Newspaper Page Text
V» hut i- Food f
All substances which go to build up
and sustain animal life, aro called
food. These substoc - s contain soluble
and insoluble, or mineral ingredients;
and the same materials are found in
animal and vcgitablo lifo, only differ
ing in proportion and form. A varie
ty of materials is required for each in
dividual organization; for instance,
tho bones of animals are chiefly com
posed of phosphate of lime, withlossor
proportions of carbonate of lime soda,
magnesia, and potash, while the slosh
nnd blood contain about eighty 'per
cent of water, a largo proportion of
albumen, and other substances in a
lesser quantity. The vegetables con
sumed by animals contain all tho de
ments requisite to their health and
growth. If they aro to bo fattened,
that food should be given which will
produce tho most fat; and if growth is
tho objoct, tho diet should bo composed
of such substances as will yield the
most bono and muscle Tho nature
nnd amount of nutriment in plants, at
different stages of their growth varies
materially; and careful attention to
this point will enable tho scientfic far
mer to realize a much greator profit
from tho same crop, by harvesting and
securing it at tho right time, and in
tho right manner, than otherwise
By knowing how to distribute this
variety of food to his stock, a feeder
may economize his material.—Pome
roy's Democrat.
The 31 oat Fowl'.
A correspondent who makes money
by raising eggs and poultry, writes
that tho Braluna fowls aro the best
tho hon-fever over introduced into this
country for laying, in all seasons of the
year. The pullets will lay earlier and
longer in the wintor than any other
breed I have experimented with. 1
havo known early spring chickens to
commence laying early in October,
and continue to lay.
The Polands, as a general rule, do
not lay as early in the season as
Brahmas, neither do they lay as largo
eggs. The Brahmas aro oxcellont
winter layers, and are very hardy.
Young chicks are extremly hard to
injure by bad treatment, while the
youthful Polands requiro a great deal
of attention when from three to four
weeks old. Brahmas aro good sitters
and excellent mothers, very gentle,
and the chicks well disposed to each
other Polands seldom evince a de
sire to sit; but when they do, general
ly provo hoodless and.spitcful, and
aro consequently poor mothers. Brah
mas possess a remarkably contented
disposition, bear confinement well, aro
not hard to keep within bounds, a four
foot fence being sufficient to restrain
them. Tho Poland is probbaly ready
for tho table at an earlier ago than the
Brahmas; but a six month’ old Brah
ma is fully equal to a turkey. There
is no prettier fowl that the B ahma;
and in my opinion, nono that combines
so many good qualities and possesses
so few objectional ones.— Pomeroy's
.Retrogressive Jlanagcuacut.
Too many tillers of the soil aro
forced by circumstances to begin in
straightened condition, making them
feel the need of pursuing an exacting
course, in their treatment of the acres
they occupy. They feel the noed of
realizing immediate results from their
labor - —So they go to turning under
tho turf planting corn and sowing tho
other grains. If it be now ground,
lately cleared of forest, they keep tho
grass out and the grain in. This
course is kopt np till the ground is too
much reduced to product? a good crop
of grass. The grass is then resorted
to, with requirement to restore the ex
hausted soil to primitive conditions ;
and while doing this, to yield a profit
able crop besides. This is requireing
too much. If tho ground had not
been exhausted with the other crops—
if tho grass could havo beon started
by the side of the other crops with the
ground in equal conditions—it would
have affordod a fair crop, and at the
same time kept the ground from im
poverishment. Treated with intelli
gence and discretion, grass will afford
a fair crop, and at tho same time af
ford the work of increasing fertiliza
tion.—Pomeroy's Democrat.
Tlift Mansf Or “Bava Iletl.”
The mange is often a troubclsomo
disorder. It is contagious, and liable
to run through the whole herd if not
arre -ft and. It makes its appearance
more frequently about tho head of the
animal, but extends to other parts of
the body, causing much annoyance to
the stock,and giving it a very unsight
ly appearance. Tlie disease is easily
cured by mingling sulphur with oil or
lard, and applying the mixture to tho
diseased parts. Sulphur is a sover
eign remedy for diseases of the skin,
and is used internally with success by
many stockmen for promoting the
health and thrift of domestic animals.
}Vhen used for this purpose,’tis mixed
into small quantities with salt, and is
readily taken in this way. Animals
kc pt upon dry food for six months of
the year are more liable to contract
disease on such food than wliile at tho
pasture, and sulphur fed in the way
suggested serves an impoitant pur
peso in purifying the blood, and in
promoting health.
Tho Chronicle & Sentinel claims to
believe that lion. B. H. Ilil is to bo
tho next Attorney General.
An illiterate farmer, wishing to en
ter 6omo animals at an agricultural
exhibition, wrote to the secretary as
follows ; “Also enter mo for the best
jackass, I am sure of taking the prem
.r#:if .in%'Eß i
sTto&oper EffiSK -v,
(URLS who eng go in our new business
make from #5 to $lO per clay in their
own Realities. Full particulars and instruc
tions sunt fiee by mail. Those in need of
permanent, profitable work, should address
at once. GEORG# STINSON & CO.,Portland
A FIRST CL.fS.S El OUT PAGE DA’J/O WA’KKLY, Established in 1850
$2 piryear ; $. for »ix mouths, /Subscribe
for it. P»e s/ieeimcii copies address “.DAY
BOOK, Nem York City. ”
nit. 57 », FlTcil’4 Faniiy
IMiy-ieitt n ; !tO pages; sent by
mail free. Teaches how to cure all diseases
of the person ; skin, hair, eves, complcixon.
