The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, March 02, 1871, Image 3
PAW'S ON JOURNAL Lo (; A I.- COLUMN, Nkw Hotel. —The wind work has l, P en done long since. We lmye no hotel, and wo need one, Will our moneyed men go to work and build gUC h ft ono as will boa crodit to Daw sun? confidently expect to soe tho work commoncod in a very few day ß * j E. Loyless is offering Guanos at panic prices. A Healthy Digestion. —Life is ren dered miserable when the digestive or ,rans are impaired. Food bocomes re pulsive ; the body emaciated ; tho mind depressed, and melancholy broods ov or you. Terr's Vegetable Liver . Pills is the remedy for theso evils ; I t h e y produce sound digestion, create a 1 (rood appetite, impart rofroshing sleep anil cheerfulness of mind. Ed. Kpttxer is again right sido up •with care, as will bo* seen from bis; advertisement in this paper. Mr. | Kuttner’s losses in tho recent fire wore heavier on necount of his houso j h-ing pulled down before lie could get l ’ eu t his goods, in order to arrest tho panics. We hope bis many friends will not only give him their sympa- 1 thv, but a liberal trade. Storo room 1 next to Solomon’s, lately occupied as a dullar storo. J. E. Loyless is offering to sell the planters Corn and Bacon ON TIME, j Please Look. —Any ono having ei-1 ther of the following numbers of the Dawson Journal, will confer a favor by bringing them to us. A liberal price will bo paid for them : Vol* 4, No. 1, published February 18, 1869 ; Vol. 4, No. 23, published July 22, 1869; Vol. 4, No. 48, published Jan uary 13, 1870 , Vol. f), No. 9, publish-j ed April 14, 1870. A liberal price will also be paid for a complete file of the Journal from Sept. Ist, 186# to the present. Removals. —There has boon a gon oral moving since the tiro. Ed. Kutt ner is next door to Solomon ; N. H. I ,oe is next door to Lee & Bro.; Ja cob Knttner still on the wing; James k Bro. next to J. W. Roberts ; 11. R. Thomas next to Dr. G. A. Cheatham ; G. B. Thompson with Airs. E. A. Thompson ; Perry Cochran on tho wing; Farnum, Sharpe & Cos., next to Greer & Simmons; A. J. Baldwin, Jr., at Mrs Thompson’s old stand next to Jacob Kuttner’s residence-; I). McDonnell next to Wards ; Tost of fice with A. J. Baldwin, Jr., Express Office at tho residence of Dr. W. W. Farnum. Frame Buildings.—Tho business portion of our town are most interest ed in the rebuilding of the west side of tho Public Square, and if a vote was taken it would result in the recom monding to our worthy Mayor and Councilmen tho passing of an ordi nance to prohibit any ono from erect ing a framo building on the burned district. Lot tho owners of tho lots build good, substantial brick stores, or if they do not feel so disposed, let them sell their lots, at a reasonable price, to parties who are now ready and willing to go to work and erect such buildings as will not only bo prof itable to thorn and the business men of our town, but bo an ornament to our little growing city. The Fire.—A week has passed 6ince tho disastrous fire, and we are led to believo from the statement of Mr. Collins, the proprietor of the Ho tel- that tho firo was the work of an incendiary. The estimated losses aro as folllows: Sharpie & Brown—Ho tel, s,J;>ol). No insurance. Farrium, 3harpo & Co.—four stores, $3,000. — • b insurance. W. Woolbright—three I‘tures, $2500. No insurance. R. hedges—throe stores, Post Office and barber shop, $4500. No insu rance. It. Ware—blacksmith shop, '"'d. No insurance, B. F. Collins urniture and wearing ap>parel in Ho tel. $2300. No insurance. D. Mc blmt'd—tools and material in tin ™ J P. 6300. No insurance. G. B. Tompson— merchandise, SBOO. No ‘durance. T.Coclfran— bar room fix ate 8 -. No insurance. N. H. 0 insurance. Ed. Kuttner—mer - andj s °’ §I6OO. .No insurance.