The Dawson journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1866-1868, December 14, 1866, Image 1
falusoit (Stffkla Journal, Published Every Friday, e. & j.eT - Christian, EDITORS AND PUBLISHERS, TERMS— Strictly in «tdinner. Three months, $1 oo Six months »»•» Oue year #H 00 Rate* of ./drift inf II If t One doll,r per squ ire ot ten lints for the first insertion, and Seventy-five Cents per square for each subsequent iusei liou, not ex ceeding three. One square three months * 8 On One square six months 12 OO One square one year.......; 20 Oo r*o squares three months 12 00 squires six months ]N 00 Two squires one year 80 00 Fourth of a column three moths SO (hi Fourth of a column six months,,. .. 511 on II .If column three mutha 4,1 00 H iff column six months 711 00 Oue column three months 7o On One coltnnn six months Inn tin Jo!/ tt'ork of every description ere cutedwitb neatness and dispatch, at mode rale ri f^s >» > j i ;.\ & 11 () vi; ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 2iy Uiiwson, C Ja. F. Iff. BIAISFFK, ATTORNEY AT LAW D&wsoa, Terrell («., (la. Will give prompt attention to all business entrusted to bis care. “ slftflMONS & COKER, ATTCPNEYS AT IKN, BjiFso.r, - - gkorgi.i. R V. RIMMOSS. feb2B ly w. nc. cokkk. " JAMES SPENCE, .A. ttorney at Law, ».i tr,sw,r, ft korg /./. Office at the Court House. _feh£|Mv dr.c. a. cheatra^, W.iWSOY, iiEOKCSA, Office , South West corner Public square ('AONTIXURS the practice of Medicine in J all iia branches. lie pays special attention to the treatment of all chronic affections of either sex ; and to the treat ment of nil secret disea see. He may be consulted by letter, describing age, sex, occupation, a"d habits; and giving au accurate description of all the symptoms, durafioc of sjidcncas, etc., etc., And ctuTos aui 'ten EEolUtrs. By return mail he for war I all ol the iMcessarry mediciues with lull directions. 8 1 y. DR. D. H. FARMER, %tt late Residence at’ CoL B’m. EE. Stilts , near EEaivson, Li a. AiJITH an experience of 20 years in the ▼ t practice of medicine, feels qualified to treat anv case he may be called to attend. feb23 «f J. P. ALLEN, MATCH *■» BErAIRGB JEWELER. Dawson, On., JS prepared to do any work in his line in the verv best style. fel*23 ts J. li. S. S.flITiS, GUN SMITH and Machinist, IKilf.SC*.**, : : Georgia. lt*-p ii s all kind.-t of (junn, Se* ing Maitines, etc., etc. 2 lv- LAW jpHff. r |MIE undersigned have this dui entered l into 4 uop:«i tnership lor tl»e practice ol Ltw in the tvipeiior Courts ot the South western and PrtlauU Circni a. Business en ti iuicd to iheircaie will In* promptly a tend ed to. J. J. ScaRBRULUU, Americus, O. Ti (it*ODF., Oa. Wiley G. raHkH, Dawson, G*. jls C. W. WARWiCK. .1 torncy i;l Late and Soliiitor in equity. AA/ITUI'/Li. L ... GKO., \\l ILL practice in Lee, Bumter, Terrell f ▼ rind \Vi*l s cr. PATHiGK HAVENS, Wholesale and Retail COK ELLERS, STAIIOSERS, Aud General News Dealers—Triangular Bio. k, Olierrt Street, JHaCOtt, Get. LtY W NOTICE Tj 1 aYIOStCn A.X will practice in ail the -» I • couris ol the South wesrern, in Irwin ol till*Southern, Coffee and Appling ol the Biun wick, and most of the courts of the I*a taula Circuits. Cilice on Washington Street, opposite the Ki t»ss office, Ailtany, Ga. mayll ly LAW CAED r |' HR undersigued will attend to any Irpjal 4 business entrusted to his care, in South western Georgia. Office at Cos; bert, Randolph co., (ia. mayll,ly K. 11. I’LATT ID. RANDOLPH HARDEN, _ Alloi’tney sat Law,! Jul,Am Ct TURKU?'