VVrjie to 714 B oadway, New York.
Uncle Josli’n*
A /'ortfolio of tiWit anti Humor,con
tniniutf the iJichent Comical atones. Cruel Sells,
Sidesplitting Jokes, Humorous Foetry, Qwnint
Parodies, Burlesque Sermons, New Couuu
drums and Mirth-Provokin'' Speeches ever pub
lished. interspersed with curious 7’u/zles,
sfmuFing Card Tricks, Feats of Parlor Magic,
end nearly 200 Funny Engravings, illustrated
(/Over' Price 15 et*. Srnt by mail.postage paid,
to any part- of the United States, on receipt of
price. DICK it F/TZGEHALD. 7'ublishera, 16
Aim st N\ V,
I’ropiiolni- of 1 *<‘llll sylvan in Works
Manufacturer ol improved Polished Stool
[York, Pen::.
S-eel Plows,
Shovel Plow Blades,
florae II oe s, Harrows,
Ilorso Powers, J'ureshing
Machines, k\, &o.
Send for I llsi-t rate J Catalogue
Vi* i*I,»■; pahi:r, t oKi;:t &
SMLUU. d/tde by I). 11. Wiiitte
murk, Worcestor. Muss.
HE flower and vegetable seeds,
And Summer Flowering Bulbs
Will be rosdy for mailing by tho middle of
January, notwithstanding our gr*at lo M 8 of
type, paper, engravings, &<\, by tire, which
destroyed the Job Printing OlTico of the
Rochester Democrat t i' Chronicle , 25'.h Pes
eember, 187 U. It will bo printed on a most
elegant ue.v tinted paper, and Illustrated
with nearly
500 Original Shigriu hiji^
And two finely executed Colored /Mates—speci
mens for all of which were grown by ourselves
the past Reason from our own stock of .Seeds. In
the originality, execution and extent of the eu
graving* it is unlike and eminently superior to
any other Gatnlogue or “Floral Guide” extant.
The Catalogue will ( 'oiislst of 112 /’ages, auu
rh soon as published will be sent free to all wlio
ordered .Seeds from us by mail the last season.
7b others a charge of 15 cents per copy will hi 1
made, which is not the value of the colored
Plates. We assure our friends that the induce,
ments wc offer to purchasers of seeds, as to
quality and extent of Stock, Discounts and pre
miums, are unsurpassed. Please send orders for
Catalogues without delay.
Onr Colored > lirmuo for 1871.
Will b<s jvaily to send out. in January. The
Chrorao will represent Forty two Varieties of
showy and popular Flowers, of natural size and
color. We design to nmKe it tlie best plate of
Flowers ever issued, Size, lft x 24 inches. The
retail value would be a least Two Dollars : we
shall, however, furnish it lo customers at 75 wilts
Per copy, and otter it as a Premium upon orders
for seeds. See Catalogue when out.
ISltltiiCiS <V ifRUIIIER. Ho
ckcktei-, K. Y.
1826 pulmonary BaLSAM 1870*
Ibe otd simdard remedy lor ‘-ougus, Coids;
Consumplion. “Nothing better. * Culler,
Pros, and Cos., Poston.
tlifeka Mjilipiljold Watch Cos.
have appointed
I. V HefaiM A Cos., Jcwclm,
40 & !i It roadway, At r York,
and have authorized them to sell their great
A’ureka Aluminum Gold Watches lor Three
Dollars, and to warrant each and every one
to keep correct time for one Year. This
Watch we guarantee to be the best and
cheapest time k-eper tha* is now in use in
any part ol the globe. The works arc in
double cases, Ladies’ and Gents'size, and are
beautifully chased. The cases are made of
the meial now so widely known in A'urope
as Aluminum Gold. It has the txaclcolor of
gold, which it always retains ; it willj stand
•■he lest of the strongest acids; no one can
tell it I ram Hold only by weight, the Alumi
num (fold being Mil lighter. The wo-ks
are made by machinery, same ss the well,
known American Watch. The A lu'irnurn ig
a cheap metal; hence we can afford to sell
ihe Watch lor -fell and make a small profit.
We pack he Watch safely in a small box
and send it by mail to any part of the U. S
on receipt'of $3.50; fifty cents for packing
and postage. Address ail orders to
Y. lIEFORENT CO., .ffow-
JO & -14. Broadway, S. l'.
It i/fli’tjilitifi Tofiflt
Can be made in a quiet way by men that are
capable oi keeping the secret- zlddress
■M a n es (luomvn, 07 jex
cliatige Place, New York.
Litflirs, get
the Best Lock
Slitcb. £emi
-stamp Cor lull,
par icularg to
W. Daniels &
Cos., Sav., Ga - ,
fleW $25
U PHAM’S Depilatory I*o Ai
der.—Removes superfluous hair in
five minutes, without injury to the skin. —
.Sent bv mail for ;J1 25.
