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sUeklo Journal
filllJlSStridly in ddraiut.
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Advertisements in the “ Local Column,
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nuent Insertion. .
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miniatration 10 00;
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implication for leave to s-II Land—
)nc r| |5, each additional square 4 00 ,
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i,'o[ioe io debtors ind erem'ors ... 600
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jSttorpey? 3fiil Collators a! Lata,
— —
IJFvACTICB in ifie Rt'te nnf? Federal
I Court?. Collections mide a speeii'T—
Promptness and dispatch cuatan'i and end
insured. No? 11 f
jltl’i at Laid & tieal tyate jlg’t,
Dawsou, Terrell County, Ga
SPECIAL a tew ion to coHocli^Dß,
conveyancing and investlgn’i g tiilep to
Keal Estate. Ocr. :s, if
Alt’y & Camsclor at Law,
OFFICE nth O'd'oarv in Court flotPi'.
v:i bttMiKSs enr. u?ted to hi? c.oe will
leerin' piomp' and cStoient attention. J-1**
.! J 13 iOCK,
Attorney at Law,
’Lnaiiu, CuHi't&u
Will practice in the Albiy Circuii aid e!ee
• oit- in the State, hy Contract. Prompt at*
temion uiven to all brumes f o his
'■tre. Collections a frpectaltv. Will also in*
lilies and bu * <>r sell real rotate in
i*:‘!haan, Baker aud /t'lrlv
march 21-tf
Attorney at T>av
4YDI, L give close attention to all busi
ness entrusted to his care iu Albany
Circuit. 4-Iy
T i o y i . V
Attorney at Law.
Da\v*oaa. Ooorff*<*
i. i, janes. c. a. mod N ? AII>-
Janes & McDonald,
Attorneys at Law,
'■'lEcb at ihe Ci urt House. 7an.v
I Li lt CATtLOCUEfit) !S7S.
' ol 100 pprinted on timed paper,
enr r.iii i, £ ItVO I’legijlil fiilored
• ■ :lvs aud illustrated with a great nun,-
' ■ u 1 engravings, giving price?, description
"ml cunivutiou of plants, flower and
" "eeds, bulbs, trees, shrubs, etc, will be
t- meil lor It) cents, which we will de .net
|r < i.tli-s* order. Mailed free to our regular
ru toil ers. Dealers price list free, AiDre.'s
MANZ It NEIiXER, cuisvi le, Kv.
* 1 nervous, exhausting, and painful dis
-1 " re< yield to the curative influences
' e I’uivermacber’s Eleotiic Belts ufid
' ’‘r- They are safe, simple, and effective
■ti he epsilv applied by the pa lent
' t il. Hook, with lull particulars, mailed
A idre9 Puive rui&cher Galvanic Cos.,
'"Ueinuati, Ohio.
\\ 'vriio --To make a permanent
I engagrineut with a clergyman having
°t a Bible H-'ader, to introduce in
; r H oumv, The C Inhaled Xe fen
""'“'l 1 Kditiou of the Holy Bible. For
.“■‘-option, notice editorial in last week’s
‘ ‘ Ol this paper; Addres* at once
* l| ers& Kookbiudein, 60 Fa Market St.
ladltiupoli-*, Ind.
®Th P.rmedT *f the lfMh fartwy.
Barham’s Infallible
Manufactured by the
2i:2*n *£*• IT. S.
It (kiln to care Hniorrbclih
nr File*. -hra a rote U
I'flff List am! >**a M Irillvakieli
furakhtd t-a
by ,J. IX HOYL & CO.
have you a mother?
u >vs you a mother lore her well,
While she is oil earth;
lVait not till death shall eal! her home,
lo know her precious wortii.
Watt not till she lie. cold and still.
Most beautiful, though dead;
To think of what you should have dour,
Before the dear life deed.
Think how much she should be loved,
And prize tier as you ought,
i Or else your life when she is gone.
With sorrow shall be frought.
Oh! watch her, guard her with your love,
While with you she is left.
For when she leaves your life will seem,
Of every joy bereft.
Oh' soothe her in her hours of pula,
Be gentle and he mild,
llow sweet ’twill be for you to think,
You've been a faithful child.
the paris Exposition.