— •uiJYinney & Crouch and J. W. Rob- Tts also suffered loss by removing Clr goods, but tho extent of the sustained by these firms can bo definitely ascertained, rs. Farnum Sharpie & Cos. were , Bllro d> on merchandise, in the Lon j* 0 "’ Liverpool and Globe, $2,000, and p Uome of Georgia, 3,000. 11. j* omas insured in the London, r P°°l and Globe, $2,000. James .To., insured in tho L- L, and G., jhe ’ an d A. J v Baldwin insurod in •p, 3 ~~ of Alabama, SI,OOO. — b *o° <^a ’ ms aro now being adjusted I H 10 special agents of tho different "i ia nies, and wo cannot givo tho °nnt of losses to individuals or In- Companies, We call attention to tho advertise ment of D. McDonnell, Tinner and C&pper -smith. Mr. McDonnell had just begiiri business in Dawson, when tho fire occurred, and being absent at tho time, everything he had was des troyed. Wo hopio ho may share pub lic patronago. . The Unitod Statos Hotel, Louisville, Ky., is convenient to all tho principal churches. A Want Supplied.— Mr. J. L. Sol omon has perfected arrangements whereby lio will be enabled to supply Ico, in large or small quantities, to those who may want in Terrell and adjoining counties. A want of a suf ficient supply of this article was sori ously felt by many last summer, and now that Mr. S. lias mado arrange ments and intends building an ice house, wo liopo ho may bo sustained, and that all who want may purchaso of him. Ho will also constantly re ceive fresh fish packed in ice, and hopes to be able to supipily tho market. Mysterious Disappearance. —On j Sunday morning (Feb. 19th,) Tally j 8011, who livod two miles from Daw- I son, loft his houso, with tho intention, i as expirossod to his sistor, of going to 1 a neighbor’s houso, by tho name of Mrs. Bragg, for tho purpose of getting a young man to tend his mill on Mon day, in order that ho might visit his wifo who was at that timo at her moth er’s in Webster county. Tho day passed—night came on, and Mr. Bell did not return; still his sister was not uneasy about him, thinking, piorhajis, ho had procured a conveyance and gone to soe his wife on that day.— ; Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday fol lowed, and nothing having been heard of tho missing brother, tho fond sis ter, who had boon indulging tho hopio that brother had found his family un avoll and could not leave them, grew uneasy about him, and on Thursday morning startod to mako tho journey to her father’s house on foot, but stopped at Mr. J. Powell’s on the way • side, who took her the remainder of the journey in his buggy. What was her grief, when on arriving there she heard no tidings of her brother. The sad narration of his depmrturo and absence was quickly made, ivhen fam ily and friends resolved to repair to his house, institute a search, and ascer tain, if possible, his whorcabouts. As yet nothing has been heard of tlie missing man, notwithstanding hun dreds liavo searched for him diligent ly in swainpi and field, and in every placo where it was thought a human being could bo. It is tho general opiiuion that ho was murdered, and al though nothing has been discovered amounting to piositivo evidence, still suspicion rests in various quarters,and some arrests have been made. Two negroes, named Tom and Dan, wore arrested on suspicion, aud each ono said tho other had murdered Bell. — Subsequently Tom proved his inno cence and was relcasod, Dan is still in custody, and circumstances point to his guilt. Ho had been in Mr. Bell’s employ, and discharged for some causo unknown to us. Feelings not alto gether friendly existed between thorn, and threats had been made by each one towards the other. It appears that Mr. Bell owed him a small sum of money, aud on tho morning Mr. B. loft his house this negro was seen in tho neighborhood making inquiries as (o his whereabouts. Another witness, a colored woman, testifies that camo to her house and got a cliango