Newspaper Page Text
local column.
juiaiLisra are emigrating because
f tbo gloomy prospect of tbo black
jerry crop. So bays Madame Burner.
Swkkts and all other kinds
~S »t lee & lino’s.
Otu “pulling” ink is on hand and
iUr pen rubbed up, ready for the
Spring season soon to open.
Spuino is upon us, from the appoar
00f vegetation of all kinds. Some
Lows are beginning to give promise
Jf a yield of vegetables.
Mules for sale at
j jKE & Fulton s Livery Stable.
giVE the Pieces.—The South side
of tlio Public Squaro narrowly escapod
being burned one night last week, by
a lighted candlo being loft to tako care
of itself-
Tbo United States note!, Louisville, Ky.,
tJ ono of the beat in the southwest.
Buick for underpinning the Metho
j; st church, have been delivered on
the ground, and from the appearauco
of the wood pillows upon which that
edifice stands, it would be a good idoa
to Lave them removed immediately.
20,000 lbs. Family Flour at
Lee & Fulton’s Warehouse.
Don’t fail to road the notice in an
other column in rogard to tho sale of
the lifo-sizo portraits of Gen. It. E.
Bee, and tho use to he made of tho
money accruing therefrom.
Tennessee Bacon, Ilams, Sides and
Shoulders at
Lee & Fulton’s Warohouso.
Bacon ! Bacon !!—I have my ar
rangements made to soli from one to
ono°hundrod thousand pounds of Ba
con at Macon prices, freight added.
Call and see mo before purchasing. I
will make it to your interest to do sp.
Don't forget the place, under tho
Journal Office. B. 11. Hood.
We second tho motion of tho Grand
Jury in regard to soiling tho old and
building anew jail. The matter is
now in the hands of tho Ordinary with
power to act, and wo trust this stand
ing guard around tho jail will bo done
away with immediately.
pleasod to see Mr. G. R.' Platt at his
old stand, busy making pictures in the
latest improved styles Go and
exaraino his specimens, and havo your
pictures taken beforo ho loaves town.
Lee & Kendkick have a choice lot
of glass-ware, consisting of Lamps,
Tea-sots, Preserve Stands, &c., which
they will sell cheap for cash.
Floral Cultuue. — That we havo in
our town one skilled florist, no one can
deny, who will tako the trouble, as wo
havo done, of examining a yard on
Depot stroet. Tho time for prome
nading tho streets is at hand, and we
want all the ladies who havo spacious
front yards, and there aro many of
thorn in Dawson, to go and aeo this
yard, and let all determine to engage
more in the cultivation of flowers.—
With so pretty a natural situation,
what a beautiful town wo could soon
have with a small oxpondituro of time
and money.
Pleasf, Look. —Any ono having ei
ther of the following numbers of the
Dawson Journal, will confer a favor
by bringing thorn to us. A liberal
price will bo paid for them: Yol. 4,
No. 1, published February 18, 18G9 ;
Vol. 4, No. 23, published July 22,
18G9; Yol. 4, No. 48, published Jan
uary 13, 1870. A liberal price
also bo paid for a complete tile of
the Journal from Sept. Ist, 1869 to
the present.
Ik tko case of tho State vs. C. A.
Kelly, indicted for the murder of D.
W. Oxford, Judge S. D. Irvin occu
pied the position so unpopular among
lawyers, that of prosecuting attorney.
