The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, May 18, 1871, Image 3
DAWSON JOB BN AI J; COLUMN machinoa of ovory doscrip .kM^7bfvf.—-D° you liko cornod . isncf. if so call on or picklod Jjocr, j E TjOYLEa( , taOTV^tT»u»a » OKWTOT v liE •»> Wh«lor W^M.. jtijr maclnnoa at *• bCTVtAS * LmaiT Stkawderbt.—Dr. Junes ,-jon our table a strawberry that measured 3* inches round. Who can bca * t hat ? If tho Dr. would bring in about a quart of tho same kind, wo eouU venture an opinion as to flavor, No hints- Having been requested by tho gen tlomon who havo taken tho matter in charge of erecting a creditablo mon ument to tho Confederate dead of Goor ,nl i pavo consented to act as agent and receive subscriptions for tho same. &0 advertisement for fuller informa tion Call on or address. W. F. Combs, Journal Office, Dawson, Ga. Pboit.-—Wo havo novor known in this section so large a crop of straw berries and dewberries, and learn tho prospect is good for a blackberry crop. Poach troos are bending undov tho weight of young fruit, and if earo be takea to preserve the trees from break ing, thcro will bo the largest crop of poaches ever raised in South-west Ga. Boom Ovnt. —On last Monday one Hr. Culpepper, a brick mason, threw » two pound weight at Mr. Pride, vhilmho (P) was seated at dinner, etriJl him a glancing lick on tho head, inflicting a sevoro but not dan gerous woupd. Mr. Culpepper was arrested by tho Marshall and carried boforo N. C. GTcer, reding Mayor, w ho thought best to turn him over to W. F. Orr, J. P-> who bound him ovor for his appearance at tho next Superior Court. I. 0. G. T.— The following aro the cfleers elected, and installed by Lodge Deputy J. 0. F. Clarke, for Banner Lodgo No. 28, I. 0. G. T ANARUS, to servo for the ensuing quarter: J, M. Simmons, W. C. T. Miss Sadie Bishop, W. V. A- J. W. Weston, W. S. O. N. Geise, W. F. S. n. S. Loo, W. T. Itev. W. G. Paiks, W. C. 35. 11. Brown, Vv T . M. Miss Ellon Asbury, W. D- M. Miss ITattio Badger, W. I. G. P. 11. Proctor, W. 0. G. Miss M. C. Itogers, W. E. S. Miss Laura Johnson, W. L. 13. T. W. Loylesa, P. W. C. T. Another Difficulty. —Mr. Filly Johnston used somo language that was not pleasant to Mr Washington Wool bright, whereupon ho (W) reached around not saying a word took hold of a pitch-fork and struck Mr. J. on shoulder aud head, producing n painful wound. But for tho interfer ence of friends dam ago v/ouhl havo boon done. Tho city authorities took the ease in hand, aud both parti-re wore Sued-- -Mr. Johnston paying fivo and Mr. Woolbright ten dollars. Weamer and Crops.—ltain, rain, grass grass, is tho cry from every plan ter vre see, and unless tha clerk of tho weather orders a cliango very soon, Gon’l. Groon will conquer more of King Cutton’s territory. Wo havo hoard of somo locations whero tho General had sueh-a hold on tho king that ho sur rendered without a conflict, to that old war-worn, battle-scarred and much nbusod friend of tho planter-- Indian corn. Thospect for corn and oats aro V(, ry good; cotton is email and seems to bo laboring under somo epidemic, which can bo curod olono by old Sol’s lotting out that boat, which is tho life of tho cotton pilant. Orn readers will ploaso excuse us * n figain calling tlio attention of those 0l our subscribers wljo are in arrears to &o fact that it requires money to % paper, ink and other material nec essary to make a newspaper, and that printers like other pooplo must oat and woar clothes. Tho amount that each ®° ow,j s is small, but recollect,friends, 11 is from thoso small amounts that a newspaper must live. Ploaso conio to °ur relief next week. When you leave “ umo for Court, don’t forgot to go to no good wifo, and ask lior for a littlo 'Pango for tho Dawson Journal.