Newspaper Page Text
local column.
s.nuo now Umlgoa aro Medfld in
Calhoun county. See advortiaomont.
The United States Hotel, LouisviUo,
K /, has a well dosorvod popularity.
Spbiho Miixxhkkt.—Miss M. Wil-
Umnson is still catering to the tastes
an(l W ants of the ladios. See adver
tisement. .
Tho United States Hotel, Louisvillo,
Kv sets a tablo furnished with all tho
delicacies of tbo season
j KE & Bro. liavo on hand as solcct
stock of hardware as was over
brought to S. W. Oa. Dickson sweeps
and all kinds of plows always on hand.
■PvTAi’sco Guano at
Mr. Jimmie Crim desiros to return
Lis profound thanks to tho young la
dios for courtesies extended on last
20 000 tbs. Family Flour at
’ Lee & Fulton’s Warehouse.
Wo roturn thanks to tho Dawson
Brass Band for a serenade last Satur
day night. The Band is now a fixed
institution, and tho town couldn’t do
Ivithout it.
4 000 lbs. Bran for Cow Feed, at
Mas. Jennie Powell, successor to
Mrs. E. A. Thompson, has received
her Spring stock of Millinery goods,
and asks a share of public patronago.
Soo advertisement.
Largest and best lot of Bacon evor
roceivod in Dawson, nt
Lee & Fulton’s.
Photograph Gallery. —Wo aro
pleased to seo Mr. G. It. Platt at his
old stand, busy making pictures in tho
latest improved styles. G o and
examine his specimens, and have your
pictures taken before ho leaves town.
Sewing machines, of every descrip
tion, repaired and warranted at
Good clothes have gotten so they
don’t caro who wear them. Now wo
soo the form of “old fatty,” down
stairs, nicely enclosed in a very hand
sonio suit. Wonder whore ho got
them —wo never see him at work.
Southern Cux.tivanou for April re
ceived. This journal is most admira
bly adapted to meot tho practical wants
of tho farmer. A vast number of in
telligent farmers all over the South,
in each number, relate their experi
ence, offer suggestions and warn
against dangers and errors they have
encountered. If you liavo never soon
it, send for a speciuion copy. Pub
lished at Athens, Ga., 62.00 a year.
Ilair, jewelry, sloeve-buttons, studds,
rings, &e., made to order, at short no
tice, at J. P- Stenens’.
Spkino Races OrEN. —Tho monoto
ny of our town was soniowliut changed
on yesterday morning by a foot-race
between two athletes, named respect
ively W. A. James and J. E. Loyless,
tho former weighing about 210, tho
latter about 230. The race in this in
stance was to tho light, and but for
tho well filled haversack of tho latter,
ho would havo been the first to make
tho distance, in our opinion.
Dawson, April G, 1871.
Editor Journal :—ln answer to tlio
many enquiries made of my friends
aud myself as to wlio will be my dep
uty, I wish to state to your readers
iliat, should Ibo elected Sheriff of
Terrell co., I shall attend to the busi
ness of tho office in person.
Wk. Kaigler.
Accident. —On Sunday evening
last, a Mr. Wheeler, living about five
miles from town, rocoived a severe
pistol shot wound at tho hands of a
a young man living on the place. Tho
particulars are as follows ;
Mr. Whoolor’s children had boon
playing with an old pistol during tho
evening, but about dark Mr. W. took
it from them and loaded it. After
supper ho was sitting in front of tho
fire writing, when tho young man
picked up tho pistol, not knowing it
had boen loaded, presented it at Mr.
Whoelor, at tho samo timo pulling tho
trigger. Tho ball took effect below
the left temple, and ranged downward,
coming out at the lower part of the
jaw. Modical aid was called, and
hopes of his rocovery are entortainad
Anothor warning to tho careless.
The Ordinary and Sheriff of Cal
houn county havo selected tho Daw
son Journal as their official organ,
and in future tho legal notices of that
county will bo sent to this offico. We
will do what wo can at all times to ad
vance tho public interests of our sistor
county, and to this ond solicit commu
nications on any subject looking to
the public good by thoso who may
desiro to make public thoir ideas. —
Judge Beck and Mr. Avera will please
accopt our thanks for their favors.