Dut as eloquence and philosophical
reasoning are to be admired under all
circumstances, we cannot pass by un-
Doticod the speech of this distinguished
lawyer in the caso alluded to. With-
out bocoming tho least excited, or in
dulging in harangues foreign to tho
case undor investigation, for five hour*
h * the jury spclbi” hc , r “
~as tho heat ol
bopnmng to end his spec, of
actenzed with that gravity a- determined
which alono could rivot thf‘ treatment
of an impatient jury. Wo / followed in
this speech spoken of not of*^ 010
petent judges but by particular
of the accused, and all pronounco tho
argument delivered as being worthy
the firs! orators of tho land. In him
we have verified tho truth of the prov
erb, “Where there’s a will there’s a
Notice. —Tho members of tho coun
ty Board of Education aro ordered to
oouveno at the Court Douse, on Sat
ur(lay, the 18th, for tho purpose of
putting into execution tho Public
School Law. Persons fooling an in
terest in education aro invited to at
tend, and submit plans, and at which
tluio applicants/or touch or’s positions
' T iH he examined. By order of the
L. M. Leon vbp, Sec.
Teubell Sltekiok Cornr.—This tri
bunal adjourned ovor on Saturday last
to next Saturday, tho 18th. Georgo
Blair, indicted for assault with intent
to kill, was found guilty by tho jury,
and was sentenced to two year’s im
prisonment in tho penitentiary. A. Os
Garrard, indicted for the murder of S.
W. Smith, had a verdict of voluntary
manslaughter passed upon liiqj by tho
jury, and was sentenced to twonty
years’ imprisonment in tho penitentia
ry. Tho jury in tho case of C. A. Kel
ly, indicted for tho murder of D. W.
Oxford, rondorod a verdict of volunta
ry manslaughter. Counsel for defend
ant moved for anew trial, but failing
to get it, will carry tho case to tho Su
premo Court.
Physicians use Thru in Their Practice.
—lt is almost universally (he case that Phy
iscians condemn what aro generally known
as “Patent Medicines." rlltbough DR.
MEDICINE, yet its composition (the result
of years of study) is known only to himself,
and so palpable are their valuable curative
properties, (hat very many of the first Phy
sicians in the South and West have adopted
them in their practice, and recommend them
( to their patients.
“Be kind to tho stranger that is
within thy gates,”is an injunction that
should be obeyed. This, however, does
not demand a sacrifico of personal
rights, and tho following is ono in
stance in which a stranger got a “lick
ing” for making the demand. It ap
pears that after tho labor and hard
ships of the week were ended, tho
stranger alluded to betook himself to
one of the saloons in our town, tho
owner of which pays his license regu
larly, and found recreation in a game
of billiards with a friend. Tho game
■ being over, the beaten party said to
the proprietor of tho table • that ho
would pay him tbo next morning. The
proprietor told him that ho did not do
business that way, and must have his
pay. This requisition rovealed the
fact that tho unfortunate man’s green
backs were non est comatilus, whereup
on his friend drew his purse and paid
tho bill. The idoa of being refused
credit was an insult too intolerable to
be borne, and a criminal at tho bar
could not havo suffered more from tho
lash of the tongue than did this sa
loon-keeper from the vented spleens of
this moneyless man. Ilis epithets
were of short duration, howover, for
the injured proprietor “went for’ him
with both hands for a while, then va
ried tho scone by taking a billiard cue.
Tlie City Council thought they were
damaged §13.50 worth, which amount
they ordered collected by the Marshal-
We learn that suit will bo commenc
ed against tbo Council for arrest with
out warrant. If so, our City Attor
ney will have a showing, and “when
Greek moots Greek, then comes the
tug of war.”
Justice is defined as being of two
kinds, commutative and rctrilutatice, the
former consisting in unequal exchange
of benefits, the latter in an equal dis
tribution of rewards and punishments.
Officers of justice date back as far as
the time of Moses, and amidst all the
revolutions that have swept over the
land tho same dignity that first at
tached to these honored persons, is
still held to be inviolable. There are,
however, exceptions to all general
rules, and wo cite ono instance of re
cent occurrence wbero all thought ol
power and honor were forgotten, to
A fifteenth amftidmont entered the
yard of our honored Justico of tho
peace, tho .other day while the sun was
shining hut to reflect the guilt of tho
perpetrator, and lifted from tho clothes
line garment by garment, until said
line was empty. Being satisfied with
tho clothing ho had captured, ho left
the line and started to rnako good his
escape. What was his surpriso, how
ever, to hear the voice of tho trust
worthy cook-woman hallooing after
him, “drap dem clothes ; you know dey
ain’t your’n.” She not only hallooed
after him hut gave chase, and so ex
pert was she “on the heel,” the would
be logue cast aside his load and “went
it alono.” Consequence: the black
smith for whom he was “striking, had
to got anew hand at the bellows.