— •‘len wo say to you that wo are in coed ot money, wo moan exactly what " f! say- Our subscribers in other '-ountioa will ploaso take notice of tho “bovo appeal. _ A Sinititurn Fact. there is scarcely any disoaso in uc b purgativo medicines arc not sof or ° <>r less required, and much suffer m‘gbt bo prevented wore they more 1 rerally used. No person can fool "dale a costivo Jiahit of body pro- F a ; bosides it soon generates serious uses which jnight have been avoid b.l °y a timeiy uso of Cathartic Medi- VcviV, ur purpose DII. TUTT’S JJGBEA bI E LIVER PILLS are “Hently 'recommend; they aro mild Prompt and uniform in their ac n fhey contain no Mercury, Pcr .l,1 '’’ ,I;a T eat cml drink as usual, Uud ' diny 1 1 taken at any time. South Carolina Tax Payers Coiirciitioti. Ohablkston, May I§—-In tho Tax Payors Convention last ovoning, Mr. Trenholm, from tho Coinmittoo of Ele ven) submitted a lengthy report ou tho financial condition of tho State. Tiro grand total of tho debt is fixed at £BBo,fil'd. Tho sum total of unsold bonds is s>lßo 000. Tiro report roo •mmcnds|th vt thoOovornor do not soli any more bonds at loss than eighty per cent, and to proceed to Now York to iruiko tho most economical arrange ment for holding tho above mentioned SIBO 000 pledged as collateral until eighty per cent, becomes attainable. Tho committed furthor recommends that, when redeemed, a portion of this sum is to bo applied to tho paymont of tho fire loan debt. Tho report says that it is quite reasonable to expoet from this exhibition of tho oxact con dition of tho finances of Jho State an immediate considerable advance, and facilities for holding them oil' tho mar ket. It also tho committee that tho various issues and sums of bonds described have unquestionable legality and force as obligations of tho State. Tho committee belinVo that re trenchment may be atfcctod, and that it is the shortest avenue of escape from our financial difficulties. Loss than. §0(3,000 in gold will pay tho interest of the funded debt; §1,200,000 should defray tho" interest and all oxpensos. | The committeo recommended tho adop- 1 tiou of tho following: Resolved, That it is tho senso of tho' convention that tho funded debt of tho j State, described in tho committee’s re-: port, is a valid debt, and tho honor I and funds of the State aro lawfully i pledged for the redemption thereof, j Resolved, That a plan lor tho ar-, raugomnat of tho public debt, suggest-, ed by committee, bo recommended to; tho Governor. Hmkid, That in ordor to complete the examination of accounts of tho fis cal agent, the committeo of eleven bo authorized to send a sub-committee to Now York with authority ta assist by councol, ut home or in Now York, in tho proposed negotiations for tho adjustment of the fuuded debt. Revoked, That tho Governor is horo by requested to review serious expend tures and use bis authority to arrest extravagance and substitute economy and accountability in every depart ment ; and that he bo earnestly solicit ed to adopt §1,200,000 as tho utmost limit expenditure. Also, that ho ox ort iiis power to diminish taxes in samo ratio. Resolved. That tho Governor he ro q so’ to destroy cance led ol> i_,alir> F of tho State. Tho resolutions were unanimously adapted. Thu Committeo of Eleven made a report of tho interview with tho Governor, thq substance of which is as follows: To recapitulate, your committeo un derstands his Excellency as having committed him self to tha following propositions. First—That ho signod no other bonds than those set forth in tho debt -tutement made by the. Comptroller General, and thero has been no fraud ulent or illegal issues. Second —That tho State and county officers, both olectivo and appointed, havo boon unnecessarily multiplied, and should bo reduced in number and many in pay. Third- —That many officials charged with tho administrations of justice hare boon incompetent and inaccessible to tho people, nnd tho many disorders complained of in tho State have boon created by this cause, and ho will re place them with competent persons when ho can do so. Fourth—That he ia ia favor of tho cumulative system of voting and min ority representation, and woulJ’bcfirlad to see it made a part of the law ol this State. Fifth—That the election laws .aro defective aud lead to fraud and should bo materially' amended, and ho will-ex orciso Ins influence to the end. gjxtb—That he would havo tho col lection of taxes next November post poned till tho Ist of March, and not enforce tho penalty for non-pay mont until that timo. Finally the, committee recommen ded tho following suggestions : Tho Legislative issureing tho full payment of royalty on phosphates; tho j repeal of acts granting