Newspaper Page Text
E. L. RAINEY, - Editor.
T Wil you love wme this way
when I'm old?” she asked, as he
emptied 2 handful of peanats in
Ler lap. :
“I will, darliug, I swear it!"” he
passionately protested, as he laid
aside his cigar and commenced
on what was left of the nickel’s
That was when the flowers were
badding &nd the birds were ‘
mating. Last night they sat again ‘
in the gloaming, and who knows
bat that their memories reverted
to the happy past: and yet, when
she asked for a fifty cent parasol,
ke remarked that & woman ‘whose
fuce was as yellow as a duck’s
foot, and looked as though it Liad
been cultivated crosswise with a
harrow, needu’t be so particular
ebout her complexion.
The peanuts had done their work. |
There had been a wedding ere the !
budding blossoms bloomed.
The Hawkinsville Dispatch
sounds the alarm to the farmers
of Georgia, who, it says, might as
well make up their minds to be
troubled with caterpillars unless
they can devise some plan by
which to destroy them, for the in
dications are these pests will ap
pearthis year in greater numbers
than ever. They Lave already
commenced to web up by the
thousands in the trees along the
side of {he cotton fields, waiting
for the plant to break through the
surface, when they will begin their
work of destruction.
A poet thus breaks forth:
“Oh! the snore, the beautiful
enore, filling the chamber from
ceiling to floor! Over the cover
let, uuder the sheet, from her wee
dimpled chin to her pretty feet! ‘
Now rising aloft like a bee in |
June; now sunk to the wail of a
eracked bassoon; now flute-like
subsiding, then rising again, is
‘the beautiful snoe of Elizabeth
Jane,” f
—_— |
The body of a Baltimore editor
which was stolen from its grave
brought only $lO at a medical col
loge, while that of a drayman,
stolen the same night, brought
815. They knocked 85 off the ed
itor because his backbone was
out of place and he was bald
Rev. John White, a preacher of
{Greenwood, Ark., who will be 102
years old in July, bas taken vat a
license to marry Mrs. Edie Smith,
who is a giddy girl of 65 sum
moars. The Rav. John has been
preaching eighty-ons years, and
has been married twiea,
Atlanta wants the public to stop
putting the word “Ga.” on packa
gos addressed to that postoffice.
Atlarta is not half as tired of
Goorgia as Georgia is tired of
that inflated borough of political
The national railroad commis
sion has got to work. The long
snd short haul clausa of the law
has be2n suspended until the raii
roads have been heard on the sub-
The farmer should sow his P's,
koop his U’s warm, hive his B’s,
remsmber what he C's, take care
of tho V's, tvach his wife not to
T's, pay all he O's, and take his
e —————————— e
You can usaally ascartain how
much corn there is in an acre.
Bat the man doassn’t live who can
tell haw many achers thers are to
a corn.
A French writer has *described
& young lady as a creature that
odases to kiss gentlemen at twelve
aud begins again at twenty.
Bays an Eminent Physician,
“Have used for twenty years
the preparation known s Brad
field’s Fomale Rogulator. It is
the bost combination known for
female diseases. TFor particulars
write the Bradfield Ragulator Co.,
Atlanta, Ga,
Tar Besr SaLve in the world
for Owts, Bruises, Sares, Uleers,
Halt Rheum, Fever Soras, Tetter,
Chapped Hands,Chilbrains,Corns,
rd all skin Fraptians, and posi
ivaly cures Piles, or no pay re.
qaired. It is gnatanteed to give
) satisfaction or money re.
m Price 25 cents per box.
For salo by Cronch Bros,
n‘“_m. Gunn's Liver Pills,
oves Constination, vents
Malaria, cores Dylpafin. and
«r'. new lif tothe evstem, On.
% ?fir A doss. Free samples
oW, C. Kou lrick's Dawson, Gs,
, Cure for Piles.
