they may bo guilty of, and in all cases
of resistance he Shall have power and
authority to call to his assistance tho
posse eonimitatus of the Town.
Sec. 23. Be it ordained, That no
fine imposed by tho Council for any
one offence whatever, shall exceed the
sum <4 fifty dollars, nor no sontoiice
of confinement shall be for a longer
time than twenty days, and in all
cases where the fine is twenty dollars,
tho bill of eat shall be taken from
said fine.
Sec. 21. All fines and taxes col
lected by- tho Marshal shall bo paid
over to tho Treasurer immediately.
Sf,c. 25. All estrays found within
the corporation shall be taken up by
tho Marshal, and be disposed of by
him in tho same way and manner that
is provided by tho statue of Georgia for
his disposing of Estrays, and ho shall
colloct for each horse or mulo so taken
up, the sum of fivo dollars, and for
each head of cattlo or hogs the sum of
ono dollar.
Si:c. 26. Tho Marshal shall receive
three dollars for each arrest made by
him, provided the party so arrostod is
found guilty upon trial, to be collected
out of said party so found guilty, pro
vided furtiwr, that ia all cases, where
tho fine is twenty dollars, tho _ bill of
cost shall bo taken out ol tho fine.
Six. 27. Be it ordained, That if the I
Marshal fails to discharge his official j
duties faithfully, or shall be guilty of;
any unbecoming or immoral conduct, j
ho shall be brought before the Conn-1
cii, and on coviction, bo fined, or dis
charged, or both, at discretion of
Council; and if discharged, the Coun
cil shall proceed immediately to the
election of another Marshal.
Sec. 28. Tho President of the Coun
cil, upon tho information to him, upon j
oath, of any person, or persons, loaf-;
ing about the town of Dawson, having
no employment or risible moans, ot
support, shall issuo a warrant against
said person, or persons, for vagrancy,
requiring the Marshal to arrest said
person, or persons, and bring them j
before liim for trial; and if upon the j
trial, tlie President is satisfied of tho ,
fact so alleged from tho evidence, lie !
shall bind them over to the Superior 1
Court of tho county to answer to tho
Six. 29. That in the absence of tho
President on the trial of any case, any
one of tho Counciimen may act
as President pro ten t., and shall bo
clothed with tho samo authority that
tho President would have been, had
ho been present.
Six. 30. The President of tho Coun
cil ahull bo tiothod w ith the power and
authority to havo offenders against
'any one or more of the Ordinances of
j tho Town of Dawson brought before
j liim, and sit and determine upon said
.caso, nlono, unless tho offence boos
such a character as in his opinion he
; shall doom it nocessary to call tho
i Council together, or two or more of
I thorn to try said offender.
Sec. 31. Bo it ordained, Tliat in all
cases in which a fine is imposed by tho
j Council, and the person fined is or
j dered into the custody- of tho Marshal
to bo kept until tho payment of the
same, tho Marshall shall lodgo such
person, or porsons, in tho Guard
House, unless said lino bo paid.
Sec. 32. Bo it ordained, That in all
cases where dead stock of any kind is
found within tho incorporation, whore
j it might bocomo a nuisaueo to any cit
izen, or citizens, tho Marshal shall re
quire tho ownor to remove the same ;
if no owner bo found tho marshal
shall reinovo it at the expense of
Sec. 33. Bo it ordained, That any
person, or porsons, sotting a table, or
tables, on tho public street, or any
where in tho incorporation for enter
tainment, charging for the samo, with
out first procuring license, shall be
fined or imprisoned, or both, at tho
discretion of tho Council.
Sec. 34. Bo it ordained, That all
itinerant retail traders, or Lotte
ries, shall pay a lieonso of not loss
than ten or more than twenty-fivo dol
lars per week ; and on failure of any
person to procure a license before ex
posing to sale any merchandise, shall
be fined or imprisoned, or both, at tho
discretion of tlie Council.
Sec. 35. Bo it ordained, That the
regular meetings of tlie Town Council
shall be tho First and Third Monday
of each month, at 8 o’clock, A.M., at
the Court House, in tho Tow-n of Daw
son, unless different arrangements aro
made by- tho Council.