Relieves most violent paroxysms in five min
ute* and effects o speedy cure. Price $2 by
The Japanese Hair Stain
Uoiors the whiskers and hair a beautiful
BLACK nrRUOvVN. It consists of onlu one
prepeaation. 76 cents by ir.nii. vlddress
S. (!. CDHAM, No. 721 Jayne Street, Phila
delphia, Pa. Circulars sent free. Sold by ail
s s'TTslT^s
prepared to furnish all clurbcs with constant
employment at home.thc whole of the time or for
tlie spare moments. Business new, light, aud
profitable, i'ersoiui of eit her sex easily earn from
50c. to $5 per evening, and a proportional sum by
devoting their whole time to the business. Boys
and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all
who see this notice may send their address, and
test the business, we make the unparalleled offer:
To such as are not well satisfied, we will send
*1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Fullparti
cuiars, a valuable salmple which will do to com
menc-c The People' 8 Literary Companion-one of the
largest and best family newspapers ever publish
ed—all sent free by mail. Header, if you want
permanent profitable work, address.
K. <J. ALLA’S & CO., Ji utfsuxA Maine.
Agents! Stead This!
» * SALARY ol' StfO per week
and expenses, or allow a Urge commission,to
sell our new and wonderful inventions. Ad
dresa M. WAQN7TR & C<L JArshall, J/ieb.
The Married Ladies' Private Companion
contains the desired information. Sent free
for two stamp*. Address Mrs. U. Metgxr,
Unnover, Pa.
VYOID qiIAfKS.-A victim of
early indisiretion, causing nervous de
bility, premature decay, Ac., having tried in
vain every advertised remedy; has a simpie
means of self-cure, which he will send free
to bis fcllow-sufi'etcts. H. TUT
TI.A', 78, Nassau st., New York.
./njn B.Yt S Til .1 TO IPS SwiLE
WILL be sold to the highest bidder on the
Ist Tuesday in Afarch next, before the
Court House door in the town o( .Dawson, in
the county Terrell, the following property
belonging to Ike estate of the late A’noch W
Gaddy, deceased, to-wit : All that town lot
in said town, lying and fronting on tho Pub*
lie Square of said town, and known in the
plan of Slid town by lot number two, now
miOcSupicd and including the ground upon
which the house stands and running back
some fifteen or eighteen feet. Also 39J
acres of laud mote or less, situated in or near
said towD, and lying in or near Chickisatv
hatchie creek, bought, by the said Enoch W.
Gaddy from \V. J. vfriams in 1806, upon
which thtreisaveiy comfortablo dwelling
i a’d land adj turning the laud of thu Botsfsrd
ertite, on the West by u lot owned by the
late J. L. D. Prrryman in his lifetime, on the
South, the town lots, on the West and Ran
dal Ware on the North. Sold under an or
der of ibc Court of Ordinary of Houston
County. Terms of sale one half cash, bal
ance on twelve mont!;s|time with good secur
ity, and bond lor title when tho purchase
moneyfis paid. This January 16th 1871.
Adm’r. T)t bonis non of
J*u. ltlitda
Window Shades, Wull Paper, J/altresscs
Feathers, &c„ Ac., kc.
IParlor Suites;
in Walnut and Mahogeny.
Large Stock of Bed room Suites, Walnut,
,1/ahogeny and Enameled, for sale,
[ 1000 Ms pie Bedsteads, $5.00 to $6.00
1 200 Walnut Bedsteads, all pricos.
100 dozen Split Seat Chairs.
| 50 dozen Cane Scat Chairs, all prices.
50 dozen Rattan scat Chair-, all prices.
Tapestry, Brussels, Three Ply and Ing-ain
Oil Cloths, .Vattings, Rugs and Mats, just ro
ccived, anil for sale low.
Next door to Lanier Mouse,
dee. 22, sm. Macon, 6a,
rniiE eureka ammomatkd bone
exchanged foi Coi'on deliverable next Fall.
It t» a firstsehss article.
Hgents at nearly all stations of impor
tance in Georgia, or information may be had
ot F. W. SIM k C»:.
Savannah, Ga.
Harper & simmons.
j»D. 19 Inr zfgents, Dawson.
/N FOKGFA, T«t»-r<*ll County:
VX Whereas, W B Christie applies for let
ters of Guardianship of the minors under four
teen years of age of B G Christie, deceased,
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all persons concerned to he and appear at my
! office within the time prescribed by law and
show cause if any why said letters should
not be granted. Given under my hand mid
official signature, this 16th day of January.
1871 T M .TTLVE S,
jiulO-lm Ordinary.
1 I
Centrally located •
'McAFEE house,
At Smithvillf, ta.
r jAIIE undersigned having fitted up the Me-
L Alee /louse at Smithville, takes pleasure
in notifying tho travelling public that tho
above bouse is now in the ‘‘full tide”of suc
cessful administration by himself. He will
spare no expense to make it a Fikst-Ci.xss
Hotel. J/eals ready on the arrival of tho
rain. ' W. M. McAFEE.
Official Advertisments.
Atlanta Ga., Jan, IG, 1871.
