Newspaper Page Text
LOOAIi 00 r, OMS|.
Jt\T-DAT Vic Nrc.—Tho citizens of
Dawsou will ffivu tho Sunday Schools
a pio nic and barbacue, at tho pine
„,,i V e near tho Methodist church, on
Tuesday t!io 2d of May. Undo I’art
lay has boon entrusted with tho „.t
ting up of tho meats, and wo will
v o uoh for his part being well dono.
The day will boas all other May days
that have boon colobratod by our poo
pie, a gala day for tho littlo onos .
PnoTomeunt Gallery.— Wo are '
pleased to seo Mr. G. It. Platt at his
old stand, busy making pictures in tho
latest improved stylos G o and
examine his specimens, and have your
pictures taken before ho loaves town.
Ni:gro Killed in Calhoun County.
__on Friday tho 7th, ono Cato Gregg,
a colored laborer on tho plantation of
Sam’l L. Williams in Calhoun county,
repaired to the crock after tho day’s
work was over for tho purpose of fish
ini' and hunting. Tho next morning
ho was missing, but tho other bauds
hnew of his having gone fishing tho
night beforo and did not raiso tho
alarm until ton o’olock in tho day.
Mr. Charles Gee, tho manager of tho
plantation, in company with Powell
McClary, (col.) ono of tho foremen of
tho place, went in search of tho miss
ing man, and Pdwoll was but a littlo
ahilo in finding his coat and shoes,
also, tho fish ho had caught, and his
fishing rod planted in tho bunk of the
crook. Mr. Geo thinking that thoro
might have boon foul play, procured
a long polo and made search in tho
creek and soon found Cato Gregg at
the bottom. lie was fished up and upon
examination his jaw bono was found to
bo broken and the side of his head much
bruised, showing ho had received
a severe blow from a stick in tho
hands of some unknown person. Pow
ell McClary’s actions, and his having
a difficulty with the deceased, caused
suspicion to rest on him, and ho was
arrested and placed in tho hands of
tho sheriff.
Cum & Tucker, Nothwithstanding
tho hard times havo a largo’ stock of
goods of all kinds. Tho. trading pub
lic, cash buyers especially, would do
well to give them a call.
Tim Onvir.iNS auk Comino.— Row
Mr. Carter, agont for tho Orphan’s
Home, of Lauderdale, Miss., visited
our town on last Tuesday in tho inter
est of tho Home, and made arrange
ments for the thirty orphans who arc
traveling through tho South, to give
otic of their concerts' on next Tuesday
night, tho 18th, at Masonic Hall.—
The littlo folks will arrivo on 2 o’clock
train, and will bo met by a committee
from the citizens and council, and wall
bo escorted to the Hotel, when homos
mil be assigned them for tho night
The sweet songs of thoso wards of the
fiouth havo touched tho hearts and
moved the tears of hundreds of people
all over our section, and wo ar<. confi
dent that Dawson will not bo behind
othor places in giving them a cordial
Remember that the fathers of these
children gave their all for the Lost
Cause, and that this little band is trav
eling ovvr our country singing their ap
peal to tho good people for uieaus to
establish a homo for themselves and
more than two hundred others in their
nativo State, Mississippi. We expect
t 0 seo Masonic Hall filled to overilow
mg, and ask of our citizens, ono
a "d all, to soo to it that these littlo
Llks rocoive such attention as is due
Citizons who are willing to ontertain
,wo or more of tho children during
their stay will please leavo their names
at the “Journal” office.
Solomon’s Soda Fount is now in op
eration, and on Saturday it will ,b°
‘ roe -° the public, at which timo par
tlos can purehaso tickets.
Dawson Brass Band. —Below wo
publish tho names of thoso compos
ing the Dawson Cornett Band. They
a h have musical talent as is evi
denced by tho rapid improvement
m ado by them sinco they obtainod
'heir instruments. Mr. A. Eauslion
crg Leador and Instructor, is a mas-,
Lr musician and doserros crodit for
tho interest ho has taken in this ontor- i
A- Eaushcnbcrg, Leador—l ek. '
D' T. Bishop—2 e. f. Cornett,
dI • Allen — l n. f. Cornett.
D. Perkins—2 b. f. Cornett.
* T a<^er —1 Solo Alto.