. G.t. j tTI i. btkwaktJ *TTOUSEV AT TAW, Cuthbe»'t, an dot )th Cos., Ga.. i All enfrusted to his care will be \ failhluliy attended to. June 1 t L. DOUGLASS, AHorney at Law, Jims 1 C / Ti/ B /:n TANARUS, G. t. J. E, HIGGINBOTHAM, ATTOHXET AT LAW, At organ, Calhoun Cos., Ga., Will practice in all the Courts of the South western And Pa’nttl t Ciretti'S. June 1 eTH’ SHACKELFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CA.niKI.A, MltatiHl Cos., Cia., AGENT sot purchase and sclc o lAND. June I, 1860. THE DAWSON JOURNAL, Vol. I. cotsn IVBUIL'. C lUsiu N Ilia was the eldest daugh ter of a respectable rind wqll-to-tirt far mer, reeding near the little village of Sitnpst n. Nellie was decidedly the bmutyoftbe ftmily, petted and almost sp i!cd by her brothers an I sitters, yet so one eould help loving lnr; she had dark-dluc eyes, .‘.nd light auburn hair which hung in wnivy rinpl-ts t v r her shoulders; she also presented a sweet disposition, tendering her still more charming. Now Nellie, as a matter cour ts, had ti grcu‘. many admirers, ai.d among tin tn a certain Mortimer Hudson. She was envied by half the girls in the neighbor hood, and manor uv.-ring namma* shook tin ir heads after vainly trying to secure him for Susan Jane or. Mary Ann. Mortimer Hudson was quite wealthy; his broad acres extended far ami near and many damsels sighed after their blighted bopeu when the engagements ol Mtrt'mer Huds-n and Nellie Tlusht m was made pu bbc. They were to be mar ried in J une, and great preparations were being made for that event. Man tua-makers and miliners were in great demon 1, Nellie bavirg gone to Boston to select Iter bridal tiossrau Mrs. Rur-h - insisted that her rtaugbdcr should be married in white silk, looped up with flowers; in cl 1 maid . unt opposed five measures, and strongly' advocated the lljicy wl.i'o mus'in dress. Wbili all wn piiei anljiy in the Rushton manstm, another event was transpiring that stiried ho U 'od in every true pat riot heart Civil war loomed darkly in the h rriz m ; Frt Stiratc r bad been ti ed upon. The flig of the South had bien flung to the bretzrsi President Lincoln’* pr oclamadcn, call" ittg for seventy-five thousand men, disk cd along the wires thr ugh all the n 'rth ern s ates. Among the first that nobly responded to the ca’l of his country was Mortimer Hudson ; he enlisted in the-.luth Geor gia lufantry as a private soldier- Nellie ctull scarcely believe that be would enlist in opposition to her wishes i she was stunned and wept bitterly on hearing the coafi rmafion es htr worst fears; her heart was torn by conflicting euio ions. Stern duty called, he would obey. At length, after a smuggle between love and pride, in which ptilo conquer td, she decided she would pait from him coldly. When Mortirr er called tha* evening Nr Hie received bin icily. He told her their marriage would be unavoidably de layed. “Oh, it is of ud cons qucnce,’’6ai4 Nellie, loftily. Mortimer was inrpri-tod and vexed; he had expeeted a ddihrrrt reception ; he appealed to her patriotism, to her loyalty, hut all to no purpose, Nellie was fitro. “Ne’iic, d> you love me?” said Mor tiraet. “Ye o ,” sa ; 1 Nellie h sif.atingly. “Then why oppose my going? I will have you arrested for discouraging cn enlistmcnts,” said Mortimer, mischiev ously. “There are enough men without yon, said N l ie. “Ye>,” exclaimed Mortimer, yet our j honor nu.s be sustained. All the ! men a c needed at this critical hour. • To-morrow we leave for the seat ot war, , and 1 still have other calls to make to— I night,” said Mortimer, glancing at his i watch. Nellie bade him gool-byo coldly ac ! cording to her determination. The next day the regiment left * for tli9 seat of war. The fiends of the soldiers accompanied them to th : depot; tears were in many eyes, far w 11 they knew that some of the brave men would never mere return. Nellie kept her room on pica of vio lent