Sudden Death. —On Wednesday|
tho 20th ult., Mr. M. U. Leverott, of
Webster county, was in usual
health attending to his busiuoss in tho
forenoon, and ato hoartily at dinner. 1
After dinner he went to his black- 1
smith shop* and made somo gate irons,l
returned to his house and asked his
wife to get him a pioco of tobacco. —
While she was getting the tobacco, 1
siio heard an unusual noise, hastened
to tho spot, and found lier husband in
tho agonies of death. She raised hi*
head, hoping to catch a word from hi ß '
lip s , but life was extinct. Physicians
report apoplexy as tho cause of his
Spring Stock of Prints, and other
Cotton Goods, just received at i
Lee & Fulton’s.
Beat it, if You Can.— Wo exam
ined yosterday a liglit-toppod Rocka
way in the carriage manufactory of
Mr. T. J. Hart, tho first thing of tho 1
kind evor turned out of this shop, and
it is not only a credit to Dawson, but
would bo classed No. 1 in any East-:
orn manufactory. The material used
in its construction is tho choicest kind,
and put together by master workmen.
Tho iron work from tlio hands of Mr.
John Fonelon is perfect in every re-,
spect, and shows the skill of tho ono
who oxecutod it. Mr. Fenolon served
his apprenticeship in Bridgeport,'
Conn., and has worked many yoars in
somo of tho largest Eastern manufact
ories. With his prosent facilities, it
is folly for thoso wanting something
to ride in, to go farther than Hart’s
manufactory to get it.
Mn. Aycock was arraigned be
fore tho Justice Court on Tuesday
last, at tho instance of a negro with
whom ho had a difficulty on Sunday
last. Mr. Aycock resides in Dawson,
and tho nogro with whom ho had tho
difficulty is in the employ of Mr. Elam;
Johnson at Brown’s Station. It ap
pears they had a difficulty at Smith -
ville, the extent of which wo did not
learn, and wkon they arrived at
Brown’s Station, tho nogro disembark
ed from the train, and asked Mr.!
Johnson for a (lime with which to fin- j
ish paying hi3 fair, telling him at tho
same time he had had a difficulty on 1
tho train. At this juncture Mr. Ay- j
cock appeared on the platform, and
said ho was tho one to whom tho no- i
gro alluded, when tho negro gathered
a billot of wood, and threw it at Mr. 1
A., after which tho two clinched, and.
in tho moleo tho negro was slightly;
woundod by a knife in tho hand? of;
Mr. A. Tho evidence showed that
the negro was the aggressor, and the
accused was discharged.
All Foots’ Day’s “Evk." — All
Fools’ Day dates as far back as thej
time of Noali, says tho Almanac, and
wo suppose the first ono bad an eve
as well as tho last ono. It has boon
so long since tho first ono, however,
wo havo forgotten what happened, hut
not so with tho last ono, as tho follow -
ing will disclose. A majority of the
pupils composing Frols. Goodwin &
Edward’s and Prof. Armstrong's schools
took it into their hoads to placo their
teachers in tho condition that father
.Noah was when tho dovo returned to
'the ark not bearing the olivo branch
—a stato of disappointment. There
being no school on tho Ist, it was de
cided to mako merry Friday before.
Tho school bells rang as usual, and
instead of tho scholars hieing away
with book and slate to the school, they
were busily engaged in preparing a
dinner, which was at tho proper time
spread upon a long tablo in a beauti
ful grovo on the East side of town,
and tho different toachors, together
with many friends, iuvitod to partake
of tho luxuries. Wo added our good
looks, by invitation, to tbo throng of
boauty already assembled, and must
say that wo don’t know when or where
we have soon more pretty girls or a
nicer dinner.
Toachors, forgivo theso young la
dies and children for tho libortios tak
en on this occasion, and lot us say in
their behalf, as well as of tho entire
sex, that if their catalogues of crimes
bo made up of no greater sins than
tho above, tho bright ornaments to
society will bo without number, and
millions yet unborn will rise up to
bless tho namo of “Woman.”
Thore aro soventoon ex-Coufuderato
officers members of the Forty-socond
Congress—fifteen Democrats, viz :
One Major General, P. M- B- Aoung,
of Georgia ; threo Brigadier Generals,
Joseph Lewis, of Kentucky, Dudley
M. Dubose, of Georgia, and AN llliam
Terry, of Virginia ; six Colonels, Ed
ward J. Golliday and Robert 1. Cald
well of Tennessee; Edward Crossland,
o Kentucky vA. T. Mclntire, of Goo
-1; James M. Loach of North CarO f
lima, and Aichard T. W. Duke, of
Virginia: onC Lieutenant Colonol, At
frod M. Waddell, of North Carolinia;
two Majors, Elliott M. Braxton, of
Virginia, and Josoph H. S'oss.of Ala
bama; and two Captains, William B.