{ Piles are frequently preceded
I by a sense of weight in the Dback,
| loins and lower part of the abdo
men, causing the patient to sup
!imse he has some affection of the
{ sidneys or neighboring organs.
| At times, symptoms of indiges
!tiun are present, flatulency, unea
|siness of the stomach, ete. A
| perspiration, pro
‘dueing a very disagreeable itch
ing, after getting warm, is a com
mon attendant. Blind, Bleeding
and Itching Piles yiald at once to
to the application of Dr. Bosan
ko's Pile Remedy, which acts di
rectly npon cthe parts affected, ab
sorbing the I'umors, allaying the
intense itchirg and effecting
permanent cure. Price 50 cents
Address the Dr. Bosanko Medi
cine Co., Piqua, O. Sold by W
C. Kendrick, Dawson, (&,
How to Gain t'lesh and Strength
Use after each meal SCOTT'S
EMULSION with HypoplxosE!)ites.
It 1s as palatable as milk, and
easily digested. The rapidity
with which delicate people im
prove with its use is wonderful.
Use it and try your weight. Asa
remedy for Con_umption, Throat |
afTections and Bronchitis, it is un
equalled. Please read: “I used ‘
Scott’s Emulsion in a child eight
months old with good results.
He gained four pounds in a very
short time.” —Tno. Priy, M. D.,
Alabama. “I gave Scott's Emul
sion to a gentleman 65 years old
troubled with Chronic Bronehitis,
with the most excellent results.”
—J. C. Casox, Broken Arrow, Ala.
march 24—4¢ |
The Average Length of Life De
creasing—Not" Pestilence—
v, Not Famine—All our .
et own Fault, e
Moperx Cookivae axp Mop-
ERN Livine have brought it
on. It comes upon us una
wares, The patients have
pains about the chest and sides,
and sometimes in the back.
They feel dull and sleepy; the
mouth has a bad taste, especi
ally in the moming. A sort
of sticky slime collects about
the teeth. The appetite is poor.
There is a feeling like a heavy
load on the stomach ; sometimes
a faint, all-gone sensation at
the pit of the stomach which
food does not satisfy. The
eyes are sunken, the hands
and feet become cold and feel
clammy. After a while a
cough sets in, at first dry, but
after a few months it is at
tended with a greenish colored
expectoration, The patient
feels tired all the while, and
slecp does not seem to afford
any rest. After a time he be
comes nervous, uritable and
gloomy, and has evil forebod
ings. There is a giddiness, a
sort of whirling sensation in
the head when rising up sud
denly. The bowels become
costive; the skin is dry and
hot at times; the blood becomes
thick and stagnant; the whites
of the eyes become tinged with
{filow; the kidney secretions
secomes scanty and high col
ored, depositing a segiment
after standing. There is fre
?uently a spitting up of the
ood, sometimes with a sour
taste and sometimes with a
sweetish taste; this is fre
quently attended with palpi
tation of the heart and Asth
matic symptoms; the vision be
comes impaired, with spots be
fore the eyes; there is a feel
ing of great Ifn'osjtration and
weakness, All of these symf
torns are in tuwrm present. It
is thought that nearly one-half
of our population has this dis
ease in some of its varied forms,
“Shaker Extract of Roots (Sei
gel's Syrup) chaiges the fer
ments of the Digestive organs <o
‘asto convert the food we eat into
a form that will give nourish
ment to the feeble body, and
good health is the consequence.
The effect of this remedy is
simply marvelous, Millions
upon millions of bottles have
been sold in this country, and
the testimonials in favor of its
curative powers are over
whelming, Hundreds of so
called diseases under various
names are the result of indi
gestion, and when this one
tropble is removed the other
diseases vanish, for they are
but symptoms of the real
® lestimonials from thonsands
of people speaking highly of
I 8 curative proporties prove
this beyond adoubt, Sold by
Wfiu{" |
’ FAX N 4!