Thorp UPWio ffiSae .fedlgiSiit ; and said
rdther that ho had boen called to soo
some caso whore the patient was over
whelmed, and died in the first onset of
tho disoaso ; and that it was impossi
ble, with any amount of stimulation,
to bring about a reaction; that ho had
used brandy and laudanum, etc., with
out any effect.
Now, I have nover seen such a caso,
w w ith my present impressions, if I
amounts to a liundrod mdho
It is a curious fact that our exports t
of corn to England have steadily ial
lon off since *1866. In that year vro ,
exported nearly soven million hun- ,
drod weight of corn to that country: .
iu 1867 and 1868, a little over four ,
millions, and in 1869, only a little
over a million and a quarter.
Tho reason for this falling off is
two-fold, viz: An increased homo
consumption, and the enormous cos
of transportation from tho mtonoi to
ho sea board. , . ,
Cheap transportation is tho clamo
rous demand of tho day, and the com
mercial exigency of this country.
Old maids aro described as “embers
from whicq the spark lied;
I BLEDSOE— GOODE,— At Georgetown,
La., ou :he 12>.h iuet, by tho Rev. K. 11. Mc
-1,, " c .°> F. M. Bledsoe and Miss Miuie
j Goode.
. Dawson, March 15.—Cotton is firm
at 12c. for host grades. Stock light,
and but little offering. Bacon sides
ILJc ; Ilams 17@250.; Com $1.25.
Stocks of provisions heavy and still
increasing, and can bo bought on tiruo
or for tho cash.
Orautl Jury PrCMIIneUU.
We, the Grand Jurors of Terrell County,
chosen and sworu to Rei ve the regular No
vember term, and the a- j mrued term to the
first Monday in A/arch Term of the Superior
Court of 1871, beg leave to make the follow
ing gene-al Prcsentmen s.
Having appoiuti and a 6'otnniilte to examine
the Books ol the different Officers and me
financial condst on of the county they reports;
(be Books neatrv and correctly kept.
Tire amount of 7ax assessed for
; $6,708 47
In solvent list . . $69 80
Collector’s Commissions £3l 00 411 16
Nett ain’t to be paid into Treasury, 6,807 31
Os which amount has already bCen
paid, . . . . 6,125 16
Leaving balance duo by Collector,
#18217* ' 6.307 81
The Collector has/Sheriff's Receipt for Tax
fi fas of sufficient amount to cover the bal
ance duo the county. They also report that
there is now on hand, In the Treasury, after
deducting sufficient amount to pay all out
standing claims to date, about SIOO 00.
■ There are sixteen names that appear ou
our Pauper list who, collectively, draw about
$75 00 per month.
We find the roads of our county in bolter
condi ion than they havo been for many
vearH passed, yet we think there is still room
for improvement. While we do not find suf
ficient cause te censure our Commissioners
lor neglect of duty, yet we would exhort
them to use every effort to bring the roads
up to a high standard, and then they will
honor the county. While wo recommend
our Commis“ioners and overseers to public
favor for making an honest effort in this
particular, wo would suggest to them that the
track of our roads be improved a ltttle at
the earliest convenience. The opening, we
think, enmes up to tho requirements of the
law. We would suggest to tho Ordinary to
keeD efficient men in these posts of honor.
We have, by a reliable committee, exam
ined our Jail, and find it worthless, and of no
use to the publio. We therefore recommend
to the Ordinary to dispose of it to tho best
advantage to the county and have anew one
In bidding his Honor, Judge narrell adieu
we extend to him our thanks for the very ef
ficient and impartial manner in which he has
discharged his irksome duties as an officer.
To our Solicitor General, S. Wise Parker, wc
tender our thanks for his kind and affa.
bio, as well as prompt aPe ntion exercised to
waids this Body. We also tender our kind
est regards to our worthy Bailiff.
JOHN A. BISIIO7’, Foreman.
J W Commandor, Elijah Belflower,
J W Johnston, Tkos. Caldwell,
B H Brown, S F Bennett,
Daniel 8 Lee, James Morrow,
Ira Trowett, John A Varner,
Abram Sasser, Henry S Lee,
J W Reddick, , Mark A Iluson,
J A Chambless, F M McKinndy,
N C Groor, Thos. Meadows,
Jamo3 Savage, ‘ • WB Oxford,
George T Marshall.