exclusive fran-; chisos; a stop) bo put to tho drawing! of money from tho treasury for alleged; legislative oxpensos on tho order of , the Speaker of tho House and I resi-j dent of tho Senate; that all appropri- j ations and bills ought to specify items under each general county officer; tho enactment of a law limiting oath ses sion of tho Legislature to thirty days to repeal tho law giving a salary ot $2,500 to tho Adjutant Gonoraljto give each piublic oiiicor but one salary and to abolish tho commission to cer tify tho laws. ■ The report was adopted. The Convention then resolved itself j into a committee of tho whole, General Chosnut in tho chir. Resolutions of thanks to tho presiding officer, anu al so to Governor Scott and othor State officate, were passed. The Committee rose and President Porter returned thanks, and said ho ncod not bo ‘ashamed of the Conven tion ; its results would speak and ap peal to tho country, and if the Lxocu tivo Committee continue to act m tho eamo spirit and avoid Federal and State polities, and simply welcome to our ranks men who proposo m do good who advocate a wholesome and just administration of tlio public funds and honest officials, it will accomplish tho SSSWct of the people in peaem Tho Convention has done much to remove misunderstanding and inaugn oato a period of bettor fooling and bet ter conduct of public^ affairs. Tho Convention adjourned - , subject to tho call of the Executive) Committee. Blackberries have made tbotr ap ' franco in tho Wilmington, Nortn Carolina, miriret, and are selling at j coats par quart | J Boy say that thero .aro just forty ; throo aspirants namod for Presidential , honors m 1872. A rathor serious joke was rocontly playod upon the North Carolina Legis lature. One of tho members died, and it was rosolvod to convoy tho remains • at the expense of tho State ; and when , they inquired into tho matter, it was tound ho resided in Vermont. Wta&SSSSSS**-”-'*-- »—t4Wn—ft raAimETs: I Dawson, May 17tii —Cotton.—Sales have boon made at 13c a lino of full middlings would command a bettor price. Bacon clear rib eidos 12c shoui dors 12c. Corn 1.25. M acon, May 10th.—Cotton quiet at l ie for middling; bacon clear sides 11. V to 12, clear rib ill to 11 J. Corn 105 to 110. I New York, May lGth.—Cotton dull, uplands 15$. Special Polices. I’oSsotiojH lUedieiiKS. ! The theory that tho virus of disease can .be safely couu'.emcted bv Jos;-- of poison,in j false and dungtrous. Within the last twenty I five years, not less than a score of virulent poisons have added to the repository of tho medical profession. They are Riven in (small doses, otherwise thev would destroy . life immediatly : but even ifi minute qoatili j ties, they produce, ultimately, very disas , trotm effects. It is unwise and unphiiosoph* | ical to employ, aa remedies, powerful mid in sideious drugs which, in subjugating one ! disease, sow tho seeds of another stili more - unmanageable None of these terrible med j iciines operates with as much direc-'neas and oertamtv upon the causes of disease, ss Hostetter’s B'tontach Bitters, a lonic end eor rociive, without a single dt It U rious ingvodi ent in it* composition. A .sonic and quinine aro given for interinittents; bromide of po tassium for nervous disorders ; strychnine and prussic acid for geneial debility ; mercu rv, in various forms, for liver complaint ; preparation* of chloroform uud opiain for sleeplessness ; and yet thra-.- deadly drugs do not compare, as specific* for tho diseases above enumerated, with that wholesome veg etable invigoraut and alterative, while they are all so pernicious that it is astonishing any physician should take the responsibility of prescribing them. Lot invalids, for their own 8t kes, try the Bitters before they resort to th i poisous. The relief they will expcricrer f .otn a course of the harmless specific, »il : render a rocourso to the unsafe preparations referred to, quite unnecessary. To the Citizen* of South West Georgia. The Allan's Nursery have their Agents in tliis section of country canvassing for the Bile of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, to be delivered in the fall. The long standingand ’.veil-earned reputation of this Nursery, is