head-ache; she half regretted not havio-g bade Mortimer “God speed,” Sho looked anxiously forward to Use time wheu she might hear from him, for he promised to write as scon as he reached his destination. She haunted the post- ffiec daily, although ralli.d unmercifully by her faiv friends. At length the loDg wished f a letter arrived, and Nollte was wil 1 with joy. Mortimer was in good spirits, aud wrote cheerfully, giving ajdrscriplion of the country and niiao tints llis whole letter breathed a spirit of love. Nellie wrote a reply, couched in kind and ass c tionatc term*, tel i- g him sho had cen c’uded not to correspond, but if at the exp’ratien of his term es enlistment he would return, loving her nil the s i te, she would marry him as a reward for his perse v r ranee. About this time there came to the little vill*:e of S a voting law yer by the name of Gny Htmcrs. He was gay and fascinating, and formerly belonged to a wealthy family ; but the constant isroa Is on tbeir wealth, by the dissipnti nos Guy, soon threatened ti diminish the ir CifT-rs, and be was oblig ed to shift for himself or marry nn heir- DAAVSON, (»A., FRIDAY, X>ECEMBKTI It, 18««. cas. As there weto two aht motives loft, Guy choßo tha latter, f r the i lea of working always ii.ado lim shudder with bur <>r 1 1 was tit ti party in the village given iu honor of his arrival that Guy Somors first met Nellie llushtoc ; ho was instant ly enamored of her beau'y, wit, and vi vacity. “Who is tha* girl?’’ lie sa : d with a pensive stnil', to his hoste-s. “U .i,t iaiis Miss Rush too ; would you tike au introduction ?” “Oh, no,” he replied, languidly. “She is beautifil,” said the hostess, “do you think so ?’’ “Oh, yes, hut is she rich? ;< “Well, jes; hc-r aunt will leave her all her property, besides considerable bauk ttock.“ That was suflßoient f <r Guy; he made his way across the ro -m to where Nellie : sat chatting with a crowd of admi p tis, who hung on awry word ns if she was somo farn-us oraelcof ancient times. He-1 seated himself aud prepared for ci quest: lia'v. at an ag e’,bH cou.ponion, as Nellie sji n found, and talked on the most en tertaining subjects. That night bo escor ted N-11 c homo, and received permission to call and see her. G uy Somers became a frequent vis itor at Mr Rusbton’s. He escorted s Nellie to parties and j denies, and soon j was ber acklowleilgeil lover. This \ made her more envied by the village g'rls, for many n fair damsel bad do- j tenmned to number Guy Somers in the list of her admirers Nullie was sitting in ber morn, en gaged in a delightful reverie; she pic tured to herself the sensation she would create on her appearance among the fashionable ladies of Boston At the same time Guy Somers sat in his room at the hotel. Let us listen to him soliloquizing : “Gny Somers, you are a lucky dog ! Eureka 1 the prize is mine ! Now if the old rheumatic aunt was only out of the ropd ! To-night I will leant my fate. Mortimer Hudson, you arc rob bed of your laurels. Poor fellow 1 I pity jour fiirf rtuna’e ease 1” He sauntered lazily down the street towards the Pushton mansion, and that night he returned tin accepted lover cf Nellie Rush ton lie was per feet’y happy, us the following later will show : “Peak Mother : —1 have at last succeeded in entrap; ing a go] Jen heir t-ss, Nellie Rush ton Ly name She is quite rich, er cl e l would n«v r mar ry ber. \Ye shall be married soon I think I shall rent a house on Beacon street. ‘ You; affectionate son, Gly.” We \\ ill iow return to the Pattie fieJd, where weTefc Nl rtuner bravely fighting the battles of bis c unity.— He lull been ia several engagements, blit escaped unharmed. The battle of Cliickihoroiny bad been fought and won Thousands of brave soldiers had fall en, and in in ning was in many house holds. Nellie Hush'on earg rly scanned the I ape.