of clothing, and requostod that tho pants he pulled off bo washed. Sho also testifies that she saw blood in two places on tho pants. Every effort is being made to clear up tho mystery connected with this sad affair, and we trust many days will not elapso boforo tho true statomont of tho case may be ascertained. The vexed question of tho proper mode of baptism was thus disposed of by “Uncle Ctosar, - ’ a colored preacher out west: “Now, bredren,” said he, “I hear great fuss about deso words, ‘in’ and ‘into ;’ folks wants us to believo dat dey mean ‘under,’ and' dat when do Scriptur’ speaks of an indiwidual going down into de water, de bible mean to say ho went under de water. S’pofe some day Igo ovor to see brudder Solomon, and brudder Solomon wery politely say, ‘Uncle Ctesar, come into de house,’ does any body setose dis here nigger would crawl undor do houso ?” HARRIED. At fiir residence of the bride’s brother-in law, Mi. R. 11. Lightfoot, in Butler, Ga.. on the night of the 22d, ult., by Rev. Dr. Ko«s, of Fort Valley, Mr. A. F. Joan'S, of /Jawsou. and Afiss J. A. Edwards, of the formerplace, IRAK RETS. Dawson, March I.—Unfavorable nows from Eastern markets caused cotton to fall ®ff Jc, market closing at 12| c. for host grades. Good demand for good cotton —stained and dirty but lit tle sought after and at low figures. Stoeks'of provisions heavy and daily increasing. No material change since our last. Flour is tending up. Macon, Feb. 28.—Cotton closed quiet, with a moderate domand at 13} for middlings. Bacon clear sides 14}; Rib sides (smoked,) 14, Corn 9o to SUO. Cincinnati, Fob. 28.—Flour firm ; corn steady at 55c. ; Bacon, demand light, shoulders 9} ; sides 11} to 12. Liverpool, Fob. 28.—Cotton closed easier; uplands 7;d. j Special •Yofircs, 1 Jot to tug W0k,.,, 1 Wo*ar h fui /!_ 1 in ™SA he m . anj m ° derl > discoveries look -10 the happiness and amelioration nf tho ' n ° ne . is entil, «d to higher con sideration than the renowned remedy—Dr. n enUl ® Woman’s Hem ,l r ‘ eDd ’, nj [ “ T oman is emancipated from the numberless ills pecnlur to beisex. Defore its magic power all Irregularities of the womb vanish, ft cures white,. It cun, suppression or the men,,,, h remove, ute rine obstructions. It cure, constipation and strengthen, the system. It braces the nerves and purifies the blood. It never fails as tWanA of women will testify. This valu able medicine is prepared and sold by L. 11. Bradfield, Druggist, Atlanta, Ga. Price keep 'f 61 e * All respectable drug men Cheering Facts for tlic Bilious. Avery day demonstrates more clearly that liver complaint, in all its distressing torms, can be controlled and cured without difficulty or inconvenience. It is an obstinate disease, but its obstinacy is not proof against the per tinacious, remedial and restorative operatiou of Ilostctter’s Stomach Bitters. That geni al corrective compel, the organ to do its duty. It must secrete regulaily and healthfully un der the influence of the Bitters. Their ac tion brings it back from a state of rebellion into pci feet harmony with the laws of health. If there is costiveness, it disappears ; if there* is side-ache or back-ache, it ceases ; if the skin and the whites of the eyes are tinged with superfluous bile, they recover their nat nrnl hue ; if the appetite is gone, it returns i if the digestion is impaired, it is restored ; in brief, whatever the symptoms of the com plaint may be, and whatever the phase it has assumed, a cure is certain. Such are the uuiform this preparation where bil lions disease has been already developed ; but in cases where there is merely a constis tutiunal tendency to liver complaint, it may be prevented throughout life by the regular use, in small quantities, oj this palatable an tidote. These are proven facts, and should bo seriously pondered—or rather, they should be promptly acted upon—by all pet sons of billious habit. BEADY, AIM. FifiE I Oil, yes ! You wanted’ to go hunting the other day, and after everything else was ready, your GUM was out of order. Vou also wanted to uso your Pistol, and it was out of order. Font Wife can’t do a stitch of work because her lowing Ma chine is out of ord.