A Duldwin—2 Solo Alto.
y ■G. Prince — l b. f. Tenor.
A -D- Clark—2 b. f. Tenor.
■ Atkinson—Baritone.
D. Gibson—Tuba.
' Nonuan— Kettle Drum.
Dll- Pierce— Bass Drum.
W Ir - Bishop—Cymbals.
, Cl ‘. oSliffl out Sale.— E. A. Rich says
P "j" K, dl you anything you want at
l ,c J r Kain Storo at Now Y<>rk cost.
u ’ adveitisomcnt.
Tn e Largest of the Season.— Wo
havo been shown a stalk of corn from
the garden of Mrs. R F. Simmons,
that measures more than four foot in
length. This evideneo of woman’s
skill in the agricultural department of
life, would boa strong point, for the
advocates of woman suffrage, and tho
opponents of Woodhull, Claflin & Cos.,
who havo become recently alarmed to
such an oxteut as to send a protest in
to tho different States for signatures
opposing tho scheme would find that
so much of their circular us n . ard.i
woman’s capacity in the above namod
M'-'poct would come to nought.
Beyond a Doubt.— Moro diseases aro
tho result of tho derangement of the
Liver than any other causo. When
that organ is diseased, every part of
that system sympathies with it, and
general prostration and decline is tho
rosult. The boat, safost and spoediost
remedy for Liver Complaint and all
<ho diseases that follows, is TUTT’S
are poculiary adopted to tho climate of
tho South. They aro sold by Dm le
gist everywhere.
Attention, Agricultural Society.
—By reference to another column it
will be scon that Mr. Barnett, of
Wilkes county, commissioner appoint
ed by tho State Agricultural Society to
visit the County Agricultural Societies
for tho purposo of aiding in their moro
perfect and efficient organization, is
now engaged in that service, and will
visit Dawson on Tnosday, April 25th.
Let us havo a full meeting of officers
and mombers, and seo if wo cannot in
fuse now life into our county society.
Justice Court.— ln tho caso of J.
L. Solomcm vs. tho S. W. Railroad,
charged with tho careless handling
and breaking of a marble Soda Fount,
the court docided that tho Railroad
should pay damages. Position taken
by defendant’s counsel was that it was
not properly packed for shipping. Tho
Court sustained testimony in favor of
plaintiff and “packed’.’ olf tho cost and
damages on tho railroad.
Jamacia Rum. —J. E. Loyloss has a
largo lot of this articlo on hand. It is
claimod that it is not only pure, but
old enough to vote. Ye local tried it,
and—a-a-in, —too much of it will make
drunk come.
All Fool’s Day passed off and no
body hurt. Perhaps tho’so who are
not satisfied with our definition of its
origin last week can bo bettor satisfied
by referring to Isaiah, 4th chapter and
7th vorso.
. IS it *ine** liisßs.
From a very interesting communica
tion in tho Now York Times, wo take
tho following extract, showing tiro
careful deductions of an old business
man as to tho prospects of success in
tho different branches of trade. Tho
writer professes to have had a largo ex
perience and to have closely observed.
His rosults aro curious, and if correct,
instructive: Start fifty educated' busi
ness mon, twenty-five years old, and
supply each with §20,000 to use for
ten years, and at that period to report
their actual position. The probable
returns would be:
In stocks—Ono man, at tho poriod
would bo worth §200,000; two men
about §OI,OOO to §50,000; two men
about 820,000 to 825,000; forty-live,
men bankrupt.
In grains and Western produce
Ono man, at that period, would bo
worth about SIOO,OOO, ono man, 75,-
000 to §BO 000, three men, *$50,001)
to §75,000; live men, § 10,000 to $50.-
000; ten mon, 825,000 to §l'l,ooo ton
men, SIO,OOO to $20,000; twenty men,
In cotton—Ono man, at tiiat poriod
would bo worth about $150,000 ono
man, about $100,000; ono man about
$75,000; fivb mon, about $40,000 to
$50,000; three men, SfiO’OOO to $40,-
000; ton men, $5,000 to SIO,OOO ;
twenty-nino bankrupt.