-s containing an in count of the buttle The loth Ga Infantry was n the hottest of the action, and a norig the list ni killed was the n -me of -'tor timer Hudson. Thopgper fell front her trembling bands, and yet she was not sorry. Not that she wished him dead, yet she Imil < fion thought she coul-i never meet him again without his despising Iter. Guy Somers was admired by her parents for bis eharming manners and polished speech, and they ollerol no objections to her marrying this city g lulenum. Mr. Rushton had specu’ated large ly, and snms of no small amount were tnnvnntly changing hands. The con tinual woriv brought on a slow fever, and he soon breathed nis last. Wo will not dwell oil the grief of the fam ily They were all assembled iri the spacious drawin '-room to hear the reading of the will, Guy SomeF.-j among the rest. On opening the will it was found that Mr. Kushton had died insolvent. lie advi-ed them to sell their house and move West. Guy Somers" face was red and white alterna ey; dis;ippo'ntiiie: t an 1 rage were and pit ted on hi * countenance, and j he left the house in no enviable hiood.j inwardly cursing bis luck. After re-1 tiding some lime ho decided to see Nellie for the last lima. According-j !y, as soon as twilight set in, tie won tied his way thither. llow and steal the h use looked ! lie rang the bell, and was ushbred into the parlor 1 A fig j ute rose from the sofa, a figure cloth ! od ill deep mourning, and bade him; welcome; it was Nehio, but oh, how changed she was. Guy sex reel v re cognizetkher. “I thought you had forgotlefi mo; I they told in* you would prove false, but 1 knew you loved me dearly.— Trouble never comes singly. My poor aunt —I pity her, for it is rumored that the bank bt.s failed aud all her stock will be worthless.’’ “Failed 1” exclaimed Guy, with drops nf perspiration standing on bis forehead. “Yes,” said Nellie, looking up won daringly in his fare. “Ahem ! ’ ho coughed dubiously, “Miss Rusl ton, you astonish me." “A*t -n sb you?” repeated Nellie. “I u’ways understood you had a large fortune of your own.” “Guy Somers,” mo excla'med, in dignantly, “do you mean to say that yoa loved me for my money more than , myself ?” “If you consider inv language in that xny you cun do so,” ha said, haughtily. “A poor bride I will nev er wed Iwih t > add U>„ oot subtract from, rny w ealth whom I marry.” ‘ Lave the house 1” exclaimed Ntl lie, “olid never define see your false f.tcengMin !” “Your will shall be obeyed, Miss Rushton.” be said gallant v, and bow e<] himself ofit with the utmost tuny froid. That night he JoT S , mourn ed, however, l y a long list of crodit j ors. | All S— was on the Qui vice. — Men were standing in gtoujs, talking I earnestly, lor Mortimer Hudson had come home alive and well, and Guy Somers had left for parts unkri wn— Mortimer had been taken prisoner and eonfin and at Ft Delaware, but made bis escape after suffe ing many hard ships that try men's sou's, and arrived in safety at S . Ho went to Nellie to claim htr promise. She was only too jdad to see him, for all the world seemed false to her. lie talked earnestly with her, and urged his c’aiin, “But T am so unworthy,” said Nel lie, smiling through her tears. ‘•My darling,” he said, “you have been purified by suffering. Let us be gin 1 fe anew, dear Nellie.” They were married in a few weeks, and a happier couple cannot be found than Mortimer and Nellie. API’OIN T M E N T S of (he Gtergia Conference for 18C7. Savami' h District —W. Knox, I’re.