Price, of Georgia, and W llliam A.
Handley, of Alabama, two Radicals,
viz: Major Richard A. W luteloy, of
Georgia, and Captain Charles Days,
of Alabama.
lo ScErncs.—Tho almost daily re
ceipt of voluntary testimonals from ov
ery part of tho country, from Physi
cians, Clergymen, old and young, male
and female, is sufficient to conviueo tho
tho most sceptical that DR. TUTT’S
EXPECTORANT is tho most valuablo
LUNG BALSAM of tho age ; many
wonderful cures havo boon performed
by it, as may be seen by hundreds of
certificates in the hands of the propri
etor. Try it and yOu will doubt no
Itoipernte Stale of Aflulre in
Somu Carolina.
lion. C. G. Memminger, of South
Carolina, has addressed a letter to the
carpet-hag Governor Scott, in which
ho sums up tho nature and causes of
tho misgovornment of that State thus :
1. Tho convinction that tho existing
Government of tho Stato is utterly cor
2. That it has failod in all the du
ties which wore required at its hands.
3. That there is no adequate securi
ty for life or property, on the part of
tho vital population of the State.
4. That the taxes laid by the Leg
islature aro so enormous and uncalled
for that they can havo but ono result,
and that is in tho virtual confiscation
of tho entire income of tho citizens.
The Courier says Mr. Motnminger
might evou, with truth, have gone
father, and assorted that the imposi
tion of this system of taxation, for pur
poses of spoliation, would amount to
the confiscation in many instances of
the property itself.
Mr. Mommingcr proposes a remedy
for existing evils. Ho says :
“All this can bo obtainod by simply
following the lead of that State which
our prosent rulers would regard as the
fountain of political wisdom, and
amending our Constitution so as to
conform tho qualifications of voters to
that required in Massachusetts. Let
tho voters be only such as can read
and have paid some tax for tho sup
port of tho Government, and the rep
resentatives will at once change their
character. Such a qualification in tho
voters would discriminate only against
ignorance, and would place it in the
power of ovo ry man to take part in
tlio Government, whatever may bo his
raco or color.”
Educational or property qualifica
tions aro all very well in Massachu
setts, where only poor white men aro
disfranchised ; but will our present ru
lers permit such a discrimination
against tho man and brother in South
Carolina, against tho loyal African
blood ? We trow not. The negro
pliobista of “thrft Stato, which our
present rulers regard as the fountain
of political wisdom,” would novor sub
mit to such an ovorthrow of their fa
vorite theory of “manhood suffrage,”
and an attempt thus to oxclude the
ignorant and vicious negro from the
franchise, will subject South Carolina
to another courso of Radical recon
struction — Sop. Newt.
We havo no change to report in our
own market, nor in tho markets East
and West of us. Cotton is weak —
pricos barely maintained. Provisions
aro dull but not quotably lower; cash
buyois can be accommodated at low
figures, while thoso who buy on timo
don’t soom to stand on tho price; many
scorn to think thomselvos fortunate if
provisions can bo had at any price.
At the solicitation ot many friends I have
consented to run for the office of Sheriff of
Terrell County, at the election to be held on
Thursday, the 20th of the present month.
-Election Notice.
WE are authori-ed to announce tho name
of WILLIAM H. MORRISON as a candidate
for the office of Sheriff of Terrell county,
election to be held on the 20th inst.
Many Votkrs.
Special Notices.
Rear in Mind.
When d'sease has undermined the health
and the physical -ystem has become prostra
ted, a stimulant that will not only strengthen,
but remove the cause, should be immediately
resorted to. A/ontal distresses is also a fruit
ful source of the breaking down of the con
stitution. and *he ravages of this enemy to
health are truly alarming. For all such mal
adies Ilostetier’s Stomach Bitters have been
unsurpassed. By acting directly upon the
digestive organs, they remove the heavy, die
agreeable feeling after eating, so oflcu coma
plained of by persons of a delicate tempera
ment. As soon as digestion is restored, the
patient finds bis strength increasing, and hie
general health improved.