a sufficient guarantee of its liberality. Long j experience in the business has taught therp what varieties are best adapted to tie ih.ffer ( ent soils and climate* of thi* State, lienee. they propagate no varieties except such as | they have seen toslod, and know to do wi ll in tho >S'outh, having, as they do, bearing orchards in almost evert county in the /State. In filling orders for sec ion they semi only such varieties as have succeeded in » s3!i and climate similar to this. We would say to every one ’.tho owns a patch of ground or a farm, if you have a corner in which a Tree can stand, or a plot, however sms!!, in.which fruit caq grow, to lose no time in turning it to account. We say to the large land owner, lose no time in supplying yowr families with the greatest as well as the most healthful of luxuries. If you would plant, largely god raise tons of this divine blessing for inn ket, fear not that your labor will not return to you ifi abundance of Greenback*. april 30 St. Tiat«ia«/w-» >e»>->s.T»BEt-'areaw D.M’DONNILL iflil • COPPER AND SIMM fOffll Bteam and Wator*pipes fitted up. Lightning Rods put up. Also, Bsjl tlungitig, and Jobbing of all kinds in either Bbeet Iron, Copper or Tin efOeutod to order, and on short notice. Any persuo wishing work done will do well to gsvo mo a call, as I warrant my work and guarantee satisfaction Cooking Stoves repaired and put up. Bishop South side Public Square m’eh 2-ts. JEttlf. I TIO.V.IE .VOTIVE. rTUIFi Bc.-.rd of education fer Terrell coun- X t.y. Trasteca, Teachers, and all friendly to .Education, are earneßtly r- quested to meet at the Court House in Dawson, on the 20th inst h. M. LENN.IRD, Sup’t. Sfxy 11th 2:. A PKOtLAMATIOSU GEO BUI A. By RUFUS B BULLOCK, Governor of mul Slate. Whrrosn, Official information bis been rex ceived at this Department that a murder was committed in the coun'y of Cherokee on or about the 22d of December, 1860, upon the body of Noah Bell, a person of color, by one Jons Putnam is is alleged, aud that saia J’ bits ffed from justice. . I have thought proper, tuartfore, to issue this ni» pr,-*l matron, toreby offering a re ward of Cue Thousand Duiiars for the sppre honsien and delivery of tho saul PctsaM to SherUf ot said county and State, is order that he may brought to trial for the offence with which h« atauda charged. 4 „ . , Given'under my band aud great Seal of tile State, at the Capitol, ie the city of Jt ...... this 12th day Os Aprd, in th< year c. our Lord Dightren Hundred and seventy one. And 0! the Independence of tho Lniter. States of America **^^fc ljl()CK . i Be the Governor : j Path' O Gotti Vi. 'Acretary of sav l> ee Here ! || AVING purchasod the ritouk of Dry Goods & Grocories of O B. THOMPSON. 1 tako this nielli'd of informing my friends and tho public that I am recruiting the Stock, and will bo [-tensed to son any person who will favor mo with a call, I expect to SELL AS CHEAP ns others, or retire from tho trade My Store is in the Loyleas 31. ck, nox door to Jane’s Drug Store. K. fi'JIEPLES. April 20-Bm. IS A € ©'¥, CORN k FLOOR FOR SALE Om Time, BY KNOTT & BEETLES, Aobnts. EvgT'Otfice at tho Store of It. C. Peoples, Block. April 20-3 tn. BURIAL _GASES. I have on hand, and will keep, an essort meut of META Ij I O BURIAL CASES, which I offer on *s favorable term* as can be had elsewhere. Price* regulated bv the size and stvio of finish. 1. 11. t ltdll ls. m'ck 30-ts. Tux Receiver's AppoiiKiitt'itts I will bo at t-hs different Prcoincts in ti e oocinty, far tho purpose of r< oyiving Tsx Returns for the year 1811 ao so lows : 11 tit District, Ray 2d, May 15th, and May 27th. 4Tfc District, or Doves, May 3rd, May 16th, May 20th. 6th District, or Brown’s Station, May oth, J/ay 22d, June 2d. 3rd District, or OmcKisAwniTcnis, M±y sth, May 17th, and .