Newspaper Page Text
davvson journal.
Coop ed Davs An un.-Oho point,l
r Tricon for Oho of cotton at
0 lt J. W. Bobebtb’.
junot y " _
Crowder ami Bpockeloil Held IVas
for sale by j £. Lovlcss.
Considerable talk of a fine brick Ho.
t , l being built. Hope the work may
Vfc notice among tho public debat
at tho University of Georgia, tlio
nam e of young Mr. Glenn, of this
county- __
preparations nro being made for cx
, jjpations in tho different schools, and
Jeal of nervousness is discern
jl,lo among tho pupils in regard to
speeches and .compositions.
Poors "ax a Shoes.—'Tho best is tho
cheapest. Go to Bill, Johnson & Cos,
brown’s Station, and see tho Boots and
Slices they have on sale. Wo make
boots Shoes and Hour a speciality
AVo cull attention to tho advertise
ment of that most excellent journal, tlio
Savannah Morning Y civs. It lias no
superior in tho South as an ablo and
reliable Newspaper. _
We learn that Fros. S. A. Goodwin,
of this placo, will deliver an address
to the Junior Class, at the Commence
ment of the Fallow Masonic Female
College, at
Dkalkks in law will find in *is is
sue the card of tho old established
firm of Lyon, DoGratfenreid & Irvin,
of Macon, Ga.
A. 0. Garrard, who was convicted
of voluntary manslaughter at tho
March term of Terrell Superior Court
and sentenced to twenty years im
prisonment in the Penitentiary, lias
been pardoned.
Dawson hasn’t got a skating link
nor a base ball club, but we challenge
tho State on marvels. Y\ o think there
are those hero who would stand head
anywhere for plumping-the middle
man, rolling, and pokin' too.
Reposted advance in Fk>ur all a
hoax. 0,000 lbs. of the far famed
Rome Flour just received, fresh faun
tho mills at 85.50 per 100 lbs. Try i t
jo who will. •
Ilm., Johxsox A Cos.
Brown’s Station, Ga.
Oxwabd.—At oaen meeting o’s tho
“Cold Water Temple,” new recruits
aro added to their army. Only three
meetings, including tho organization,
and fifty-eight members. Superin
tendent Truss is proving himself “the
right man in tho right placo.”
Work on tho brick buildings of >
Messrs. Furnum & Sharpe and J. M. j
Simmons, which was suspended some >
time since in consequence of the scare- ■
ity of labor, wo believe, has boon re
sumed, and will now 7 be pushed rap
idly to completion.
Madame Humor has it that ono of
tlio Dawson girls will take tho first
honor iu flic graduating class, at the
Andrew Female College, at Cuthbert.
We also learn that tho Dawson girls
aro considered, as a w hole, the pretti
est in College.
“Young America Society” is on ris
ing ground. They, also, propose to
givo a public debate soon, and some of
them propose to challenge tho Excel
sior Club. Nothing liko self-confi
Thoso desiring dirt for tho erection
of forts as a means of defense against
the army of musquitods that threaten
to invade this locality, can be amply
supplied from tlio liugo mound on tho
Bquure without disfiguring their prom
Now that the rainy weather has
been succeeded by warm sunshine,Hhe
general cry is, “I want a nigger to
W’ork my garden - ” Alas, alas ! they
havo all gone to tho Brunswick & Al
bany Railroad except a few, and they
"ould swallow a fly whole, if one were
t° get in their mouths, rather than cx
ert themselves enough to eject his fly
M e have heard of an eighty aero
•Lid of cotton in this county that with
Ml tlio labor that could bo bestowed
u pon it, could not be mado to produce
"hat ten acres would on ordinary
lund and like seasons. This is owing
tn the unfavorable seasons. Another
ufldence of the unfavorable prospects
bur the cotton plant.
fkmo trading going on notwith
standing the scarcity of greenbacks. —
r - C. G. Farmer has purchased Lee
niton’s sale and livery stable. —
Njiuu other trading of minor iinpor-
Giico, as not a groat many green
aeks were involved. Wo will allude
0110 uase, to let the public know we
lll '° some kcenors, to-wit: A gcntle
llla *i in town sold Ills neighbor a cow
, 0 oth{ * day, and ruffcrod tho calf,
"hiking, pdrhnjp, tlieWuotiier would
1 a,lu a gnin seeking its young.