Timt Hon. Jamfs M, Simms, of the countv
of Chatham be and he is hereby appointed,
subject to the advice and consent of the
Senate, District Judge of the Com U in and
for the First Senatciial .District o( this Slate
for the term of four years from January Ist,
1871; and to hold said office until his success
or shall have been appointed, and that he bo
com missed accordingly.
Given under my hand and the seal of the
Executive Department, at the Capitol, in
Atlanta, the day aud year above written
By the Governor:
R. 11. Atkinson, Sec’y Executive Dcparmeut
Atlanta Ga , Jud, 16,1871 j
That Hon. T. R. Mills, of the county of
Chatham bo,and he ia hereby appointed, sub
ject to the advice and consent of the .Senate,
District Attornuy of the Courts in and for
the First Senatorial District of this State for
the term of feur years from January Ist 1871
and to hold said office until his successor
shall have been appointed, and that he be
commissioned accordingly.
Given under my hand and the Seal of the
ExecutivDepartment, at the Capitol in At
lanta, the dav and year first above written
By the Governor:
R. and. Atkinson, Sec’y Executive Department.
Atiunte, Ga., Jan, 16, 1871. $
That Hod. A. G. Osoood, of (lie county of
Glynn be and he is hereby appointed, sub
ject to the advice aud consent of the -Senate,
District Judge of the Courts in and for the
Fourth Senatorial District of this State for
the term of four years from January Ist,
1871; and to hold said office until his suc
cessor shall have been appointed, and that
he be commissioned accordingly.
G veu under mv hand and the seal of the
Executive Department, at the Capitol in
Atlanta, the dav and vear above wri'ten
By the Governor.
R. if. Atkinson, N'ec’y Executive Departmnct
Jt Ho{HB,
Ailantn, Jun, IG, 1871 j
That lion. T. A. SwranitsnE!*, of the coun
ty of Decatur be. and is hereby appointed,
subject to the advice and consent of the
Senate, District Judge of the Couits in and
for the F.ighth Senatorial District of this »S>ate
for the term of four vests from January Ist,
1871; and to hold said office until his suc
cessor shall have boon appointed, nnd that
he be commissioned accordingly.
Given under my hand and the seal of the
Executive .Department, at the Capitol in
Ailantn, the day and year first above
By the. Governor;
R. U Atkinson, Scc’y Executive .Department.
Atlanta, Ga , Jun, 10, 1871. ' )
That Hon. J. J. Crntram, of the county of
Miller be, and be is hereby appointed, sub
ject to the advice and consent ol the Senate
District Attorney of the Courts in and for
the Eighth Senatorial District of this S'atc
for the term of four years from January Ist,
1871; and to hold said office until his suc
cessor shall have been appointed, and that
lie be commissioned nccordinl v.
Given under my hand and the seal of the
Executive Department, at the Capitol in
Atlanta, the day and and year first above
written. RUFt/S B. BULLOCK,
By the Coacrtior;
R. 11. Atkinson,Sec’y Executive Department.
Atlnifta, Ga., Jan, 16.1871.
That Hon. Jkssb 11. flnimx, of the coun
ty of Calhoun be and he is hereby appointed,
subject to the advice and consent of the Sen
ate, District Sudge of the Courts in and for
the Ninth Senatorial District of this Slate for ;
the term of four years from January Ist,
1871; and to hold said office until his success
or shall have bocen appointed, and that lie
be commissioned accordingly.
Given un er my hand mid tho seal of the
Executive Department, at tlie Capitol in
zltlauta, the day and year fiist shove writ
By the Governor;
R. U zltkinson,Sec’y A’xccutivc Department.
Atlanta, Ga., Jan , 16,1871. S
That Hon. Tiieo. N. Winn, of the county
of Calhoun be, and he is hereby appointed
subjact to the advice ami consent of the .Sen
ate, District A ttorney of'he Courts in and
(or the Ninth Senatorial District of this State
(or the term of four years from January Ist,
1871; and to hold said office until his ruc
cessor shall have been appointed, aud that he
commissioned accordingly.
Given tinder toy hand and the seal of Exe
cutive Department, at the Capitol in At
lanta, the day and year first above wriilen.
By the Governor;
R H Atkinson, Sec’y Executive Department.
Ailantn. Ga., Jun, 16 1871. I
That Hon. Trios. R. Lyons, of the county
of Dooghcr'y b y and is hereby appointed,
subject to the Hdviee and consent of the Sen
ate, District Attorney of the Courts in and
for tlieTeith Senatorial Dietiict of this Slate
for the term of four years from J tuuary Ist,
1871, and to hold said office until in- suc
cessor shall have been appointed, and that
he be commissioned accordingly.
Given under my hand and the seal of the
Executive Department, at the Capitol in
Atlanta, the dav and year fiist above
written. ILUFU3 B. BULLOCK.
By the Governor;
R H Atkinson, Sec’y Executive Department.
Atlnntfl, Ga., Jun, 16, 1971 <
That Hon. llknut Moroan, of the county
of Dougherty be, and be is hereby appointed,
subject to advice and consent of tho .Senate
District Judge of the Courts in and for the
Tenth District of this State for the term of
four years from January Ist, 1S71; and to
hold said office until his successor shall have
been appointed, and that he be commisioued
Given under my hand and the seal of the
Executive Department, at the Capitol in
Atlanta, tho day and year first above
written. RUFUS 13. BULLOCK.