T WILL attend the following times and
!-l- places to receive the tax returns for
1887, All parties making returns are re.
lqnircd hy law to make a schedule of al)
! their properiy. Blanks will be furnished
by me.
i “Tweretn Covrr Grouso.—Morday,
April 4th, Monday, April 18th, Monday,
April 25th.
Erevestn Covrr (‘lnm'wo.~'l‘uesday,
-Apil sth, Tuesday, April 19th, Tuesday,
April 26th,
Dover.- Wednesdny, April 6th, Wednes.
day, April 20th, Wednesday, April 27ih,
Sasser. - Toursday, April 7th, Thurs
day, April 21st, Thursday, April 28th,
Broxwoon- Friday, April Bth, Friday,
April 22d, Friday, Arril 29th.
Dawsox. -Saturday, April 9th, Satur
day April 16th, Suturday, April 23d, ang
the two weeks of court.” Ofilee in Melton
Bros. clothing Store.
Can be found at the etore of Hass &
Harris at the Cross Roads when not at the
above places. Books will be closed June
4th. C. M. HARRIS,
Tax Recciver.
e e e il R i
4 ®
Not only shortens the time of labor
and lessens the pain, but it greatly -
diminishes the danger to life of both
mother and child, and leaves the
mother in a eondition more favorable
to speedy recovery and less liable to
Flooding, Convulsiors, and other
alarming symptoms, Its eflicacy in
this respect entitles it to be called Tng
Motuer’s Friexn, and to rank as one
of the life-saving remedies of the nine
teenth century.
We cannot publish certificatea con
cerning this remedy without wounding
the delicacy of the” writers Yet we
have hundreds on file,
Send fer our book, *“To Mothers,” mailed
free, Bravriein Recvraror Co.,
Atlanta, G,
-5 o
Chickering, Mason & Hamlin, Mathu
thek, Bent, and Arion Pianos, all well
known aud thoroughly reliable. We buy.,
in such large quantities that we give the
consumer the henefit of the wholesale price.
We save purchasers £5O to %100 en a
T'iano and send on fifteen days trial, freight
to be deducted from price of [nstrament,
Same applies to Orzans. We are agents
for the Mason & Hanuin, Packard Orches.
tral and Bay State, and can and will save
you $25 to £5O,
EFWrite for Catalogues and prices.
Southern Music House.
Our Silver Toned Instrumenss are strict
ly first-class, cur priees low, and Bands
wll find Uy us that we can save
them nioney.
Send for Catalouge No. 5
* Soutliern Music House.
ATTSTO 1013 10 1
Rend 10 Cents in Poctage Stampe,
and we will mail you five pieces of Vocal
and Instrumental Music (our selection.)
This musicis full size, on heavy paper
and the same as is sold usnally from 380 to
50 cents per copy. We make this offer
‘solely to advertise and introduce our cheap
musie, We want the name and address of
every Southern music buyer. We are
}hmdqnm-lors for cheap music. Write for
| Southern Music House.
- We sell every' hing in sm:1l Musical In
’ struments, and our prices will always be
| found the lowest. - All goods guaranteec,
and if not satisfactory can be r.turned at
our expense. Send for our 65-page Illus
trated Catalogue No. 7.
Southern Music House.
i , .
Artists’ Material.
Our stcek is complete in all goods used
[inoil or water color painting, or for paint
ing on sstin, glass or wood. Also a full
line of tools for hammered brass work, and
waterizls for wax and paper flowers We
guarantee prices a 8 low as any house in
the United States, and mail orders will re.
ccive promt and careful attention. Cata
logue No. 10 will soon be ready.
Southern Music House.
We have added a line of fine Corres
pondence Stationerv and can furnish the
latest styles in this line. We sell as a sam
ple a box containing 24 shects of paper
and envelopes (fine quality) for 25¢, post
age 10c. Box would retail readily for 50c.