The New York Tribune publishes
an eluhora'e map of the grounds of
the Fierich Exhibition, and con’aiiis
a long and exhaustive aiticle expla
natory of them. We give an ex
tract •
The in tin building covers an atea
of 270,000 square yards, which is
übott! double the size < f the building
use 1 for the exhibition of 1807. Is
length is 2, .00 fee*, and its width
840 feet. The east and west fun’s
have long machine galleites, measui
ing 2,310 feet in h ngth and 120 feet
in width. More than on ■ half of this
building is taken up by the Ftench
thorn-civ, s. About one fourth ol the
remaining part is occupied by Great
Britain. In amount ot spacp, Belgium
rank > ties', w tb Austriaand Hungary
Russia and Italy are next n order,
after whits comes the Unit and States
which has spare about equal to that
of Norway and 8 eden, ~f Stvi Zet
land and of Holland. A narrow s,c
tion of this building, extending
through its center longitudinally, is
set Apart for the fico arts, being di
vided into smaller sections for the
differont-coutitiies. The center of
the building w 9 orginaliy a garden,
but the wontol space compelled the
0" in .nisi >ners to abandon it and de
vote the giound to jihe Pjvilliun o!
die City of I’m is.
The True oiero ia a perman : nt struc
ture of stone. The slope in front of
it is laid out iu garden, and from
the eenfei of 'ho building a large
cascade flows over several precipices
into a basin near tit 3 river bt i<>w Tiie
e, ntial rotunda < f tli Tn fiaderu ia of
vast -ize, and contains a hall capable
u! sea ing b-tweon 8,000 and 10 000
people, Ileie will be hold various
conceits prize competition and other
u.usicai entertainments. A colon ado
extends along tbo two wings of the
building, affoidiug a place ior pro
menades, aud a commanding view of
tiie main building and of the c.ty
A reference to iho lower central
patt of the map will show the reader
the situation of the old Lusera iourg
Palace and its garden. Sioca tho
destruction of tho Hotel de Viile, this
ita been used fat th° municipal offi .-
ee. Hate will occur tho intlo n- fetes
w hleb the city will give during the
Exhibition. Bails wid take place in
the throne-rootc, wliile the museum,
pictute galo-ry anti other rooms will
be opened, and the wills which are
not otherwi-e decorated will bo cover
pd with pane! pieces and Gtiboiiu tapes
tries. VVheu fetes me given in the
! open air, electricity will bo used to
illuminaie the vast Tuileries gar 'oo,
and fireworks display will take plaee
: along tho river, trout the Exhibition
to the palace of tho Tuilwrie?.. A
the sam“ time boats containing musi
cians vr;!l pass up and down tho ti'ei
Th; Money ot v.he United [States.
The Oomptroller of the Currency,
in bis statement of national bank ctr
; eolation, reports that between Juno
$48,883,230 national hank
\ circulation issued, w hilst Six .< 13,403
[circulation was redeem'd, leaving
1 $321,709,350 as the present ou'staud
ing itaiional circulation. The redemp
tion agency now bolds 5i2,012,<>3
| greenbacks as the fund for t o re
demption of national bank notes. A id
$345,000,000 of greenbacks to those
items and we have tho p iper circula
tion of the country aggregating 5579,-
023 909. Now, if add to this
S2tX),OCO,OOO of gold and silver coin
in the country.'we have a circulation
of nearly $9u9,000,000, that is 3879,-
“You seem to walk more erect than
usual, my friend- "Ye.- adJel
( Smidkin*, “I have been it straitened
circturstar 03."
Tlie Opiaion of Northern Etulies
Regarding' her Case.
Here is what Jennie June has to
any about the opinion ot the North
ern ladies regarding the case of
, Catharine Southern: “The ciso of
Mis. Southern, tho Geo gia woman
who excited by jealousy, stabbed a
| woman to death who bad for years
I tried to step between herself and the
| man who was her lover and after*
! wards her husband, has excited a
great deai of inteiest among women
hero at the North, and many and
heated have been tho discussions as
to the amount if criminality involved
in the deed At a recent ladies lunch
patty where the subject was discuss
ed, it was a little curious to find how
much sympathy was felt for the mur
deress, and how la gely she was ex
onerated in the minds of nearly evety
martied woman present. The argu
ment was simply this; that the devo
tion of the husband since the act of
killing the other woman snows clear
ly that he deeply loved his wife, and
that it was only his gallantly, his van
ity, his amour propre that were enlist
ed on the siJe of Iter unscrupu'ous
rival, who evidently pursued every
advantage regardlessol honor,decence
and loyalty to her sex, or considera
tion for the feeling of a wife anl pros
pective mother. For this kinl of
wickedness in woman there is no
puiiis nneiit. The law does not ree<>g
n'ze it, and the unfortunate wife is
utterly at the meicy of a man who is
impelled by hi* vanity to parade his
influence over other women. For
this wretched woman was driven to
desperation* there is no duuht, and so
sour o i is the cause which impelled
her to the fearful act, th it it is sur- j
prising tumble sc nts are not more
frequently enacted on this aoootl'it.” j
A New Party.