Thousands of persons certify that it mfty
be relied on in all cases of weakness or ner
vous debility attendant upon sedentary hab
its The generality of Bitters are so disa
greeable to the taste tbit they are objection
able to a weak stomach. Vhis :s not the
case with Uostctter’s Bitters, which will be
found mild and extremely pleasant. Bal
samic plants, barks and roots contribute
their restorative juices to render it soothing
and strengthening, its basis is the only pure
stimulant which has ever been produced,
containing no futil oil, or any other delete
rious element. The most oarefnl and skilful
chemists have analyzed tho Bitters, and pro
nounce them harmless. Thiß is scientific tes
timony : but the testimouy of tho hundreds
of thousands who have experienced the pre
ventive and curative effects of the gr*at
vegetable tonic and alterativs of modern
times is still more conclusive. In Fever,
and Ague, Zlospcpsia, Billiousness, Nervous
Complaints, Chronic Complaints aud general
debility it is as nearly infallible as anything
in this fallible world can be.
(Settled Beyond a Doubt.—No one ques
tions the fact that more cases of whiles sup
prated and irregular mentet and uterine ob
directions, of t very kind, *re be.BR daily
cured by Dr. J, Brat’field’s Female Regular
tor than by all other combined
Its’success in Georgia and other S'atea is be
yond precedent iu the anuals of physic,
Thousands of certificates from womeu e'-ery
where pour in upon the Proprietor. The at
tention of prominent medical meu is aroused
in behalf of this wonderful compound, and
the most successful practitioners use it. Its
action is pleasant, quick and sure. If .wo
men suffer hereafter it will be their own
fault. Female Regulator is prepared and
sold by L. U. Bradfield, .Druggist, .ltlanta,
Ga and may be bought for *1.50 per bottle
at any respec able Drug Store in tho Union.
"17. Al. HA.REEK,
jlttorw api Colijijellor at Law,
II 8. LEE. J- T. LEE.
fjm & mm o.,
l mm
Promising to do all in our power to please customers, both In quality and
price of goods, we hope to share tho publio patronage.
ApriiG-tf. LXSS Sc BRO.
03, Third Street, Macon, Ga.
JUST rooefving a largo lot of BACON SIDES and SHOULDERS,
which we offer at a very low price.
A. choice lot of Flour, freah frofn tho Mills, in Barrels and Sacka, at low
est market rates.
WE mo always prepared to fill ail orders wo may receive at as low a
figure as any house in Maoon. Choice Tennessee Corn arriviug daily.
A full supply of choico Tennessee OATS. Three Car Loads Wheat
BRAN for sale low. Wator Mill MEAL always on baud.
COME and eoe us, and wo guarantee satisfaction.
m’ch 30 Bm.
F. 8. JOHN'ON, Sr,. Clinton, Ga. 8. S. DUNLAP, Macon.
Hardware, Iron, Steel, and Agricultural Implements,
Carrage Materials, «&c«,
Having bought the steck of the lato firm of Wripley & Knott, we would in
form our friends and tho public generally that wo intend keeping everything
usually kept in a FIRST-CLASS HARD WARE HOUSE, which will bo
sold ns cheap as the cheapest. JOHNSON & DUNLAP.
rnarcb3o ts
jsw rssmoi
IN SIZE and weight u FEW MAY EXCEL ME/ but for selling
I am the BIGGEST JEW or GENTILE in Dawson, and don’t want my
friends and customers to take wy word for this bread assertion, but come and
see for thorns-Ives.
is now ready far inspection, and salo, and I challenge all lb# JKWH and GEN
TILES iD tiiis or any other town to a comparison of GO'JDS n**d PRICES.
My Goods were bought to be sold, and YOU BET tb«y will bo #old.
m’ch 30—ts. No. 3. Loyloss Block.
Agricultural Implements,
Carriage and Wauon Material**,
Clierry Street, Macon, Ga.
WE keep on hand, Hardware of all
kinds, such as Plantation Supplies,
Carpenter’s Tools, Wagon and Buggy
Timbers, and Axlos, Iron and Steel,
Plows of all kinds. In fact, worthing
usually kept in a First-duns Hardware
Wo have on hand a large lot of
cooKvra stoves,
of almost every size and price.
We also manufacture
tmjt n~nnE,
which we offer at Wholesale and Retail.
Steam and Water-pipes fitted up.
I.ightning Rods put up. Also, 801 -
Hanging, and Jobbing of all kinds in
either Sheet Iron, Copper or Tin
oxecutod to order, and on short notice.
Any person wishing work done will
do well to give me a call, as I warrant
my work and guarantee satisfaction.
Cooking Stoves repaired and put up.
BpnuShop South side Publio Square,
m’ob 2-ts.
