The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, April 06, 1871, Image 4
AGRICUXaTUXI SLli. Kulc« to Make a Farmer Poor. 1. Not taking a good agricultural paper. 2. Keeping fcn account of homo op perations. l’aying no attention to the maxim : “A stitch in time saves nino,’ in regard to the sowing of grain and planting of seed at tho proper season. 8. Leaving tho reapers, plows, cul tivators, etc., uncovered from tho rain and heat of the sun. More money is lost in this way than most pooplo aro willing to believe. 4. Permitting broken implements to be scattared over the farm until they aro irreparable. One of the Seven Wise Men of Greece said only this to prove his sense : “The tirno to mend the plow is when the plow breaks.” 5. Attending auction sales and pur chasing all kinds of trumpery, because, in the words of tho vendor, aud arti cles are “very cheap.” 6. Allowing fences to paired until strange cattle are found grazing in your fields and bruising tho fruit trees. 7. Planting fruit-trees with tho ex pectations of having fruit, without giv ing tho troos half the attention roquiro od to make them produce —Journal of Chemistry. 8 And this is a surer method thau either of tho sovon named —Plant cot ton only, and buy grain, meal , stock, cat tle, fertilizers, foraye, and all things cite from abroad.— | Eds' South urnku. Docs it Pay t« Farm Well ? Improvement, Fruit, ikt. Little do most of our farmers roa lize the value, so to say nothing of the pride, pleasure, convenience and looks of a farm well and oloanly attended. Snug buildings well painted, tho lawn or yard filled with evergroous and shrubbery, the ivoy and honeysuckle entwining their fairy fingers over your latticed verandah, or led up over a window exposed to the glory of a noon day sun. Tho fruit garden supplied with all tho varieties of small fruits, a good orchard growing, an acre in gr«pos ; fonce corners cloar of woods, corn clear, of woods, fine wolls of wa ter, a well sot pasture of blue gross, an evon level rnoadow, fields all fenced off separately, a barn and sheds to sheltor all stock and grain, a hennery, pig pons, granary and cribs. Those reader go to mako up a pleasant agree able and paying farm. Wo know of such a farm, that four years ago was a wild expanse of prairio, not a foot in cultivation or tho least improvement; it was bought at time for fifteen hun dred dollars. A farm or piece of land containing throo hundred acres. It was purchased by tbreo brothers—all young men—who had left, to improve tho land after paying for it, about one thousand dollars apioco; thoy went to work is, broke prairio, fenced, pot in fall grain, built stables, small framo houses, sot but Osago hedges and planted fruit and shade trees for tlirofl yoars; two of them married a year ago and dotormiuedlto go further West. Tho faun v,ai sold a short time ago, and brought sixty dollars an acre. Eighteen thousand dollars for throo boys in four years—as tho grain sold and stock roared more than paid book their first outlay. This may soem an exception rather than a rule, but the exception is on tho side of good fanning tidy improvement and realiz ation of comfort in a home.