By the Governor :
R II Atkinson, Sec’y Executive Department-
Atlanta, Ga , Jan, 16,1971. S
That lion. John F. Nhink, of the county of
Twigga, be and he is hereby appointed, sub
ject to the advice and coust nt of the Senate,
District Judge of the Courts in and for the
Twenty-First .Senatorial District of this State
for the term of four years front January
Ist, 1871; and to hold said office until his
successor shall have been appointed, and
that he be commissioned accordingly.
Given under my hand aud the seal of the Ex
ecutive Department, at the Capitol in At
lanta, the davand year first above written.
By Uio Governor:
R II Atkinson, Sec’y Executive Depar/ment.
Atlanta, Gn , Jun, 16.1871. <
That Hon. Domcan Jordan, of the county
of Randolph be, a■ ■ J lie is hereby appointed,
subject to the advice and consent of the Sen
ate, District Judge of the Courts in and for
the Eleventh Senatorial District oftb ! s State
for the term of four yea is from January Ist,
1871; and to hold said office until.his success
or shall have been appointed, und that he
he commissioned accordingly.
Given under my hand and the seal of the
Executive Department, at the Capitol in
Atlanta, the day and year first, above writ
By the Governor:
R n Atkisson, Sec'y Executive Department.
Atlanta, Ga., Jan, 16, 1871. \
That Hod. JosXrn IT. Taylor, ofthecom
ty of Randolph be, and he is hereby appoint
ed, tuhject to the advice and consent es the
Senate, District Attorney of the courts in
and for the Eleventh Senatorial District of
this State for the term of of four years from
January Ist. 1871; and to hold said office un
til his successor shall have been appointed,
and that he be commissioned accordingly.
Given under my hand and the seal of the
.Executive Deparment, at the Capitol in
Atlanta, the day and year first above writ
By the Governor :
R. H v Aikinson, £ec’y Exective Department.
Atlanta, Gu., Jan, 16, 1871.
That Hon. J. F. Blouxt, of the county
of Stewart be, and be is hereby appointed,
subject to the advice aud consent *of the
Senate, District Judge ot the Courts iti and
for the Twelfth Senatorial District of this
State for the term of four years from Janua
ry Ist, 1871; and to hold aaid office until his
Successor shall have been appointed, and that
he be commissioned accordingly.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Ex
ecutive Department, at the Capitol in Atlan
ta, the day aud year above written.
By tho Governor:
R II Atkimson, .Sec’y Axccutire Department.
Executive Department, )
All tint a, Ga , Jan. 16th, 1871. S
T lft. Hon. Jonah ITARnrr,!,, ol the countv
of Webster be and lie is hereby appointed,
subject, to the advice and consent, of the Sen
ate, District Attorney of the Courts in and
for the Twelfth Senatorial District of this
State for the term offour years frem Jantiaty
Ist, 1871, and to hold said office until his suc
cessor shail have been appointed, and that
he be commissioned accordingly.
Given under my hand and the Neal of the Ex
ecutive Deparerocnt, at the Capitol in At-|
liiutu, ti c day and vear first above written.!
By the Governor :
R II Atkinso*, Sec’y Executive Dcp't.
Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 16, 1871- f
That lion. Giro. W. Ftsn. of the conrtv of
Afacon be, and lie In hereby appointed, subject to
tile advice and coneest or the Semite. District
Judge of the Court« in and lor the Bttb Sena
torial District, of this State for the term of four
years from January Ist, IN7I, and to hold said
office iimill liis successor shall have been appoint
ed,nnd Hint he bo commissioned accordingly.
Given under my hand and the seal ol'thr Execu
tive Department, at the Capitol in Atlanta, tiie
day anti year first above written.
By the Governor ••
R 11 Atkinson, Sec’y Executive Department.
Atlanta, Ga., January, 17, 1871, $
That Hon. Jonv D. CARftcn, of theconntv
of Sumter be. and Is hereby appointed, subject to
Ihe advice and consent of tho remit.-, District At
torney of the Courts in and for the Thirteenth
Senatorial District so tills State for the term of
four yoart from January Ist, 1371, and to hold
ssnl office until his successor shall have been ap
pointed, aud that he he commissioned accordingly
Given under my hand and the seal of tho Kxirn
tlve DcpaHmcnt, at the Capitol in Atlanta, the
day and year first above written.
By tho Governor :
R. U. Atkinson, Soc’y Ex Departmert.
Atlnntn,Qa, Jan. 16, 1871. j
7hat Hon. Jacop Watson, of the eonnfy
of Pulaski bo, and ho lx herohy appointed,
subject to the advice ana consent of the Pen
| ate. Judge of the Courts in nnd for ti e
! Fourth Senatorial Distilot of this State for
\ tlie term of four years from January Is-,
| lf7l, and to hold said office until his succes-
S or shall have been appointed, and that he be
1 oomniisslyncd accordingly.