The Grand Jury requesting the publica
tion of these Presentments, it is ordered by
.he Court that they be published in the Daw
son Journal- S. W. PARKA’U, Sol. G’cu
Georgia, Terrell Counit, )
Clerk’s Office S. Court, M’ch 14, 71. )
I hereby certify that the above and fore
going is a true extract from the Minutes of
said Court.
Given under mv hand and signature,
J. C. F. CLARK#, Clerk.
Special Notices,
Jov to the World 1 Woman is Free t !
Among the many modern discoveries look
ing to the happiness and amelioration of the
human race, none is entitled to higher con
sideration than the renowned remedy—Dr.
J. Bradfield’s Femilo Regulator, Woman’s
Best, Friend. By it woman is emancipated
trom the numberless ills peenlitr to her sex.
Before its magic power all irregularities of
the womb Vanish. It cures whites. It cures
suppression of the menses. It removes ute
rine obstructions. It cures constipation and
strengthens the system. It braces the nerves
and "purifies the blood. It never fails as
thousands of women will testify. This valu
able medicine is prepared and sold by L. 11.
Bradfteld, Druggist, Atlanla, Ga. Price
$1 50 per bottle. All rcspectabie drug nten
keep it. ■
ChmiiiK Facts for Use Kiiioisv.
Every dav demonstrates more clearly that
liver complaint, in all its distressing forms,
nan be controlled and cared without difficulty
or inconvenience. It is an obstinate disease,
but its obstinacy is not proof against the per
tinieinus, remedial and restorative operation
ot Hostctter’s Stomach Hitters. That geni.
a! corrective compels (lie organ to do its duty
It must secrete regularly and healthfullv un
der the influenee of the Bitters. Their ac
tion brings it back from a state of rebellion
into perfect harmony with the laws of health.
If there is costiveness, it disappears ; if there
is side-ache or back-ache, it ceases ; if the
skin and tho whites of the eyes are tinged
with sup*!luous bilo, they recover their nat
ural hue ; if the appetite is gone, it returns ;
if the digestion is impaired, it is restored ; in
brief, whatever tho symptoms of the com
plaint may be, and whatever the phase it has
assumed, a cure is certain. Such are the
uniform effects of this preparation where bil
lions disease has been already developed ;
hut in cases where there is merely a coDSti
tutional tendency to liver complaint, it may
be prevented throughout life by the regular
use, in small quantities, 0} this palatable an
tidote. These aro proven facts, and should
bo seriously pondered—or rather, they
should be promptly aotod upon—by all per
. sons of billious habit.
ter!” exclaimed
1 tones.
“And why not ?”
Loila made no answomj
a rose from tho bush said State.
it to pieces,
ou treat mo Bfnformation has been
that flower,” hfpartmcut that a murder
toll vou wb/h the county of Doughe.ty,
Leila 11th day of May, IfVO upon
• Chester Donnally (colored,) by
Brown (colored,) as is alleged, and
that said Brown has fled fiom justice :
I have thought proper, therefore, to issue
this mv Proclamation, hereby offering a re
ward of Five Hundred Dollars for the appre
hension and delivery ot the said Brown, with
proof sufficient to convict, to the .hueritl ol
said county and State. .
And I do moreover charge and require all
officers iu this State, civil and military, to be
vieilant Id endeavoring to apprehend the said
Brown, in order that he mav he brought to
trial for tbe offense with which he euuda
Given under my hand and the Great Seal of
the State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this
first dav of J/arct, in the year of our
Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seventy
one and of the Independence of the
United States of Jmsrica the Ninety
g'oottiss, Secretary of State.
mch'fl lw.
Lee & Kendrick,
Groceries § Provisions
Next Door to LEE & BROTHER.
W o a: • offering lo lln trado a complete stock of Groceries, &<d, const t ng in
part of
Lard, flour, sugar,
and a splendid 6tock of CONFECTIONERIES, which will bo sold cheap for
CASH. Also a large lot of Glass Ware, consisting of Preserve Stands, Tea
Setts, Lamps, &c., and KeroFone Oil at 75 cts. per gallon fob. 16-ls
* *
rough tho efforts of my many friends, both Whlto and Colored, I envod
and now havo them on sale at the Store lately occupiod as a DOLLAR
Store, next door to Solomon’s.