Calling Carde, At-Home Cards, Wed.
ding Invitations of the finest grade of
work and most correct styles furnished en
Shortest notice. We furnish 50 calling
eards with name engraved on copper the
for 2, and will seud specimen boek free
upen application,
Southers Music House.
| y B 0
We carry the greatest variety and finest
assorted stock of Fanev Goods in the
South, and can furnish any article in this
line at shortest notice, Orders fcr any de
sired goods for holiday, birthday or wed
ding presents receive prompt and eareful
attention, and we offer the people of the
South an opportunity to procure fine goods
from a Southern House at prices that will
meet the competition of the world.
¢ Dates'S. M. I
Ludden & Bates’ S. M. II
Thrilling Detective Stories,
Home Cook and Doctor Book,
How to Make Poultry Pay and
Roblnson Crusoe, these 4 books sent
free, on reecipt of 4 cents each for postage,
with agency terms, also our paper Home,
Farm and Factory, 8 months on
trial, For 20 cen*s we will place your
address in eur new Agents' Directory |
which will bring you over 500 boaks, pa
pers, letters, circulars, samples, &c,
46 Lwilie Block, St, Louis, Mo,
WANTED ‘”"‘nwuf.m
y h VO
» s S rendway, N ¥,
%EU D A%NS NN rrrEßs.
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CHAS. DEUBLER, Pawson, Ga.,
—— BREFDER :: OF——
Eggs in scason, $§2.00 per 13, ;
eb e ’
~AATD; )
. i 1
MATS and
icun £ f
Broadway, 18th & 19th Streetss
—- AND—
€4l to €47 Murket £t., SANFRAXNCISCO
r A e * 4 7y o
LPrafessional Cards
r T
Dawson -:- Georgia.
I TFNDER MY Professional Serviees to
all who would have their Teeth
properly filed and Treated, guaranteeing
Sutislaction in every case.
1 use the latest and best materials for
The best recommended avaesthet
ic for the painless extraction of
teeth. ;
No harin! No dawage to gumsor heglth.
Patronage respectfully solicited.
l)le. J- Go ])l‘li&_k\" 9
DawsoN, G,
}laving located in Dawson for the pur
of practicing my profession,l respect.
fully offer my services to the public and
solicit a share of its patronage. Calls
promptly attended. Oflice up stairs over
Jesse Griftin's store. | _
Dr. T. A. WOOD,
Formerly of Stewart county, has located
Dover, t—: GA.
for the purpose of practicing medicine and
tenders his services to the people of the
surrounding country,
5" All calls promptly attended.
Dawsox, - = :0-: - -- GEORGIA.
Refers, by permission, to M. Ferst &
Co., A. Lefller, S, Guckenheimer & Son,
Gustave Eckstemn & Co., Savannah, Ga.,
Henry Lewis, Atlanta, Ga.
&2 Office over J. P Gritfin's store,
v ePR
Will purify the QO ulat
: the LIVER -Jimfi:’v‘} e |
-4 SEA OR of YOUTH. Dyspopsia, Want
of Appetite, Indigestion,Lack of
Strength and Tired Feeling ab
solutely cured: Bones, mus.
74 cles and perves receive new
Rt force. KEnlivone the mind
and sapplies Brain Power,
B A Bebmmen Sufferiny from comrlnintflmu
uDlEs liarto iheirsex will find in DR,
wafo, speedy cure, Givesa clear, hnlthj rnmf,lellon.
All attempts at counterfeiting only adds to némpu
laritz. Donot nporlmenst.—-uet ()mamu.':gn EST
r. HAR 'S LI 1L
Cflnnccnl't‘.lpaJo'n&Aver CY)nE:Rnlonn and Siok
Headsche, Sample Dose and Dream Book
mailed on receipt of two cenis in postage.