In sugars, tea and foreign produco
—Ono man, at that period, would bo
worth about $ 150,000; ono man, $ 1—5,-
000 ; one man SIOO, 000; three mon
$60,000 to $75,000 ; five men, $ 1-0,000
to $50,000 ; four men, $30,000
to $40,000 ; ten mon, $20,000 to 25,-
000 ; fifteen men bankaupfc.
In real estate in this city and en
virons—Ono man would bo worth a
bort $200,000; two men, $150,000
five men, $100,000; ton men, $50,000 ;
to 75,000 ; ten mor, $4>1,000 to 50,000;
ton mon 10,000 to 15,000; two mon
bankrupt. Or, in other words, thoro
is less clangor of loss in real ostato
than in any othor line of business, ta
king tho operations for ten conieeu
tivo years, and attention and taste for
tho pursuit. There aro a groat many
1 shoop in it who try to follow the linos
of operation of others, whoso plans of
■ operation they cannot conceive, and by
I injudicious purchasos of choap bar
■ gains aro steadily in a fog.
A French author lias satirically ad
dressed a book to “William 1, King
of Prussia by tho grace of God, and
Emperor of Germany by tho effusion
of Ulood. ’
Atlanta has a rooster which she
proposes to light against Alabama and
tho world, Grant’s Ku-Klux bill and
Butler’s spoons thrown in.
A French author has satirically ad
dressed a book to “V illiam I, King t
Prussia by the graco of God, and Em
peror of Germany by tho clfusion of
Columbus Ga., is now manufactur
ing cigars at the rate of 7)0,000 per
annum. Her annual consumption is
about 200 non
111 ItlifiTS,
D. > -c.c, April 12th.—Some trans
action in cotton on basis of 12c. for
J oat giade; ottering stock light; about
| four hundred bales in store.. Bacon
can be bought at purchaser’s prices
| with tho money. Ruling prico for
shoulders 10c clear rib sides 13c. Corn
—). ISo material change in utUorgro- j
ktocks of all kinds aiv full, and I
inordinate anxious to barter tor green
backs. No change in tho Eastern
markets in cotton, but littlo prospect
ot hotter prices.
V o note Bacon dull and tending
down in Western markots.
A t tlia solicitation ot many friends I have
cOßsentod to run for the office of She tiff of
Terrell Oountv, at the election to be held on
Thursday, the 20th of the present month.
. Etc.:lioii Notice.
WK are authorised to announce tho name
of WILLIAM 11. MORRISON as a candidate
for the office of Sheriff of Terrell county,
election to be held oil the 20 f h in at.
Many Voters.
• Voiiccs•
itemi- in Jliiid.
When disease has undermined the health
and the physical .rystom ha3 become prostra
ted, a stimulant that M ill not only strengthen,
but remove the cau->e, shoiihl be immediately
r sorted to J/eutal distresses is also a fruit
ful source of the breaking down of the con
stitution, and the ravages of this enemy to
health are truly alarming.. For a'l such mal
adiea Ilosietiei’s Stomach Bitters have been
ansurpiKsrd. By acting directly upon the
digestive organs, they remove the heavy, dis
agreeable feeling after eating, so often corns
plained of by persons of a delicate tempera
ment. jdssonn ns digestion is restored, the
patient linds his strength increasing, and bis
general health improved.
Thousands of persons certify that it may
be relied on in all cases of weakness or ner
vous debility attendant upon sedentary hab
its. The generality of Bitters aro so disa
greeable to the taste that they are objection
able to a weak stomach. TTiis is not the
case with Ilostetter’s Bittere, which will be
found mild and extremely pleasant. Bal
samic plants, barks and roots contribute
iheir restorative juices to render it soothing
and strengthening. As basis is the only pure
stimulant which has ever been produced,
containing no/<wj7 oil, or any other delete
rious element. Tho most careful and skilful
chemists have analyz >d tho Bitters, and pro
nounce them harmless. This is scientific tes
timony : but the te.-timony of the hundreds
of thousands who have experienced the pre
ventive anti curative effects of the or.rat
VEOKr.uiLR tonic and alterative of modern
times is still more conclusive. In Kover,
and Ague, A- spepsia, Billiousneee, Nervous
Comp] ,kits, Chronic Complaints and general
and 'bility it is as nearly infallible as anything
in this fallible world can be.