— Colman,s Rural Worlh. Hard Tiuies. Tho farmer who owns his land, is free from debt and has tolorable im provements cannot comprehond the full meaning of tho term “hard times.” Honco farming is the best and sur est vocation for tho mass of tho poo plo ;as a general result it does not lead to wealth and luxury, but it may be certain to insure competence, and even abundance. To thojaded un fortunate business man, there is no prospect that looks so onticing as that of a beautiful farm, well improved, fully stocked and carfully tilled it is a haven of rest, whore tho corroding care and life sapping anxiety of a bus iness man are unknown. A domain over which he is king and where he may enforce his will undisputed. by any one. The true pleasure of tho farmers vocation consists iu his inti mate relation to nature and his pos session of all the rational enjoyment of life. Why, then, do wo have the oom plaint from so large a mass of tho far mers that “times are hard ?” The an swer is, they are in debt. Debt is a curse that entails far greater hardship than the fiat which pronounced tho doom of man to till th© soil and earn his bread by tho sweat of his brow. War prices and war currency afflicted a large portion of farmers with a greed of grain which they indulged by plung ing in debt Thoy were not content with securing good homes, fitting them up in oomfort, aud laying something by for a rainy day, but they grew lust ftil for broad acres which can only be enjoyed in cities, and are but burdens to country life, and now that reverse cuts Bhort expected incomes, tho pres sure of debt is felt, and thoro is “hard times.” If we could toach only one precept to farmers, it would be tliis : Mako yourselves independent. Owe no man anything. Make your business snug and safe instead of expensive and risky. Then you can sit by your own hearthsidos, and if “hard times” look in at the window you can laugh in his face. —Rural New Yorker. —Tho Illinois Legislature, during a two and a half month’s session, passed just four bills, two of which were re turned by tho Governor* Failuee or a Farmer.—Mr. John Alexander, tho king of Stockmen in the United States lias made an assign ment of his property for the benefit of his creditors. His liabilities aro stat ed at $1,000,000, while his assets foot up from SIOO,OOO to $200,000 more than that. Mr. Alexander’s residence is in Morgan county, in Kentucky, whore lie owns an immense stock farm. Two or throe yoars sinco Mr. Alexan der bought tho celobratod Sullivan farm, known as “Broadlands” in Douglas county, containing 27,000 a croa. It was reported a short time sinco that ho had sold, “Broadlands” for $600,000, but from some cause the sale was not consummated. This is probably the hoavicst failuro of any agricultural, man yot recorded in the history ol tho Uuitod Statos. Another Cure Fonlloa Chortlera. A. G. Bali.ird, of Sturgeon, Mo, informs tho Columbia Ileratd that ho has lost a largo numbor of hogs from cholora, aud after an unsuocossful trial of a groat many remodios, has found pine tor to never fail of cure. Ho givos tho tar Jin slop—about a table spoonful to oacli bog. Its cure is ra pid, complete, and loavos no injurious effects booind. Tlio Charleston News speaks a sol emn truth when it says “all the sol diorß who ever crossed tho Potomac cannot mako Bouth Carolina happy and contented, so long as ignorant no groos rulo intelligent white mon, and neither intolloct nor wealth has a voice in tho councils of tho Stato. Women in a Jcut Box.— Murderer Sonteuced to bo hanged. Chrymey March 2*2—Tho District Court of Wyo ming territory met heroyesterday Chief Justice Howe presiding. Four ladios wore among tho jurors. Jfflm Boyer a half brooded Sioux Indan, who mur dered two mon noar Fort Laramie last October, was found guilty and senten ced to bo hanged on the 21st of April Baptist Convention. —This body, embracing twenty-seven Associations in different parts of the State, and a memlmrship of 60,000, meots in Car tersville, Ga., ontho 21st of April next. Tho minutes of the last session show tho membership, of the demonination in tho State—regular, anti-missionary and colored —to bo 110,198. Tho col ored membership is 27,748. Besides gonoral obj eta of