Bov. I)r. Hess, of Fort Valley,
prenehod n moat excellent sermon on
last Subbath, at the Baptist church, to
a largo and attentive nndionco, tho
general theme of which was, a tenden
cy, in these latter days, of flu young to
depart from tho landmarks of their
fathers, and a neglect of tho great sal
Not Fjxisnnn.—Some folks would
he glad to know that Dawson "was
finished.” But not so; and wo here
make tho assertion that there has been J
as much money expended in local im
provements in Dawson since tho be
ginning of IS7I, as in any town in
Southwest Georgia.
F. T. Schley Lodge No. 2‘29.
TLis Lodge having determined to
celebrate tho anniversary of St.
Join tho Baptist, on 21th inst, j
the undersigned, committee of invita-1
tion on the part of tho Ledge, hereby
cordially invite all brethren of tlie,
neighboring Lodges to unite with us ‘
in the ceremonies and festivities of the
occasion. Bro. C. T. Goode of Ameri
cas, will deliver the Address.
Jaws M."Simmoks, I
J. H. Cnorcu, > Com.
VY. G. I’auks. }
The proceeds arising from tho on- 1
tortainment given by tho Excelsior
Debating Society havo been invested
in books, and after an examination of:
tlio same, wo pronounce the selections
admirable, as all are historical works.
Wo trust these young men may meet
with such cncoifragemcnt in their un
dertaking that in a short time they
will havo* a complete library of-vjust
such books as'will givo them a gener
al knowledge of history both religious
and political.
Fisn ! Fish ! —A party of our citi
zens having concluded they wanted.a
mess of fresh fish, completed their ar
rangements for an excursion to Co
gan’s mill'a few miles in the country,'
and on Monday last, with netts, polls,
and vessels in which to ’preserve and
bring home the game, they set out in
search for the finny tribe. All day
they plied their tackle and energy, j
and —don’t get frightened, reader — ;
wonderful to tell, they came homo
weary, sore in the flesh, and with ono,
Quite a Blew.—“ Two from ono you
can't,” but two on top of one can ap
pear equal to a score ; especially when j
oven-lids and empty di-hes are piled •
on without regard to the force with ;
which they come down. The latter
part of this proposition explains tho
condition of a c<florci“woman’s rights” j
female, who, on last Sabbath evening, j
attempted to tongue-lash anothor of;
tho samo color, and her friend, for'
having, to use her own language, j
“taken her Watt from her.” Tho re
marks of tho injured wife wero so,
pointed that Nos. two arid throe“featli
erod in” on her with tho above men
tioned weapons, and, like a burnt
bread-crust, when the oven-lid wa3
raised it brought tho Lark, and
tho blood flowed freely. A citizen
was soon on the spot, who shut ofl tho
draft and extinguished the fire, but
too Into to save tho slew. The City j
Council felt aggravated 8-J worth, i
and ordered the Marshal to collect the
Sudden Death. —On tlio 13tu in. 4.,
* Mrs. Bythcl Haynes of this county
was in usual health and soatod in a
chair, when suddenly her head was
seeu to fall forward, giving evidence
of a sudden attack of some kin I, sup
posed to be heart disoase, from which
she died iu half an hour. IMrs.
Haynes was among the first whito
settlers of the county, and was be
loved by all who knew her. Aged
about seventy years.