Nettled Beyond a -Doubt —No one ques
tions the fact that moro cases of ehitts sup
pressed and irregular menses nnd uterine ob
strvetums , of <• •«>•»/ kind, are being daily
cured, by Dr. J. Bradfield’s Ft male Regular
tor, than by all other remedies combined.
Its success in Oeorgia nnd other Suites is be
yond precedent in the annals of physic,
Thousands of certificates from women every
where pour in upon the Proprietor. The at
tention of prominent medical men is aroused
in behalf of this wonderful compound, and
the most, successful practitioners use it. Its
action is pleasaut, .quick and sure. If wo
men suffer hereafter it will be their owfl
fault. Female Regulator is prepared and
sold by L. 11. Bradfield, .Druggist, .Atlanta,
Ga., and may be bought for $1.50 p-r bottle
at any respec able Drug Store in the Union".
JTE n • .!!> I’Ell TISJE.f3E.YTS.
ALL who are indebted to the firm of
McKinney A Crouch, will please call and
settle their accounts, by CASH or otherwise
as we must haie funds to close our business.
A hiut to the wise is sufficient..
April IS, If. J. II CROUCH.
f A EORGlA,—Calhous Ccunty.
JOHN COLLEY, Guardian of Mathew
Bostick, minor heir of Charles D. Bostick,
dee’d, has rpplied for exemption of person
alty and setting apart and valuation of
Homestead, and I wilt pass on the same at
10 o’clock, a.m., on the 21st day of April,
1871, at my office.
April IS-2w. Ordinary.
Vpplicaiion having been made to me to
change tho public road leading from
Amcricus to Cuthbort., through Terrell coun
ty, so as to make anew road eommctie'ug at
0. 15. Sevens' house, turning tho left through
a lane on liue of old hedge row, aud coming
into the present public road at the point
where the private road lending from £!. 11.
Marshall’s to Whalov.s J/ill crosses the same,
and do away the old road now running from
O. B. Sloven’s house to where Baid private
.road crosses, and reviewers h iving been ap •
pointed and their report having been filed,
notice is hereby given that the prayer of p«w
tilioners will be granted on tho IJtb diy ot
May next unless good cause to the contrary
be shown. T. M. JONES,
April 1'!, Ira. Ordinary.
Governor of Said State.
Whereas, Official information has been res
coived at this Department that on the 16th
J/arch last the body of a colored man
named Samuel Green was found at a place
about five miles from the town of Albany, io
the county of Dougherty, and upon examina
tion by the Coroner’s jury, the evidence dis
closed the fact, that the said Green was mur
dered by ore Jack-on Colbreth alias
Cuthbert, colored, who has flod from jus
tice ;
And whereas, the Sheriff of said county
of Dougherty certifies to me, that the said
Colbreth is a notorious desperado, and that
he has vised every possible means in his pow
or to apprehend him, bat without aval 1 , and
that the offering of a suitable reward is es
sential as a means of making certain the ar
rest of said Colbreth.
>.'u.v therefore. I have thought p-oper to
issue this, my proclamation, hereby offering
a reward of One Thousjnd Dollars for the
apprehension and delivery of the said Col
breth alias Cuthbert, with evidence (sufficient
to convict, to tho Sheriff of said county and
-P i a it- order that he may be brought to
trial for the offense with which he stands
Sivefider my hand and the Great Seel of
the Sta'e it the Capitol in Atlanta, this
Fourth day ot April, in the year
of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and
Scvent -One, and of the Independence
of tlm United -(States of America the
Nine tv-fifth.
liV the Governor :
David G. Corny - Secretary of State.
isn. 1871.
Ssa 'e-’Ji'' C 2
vmmm % T~ucmmn
iiavo roc-'ivetl tiutir Stock of Sjitiujj and Summer Goods, which wan
with cure* itn<l with un eye t»» too wants oi thmyeo mu.
To CASH BUYERS, wo offer unu.sual imlußotiurutH, and ask that our
Goods bo txuminoti botoro purchasing. Our Slock eousibis in part of
tint) a lnrgo lot of Tobacco, together with any other article kept in mixed
variety Stores.
April 13 2tn.
F#i - Days Only.
