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True Citizen,
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urrent Comments.
Grant was a tyrant,
and Arthur is a bigot.
cs a fraud,
Henry Grady is javnrahl'f spoken of
for Congressman at large !bv several
journals of the State.
The Gainesville Tin g’esuy : “Alas!
what is fame, when the pulli Press of
the State allude to Col, r l lt>s. M. Ber
rien as an unknown youig man from
F. A. Uonkling, a ^rtaTher of Ros-
coe Conkling, is spoken o, ; as the Dem
ocratic candidate for governor of New
York. A fig for his politics—we don’t
like his tribe.
‘Judge Gibson says that the Demo
cratic party is the only place for a de
cent Southern white man togo.”—\\ ar
reuton Clipper.
The voice of experience, py Shee-
The young men who have been ap
pointed to the West Point Academy
from Georgia, are Willis C. Davis. Sid
ney T. Wingfield, James IT. MeRea*
Robert H. Sheffield, Gilbert P. De-
Wolfe and Daniel E. Twiggs.
A white boy, only sixteen years old,
was recently married in Rhode Island
to a negro woman twenty five years old.
Well, if we had any interest whatever
in the mutter, onr sympathy would be
jn favor ofrhat fool negro woman.
Wjion .tease James fell, a star was
from the Democratic, firm-
is hanged, a bright
rleken from the sky
trrthofu^Y^vvns'ktifinTd'd Stalwart
r lbe newspaper*Jnay that Mr. 'te
• ns will retire tjo private life at the
of the presenJ session of Congress.
■ think this fuite improb ble. It
looks to us more like a prepnraTon to
give Mr. H : U a cha-e for Senatoiial
honors durii g the next sitting of our
Wo have heard it lately remarked,
that it was impossible to throw a stick
at a calf without hitting a candidate.
Gentle reader, have you considered
the variety of courts and the number of
The names of two of Georgia’s most
distinguished sons seems to have been
entirely overlooked in the wild scram
ble for office. We refer to Judge Au
gustus Reese, of Madison, and Gen.
Henry R. Jackson, of Savannah. These
court days occurring in Burke county? gentlemen never have and never will an office, but who got beaten out of it,
They are too, too many.
A few of our cardinal humbugs foots
up as follows : Rotation in the office
of State Senator, by counties; the
State Teacher’s Association, and the
Georgia Press Association.
S. B.—“Now, papa, who is that slim
man running across the street, and who
acts as if he wag so nervous that he can
not stay in one place ten minutes at a
time ?”
F.—“Oh, he is a man who once held
enter the wild hunt for place—the office j and ever since then be has been ran-
must come to them, not they go to the ; ning around to find a crack to get into
office. As Governor of Georgia, Judge the trough where the pigs are eating the
Reess would be the peer of the Chief j good swill on the inside. He thinks he
Executive of any State in the Union, is a very sagacious politician, but he
and the people might rest assured that enjoys a monopoly of that opinion, for
the public affairs of the State wou'd be nobody else does. He is ‘a very dead
Charity : to give $40,000 to a Ten- | administered with firmness, honesty and cock in the pit.’ ”
nessee college, while there are thousands sagacity. No incompetent men ap-j S. B.—“Oh! papa, who is that old
of worthy, but starving, women and pointed to office:; no “straw bnods,” and fellow down there, with those old clothes
children around Atlanta to whom $5 two or three sets of these in one case for on this bad day ? He is talking to the
would be a God-send. | the purpose of letting out the dishonest Tax Collector, and acts like he was in
office holder when his rogueries could trouble.”
Fresident Arthur seems to understand
no longer be hid, would be taken ; no ; F,—“ITe is an old farmer who lives
would be humane to inflict. .Instead,
let them state their platform, and
nail down closeiy every plank com
posing it, giving us their reasons
for their position. And by appeal
ing to our reason and judgment we
will be able to arrive at conclusions
which will do justice to ourselves
and them/
For the welfare of future genera
tions, yet unborn, don’t convert this
mole hill into a mountain. Rest
assured that when it of itself becomes
revolting to a public sense of justice,
the evil will be remedied, and some
other means resorted to for their
punishment, and our protection.
A. Noted. Colored Woman.
Sheibv, (Kv.) Sentinel.