-iling Elder. Savannah Trinity—ll. J. Corlevf; I-!e llupeand city miss'os, A M Win, Mariners Church, C C Oliver, Springfield cir., D. R McWil liams. Sylvania c-ir., J M Stokes. Bethel and col’J ch:.rg-, T A I’harr. W=ynrsl.oro, J M Au.-lin. Habersham, 15'thany and Burke col’d charge, T 1! Lanier. Louisville cir., F F Reynolds. Concord veil'd chug-, 11. B Mur phy. Hinesvill> cir ,J. E Fct tell. Bryan cir., W 15 McTTan. D’.rirn at.d Mclntosh, S A Clarke II idsville cir., S II L’ayue, W F Colony supenumeray., Ob'tep'e Mts-ien, S S Simmons. Stnt'.,boro, to bo supqilcd by W » Bog"rs. Dome District —AG llaygood Presiding Elder- R 'me A M Thigpen. Cave Spring cir., J W IliJby. Cedar T-jwd, lo be supplied. Maua.-sa.i eijeuir, C A Evans. Kingston cir., W P Rivers. Cilbouu (ircuiq R II Joues. S; ring Place circuit, to be supplied by W Heath, Layfitye t", W T Hamilton. Dalton J T Norris. WhitlicH, BJJuLhsod. llinggold J L Lupo. Summerville, W A Parks. Etowab, to be ru[plied byTYI Pledger. ildaljei ills District. —J C Sim ! taonf, Presiding Hid, r. Milledgflviile, W P Pledger. Eitonton, J \V Biuten Putnam c‘r , J W Kuight and R 11. Johnson. Miniie-. 110 at.d col’J charge, D j Kcl'.v. Clinton circuit, V 7 P Arnold- Jickson circuit, IV C Rowland. Ltber'y Hill circuit, Cos be sup j; lieu by J R Smith. E r*y;h circuit, \V G Allen. Forsyth Statiyu, S T l’ayu’. Macon District. —D D Cox, Prcsid i ing Elder. Macon Mulbc ry street, J S Key, ; and J W B jike. First Street, W F Robinson. Knoxville circuit, J B Smith. Jiff i-scnville circuiq \Y S Baker Irwiaton and G anion cir««i», M D M orclouse. Sandcrsvillo circait, J D Antto nr, ono to bo supplied' Baniler.-viUe c'l >red charge, to bo supplied by 8 Bell. Gibs n circuit, W Lane, Dublin circuit, C A Mnor». Jacksonville circuit, to be eoprlicd by W 1) Btiscy. Mt. j'ernan, \V M C Copley. Swainsburo, L 1’ Ncesc. E II Myers, editor 8. 0. Advo cate, J. M. Bounc'd, President of ’.be W F Cos lege. Elbcrton District —D J Myrirk, PrrsidingE dder. Eificrron circuit, J II Crogan. Elbert, E G Murrah. Jeff.trson, M F Malsby, A W Williams' Midi on Sprin.’H, W T Normal. llotiur circuit, C. If. Ellis. Hartwell, Britton Saunders. Clark-.viHe circtit F J Hugos Claytou IMists., II Crawford. G tincsCillc cir., IV T Caldwell. Anywtu Distckt.—W II P Pot ter, presiding Elder. Augusta, St. Johns—A Wright, Sf.Jaroe-.—Gil Paßilo. Asbury, C W Key ILrisburg Miss , J S Hopkins. Trinity, to be supplied by Ned- Wo t Richmond and col’d change, J A Reynolds, I) W Calhoun sup. Columbia anil ccl’d charge, S Rush, II A Connor sup. Warrenton cir., J M Dtekey, J T Cortis sup Hancock, J Leu it, ren. Sparta, A J Jttrral l . Coen tv Line. J V M Mortis. L. Pierce ngt. Sunday Schools, N’.h Georgia Conference. CohnnhuH District —lt. 11. Lcgtcr, Presiding Elder. Columbus—St. Luke, J E Evans, Gi rard and Wesley Chapel, Mis., J 11 Littlejohn. St. Pan', J A 0 Clarke. Museog c o rcuit, W W Odin. Upatoi Mi s, W W Tidwell. Butler circuit, G SW Anthony Talbottoa aud caiM charge R W Di -ksm. Talbot circle, C A Fullwo and. Hamilton, A. Dtau. Il.vris colored charg-, to bo sup plied by F W B annon. Lanier Circuit, W Brooks. Elbtville, R p Williamson. lumpkin District —L J D.vies P E. Lumpkin and Green Hill, G. W. Y'arl orough. Cubihbert and Georgetown, J O A Cook. Bundolpb, J Soaifc, and one to bo supplied. Port Gates, B .T B Jdwin. htewarf, G G Turner and one to be supplied. Cusscta, to be supplied by W. Hanson. Weston circuit, P. O Driscoll. Dawson, T T Chri-tiun. Atlanta.—Wesley Chapel, AY G Hat'iison and W J Saott; cby mission J 15 P.iyno, W B PauHc; Trinity, AY M Crumby, J N CtavcP, sup. Atlanta Diet —II J Adams, P E A liLta circuit, AVadlaw. D catur, W A D tdge. Covington rnd Oxford circuit, J J Sinc’cton and W Mayloy, M W Ar noil sup. Yell tw Hirer C rcuit, AV A Flor renco and A Grey. Monroe, AV II Fvtns. Alpharetta J li Ga'nos. Marietta, AV F Cook. Acwor'h, to be snpplied. Powder Springs cir, C Truest 11, A J Doavors. Lawrenccville circuit, J M Low - rcy. Jos. L wis, jr. Prof, in Emory College. La grange District.