■■l i. 11l l —Mil 111 ~T~~~ 1 ll 1,111
To make rooisa fTot' £ar;.;e i "iocHt of SUMS HIE 151 ->osi£j-a* »£ I*anjc iPcicos, I ojOTcs*, nt I\’EW
YORK COST, for J}® Ptv- u, sa&) esufiiro Stock, of Goo«l% consisting, j n pairs, of Clothing;, (C as*
mere Snits, ma<ic a; latest style and of best material for the low price of Ten liars,) Hals, Roots an<l
Shoes, Ulilßincry and Fancy lUrcas Goods, CSroceries, live., <3fcc. ESacoast, f'Cngar, Cote- ?e, and all articles in
the Ciroeery line*
Recollect, Isay NEW TOSSiti COST, not COST anil FBEEC'kWsT, and I mean say. 41! that is
necessary to convince the pnblic is for case and all io give aie sacaES. My SSorcis in tho Loylcss Block, and
known as the
: ’• mwmmmr .
Mo <£« miCM.
1 Apnl 13-ts.
Min, ut & a
Are Receiving and Opening
a mmu&m &wwm,
Spring laornls,
©F Atete KINDS,
WsWilies mm-d €?enC * ,
\\7ILL be sold, beforo tho t’ourt House
T T Boor, a; Morgan, on the Ist Tuesday
in May next, between the legal hours of sale,
tins billowing property to-wit.
I Four Hoi*e Wagou, rnd 1 Buggv, to sat
isfy mm IJen fi fir, VV. W. Gladden, vs
[ ChaUes J. MoDariel.
Also, at the same time and plate, tho in
t.ercsts of Wm. Well', in 116 ae'e- of land,
bring parts of ..Vos. 216, find 217, in the
Fourth District of said county to Mlisl'v one
Justitm Uourt ti f« in favor ol John B. I).i
vis, vs. Win. Walls. Levy made mid returned
to mo by Constable.
run of Lot of Land, No. 88, in 3d District
ot said couotv, to satisfy one fi fa ft om Su
perior Court ot ns id ounty, of 11. .I’. Dm
nia, V3. J. N. Banders.
Lots of Land, Nos. 280 k 231, In 8 I) tr ot
of ,-»id county, to satisly one Tux si s», for
State und county taxes, vs. J. M. Clark, for
taxes lor IS7O. Levy taken from T.ix Di
GEO. W. AVER A, Sheriff.
April 6. 1871-td.
WILL be sold beforo the Court IIoti»e
Door, in the Town of Dawson, said
county, on the first Tuesday in M.iv next,
within the legal hours of sale, the following
property to-wit:
One lot of land, .Vo. 236, in the 18th dis
trie! ol originally /,ee, now Tern 11, county.
Levied on a- the property of William E. Boze
man, to aatisfv a fi fa issued from the Supe
rior Court of Terrell county, in favor of Ma
son 11. Bush Administrator, of S. Wiuzer, vs
Win. E. Itozeinan. Levy made by S. F.
Lussetcr, former Sheriff, and turned over to
Also, at the same time and place, one lot
of land, number ono hundred ar.d ninety
ty-four (194) in the 4th District of Terrell
county. Levied on as the property of Rich
ard Johnson Deceased, to satisfy a fi fa issued
from Terrell Superior Court in favor of Ja
cob N. Sessions, vs Martin I*. .Still, .idtninis
trator of Richard Johnston, dec’d.
Levy made by S. F. Lasse ter, former Sher
iff" and turned over to me 1
W. n. H, BARHAM,
April 6, td. Sheriff,
In BiiitkriiiMcy, No 510.
Is ms District Court or thr Ukitxd
Ntatks, tor tub NocTirsßS District of
In the matter of
O ATTE.S, of the Firm of'Guerry, Oates A Cos
The said Bankrupts having petitioned the
Court lor s discharge from ail their debts
provable under the Bankrupt Hot of March
2d, 1867, not'ce is hereby given to all pera
sons interested to appear on the ti at day of
M»v, 1671, st 11 o’clock, A. M., at Cham
bers.of said District Court before Isaac Beck
ett, Ei q., one of tho Registers of said Court
in Bankruptcy at thd office of Hood A Kid
doo, Cuthbert, Ga., and show cause why the
prayer of the said petition us the Bankrupt
should not be granted.