My loss was.heavy but find thcro is no use to grieve ovor •‘Burned Goods ”
and only ask of my old eustomers to call on me at
and get such goods at such prices us will not fail to give satisfaction.
Don’t fail to call ou me if GOOD and OIIEAP goads is what you want.
m ’ ch 2 - ts - Idl). KUTTNER.
11. S. LEE. j LEE.
Ii B E <& JI ic
Successors to JOJIN B. PERRY,
Main St, Dawson. Ga.
WE have now on hand, and aro i
eontiuually receiving every
thing the public may desire for
the house or tho plantation,
c insisting, inpart, in all qual
ifies of Cutlery, pocket and ta
ble, Carpenters’ Findings, of
every kind, Buggy and Wagon Wheels,
Hubs and Spokes, made of limber,
together wire evervthiug to be found in a
First-class Hardware Store.
2E?Of4 AND STEctL wo
make a specialty, and shall always keep a
full supply, of every kind, for any purpose,
uurenased from the best- M iuufactonos in
the country, all of which wo will sed at
prices none can object to.
We have now in Store a large’lot of Cooking Stoves, of almost eveiy sir”,
price and make, which we offer to tho trade.
TIN WARE* —We also manufacture Tin Ware of all descriptions,
which we offer at wholesale and Retail.
I’romising to do all in ou: power to please customers, both :n quality sud
price of goods, we hope to share the public putrouago.
i l'eo 15-ts. I*l3ll & m\o.
Buggy & Wagon Timbers
Zd X 2$X S
b for nk Ml
Wo have sold It fivo successive yeais,
end know it is the very article for
Planters to Use-
David Dickson, Esq , of Oxford, says
It Is superior to any
lie over applied, and
Rccomendsit to Everybody.
We sold over
It bfte been tried and always
£3TSe»d for a I’amphlet. An
Agent may be found at almoat every
Depot, but information cun always be
had of
Agents at Daecton.
Jan 12 3m.
m mjk x>.
IT is well known to
Dootors and to
LndiCß, that women arc
subject to mimcrona ills
eases peculiar to their
aex—such as .Suppres
sion of tho Menses,
whites, Palnftt month
ly ‘Pertods,’ Rheuma
tism or the Rack and
fTomb, Irrega ar Men- }
struation, licmorragha
Kxeessive ‘Flows,* and
Pro apses Uteri, or Fa
ng or the Womb.
These diseases have
cdom been treated suo
essfuy. The profea
on has sought diligently for some remedy
that would enable them to treat these die—
eases with succoss.
At last, that remedy has been discovered
by one of the most skilful physicians in the
State of Georgia. That remedy ie
It is purely vegetable, and Is put up in
Atlanta, Georgia, by PRADFIELD & CO.
It will purify the blood and strengthen the
system, relieve irritation of the kidneys, and!
is a perfect speeifio for af! the above diseases,
a cure as Quinine in f/hills and fever.
For a history of diseases, and certificate*
ol its wonderful cures, the reader is referred
to tho wrapper around the bottle. ifvery
bottle is warranted to give satisfaction or
money refunded.
LaGranok, Ga., March 28, 1870,
BaADVIKLn A f.’o., Atlanta, Georgia:
Deab Sirs: I take pleasure in stating that
.have used for the last twenty years the
medicine vou are putting up, known as DR,
and consider It the best combination ever
gotten together foi the diseases for which il
is recommended. 1 have been fatefifar with
the proscription, both as practitioner of med*
ieine and in domestic practice, and can hoo-w
estly say that I consider it a boon to suffer
ing females, and can but hope that every le->
dy in our land, who may be suffering in nay
way peculiar to their sox, may ba eblo to
procure a bottle, that their sufferings mo/
not only be relieved, but that they may le
restored to health and strength.