—J B McGehee Presiding E /or. LaGrango E W Speer La (>radge and \Ye:t Point col’d charge, to be supplied by E 11 Harris. Troup and eol’d charge, Y S L Harwell. West Poiut and Long Csin, P M. Ryburn. Whitcsville and col and charge, \Y J Cotter. Greeiiville circuit in) eol’d ebrrgc, F A Kim', all J Bust *nd J MvGbe. Coweta circu't and co’ld charge, F, Jones.' Nivvunn, P A. Heard. Ncwnan and Flat Shoals ntifhion, to be supplied by 0. Bush. Palmt-.'to end Grrntvi’Je, J Lowe. Franklin circuit abd eol'd charge, 1 J Ernbley. Washington, M Calloway, Broad River oir, L I. Ledbetter, L'tip Rive? circuit, To be suppli ed by G G Ncrman. LVoolnton eircu ; t, R J Harwell. Dahloneoa Dt«, W A Bimm r cs, P E IN<». 4*4. Dah'o tepa and Anraria,G Hu-La ILirrilson mission to bn supplied by M D Norton. J G Pcure*, Pioi’n LnGrnnge Pc tnulo Cdllcgo «nd Bible Agent. Griffin DM —G 0 Clurk, P II Griffin, It AV Biirhoni Zebubui cir., F B D ivies, li A Settles, sup Pike cir and mission, M Belluh T bomtifttpn itttd col’d charge, J \V lleq nobis. Biirtio.svillo cir and col’d charge, W F Smith. Fayetteville cir, R Striding, and om to be supplied. McDonougb utul eol'd chsrge, J M Bright. Jonesboro, G T Embry. Ckil odea an 1 col’d charge, M H W bite. Campboilton circuit, and Sund town mssioii, James Jones. VV A Rogers, Pres't Grilfin Fe tna'e College. Athens Disl.~~ AV R Fimham, P E, Athens. II 11 Parks, Athens col’d ch.rgc to be suppli ed by J 11 Mcdusky U utkinsville and eol’d ebargo, A vi \\ orley, and one to b ■ supplied. Factory mis ion, To be supplied Madison, George Kramer. Wo gnn :n t col and charge, W II I‘oote, and .J I, Peir e, sup. Greensboro circuit, J AA T Tally slid A Means, sup. Green circuit, T F Pcireo 1 esingtoo ami eol’d charge, A Hdlbfiebl Houston mission to be supplied by J (1 Wright. Carroiltoti dr, AV C Dunlap and one to be supplied. Carrollton and eol’d mission to be supplied. Lumkin circuit, Jcb Chamb-rs. Gumming, L (J Allen, J II Ma>h burnt l , sup. Charbmu c r-tuP, to be supplied bv’ N II P timer. Ulairsvilla and jAI trgsntowo, M G Hamby. B igih circuit, tube supplied. Cat tin 8 R Parker Gwinanctte, To be supplied by J Bradford. Drnmicick D st, J AV Turner, P II D liibrii/ife Dlst, 0 docnoo, J AV Simntnns. Milieu circuit, S B AA’arHaw Newton and Colquitt Station, T 1! llurbcu. Quitman Dist, — Morvin circuit, P C Harris. Grovittsvilk- client, Jas llrrris. Americtts'Di-t, C R Jewett, P lv America-, G G N McDonncl!, J I’ D imvin, sup. Babel, W M 1) B nd. Magnolia Spring*, 15 F Brccdluvo. Ogb thorpe ard Moutizuma, to be supplied. Fort Valhy circu’t., E A II Me Gchcc Perry s'at’on, E P Burch, lltiync ville circuit, J M Marshall, A r iennn rirciut, AV M AYatte. HawfeinsvTHc Mission. .T J Morgan and J AV Traywick. sup. Isabella, AV T McMichesl Ftirksviile cuircuit, G Bright K Anthony Agmt S J b.ith School South Geotgja Coo L-ranee. B Arbogas', transfered to ITolstcn Corfcran.', President of the Martha AVssbingten Colbg. R 31 Sanders, aud AV 8 Turner, trnsfi red toMobjle C 'Lferance. A T Mann to Mentp-hiv Cin reranct and Htatiomd at Wesley cLapal in Mcm phis- Next Conference; to be held for Mortb Ge rngit C-infer nee at Atlanta. Southern Confercnee, Sivaunab. A Daisy’s B.'oGaApnv — Ar. editor thus does up tbo biography of a re cent ces ion to his household : AVe have had so many kind friends asking about that baby, that we tbougt it neccersury to liogtuiph the chap briefly, t.nd somewhat after the current style of the day : It’s a hot. He’s a buster. Weighs nine pounds and a quarter, and old worn in tells ns that he will grow heavier as hix weight increas es. He's the first boy of which we’ve ever been proprietor, and of cause is the only baby in town. 1 lie old women before mentioned declare him the very image of his pa *'A littlo copy of his faithful sire* in face and gesture.’