Sec. 36. Each Councilman shall at
tend each regular mooting of the
Council, and in every- caso cf absence
on their part, they shall render there
for a good excuso, or elso pay a fino
of fivo dollars, more or less, at tho
discretion of tho Council.
Sec. 37. Be it ordained, That tho
following rates shall be allowed Dray
men for hauling:
For hauling 500 pounds or loss, 25
cts. For hauling over 500 pounds,
and not more than 1003 pounds, 50
cts For hauling over 1000 pounds,
and not more than 1500 pounds, 75
cts. Bo it further ordained, That any
person Licensed to run a Drav, or
Wagon, who when callod on to haul,
refuses to do so, without a good ex
cuse, to bo judged of by tho Council,
shall be fined at tho discretion of tho
Sec. 38. Be it ordainod by tho
Council, of tho Town of Daw-son,
Tliat any person interfering with tho
working of tho streets, in any man
ner shall, upon conviction before tho
Council or President, bo finod in a
sum not less than Five Dollars, nor
more than Fifty Dollars. Neverthe
less, any person shall have the right
to appeal to a full Board of tho Coun
cil for the consideration of any fino
that may have boon imposed by tho
Sec. 39. Bo it ordainod, Tliat any
person being fined for any offenco
shall, upon refusal to pay said fino, bo
turned over to the street contractor to
work on tho streets a sufficient length
of time to pay said fino, or imprisoned,
at the discretion of Council.
Sec. 40 Bo it ordainod, That each
and every- Male Inhabitant, between
tho ago of Sixteen and Fifty years,
within tho incorporation of tho Town
of Dawson, shall pay a Street Tax of
Five Dollars, and in default thereof
to work Ton days under the Street
Contractor, on tho streets, and failing
or refusing to pay or work, bo impris
oned at discretion of Council.
Sec 41. Bo it further ordainod,
That all parties now occupying lots tu
tho Cemetory ho required to pay for
said lots agreeablo to locality, and
those desiring to uso any unoccupied
lot must obtain a deed from tlie Clerk
of Council before using the samo.
Sec. 42. Bo it ordained, That tho
following foos shall bo paid for Li
cense :
Retail Liquor Lieonso, Annu
ally, 100,00
One horso Dray or Wagon 10.00
Two “ “ 15,00
Four “ “ 20,00
Auctions 10,00
Artist 5,00
Insurance Agents 5,00
Barber Shops and Butchers... 5,00
Transciont Traders such licence as
tho President may require.
Each Ilotol 30,00
Boarding House 10,00
Restaurant or Eating Saloon.. 10,00
Lager Beer Saloon 25,00
Billiard Tables, each 15,00
Ball or Ten Pin 15,00
Each an/1 every business house, and
profession not above enumerated
shall pay a License of Five Dol
lars annually.
Circus Shows $25.00 per day, all other
shows SIO.OO per day. #
Sec. 43. Bo it ordained, That all
j Lieonso issued by this Council, not
| otherwise provided for, shall expire
; the 10th day of January in each year.
Sec. 44. Bo it ordainod, That tho
I Clerk shall receive tho sum of Ono
Dollar for each a;id uvoiy License is-*
sued by him, iu all cases tho person
j obtaining tho License to pay tho fee.
! St;c. 45. Be it ordainod, That any
person, or persons, hauling within tho
I incorporation, charging for the same,
| without first procuring, shall
Ibo lined, or Imprisonod, or both, at
discretion 77/ Council.
Sec. 46. Bo it ordainod, That all
tho Ordinances boro laid down, or
)iosßod by tho Town Council of tho
Town of Dawson, Torroil county, shall
bo deomod and considered applicable
only to each and ovory violation of
said Ordinance that may riso or tako
place, or originate in tho incorporate
limits of tho Town of Dawson.
T. W. LOYLESS, Ct.euk.
T. M. JONES, TuE.vstntKß.
Attorney at Law,
nt Court House.