Old auDt Sally Simrall, as she had
been familiarly known in Shelbyville
for many years, died on Thursday of
Georgia politics about as well as we sup de ; ta ot the people's money for the out here in the country. He worked | week, aged about 91 years. The
pose we would understand the business . .. . . . , , , ! foundation for a first class romance
, .... . . i furtherance of private political schemes hard, hutlast year was a bad crop year,! . . . ... ... ,,
of manipulating the engines of an ocean ....... . .. . , ’ . . / . v in real life is connected with this old
. * . .... in rickety banks, at a cost of hundreds and he ha;
steamer in crossing the Atlantic.
If Mr. Stephens should retire from
Tias had much trouble to get up
of thousands of dollars to the taxpayers enough money to pay his taxes,
of the State, would be made. Too j S. B.—“Don’t you think that
to rush into the breech
self, assume the position and
woman and her descendents.
She came to Shelbyville some sixty
or seventy years ago, as the slave of a
man named Neel, who went into the
hotel business. At that time she waa
a blight quadroon, and was the moth-
sacrifice him- “ ' *; — , manes u ms uuxy uu.ibul h an ; w- i er 0 f a daughter as fair and lovely as
save the ^ h°P e of private advancement or H jdes, these men who are hunting the any who boasted Uaucasian blood. The
, the promise thereof, Georgia would find 0 qj ces s0 bar d, w . int ^em for the mon- <b ughter attracted the attention of a
a Governor of the old-t’
the Bepresentativeslup, can the people of lo ° >a 8 acious J° U hbodwink . Tar Collector will knock off some of it 1”
that district find a patriot sufficiently bold ^ Jy ^.oua porauas.on too honest F.--Ho dar. not do that. Thelaw
..... • to be swerved from the path of rectitude ma | <e8 it his duty to oollect it all; be-
would reward treason!
As a member of Congress, we fiel sure
that Gen. Jackson would make a true
Every tune during the night that , .... , ,
, ° . . and not with gold and pi
a cat jumps down lrom the water -
shelf at thb Executive shnntv, Gov
Crittenden, of Missouri takes refuge : of the peoplc . He «u
in the darkest corner under the bed, so lnd a 8(jl<lier in tllc day8 thal
“tried men’s souls,” and stood by his
State and his people until the “stars
! and bars” were folded up and laid for-
-time stomo-who t , make out of , hem aad j, eleot . j Southern gentleman, who
{with punishment,. \ fa, . 1 was sojourning for a few days at the
1 places of honor ' e< *’ wou,u P rosecute ^‘ lln ^ wtre to hotel kept oy Neel, and though but a
fearful is he that it
knocking at his door.
is Frank James
OH ex-Governor Moses, formerly
ever to rest. Then, refusing to enter
let a man off paying a dollar under any child in years, he conceived the idea
circumstances.” | of becoming her owner, with what
S. B.—“Well, papa, are there any motive was developed in after years.
, . .... . . The transfer was duly made, and the
honest politicians 1 1 handsome little octoroon was sent
F. ‘ I doubt very much if a man g oU th, where she received a fine
can make politics a trade and be stihtly , education in white schools, wiih-
honest. And the people seem to have °ut even a breath of suspicion as to
found this out, and lor » few years past lu!r ° ri g i 9 <!v « bein « , e . xciteJ - T1 “’
wealthy Southerner then married
the scramble where dishonesty was a have beaten the prof .ssional politicians, her and wo nC xt fi( , d her in
carpet-hag governor of South Carolina,
was locked up in a NewYorkjaBa “ and they will scan the man who offers Louis, moving in tl
, , . , . • • shining virtue, he retired to private / . ’ aiv ; Tir f 11
few days ago for obtaining money un- __ i.__ x i himself as a candidate with closer in- with two lovely daug
der false pretenses, and his photograph
| taken for the rogue’s gallary. Retri
bution has overtaken the old sinner at
Blaine i< reported to have said, that
the rumor that he Has about to^quit pol
itics and go to preaching, is “an infernal
lie.” He seems to bold to the “old
version,” and should he go to preaching
we predict that he will season his ser
mons well with brimstone.
life, and his services has been lost to
the future than they have
ed on
1 Thoridon,of the Atlanta T’ost-
^Miav^Te-atly wo:,ken-
'penden s since ITciiger
the State. Such are the men to whom 8 P ectl011 10 ...
The Citizen would give its earnest doDC iu the P^t-and will not be driven
support—men who would honor the measures by anybody,
place, i.nd not the place honor them.
Wtio they Are.