Godey’s Lady’s of |
time. It is ever thus with Godey. He
is a live publisher, fully comprehend
ing the tastes and wants of thoso for
whom it'is his province to cater. Ap
preciating their anxiety to keep up with
the rest of tho world in tho styles of
dross, he hastens to lay before them
the latest fashions—presenting them
in tie most attractive manner, by
menns of handsomely executed colored
plates, accompanied by description
cuts, diagrams, etc. The reading mat
ter and other features of tho book are
also of an interesting and entertaining
, character.
I A New York poet, under tho inspi
! ration of mercury at I>!> degrees in the
shade perpetrates tho following which
, is not bad :
Nluctj-iiine if* <l*e SliaCc.
Oil ? for a lodge in a garden of cucumbers,
Oil! for an icoburg or two at control .
Oil! for a vale which Ht lnkl-dny the ilctv cum
bora; , „ .
Oh 1 lorn pleasure trip to the 1 ole.
fih l for a little one-story thermometer,
»nth nothing but zeroes.ll ranged m a row ;
Oh I for a big ifoub.e barreled hydrometer
To measure this moisture that from my
Oh I that this cold world wore twenty times col-
ThathTlrony rod hot, it aecnieth to mo:
Oh 1 for a turn of Its dreaded cflld shoulder,
Oh I what a comfort au ague would bo,
Oil 1 for a grotto to typify HeaTcn,
Scooped in the nek umb ii a Unmet vast.
011 1 for a winter ol diseouteut in r,
Oh 1 lor wet blankets judiciously east,
Oh 1 for a chill that would be perpetual
Oh lat least last till i he Sui»«; i. o’er .
'Thru the fcvi p may come at cnmiMi,
And last until Winter is with usno more.
Ok Time.—-N. C. Greer otfor, to
supple‘planters,with Bacrnr and Hour
on time. No fist, in Hi.ifijring for hog
and horafoy now. Go to Greer sand
fill up jtmr%moku house. .
TMi Fry-R, & a. It, U.-liiiig
Coltoil. .
It is better to bo born lucky than
rij'h, says the old ad ago-!—so said wo
on last Saturday. Whoa passing Cu
g:tn s Hill wo wero hailed by Messrs,
Mttlkcy, Eom.aul, Gresham, Maund
and Byrd, who had taken advantage
of old J- rionii Cogan’s misfortune, by
seining in his, used to be, mill pond.
They had been very successful, and
informed us that they proposed to fry
a lot of thorn, then and there, and in
vited us to take dinner with them.
Having a friend with us that looked
hungry, and knowing ho could do jus
tice to tho occasion, provided tho fish
held out, wo accepted.
After tethering January near a wag
on on which was a lot of oats wo wero
invited by Uncle Billy to “step this 1
way,’ as ho- wanted to learn us how
to scale fish. Wo stepped forward j
like a man, as Undo Billy will testi
fy, and every one present will testify
that our friend also helped to scale [
fish, and when put upon tho table, |
was first to make tho attack, and last !
to leave the field. Mr. Swanson had
been sent down to sco how Boyd was
getting along, and by some means a
black bottle filled with anti-phogmattes i
was slipped into Lis buggy. Uncle
Billy thought it best to test tho stuif
and sco if it would’nt keep oil tho
snakes tho balance of tho day. Wo
cannot speak positively of tho amount
ol virtue in the aforesaid liquid, but
know that nono of tho party wero
snake bitten that day.
Dinner over we bid adieu to our kiud
friends, went our way rejoicing, and
found on tlie line of tho Brunswick
& Albany Railroad old friends and
readers of the Journal who aro anx
iously looking forward to the day
when tho whistle of tho iron horse
will bo heard, and they have tho priv
ilege of shipping their cotton direct to
Savannah or Brunswick, or do as they
have boon doing heretofore, viz : come
to Dawson, tho best market in Geor
Wo were pleased to find tlio corn
crops on tho lino of travel good, but
saw hundreds of acres of Xing Cot
ton iu such condition as to make us
believe that Gen. Green will dictate
terms as to a *completo and uncondi
tional surrender.