Feb. 9«6tn,
HAS located la this city, and offers his
Professional services to the public.
Office next door to the “Journal Office," on
Main Street, whero ho can be found in the
day, unless professionally engaged, and at
uignt at his residence opposite the Baptist
church ’ feb.
A.ttorneys at
«.? srsar, «„i.
Jan 6-Iy.
Att'y at Law and Solicitor in Equity.
Will practice in South Western and Tataula
circuits. Collections promptly remitted.
•S7.f liKSl'lß.l.f:, - . - uu.
dan’l taunkix. jxo w leioh. wvt s ore
Gen. ffgent for W. A. Huff, from Oct- 1806,
to 1870.
(F')OT < y MARKKT BntttT,)
(\enerul Commission, Storage snd For
.l warding Merchants. Cush advances on
Consignments, and special attention to Or
ders and Forwarding,
REFERENCES :—Chattanooga Bankers,
and W. A Iluff, ,1/acon, Ga.
Dec 8-3 m.
Watches, Jewelry, Silverware,
Fancy Goods, fcilery, musical
Instruments, Ac.
Particular stten-ian given to Repairs on fino
and Difficult Watches. Jewelrv Repaired.
Corner Mulberry and Second Streets, M.t
con, Georgia. dco22-3m-
r |' , !lE crlebrntp/1 Holton Pill, mannfsc’nron
1 bv Dr. H. C. Bailey, at /lmorieus, Geor
gia, is undoubtedly the best medicine yet
discovered for the cure of the different forms
ot malarious fevers, snob as chill and fever,
fever end ague, intermittent or billions re
mitteui fevers, and all forms ot disease har
ing a malarious origin.
Sold by Dr. J. D_ Janes Dawson, Ga., end
Dealers Generally.
I’ricc One Hollar.
Dwson hotel.'
Ircspectfnllv announce to the traveling
public, and to the oit-z-ms of Dawson and
Terrell conuty that 1 have taken charge ol
the Dawson Hotel, and have tilted up the
rooms in such manner as to be able to make
at! who call on me comfortable.
My table shall be supplied with the best
the country affords. Rates of Board, by the
month or day, us reasonable as any first
class House. IS. T- L’OLLIiNS,
Jan. 6-?,m. Proprietor.
Fever and Ague
Always Stop* Che Chills.
This Medicine has been before the Pub
lic fifteen years, and is still ahead of all
other known remedies. It dooe not purge,
does not sicken tho stomach, ia perfectly
case in any doso and under aD cirenm-
Btanee", and is the onlv Medicine that will
or.d permanently every form of Fever
and Ague, because it ia a perfeot Anti®
£oto to .ffalarla.
Bold by all X>re.cete*a.
3TOH SAX.X2. ~~
/ r \NE pair of oxen, good size, five years
v * old. Can be seen at the residence of
K. I‘. Beauchamp.
S. J. UAltliUliL.
• Feb. ft, <lm
VOL VI. —NO 1,
Dawson Business Directory.
Dry Gnoili Merchant*.
CUIM.dc TICKER, Dealers taf
Dry Goods Clothing, Boots and Shoes
; Groceries Ac. zllso egenta for some of the'
moet approved Fertilizers. Main Street.
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Groceries
Hardware, Crockery etc.
OUR, IV. F. Dealer In Fancy and sta
ple Drv Goods, Main st., next door to'
J. W. Reddick’s.
Grocery Merchant*.
|TOOD, H. 11., Dealer in Groceries an 4
11. Family supplies generally, at W. F:
Orr’s old stand, under ‘Journal’’ OOcO,
Main st.
LOYI.I2SS, J, E. Grocer and Coni
mission J/erchant, Dealer in Bacon,'
Flour, Liquors, Ac.
Kedrick, j. Grocer dealer In 80-'
> eon, Flour, Lard, Tobacco, Ac.
I EE Ac BROTHER, Dealers in'
Hardware. Iron nod Steel, Wagon Tim'-
bwrs, and Plantation Tool 9. Also Manufac
turers of Tin Ware, Mam st., at J. B. Perry’#
old stand.