Given under my baud and the seal of the
/executive Department, at the Capitol in
Atlanta, tho dav and year fir t above writ
By tlie Governor:
R. 11. Atkinson, Sec’y Ex. Department.
Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 16, 1871. j
That Hon. S. R. Goopr, of the county of
Dooly be, and he is hereby appointed, sub
ject to the advice and consent of the Senate,
District Attorney in and for the Fourteenth
.Senatorial District of this State for the term
of four years from January lrt, 1871, and to
hold said office until his successor slieli have
been appointed, and that he be commissioned
Given tinder niv hand and the seal of tho
Executive Department, at tlie Capi o! in
Atlanta, the dav nnd year first ahovewrit
.By (he Governor:
II II,Sec’y /Executive Department.
Atlanta, Ga., Jan, 16 1871. (
3 hat Hon. John F. Xawssn, of the connfv
of Durke he, and he is hereby appointed,
subject to the advice aud consent of the Sen
ate, District Judge of the Courts in and for
Sevcnteeth Senatorial District of this S'ate
for tl.e term of four years from J miiary ]=t,
1871; and to hold said office until his succes
sor shall have been appointed, aud th t he
be commissioned accordingly.
Given under my hand and the seal of the £x
cutive Department, st the Capitol in At
lanta, the day and year first above wiit—
By (ho Governor :
R II Atkinson, Sec’y Executive Department.
Atlanta, Ga., Jun, 16,1871. (
That Hon. Wilmaji Hunky Willy, of the
county of Scriven, be and is hereby appointed
subject lo the advice nnd consent of the Sen
ate, District Attorney of tlie Courts in and for
the Seventeenth Senatorial District of this
State, for tiic tetnt of four years ftom Janu
ry Ist, IS7 J; and to hold said office nti til hi«
Kucecsor shall have been appointed, and
that he be commissioned accordingly.
Given under my hand and the seal of the
Executive Department, at tho Capitol, in
Atlanta, the and tear first above written.
By the Governor;
R. H. Atkimson, Sdc. Er.. Department.
ExtccrrrvE Department, )
Atlanta, Ga., Jan, 16, 1870. l
Th it Hon. Henry Jones, of the county of
Richmond be, and lie is hereby appointed,
subject to the advice and consent of the Sen
ate, District Judge of Ihe Courts in and for
ho Eighteenth Senatorial District of llib
.State, for the term ot tour vears from Jan
uary Ist, 1871; and to hold said office until
his successor shall have been appointed, aud
that he be commissioned accordingly.
Given under my hand and the senl oi'tlie Ex
ecutive Department, at the Capitol, fn At
lanta, the dav and year first above written
By tlie Governor :
R H Atkinson, Sec’y Executive Department.
Atlanta, Ga., Jan, 16,1871. <
That Hon. Alley M Beayton, of the coun
ty of Richmond, be and he is hereby appoin
ted, subject to the advice and consent of the
Senate, District Attornev of the Courts in
and for the AightoAth Senatorial District of
this .State, for the term of four years from
January Ist, 1871; and to hold aaid office un
til his successor shall have been appointed,
and that bo be commissioned accordingly. ’
Given under my hand and the eeal of the Ex
exutive Department, at the Capitol, in At
lanta, the dav and vear first aboytmwi'tcn
By the Governor;
R II Atkinson, Sec’y Executive Department.
Atlanta, Ga , Jan, 16, 1871. \
That Hon. William H. J/cwiiorter, of the
county of Greene, be, and he is hereby ap
pointed, subject to the advice aDd consent
of the Senate, District Judge of the Courts
iu and W!r the Nineteenth Senatorial District
of this State, tor the term of four years from
January Ist, 1871; and to hold said office un
til his successor shall have been appointed,
and that he be commissioned accordingly; ’
Given under my hand and the seal of tbe Ex
ecutive Department, at the Capitol, iu At
lanta, the dav and year first above written
By tho Governor:
R H Atkinson, Sec’y Axeeutive Depattmo
Atlanta, Ga., Jan, 16, 1871. J
That Joseph B. Goxdrr, of tho county of
Ilaneock, be, aud he is hereby appointed,
subject lo the advice and content of the Sen
ate, District Judge oi tlie Courts iu and for
the Twentieth Sriialotial District of tlila State
for the term offouryeats from Junuary Ist.
1871; and to hold said office until his succesu
or shall been appointed, and that lie be com
missioned accordingly.
Given under my hand and the soul of the Ex
ecutive Department, at. the Capitol, in At
lanta, the day and year firsbnbove writ
By the Governor;
Atkinson, Sec’y Executive Department.
""Xllanta Gn., Jan, 16. 1871. $
*rf .it Hon. John F. A’iiink, of the county of
Twiggs be, and lie is hereby, appointed, sub
ject to tlie advice and consont of the Senate,
District Jud ge oft he Courts in and for the
Twenty-first Senatorial District of this State
for the term offour years from January Ist,
1871, and to hold said office until bis suc
cesso r shall ha appointed,aud that he be com
missioned accordingly.
Given nuder my hand and the seal of the Ex
ecutive Department, at tlie Capitol in At
lanta, the day and vear first above written.
Jiy th*' Governor 7
R II Atkinson, Sec’y A’xecntivc Department.