benevolence, this Convention electa tbo Board of Trus tees of Mercer Univoraity, which has recently boon movod from Fonfiold to Maoon. A Practical Explanation. —For an apt illustration of what thoao words moan, commond us to tho following. Asa practical man wo ondorso it most heartily. Wo liavo never hoard of an explanation this character ut once bo symmetrical, bo conclusive, and so ominoutly satisfactory in its dotails aud results. “Charley! what is osculation!” “Osculation, Fanny dear, Is a loarnod expression, quoor, For a nioe sensation. I put my arm, thus round your waist, Tliis is approximation; You need not fear— There’s no one hero— Your lips quito noar— I thon”— “Oh, dear!” . “Fanny, that’s osculation.” 40 WEEKS FOR ONE DOLLAR I THE A.V/KiUUAN RURAL HOME’ from Hpril 1, 1871.-A First-Clas* Ei;IU Piijjc, Agricnlluriil aud Family Weekly. Spi*cirii«ns Free. FI IFF OALLEKTOF ART —D. Appletoa & Cos., Now York, will 8-nd to evory new subscriber to Atpleton’s Journal remitting $4 for one year’s aub . scriptiou, Tkn Slpkru Engravings suitable for framing, from paintings by tlie most emi nent American artists, so that each new sub scriber receives Gratis what would cost $lO in the print shops- Full particulars will be furnished on application. AFFLETO.VH JOIIKNAIa is published Weekly, and consists of 28 4to, pages, each numbor attractively illustra ted. Its contents consists ol Sorial A’ovel* aud Short iStories, Unsays upon History and Social Topics, Sketches ot Travel and Ad venture, and papers upon all the various sub jects that pertain to tho pursuits and recrea tions of the people, whether of town or country- Price $4 per annum, $2 for six monlbd. 10 cents per number. I). Appls ton & Cos , Publishers, N. Y. NEW ¥iT» KVISVAMIIIII EBR AUTHOR,—A (Serial Story of surpassing interest, by the author of “Va leri Aylmer,” which the press have go highly extolled, wi 1 appear in Appleton's Journal, No. 108. New subscribers may commence their subscription with the beginning of tho Now Story. Subscription prico $4 per an num, or $2 for six months. D. Atpleton A Cos., Publishers N. Y. n. S. S. FITCH’S Family FliyxicSilll 5 !M> pagos; sent by mail ftee. Teaches bow to cure sll diseases of the person ; skin, hair, eyes, compleixon. Write to 714 Broadway, New York. Send Your Sons f l*o a Praotical (School, tha* will train them for active, useful life, and a successful future. The Institution that best accomplishes this and is largely patroAzed by the (South, is Eastman College, Poughkeepeie, N. Y. Ad dress for particulars, 11. J. PASTNAN, LI. D., President. EASTMAN’S ISusincss College) ATTAMTA, «A., Opens May 10th, For full par'iculs'B of the Institution, Practical Course of Study, Terms of Tuition, Board. Ac., Address A. R. i? AST A/AN, Principal, Formerly of Eastman College, Poughkeepsie, 3LOOMINGTON ILL* NURSERY. 19tb Year. 600 micros. 18 Greenhouses. Largest Agsortm-’Dt—all sizes. Best Stock I Low /'rices I Would you know What, When, How to Plant! Fruit, Shade, AVer green Trees, Root Grafts, Seedlings, Osage Plants, Apple Seed. Early Hose Potitoes, Shrub*, Roses, Greenhouse and Garden Plants , Ac., Ac. Flower and V egetablc Seeds ! Finest, Best Collection—Sorts and quality. Send 10 cents for jVcw, Illustrated, Descriptive Catalogue —9O pages. Send stamp, each, for Catalogues of feeds, with plain directions—64 pages ; Bedding and Garden Plants —32 pages, and Wholesale Price List—24 pages. Address F. K. PIKE NIX, Bloomington. Illinois. BUILDING FELT work and inside instead j of plaster, floor covering, mats, Ac. C. J. FAY Camden, N. J BISIUISS It for All.