' . ! s ATTENTION,
We are now prepared to furnish all
classes with employent at home, the whole
of the time or for their spare moments,
Business new, light and profitable Per.
sons of either gex easily curn from Hoc. to
£3.00 per evening, and a proportional sum
by devoting all their time to the hasiness,
Boys and girls ean earn nearly as muach as
men. ‘Thatall who see this may send
their .‘l(!\h'l"i, and test the ‘v»‘:~~i!'4‘4, we
make thig offer, To such a 9 sre not well
antisfied we witl send one dollar to pay for
the tronble of writing, Full partion'ars
el oit free. Address Georar ST son
& Co, Portland, Mune,
! rlps {} . ’t]';//Wi’%f:‘C_ \
N 2 % %-:
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The Seven Cuticura Boys
These ceven Leautiful boys owe thei
beauty of skin, luxurianee of hair, purity
of blood, and freedom from h-relditary
taint or humors to the celebrated Curicura
Thousands of children are born into th,
world every day with some ecz. matous
affection, such as milk crust, scall head,
scurl or dandruil, sure to develop into an
agonizing cczema, the- itching, burning
and disfizuration of which make life a pro
lonzed torture unless properly treated.
A warm bath with Curictra Sesr, an
exquisite Skin Beautifier, and a single ap
plication of Curioura,the great Skin Cure,
with a little Curiovea REsonvest, the
New Blood Purifier, is often sufiicient to
arrest the progress of the disease and
voint to a speedy and permanent cure.
Your most valuable Curiovra Rewg
pies have done my child so much gond
that I feel like saying this for the benefit
of those who are troubled with skin dis
ease. My little girl was troubled with
Eczen:a, and 3 tried several doctors and
medicines, but did not do her any good
until T used the Curicvra REMEDIES,
which speedily cured her, for which | owe
you many thanks and many mghts of 10st.
ANTON BOSSMIER, Ediaburg, Ind.
Sold everywhere. Irice, CrTicura,
Goc.; Soar, 25c., REsorvest, €. Pre
pared by the Porrer Drue axp Cugaoar
Co., Boston, Maas.
Send for “How to Cure Skin Diseases,”
G 4 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimo
L 0 oSkin snd Sealp preserved and
BHB l Sm-nmified by Cuticura Mzbpica-
e o e T R e o AR
Leo R e
i oo 3> K
# Ilanufacturers of Xiilin Machinery, DeLoach Watsy Wheols, Fortable Jille, Idillstones, King
Crusiher Mill, M) B.~arln:.;. Snsf’.in;. Pulinys, IMillstone Dressers, Mill L'ieis, Dealera
in Bteam ¥ngines. Saw Miiia, Cotton Gina, 1 cesos, Balting and Mill Supplies.
- %, olton Gins, Fiessom, Balting
ch THE D_[Ll’""" 'b"“fl’,‘?‘ ' PGR:AELE m”-!.s, A e
e We think thas every miller| RCa T L
v “_'~};’“ " {fhould know that our wiater| Eottom end op Runners : ';7‘\‘
B [Ty "heel Ive mo ower | Palle v 5 % : - 3
