The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, July 06, 1871, Image 1

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fflE 04WSOI Vol* O* DAWSON JOURNAL. Editor. F. COMBS, Associate Editok. 0 A If'* SOJT, C *f m July «, The Firm of Hill, Johnston .& Cos., Jjrown’s Station, ia dissolved. See advertisement. Died.— At the residence of his moth- Mrs. Mary Hayes, in Terrell coun- Jy’ on the 4th inst., Wm. O. Hayes, aged about 20. Makeled. —At Chickisawhatchio Frimitivo Baptist Church, 1£ miles from Dawson, by Eev. Wm. Ilubfiard John A Bishop, Jr., of Dawson, and Miss Callie nood, of Ton ell county. The Colebratod Singer Sewing Ma. thine has at last been introduced into this section of the country. Dr. C. A. Cheatham is Agent for Terrell county. See advertisement. A. J. Baldwin, Jr., one of the live merchants of our town, has something that the ladies want, and when win ter comos the husbands will be glad they did tease them out of a little mon ey to buy them. Seo advertisement. arum Tax.—All residents of the town of Dawson subject to Street Tax who fail to pay tho sum on or before the Ist day of August next, will bo dealt with as Ordinance directs, hv order of Council. T. W. Lotless, Clerk. Aly€-12t-ad2t. Dawson Female Academy—Closino Exehcises. —Examination of classes, Tuesday, July 11th, from 9, a. m, to 1, mi. Examination of classes, Wednes day, July 12th, from 9, a. m. to 1, k. a. Entertainment, Wednesday night, July 12th, at 8 o’clock. Tho public is respectfully invited to attend. Kev. J. K. Armstrong, Principal, Dawson, July 6th, 1871. Without permission from our pat rons, wo took the liberty of resting a few days, and therefore present this sheet as the best we -are capable of getting up this week. The excitement of Commencement Exercises, Fishing Parties, &c., is about ovor now, and we promise to be punctual from now until Christmas, at which time wo would not object to a few’ eggs boat up and sweetened. SPCalhoun county is wido awake as regards her future interests, and she, too, wants a railroad. We have received the proceedings of a railroad meeting held at Morgan on Saturday, the 2nd, and will publish them next week. Would publish this week, but lor the fact that we only print a small slip. Our friends in Calhoun will con fer a favor by communicating any and everything of a local character, look ing to the advancement of her inter ests. - - Election fok Councilmen.—Whore son the 17th day June, 1871, T. J. Hart was duly elected to fill the va eancy mado by the resignation of J. E. Wleus, and refuses to bo qualified as said Councilman; and whereas J. H. trouch has this (lay tendered his res sgnation as Councilman. Obdehed by tho Council that an election bo held at tho Court House m the town of Dawson, Ga, on Mon- Hth day of July, 1871, for counoiliuen to fill said vacancies. T. W. Lot less, Clerk. julyfi-llt-adlt. A New Vahieit of Cotton.—-We UTe beo « shown by Mr. J W. Ka -tD’l now variety of cotton, known ** tbe " ne gro killer” cotton. Tho J’ bmbs , leaves, forms, blooms and ,, 3 are a N perfectly rod. It is said St tbo of this cotton will com j* 8 ? avora bly with the most popular i^ 8 ° 68 ’ an d that it is also proof y ai ° sb ra st on any kind of land.— * a ß a n also informed us that ho ‘''•informed by tho ono from whom “ Pweured the seed, that the boll °rta would not trouble it. If this be , \ 11Bb °uld be generally sought af- 1 svery option plautor. 4J John.!!VI re< : ment the firm of Hill, ’ SiaiMnn 1 • . ' s 'hi® day dissolved, W. I'ho business will bo Seethe fij '* aam Johnson and E. G. Hill, "evsie tho :;v.M. ame of Johnson & Hill, who hild a]| A., ‘pities of ihe former firm and 'op* by , ln faTor of the same. They 10 business to atil merit W.Vr* 1 Patronage St’Hiou. Ha. , J uue 28th, 1871. Dawson, Ga., July O, 1871, „ CITY TAX NOTICE ! 1\ OTICE ia hereby given that the books ar c now open for the receiving of Tar Returns for the town of Dawson, and will be ®P* n uutil the Ist day of September next.— All those who fail or refuse to make a return of their taxable property within the incorpo ration by the day above mentioned, will be double taxed. Bv order of tho Council. T. W. LOYLESS, Clerk. july6.