Small Boy.— ‘Dear papa who is that
gentleman across the street ?”
Father.—“Which gentleman do you
mean, my son ?’,
the be-t society,
liters as the re
sult of the marriage. These daugh
ters both married rising n oung law
yers of that city, one of whom after
wards became a member o! Congress.
The Southerner died many. \ ears ago,
and his widow married a German in
Philadelphia, where they lived fa
j style until a few years ago, when hus
band and wife both pa> ed off the
T . . . . e . ... I stage of action.
It is a singular fact that every | Aunt Sal , never „ aw h ,. r daughter
man seeking political preferment* bnt once after her first marriage,
should oppose and a Uoeoni pres- jq,. r husbaud was visiting relatives at
ent system of convict ease. j Bairdstown, and aunt Sally was sent
.......ii, .jrray ot f>bjec- | ^ ()r
Harping: on
Daug liter.”
S. B.— “That large man with the tunatclv with this array of obiec- i e i u.
I , ,, , . ,, , , J. 1 for. The meeting was such as might
. Btooping Bhouldeu., and grejuh bh.ned ; twins ll.ey do not formulate some: , iav0 bceD bHwe en a white Mv ind
,;r iT, ,1i„v. bair, just going into the four, house belter plan of managing these trans- j bw old BUBe and ouWd . w w(t e hd
Oh, mv, don’t he look sour 1” , of lhe la ,' V '
’ J ’ 1 Whilst some lew
may he dealt
to believe that this was th<* only rela
tion that existed between them. ,Bv
One member
believe, ventured the hint that in his
county the Independents, who. however,. square
got beyond him! and aeimroi the measly i had never recognised him as a brother, j F —“He, my son. is the old Bourbon, 1 with'ha7shrf,'Georgm'"hus nmmfnt7 „ f e,._ win
'.trie office of Surveyor —for A'^\!e had ^ 7r hmwn P °' b ,b * ^ "* . ! d » Commission to look alter their b “ a me free at his death, and
^tical society he had ever known. t determined hereafter to vote for whom interests, and report abuses in the i pho'accumulated considerable prop-
lake the m above extract from air
article of a correspondent of
, gusta Chronicle of Tie‘2d inst
‘It was a blunder amounting to a correspondent writes concerning
Atlanta. T ltis evidently shows
tie colonel i.» playing a game for office
aail not for principals.
crime for the Republican pap^v'o.con
fer 'he right of franchise upon he
b'-u hern blacks.—Vermont Signal,
-.Rep.) ^ #
Alt, indeed ! When did you make so
bright a discovery ? We down South
havogot'olike it fiistrate—it gives our
candidates a chance to electioneer du
ring political campaigns.
One of our Sena’ors said that if he
vaa ever a Democra', he didn’t go to be,
and the other was a delega'e to a Radi
L cal convention, where he helped to
notnJstale a
'Markham House Cabal.” As we ! happy looking man is, over yonder on disapprobation of any change in 1 , rieilti , until at the time of her death.
know of no such “society,” ring, clique,' the corner? ’ j matter. T hose offenders are i sbe fi-id little more than the cabin
or faction in Burke county, we are con-j F.—“He is the C.talitionist. He sent there tor punishment within I be dye( j j n She possessed remarka
strained to ask, “the member from ; feels happy because he thinks that he ’ asthev are n^t i’® vit*!^ until a short time before
Burke,” whoever he may he, (wutplv b*» eueeeedcd in breaking up both the j “SumanW, we ehould let h" f,P h ' , a " d , C °? ld “f 1 ' 11 l ' c *?r n
for information,) who compose this 4i so- • old parties, and expects to be able o ; well enough alone. 1 hey should be
ciety 1” whete is its headquarters, and command enough v ttes to be e.ecti d to nifidc to feel the tenors of suid in*
who are its loaders ? An answer to
these questions, we know would be news
to the people of Burke.
the Legislature next fall.”
carcerution, to cause reflection in
*""■ , 1 advance of the commission oferirae.
S. B — ‘Do vou think lie will be ■ > 1 j.
. , • J | If their labors were no more ardu-
eleotea. , . , t ■ out than those who have to labor
F.-‘No,h.ha» nottho.b.dtwof. forlheir dni|y 1>reaJ else, it
ohance, and everybody knows it oxoept
himself - and after the ele tion next fall
he will be madder than the old Bourbon
Thornton’s Post-Appeal has for some
time kqfit the law prohibiting those who
Republican candidate for j refua#or fail to pay their taxes from ,.