Tiie new National Party led by
such ii. plaeables as “Brick'’ Pmneroy,
is a secret orgenizatiun similar to the
obi Know-Nothit.g warty. The* iiivo
:h ir oaths, pass wards, grips, signs,
&c. These have been exposed by
several papeis at the '.Vest. An oath
bound seciet political organ zatinn iu
this country can never become dan
gerous while a free press is at ii! er
ty to expose its dangerous tendencies
and fatal practice*. Such parties aie
dead—yes, and as John Randolph
said on a memorable occasion, “they
shine and stink like a lotion manker
al in the moonlight.”
Wo have no fears that this tew
party mganization call injuriously
affect the great Democrat e party
of the country. Here and there a
few restless, discontented, disipp ant
ed politicians, who have aot>d with
the D rnocracy, for the patronage
tliey hoped to secure by its success,
m y join Le new party, but their
places will be more than supplied, both
as to quantity and quality, from the
irettcr class of mou iu the Republican
party, who hate 'fraud, and oppose
everything like secrecy in tho man
agement at politic 1! organization.
How not to get Local News.
■ * j
He came into out office, and after |
paying bis subscription raid :
“I guess you can stop sending my j
paper. I’ve just subscribed for upaper j
1 uaed more.”
“Just so,” wo returned.
He pulled i paper form his pocket
aud handed it to ns for inspection. —
It was a Plrilad' Iphi 1 publication,
being neatly prined, ornamented
with a hitnilgomly engr .v*-d head, and
contuiiiii gabout, forty-eightoolumusol
reading matter
A ycry fair !o king paper, said we. !
'But’r.y dear sif, rio y< u find much !
n. ws concerning our county in it.
No, bs did not know that he hud ;
l ui,d a y.
‘Do you find anything about our j
No Ire never did.
And yet be needed that street more than Ire did hi* county
Buch men are a blessing •<> any
community. W bat enterprise would j
tl uiisb without them?
An exchange thinks tha “A tax on
profane language Would raise
more revenuo than the Moflet drink
register and the more a man was
taxi and the more he would swear.”
“What are you after, my dear?”
said a grandmother to a little boy who
was sliding along a room a’’d casting
furtite glances at a gentleman who
w s piying a visit, “I an trying,
grandma, to steal papaU hot out
of the room without lett'ng tho gen
tleman kiiiivt it: he wants him to think
bo'e cut.”
ixnrsav, Georgia, Thursday, may go, ms.
Naval Appointment.
Navy Department, )
Washington, May 18,1878. $
Silt: T ,ere being a vacancy in thu
Naval Acadomy from the District
represented by you in Congress, you
are desired to recommend a candi
date for appointment. Ho must bo
over fourteen aud under eightean
yeais of age when examined for ad
mission, and tut actual resident of
your Congressional District. The rer.
oramendatior: must he made ptior to
the first of July next, as after that
date it, by law, becomes tho duty of
the Secretary of tho Navy to till tho I
vacancy. Accepted candidates will
be required to report for examination
at the Naval Academy i:i Jur.o tost.
Respectful y,
li. W. Thompson,
Secretary ot the Navy.
lion. William E. Smith, Representa
tve of the Second Congressional
District of Georgia,
House of Efi'ufskntativfs, )
Washington, 1). C May 18 h, 1878 jj
Notice : a hereby givon to candi
dates tor appointment to the Naval
Academy under the above invitation,
that I have rrqu s'od the Hon H' G
Turner, of Brooks, lien. Maston 0.