In reply to Mr. T. J. Ilart in last
week’s Jocekal, I would say that I
fool that it would bo folly for a gen
tleman to kick at every purp that
barks at him, but in justice to my
family and*friends I would say that
Mr. Hart has willfully and knowingly
liud. In the first place, he says that
ho stated to tho Council that he never
heard the summons of tho Marshal.—
I say that Tom Hart acknowledged to
J. F. Sharpe, J. 11. Crouch and my
self that ho did hear the summons of
the Marshal and started tff his relief,
but saw a knife and would not go any
farther. In tho second place, ho goes
on to say that ho had an interview
with me and that I promised to remit
half tho fine, and 1, Greer, pay half
of tho costs if he would pay tho other
half, which I say is a positive lie.—
Just here I will state in a few words
what passed between Mr. Hart and
myself: A "day or so before Court ad
journed, Mr. Hart called on mo and
said lie wished to settle this matter
Without farther costs and trouble. I
told Mr, Hurt mat I bad no powor, as
one member of the Council, but that
I would see tho other members of tho
Council, and if they wero willing, we
would settle the matter agreeably. I
saw two members of the Council im
mediately after this, and they both re
fused to settle it iu any such way. I
havo seeu other members of tho Coun
cil sinco that time, and they say they
would not have consented to settle tho
matter in any way only tlio way it
was settled. In conclusion 1 would
say that Tom Hart is an infamous
Coward, beneath the dignity of a gen
tleman, and that 1 am responsible for
what I say. N. C. Greek.
y •» .
The first peaches of tho season are
selling in New York at 80 per dozen,
or 8200 per basket. So far, Tweed
and Jim Fisk are about tho only men
who can afford to indulge very large
A sapient Bainbridgor has been
swindled by Ball & Cos., tho New York
eye cupmen. Ball & Cos. had only
three agents iu one county, each of
whom lmd an “exclusive right.”
The following officers for tho Bap
tist State Orphan Home wero chosen
in Atlanta on tho 2d instant: Hon.
Cincinnatus 1 'copies, President; Lew
is (i. Crawford, Secretary; J. II-
James, Tresuror.
M Ait li I3T S.
Dawson - , Juno 14.—Cotton stock
fiffht; a lot of middlings would com
mand 17e. Bacon sides llic.; shoul
ders 10c.; hams 18c. to 20e.; corn
$1.25; flour B'J.OO to $11.06 per bar
Macon, Juno 13.—Cotton quiet,
middlings 18c. ; bacon sides 10Jc. to
lie.; shoulders Bc. to Sac.; hams 15c.
to 18c,; com sl.lO
New York, June 13.—Cotton quiet
and easy ; uplands 20c. %
GLAS? WESTON —At the residence of
I)r. O. T Williams, in Meriwether county,
on the Silt inst-., hy Kcv. F. W. Beggarly,
Erasmus Glhsj, Em[., of Cownla, county, and
Dope Weston, of Aleriwcltar conijtv.
; —~T - SSi
i»j i:o. :*
At her rcsidi nec iu tliia city, »*n lln
n orningol tlie ltUh, Bftcr pro line led illm-nn,
Mrs ftu.-atl J (. .'.van', "if' <>f i- Avon’,
Special •Voticcs.
A Chapter ol Tacts.
Spneo is valuable in a newspaper, nttd it is
therefore proposed in this advertisement to
cbnilctmo a ietv-of lacls. important to the
public, into a sntnl! compass. Those facts re
for to Hontetter’s Stomach Hitlers—what that
ei hhrjti f medicine is, and wliat it will do.