I havo opened a stock of FAMILY
Confectioneries, Staple Goods, etc.
etc., at the Store near tho Depot, lato
the stand of J. A. Hiers, where I res
pectfully ask of my friends, and the
public, to call and seo me. If r»y
Stock is not as large as any other in
Town, I defy competition os to tho
Style of Goods, and Piice,
J. E. LEE.
Feb 9 ts.
(Successors to Tomlinson, Df.markst A Oo
628 and 630, Broadway, N. Y,
Carriages, Buggies, &c.
Especially adapted to the Southern Roads.
Light VictorUls,
And all other styles of Fino Carriages,
For one and two horses.
On Eliptio and Bide Springs.
COM OKU lilt.(.IKS,
ITlail Ilitt'k# ami Jersey Wagons
Wo are also sole Manufacturers of tho
Plantation Wagon for 1,2, 4 and 8 Horses.
7be best Buggy and Wagou in America for
tbo money.
We have had Rn experience of thirty years
in making work for the Southern (States, and
know exactly what is wanted to stand the
roads. We Invite all to send for dreulars,
and parlies visiting Now York we especially
invite to call at our Warerooina.
Wo solicit the trade of merchants and
Illustrated Circulars, with prices, furnished
by mail. A. T. D A’A/A 7JKNT, N. Y.
have also bought out Mr. W. A.
Huff, of J/iicon, Ga., whore we expect to
keep a large stock. June 23- ly.
Governor of Said StaU.
Wiierkas, Offioial information has been re
ceived at this Department that a murdar was
committed in the county of Carroll, ob the
night of the 13th of January last, upon the
body of John W. Wood, by some person or
persona unknown, as is alleged, and that said
unknown person er persons have Red from
I have thsught ptoper therefore, to issue
this my Proclamation, hereby offering a re
ward of One Thousand Dollars for the appre
hension and delivery of the said person or
persons unknown, with proof sufficient to
convict, to the .Sheriff of said county and
.State, iu order that they may bo brought to
trial for tho offouse with which they stand
Given unde' my hand and the Great Seal of
the Stato, at the Capi ol in Atlanta, this
eleventh day of March, in the year of our
Lord Eighteen lluudred aud Scventy-oue,
and of the Independence of the United
States of America the Ninety fifth.
By tlie Govornor:
David O. CVitino, Secretary of State.
marlO iw
Hlb Si
IT \9 wofl known to'
Poqtoip find to
I.ndipft, tliht women are
subject tp mi morons din,
patten peruliar to their
sex—such as /hippres
■ sltni dr the Mensen,'
Whiten, r.iinfi! month
ly ‘FtTioviH,* Klifuniii*.
tf«m of tho ftitofe and
fTomb, frrctfy nr.jtfctr*.
nt runt ion x 11emornitf h 4
KxcesHive ‘ Flows,’ and
rrortpMPH Uteri, or Fa
I nir oi the Jfomb. ,
These diseases hare
edorn Ikhmi treated huc
cswfuy. Thu proles* .
oo h»i sought diligently for sdirtd temeaf
I that would emblo theiti to fYeat these dis
eases with siiccoffl. .
At last, that remedy* has been dteesvered
by ono of the moot skilful in tbo
State of Goorgia. That remedy ia
It is purely vegetable, and fsf piit up to'
Atlanta, Georgia, by BP.ADFIftLD A CO.
It will purify thn blood and strengthen th#.
system, relieve irritation of the kidneys, and
Is a perfect specific lor all the above diseases,,
a cure as Quinine in Chills and fever. .„
For a history of diseases, and certificates
ot Its wonderful cures, the reader is referred
to the wrapper around the bottle. Jtierj
bottle is warranted to give satisfaction or
monoy refunded.
LaGranok, Ga., March 23, lSTfli
BftAnricr.n A Go., A tlanta, Georgia:
Deah Sirs: I take pleasure in stating that
. have used lor the last twenty years the
medicine vou are putting up, known as DR,
and consider it the best combi«atioa ever
gotten together foi the diseases for Whicn it
in recommended. I hate been familiar with
the proscription, both as practitioner of med
icine and in domestic practico, and can hon
estly eny that I consider it a boon to suffer
ing females, and can but hope that every I*-
dy in our laud, who may be suffering in any
way peculiar to their sex, may be able ttr
procure a bottle, that their Bufferings nay
not only be relieved, but that they ibaj fr#
restored to health and strength.
With Ml kindest regards, 1 am, respeeM
ftilly, W- B. FEI’RttLL, Jf. Dl
We, the undersigned Druggists, take plea#i
ure in commending to the trade, DR. A
believing it to be a good and reliable remedy
for the diseases for which he recommends it.