—host Industrial 8-p«go W<)wspa|i©r. SO ets. per year. Sand stamp ft,r copy. PATENT ET A lilt, boston, Men. A ! I V EOAK, now made in 10 hours T 11. x without drags. Particulars io cents. F. Sauk, Cromwell, Conn. A. 11. FAHUUHAR, Proprietor of IPoiimylviiiiiii Agri.iillHrut II ork«, Manufacturer of improved Polished Steel [York, I*enn nicKsoiv siVf.Kr.s. SOLID STEEL SWEEPS and SCRAPJfaS, Steel Plows, Shovel /’low Blades, Cultivators, Horan Hoes, Harrows, Horse-Powers, 2bre»hing Machines, &c., &o. Send for lllii«lriite<l Fnlaloh’it*' \J B. KDWA If OS, Comiftellor at Lats. 481 I'euu. Av. Washing ton, D. G', gives special attention to claims under the late Ac t of Congress for exami nation of c'aims of loyal citizens of Slates lately in rebellion. Charges reasonable. (ToTTOI TfAcif ait i "lor J Salt; t heap.—B,(Hß) Panforlh Spiu d os with patent SB in. cards and full prepara tion. Now’running, and iu hist-rate order. Address .M.4CHINRAY, care Messrs Geo. P. Rowell At Cos., 41, Park Row, New York. con A DAY iu very best bu sinew over offei 4)Ay ed For partioalfir* ad and rch h, with stamp. Moors & Oo M 11l 8d 3t., Kou isville, Ky. FRAGRANT SAPOILENE Cleans Aid Gloves and all kinds of Cloths and Clothing ; removes Paint, Grrese, Tar, he., instantly, without the least injury to the finest fabrio. Sold bv Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. FRAGRANT SAPOLLffNE CO., 88 Baroluj 81., Now Q.rk, 46 La Salle St., Chicago. lOOC use the "VKn/sum.r.- iQ7n I G £«)PULMONARY BALSAM, 10/U Ti e old standard remedy lur <>ou<mi, Cold*-; Consumption. “Nothing better.' Cutler, Bros, aud Cos., Boston. ' Agents ! fiicad Tliis ! WE WILL PAY AGKMTS A SALARY OF §3» PER WEEK anil LtpciiHes, or allow a large commission to sell our new and won derful inventions. Address M. WAGNER & CO., Afarshall, llich. I VOID QUACUS.-A viotim of 1 V early Indisiretion, causing nervoua do hility, premature decay, &c., having tried b) vain every advertised remedy; has a mmpie mean* of eeW-onre, which he will send free to his fellow-sufferere. Address J. U. TUT TL/T, 78, Nassau st.. New York. A PKOCLAMA nosi. GEORGIA: By RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor of said State. Whereas, the President and Secretary of the Agricultural (Society of the county of Cobb, notify mo that a notorious horse-thief calling himself James R. Hill, alias Jones, al ias Simmons, tins, during the last three years, been committing depradutious upon the stock of the farmers and planters in that sec tion of the State, carrying on a trafTic in the stolen property in the adjoining counties of Alabama; and Whereas, The civil authorities of the coun ty have exercised, aud are still exercising ex traordinary diligence to ferret out and bring to punishment this notorious character ; and Whereas, It is certified to me as aforesaid that the ends of justice demand the assis tance of the Executive Department of the State: Now, therefore, I, Rufus B. Bullock, Gov ernor of said State, do hereby issue this, my proclamation, offering a reward of Ouo Thousuud Dollars for the arrest and delivery to the Sheriff of Oobb county of the afore said James R. Bill, alius Jones, alias (Sim mons. DESCRIPTION : A.small, slender man, dark complexion dark hair, dark hazel eyoa, small foot, about No. 0 shoes, quick spoken, weighs about 125 pounds. Was last soon near Uobco, ltusscll com ty, Alabama.' nt’ch 30-4 w. Ik FKOCI.AMATIOI'i. GEORGIA. By RUFUS B. BULLOCK, . Governor of said. St ate. Whoreas, Official information has been re ceived at this Department tlint thero is now pending iu tbo Superior Court of the couuty of Cherokee, a Bill of Indictment charging one James Mullins with tho offense of simple Larceny, (horse srealing,) and it being made known to me, that the said JVullins, slier have ing been lodged in jail under said