* But in justice to the youth we mu*t say wc think him an improvement on the origxal —a world of progress you know. This young American was old as could bo expected, considering the time it was born, and will doubtless be too old for bis father in a few venrs, ts he has good luck. Ho is quite ret Lent on politics, wild only vauL tube let alone. 110 thinks he favors Mr*. Winslow'* policy. ,-tij rt-v.nsT Wo’t named him yot; w# want to giro him n distinguished oognomen, hut the fan**ot our great men is at present to precarious that we don’t Ijke the risk. ~ q It is pie haps unnecessary to say, ns all biographers do of diatingui.-hed personages, hat the subject ol this sketch was born at u very early nge, of “poor, but respecter's parents.” A elergymao’s daughter in England has eloped with ber groom—bride groota. Dean Swilt says, “It is uselossfor us to at empt to reason a man out of a thing, ha Us nev r boon reasoned GOODS! GOODS! I RECEIVING THE LARGEST STOCK OF fiOODS IK THE PLACE \yrnicu *e Offer on »s ptood terms »« »pr \ti one iiv the pUus, if no hetter. We *t» till any .hill at .KJG'tW M* // M ioffS !* tvin*j mi L» such t\rr*ng*»nioow f as eo* nble ns lo do so. W« shall keep OHOtKMES, HARmAVAhE, „ , AVOOD AN D WILLOAV AVARE, SADDLE?, HARNESS, buggies, ROCK A WAYS FURNITURE, tnd in fuel almost any article you can call for .11 ol wUich Ti tttvtctl COW FOR CASH. Gveus a call. E. IL LOYIiESS, iif»vi<u*tf anil E. U. LOYLESS & CO., oiuk mown A gS Journal BiiHUing, DepotSl.) DAWSON, CEO. Arc now opening a splendid stock * DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, FRESH FROM NEW YORK. Mr. Orr, having sold Goods for jnany years in itiis market, Las sciecttta Buch a stock as be thinks will suit everybody. Come and See IJs. We will try to do you justice both i GOODS AND PRICES lYrsons buying good* from us navy rest assured that they will got none but the very Inst articles. lie have uo Imitation Goods ! lie 1 ne nibei% AVe expect to kiep everything usual ly kept in uuy 6torc in this section of country. Sept. 5, 1806. IGYIESS & GRIM, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS DAWSON GA., W artboHSC in rear of Doyles* block ) Are now ready to reeieve and store cot ton. Liberal advances made on cotton ia store. We tore or band a la'ge supply of BATON, FLOUR, BAGGING, KOBE, CORN, ned all kind of plantation goods. We re.peetfaily solicit tbo patronage of our old friends and eustemors. A oct 1 a J &SB Sm. mKiMwiLsoTKi OERBKAL • COTTON FACTORS, AND MERCHANTS Ageiifs for the pnrrhase and sale of all kinds of COTTON DOMESTICS, Liberal ./lira nets .T /title an Con sii/u mess tn. Otlivr, Wo 3, Muvltlard’s Lott er Utitige, lt;iy St., SAVANNAH, GA U. U, WilUit-sonof Xewmau Geo., It. .1 Wil-on, formerly of Okcefuskce Cotton Mills, Ala. *■’ P. H. Wood, of the late firm J. W. Rabun k Cos , Savannah, Geo. •*ct 12 3m * * C'fSl J C L. MARTIN, ;^* GIAERMi IRtIBMfR AGEKT AID EXCIIAAGE DEALER, E( T./fL.I ; •• illabatnei' Represents a paid Cap, l a! in A No. 1 Companies, if 544.DD0.00©, Takes l ire, Inland, Itiver, Mariue, Life, and Aoci dent ricks. Losses promptly adjusted and piid. apr 27-IV. J. K. jr.NNISUS. M. J. WICK3. j w. WICXJ. JENNiNGS, WICKS & BRO. s COTTON FACTORS AND .1 ,f COMMISSION MUKCJIANTS. A"c. lii,Vf .Vrie Orleans, La. ])fi. S. <i, KOIiEKSON, ; SURGEON DENTIST Mry i Cufbbcrt, Georgia.