. }'_iv'k» : 'e:"' R |ihe :xt JF' I’h l4‘l'lbri€}"\‘ !"\(:",“ lJ'x: ¥ u!.y\.l:lrr..nred—nd ot (oA ";"{:‘ J 4
BByer i ey [the U’.ul‘.'\': £tates, and w rlr-AiEXucEKhu.‘ly Low. . gliciop sl T Y %
4 e 5 1 Tatted Lo equal Ihe best in effi- ¥ " = -
fifi’ E G ooy, sveiy s PHoFO | 630,00 AND UPWARDS, | ÜBEIEM Y
2 FAR A 5, siock needed. And tight gate o R|\ b
v ;'»,‘,J;t’:l Fia thatneverleaks. Wheel never| For grinding wheat, mid. K e |
\‘2 RPAL e L ¢loes and will lust a lifetyme [ dlings, stock food, and war-| fi MG e B
q*&-;;,,, 45" 5 Wonderful power and per-| ranted \0 make as good table| [} R uried S B
3 '_q‘}'& coixan. o | contage guarante >d, Price in |y, aa] ag an water miil Sl e | A
e e D {veceh c;‘ all. The simplest . . T a 2 ;
<4 lohsapest ard in #o: o 6 g -t" Send for descriptive eircu-| [k s 1N
¥ (the tert in eks A 0 “lar showing diferent styles. |
leR i I
I Seae . i ra (5
§ < U 8 AT |wel Eovator, a 2
& N F |8 15 .u‘id ur”For el purposes, \ \’/7\,'/
s o 8 This cut illustrates and prices grcntly’ S FHN é
i a"“'-" i the application of reduced to suit the r”\‘ R~
5 f,.,,y‘. ;‘\ 4 our Patent Elovator | times. BT S iy \\Q‘
3y ik 3 '.4 attached to a ccm-| Sead for illustrat.| B § m—— \\
4 ~ Y £ \ jmon weall, It a‘lmasred circular and “d°l 2 T(/4 P
MLR Al i 9. one or two buck- | gioe ebout dressing & \
4 £ TGRS s ‘ ots, as desired, aud | nes, I b TH T
~ ,;;:}f&(fiv-;‘\gfi?’- » |is Tho Dest invenel |"N e
n eT o tien for the purpose. .
N ,\.fi“:if:-' T omall |l5 s eimple, aa:o.fM"!StCfie Bresser =, L S
3 g FLgY |strovg aud durable| Fully 75 per cent. | Sas Ea A
o S ,&5‘ w |for a lifetime. It 13/ labor eaved, nndg ”’mgi:‘
Bttt ‘4,, { Perfection. Send for work much better| & G @'&
§ ;"" b Lyl IREYED . | clrcular and prico. ]:”}g p??‘r-lw b‘?ut‘;“]’;‘:! : '{é) h
SRSy RENE ;| Good chance l'ur‘“\,\.- out and Iw|n{| S i
0 R TR A e¥ | agents, | blades in Loth cl:.ds .
s . g G | ——
NS ToeNGIN DS &> | The Liddell Patent
s '-’“2;- o 2% % Variable Friction Feed Saw Mill,
o &S LY iSR g 20| With ratchet set works and patent
L i, Q Y P b bull dogs. Takes the preference
i ! &i‘.“ ' vot ¥ W-’ O \ wherever knowan, s‘l-d:.ll éh.ln
b ad £ " ."*- Ny i), : ony Mill one
X 54 T ¥ SRRI o . .x! -t ) A? ‘
3R e ‘f%* "5 e 2 AR EERME. & LN ! £2lB. Bend
4 fi‘"‘ ‘;’f o ':l‘."&"«?mf.f‘?f.i;\"" o-2 o | P s‘! "i g (X; Ciroular.
G- BT AWDv g A WY 70 |SO SR it iB e
MR iy o 2 0 ’-@* LN -*l;‘ RALT, T e
RV AA g SRR S, e & {" il S L Y ’ <
TR i H sWS i =0 | i N ,
B Ry, eRN A 5 p T RS T R
g T S oS AP g, e 0
p RS, e il Rl S .
..ARi. 4 > = S
Head 1H S aovertivo et VVAE Bl 0y Il o B ee a ] . -
nw\, DOV UL SWe hn\w:p ST Gab ,_‘3."_;\“,. P .l," ;_:'\'“::ll!' . ?n'ha:??h Ine rou wani wrire ' ar, -
by nalive gud T Poangn 1) weuri v ¢", PUE Lo I FLANT | J
: it !¢ iy ¥ | A\
T - L ¢ N !