In the first, phsce, t irn, the article is a stim
ulant, tonic and nlterativr, coj)ai£tmi* ol u
combination of an absolutely pure spirituous
ngn,* with tho most valuable medicinal vege
table substanees that llotanlo research ban
placed at the disposal of the chemist and the
phj Achin, Tt-e.-e it grodior.ts aro compound
ed with great care, and it) sueii proportions
as to produce a {reparation which iuvigor
i.t-’a without ercillr.js the general system, and
tour-, regulates nud cou-'-ois tlie stomach,
the bowels, the 'ire-, and the tnir.or secretive
org'n*. ~
What this great resfot. five will da must
be gathered from what. >t. h.-.s done. Tho
enso of dyspepsia, or any other form of indi
g.-:-tion, in which it has been persistently a t
n it file red without rfi- cling » radical cure, is
yet to he heard from, amt the same may he
j sdd of billions disorders, intermitted lever,
nervous affections, general debility, oonstipn
: t'on, ftiek headeacbe, rm tt'al disabilities to
whice the feeble aro so subject. It purities
all th t H ods of the body, including tho blood,
nrd the gentle stimulus which It imparls to
the nervous syrtem is not succeeded bv the
! slightest reaction. * chapter of frets
which readers, for trht-L guru fakes, should
I mark and remember. '
‘ ¥AX HOTiGE."
m-dX Payers lire hereby requested to comp
I lot ward and make their rcturna, as the
I If oks for this (Terrell) county will certainly
close ou the loth d.rv of June.
aptil 20-2 m. R. T. K ,T. C.
«2 r. OR« I A.
Governor of said Stale.
Whereas, Ofßcial information has been re
ceived at this J) apartment that firm Smith,
Lewis Lynch, Steven Smith and Joe Trapp;
poisons of color, who have been confined in
the common Jail of Bibb countv of charges
of a feilonious character, have succeeded in
making their escape from said jail by break
ing therefrom and assaulting the jailor, and
are now at large ; and
Whereas, it is further reported that the
civil officers of said county of Bibb have
used their utmost exertions in eudeovoring to
apprehend the said escaped prisoners, hut
without success ;
Now, therefore, to tho end that they may
be btought to justice for lh&-crime with
which they, and each of them, stand charged
I Rufus B. Bnllack, Governor of Said thato,
have thought proper to issue this, my Proc
lamation, hereby offering a reward of Five
Hundred Dollars each sot tlie apprehension
and delivery of tlie said Sam Smith, Lewis
Lynch, Steven -Smith and Joe Trapp to the
.Sheriff' of county.
Given under my hand and tho great seal of
the Executive Department at, the Capitol
in Jyltlanta, this twentieth dav of
May, in the year of our Lord Eighteen
Hundred and Seventy-one, an i of the In
dependence of the "United States of Ameri
ca the Ninety-fifth.
By the Governor ;
David G. Cottino, Sec’y of State.
Tit? said Situ Smith is of dark brown
complexion, has DO upper front tooth, weighs
about ICO pounds, and is about 28 or :0
years of age.
The said .Lewis Lynch is n mulatto, weighs
about 130 or 1-10 pounds, and is about 23 or
25. years of age.
The raid Stephen Smith is about five feet
rett cr eleven inches high, ol a ginger cake
color, weighs about 180 to 200 pounds, is
square built, speaks as if he had a cold, his
under jiw scents to be the longest, teeth
very w hile, and is about 30 or 35 years of
The said Joe Trapp is of black complex'- n
weig'-s about 180 or 140 pounds, and is about
23 or 26 years ol sge.
I have on hand, and will keep, an asE-.t
ment of
which I offer on as favora' ie terms as can he
had elsewhere.
Pii.-ts regulated hy the size and style cf
finish. J. 11.CHOICII.
m’cb 30-ts.
G E © IS « I A.
Governor of Said Slate.
Whereas,lnformation has ben received at this
Department that ou or about the first dav of
May last,in the Coun'y ol Fulton, one John
0 mpbell did, without piovoeation wha'e'C,
commit the offense of assault with intent to
murder, upon 'he person of F. SI. Smith hy |
shooting at !om six times, iv-o of the slio's t -
king iffic'. and inflicting serious wouuds ou
the body ofsa-d Smith ; and
When),is, aVjiwith-nauding the efforts of
the civil officers of Fulton county to arrest
said CampbeT, he has succeeded to making
his escape, and ie now at large : and it being
further repinted that he, the sail Campbell,
is a ve.y despo ate character, and generally
bidding and bancs to the offenders of the law; -
Now therefore, in order to more speedy so |
cure his arrest, 1 have thought, proper to is- |
see this, my proclamation, hereby offering |
a reward of FIVE HUNDRED DOLL.IK' |
lor the apprehension and delivery ol the said
Campbell lo the Sheriff’ of said count*- ol j
Fulton, iu order that he may ba brought to
trial lor tho offence with which he Stan is !