indictment has succeeded in making his escape there from ; and Wnereas, the Sheriff of said county of Cherokee certifies to me, that ha has made every possible effort in his power to appre hend the said Mullins, but without, avail ; and it being essential to the interest of the coun try that the said Mullins be brought to jus - tice it: order that he may be punished for the | many depredations he has committed upon j the good people of said county of Cherokee, the counties adjacent thereto : Now, therefore, I do heroby issue this, my proclamation, offering a reward of Five Hun dred .Dollars for the apprehension and deliv ery of the said Jamee Mullins to the Sheriff of Ohorokee county, and an additional reward of Five Hundred Dollars upon his eouvio tion. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at the Capitol, in Atlanta, this 22d day of March, in the year of our Lord Pghteeu J/undrod and Seventy one, and of the Independence of the United States of America the Ninety fifth. PUFUS B. BUL/.OCK. By the Governor: David G. Cottjno, Secretory of State, march 80-4 w. Furniture! Window Shades, Wall Paper, A/tUtcfflea Feathers, Ac., Ac., Ac. 3?arlor Suitosj In Walnut and M»hogeuy. Large Slock of Bed room Suites, Walawt, J/ahogeuy and Enameled, for aule, CHEAP FOR CASH. 1000 J/aple Bedsteads, $5.00 to $6.00 200 Walnut Bedsteads, all prices. 100 dozen Split Scat Chairs. 60 dozen Cane Seat Chairs, all prices. 60 dozen Rattan scat Chair*, all prices. CARPETS. Tapestry, Brussels, Three Ply and Ingrain Oil Cloths, .l/attings, Rugs and Mats, just re ccived, and for sale low. THOMAS WOOD, Nort door to Lanier House, doc. 22, Om. Macon, Gi, FASHIONABLE RESAURAHI, Bakery, Confectionery, AND TOY STORE TL. SOLOMON, having completed hi* . arrangements for the Fall trade, takes this method of informing the public that he has, ami will constantly keepon hand, every thing ta satisfy the appetite, and if you have no appetito, oan fix you up something to give you one. THE RESTAURANT will be supplied, didly, with ftosh fish, Oys ter*, Old Virginia Beef Steak, etc., and will furnish to families, three times a week, Fork or Beef Naugigc, of his own make. 7’olito Waiters, good Ceoks, who will prepare your meals in trie latest ala mode without any ex. Ira charge for the fancy name. THE BAKERY , , Ls PTCHidod over by Mi experienced nod wo are prepared to lurnisii everything neces sary for Parties, Balls and Suppers, piivato or public. CO N F ECTi O M £ FIY. This Department is supplied with *1! kinds of Plain and Fancy Candies, from the host A/anufactorics, together with everything usnallv kept in a First-class Confectionery establishment. THE TOYS „ have been selected from one of th* finest stocks iu New York, and the purchaser had an eye to the tastes of al) the little ones, and can furnish tho boys with anything from a Wooden Pistol to a Fire A’ngine ; and the little girls with any tiling Irom a Wax Doll to a complete out-fit for house keeping. I will take pleasure in waiting on custo mers, and furnishing them with anything I have or cau get for the “CASH,” J. L. SOLOrAAN, Oct. 18-tf.* Trustee, GLOBE FLOWER COM SYUR! The Priceless, Unrivalled firm ed far the Speedy Pure or C(tu as, c o u a mi s, «rs a «.