Neal, of Decatur II n. John A. Davis
ol lloug ,'terty ; Hon - W. D. Kiddoo,
of Randolph, and Hen. E. C Botver,
of Eatly, to convene at Albany on
Saturday, June 15th, 1878; then aud
there to examine all applicants as
aforesaid, aiui from them select the
one best qualified for the appoint
ment, under titles pi escribed by the
Secretary of the Navy. Now, that
ttis Board ot Examiners may certain
ly meet, I authorize each member
thereof to send a deputy in case bo
cann,.t for any reason personally at*
tend. A sob c ion made bv n majori
ty of the Board will bt> required.—
Applicants will bo examined on spell
ing, reading, writing, grommet,
arithmetic and geography.
I nave requested Dm. A. W. Al
fiie.nd, B. M. Cromwell and P. L.
Hilsman a- Medicil Examiners to
attend the silling of me Boa and, and
to truki surgical examinations of the
, ppliea n 18-
The Uou. John A Davis will fur
nish such information a9 appl.cants
may require.
Papers in the D.strict will phase
\\\ E. Smith.
Mother's Advice to Klizti.
“E : za,” said a fond mother to her
offspring recently, as that offspring
was about going off in tow of a young
man who worsrips the very sidewalk
she walks on, ‘go to the breadbox
and eat a fog crust 0/ bread before
you go oui.”
“Why,” replied the blushing girl,
“Idou’i feel the least Jiungiy. We
have only just had tea ” “I know it
but you will be hungry before you
get back; and when Adolphus 6
you into a restaurant you’d eat ice
crem aud sponge cake, and ham
sand withes an t oysters enough .0
scare him out of a year’s grouth.
Beware how you sit down on th
budding 11 tine of Cupid Of course
Adolphus will spend the money you
save him 00 billiards and tilings hut
that makes no difference When he
asks you to go iu aud have some oys
ters, don’t. * Say yeti do not approve
ot girls wasting the money ot their
future husbands on trifles when it
might be applidoto farui.iiinga house, j
Point out that for the price of on uys- j
ter stew you might purchase a couple j
of towels, now that toweling t-> so
cheap, anil that a Saddle E ick roast
is equivalent to one silver fork, plated
of course, but nut essi y distinguished
from lo'ia silver. This always takes
with tho young man: it sots them to
thinking of housekeeping and m .tri- 1
monj;it makes them believe you are
tli? incarnation of economy an 1 would .
maku an excellent wife; and so they J
often say things winch gives you a
hold over them and uro effoctivo be
fore any juiy.” Elizr treasurel up
the sugucious oouesols and acted up
on thorn wit'u such earnostuess an
effect that when she cstno homo sho
wus an engaged woman.
Tho Due de Morey's definition of a
polite mini is tho hardest to reailzs of
’any ever given. “A politu man.
said he, “is one who listens with in
terestto things he knows nil about
wlisn they are told Dv a person who
knows nothing about them.”
FioiiJilrnsno uslyum for the il
Josh Billings on Flio.s.
I hate a Hi. A fli has got no man
ners. lie ain’t no gentleman. He’s
an intruder, don’t send in no katd,
nor ax an intetduckshun, nor knock
at the front door, and nuver lliinx ov
taking eff his hat.
Fust you kno he is in bod with you
and up your noze —tho what he wants
them is a mi.-try, and ho invites him
self to breakfast and sets down in
but'er ’thout brushing his p.nts.
He helps himself to sugar and meat
! amt ma*'iasses, and bread and pre
serves, aud vineey— anything, nod j
don’t wait for an invitasliuo. He’s,
got a good appetite, and just as aeon
cat one thing as unuther.
He’ll kiss your ",ife 20 times aday,
and buz you, and ridikule you if you j
say a word and he’d rather you’d slap
ut him than not; lie’s a dodger ol the
dodgiuis kiue. Every time you slap
yourself, and he sizz-ws and pints the
Lind leg of scorn at you, till lie ag
gravates you to dostraoshuii. Hegloti
os iti lighting every pop on the exact
spot whar you druv him from.
“Taint no use to challenge him for
takin liberties ; ite keeps tip lio-tile
loirsspondence with you whether you
like it or not, and shoot- himself r.t;er
you like a bullit and he nuver misses,
He was born fu'l grown; ho doa’t
get old tidier things gits ohl but tie
nuver gits old—„nd ho is impendent
and msiciiievons to the day of his
I lias tliort much about fl zes, and
I notis how often they stop in their
devdtry to comb their heads and
scratch their noze with iliur tourlegs
and gouge their armpits under their
w ings and the tops ot thar w ing, with
thar legs. And my kandid opinion
ar that ffiz is lowsy.