With my kindest regards, I am, reepeoh*
fully, W- B. FERRELL, Af. D»
We, the undersigned Druggists, taka plea*
ure in commending to the trade, DR. J.
believing it to boa good and reliable remedy
for the diseases for which he reeommends it,
W. A. Lansdell, Atlanta, Ga.
Pemberton, Willson, Taylor It Cos., Atlanta,
Redwine & Fox, Atlanta, Oa,
W. C. Lawshe, Atlanta. Ga.
W. Root h Son, Marietta, Got.
Celebrated Liver Medicine-
It is purely vegetable, and will act upon tho
Liver and Kidneys as promptly as Calomel
and Buchu, without any danger of salivation
er destruction of the bones.
Parties taking this medicine need not fear
getting wet, or any other reasonable expo
Symptoms of Lifer Disease.
Headache, Dull Feelrng or the Blues, Sour
.Stomach, Sick or nervous Headache, Heart
burn, Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Bad or Bit*-
ter Taste in Me mouth ; the skin has a thick
rough feeling, and is darker than usual, Ooe
tiveness, jfelaucholy feelings, Cramps,
Cold Feet. Colic, Dysentery, or Diarreab,
Chills and Fever and Piles, n fact, where
the liver is out of order, yon are liable to
every disease that is not contagions.
Prophitt’s Liver -Medicine. If takes prop
erly, it will prevent and cure any disease re
sulting from a deranged Livor.
It will regulate its functions and thus core
all diseases caused by the failure of its healthy
It has been good for a great number of
years, and has given universal satisfaction.
There is no brother or son claiming toJiave
the original receipt. It (s put up ia botb
Powder and Fluid form.
Faixdurn, Ga, /September 4,1868.
I)r. O. S, Prophit:
Bta: My wife has been an invalid for fif
teen years. Doctors all agreed she had Liver
Disease, In connection with their practice
she used various noted medicines, none of
which seemed to do any good. Some time
ago I procured a bottle of your “Liver ifed*
icine,” of your agent here, C. A. Harvy,
which being given according te directions,
bare effected a complete cure.
Respectfully, etc., GEO. L. THOMPSON.
Ilf. I’fopliitt’f bypeptSfy Co/dial.
Is one of the most valuable compounds
now put op for Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholera,
Infantum, or Cholera Morbus.
This medicine has been in nse for years,
and gives universal satisfaction,
The most delicate child may use It with Ima
This is the celebrated medicine ihat red
Perry Davis’ Pain Killer out of the market,
wherever it was sold ; Davis made Propbltt
charge tbe name from Pain Killer to PADf
For Nheumatlem, Reuralgia, Guts, Braises,
Burns, Old Sores, Snake Bites, or stings of
Poisonous Insects, for Colds, Conghs, or
BoWei Complaint, it bas no equal as a dess-,
log, bealer or antidote for pain of any kind.
Ifannfacttlred and sold by &RADFIELD If
CO., Atlanta, Ga., and for sals by all Drag.'
Fever and Ague Fills.
Tbe beet Antidote for Cffitlls and Fever
known. Cures warranted always or mewey
refunded- Purely vegetable.
aatiuilliois pills.
Will relieve Headache, Nervousness, Jaun
dice, and all other derangements of tbe Us
er. Purely vegetable.
The fallowing are a few among tbe hun
dreds of those who have used the above
named medicines, and who readily testify te
tbelr Value : *_
Col B J Etendefson, Covington, Ga * Prof
J L Jones, Covington, Ga; If W Arnold,
Georgia Conference ; Rev W W Gulin,
gia Conference ; A M llobiuson, Mouucello,
Ga) Judge J J Floyd, Coriugton. Ga ; DWU
Locket, Davis county, Texas, W Hawk
Whatley, Cuss-tl; Texas.
Fcltok CoUnit. j men by these
presents, that I have this day, for value re
ceived, sold and transferred to BRADFIifLZf
k Cos., th'e sole right to manufacture and sell
rtty Family Medicines, and have furnished
them with tbe full reci es, end have author
ised the said BRAWIpLD & (!0., to print,
or hare printed, any thing they may see
proper concerning any and all the above
named Jfledicines. Tnis loth dav of June
1870. [Signed] 0. S. PROPHIT7
| In presence ot Thomas F. Jones and Rohe
ert Cra-vford, Notary Public. [L. S.]
Manufactured and for sal. by BRADFIKLD
' CO., Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga., and for
! sale by all Druggists,
j Porsele by Dr. J Janes, D*wsca, G*.