Our oldest child, now six years of age,
,whcn an infart six months old, was at
i tacked with a virulent, malignant skm
disease. All ordinary remedics failing,
we called our family physician, who at
! tempted to cure it; but it spread with al
| most incredible rapidmy, until the lower
! portion of the little fellow’s person, from
l the middle of his buck down to his kuces,
was one solid rash, vgly, painful,blotched,
! aad malicious. We had no rest’at night,
‘no peace by day. Finally, we were ad
vised to try the Crricvra ReMeplgs. The
f effeet was simply marvelous. In three or
i four wecks a complete cure was wrought,
i leaving the little fellow’s person as white
"and healthy as though he had never been
Cattacked. In my opinion, your valuable
s reiedies saved hiz life, and to-day he is a
strong, healthy child, perfectly well, no
repetition of the d'sease having cver ap
prared, GEO. B. SMITHI,
Att'y at Law and Ex-Pron. Att'y, Ash
{ Rererexcr: J. G Weist, Druggist,
{ Ashland, O.
! Oneyearago the Comiouza and Soap
cured a little girl in our house of the worst
sore head we ever saw, and the RESOLYENT
I and Ctriovßa are now curing a young gen
|‘ tleman of a sore leg, whi'e the physicians
| are trying to have it amputated. It will
save hisleg. 8. B. SHITH & BRO.,
: Covington, Ky.
Curicvra REMEDIES arc absolutely pure,
and the only infallitke skin beautifier and
j blood purifer,
e L
(R APLIES, black-hexds, chapped and
i [ anil y skin prevented by Curicuza
MEevicaTED SoaP,
Li ; g
Bclatics, Scratches, C
Lumbago, « Sprains, X
Rheumatism, | Strains, Fry
Burns, Stitches, ! Hoof
Scalds, Stiff Joints, | gorgy
Btings, Backache, |
Bites, Gallg, Bwian
Bruises, Bgres, Baddly
Bunions, Spavin Piles,
Corns, Cracks, |
accomplishes for everybody oxactly what g,
forit. Oueof the reasons for the great pop
the Mustang Lintment fs found ia ity uaty,
applicability. Everybody needs Such s
Tke Lumberman noeds 1t iy, case of
Tive Ilousewito necds it tor genanalt
The Conaler needs it for his teamsang
The Mechanic nceds it alweys on by
- The Miner needs it in case of emergency,
‘ The Ploneer ncedslt—un't get aiongwiy
The Farmer needs it in his houzo,
and his stock yard.
~ The Steamboat man or the Boatmay
Itin liberal supply afloatand ashore,
i Tho' Horse-fancier neods fi~i;
friend and safest reliance.
| The Stock-grower needs it—it wiy g,
thousands of dollars and a world of trouble
The Rallroad man needs it ang wilt
long as hislife is a round of accldentsand ¢,
The Backwoodsman neodsit. Thergjy
Ing like it as an antidote for the dangery
limb and comfort which surround tho ploneer,
The Merchant needs it about kis store
kis employces. Accldents will happen, and
thesé come the Mustang Liniment iswanted
Keepn Bottic intho Houso, "Tisthe
ecoanomy. -
Keep n Bottle in the Factory, Neim
uso in case of accldent saves palin and loss of
Keep n Botile Alwaysiun the Stab)
use when wanted.
S 8
=% = -
E & :
s <
= A
Pass, Train No. 1 going West ar, 1.5
foo® No. S Rast ol
@ 40 Noißll % West g 1
“ N 0.52 ¢ Eagt “13%
o y oy .