-eow2m ( Calhoun County : VA Thirty days after date application will be made to the Court «f Ordinary of Calhoun county for leave to soil the ical estate of Joseph Eubanks, deceased, for division a mongst the heirs of said deceased. XTLLEN .EUBANKS. Adtu'x. jujyS-4w n-SOUGU, CALHOUN COUNTY : IT Thirty days a {lee date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Calhoun county for leave to sell the real estate of No el Lochomon, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JULIA LOCHOJJON. July 6 4nr Terrell lTXortguge Sheriff Sale. WILL be sold before the courthouse door hi the town of Dawson, said county, on the first Tuesday in September next, within the legal hours of sale, the following proper ty, to-wit : Three lots of lands, numbers Sixty-nine, Seventy, and Fifty-nine, in the Third District of Terrell county. Levied on as the property of J. H. Pickett and B. F. Todd, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued from Terrell Supciior Court in favor of Thos. K. Taylor vs. J. 11. Pickett and B. F. Todd. Property pointed out in said mortgage. WM. AAIGLER, Sheriff. july 6*=td Adsiuistrators’s Sale. 'V\7 ILL bo sold before the Court House TT door at Morgan, on the Ist Tuesday in August next, the entire interest of Den nis Colson deceased, in lots of land, Nos. 48 and 49, in the 3rd District of Calhoun comi ty. Sold under an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms Cash. IS.4AC CORSON, July 6 Im. Administrator. CALHOUN COUNTY. WHEREAS, Franklin L. Pepper has applied for Letters of Guardianship of Lou Abrams and Ling Abrams, Minors. These are thareforc to cite and admonish all parties concerned to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they can, why said letters of Guardsanship should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal this July Ist, 1871. J. JOHN BECK, Ord. julye-TOd ALL THE GO*! FOR PRESERVING FRUIT FOR' WINTER USE. I have and will keep on hand, until the sea son is over, any quantity of SJS’LF SEAL ING GLASS FRUI7’ CANS. Also, Self-seal ing Tumlers for putting up Jellies. Now is the time to make your Jellies, and preserve your Fruit for Wintei use. Call at my Store Sou'h side of the X’ublio Square, next door to Hotel, ana supply yourselves, july 6 Im. A. J- BALDWIN, DO YOU WANT A SEWING MACHINE? IF YOl' DO, B i>u the Best. which is always the Cheapest. The Singer Sewing Machine Cos, will have two sample Machines on eihibition at Miss Jfollie Williamson's .Millinery Store for the next ten or fifteen days, where Mrs. Julia Clark will take pleasure in demonstra ting to all who may call their superiority over all other Machines. I heartily recommend them to all who may wish to buv, and guarantee satisfaction. C. A CHEATHAM, july 7 2t. Agent for 7errelt County. Terrell Superior Court. Juuc ‘2d, 1871. IT is hereby ordered that the present Term of the Superior Court be adjourned until tne 2d J/onday iu July next at 9 o’clock, a.m. J’arties, Witnesses, Jurors and others inter ested, will take due notice and act according ly, DAVID B. HARRELL, Jnne 8 4t. J. S.C. P. C. NOTICE, AJ BUTLER, Guardian of Simeon W . . JdnL., &H. K. Cosait, applies for exemption of personalty and setting apart and valuation of Homestead, and I will pass upon tbe same at 10* o'clock, a. m , the Bth dav of July next at my office in Dawson, Ga‘ J T. M. JONES, Ordinary. GEORGIA. Terrell County = Whereas J. J. Davis Aim't of estate of Spaikman Bowen has applied for Letters of dismission fromsaid estate: Tbeso are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my office within the time preribed by law, and show cause, if any, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my band and official signature, this 18th day ot April 1871 T. M. Jones, Ord. April. 20 3m. McAFEE house, At Smithvillfj La. ri'MIE undersigned having fitted up the Mc- L A fee //ouso at Bmitbvi!le, takes pleasure in notifying the travelling public that the above house U now in the “full tide of suc cessful administration by himself. He will spare no expense to make it a I irst-Class ar »* "* jj "vves™ 121 A PKOm»IATIO!V, 6EORG I A. By RUFUS It. BULLOCK, Governor of Said State. Whereas, Offiaial iulormatiou has been rcccivad at this Department that a murder was commited in the county of Y/uscogee on hoU ro m° f Jalular F !aa ‘. upon the body of Jack Williams, by one Albert Chris - tmii as is allcgd, aud that said Christian has aeu irom justice: 1 have thaught proper, therefore, to issue tins my proclamation, hereby offerimr a re ward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS for the apprehension and delivery of tho said Christian, with proof sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff of said county of J/uscogco, in order that he may be brought to trial lor the oftonse with