Gtuuikudcr uty hand and the Seal ol ;
'jfiMpSlulc, -it the Capitol, t: Atlanta, this j
dav of June, in thy year ot our
Lord R ghte'eu //-mdted and Bev. a v*
One, and ot the Independence it the
United Slate* of Ame-i.-a the Noe v
-6uh. luffs i; iiulluck.
By the (-t v -inot .
Damn G. C.ium f.iif -tn "I /-lale
| .Li pM-1 w 4
18T1. H8 r j 1*
nt & n
cismis 4* Tuemmm
Lave reorived llts-ir Flock o( Fp-ing and Stimmor Goods, which was sclccte
with citre nnd wi'h’nn eye to the* wHitts ol tlrisseo ion.
To CASH HUYEIto, woof Ter unusual iiiduot.-immtK. and fuk that our
(foods ho exatnit od helttro purchtißiitg, Our Stock consists in part of
and n largo lot ol Tobacco, together with any oilier article kept in mixed o
variety Stores
April 13-2ni.
<>J?, Third Street, ITljscoei, G:a.
JUST receding n large lot of BACON SIDES and SHOULDERS
which vve offer sit a very low price.
A choico lot of Flour, fresh from tho Mills, in Barrels nnd Sacks at low
est market rates.
M E are always prepared to fill nil orders we may reseiye a*, ns low a
figure us any house in Macon. Choice Tenucss.o Corn arriving daily.
A lull supply of choico 1 cnncsaoH OA Three Cur Lou*la \\ heat
BRAN for sale low. Vv aler Mill MEAL always on baud,
COME and eco us, and wo guarantee satisfaction.
m’eh 30 Cm. ’ r
Are Receiving and Opening
Etta dies mid brents*
yJa’J * Q
We arc now prepared to sell
may 25, tf
a-ltlauta, J/ay 26th, 1871. )
That (he following named eftizens he, and
:l,ey are hereby, appointed as a special
Board of Visitors to attend ihe ex-imtnnrions
preceding tbo Annual Oomnn-ncemcut of tlie
University of Georgia at Athens.
’Mu- senior examination is appoin'ed to
commence on Friday, (hv irttli June p-,-xiirm:
Gen. .1 R. L-wis ol F-dtOP. ('oh B. verlv
A. Thornton of J/uecogee, Hon.' John W
Uodvi wood Jot Floyd, Hon- W B. Erwin of
Haheishsni, lion. Bettj. H Hill of Clarke,
Hon. Li.-'j H. Highsm of Troup, Cot* F. W.
tiimma ol Ch.ithsm, Hen. .1 ones f. Kt-warVl ol i
Thomas, lion. Arthur flood of Rindolph
Hon. Henry W. Ililii.iid of liicnniond
(liven under my baud and the -sal of the
Ax'-eutive Depavtmeht, at the Capital in At- i
liiuta, ti e dav Bud venr ffret above written
Jiv the Coflom., :
I.’ It Ant:. •*>'. .--e’s Ft,-,-; p.-pi I
,fit nr 1 ?. ar.
Terrell Superior Court,
Juue 2d, 1871.
3T is hereby ordorel that the present Term
of tho Superior Court he adjourned until
: tne 2d dfonday iu July next, at It o’clock, a.m.
; /’artics. Witnesses. Jurors and others inter
ested, will take dm* i ol ee and act according
June S It. J. S.n. I*. 0.