Dated at Savannah, G orgla, tiffs first day
of Mpril. 1 881. JHMA’S MuI’HERSON,
April 6-2 w. Clerk.
ll ~ IBJL
T Imvo bought from Mrs. E. A.
*■ Thompson her entire stock of
Millinery and Fancy Goods,
and have added thereto tho latest
stylos of Bpring Goods, and ask that
the old cus tom or sos Mrs_ Thompson,
and many nest ones umy call to see
rno at my Store under the Telegraph
Office, and nearly opposite tho “Jour
nal Office.”
April 6-3ui.
Window Shades, Wall Paper, MM rpgflea i
Featbei.% &c.» &c.
I?arlor Snitos;
in Walnut and Mahogeny.
Largo Stock of Bud room Suites, Waluu*,
.1/ahogeuy xud Enameled, for sale,
DIOO J/apie Bedsteads, $5.00 to $6.00
200 Walnut Bedsteads, all prices.
DM. dozen Split Seat Chairs.
50 dozen Cane Seat Chairs, all prices.
50 dozen Rattan mat Chair-, all prices.
Tanestry, Brussels, Three Dv and Ingrain
Oil Cloths, J/itt.ings, Rugs and Mats, just re
ceived, aud for gale low.
Next door to Lanier House,
dee. 42, sm. Macon, Ga,
Blearn "and Wat< r»pipes fitted up.
f.ighluiog Rods put up. Alto, Beil-
Hangiog, and Jobbing of u!) kinJs in
either Shoot Iron, Copper or Tin
executed to order, and on short notice.
Any person wishing work dono will
do well to give mo tt call, as I warrant
my work atnl guarantee satisfaction
. Conking Stoves repaired and put tip.
• .Shop South ditto i'ublic Square.
I T i** well known td
Doc torn aml to
l.artii'n, that worricn aft
Mubjcdt to unnuToiiHdia
c.ihcn |M*culijir to tlioif
PCX*-HHch ftH iSTupprPff-
Hlon of the Miiih**#,
Whitpa, raitifu month
Iy ‘l’crlodH,’ Hhouma
t»“jn of tho Hark ami
jroniJ , Jrr.-u ui Mon
h xceMMivc ‘Flown,’ an.*
l*h> apnea ITthrl, or Ka
iiit of the iromb.
'iMn‘3o <llH«‘aHon bare
o<lom been treated mho
CiifffUjr. The profea*
ou ItHs Bought diligently for some romedf
that would enable them to treat thew
eases with auccese;
Atllas,t f , that remedy has been discovered
by ono of tbe most skilful phvsicUtifi in the
State of Georgia. That remedy ii
It is purely vegetable, and is put Op to
Atlanta, Georgia, by /fP.ADFIELD ft C O.
It will purify the blood nnd strengthen tha
-,- em, relieve irritation of ttie kidney** and
is u perfect specific for all the above diseased,
a cure as Quinine in Chills sod fever.
For a history of diseases, and certificated
ol its wonderful cures, the reader is referred
to the wrapper around the bottle, fifvery
bottle is warranted to give satisfaction ot
money refunded.
LaCranoz, Ga., March IS, It7ot
Biiadfiiu) k Cos., Atlanta, Georgia:
DkaS Sirs: I take pleasure in stating that
: have used lor the last twenty years tho
medicine vou are putting up, kuown as DR.
and consider it the combination ever
gotten together for the diseases for which it
is recommended. I have been familiar with
the proscription, both as practitioner of med
icine and in domestic prsetice, and can hon
estly say that I consider it a boon to eeffsw
ing females, and can but hop* that every l»>
c v in our land, who may be suffering in aDf
way peculiar to their sex, may be *Mo tt
procure e bottle, that their aufferlnga Hag
not only be relieved, but that they may hi
restored to health and strength.
With lay kinde«t regards, 1 nm, respnohf
fully, W- B. FERRELL, iL ft
We, tho undersigned Druggist*, take plea*
ure in commending to the trade, DR-.i;
believing it'to be a good and reliable remedy
for tho diseases for which he recommends it.
VV. A. Lansdvll, Atlanta, Ga.
Pemberton, Willson, Taylor k Cos., AUenlstf
Redwino A Fox, Atlanta, Ga.