President-— coming home he did smmp, standing under the head of j * 8 ^ evauso Wl e w rs(! lrta P
al! that in his nowef hy to carry Gooi-^^nly the Rich Can vote.” No reas- 1
gia for his nonnuee. Now, w hat, we onable, intel’igent m in can object to
want to know is, are these Senators 1 that law. When tho State guarantees
Republican Democrats, or Democra*ic I pj> 0 jnotion to life, liberty and property
e pub beans ! But they are organized j j> 0 t,h 0 citizen, then the citizen should
iow, we are told. j f ee | ^ },j 8 du ty to pay bis prop^tionate
I part towards sustaining the piotecting
In nn interview not long since with
power. But both Thornton and his
brother Horn, of the Gnineeville Eagle, I p oat _ Appeal km , w t |, at u, e , aB in qu , 8 .
_ ( . hirf Keep, r Xc makes the pen,ten- • U#B ju8 , u onl doe8 it t0 tick | 0 the
lr; ‘tary one ot tlie loveliest places m tin 1 . , . .. e . ,
/ J . ignorance and poverty ot a tow tax de-
/ State—and editor Lam agrees with;..” . a . f Ll
.. . . ., . . > taulters at lie same stroke ot the pen
tom. Wo beaeamfl* the penitentiary,. , .
oufiht to he a , lat-o of pnuishmi nt but [ T ' ot 118 8a ^ 40 broll,er Thmnton, that.f
«e do not belie, o il should he made the If" «!>«"• *® catoh ,ho colorod '' 0U!r b ' r
engine of rppre|
r vr ig. W e slj
L sav ut en tliii-
an cruelty that is!
vevej - . have moft
it ijLthe neii
Tho avgrago colond
Too inteliijM,
S. B.—“Well, now, papa, who is
that tall, dignified looking gentleman,
ooming up by tho post office 1”
F.—“He is the Advisory Board of
Burko county.
S. B.—“Was he elected or appointed
to bo tho Avisory Board ?“
F.— “Nci.her the one nor the other
— he assumed that title.
S. B—“He must be a kind hearted
man to take all this trouble on himself
l'or^io public. But. papa, how do they
adWso, and what ’o they advise about ?”
F.—“Some eight or *en men get to
uch balderdash, he will find himself,-gather, and lock up in suno private
room, and council with eich other hew
the people aud get thetuselves
becomes uo puuishnmt, and having
no pride to wound, regardless of
public opinion, they gratify revenge,
and some poor creature is deprived
of life, or they cultivate an inate
desire for theft, and some , store
house or dwelling is robbed. Are
we, then, to modify the punish
ment, and thereby encourage crime?
If so, let us build some magnificent
brjck edifice with carpeted floors,
and furnished rooms, and then en«
gage a competent cook, even though
wo have to send to Delmonico’s to
supply said culinary artist; and
permit them to revel in Bachi.-i
nulian feusts, and reduce hy con
sultation and premeditation all
species of villainy to a science.
“This still harping on my daughter,”
is disgusting 1 too thin ! and sn in
dignant and sorely taxed public
should ostracise all aspirants to
office who atti mpts to touch a chord
of sympathy uniong the i^Morant
for these breatutei^ who
became very deaf, and her mind c.>»-
siderably unsettled.« Several yean
ago she willed everything s’he poss. su
ed to her daughter ; and no argument
could convince her that her daughter
was dead, Aunt Sally had been car^d
for for some time by a daughter of a
former slave.
A certain steam boat coming up
the Mississipi during the late flood,
lost her way and bumped up against
a frame house. She had not in -:o
than touched it before an old darkvy
rammed his head up through a hole
in the roof, where the chimuey once
came out, and yelled at the captafa
on the roof; “Wliar de debit is you
gwine wid dat boat? Can’t yer see
nuthnl Fust ting yer knows you.
gwine turn dis house ober, and sjv. '
de ole woman and de chiluus < ut fa
de ribber, and drown dem. Wt *t
yer doin’ out hear in de country wid
your dam old boat anyhow ? Go oa
back yonder trough de corn fie!art
and'eit back into de ribber, whir yer
beloq^B. You got no business seoeu
mile out in do country no h«iw_, f^ "
icg roptnd pe< pics houses^“
backed tlpt. „ ^