-Bay 20th. 12ti< District, May 8 b, J/ay 19th aud J/A 81st. Other days I may be found at my office, 2d door, above “Journal Okvick,” wheie I will be pleased to wait upon all who desire to rn-ike Returns, May 4-St. J. W. REDDICK. A I’ll OCLAMIT lo>. GEORGIA. By R UFUS B. B ULL OCK, Gove nor of Said State. Whereas, At the October Term, A. D., 1869; of the Superior Court, held in and for the County of Whufield, the Grand Jury of said County ot Whitffeld found a Bill of In dictment against Judge Smith, a citizen of said County for the c.iine of murder, alleged to have been committod upon the body of Lewis Jfiunosp, in said Conn*y of Whitfield, some time during the year 1869 ; »nd where as, the Sheriff of said Coun’y certifies that he exercised reasonable diligence in trying to apprehend the said Smith, but without avail. I have thought proper, therefore, to issue thi? my proclamation, hereby offering a re wind of One Thousand Dollare for the appres ht>sion and delivery of the said Judge Smith, with evidence sufficient ro convict, to the Sheriff of said county and .State, fn order tha the may be brought to trial for the offence with wtich he stands charged. Given under my hand and the Great Seal oi the State, at the Capitol, in .dtlanta, this 6th lay of May, in tho year of our Lord A'.ghteeu 7/nndred and Seventy, one, and of tho Independence of the United 'States of America the Ninety fifth. JiXJFITS B. BULAOCK. Bv the Governor : David G. Cutting, Secretary of Stale. Mayll-4wr a niOr Liu.v nos. ge'okgiai By RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Gocernor of mid SM(. 9 Whereas, Official Information has been re* ceivcd at this Department that John Caprand a desrerefe character, who stands charged wi*h a felony in the 35th Senatorial Die ' I lot Court, Mid having given bond for bin appear ance at a trial tlieieibr.haa forfeited the bond and made liis escape into another State. Now, therefore. I have thought proper to issue ttn«, my proclamation, hereby oftcrii g a reward of One Thousand Dollars for the apprehension and delivery ot the said John Caprand to tbe Sheriff of said Cwuuty of Ful ton in order*tnat he may be brought to trial for tb«' offense with which ho stand.- charged. • Given undo* my toad md toe Great .Sea, ol tbe St**e, at the CVpitol in Atlanta, tki secoad d.iv of Mey, in the year rs onr ford Eighteen Hundred aud c 'evcntT-<>v', : j-i ot the Independence of the* Ug -I s'h(Sa America thr Ninety-C'th. HVfVS B. BULLO'K, By UieGovert-or: .p lV! p (}. OOTUSU. N-- rets r* of ■ ' J 18T1. 1871. 'ms * turn Sl®©® IS. UMIJM TUCKER have received their Stock of Spring nnd.Summer Goods, which wtw selccte with enro nnd with no eye to the wants of thissociion. To CASH BU VERy, wo offer unusual inducements, nnd nsk that our Goods bo examinod before purchasing. Our Stock eonsists in part of PRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, STABLE GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, FOE LADIES, GENTS AND CHILDREN, IIATS, FOR MEN AND BOYS, SPLENDID STOCK OF CLOTHING, CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE BACON, FX«QZra. LAUD. . . , nnd a largo lot of Tobacco, together with any other article kept in mixed o variety Stores • April 13-2 tn. smw .iciimsTOif in mm mm i tows. IN SIZE and weight a FEW MAY EXCEL ME, but lor soiling, CHEAP AND GOOD GOODS I am the BIGGEST JEW or GENTILE in Dawson, nnd don’t want my friends and custom era to take n>y word for this br>ud assertion, but cotno and see for thuns Ives. MY SPUING STCX JK s now ready f>r inspection, nnd sale, and I chid) ago all the JEWS nnd GE J TILES in this or any other town to a comparison of GO JDS uud L’IUUWS My G ujls wore bought to bo sold, and YOU BalT l l je y vv 'l) b® sold* *T. W. JOHNSTONi m’ch 80- ts. No 3. Loyl- ss Block. €»3, Third Street, tTlacois, C*:a« imiiHTiu fs! rmnimii CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD! BACON, BACON! JUST i 'Vi.:;, n;-,. lot of BATON SIDES an! SU-OULDEEb which we ofToi at a very low price. FLQ UR, F LOU R, FLOUR! A choice lot of Fiour, fresh from tho Milte, in Barrels and Sacks allow, est market rates. COR ii, C ORN, CORUI WE aro always prepared to fill all order* we may receive at ne low a figure ns any house in Macon. Choice Tennessee Com arriving daily. OATS, HAY, BRAN & MEAL! A full supply of choice Tenneeaeo OATS. Throe Car Loads Wheat BRAN for sale low* Water Mill MEAL always on baud. MACWOUA H&&JS. LARSC. SALT. SUGAR COFFEE &.C. COME and us, aod we guarantee satisfaction. BURDICK BROTHERS. m’ch 30 3m Aro Receiving and Opening A imiMaiW OTOCK of Spring Ms, &F AUL KIN OS, For fjwUt'H omit TISRKI LI/ SHIIRIir SALE*. tlf 1 LI. behold