i Savannah, Florida
Western Ry,
| All treins on this road are run by
tral Standard Time. ]
1885. Passenger Trains on this
will run daily as follows:
| 7:00 a m 758
| 8:42am1v..... 616
; U:od o m 5:2
l 9:50 a m ar......Waycr055......iv 5:08
1126 a m ar......Ca11aban.....1v 247
12:00 m ar...Jacksonville... Iv 205
7:00 a m lv...Jacksonville... ar 7.3
| T:32amlv....Ca 657
10:15 a m1v..... Waycross..... ar 440
11:00 a m lv ... Homerville,... Iv 3:55
1115 a wi1v...... Dup0nt......1v 34
12:04 p m 1v...... 2:56
12:3¢ p m1v......Quitman.....1v 3R
1:22 p mar.... Thomasville.. Iy 1:45
- 8:35 p mar.. . Bainbridge. .lv 11;%
4,04 p m 1130
3:42 p m ar...... A1bany.......1v 10:30
Pullman bufet cars to and from Ji
sonville and New Ycrk, to and f
Jacksonville and New Orieans via Pe
cola, to and from Jacksonville and
ville via Thomasville, Atlanta and N
ville, and Jacksonviile to Cincionati
1:30 p-m 11:55
8:20 p m 1v...... ..Jesup. ......Jvlo:3
4-21 p m 1v..... Blackshear....llv 94
4;40 p m ar...... Weaycross.... .Iv %18
6:57 p m ar......Ca11ahan.....1v 2:33
7,55 p m ar.... Jacksonville.. Iv 70
5:00 p m lv, 83
5;42 p m &Il
758 p m ’5&
£:45 p m lv....Homerville ....Iv 510
9;00 p m ar.... . Dupont ...y 4%
320 p mlv Lake City arlol
355 pwaly Grinesville ar 1009
730 pmlv Live sk ar 640
9:10 pmlv Dupont ar ANSZ
10,01 pmly Valdosta Iv 4ig
1034 pmlv Quitman ¥ 31;0
11:25 p mar Thomasville lv 23
11:50 2m ar Camilla vlg
- I:ssamar Albany 11%
' Puliman buftet cars to and_from J
sauville and St. Louis via Tllomad
“Albany, Montgomery, Nashville an
ansvilie, and Cincinnati to Jucksn
via Jesup.
Pullman sleeping cars fo'n!xd frolm
tow aud Montgomery via Gainesville
B:4spmiv Savannah 8T a 9
1525 pnalv Jesep v 180
1,30 amar Waycross vlk
5% amar Callaban v 8
6;15a mar Jacksonville v 615
8:15 pm 1y Jacksonvilie 8r 5:”
9Cipmly Callalian &7 .20
2.ooamlv Waycross ar }5OO
3:20 al4 ar Dupont 1v o
8:40 amar Live Ouk 7 é.’)fl
10:05 amor ~ QGuainesville 17 '”
10,15 amar Lake City I 89'36
445 amly Dueont l’" 230
5:27a miv Valdosta ¥ 7.95 p
6;10a mlv Quitman Iv 7.‘00'
7:lsamar Thomasville ll' 700
1110 am ar Albeny ’ Pull
Stops a; all regular stntmns.q Sl
buffet sleeping cars to and mhand
ville and Wmhin_srvmn_. and 10 47
Aacksonville and Louisville flmun
ville and Montgom=ry. P“&D: oA
cars and Mann boudoir bu ; o
Waycross, Albany and Macon, et
Waycsoss, Jesup and Macon, Alio
Jacksouville and (’/mt'xmmu.J.cmn
passenger coaches between
and Chattanooga. ”
345pmly Savannah v 5308
610 p mar Jesup (iogh
0 d flag stal
Btops at afl regular and H bertds
Tickets sold and Sh.m\l‘:"fir::fl
Vo » ger Dl :
cured at the I ussrn,w P. ”,,\RDAI:‘
. General l‘*“‘”"
R. G. FLEMING, Gen'l hun’
oWi i . dse—" lke
can live at home, [““du:: \hat
money at work 10r world:
anything else in ”“:l o
itul not needed:you wre nl’nil”bl do the ¥
soxnew; all nges, Any one CVESC
. ) i n.\"u fll.-l
Larse capnings sure | W etter not
Iy ontfit and teramiree ™ y.u
3. stu you rothirg 10 y..'.v wine Yo 5
dress und find vui if you T & (00 *5
do owt vre, 11, f’-\l,bl :
land, Muwin, ;-