*r. Now, if you want your gun or pistol always ready for use, or if you want to keep vonr wife from pulling your hair on account of her Sewing Machine, bring them to J. B. Jobson, at. the old stand of C. C. Truss, who will fix them up right and warrant them fora year. Feb. 9, lm. mui NEAR THE DEPOT. (HIER3OLD STAND) T hnveopenotl n stock of FAMILY 1 GROCERIES, I’R O VISIONS, Confectioneries, Staple Goods, etc, etc., Hi the Storo near the Depot, l«te the stand of J. A Hiers, where I res- j pectfully ask of my friends, and tho • public, to call and see nto. If my ! Stock is not as large as any other in ! Town, I defy competition as to the j . Style of Goods, and Price. l «J. E. LEE. Fob 9 ts. FERTILIZERS! Several FIRST-CLASS FERTILI ZERS for sale, FOR CASH, OU OTsrTIJyCE. J. R. KNOTT. Feb. 9 2m 1 .filial MJCISTUsdTOMVS S«tLE WILL be sold to the highest bidder on the Ist Tuesday iu Jfarch next, before the Court House door in the town ot .Dawson, in the county Terrell, the following property belonging to the estate of the late A’uoeh VV . Gaddv, deceased, to-wit ; Ail that town lot in said town, lying and fronting ou tbe I’ubs lie Square es said town, aud known id the plan of ssid town by lot number two, now unoccupied and including tbe ground upon which the house stands and running back some fifteen or eighteen feet. Also 39£ acres of land more or less, situated in or near Slid town, and lying in or near Chiekisaw hatohie creek, bought by the said Euoch W. Gaddy from W. J. Adams iu 1 Stitt, upon which there isa veiy comfortable dwelling said land adjourning the land of the Botsfvrd estate, on the West by a lot owned by the late J. L. D. Perryman in his lifetime, on the South, the town lots, ou the West and Ran dal Ware on the Sorth. Sold under an or der of tbe Court of Ordinary of Houston County. Tortus of sale one half cash, bal ance on twelve mouthe|iime with good secur ity and bond for title when the purchase rooncylis paid. This Jannary 16th 1871. 7 ’ v EDWIN GREEN, Adm’r. De bonis non of EAOUU W. G-IDDY. Jab. 19-tds. FJ, t* O JTLI2& S 9 Hr H Cl €1 I® It AND Coieiiiiissioii Merchant Next Door to “JOURNAL OFFICE,” Main St. SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, FLOUR, (in Barrels and Sacks,) SALT, TOBACCO, (Smoking and Chewing,) SOAPS, CANDLES, SODA, STARCH, POTASH, PICKLES MATCHES, PEPPER, WHITE FISII AND MACKJiREL, (in Kits, Jbbls, jbbls, and Bbls,) IRISH POTATOES, RICE, CORN, OATS AND MEAL, SYRUP, (by the Barrel, or Retail,) W IT I S K E Y, BRANDY, WINE, GINN, ft GINGER BRANDY, SIMMON’S CELEBRATED TANYARD SHOES for Men and Women, Boys and Girls. LARD, TENNESSEE &. COUNTRY BACON HAMS & SIDES, 25000 LBS. DRY SALT CLEAR RIB SIDES, on hand and to arrive, to be sold cheap, for ths CASH, and CASH only. fob IG-lm NEW iTTIACTIOE m . ei. '-&bb, . (Successor to McKIMHUEIf Ik LEE,) DEALER IN Groceries % Provisions Next Door to LEE & BROTHER. I am offering to the trade a complete stock of Groceries, &c . consisting part of BACON, LARD, FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFEE, BUTTER, SYRUP, FISH, and a splendid stock of CONFECTIONERIES, which will be sold chonp for CASII - feb. 16-ts. HASBWABI STORE! 11. S. LEE. j T LEE. IsMm 4% B-BO„ * Successors to .JOII3V 11. PERRY, Main St, Dawson. Ga. • | HARDWARE, I WA n d AXLES, CUTLERY, 1 & Wap Mm OR ALL DESCRIPTIONS. WE have now on hand, and \ continually receiving thing the public may desire tort B the house or the plantationt" m consisting, inpart, in ail qua!