Altlio a fit don’t send in his hard
ho always leaves one, and l don’t
like it. "i’isnt pretty, if i s tound ;
ho kan’t make across mark, only a
dot, and he is dotting wlier thar ain’t
no is. Thar’s no end to his periods,
(' ut he never cmne* to’t full stop.)
frich handwriting is disagreeabil.
lie’.-: an artist, but his Iroseo an his
papttin L don’t idtu'io That’s too
much sameness iu his patters ; his
specs ate xih only specs that don’i
help tho eyes. You kant tee thruo
urn, and you don’t want to
lie d.oupzin cold wea'hor, and you
cun srnt-sh him on a window pain,
and you’ve jest put vour finger in i'.
Ho Comes again next year, and a heap
more with hint. ’Taint no use.
lie’s a mean, malignant, owdushus, !
premeditated eu s,
H.s mother never paddled him with
a sapper.
ills morals v, az neglec ed, anil he
lax a good deal of humanity timely.
Due fli to a family might do fur u
amusement, hut tho good of sn many
tl:zo I’ll he (logon of I see, cun you 7
1 hale a fit.
Dura a fli.
A Distressing Affair.
Tho city has been quite a-stunished
aud distressed to learn that Miss WlL
l.ldaughter of Col. \V. A. and Jlia.
Sarah L. Maxwell had token arsenius
acid—abo,.t two ouuocs—which so
shocked her system as to produce
death. Sue took it Monday evening
ami died yesterday morning about 8
o’clock. The skililul 1 fforis of D ctors
Hinkle and Cooper were unavailing
to save her. The Col , who wis ab
sent, lia. been called home by wile.
'i’nis is a most melancholy event
and should be a warning to girls of
fourteen not to experiment with
tb lugs the nature of which they do not
understand; but in ellcuses to consult
and t dte the advice of loving aud
thoughtful mothers. Our sympathies
ami condolence are extended to the
distressed parents and family. Sum
hr llqntblicJn. ,
Watching One’s Self,
‘When I was a boy,’ said an old
man ‘we bad a eclioolm inter, who
had an odd way of catching tho idle
boys. One day lie c died out to u-;
‘Boys 1 mu>t have closer attention
to your books. The fits: cue that
sees another idle I want him to in
j,,rm me, and I will at eud to the
‘Ah!, thought I to mvretf, ‘there’s
a Joe Simmons, that I don’t like. I
will watch him, and it I see him look
off Ins hook, i 11 tell
It whs net lo; g before I ft sw Joe
lcok off his book, an 1 immediately i
informed *he master.’
•Indeed !’ said he “how d.d you
know he was idle?’
I *1 saw him,’ said i.
•Y r u diit? And were your cy.'S on
i yi,ur book when you saw him!
I whs caught, and never w. tched
for bile boys again. .
If we are sufficiently watchful over
our own conduct, we will linve no
time to find fault with tho conduct of
1 ♦ ■■■ -
Ho wat lead oat ol a Liberty Mteef
front door yesterday, lo lowed by a
wash-board and two bats of Babbitt’*
soap,and, ns be str.Jghtetied himself
and walked finely down the stie&f.he
remarked: “A man must draw the
line sottren hero r.r ho can’t tie boss of
the hou>o; and I’ll bo hanged it id
j pump mote thnn one bund of water
for oco wash'll; and there tiint no air
man can mike me do it unless slk
locks ms in ” —Lr.
VO fa 14.-3STO. 15-
! Tho Arfvantiuge of iSeing a
‘■Make way for tho ladies!” is tho
1 law of civilized society from the cqtiu
, ter to either polo. “Will any genth -
man oblige a lady?’ asks tho omni
; bets conductor in Ills blandest tones;
and no sooner said than done. For
j whom aro tho tit bits reserved at every
i feast ? who is served first and has the
best seat at breakfast, dinner and sup
per ? Woman lively woman! Who
payes for them? Man tin widtch.