Atlanta, Ga., Jan, 16, 1871. )
That Hon- W. G. Mc./fnoo, of the county
of Baldwin be, and he is hereby appointed,
subject to tlie advice and consent of the Si ns
rtej District Attorney of the Courts, in and
for the Twentieth S material District of this
State, for the term of four years from Janua
ry Ist, 1871, and to hold paid office until his
successor shall hare been appointed, and that
he be commissioned accordingly.
Given under my hand and the seal of the Fx
ecutive Department, at the Capitol, in A‘-
lan'a, the day and vear first, above writ
By the Governor ;
R. 11. Atkinson, Sec. Kx. Department.
Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 16, 1871, |
That lion. Allen L BapOe, of the county
of Wilkinson be, and he is hereby appointed
subject to the advice and consent of the Sen
ate, District Attorney of the Courts in and
for the Twenty-First Senatorial District of
this State for the toryt-of four years from
January l»t, 1871, ami TO hold said office un
til his successor shall have been appointed,
and that he be commissioned occotding'y.
Given under my hand and tee seal of the
Executive Department, at the Cipitol in
Atlanta, the dav and rear fbsr above writ
By the Governor :
It. H. Atkinsou, Sec. E\. D -partmcuL
Atlanta, Gu , Jan, 16, 1871. j
That Hen. Henry Cowles, of the county of
Bibb be, and he is hereby appointed, subj et
to the atlvice and consent of the l mate, D s
tiict Judge of the Courts in and for the
Twenty-second Aionatorial District of tins
St'te for t -e t' * of four years from J mus
ty Ist, 1871 ; and to hold said office until
liis successor shall have b. en appointed, and
ti at lie be commissioned accordingly.
(liven undt r uiy hand and (lie seal of the
A’xectitive Department, at 'he Opito! in
Atlanta, the dav nnd vear first above
xviitten. ItUFUS B. BULLOCK.
By the Governor :
R. 11. Atkinson, Scc’v Ex. Department.
Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 16, 1871 f
That Hon. Joseph E. Hunt, of the county
of Dike be, and be is hereby appointed, sub
ject to the advice and consent Os tbeSena'o,
District Attorney of the Courts in and f„r
the Twenty-Second Senatorial District of
'his S'ate for the term of four years from
January Ist. 1871 ; and to hold said efli.-e
until his successor shall have been appointed
nnd that he be commissioned accordingly.
Given under my hand and the seal ol the
Dxecutive Department, at, the Capitol in
Atlanta, the day nnd vear above written.
By tlie Governor :
R II Atkinson*, Sec’y E\. Dcpaituieut.
Atlanta, Ga., Jan , 16, 1871. J
That lion. A. S. Giles, of the county of
Houston be, and he is hereby appointed,
sutject to thr advice and con-ont t f the Ben
ate, District Judge of tho ( nirts in ar.d ter
[ tlie Twenty-Third Senatorial Di.-tiict of this
State for the let tit of four years from Junu
*rry Ist, IS7I ; and to hold said office until
his successor shall have been appointed, and
that he tie oomnflssioned accordingly.
Given under my Land and the seal of tlie
Executive D- patlment, a' the Capitol in
Atlanta, the dav anil year first, above
written. IUTFUS B. BULAO'.iC.
By '.ho Governor :
R. 11. Atkinson, Sec. Ex. Department.
Atlnnlu Ga , Jim. 16, 1871. i
That Hon. J A. Hor.Tzct.AW, of the coun
ty o! Houston be. and he is hereby appointed
subject to the advice and consent of the
Senate, District Attorney of the Courts in
and for the Twenty Third Senatorial District,
ol this S'ate for the term of four yeflps from
January Ist, 1871 ; and to hold stud office
until his successor shall have been appointed,
and that hi; be commissioned accordingly.
Given under my hand and the eeal of the
Executive Department, at the Capitol in
Atlanta, the day and vear above writfoD.
By the Governor; •
R. 11, Atkinson, Sec, Ax Department.
Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 16, 1871. (
7 hat Hon. IV. 0. of the countv
of A/uscogee bo, and hereby appointed,
■ and consent of the Sen
i the Courts iu and for
enatorial District of this
f four years from Janu
to hold office until his
e been appointed, and
•oed accordingly.
Given under my hand and the seal of the
-Lx ecu live Department, at the Capitol in
Atlanta, the day and year first above writ*
By the Governor :
R. B. Atkinson. Hec. Ex. -/department.
Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 16, 1871. (
That lion. Thos. W. Thurman, of the
countv of Spalding be, and he is hereby np
poinUd, subject to the advice and consent of
the , cnate, District Judge of the Courts in
. lor ,! heTwent V' silth Senatorial District
o this Mato for the term of four years from
• imary 13t, 1871, and to hold said office un
i- n f. 8, ’ c , ces s° r shtiß have been appoimed.
a. a that he be commissioned accordingly.
Given under my hand and tlie seal of the'Ex
iTm ,T ,? D a Par,ment ’ at fhc Capitol in At
nta * the day and yrar first above written.
u *rthec,o™ # , RUFD * K RULUKK ’
K H Atkinson, Soc. Ex. Department.