«./, an o *r- Cll IT IS , and CONSUMPTION, THE GLOBE FLOWED SYRUP Is warronted the most pleasant, safe, and ef fectual Cough and Lung Remedy ever dis covered 1 Globe Flower Cough Syrup is warranted not to contain Opium in any of its forms dole Flower Syrup is legally Warranted to Cura. Globe Flower Syrup is protected by Lettpra-Fatent, both ou Trade Mark, Libel, and Compound. Over SO,COO Living if ’’ll nesses to bear testimony to the great superiority of Globe Flower Syrup over all other Lung Ilemcdies. "“The following are some of the many thou sand testimonials in our per,session. Sold by all responsible Druggists. PEMBERTON rAYLOR & CO. Proprietors & Chemists, Atlanta, Ga., Roswkll, Ga, April 28rd, 1870. Messrs. Pembe.rton, Taylor & Cos. I)(-ar Sirs :—I received the bottle of Globe Flower Syrup at noon, yes*crday, and began tho use of it immediately. My pa tient passed a more comfortable night than she has for three months, and now', at 10 o’clock, A. M-, says she feels like another woman. I intend to continue thu use of tho Globe Flower Syrup* believibg it will mako a cure. Never have I witnessed such great benefit from a remedy, in so short a time in nay life. I shall, in the future, use your Globe Flower Syrup in all cases of colds, coughs, and all affections of the lungs that may presont themselves Respectful!, R. 15. ANDEB-SON, U. 1). READ, READ. One of a Thousand. BYINGTON’S HOTEL, ) Fort Vallet, Dee. Ist, 1&70. f Mi -ssrs Pemberton, Taylor k Cos., Atlanta. Gknts.—F6r the past two montis I liavo been suffering with a very severe Cough, aud I tried fifty different remedies, without re ceiving the least benefit. But a few days ago a friend recommended your Globe Flower Cough Syrup, and I am proud to pay that ntv congh was entirely cured before the bottle was near empty, uta, Very Respectfully J. TBYINGTON. GREAT > xy- * Soother,' .MONTHLY MAGAZINE, Two Dollars per Annum.' 64 PAGES READING MATTER. 30 PAGES ADVERTISEMENTS WALKER, EVANS &~COGSWELL D. WYATT” AIKEN, CUAHLDSTON, S. C A PROCLAMATION, GEORGIA. By RUFUS B. BULLOCK\ Governor of Said State. Whereas, Official information has boeu re ceived at this Department that a murder was committed in the county of Bibb, on the 13th day of November last, upon the body of Gua Redding, by one Henry Love, a per son of color, as is alleged, and that said Love has Hod from justico : I have thought propor, therefore, to issue this my Proclamation, hereby offering are ward of Five Hundred Dollars for the appre hension and delivery of the said Love, with proof sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff of said county and State, iu order that he may be brought to trial for the offence with which he stands charged. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at the Capitol, in Htlanta, this fifteenth day of March, in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seven ty-one, and of the Independence of the United States of America the Ninety fifth. RUFUS’ B. BULLoCK. By the Governor: David G. Cornso, Secretary of State, 2:i-4w RAIL -ROAD GUIDE. I«ntlnvc«lsru Itailrosiil Pax suiiger Trains. WJ/. IIOI.T, Ties. | VIRGIL TOWER, Sup Leave Maconu 8:00 a.m. Arrive at Dawson .<;10, r u Arrive nt Eufalua .4-,08 p.m. Leave Eufaula 7:45 a. m. Hrrivo at Dawsou 10;32, a m Arrive at Mnc.n 4:50 p. m. Connecting with Alhnny brunch train *t. Auiithviile, and with Fort Gaines branch train at Cuthbert. XUPAULA NIUIIT AKD ACCOHMOnATISN TRAINS Leave A/acon 8-50 pm. Arrive at Dawson. 6;31, a m Arrive at Eufuul* 10:00 a m. Leave Eulaula 5:10 p. u. Arrive at Dawson 9;5, p M Arrive at 4/acon 5:00 a. m. Connect at (Smlthv'llo with Albany train on ,1/onday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights. No train leaves on Saturday nights. COLUMBUS PASSKNOKR TRAINS. Loavo A/acott 6:25 A. M. Arrive at Columbus 11:00 a. m. Leave Columbtiv 6:45 p. m. Arrive at Macon ...11:15 p.M. cor.CMnus Ntoiir passknuer train Leave Macon 8:15 r. m. Arrivo at Coluuntbus 4:45 a. m. Leave Columbus 8:05 p. m. Arrive at J/acon 4:10 A. M. Atlantic acid Gulf Railroad. H. S. HAINEfI, General (Superintendent. ON AND AFTER the Sunday, January Ut, 1871, passenger trains on this road will run as