W. A. Latisdcli, Atlanta, Ga.
Pemberton, Willson, TavlorltOo., Atlanta,'
Redwino It Fox, Atlanta, Ga.
W. G. Lnwshe, Atlanta. Ga.
W. Root k Son, Marietta, Gai
Celebrated Elver Medicine-
It is purely vegetable, and will act upon tho
Liver and Kidneys as promptly as Calomel
xml Buchu, without snv dauger of salivation
or destruction of tho bones.
Parties taking this medicine need not fear
getting wet, or any other reasonable expo
Symptoms of Liver Disease.
Headache, Dull Feeling or the Blues, Sour
Stomach, Sick or nervous Headache, Heart
burn, Indigestion or .Dyspepsia, Bad or Bit*
ter Taste in Ine mouth ; the skin has a thick
rough feeling, and is darker than usual, Co#-
tiveuess, jfelsncholy feelings. Cramps,
Cold Feet, Colic, Dysentery, or Diarrdah,
Chills and Fever and Piles. n fact, wher#
the liver is out of order, you are liable to
every disease that is not contagious.
Prophiu’s Liver .Medicine. If taken prop
erly, it will prevent and cure any disease rev
suiting from a deranged Liver.
It will regulate its functions nml thus cur.
all diseases caused by the failure of its healthy
It has been good for a great number of
years, and has given univeisul satisfaction.
There is no brother or son claiming to have
the original re'ceipt. It ia put up ill both 1
Powder and Fluid form.
Fairhurn, Ga, September 4, 1808.
Dr. 0 . S. J’rophit:
Sir; My wife has been an invalid for fif
teen years. Doctors all agreed she had Liver
Disease. In connection with their practico
she used various noted medicines, none of
which seemed to do any good. Some time
ago I procured a bottle of your “Liver Me da
icine,” of your agent here, C. A. Harvy,
which beiug given according to directions,
liavo effected a complete cure.
Respectfully, etc., QKO. L. TUOMPSOK.
b[. bfopliitt’? bypeptejy Cofdiaf.
Is one of the most valuable compounds
.now put up for Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholera,
Infantum, or Cholera Morbus.
This medicine has been in use for years,,
and gives universal satisfaction.
Tlie most delicate child may use it with has
This is the celebrated medicine that ran'
Perry Pavia’ Pain Killer out of the market,
wherever it was sold; Davis made Prophitt
charge the name from Pain Killer to PAIN
For Nlieumatisn, Reuralgia, Cuts, Bruises,
Burns, Old Soros, Snake Bites, or stings of
Poisonous Insects, for Colds, Goughs, or
Bowel Complaint, it has no equal as a dess
ing, healer or antidote for pain of any kind.
Manufactured and sold by &R.4DFIKLD h
Q p., Atlanta, Ga., and for sale by all Drug
Fever and Ague Pills.
The boat Antidote for Chills and Fever
known. Cures warranted always or moaof
refunded- Purely vegetable.
33X1. F*JXOX > HITT'B’
Will relieve Ileudaohe, Nervousness, Jauar
dice, and all other derangemonta of the L 4»
er. Purely vegetable.
The following are a few among the halt- ’
dreds of those who have used tha above*
named medicines, and who readily testify to
their value :
Col R J Henderson, Covington, Ga ) Prof
.J L Jones, Covington, Ga; M W Arnold,
Georgia Conference ; Rev W W Ostin, (Geor
gia Conference ; A if Robinson, Monticello,
Ga ; Judge J J Floyd, CovingtOD. Ga ; Dick
Locket, Davis county, Texas, W Mawk
Whatley, Cuss, ta, Texas.
Fui.ros County, I men bytheae
presents, that 1 have this day, for value re
ceived, sold and transferred to BRADFIAfLD
& Cos., the sole right to manufacture and sell
my Family Medicines, and havq furnished
them with the full reci cs, and have author
ised tho said BRADFIpLD t CO., to print,-
or have printed, any thing they may see
proper concerning any and all the above
named JFedieines. This 15th day of June
1870. [Signed] O. S. PROfTTITT
In presence of Thomas F.. Jones and Rob.-
ert Crawford, Notaiy Public. fL. S.^
Manufactured aud for sale by BRADPrtLD*
CO., Broad Srreet, Atlanta, Ga., and lot
sale hv all Druggists.
Hot sale by Dr. J Janes, Gw-