Atlanta, Ga.. Jun. 16 187 1 ’ (
That Won. Ghat lea It John ion. of the en„«.
of .Spalding be, and hen hereby apnmntoit Unt ?
jeet to tin; advice and consent, or L. -o niii,.' !?.
♦rnt Attorney of tlie Court, '".a 1 '
I " enty.Sixth Senatorial District' of this .-,.!!
ssjrwr* »* “■* s “
Given under my hand nnd the seal of th
tive Depart mi nt, at the Capitol In JltlanU
day and year lirst above written " U "
t, a, m KUF US B. BULLOCK,
ny the Governor:
R 11. Atkinson, Boc. Ex. Dcp’t.
Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 16, 1871 ’ (
That Jlon. Virgil M. Barnes, of tlie eonnfy
Columbia be, and be is hereby appointed, U
jeet to the ndvlec aud eonaent of the Senate /,,,
tnet Judge of tlie Cou-t» in and for the Twenty
ninth Senatorial District of this State for til,'
term of four years from January Ist, 1871 anil to
hold said office until his successor shill 1„ T
, hern appointed, and that be be cm.imisMon,-t , *
I eordingly ,c *
Given under my hand and the Real of the Kxer
utive Department, at the Capitol in Atlanta’
the day and year first above written
nurus n. bullock
i >y trio Governor:
R. 11. Atkinson, See- Ex. Dt-p'f.
Atlanta, Ga., Jan, 16, ls7j ’ i
That Hon. Josnrn McTY bt
tho county of Oglethorpe be and be
is hereby appointed, subject to the
, advice and consent of the Senate, I)j s .
, trict Judge of the Courts 3n and for
| the Thirtieth Senatorial District of
this gtato for the term of four years
j from January Ist, 1871, and to hold
' said office until his successor shall
have been appointed, and that he be
, commissioned accordingly.
Given under my band, and the seal
of the Executive Department, at
tlie Capitol in Atlanta, the day and
year first above written.
By tho Governor:
Rli Atkinson, Sec’y Ex. Dep’t.
Atlanta, Ga., Jan, 16, 1871. 4
That lion. TTamNkr X. Moeton, of
the county of Oglethorpe, he, and be
is hereby appointed, subject to the ad
vice and consent of the Senate, Din
trict Attorney of the Gearss iff and
for tho Thirtieth Senatorial District
of this State for tho term of fo«r fem
from January Ist, 1871; and to hold
i>aid office until his successor shall
have been appointed, aud that he be
Commissioned accordingly.
Given under my hand and tho seal
of the Executive Department, at
tho Capitol, in Atlanta, the day and
year first above written.
By the Governor:
RII Atkinson, Sec’j Ex. Dep't.
Atlanta, Ga., Jan, 16, 1871. S
That Hon. Samtkl Ltwnms,
of the county of Cobb be, and he is
hereby appointed, subject to the ad
vice and consent of the Senate, Di»-
rict Judge of the Courts in and for
the Thirty-Fifth Senatorial District
of this State, for the term of four
years from January Ist, 1871; and to
hohl said office until his successor
shall be apjHtinted, and that he be
commissioned accordingly.
Given under my hand and the seal of
the Executive Department, at the
Capitol, in Atlanta, tlie day and
year first above -written.
By the Governor:
R H Atkinson, Sec’y Ex. Dopar’t
Atlanta, Ga., Jan, 16,1871. )
That Hon. Yv. G Ir.wrx, of the
county of Fulton ho, and he is hereby
appointed, subject to the advice find
consent of tho Senate, District Attor
ney of tlie Courts, in and for th*
Thirty-Fifth Senatorial District of this
State, for the term of four years from
January Ist, 1871; and to hold said
office until his successor shall have
been appointed, and that he be com
missioned accordingly.
Given under my hand and tho sea! of
the Executive Department at tho
Capitol, in Atlanta, tho day a*“
year first above written.
By tho Governor :
R II Atkinson, Sec’y Ex Depart.
Atlanta, Ga., Jan, 16, 1871. )
That Hon. John IT. Cai.dwklt, of
the county of Troup be, and he i»
horeby appointed, subjoct to the ad*
vice and consent of tlie Senate, Du*
trict Judge of the Courts in and for
the term of four years from January
Ist 1871, aud to hold said office until
his successor shall have boon appoint*
od, and that he bo commissioned ® c *
cordingly. ,
Given under my hand, and the J** l
of tho Executive Department, at the
Capitol, iu Atlanta, tho day an®
year first abovo written.
By the Governor.
R II Atkinson, See’y Ex. Depar t.
Atlanta, Ga., Jan, 16, 1871. )
That Hon. Thomas H. V nfAiES,
of tho county of Troup bo, and ho i»
hereby appointed, subject to tho ad"
vice and consent of the Senato, Dis*
trict Attorney of the Courts in and lor
tho Thirty-Sovonth Senatorial District
of tills State for the term of four years
from January, Ist, 1871; and to ho
said office until his successor sha
have been appointed, and that he he
commissioned accordingly. .
Given under my hand and the seal o
the Executive Department, at t ®
Capitol in Atlanta, tho day and yea
first abort; written.
By the Governor:
R n Atkinson, Sec’y Ex. Depart
•Jan 26-lt.