follows : . Leave r’avannnh daily at 8.45 P. m ylrrive at Like O.ik daily at 2.05 A. m Arrivo at Thomasville at 8.40 A. M. Arrive at Ilainbridgo at 6.45 A. u Arrive at Albany at 7.15 A. M- Leave Albany at 6.45 p. m. Leave Bainoridge at.... 7.25 P. m Leave ThornasTillo at 10.80 p. M. Leave Live Oak at 12,20 a. m. Artive at Savannah at 10 - 35 a. m. Tho Th rough Freight Train on Western Division, with Passenger car attached will Leave Albany, Sunday excepted at 9.15 a m. Arrive at Lawton at 785 p. m. Leave Lawton at 7:24 a. m. Arrival at Albany at .6.16 p. M. Connect at Lawton with Passenger Train to and stem Florida, and at Albany with night Through Freight os South Western R. R. Western & Atlantic Railroad. E. B. WALK Alt, Master Transportation On and after SUNDAY, February 12th, 1871, the'Passenger Trains wiil run on the Western & Atlantfo Railroad as follows : NIOUT PASSENGER TRAIN Lcaveß Atlanta 10 15 p. M. Arrives at Kingston 1.14 a. m. Arrivos at Dalton. 3".26 A. M. Arrive* at Chattanooga 5.40 a. m Leaves Chattanooga 9.00 p. m. Arrives at Dalton 11.11 r. m. Arrives at Kingston. .*. -1.51 a. m. Arrives at Atlanta 6.17 A. M. PAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta 8.16 a. m. Arrives at Kingston 11.45 a. m. Arrives at Dalton 2.18 p. m. Arrives at Chattanooga 4.25 p. M. Deaves Chattanooga 5 50 x M. Arrives at Dalton... 8.10 A. M. Arrives at Kingston 10.30 A. u. Arrives at Atlanta 2.00 p.m. A PROCLAMATION. GEORGIA: By RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor of said State. Whereas, Official information lias been re ceived at this Department that a murder was committed in the county of d/aacogee, on the night of the 24th of February last, upon the body of Btooks Walker, n per-ou of color, by ouo John Haron, as is alleged, aud that said Aaron has fled from justice: I have thought proper, therefore, to issuo this ray Proclamation, heroby offering a To ward of Five Hundred Dollars for the appre hension and delivery of the said Haron, with proof sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff of said county and State, in order that he may be brought to trial for the offeuse with which be stands charged. . Giveu under my hand and tho Great Seal of the .State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this eighth day of J/ureh, in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seventy-one, and of the Independence of the United States of America th* Niuetv fifth. RUFUN B. BULLOCK, By the Governor: David G. Cottino, Secretary of State, merit! !',v A PROCLAMATION. GEOBGIA. By R UFUS B. B ULL 0 CK, Governor of Said Slate. Whereas, Official information hat been re ceived at this Department that a murder was committed in the county of Chatham on or about the 20th of February las’, upon the body of Chavis Davis, by one Richard Grant, as is alleged, and that said Grant has fled from justice : I have thought proper, therefore, to issue this inv proclamation, hereby offering a re ward of Five Hundred Dollars for tho appre hension and delivery of the said Grant, with proof sufficient to convict, to tho Sheriff of said county aud State, in order that he may be brought to trial for the offence with which he stands charged. Given under my baud Rnd-tho Groat (Seal of the State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this thirteenth day of March, in the year of our Lord Eighteen ffundred and Seventy-One, and of the Independence of the United (States of America the Ninety-fifth. .RUFUS B, BULLOCK. Bv the Governor : David G. Oottiko, Secretary of (State, march. 