\\’II.L be sold beforo the Court llou-e
y » Door, iu the town of Dawson, said
cooiity, on the Ist Tuesilvy in July next
within the legal hours of sale, the following
property to wit,;
One Lot of Land, Number (150) One Uun j
dted and Fifty, iu the 3rd District of Terrell
county. L'-vied on as the property of Ar- j
tbur Bel' to satisfy a fi fa issued from Terrell :
.Superior Court hi favor of John S. Dobbins, ;
vs Arthur Belt.
Also, at tho same time and place, One .’et i
of Running Gear lor a Gin and One Cotton ,
(.'ill. Levied cn ad the property of J. B.
Dnftuns, to sali.-fy a fi fa issued ftom Terrell :
.Superior Court in favor of Vlueon H. Jones !
vs. James B. Lullin. Levy made by F. F. i
Lot>outer, foimor sheriff’, nnd return'd tome, j
IV.I/. KAlGl.Eff, |
A » (lie same tfiaeand place, Oue House ard |
Lot, i" the villa ge id Gbu kisawhatoliie, eou
tabling 8 acres, more or less, known us the j
place lonueiiy «K-eoi|HeU ‘by .Mis. A trail A..
Ke ogeupied by William Bell. Lev- j
it and on as the proper! v of Sami, A Iv i . j
ton, to satisfy afi fa fiom Tin(il Superior j
r’.iiirt in favor of IV. \V. Farucat t,
icrivc, v, Si. tlv A Keatwii.
V* II B. Iff HAM, J
Are respectfully solicited for the erection
Confederate Dead of Georgia,
And those Soldi .‘th from other Confederate
Stales who were killed or died In this Slat*.
The Coiner Stone it is proposed shall be
laid on tlie 4th of July, or so soon thereafter
as the receipts will permit. »v * f*
For every Five Dollar* subscribed, there
will ho given a certificate of Life Membership
to the the Monumental al**ociafion. This
certificate will entitle the owner thereof to an
equal iulercstin the following property, to be
distributed as soon as requisite numbers of
shares are sold, tt-wit ;
First, Nine Hundred and one acres'
of I.ind in Lincoln couotv, Ghoh
gin, on which «re (he well known
JAitgruder Gold and Copper Mines
valued at D ffftOOO'
Ami to Seven-eon Unudieii atid Forty
four shares in One Hundred Thousand Dol
lars. of United Statea currency, to-wit :
1 Share of f.1u.000. JlO.wno
t “ 8,000 If,too
•• “ s,«n s,cto
10 2 iMtO-J. .. aMs-tt
10 “ 1,000,'
VO • “ 51K, 10.000
k«) “ .... ino 10,011,
coo “ ”• 5n in next
a«« “ 10,(*.X)
r'llU 10,000
The value of the snparnte interest to which
the holder of each certificate will he entitled,
will be dc armined by the Commissioners,who
will announce to the public the manner, the
time at:d place of distribution.
The following gentlemen have consented
to act ns commissioners, and will either by a
com-mittee from their own body, or by spe
cial trusters, appointed by themsalves, re
ceive and take proper charge of tho money
■ i,[ly_ Mor 1 urnvnt, as well as the Real /Tstato
"f,PI fncy offered as induce
ments f r euhsafft*on, and will dofermino
upon the plan sos the Monument, the inscrip
tion thereon, tb# site therefor, select an ora
tor for the occasion, nnd regulate the cere
monies to bo observed when the corner
stone is laid, to-wit :
Generals L MrLaws, A. R. Wright, M. A.
Stovall, W M. Gardiner, Goode Brvon, Colo
nels, 0. Snead, Win. I’. Crawford, Majors
Jos. B. Camming, Goo. T Sacksan, Joseph
Ganahi, I. P. Gir rdev, Hon. R. 11. Mav,
Adani Johnston, Jonathan M. Miller, W. It.
Goodrich, J. D. Butt, Henry Moore, Dr. W.
E Bearing.