- aNX^Tb idea of Cutlery, pocket and B Vwvl ble, Carpenters’ Findings, of every kind, Buggy and Wagon Wheels, ll ]) y) 1 jjubs and Spokes, made of choice Timber, |NA«. 3 together wire evcrvthiug to be found in a>, VSv Jf # First-class Hardware Storo. k— J' g/rf, iron and steel make a specialty, and shall always keep a \±l £k l 8 5 full supply, of every kind, for any purpose, IT» 'V S&m fty 1 * • Mucnnsed lrom the best M anufiietories in . \W the country, all of which we will sell uirWlß* prices none cun object to. gga I rlp~ ' COOKWGSTOVES. We have now in Store a large lot of Cooking Stoves, of almost every ei*< , ) price and make, which we offer to the trade. TIN WARE. —We also manufacture Tin Ware of all descriptions, which we offer at wholesale and Retail. Promising to do all in our power to please customers, -both in quality end price of .goods, we hope to share the public patrouage. E2TTERMS STRICTLY CASII.^J * l><* IW. leu & BRO. THE EUREKA ati ji 041 ati:d Bonn SUPEH-PHOSPHAtE —or— is i m m Is for ssle at ALL POIXTS OP IMPORTANCE IN GEORGIA. We have sold it five successive yeats, and know it is the very article for Planters to Use* David Dickson, Esq , of Oxford, says it is superior to any COMMERCIAL Fertilizer lie ever applied, and Rocomendsit to Everybody. We add ovor TWO THOUSAND TONS IN GEORGIA I.ASI I’EAR. It he* b«eti tried ohd always PAID THE PLANTER! JtX"B.»d for a i’amplilet. An Agent may be found at ulinont every Depot, but iuionnalion cun always be had of • JF 1 W SIMS Sc CO, •AYAHWAII, GA. HARPER & SIMMONS, Affentt at Satctoh. * Jan. 12-Cm. H B A D. FT Is well known to X- Doctors and to • * I.itdtcH, that women are Subiect to numerousdis eases pecullsr to their •ex—such as .Vuppres s/cn of th 0 Menses, whites, rainAi month ly ‘l’erlorts,’ Kltnlrna ti*m of the Hack an.l tvomb, Irr. ifU ar .Men struation, lfemurragli* Kxeesslre ‘Flows.’ and l’ro apses Uteri, Or FX ngofthe IPonib. lhese diseases have cdom been treated sue cssfuy. Th<f profus ion bus sought diligently for some remedy that would enable them to treat these die eases with success. At last, that remedy has been discovered by ono of tbc most skilful physicians iu the State of Georgia. That remedy is BRADFIELD’S FEMA L K REGULATOR. It is purely vegetable, and is put up in Atlanta, Georgia, by IfRADFIELD & CO. It will purity the blood and strengthen the system, relieve irritation of the kidneys, end is a perfect specific for all the above diseases, a cure as Quinine in GTiills and fever. For a history of diseases, and certificates ol its wonderful cures, the reader is referred to the wrapper around the bottle. Keerj bottle is warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. LaGraxok, Ga., March 23, 18T0. Si Cos., Atlanta, Georgia: I)kar Sirs: I take pleasure in stating that . have used lor the last twenty yqprs the medicine vou are putting up, known as DR. BRADFIEI.D’B FA’MALE regulator, and consider it the best combination ever gotten together for the diseases for which it is recommended. I have been familiar with the proscription, both as practitioner of fp'ed icine and in domestic practice, and can bqn estly say that I consider it a boon t 6 suffer ing females, and can but hope that Avery I*- dy in our land, who may be suffering in any way peculiar to their sex, may be able to procure a bottle, that their sufforinga may not only be relieved, lint that they may bi* restored to health and strength. With my kindest regards. 