Man loves and luusnway. Woman
brings action for k breach of promise
and 'go’s damages. Woman loves
rides away. Man In trigs his action ant!
go's hooted out of court.
j Whatsoever things are beautious
whatsoever tilings aro rare and costly
are ut the disposal of woman to make
her it resistible. Even the robin red
breast ’ays down bis melodious life;
and justly, so since a bird in her hat
is worth two in tho hud). Tl o little
bow-wows give up their' brass collars
that they may shine on lior snowy j
neck. Bhe goes forth conquering and
to conquer. Man— poor devil—with
his chimney pot hat, and his coat
made ot the wool of tho
sheep, is a mere collection of coolers,
and hie garments seem contrived to
enhai.o his native ugliness.
VVbo toils and euffors nil hardsltps
—bears the burden ot the day and
the rigor and darkness of tho night?
Man, the unhappy raseall Menuwhile
woman, bless lit r sweet heart! gives a
smile an orner or two, and i- queen of
herself—that heritage of joy.
These are on'y a few of the rea
sons which show what a grand blessod
tiling it is to boa woman, anil
uratiU de that human being bai who
is so sublimely privileged.
Dove to a Mother.
A lit tie toy, tiie sou of a poor wid
ow, once repeated to his teacher ft ur
chapters iu tl-o Testament. A gentle
man who was present was so much
p'ensed that he ca'lod him to himself
and gave him tho choice of a pair ot
blankets for hij ui >ther, or a suit
of clothes tor himself. Although ho
was dressed in rags, and greatly need
ed anew sad, he at once chose the
blankets. The gentleman then gave
him the clothes too as a reward for
his kindness to his poor mother.
It must be greet satisfaction ut the
close of life to he able to look back
on ! lie years which are passed aud In
fed that you have been ur.eful to
others. You may be assured also,
that the same source of Comfort
and happiness at any period of life.
Theie is nothing in this world 30 good
as usefulness. It binds your follow
creatures to you, and you to tlum; it
tends to the improvement of your own
cha(act#r, and it gives you Xnitl or im
portance in sotio'y.much beyond what
any artificial station cun bestow.
Fiotn the Berrien County News we
seo that Mr. Kegister, a young ui in
living ou the Alapaha riv-r, while
out fi-hing one day last week, heard
something in the bushos which sf
tractcd his attsntir n, aud on looking
in the direction of the noise, saw a
deer coming toward him. He dyew
his pistol, which he happened ;o h ive
along, and fired three struts at the
animal. The two first broke both its
fore legs, while the third shot took
effect it: the back of the heal, killing
it on the spot.
The niim!>°r of pensioners rioW on
the rolls in seven southern states is
4448 distribute 1 as billows • Alabama
705, Arkansas 90 L, Florid 1 173,
Georgia 730, L uisiunaCTG, Mississip
pi 484, South Caiolina 301, Texas 417.
These uro invalid pensiouers who
h ve been rostered to tho roib by
viituo of 1111 act of Congress, pa-sed
since the late war. The measure now
under discussion in Coogress is to
grant pensions to veterans of {he
M-txi an, Black Hawk, aud other
wars before the rebellion, whetlier
disabled and needy or able bodied
and well conditioned-
“Suppose we pass a law,” rai l a se
vere lather to his daughters, “that no
<gr! eigi.tecn years o-d who cannot
ecokshall get nurried until she learns
hotv to do it?” “Why, then w M all
g-tmiriiej at seventeen,' responded
the girls, iv. a sweet chorus.
“What station do you cail this?”
said n maa at he crawled ov r the
tb.brtt of a railroad smash-up. “l>j?a -
ViittvP, replied the conductor.
The Coining: Fight.
I The Democratic party that redeoo •
rd the Snath ftom Radical misrule
will bo teriibly assaulted tho couiitiij
j fall by tho Republicans making do *
■ petateeffarts lounrty ti e Lower House
, treans literally tlm entire destvucttcu
of the land. In eurryin.g out those
plans it is a late Washington
\ dispatch to the Cincinnati Connnei*
j cial, a Republican paper, that “tho
Republican Congressional Campaign
Commutes intend to make a thorough
| canvass of ten of fifteen district of
| the Southern States which aro un
doubtedly Republican, but have boon
for the last few years allowed to go by
defau't. Northern men of prorainenco
will bo sent into those districts t'
speak, and money will bo ttsrd to
bring out vot'rs and to employ men
to watch the pci is to prevent ballot
box stuflhg and the couating out
pucess ”
NOT so nitY.