Baldwin, Andrew. Dealer
in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware Cht-'
terly, Furniture, 2d door from the Hotel.
CHEATHAM, E. A., Dm g girt ta#
Physician. Will visit by day or eighty
patients in Town or Country—will prescribe
tor any and all the ilia that flesh is heir to.
Keeps a complete supply of Drugs and Medv
icines, School Books and stationary—(gar
den Seeds An ,Ac, At his old stand, The
Red Drug Store on Main St., TERAfS Strict
ly Cush for all articles sold. Monthly settle*
meuts for Professional /Services.
JANES DR. J. R., Dealer in 1
Drugs, A/edicines, Oils, Paints, Dye
Stuffs, Garden Seed, Ac., Ac.
Livery Stable.
HAYNiES, SAirifEL ».(8«8'
cesaor to Farnum A .Sharpe) will ’do a
gen al Livery business 110-ses and Mule*
for .Sale, Horses boarded. North side P üb~'
lie Square.
\\T ARE, RANDALL. Will mak#
\ V ami repair Wagons, Buggies Plow*,-
Diekson'Sweep, Shoeing horses, near Post
Office. Always ready to do work good and
cheap. Jan. 19-ly
Tht M 3 ric<lr**, fJnrivalied Item•
tdtt for she Speedy Eure of
COLDS, C O V fJ if S,
»/.s j it. »f.i, it it o.r-
C HIT IS, and
Is warrontedthe most pleasant, safe, and ef
fectual Cough and Lung Remedy ever di*-'
covered 1
Globe Flower Cough Syrup is warranted!
not to eon'ain Opium in anv of its forirt*
Globe Flower Syrup is legally Warranted to 1
(lure. Globe Flower Syrup is protected by
Letters-Pat put, both on Trade Mmlc, Label,
..nd Compound. Over 20,000 Living
tdf lies Hes t,n bear testimony to the great
superioi ity of Globe Flower Syrup over all
other isUng Mtemedies.
The following are some of the many thou
sand testimonials in our possession.
Sold by all responsible Druggists.
Proprietors A Chemists, Atlanta, Ga.,
Roswm., Ga, April 2Srd, 1870.
Messrs. Pemberton, Taylor A Cos.
D; ar Sirs:—l received the bottle of
Glol/o Flower/Syrup at noon, yesterday, and
began the use of it immediately. My pa
tient passed a more comfortable night than
she has for three months, and now, at Iff
o’clock, b. M-, says she feels like anothef
woman. I intend to continue the use of tho
Globe Flower Svrup" believing it will make
a cure. Never have I witnessed such great
benefit from a remedy, i-/ so short a time iff
my life. I shall, in the future, use vonr
Globe Flower Syrup in all eases of colds,
coughs, aud all affcctious of the lungs that
may present themselves
Respectfull, R. B. AND EPSON, Jf. th
O'M of a TUaunaml.
Fort Vai.lkt, Dec. Is-, 1870. f
J/ossrs Pemberton, Taylor A Cos., Atlanta.
Grnts.—For the pnst two moot is I have
been suffering with a very severe Cough, and
I tried fifty different remedies, without re*
ceiving the least benefit. But a few dav*
ago a friend recommended your Globe Flower
Cough Syrup, and I am proud to say that mV
cough was entirely cured before the bottl*
was near empty,
um, Verv Respectfully
Pec 8 ts.
Have th"
7n the City of
snd LAW and DENTAL
An immense pnpplv oj
Blank Book-/made to order in any style of
binding and ituiing.
Tac same careful Attention given to
as to Pkksoral Puroimsks,
.Send for Catalogues, Ac.
Dec. l-4m.
Lost, or mislaid, ®ao Note signed by J. "f
llays, dated April J Ith, 1870, due 7iW
Oct. therealler, payable to i’. C. Kendrick j
for Forty seven, or thereabout*. 1
waru any aud every one ag/inst trading for
the ruun", and the maker fro/u paying to any
one but luys-.-11.