W. 0. Luwshe, Atlanta. Ga.
VV. Root A Sou, Marietta, Ga.
Celebrated Fiver .Medicine-
It is puyelv vegetable, and will act upon the .
Liver and Kidneys as promptly as Calomel
and Buuhu, without any danger of salivation
or destruction of the bones.
Parties taking this medicine need not fear
getting wet, or any other reasonable expo
Fjrjjitoms of Liver Disease.
Headache, Feeling or the Blues, Sour
.Stomach, Sick or nervous Headache, Heart
burn, Indigestion or /fyspepsia. Bad or Bit
ter Taste in tflo mouth ; the skiu has a thick
rough feeling, and is darker than usual, Cos
tiveness, J/elnncholy teelings, Cramps,
Cold Feet, Colie, 7>vscntery, or Diarreah,
Chills aud Fever and Piles. n fact, whore
the liver is out of order, you are liable to
every disease that is not contagious.
rrophiti’a Liver J/edioine. If taken prop
erly, it will prevent and cure any disease res
suiting from a deranged Liver.
It will regulate its functions nnd thus edro
all diseases caused by the lailure of its healthy
action. ,
It has been good for a great number of
years, and has given universal satisfaction.
There is no brother or son thinning to have
tho original receipt. It is put up in both
Powder aud Fluid form.
Faircum, Ga, September 4, 1803.
Dr. O. S. Prnph it;
Sir. My wife hag been an invalid for fif
teen years. Doctors all agreed she had Liver
Disease. In connection with their practice
she useil various noted niedicinfs, none of
which seemed to do any good. Nome tiiuo
ago I procured a bottle of your “Liver ife d»
icitie," of your agent heiv, C. A. Ilarvy,
wl'-eb ■ 'h given according to directions,
havo effected a complete cure.
Respectfully, etc., GitO. L. THOMPSON.
!)[. fyopliitty bpite/y Cofdial.
Is one of the most valuable compounds
now put up for Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholera,
Infantum, or Cholera Morbus.
'This idedicinc has been in use for yean,
nnd gives universal satisfaction.
The most delicate child may use it with Itaa
This is the celebrated medicine that ran
Perry I). ivis’ Pain Killer out ol the market,
wherever it was pold ; Davia made Prophiit
charge the name from Pain Killer to PAIR
For Rheumatism, Renralgia, Cuts, BrniseUi
Burns, Old Sores, Snake Bitea, or stinga Os
Poisonous Insects, for Colds, Coughs, or
Bowel Complaint, it has no equal a* a doss
ing, healer or antidote for pain of any kind.
Manufactured and sold by ARADFIELD A
CO., Atlanta, Ga., and for sal# by all Drug
Fever aud Ague Pills,
The best yintidoto for Chills and Favov
kuown. Cures warranted always M motisg
refunded’ Purely vegetable.
Will relieve Headache, Nervousness, Jam*
dice, and all other deraugemoata es tbe
or. Purely vegetable.
The following are a few among tha hun
dreds of those who have used the a have
named medicines, and who readily testify Hi
their value :
Col R J Henderson, Covington,- Ga j Prwf
J L Jones, Covington, Ga; M W Arnold;
Georgia Conference ; Rev W W Oslin, Otor
gia CVauference ; A M Robinson, Monticell*,
Ga ; Judge J J Floyd, Covington. Ga j />ieli
Locket, Davis county, Texas, W Hawk
Whatley, Gussets, Texas.
Fulton County. J men bythea*
presents, that I have this day, for value re
ceived, sold and transferred to BR.4DFLSfL.rf
A Cos., the sole right to manufacture and sell
my Family Medicines, and have furnished
them with the full reci cs, and have author
ized the said BRArfFIpUD A C®., to print;
or bave printed, any thing they may se«
proper concerning any and all the above
named j/ediciinw. This 15th dav of June
1870. [Signed] O. S. PROPUITT
In preaeiice ot Thofbas F. Joucs and Kqb«
ert Cra rlord, Notary Public. [L. S.)
Manufactured and for sale by BRADFIELD
CO., Dm nl Street, Atlanta, Ga., and (st
rale by all _Vi iiggisis.
j" rsu‘i vD' J J incs, Ga.