which he stands charged- Given under aiy hand aud the Great Seal of the ewe, at the capital, in the city of At lanta, this Bth day of June, in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seventy one, and ot the Independence of the Uni ted States of America tho Ninety-fifth- RUFUS B- BULLOCK. By the Governor: PavioG. Coming, Secretary of State. DESCRIPTION. Blight mulatto ; black hair, nearly straight; about 21 or 22 years of age ; downcast look, weighs about 130 pounds ; originally from Augusta, Ga. juue 15-4 t A IWLAMAITOiL GEORGIA: By RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor of said State. Whereas, Official information has been re ceived at this Department [hat a murder was committed iu tho county of Jackson on or about the 6th of May last, upon the body of A/arcellus W. Park, by one Matthew Hara ris; and Whereas, The Sheriff of said county cer tifies to me that he has made diligent search for the said Harris in the county of Jackson and the counties adjacent thereto, but has failed to apprehend him, and therefore sug gects the offeriug of a suitable reward as a means of insuring the arrest of said Harris : Fow, therefore, I have thought proper to issue this my proclamation, hereby offeriug a reward cf One Thousand Dollars for the ap prehension and delivery of the said Matthew Harris, with evidence sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff of said county of Jackson, in ol der that he may be brought to trial for the offense with which he stands charged. Given under my haud and the Great Seal of the State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this eighth day of June, in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Seventy-One, and of the Independence of the United States of America the Ninety-fifth. ■RUFUS B. BULLOCK. By the Governor : Davin G. Cottisg, Secretary of State. June 16-lw. A PROCLAMATION. GEORGIA. By RUFUS B. BULLOCK\ Governor of Said State. Whereas, Official information lias been re ceived at this Department that Warren Har roll, convicted of burglary in the night time, and Alfred Walker, of voluntary manslaugh ter, have escaped from the common jail ot Decatur county, where they have been cou fined awaiting their removal to the Statu Penitentiary. Now, therefore, I have thought proper to seue this my proclamation, hereby offeiug u reward of Five Hundred Dollars each for the apprehension and delivery of the said War ren Harrell and Alfred Walker to the priuci, pal Keeper of the Penitontiary. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this the eighth day of Juje, in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred ami Seventy, one, and of the Independence of the Uni ted States of America the Ninety-filth. RUFUS B BULLOCK. By the Governor; David G. Coiting, Sec. of Slate, june 15-4 w. A PROCLAMATION. GEORGIA: By BUFUSB. BULLOCK , Governor of naid State. Whereas, There is now a pending In the Superior Court of Cherokee county a Bill of Indictment, charging James B. Cloud, Win. Cloud and Geo. P J/cCraw, alias La Fayette JfrCraw, with the ciime of murder, alleged to have bean committed upon the body ot Jerry Gariison in 3aid county of Cherokee ; and Whereas, The said James B. Cloud, Win- Cloud and Goo. P. J/cCraw, alias Lafayette McCraw, havo been arrested and confined under said charge, and subsequently-made their escape from jail by breaking therefrom, and are now at large greatly to the danger of the peace and good order of the community : Now, therefore, in order to bring them to speedy trial for the crime with which they stand charged, I have though proper to issue this my proclamation, hereby ofloring a re ward of TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS each, for the apprehension and delivery of the said James B. Cloud, Wm Cloud and Geo. P. -ViCraw, alias LaFayctteWfcCraw, to the Sheriff cf Cherokee county. Given under my hand and the great Seal of the Shiite, at tbo Capitol, in Atlanta, thia tweftb day of June, in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and .Seventy-one, and of the Independence of the United States the Ninety-Fifth, RUFUS B. BULLOCK. By the Governor : . . _ , David G- Cotting, State. June 15th 4t. NOTICE. JESEEE TUCK&'R applies for exemption of personalty and setting apart and val uation ot Homestead, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, am., ou the Bth ot July, at rov office in De wson, Ga. 1 ' T. M JONAS, Ordinary. K. J. WARREN, attorney at law, SItIUH.SV'MLLE, - * * <"* f