16-4 w. DR. SHALLENBERCCR’S Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE Al ways Stops tbe Chills. This Medicine has boon before tho Pub* lie fifteen years, and is still ahead of all other known remedies. It does not purge, does not sicken the stomach, is perfectly safe in aDy dose and under all circum stances, an l is the only Medicine that will CURE IMMEDIATELY and permanently every form of Fever and Ague, because it is a perfect Anti* dote to Aalariu. Slid by nil Druggists. HOT AU BURI’D, * tho efforts of my many friends, both White and C-lorod, [ saved LARGER PORTION OF MY GOODS, aDd now have them on sale at the Store lately occupied as a DOLIAR Store, next door to Solomon’s. * My lows was heavy but find there is no use lo grieve over “Ijuruod Goods” and only ask of my old cuatomere to call on me at 1 2vE"3T UEW STORE, and got such goods at such prices as will not fail to give satisfaction.' Don’t fail to call ou mo if GOOD and (JIIISA.P gonds is what you want, m’ch 2-ts. ISO. IitoUTXIVItIR. 11l ITTIICTIIII ILee <& Kciuirfck, • DEALERS IN Groceries | Provisions Next Door to LEE & BROTHER, Wo o « offering to tho trade a complete stock of Groceries, &ci, consi.'t ng in part of IUCON. LA HD, FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFEE, BUTTER, SYRTJP, FISII, and a splendid stock of CONFECTIONERIES, which will bo sold cheap for OABH. Also a largo lot of Glass Ware, consisting of Preserve Stands, Tea Setts, Lamps, &c., and Kerosene Oil at 75 cts. per gallon feb. 16-ts Imm IN • A HOME COMPANY. THE ONLY COMPANY DOING BUSINESS IN GEORGIA THAT HAS SIOO,OOO DEPOSITED WIT THE STATE FOR THE BENEFIT OF POLICY HOLDERS, We Challenge tlie World on tfie Merits of (tie Companj, THE COTTON STATES UH HSlimi CBINIY. . MACON, Authorized Capital, $2,G00,000! Cnaraatced Capital, $500,00.0. oISSETTS $300,0(10. ItAPSHLY IJTC KSKISI.VG. OFFICERS : WM. B JOnOSGN, President, W. BURKE, General Agent, WM S HOLT, Vice Pre idtnt, J MEUCER GREEN, Medical Examiner, GEO S OBEAR, Secrctaiy, VP J MAG ILL, Superintendent of Agencies DIRECTORS—MACONf : t\ ;f B JOHNSON, JOHN J GRESHAM, lIKNRY I, JEWETT, VIRGIL TOWKRB, GEOaOBKAR. L N WHITTLE, • JOHN VV BURKE, JOHN S BAXTER, WM LAWTON, WM II ROSS, WM S HOLT, PETER SOLOMON, CA NUT! ING, A I. MAXWELL, F, A WILCOX, DAVID FLAN DIR J T BOIFEUILLET, F, J JOHNSTON, R W.CUBBEDGE. Savannah—A R LAWTON, ANDREW LOW’. Acodsta—J P KING, JOSIAn SIBLEY. Atlanta—RICHARD PETERS, VRTOMM K, Y\ Colomiius,—L U BOVVERS, 0G HOLMES Monticello—T J SMITH. 6’uablottk, N C—VVII JOHNSON. Charleston, S 0.-0 G MKMJUNGEK. Company iaaned, during the first year, about 1200 policies, and has now on its reg- X later, 1800 policies. It has paid its losses promptly, within sixty days after proof #f loss. It is located in the middle of the (State, quite convenient of access, so that where losses occur, it is not difficult to make all necessary proofs and collect the amount insured. A careful examination of the list of Directors and Officers will, we think, be a sufficient guarantee to policy holders that it offers good security to those who are seeking a safe in vestment to the dear ones that will be left behind iu case of death. I* y° u Insurance, see one of our Agents, who may bo found in almost every com- munity, or correspond with GEO. 8. OBEAR, Secretary. .7* • Ag’t at Daui»oii) or in his absence applications may be aiade Dr. 0. A Uheatham, Medical Examiner. sept. fc9-6m. XMIWBON uiffimuK n MWOT, ®£L MANUPACURERS OF RAILROAD CARS Agricultural linplemcnti, Sugar Mills, Sugar Kellies, Clin Cteas'ing, r riioina§ Water Wheels, and Pulleys, ilroai am 9 E3rass Castings, Mill Work of Krcry l>eseri|>tiou, Dressed Ixuinhcr, etc., eic. (Bat Iron, Brass and Copper purchasad at Iho highest market priov. All orders pronipHy attended to. 0 0 NELSON Pres’l, - - H. ATKINSON, Sup’G Dawson, Ga., September 9,tf