1 nm, respoaW fully, W' B. FERRELL, U. Di We, the undersigned Druggists, take pleas ure in commending to the trade, DR.' J. BRAD FIELD’S FEMALE REGULATOR— believing it to be a good and reliable remedy for the diseases for which he recommends it. W. A. Lansdell, Atlanta, Ga. Pemberton, Willson, Taylar&Co., Atlanta,' Ga. Kcdwinc Si Fox, Atlanta, Ga. . W. C. Lawshu, Atlanta. Ga. W. Root A Son, Marietta, Ga. mays-ly. DR. PROP HIT T* 8 Celeb rated Liver JlMedlclne- It is purely vegetable, and will set upon the I. : ver and Kidneys as promptly as Calomel and Buchu, without any danger of salivation or destruction of the bones. Parties taking this medicine need not fear getting wet, or any other reasonable expo sure. Symptoms of Liver Disease. Headache, Dull Feeling or the Blues, Sour Stomach, Sick or nervous Headache, Ueart burn. Indigestion or .Dyspepsia, Bad or Bit ter Taste in tne month ; the skiu has a thick rough feeling, and is darker than usual, Coa tiveness, j/elancholv feelings, Cramps,' Cold Feet. Colic, Dvsenterv, or Diarreah, Chills and Fever and Piles, n fact, where the liver is out of order, you are liable to every disease that is not contagious. Prophiti’s Liver .Medicine. If taken prop erly, it will prevent and cure any disease re sulting from a deranged Liver. It will regulate Its functions and thus cure all diseases caused by the failure of Its healthy action. It has been good for a great number of years, aud has given universal satisfaction. Thera is no brother or sou claiming to have the original receipt. It is put up iu .both Powder and Fluid form. Fairrurv, Ga, .September 4, 1868. Dr. O. S. Prophet: Sir : My wife has been an invalid for fif teen years. Doctors all agreed she had Liver Disease. In connection with tiieir practice she used various noted medicines, none of which seemed to do any good. .Some timo ago I procured a bottlo of yenr “Livgr A'ad icine,” of vour agent here, C, A flarvy, which being given according te have effected a complete cure. Respectfully, etc., GKO. L. TUOMrSOM. 1);. tyopliitt’? bpitefy Cofdia). Is one of the most valuable compounds now put up for Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholera, Infantum, or Cholera Morbus. This medicine has been it) nso for years, and gives universal satisfaction. The most delicate child may use it with im punity. PROPHiTT’S PAIN KILL IT. This is the celebrated medicine that ran Derry Davis’ Pain Killer out of tho market, wherever it was sold; Davis made Prophitt charge the name from Pain Killer to PAIN fcILL IT. For Nfieumatisxi, Rcuralgia, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Old Sores, Snake Biter, or stings of Poisonous Insects, for Colds, Coughs, or BovVel Complaint, it has no equal as a dess ing, healer or antidote for pain of any kind. Manufactured and sold by &R„4 DFIELD St CO., Aflanta, Ga. p and for sale by all Drag gists. Dll. PROPHITT’9 Fever aud Ague Pills, The best Antidote for Cffiilta and Fever known. Cures warranted always or money refunded' Turely vegetable. DTI. PROPHITT’S' vt.rrritiLiious fills. Will relieve ll?adache, Nervousness, Jaun dice, and all other derangemouts of tbe Lir-’ or. Purely vegetable. Certificates. The following are a few among the hnn-" drode of those who have used the named medioinee, and who readily ttstiiy to their value i . Col R J Henderson, Covington, Ga ; Prof J L Jones, Covington, Ga ; M W Arnold, Georgia Conference; Rpv W W Oslin, Geor gia Conference ; AJf Robinson, Monticello v Ga ; Judge J J Floyd, Covington. Ga ; Dick' Locket, Davis county, Texas, W Hawk Whatley, Cusseta, Texas. .STATE OF GEORGIA, ( Know all’ Fulton County. ) men bythese presents, that I have this,day, for value re-, ceived, sold and transferred to ftSiA DFIii’L.D * Cos., the sole right to matinfadure anil sell my Family Medicines, and have furnished them with the full reci es, and have author ized the said f’RA/iFIpLD Sc CO., to print; or have printed, any tfiing they may see, proper concerning any and all the above named .I/edicinas. Tiii? 15th dav of June. 1870. (Signed) O. S. PROP HIT 7 Iu presenceoi Thomas F. Jones and Rot.’ ert Crawford, Notary Public. [L. S.} Manufactured and for sale by BItADFIELD CO., Broad Street, Atlanta. Ga., and lor Sate bv all Druggists. /ur sale bv Df. J Janes, Q a