boforo tho Court Hou.o fV Door, in tbo Town of Dawson, Mid county, on the that Tuesday in Juuo next, within tho legal hour* of utile, the following piopcrty to-wlt: One hmn» and lot in tho town of Dawson, nunidor unknown, but known as the house formerly occupied by James K\ ton, on tho stroot leading /that from tho 6'otirt House N'punre to Chlcknaiwliatchio, in front of If. O. (Ireor’s residence, now routed to N. C. (freer. Levied on a* tho property of Leroy Drown aud David 8h irpo, to satisfy a ft fa iaenod from the Justice Court of tho llfidth District, O. M. in favor of John IJ. Kerry v*. Leroy Drown, principal, and David Sharpe, security. Property pointed out by Leroy Drown, and returned to mo by W. B- Hall, constable. W 11 11, BARHA.M, May 1 ltd Sheriff, l^ui*iiitiEre! Window Shades, Wall Taper, AfaUrosse* Feathers, &c., &c., &c. Parlor Bnitop; in Walnut and Muhogony. Largo Stm k of Ded room Suites, Walnut, Jfahogony and Enameled, for sale, CHEAP FOR CASH -1 non .Jfaple nedstoads, §fi.oo to fG.OO 200 Walnut Hedateads, all prices. , tot- P[>lit. Seat Chairs. 60 dozen Cano Seat Chairs, all prices. 60 dozen Italian seat Chair-, all prices. CARPETS. _• Tapestry, Drus«ols, Three Ply and Ingrain Oil Cloth*, .Hatting*, Uug;i and Mats, just ro crivod, and for sale low. TIIOIfIAS HOOD, Next door to Lani< r House, dec. 22, !>m. Macon, Ga, N p r i ft fg AND sMifi ew. Fiiruitiirce I invito special attention to my Stock of SPRING ANI) BUMMER GOODS just rcc ivtvJ, in which may bo lb uud DRESS GOODS, FIIINTS, BTAI’LE GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, FAN GY GOODS, AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES. I also havo on hand a good stock of FURNITURE, nil of which in offered at such prices a* will not fail to give satisfaction. My Store ia ou tho South side of the Public Spuuro, and 1 respectfully ntik an inspection of my goods before purchasing. H. BALLWIN. April 20-3 m ~ TAX KOTICt fIIHX Payors are hereby requested to oome I fdrward and make their returns, as tho ISooks for this (Terrell) ooontv are now open for the year IS7I. J. W. REDDICK, april 20-2rn. R* T. R., T. C. FASHiOHABIT lESAUIHT, Oakery, Confectionery, AND TOY STORE TL. SOLOMON, having completed his • arrangements for tha Pall trade, take* this method - f iufoi nitug the public that ho lias, and will constantly keep on hand, every thing to atidy the appetite, and if you have no appetite, can fix you up something to give you one. THS RESTAURANT will b« supplied, Unity, with iiesh Fish, Oys ters, Old Virginia Beef Steak, etc., and will tarnish to AiiniUcs, three times a week, Fork or Beef ugage, of his own make. hto Waiters, good Cooks, who will j>repare your m *alß in the latest a ta mode without any el** tru charge for tho fancy name. THE BAKERY , , ia preeided over by an experienced hand, nnd we are prepared to furnish 0v cry thing neces sary for Parties* Bulls afid Hoppers, private or puUic. CONFECTIONERY. This Department ia Bnyplied with all kind* or rii .a and Vrr.cj Candies, trom tne Dost J/anufactorio*, together with everything 'usually kept in a First-class Ccnfectiouery .establishment. THE TOYS have beeu selected from one of the finest stock* in New York, atni tho purchaser had an eye to tho tastes of all the little ones, and enn furnish tho boy.* with anyihing from a Wooe r Pistol to a Fire Angina ; and the little airis with any thing !rom a Wax Uoll to a com plot* out-fit (or house-keeping. I will take pleasure in waiting on custo mers, and furnishing them with anything I huve or can get for tka ' . • “C A S II,” J. Li GQLOM&N, Out. IS-ts. Hiws'snmir WE respectfullv inform the public that wo have just received a well selected stock of SPUING and SUMMER Goods, comprising every variety usually found in a raised stock of Goods. Wo keep on baud a gcou lot of our far famed ROME FLOUR fresh from the Jhiq which only requires trial to prove its superiority ovor any Flour ovor brought Wj tide country. Wo make SHOES a specialty, and fool sure wo arc by this time a good judge of a good shoe. W'o birr to, CASH aud sell for DO. We offer no inducements on a credit, and therefore can afford to soil for short jprofitß. Resi-ectfully uiLE, .roii.ywiM ft crti i tv t inL •