You will not be sorry for hearing
before judging;
For thinking bo:ore speak tig;
For holding an angty tongue;
For stopping the ear to a tale
bearer •
For disbelieving most of the floating
scandal ;
For refusing to I ick a fallen mart;
For being kin-l to the rlis'tossed ;
For biiug paiant towuul avaiy
body ;
For doing go and to all men ;
For wa king Uprightly baforoGod ;'
For londing lo '.ho Lot i ;
For laving u| tieasutes in hcaveu :
For asking pardon for all wrong- ;
For speaking evil of no one ;
For being c utteous to all.
“My dear boy,” said a mother to he?
sort, as ho handed round his plate for
more turkey, "this is the fiuith limn
you have been helped.” “I know
mother,” replied tho hoy, “but that
turkey pocked at me tinea and I want
to get squaro with him.” Ho got tho
A distinguised lawyer leinarkof
to die Columbus EnCjulttr a day or ago, that thirty five maulers li .l
boon committed in Alabama tin's year,
n and notone crimiuil had beef! hung.
This !* a hud showing for our sstuc
State. We do tilings better over
hero in Georgia.
im % ■ m .'■
A young lawyor, who had been ad
mittrd jibout a year was asked by 11
fit nl: “Itow do you like your new
piofession'f” Too reply Was accompa
nied with a brief sigh to suit lha
occasion; “My pr<>ft <1 0.1 ii much be>
tor than my praefi jj. ”
Did you ever sit down before t' a
giu e and cross your legs and wjiider
bow it comes that a dour little tod
dling youngster, too sin ill to lift is
dictionary, can u-k questions that
would sotnl .1 college professor to ind
f sot of the? alas-?
A Human Stick—A postman.
Bound invent nsnt—Buying a tela*
Men who nover do wrong, scidotn
do anything.
“I sot me si wu in though profou 1 1
this trtitxtm w zi I drew ; it’s easier lot
y,u to love a gtl t'lau utuko a gil
love you !”
A California philosopher has extrac
ted from a schoolboy tire following'
reply to the query. “How is tho
eirth dovlded, my lad?” “By eatfi
quake- bit .”
A clock is said to hove fine least
aalfesteeut'd of any urticio of manti
f ictu re, ns it is Const an try 1 u lining it
self down, ti ml holding its hand 1
before its face, however gued it
“D'dn’t you guaran’eo that Hint
burse Wouldn’t si y be oie tire discnn u .
of e Cannon?” said a civ dry officer
to a lioisn dealer. “Yos, I did', and
L’n stick to it,” replied the dealer,
"din never shios til! alter tho cAui.o:*
is fired.”
A Wisconsin editor illustrated thu
prevailing extravagance f
ple no.v-a-days l.y cal injjf'iitm:; m
the costly ha> y cnrruge.i ia u.\ whilo
whey in* wo was a bsihv, 'ln y hauled
lum by the hats of his ootid.
“W lial’s tin* meaning of a t'Uok
bito'?” uskad a gentleman at a ‘‘''nu
ll.iV school ex.iuniiation. This was a
puzzler. It wout down tlio cless ti 1
ir came to a simple urchin, who tr-.k i
"I'oilmps it is a 'I >a ’
' No, .-ir,” said a weaty lor.kii .<+
min on a street c-*r, to au imhvi-ln t
hv his 3. dm ‘ I w-iuln’t many tnw
host woman a iv<*. 1o hcii a ury
■roods cit'i k too long (or that.”
The orphan boy has one advantog.*
over 'l.o bid who is blessed with a
full'it of parents. Ilia
mother eau’t m- " him anew pa r
of trousers our of bis fathers ... i
“M itntcfi Ii! go to chnrch hi day,
Autmugh tlr s is a witter;
T.l not pm hack my ih"is "■• tig'.',
Ami g wnhrmt my tutor. ’
Swtoging is -aid by the doctors to '
good eXeicisu lor health, hot many A
iioor win cli has cjine to his dnath 1 Y
; if.
T-\| crie* on in ty he a dnir tender,
but she isn’t any dearer than a p/clty
school tna util.
j ffofi Thomas. A fiend' ck- U sat l
rote the cMnitig men lor the
. Vicsidcin y.