The in the respective counties will
retain the money ,eceivod for the sale of
Tickets until the subscription books are
closed. In order that the several amounts
may bo returned lo the -Whore-holders, in case
the number of subscriptions will not war
rant any further prooeedure, the -Igcnta will
report to this offiec, weekly, the result of
their sales. When a sufficient number of
the shares are sold, the ylgents will receive
notice. Thejfwill then forward to thin offiec
the amounts reelttved.
L. & A. 11. McLAWS, Gen. vl-’ts,
No. 3 Old I’. O. Range, Mclutheh st...
fffirlStf Augusta, Ga.
W. K. Combs'o! Dawson, Ga , will be glad
to give information and receive subscriptions.
>* H«re !
.V * I
purehasod the Stock ot
- y .
Drjf Gomls & Giaceiies
of G B. THOMFSON.-I take this
meih 'd of infarining my lrlcnds an l
tho public that I mil recruiting tlio
Slock, and vv;11 ha pleased to see ary
person who will favor luo with n call,
1 expect to
.as others, or retire from die trade
My Store is in irto Loyh-ss ifiock, nex
door to Jane’s Drug Store.
B. a*lil3l»LES.
April 20-3t(i.
Governor of said State.
j Whereas, Information has been received at.
this department that a Bill of /iidiclment in
now pending In the Superior (lourt of Sum
ter county, charging John Moran with tho
crime of murder, alleged *o have liven com -
muted upon the body of Alexander I’icki t,
in paid county qf Fainter, on or about the
20th May, 1868 ; and whereas, the ctvU-cffi
, cers of said couuty. ttotwite:,sanding the dil
igence eioreiwd hy them iu living to appre
hend the paid J/orau have tailed in their en
Now, therefore, I have thought proper to
ifpue this, my proclamation, hereby offering
a reward of Five Hundred Dollars for the ng
; prehension nnd delivery of the paid John
.Moran, with evidence sufficient to convict, to
tiie.Shcitff of said county of flint tar, in o r ~
der that he may be brought to tua! for tbo
offence with which he stands charged.
(riven under my hand rnd the great Seal of
tlie State, lit the capitol, it- the eity of
Uni,, this 10th day of May, in the year of
ottr Lord ATightceu II mid redand sevtmtv due-
And of the Independam-e of the (Jutted
States of America the Ntnptv-ffth.
Cy tlie Governut :
David G. ConiKG, «( State
Valuable Property for Sale,
I ant offering fyr sale on the most reason
able terms ohe of the most desirable planta
tions in Snu b \V T ester n Georgia, lying iiV
.Terrell county containing one Thousand
acres, on Kinchatoouee Greek, two and a
half miles from Brown’s Station and iu a
good state of cultivation. The crops on the
place consist in equal pot (ions of eotton and
eorn ; also ground peas, stock peak, sugar,
c.-iue, potatoes, etc. There i3-a sufficiency of
lalior on the place to make the present crop.
I will also sell the mules, liorses, cows, hogS
and other stock on tho* plantation ; also a
couipleic and entire nert#tock "of__bfciek-)tnith
rhe place is til gcod repnif atvl everything
in good condiiion. A large and comfortable
dwelling house kitchen, smoke house and all
u(her necessity outbuildings ou the place,
icgt ther with an excellent well ol water. It
is one of the most dedr.Jde places in this
section of country end is ent-red for sale only
"l7the ground lhat I dcsiie to tltaugo locas
t'oitn.' v
1 also offer for sale a very destine hour,
and lot iothe A 'li wrW‘s-, UaratHii near
tii'C Fie.-i'VlciiaS an<f «oavvu:'ent to
the bitsinitdSportion*of ih. » itw. Foeapeoilq
. ; v..-n iia-i.vaU'.cu*-b-eh, * • • a -.cioa an-j
t-irv l-mi-uw-" For f.i. lM**i- p tr.Lu'ars afp'v
to tlie iUl.t¥i*'F.i. J l *!- A ,iirf etH or OU -it •
pliee. V. i